OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1010 si i MAIL New Idea Magazines JULY Number IOc V VT 3 New Fall Suit Special A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT We are pricing our new Fall Suits considerably below the regular prices, as a special inducement for you to shop before the busy season begins. So crowded are we for room and so tremendous is our trade dur ing the busy season that we are willing to make these price crncessions to induce our customers to shop before the rush begins. First choice of the choicest of the New Fall Styles, should be another incentive for you to shop now. Three pop ularly priced suits that are positively without their Jequal; medium length tailored coats, fitted or semi-fitted, with collar of same cloth or velvet, good quality satin lining; many new dress fabrics, including those popular man nish weaves ocean and cheviot serge, basket cloth and boucle cloth, in black, navy, brown, green, gray and tan in new shades - $15.00, $19.50, $25.00 NEW SILK DRESSES AT $15.00 Just received several new Fall models in Dresses one particularly attractive gar ment of good quality black silk taffeta, a one-p ece dress with tucked front, soft collar, corded waist lire and pleated skirt; many other new styles; some in rather plain effects, while others have yokes of lace, etc Skirts are plain, paneled or pleated; many P 1 C new Shades in dark and light color, special 4 J BATHING SUITS AT $1,95 Good qual ty black and navy Mohair bulbing suits, made with blouse, bloomers and skirt, neatly trimmed with fancy wash braid. P Q C Closing them out less than cost 417S WHITE LAWN WAISTS SPEC. 95c Extraordinary values in white lawn Waists, and an abundance of pretty styles to choose from, t eautifully em broidered frouts in many designs and others with yokes of lace; plainer effects in tucked or pleated models. Ac- QCp tual values up to $1.50, J JO jgHjSBiSSSSIXS City Treasurer's Notice Nolioa is Hereby given that there are sufficient funds ou hniid iu the "Water Fond of Oregon City" to pay all outstanding warrants in said fund endorsed prior to December 4th, U0J. Al-o Warrant No. 10, lU.veuth Street Improvement D'und. Intorest ceases with the date of this notice. . Dated at Oregon City. Oregon, bop tenibor 23rd, 1910. M. D. LATOURETTE, Oity Treasurer. Administratrix Notice Notice is hereby givon that fie un defined has filbd in the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, her final report as administratrix of the estate of Eliza Ranisby, deceased, and that said coort has designated Octo ber 8th 1910, at 10 o'clock, A. M as the time for the examination ot said report and for hearing objections thereto, if any are made, aud for final settlement. Datod September 7th, 110. ALWILDA DICKEY. Administratrix Aforesaid. C. D. &. D. O. Latourette, Attorneys for Estate. Administrator Notice of Sale of Real Property In the County Court of the Stute of Oregon for the Ooonty of Clacka mas. In the Matter of the Estate of Emily Frances Gillain, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of tho estate of Emily Frances Gillam deceased, will.frorn and after the first day of October, A.D. 1910, proceed to sell at private Bale for gold coin of the United States, at tho office of T. H. Ward. Rooms 411 and 413 MoKay Building, "corner of Third aud Stark Streets, in Portland, Multnomah Coonty, Oregon, and at the office of V. K. Hyde, Room 7, Barclay Build ing, Oregon, City, Clackamas County, Oregon, to the highest aud best bid der, the following doscrilrd real pro holnnoincr to the said deceased, towit: An undivided half of the southeast quarter of the southeast Quarter (3 15 of 8 E of section thirty-six (80), in town-hip two (2) south, of range four (4) east, of Willamette maridian, aud also fifteen (15) acres off the south side of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter (N. E M of S E 4) of said section thirty-six (36), containing in all 55 acres, situate, lying and be ing iu the Connty of OlacknniHS, aud State of Oregon. Terms of sale, cash, subject to the confirmation of County Court. Dated August 30, 1910. EDWARD W. GILLAM, Administrator of tho Estate of Emily Frances Gillain, Deceased. Executor's Final Notice. Notice is hereby given that the uij dordDTioH F.YPr.utor of the last will a r.oto nf Michael Oatfield, de- ailU tiovovv V .,imh 1.99 filed his final report In the -County Court of Clackapias Coun ty Oregon, and said Court has set Monday, October 10th. A. D., 1910, at m o'clock A. M-. of said day for the hearing, of said final report and the 0,n.m0nt nf said estate. Any per son or persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file the same tn said Court on or before said date. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon. Sep tember 9th, 1910. JOHN R. OATFIELD, Executor of aforesaid estate. FOR SALE One Jersey sire thre vears old. thoroughbred. Loqa-re Louis Sagar, Mulino Rt. 1. ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED R .1 I' IIBil 'IIIIJI'I MOHAWK BLDG., PORTLAND, ORE' SILK PETTICOAT SPECIAL $2.98 A special offering in silk Petticoats made of a good weight, well wearing silk taffea in black and a great many dark and light colors; several different styles, plain sectional corded flounces; another neat style of deep circular flounce, finished with two rows of shirring and corded rufle. An unusual offering, for regularly priced they sell at $5.00 P ft Q SPECIAL 4)6.70 WASH DRESSES, SPECIAL $2.50 Women and misses Wash Dresses in a splendid variety of styles; beautiful lingerie dresses of fine lawn and silk mull, embroidered in many different designs, and some with yoke9 of lace, daintily trimmed with lace; others of French ginghams and percale, in checks, stripes aud plain colors. Wash dresses in this lot that originally sold for from l).50 to (T $0.50. Special 6jU HOUSE DRESSES, SPECIAL $J.25 Good quality percale House Dresses in two neat styles; colors are black, blue grey and red, in stripes, figures and polkadots, made with the soft collar or Dutch neck, .tucked yoke, belt and 1 f plain skirt J Registration of Land Title. (Application No. 10196.) In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the application of Hilda C- Anderson, to register the title to the land described as follows: towit: beginning at the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-five (25), Township One (1) South, Range Three (3) East of Wil lamette Meridian, running thence South no degrees and Nineteen (19) Minutes West One Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty-seven Feet (1327') along the Quarter Section lino to a stone set in the said Quarter Section Line running thence north Eighty-nine (89) Degrees and Fifty four (54) Minutes West Four Hundred and Forty-two and Thirty-five One Hundredths (442.35) Feet to an iron pipe set at the intersection of the said Quarter Section Line of said Section Twenty-five (25) with the right of way of the Oregon Water Power and Railroad Company running thence north Thirty-seven (37) Degrees and Fifty-five (55) Minutes West One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety eight (1798) Feet to an iron pipe on the West Quarter Line of said Sec tion Twenty-five (25) thence North no degrees and Nineteen (19) Minutes East Two Hundred and Seventy-four and Six-tenths (274.6) Feet to a point on the North Line of the said Section Twenty-five (25) thence south Eighty nine (89) Degrees and Fifty-four (54) Minutes East One Thousand Three Hundred and Nineteen and Eight tenths (1319.8 Feet to the place of be einnins. all being in the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section Twenty-nve in Town ship One (1) South of Range Three (3) East of the Willamette Meridian in Clackamas County. State of Oregon, Versus Sherrlll W. Blasdel, Oregon and California Railroad Company, Moses H. Lewellen, William Hosmer, Fred Heitzman. George K'.nltaka and all whom it may concern, defendants. To all whom it may concern Take notice that on the 24tn flay of August, A. D. 1910, an application was filed by said Hilda C. Anderson in the Circuit Court of Clackamas County for initial registration of the title to the land above described Now unless you appear on or before the 23rd day of September, A. D. 1910, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the aplication and you will be for ever barred from disputing the same. F. W. GREENMAN, Clerk, H. S. McCUTCHAN, Applicant's Attorney. Summon-. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Hattie L. Benda, Plaintiff, vs. Frank J. Benda, Defendant. To Frank J. Benda the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause on or before the expiration of six weeks from date of the first pub lication of this summons, to-wlt: on or before the 30th day of September, 1910, and If you fall to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In her said complaint filed herein, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved, and for such other and further relief in the premises as to the Court seems equitable and just New Idea ; Patterns All Styles All Sizes 10c This summons is nublshed bv order of the Honorable Grant B. Dimlck. Judge of the CouDty Court for the County of Clackamas, Oregon, and said order was made and dated the 18th day of August, 1910, and the date of the first publication of this sum mons is the 19th day of August, 1910. T. M. MORRIS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circait Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of ClackRinas William Trinder, Plaintiff, vs. Emily Trinder, Defendant. To Emily Trinder, Defendant: In the name ot the state of Orecon. yon are hereby require! to appear and answer me oompiaint meu agairst yon in the above entitled suit, on or before the 8th day of October, 1910, and if you tail to so appear or answer plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief prayed lor in the complaint filed herein against you. The relief de manded in the cuniplaint is for a de cree disolving the bonds of marriage now existing between the plaintiff and defendant aud for such other aud further relief as to the court seems equitable. This s amnions is published for six consecutive weeks in pursuance of an order of the Honorable Grant B. Dimick f Judge of the County Court for Clackamas County in the State of Oregon, which order was duly made and entered on the 23rd day of August, 1910, and the date of tiie first publi cation of this summons is the 26th day of August, 1910, and the date of the last publication is the 7th day of October, 1910. LATOURETTE & LATOURETTE, Attorneys for vjlaintiff. 527 Oorbett Building, Portland. Oregon. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A Liquor License. Notioe is hereby given that I will at the next regular meeting of the city council apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business, the Cobweb Wine House, 417 Main St., for a period of three mouths E .A. BRADY. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Barbara Osborn, Plaintiff, vs. Omer Osborn, Defendant. To Omer Osborn, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons to-wit On or before the 21st of October, 1910, and if you fall so to answer, fo want thereof, the nlanltiff will apply to tne court for the relief demanded in her complaint on file herein, towit: That the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved, that plaintiff have award ed to her, her maiden name, Barbara Sullivan, and for such other and fur ther relief In the premises as to the . court seems equitable and just. This summons is published by order of the . Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court for the County of Clackamas. Oregon, and said order was made and dated the 7tn day of September, 1910. and the date of the first publication of this sum mons is the 9th day of September, 1910, and the date of the last publi cation of this summons is the 21st day of October, 1910. JOS. H. PAGE, Attorney for Plaintiff. WANTED A good driver, honest and careful. Enquire at Scbroeder Bakery. Summons. In the Circuit Court for'Clackamas County, State of Oregon. M. K. Flicklnger, Plaintiff, vs. Lizzie A. Flickinger, Defendant. To Lizzie A. Flicklnger, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and suit, on or before October 22, 1910, and in case you fail to answer, for want therpcf plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the com plaint, to-vlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be tween plaintiff and defendant. ' This summons Is published pursu ant to an order made by Hon. G. B. Dimick, Judge of tho County Court, of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, dutcd September Gth, 1910, directing that summons upon you in this suit should be served by publica tion once a week for six successive weeks in the Oregon City Courier, the date of the first publication there of being September 9, 1910, and tho last thereof October 21st, 1910. F. E. SWOPE, Attorney for Plaintiff Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Katie Elizabeth Wood, Plaintiff, vs. Wilbnr i). Wood, Defendant. To Wilbnr D. Wood, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the oompiaint on file in the above-entitled suit on or before Friday, the 28th. day of Oc tober, 1910, the same being six weeks from the date of the first pnblication of this summons, as provided by law, and if yon do not so appear ana an swer, the plaintiff win appiy io me court for the relief prayed lor in the complaint, towit: For a decree for ever dissolving the bonds of matri mony and the marriage contract Here tofore and now existing between you and the plaintiff and for a decree re storing to this plaintiff her maiden name of Katie E. Bennett, ana lor suoh other and further reliof as may peern to the coutt just and equitable in this feuit. This summons is served upon you by publication by authority of an order made aud niter d in the above- entitled court and cause by the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of tho Cirouit Court of the State of Oregou tor the Oonnty of Clackamas and of date the 14th day of September, 1910. JOHN H. STEVENSON, Attorney for Pliintiff, 421 Mohawk Building, Portland. Oregon. Date of first publication September 16, 1910 ; date of last publication Ooto bor 28, 1910. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Alex Litzeuberger, Plaintiff, vs. Ekateriua G. Litzeuberger, Defendant. To Ekateriua G. Litzenberger, De fendant above named : In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the complaint on file iu the above-entitlod suit on or before Friday, the 28th day of Oo tober, 1910, the same being six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons as provided by law aud if you do not so appear and an swer tne plaintiff will apply to the oourt for the relief prayed for in the complaint, towit : For a deoree for ever dissolving the bonds of matri mony aud the marriage contract here tofore and now existing between joo aud the plaintiff and for a deoree giv ing to you, the defendant above named, the care and custody of the male minor child named Alex, the Issue of the marriage between too aud the plaintiff and for such other and further relief as may to the court seem just and equitable in this suit This summons is served upon you by publication by authority of an or der made and entered in the above entitled court and cause by the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Ccnrt of the State of Oregon for the Couuty of Clackamas aud of date the 14th dav of September. 1910. JOHN H. STEVBJNHUJN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 421 Mohawk Building, Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication September 16. 1910 ; date of last publication, Oo- tober 2S, 1910. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A Liquor License. Notice is heroby given that I will at the next regular meeting of the oity council apply for a license to sell liquor at my ' place of business, The Hub Saloon, 628 Main St.. for a period of six months. FRED COOPER. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A Liquor License. Notice is hereby eiven that I will at the next regular meeting of the city council apply for a license to sell liquor at my nlace of business. Mt Hood Cafe, f.20 Main Street, for a period of throe months. M. JUSTIN. Summons In the Circuit Court for Clackamas County, State of Oregon. O. O. Oain, riaintm, vs. S Virginia Cain. Defendant. To Virr'uia Oain, defendant above named : In the name of the State or Uregon von are hereby required to appear and answer the compiaini men Bgaiuiu .. - . 1 . i you in the above entitled court and suit, on or before October 28th, 1910. and in case you fail to anBwer, for want thereof claintlff will apply to the court for the relief prayed lor in her complaint, to-wit: for a de- nre.A dissolving the bonds of matri nmnv existine between plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published pursuant td an order made by Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor uiactamas Conntv. dated Sent. lBtlu 1910, direct ing that summons upon you in this suit should be served by publication once a week for six successive weeks in the Oreaon City Courier, the date of the first publication thereof being Sept. 16th, 1910, and the last thereof, Oct. 28, 1910. S. T. JEFFREYS, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A Liquor License. NoUce is hereby given that I will at the next regular meeting of the city council, appiy for a license to sell liquor at my place of business, ihe Jg Cabin Saloon, 408 Main Street, for a period of three months. J. ft KERRICK, . THE FOREST FIRES. The unusually dry weather which has prevailed through most of the tim bered sections of the gvMt northwest during the past four months has made possible an epidemic of forest fires which have not been exceeded in either extent or losses sustained for a genera tion. Some of the fires have been set by sparks from passing trains, sonic by careless campers and hunters, while there is a pretty definite conviction that some of the worst have been of Incendiary origin, set by Indlnns out of spite ngalust the whites or by white owners of timber homesteads, cooped In by the holdings of grasping lumber companies, who have preferred to lose their own property outright In a for est conflagration rather than dispose of it for a song to lumber companies on the humiliating terms which the latter are usually disposed to dictate. Again, other fires have been started by Just such Idiots as the one who on the even ing of the Fourth of July threw fire crackers out of the car window along the railroad right of way near Grant's pass, in southern Oregon, and maybe thought he was rendering his country patriotic service by so doing. While the forest fires have been tho worst In years, It is also true that never has the service rendered through the care ful organization of the forest rangers and the ready uid of thousands of pri vate citizens been more effective than in the past few weeks. Iu some sec tions, however, the forest fires were so large and gained such headway as to be entirely beyond tho power of those who were available to fight them. Summons In the Circuit Oourt of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Tint mover Mnnson, Plaintiff, vs. May Munson, Defendant. To May Munson, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the oompiaint filed against you in the aboveentitled conrt and cause, on or before the 1 ist day of the time prescribed in the order of publi cation of tbis summons; to-wit, on or before the 6th day cf November, 1910, and if yon fail to appear and anwser said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for herein: to-wit, for a decree that the bonds or matri mony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant be for ever dissolved and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem'equi table and just. This summons is served upon you by publication in the Oregon Oity Courier for six conseoutiveweeks pur suant to an order of the Honorable Grant B. Dimiok, judge of tho County Court, duly made and entererd on the 16th day of September. 1910. Date of first publication 28rd day of September. 1910. Date pt last publication 4t.li day oi November, 1910. ROBERT E. HITCH, Attorney for Plaiutiff, Portand, Ore. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A Liquor Lioense. Notioe is hereby given that I will at the next rega lar meeting of the city council apply for a lioense to sell liquor at my place of business, The" Palace Sa loon, 601 Main Street, for a period of three months. E. R. CASE. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A Liquor Lioense. Notice is hereby given that we will at the next reg ular meeting of the oity counoil ap ply for a license to sell liquor at our place of business, 703 Main Street, for a period of three months. E. S. COOPER & SON. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A Liquor License. Not'ce is hereby given that I will at the next regular meeting of the oity council, apply for a license to soil liquor at my place of business, The Idle Hour, 827 Fourth Streot, 'for a period of three months. A. J. SURBEK. If it's a surface to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or fin ished in any way, there's an Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose. For Sole by JONES DRUG COMPANY, Inc. We Give Away Absolutely Free The People's Common Seme Medical English, or Medicine Simplified, by K. V, Pierce, M. D., ' Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids' Hotel end Sur gical Institute at Buffalo, book of 1008 large pages and liver 700 illustrations, in strong paper covers, to any one sending 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only, or, in Frenoh Cloth binding for 31 stamps. Over 680,000 copies of this complete Family Doctor Book were sold in cloth binding t regular price of $1.50. Afterwards, one end a half million copies werr given away at above. A new, up-to-dnte revised edition is now resdy far mailing. Better send NOW, before all are gone. Address World's Dis rsNSARV Mbdical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D,, President, Buffalo, N. Yt DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION THE ONE REMEDY for woman's peculiar ailments good enough that its makers are not afraid to print on its outside wrapper it every ingredient. No SeoreU No Deoeption. THE ONE REMEDY for women which contains no alcohol and no habit-forming drugs. Made from native medicinal forest root of well established curative valua. SEEDS The THEY CROW J I P I IT7Ph 188 Front Street . J. L)U I LLW PORTLAND, ORE. The COURIER is for the interest C 1 Cft Ppr Yr of the Common People. Only vJvlU 11. PEOPLE If BIEdsdPN IT IS NOW UP TO YOU The Popular Colonist Fares will again be in effect between September 15th aud October 15th, During which period tickets to OREGON CITY will be on sale daily from CHICAGO at - $33.00 ST. LOUIS - - 32.00 OMAHA - - - 25.00 KANSAS CITY - 25.00 ST. PAUL - - - 25.00 And from other cities correspondingly low. These are west bound, one-way fares only, but anyone here can PREPAY for relatives or friends in the if East desired. - Consult your local railroad agent. NOW l& THE TINE to let the world know of our vast resources and splendid op portuuities for HOME BUILDING. Write to everyone you know in the East. Send them good instructive printed matter, and tell them that the cost of getting here is but little more than half the usual cost, and to call on a repre sentative of the Southern Pacific Co. for all desired information, or address WM, McMURRAY - General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, ORECON EH For Fall "Fixing Up" No money brings such satis faction as a few cents spent in the Fall for "touching -up" shabby floors, furniture and woodwork. All winter long the bright, attrac tive and wholesome home is a source of constant pleasure. AM EQUALITY PAINTS AND FINISHES are the kind to use. Simply tell us what you want to do and we will give you the proper Acme Quality Kind for your particular purpose. Let us tell you Five Strong Reasons for Fall House Painting. 4 of Cost rrx. f Adviser, io Plain '-O Kind That You Can't Keep in the Ground LA L Itt'f