OREGON CITY. COURIER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1910 FOR CONGRESSMAN Hawley or Mulkey Which? W. C. Hawley is the assembly candidate. B. F. Mulkey submits his candidacy to the people. Hawley opposes Statement One, direct legislation and popular election of senators. Mulkey stands for Statement One, the direct primary and popular election of senators. Hawley stands for Cannonism, Aldrichism and stand' patism. He voted for a revision of the tariff to enrich specia! interests. Mulkey stands for a revision of the tariff downward to benefit the consumer, stands with the insurgents and Roose velt to make this a "government of the people, by the people, for the people," instead of for the trusts and specia interests. Hawley is reactionary. Mulkey is progressive. Mulkey has challenged Hawley to debate the forgoing issues. Hawley has repeatedly declined. Why? Which do you prefer ? If you are a stand-patter, vote for Hawley. If you are a progressive, vote for Mulkey. No. 13 on Ballot 10 aores three miles from Oregon City, one-half oloar, bal ance stamps; Rood roads; some orchard; do rocks; north slope 10 aoros three miles from Oregon City; six-room house, fireplace. ; now barn; ouo aore orchard; out houses; land all oloar spring wator ; beet of soil ; good road 10 acres 8 miles from Oregon City; running water; clear, balance small stomps; best of soil; good road PROPERTY FOR. SALE FARMS $2250 $3500 $2000 $1500 .W375 $3000 $4000 1(18 aores near Hobo, Tillamook county ; 15 'acreB been cleared ;barn oost f'-JJiO stream of water; good road $30 Per Acre 10 acres 8 miles from Oregon Oity ; small 2-room house ; clear, balanoe small stumps; running water; best of soil; north slope 85 acres ; 15 acres clear, bnlance small brush and wood tim ber ; running water ; good'soil ; 8 miles from Oregon Oity north slope; 10 acres miles east of Oregon Oity ; 6 aores nlear, bal anoe easily cleared; orchard and berries south slope; sight ly view ; 6-room new house ; good barn, 6 tons hay ; good soil 40 acres 'milosoast of Needy; Btroani of water; small brush easily cleared ; farm'adjoiniug ; good road; good soil TIMBER LAND 80 aores one mile east of Oarus, Clackamas county ; million saw timber and 4000 oords of wood 1(10 'acres Jnear Merlin, Josoplune county, Oregon ; four millions pine; 8 miles from railroad $4000 $4000 1(10 aoros in Trinity county, California; 8 millions sugar pine $3000 HOUSES AND LOTS 6 rooms and one lot 50x100, Falls View $1000 8 rooms ; lot 85x1)9 ; lOtliJuid Adanis St., Oregon City $1500 0 rooms and lot 85x09; new house; 10th & Adams.St., Oregon Oity $1730 VACANT LOTS 8 lots 10th and MadiBon Street; improvements paid; best viow in city $2400 8 lots Bouth Oregon City, line view'and level $ 600 8 lots in Qludstono; level ulose in $ 600 4 lots 40x124 Oregon Oily. Goodview $ T50 1 lot 50x100 Falls Viow. Near plank roHd $ 200 4 lots on carline Willametto Falls, fJOO each $ 800 4 lots near Willamette carline. 1160 onoh $ 600 Aore tracts in Willamette five minutes walk from carline, each $ 400 Aoro tracts on Abornotliy Creek City limits, each $ 400 1 lot 40x108 in 40 feet of comer Ivv and Korbv Sts.. Portland. Pave- ment in KX) foet $1200 70 lots Floral Park, adjoining si e of Hood Iustiluto. Westmoreland. Average each $ 400 4 lots 85x1(10 Armour Addition to Taoonia, Wash., each $ 200 Front lotSOxlOO Pompeii at Mount Hood. Grand viow $ 200 Good lot 40x80 Korknway lleiieh, mmr railroad $ 100 Will exchange for property as part piivintnr. Ki ll dun-nut on an " do tailB-furnished on reqnent. Prefer to deal wi h owner Tlie above list is sub ject to change wthont notiao. Phone Bell 79 and 2491 Home B-35 JOHN W. LODER OREGON CITY, -:- OREGON Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Jack Huston, Plaiutilt, vs. W. T. .Eustor and Bertha Eustor, Defendants. ToJW. T. Eustor audJHertha Eustor, defendants above named : In the name of the State of Oregon : Yon are hereby rimquirod to appeal and answer the complaiut 11 led against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the 7th day of Novomber, 11)10, and if you fail so to appear aud an swer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the said court for the relief prayed for in said complaint to wit: for a judgment against you In the sum of $515.10 together with his oosti and disbursements. This summons is served upon yon by publication pursuant to an order of the Hon. G. B. Diniick Judge of the oounty court, made on the 2Ut day of Soptombc 1910, the dat of the first publication hereof is the 33rd day of September, 1910, aud the last publica tion will bo on the 4th dav of Novem ber, 1910. WM. M. LA FORCE, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice Por Bids For Printing Charier and Ordinances of Oregon City Notice U hereby given that the un dersigned, Finance Committee of the City Council of Oregon Citv, Oregon, will receive bids at the ottioo of the Oily Keoorder of Oregou City, for printing and binding 500 cnpies'ot the Oregon Oity Charter and Ordii iinces ; said coides to consist of iitiout 800 pages, tlx inches, stook 25x88 00 Lbs. Machine Fiuish Book Paiior, with good substantial paper covers, to be set in 8 point type, leaded with two point leads, size of type page, 24 ems by 40 ems pica, exclusive of folio heading at top of page. Bids will be received until 5 o'clock P. M. October 4, 1910. Bids to be per page. Committee reserves the right to reject anv aud all bids. WM. ANDKKSEN Edward sueahan F. J. MEYER Finance Committee of tho City Council of Oregon City. HERE ITIS This is the Argument of WILLIAM J. CLARKE, Republican.FIaL Salary Candidate for STATE PRINTER Which it Objected to by State Printer Duniway, the Fee System Candidate. state (This Statement is backed by records. ) Mr. Taxpayer and Voter : Do you know that one year's income of the State Printer, under the laws govern ing the conduct of that department, is greater than the combined salaries of the Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Bank Examiner, Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Attorney General; of the live Jus tices and Clerk of the Supreme Court ; the Master Fish Warden, two State Water Superintendents, State Engi neer, two members of the State Tax Commission, Insurance Commissioner, Labor Commissioner and the Gov ernor? That it would pay the expense of any two departments of state, and his income lor two years would de fray the expenses of a session of the Legislature? It is a faot. Further more, UNDER THE NEW PRINT ING LAW WHICH GOES INTO EF FECT IN JANUARY, 1911, HIS PROFITS WILL BE MUCH GREAT ER THAN THEY ARE NOW, crafty juggling of figures in a maze of tech nicalities to tliej contrary notwith standing. Here are some plain and startling figures, backed by the rec ords and the facts which challenge successful contradiction. For the j cars 1907-1908 the State Printer reo i- ed from the state print ing fund $0:!, 064 23, aud $11,772.40 for institutional and departmental print ing, a tctal of $04,830.68. Up to Au gust 1, 1910 he had drawn $29,976.18 from the printing fund, and $18,088.52 for depai tmeutul aud institutional work, making a total of $48,064.05. Based upon his receipts for the same wo-k, upon a smaller scale two years ago, it is conservatively estimated that he will receive an aggregate ot $48,600 the remaining five months of the year 1910, for priLting depart mental reports, institutional reports, printing the code, 82 initiative meas ures with arguments for and against the same, corrupt praotices pamph lets, etc., or a grand total of $91, 564.65 for the years 1909-1910, aud of $150,401.33 for the fonr-years' term. Making a generous allowance of $45,- 000 for salaiies and other expenses of his office leaves him a NET PROFIT OF $111,401.38. Under a flat salary, law upon which platform William J. Clarke stands unqualifiedly and alone before you at the primary eleotion, September 24, it will be possible to effect a saving of over $100,000 in lour years to the state, which would otherwise go into the pocket3 of the individual. There fore, a vote for William J. Clarke, native to 1 of Oreaon, practical print er and nowspaper man of over thirty years of actual experience, who stand unchallenged upen ins record lifelong and staunch Republican and citizen, is a vote tor progress una re trenchment in the affairs of state gov erument. THE STATE PRINTING OFFICE 13 THE LAST RELIC OF THE OLD FEE SYSTEM. WILL YOU STAND FOB IT, MR. VOTER? (Signed) J. W. BAKER. (16 years in StatoPriuting Office. Paid Adv. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that I will at the next regular meeting of the city counoil apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business, 421 Main St., for a period of three months. D. M. KLEMSEN. Notice For Bids Notioe is hereby given that sealed bids for furnishing all labor and ma ferial for improving Taylor Street ol Oregon Oity, Oregon, from the .Forth erly line of Seventh Stroet to the South line of Twelfth Stroet will be recoived by tho Recordor of Oregon Oity,"Oiogon, until 4 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday, October 4th, 1910. Plum- an d specifications containing furthei information and tho kind of improve ment to be made will be furnished u,: on application to said tjitj" Koourdor. Each bid must bo Hoeouiiiauied bv 1 oertifiud check lor a sum equal to live per centum ot the total amount of ti e bid, which sum will bo subject to foi- feiture to Oregon City in case of the failure of tho successful biddur lieruin to furnish the required bonds and en ter into a written contract for smd woik, if called upon so to do, wiilun the time specified for the sum 1 in tut rdinance providing for said street mproveiuoiit. Proposals must bo made, upon Muni s furnished by Ort gon Oity. Tho right to reject any or all bids r to aeiopt uiiy bid ocnsidired inosi favorable to Oregon Oity is In lvhy r-. erved. Enoh propositi must sta e the time quired for lha completion of the en re improvement wi rk of said street Inch improvement work must be douo aceordiiig to tho ordiuauoc9 of Oregon Oity and the ohartor thereof, and the plans'aud specifications gov- orniug said work. Each bidder is requested to furnish parate figures for the doing of all onoreto work with Clackamas river sand aud gravel and for the covering of such roncroto work with one-half inch wearing coat. Tins notice is published pnrsuant to an order of the City Conucil of Ore gon City made and entered at a regu lar meet iug thereof held September 7th, 110. Date of first publication September 3, 1910; date of last publication Sep tember 30, 1910. W. A. DIMIOIT. Recorder of Oregon City, Oregon. Golden West Farm Sold Fred Yohann hits sold his flue farm. nowu as the Golden West Farm, of acres, to Arthur C. Snrairue. for a ousidoratiou of $1200. The new oc- upant, Arthur O. Sprague, will ke possession October 10. when Mr! aud Mrs Yohann and family will move to Portland, where theytxneet permanently locate. UNION PACIFIC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PORTLAND OREGON SAFETY In every investment there are two considerations safety and profit. '1 he most important is safety; no one is justified in putting money into any enterprise unless it can be shown that the money so invested is practically in sured against loss. To place funds in a concern of any other char acter is speculation. The Capital of the UNION PACIFIC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY is an absolutely safe investment. In considering this investment offer, therefore, the following should he borne in mind : That immense fortunes have been 'and are being made in life insurance the most profitable of all forms of legitimate business. That there is a growing sentiment towards the upbuilding of home institutions of every kind, and especially in regard to life insurance. That the UNION PACIFIC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY stock is absolutely safe under the legal reserve laws, and will grow more rapidly in value than any stock available. That by securing stock in the UNION PACIFIC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY you have the op portunity of personally and effectively promoting the business of a company in which you are inter ested, and thus adding to your profits and the value of your holdings. PROFIT . On account of the h'gh percentage of success, and because the profits sire greater than in any. other business, tliore i no b tter investment than that in a flourishing life insurance company. Life insurance companies have, therefore, been practically financed, with the result that the enor mous profits which tliey have made, and are making, remain in a few hands. The plan of the Union Pacific Life Insurance Company in distributing its capital stock in a way by which it not only offers a remarkable opportunity for investment, but, ai the same time, puts into effect a successful method of securing the co-operation of its stockholders in the upbuilding of the company, affords an opportunity which will be quickly seen and accepted. It is the Purpose of the Company to Apply the Proceeds Received from the Sale of its Capital Stock so that it will in the Following Condition: Capital Stock To be intact, invested in first-class mort gages upen improved Real Estate. To Have Foil Financial Responsibility Surplus To be double amount of capital stock. Financial Standing To be strong. No Reinsurance But to have All Moneys Kept at Home. Kind of Policy Standard form same as New York, which was drawn up by Legislature. Valuation To be net premium which is the highest standard used. Surrender Value To be large. Executive Has had experience 25 years. Results Promises Success A Few Shares of Stock Can. Be Had at $30 Per Share for a Short Time For Further Information Address 604-605 Oregonian Building B 14 ' : . 1 If - Assessor's Notice ol Meeting ol Board of Equalization Notioe is hereby giveu Jhat upon the third Monday in October, to-wit: Octnl.er 17th, 1!)10, the Board of Equalization will aiten I at the court house in (Jlack-'.mns oonnty, Oregon, ami publioly cxnm.ue the assessment rolls aud R.irrcl tll errors in valua tions, descrij uons or qualities of lauds, lots or other property assessed by the county assessor. Dated at uiv office this 8th day of S- ptember 191U. J. E. JACK, County Assessor. Baseball and bat or catcher's glove or lleldur'i jdove freo with boy's suit if price it fa. 60 or more, for a short time only. W. A. lloliuos, Maiu St, Digestion and Assimilation It'is not the anantitv of food tnknn but the amount digested and assimi lated that Rives streiiRth aud vitality to the B.vstem. Chamberlains Stomach ami Liver Tablets invigorate the stom ach and liver and enable them to t)r torni their functions naturally. For rale by all good dealers WILLIAM HAMMOND, Attorney -at - Law, Candidate at the Primary Election for JUSTICE OF THE PEACE District No. 4. T huliavd Hint- flip nfHr.A nf infltiA of the nmra is nno of the itunortaut otlioos of this community. If I am nominated and elected 1 will admin ister jnstico without prejudice or passion, completely and without de lnv ' iirntirf tha rights of the. dtiteuse- J , j-.. v v..w - -p.---- , . , less or the oppressed, aud do justice to ill rogtmuess ol tlieir station or pcsi ion. I will discounteuauce useless nd needless litigation and guard the nrhto nf H,a larilutAH hv OlinnRina HAt..J J II nuuoeessnrv expense to the county iniull litigation in the justice court Yours truly, WM. HAMMOND. Note: Justice District No. 4 in cludes the following preoiucts: West recoil Citv. Caueuab, Maple Lane, Aberuethy, Gladstone, Oregou City No. 1 Oregon City No. 2, aud Ore gon City No. 8. Paid Adv. As usually treated.a sprained ankle will disable a man for threo or four weeks, but by applying Chamberlain.' Liuiuieut freely as soon as the injury is received, and observing the direc tions with ea'h bottle, a cure can be affected in from two to four days. F.ir sale by all good dealers. Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given that the uu dersigued bus boeu appointed by the (Mit? Court ot Clacisamas Couuty, Oregon, us administrator of tho estate ot Unu J. Johuson, deceasod. All pers us having claims against said es tate are not inert to present t lie same to me at the office of the undersigned attorneys in Oregon City, Oregou, within six months from this date. Dated September 1(5, 1910. CAKL J. BENHAKD. O. D. & D. O. LATOUBETTE, Attorneys for Estate. H. li. Beckett, a Portland attorney, transacted legal tnsinessfflu town Wednesday afternoon. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Oonnty of Clacka mas. Mamie Lynn, Plaintiff, vs. D. R. Lynn, Defendant. To D. K. Lynn, the above named defendant. Iu the'uame of the State of Oro gou: You are hereby required to ap pear aud auswor the complsint tiled agaiust yonin the above entitled suit, on or before the 7th day of Novem ber, 1910, and if yon fail so to appear aud answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply lo the said court for the relief prayed for iu said com plaint, to w.t: for a decree dissolv es the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between" the plain tiiTJnud defendant; for the custody of the minor cliild. Winnie Lynn, and for such other and further relief as may be just and meet in equity. This summons is served upon yoa by publication pursuant to an order of the Hon J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 1:1th day of September, lylO, the date of the first publication hereof is the Kith of Sept., 1910, and the last pub lication will be ou the 28th day of October, 1910. JOHN F. LOGAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Cr.niity ot CI- ckanms. George D. Phillips, PaiutifT, vs. lledda A. Phillips, Defendant. To Hedda A. Phillips, def eu nt above named : ec In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required fo appeur aud auswer the complaint filed against you iu the above entitled suit, on or before the 7th day of November, 1910, and if yon fail so to appear and au swer for waut thereof tho pliiiiriff will apply to the said court 'for the relief prayed for in said oomplaint to wit: for a decree d ssolviug the bonds of inatriujouy heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff and defendant aud for such other and further relief as may seem just and meet, in equity. This summons is served upon you by publication puisnaut to an order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge if the above entitled court, made ou the 7th day- of September, 1910, the date of the first publication hereof is the lfith day of September, 1910, and the last publication will be ou the 38th day of October, 1910. JOHN F. LOGAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Olnckamas. Henry Theadore Johnson, Plaintiff, vs. Ranrlii Johnson, Defendant. To Rauda Johnson, defendant above named : In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear aud answer the oomplaint filed against you in the above eutitled suit, ou or before the 7th day of November, 1910, and if you fail so to appear and an swer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the said court for the re lief prayed for in said complaint to wit: for a deoree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as may seem just and Tiieiit, in equity- This summons isstrved upiu you by publication pursuant to an order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge 6f trie above entitled court, made in the 7th day of September, 1910, t.h date of the first publication hereof is the 16th day of September, 1910, and the last publication will be on the 28th day of October, 1910. JOHN F. LOGAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. 9 Joseph Sawyer has returned from a summer spent at Sheppsrd'a Springs. It will pay you to call up MAIN 56 Your orders will be promptly filled. jWe carry a complete line of Groceries. STRICTLY FRESH GOODS. . JACK & ALBRIGHT GROCERS 805 7th St.