Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, September 23, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Prizes and Winners
Mrs. C. O. Perry
SECOND PRIZE f do, large Photos-Hart Stadto
Mrs. Elta Smith
THIRD PRIZE Trade Order at Jones Dreg Store
1. J. Levitt, Northwest Oor. Main
and Seventh Sts.
3. First National Bank of Oregon
. Oity.
S. Pope & Company, Fourth and
Main Sts.
4. Builders' Supplies Co., Cor.
Main and Fourteenth Sts.
6. H. P. Brightbill, 509 Man St.
6. Wilson & Oooke, 620 Main St.
7. Price Bros., Cor. Main and
Sixth Sts.
8. Gorbett & Hyson, P. O. Bui Id -inn.
9. Pioneer Market, Cor. Fifth and
Main Sts., H. W. Streibig.
10. Geo. A. Harding, 611 Man St.
11. Oregon City Shoe Store, J as til)
S. Lagesou, 608 Main St.
12. Olem'a Short Urder Honse,
414 Main St.
13. Snow Flake, Blue Stem, The
Portland Flouring Mills Co., R. O.
Ganong, 316 Main St.
14. Oregon City Laundry, Cor.
Third and Main Sts., O. L. Blakeslee
NUMBER 1 Here is represented
large mercantile institution winch
lias been a going institution for tour
years. It is on oue of the most prom
inent corners in the city. The stock
comprises dry goods, furnishing
goods, clothing, shoes, hats, and
ready-to-wear garments for women.
Here is where you gee the Society
tiran a or ciotmug, also cue tsteiu-
Bloch and Schloss Bros ' excellent
tailored clothes. You will also find
here the Florsheini shoe "for men
who care." Also the American Gen
tleman shoe and the American Lady
shoe; and for the children the livd
School House shoe great values at
the prioe asked. The New Idea pat
terns are another exclusive feature
here; and the Gordon hats don't for
get them. If you want a further
mark of identification you will find
the name of tiie proprietor right in
the tile at the entrance. Give the
name and location.
NUMBER 2 Give the name of the
bank which was established originally
away hack in 1889 but which was re
Incorporated under a different charter
in 1907, and is now one of the leading
financial institutions of the Willam
ette valley. The total resources of
this bank have been climbing steadily.
They now aggregate, according to the
last official report made the first of
this month, f347, 205.87. The capital
stock is $50,000. The individual de
posits amount to more than a quarter
of a million dollars. The growth of
this bank has been steady, due largely
to its reputation for strength, solidity
and conservatism, and the fact that
its personal interest iu the welfare of
its depositors aud its inclinations to
extend to them at all times every
proper banking accommodation has
made of them friendB as well ns cli
ents. NUMBER 8 To mention hardware
is but to give the name of this big es
tablishment. Their name has been
for so long identified with the line
that people of Oregon City look npon
them as synonymous terms. They be
gan business away back in the days
of General Grant, occupied their new
building a two-story brick in 1878.
They carry everything in hardware,
both shelf aud heavy hardware. Also
carry a fall line of blacksmith sup
plies, iron and steel, lubricating oils,
aud plumbing 'supplies. Here is
where ,you find the Sycracuse
plows, the Loraine steel ranges and
mauy other exclusive features. They
are contracting plumbers. What is
the name aud location of this film?
NUMBKR-4 Where is the place iu
Oregon Oity to get all kinds of build
ing materials lumber,' doors, win
dows, mouldings, cement, lime, plas
ter, etc ? This company has only
been o prating here eight months but
they have met a demand that exisle
and bai It up a large trade. It is
well known fact that their prices ard
on an equitable basis aud ihnt the ma
terials they tuinish are jus' what
they are represented to be. They are
wide-awake people and their trade is
ng out-doors an 1 a
ain, nourishing diet aro
all good and helpful, hut
the most important of
all is
Scott's Emulsion
It is the standard treat
ment prescribed by phy
sicians all over the world
for this dread disease. It
is the ideal food-medi- a
cine to heal the lungs
and build up the wasting
grnd tfe., nam of pappr and thla ad. for
our beautiful tj;iinc3 Unr.k and Child's
bk0trh-B.".k. Lfclt bank cuntama a Uuod
Luck teas;.
Plenty of fresh air, a
Miss Nan Cochran
Order at Miller & Miller Grocery $3.75
Edmond Bollack
Trade Order at Farr's Meat Market.
Mrs. . P. Sommers
163 Contestants tried for the prizes
Tolhwing an IJnCormt Answers:
& Son.
15. Seeley's, Oor. Ninth and Main
18. Oregon Oity Commission Co.,
Oor Main and Eleventh Sts.
17. The O. O. Store, 932 Main St.,
Oor. Tenth.
18. Oreaon City Machine Works,
Binford & Son, Oor. Twelfth and
Main St.
19. J. O. Westengard, 718 Main St.
20. W. F. Schooley & Co., 612
Main Sr.
21. Miss L. Bluhui, 709 seventh
22. Davis & Jones, Seventh and
J. J. Adams Sts.
23. Watson B. Eddy & Son, Cor.
Main and Sixth Sts.
24. Mrs. W. B. Shively, Cor. Sev
enth and Madison Sts.
25. Jack & Albright, 904 Seventh
20. Willamette Hotel, Sixth above
Main St. ,
27. Mitchull wagon, W. J. Wilson
& Co, Main and Twelfth Sts.
destined to grow to a large and per
rnaneut basis. All Oregon City build
ers should always give them the pre
ference, other things being equal.
Give the name and location of this
NUMBER 5 There are just two
classes of grocers. One wants to get
ricn on a lew sales and deals in the
cheap brand of goods, the other builds
for the future, furnishes the best
brands and leaves the question of
profit to the volume of sales. This
house belongs distinctly to the latter
class. It makes a specialty of the
best brands of goods aud its trade
therefore reaches into the best fam
ilies the families that like pure food.
Its f i nits aud vegetables are always
hrst-class never stale. It will not
allow that kind of goods to go out
from tins score. It is on Main street
aud you will know it by these char
aoteristics and by the splendid 25o
coffee which it pats out under its
own name. Give its name and loca
NUMBER 6 For twenty-one vears
this well known hardware firm ;has
done business in this self -same stand.
They sell the Bain wagon, the Deer
ing mowers, reauers and binders, the
Oliver chilled plows, the Bridge &
Beach aud Renown ranges, the
Sharpies separators, aud so on down
the line the best of everything.
When you have found these goods vou
have found the answer to this num
ber. Their stock of shelf and build
ers' hardware is unexcelled. Thev
also carry a full line of paints, oils
aud glass. You are to give tha name
of this firm, and their location.
NUMBER 7 Who are the leading
clothiors and men's' outfitters of Ore
gon City. They have enjoyed this
distinction and occupied their very
central location for twelve years.
You are going to iucss this number
easily, but jubt to confirm your "sus
picions" we will nad that this firm
handles the well known L system of
clothes, which are acknowledged to
be the most stylish garments made.
They also have the exolusive agency
here for the Huwes hats, the W. L.
Douglas shoes, the Holeproof hosiery,
and many other specialties that, spell
superiority. They have one of the
handsomest clothing stores in the
Willamette valley. And they make
the prices. Give name aud location.
NUMBEU 8 One ot the most en
terprising real estate agenoies in the
city is now up for discussion. The
individuality of this firm has been
boosting for Oregon City two years
fat, lean and otherwise. They have
listed with them farm and city prop
erty of a ery wide range of value
and resources. Thev also make a
specialty of renting farms and city
property, for both residents aud non
resideuts. Also conduct an employ
ment agency, furnishing labor to
those who need it aud jobs to the
jobless. Wlieu you go for the mail
yon will see their sign. Give name
and location.
NUMBER 9 What'meat market in
Oregon City is it that bears a name
that marks it as the oldests market in
the city? Also give its location and
name of the proprietor. Has been un
der present management but three
months this time, but he owned it
once before. He buys and butchers
his own choice fat stock and brings
the moat to the block in the very best
condition. This is the market where
cleanliness is the constant care and
full weights the invariable rule.
They have their own sausage faotory
for chopped meats ot all kinds. You
get nothing better along the Willam
ette than comes from this market.
NUMBER 10 -What is the name
and location of the oldest drug store
in the city? This drug store's his
tory dates back thirty-six years. The
proprietor is one of the oldest business
men in the oity and oue of the pio
neer druggists in the Btate. The loca
tion of this store is very central and
on its shelves'will be found a most
complete linn of drugs, and druggists'
sundries. Everything in the line of
medicines, cosmetics, chemicals and
notions. Manufactures and has a
large sale on a laxative known as
" 's Compoand Fennel Pow
der." Alsoja "Pain King" that has
a wide reputation. To give these
names in full would disclose the iden
tity. NUMBER 11-Who are the shoe
kings of Oregon City? There has
been a shoe store in this stand for
over thirteen years. Its present man
agement dates back only to las falL
It is one of the most attractive shoe
stores along the Willamette. Long
rows of shelves, stacked to the ceil
ing, in the rear a repairing depart
ment where the very best work is
done. Your whole family can get the
right kind of footwear here at Port
.'. $5.00
28. V. R. Hyde, Boom 7 Barclay
29. K. Y. Miller, 216 Seventh St
HO. Kelly's Restaurant, 519 Main
St. H. H. Bell.
The Pool Hall, Asay & Cox, 708
Main St.
82. The Bank of Oregon City.
83. Dr. W. 8. Eddy, Fashion Sta
ble, Seventh St. aboveJMain.
84. P. M. Hart. Studio. 920 Main
85. A. H. Sturgess. Seventh and
Center Sts.
36. Eleotrio Hotel. Main St. Bet.
Fourth and Fifth Sts., J. J. Tobin.
87. Oregon City Cash Market, 696
Main St., Kinhard Petzold.
38. Huntley Bros., Main St. be
tween Seventh and Eighth.
89. Farr Bros , 903 Seventh St.
40. Baker & Son, Seventh St. neai
41. Miller & Miller, Cor. Seventh
and Center Sts.
43. Jouos Drug Co., Main St., near
land prices. The men will find the
Gotziau and the Chippewa for heavy
wear, the Staoy-Adams and the Pack
ard for lighter wear. The women
will find the ,T. II. Cross and the
P. J. Harney. Give the name of this
store, the name of the proprietor, and
the location.
NUMBER 12-Where is it you can
get the best cup of coffee in town?
This splendid lunch place is on Main
street and has a reputation that
reaches from Milwaukee to Wood
burn. The "filling" yon get here
aside from the co flee is of a high
olass. Everything is clean and pal
atable, cooked right before your eyes,
and while you wait. There is no
limit to the bill of fare. All kinds
of short orders are "coming up" and
going down" all the time. The
chef is onto his job. This place
opened for business last May. Give
name and location.
NUMBER 13 What brands of flour
are best by every test in Oregon? One
is manuractured at Albany and the
other at Dayton, Wash., and both by
the same oompany which has its head
quarters in Portland. They also have
a live representative here, who also
carries a big line of feed. The high
est perfection is reached in the maun
facture of this flour, and it is perfect
ly unirorm. livery pound is just
good as every other . pound. This
local branch of this big company has
been in operation here 25 years. You
are to give the brands of flour called
tor above, the name of the oompany.
name or tiie local agent and the looa
tion in Oregon City.
NUMBER 14 Any sort of portray
al of the business interests ot Oregon
uity wittiont mention oi tins institu
tion would be incomplete. It was es
tablished a goodjnany years ago and
has been under its present excellent
management for over three years. It
gives constant employment to fifteen
people. The know how" is every
tiling in tins business as much or
more so than in any other line. All
you have to do is to "put your duds
in their suds ' and they come out
white and clean. Have your money
ready in about three days and the
transaction is complete. Give the
name and location of this institution,
also give name of the firm.-
NUMBER 15 Do you know who
sells the Barrington Hall coffee in
Oregon Oity? It is the same store
that has that excollent flour put up
unaer ins own name, " r's
Best." Also puts out an excellent
baking powder under his own name.
It is a little word of only six letters
and moBt of these are "e's" aud
that isjjust what you get when yon
trade here ease. All his patrons
know when they have spent their
money lure they have got the most
that conld be obtaiued for it. Hence
they are at "ease " from worry, at
"ease from want and hanger. This is
a big gro ery store, and they have
been doing business here just 7 years.
Give name and location.
NUMBER 16 From whom in thiB
city can you buy the Studebaker
wagons and buggies, the Buckeye
mowers and rakes, and a full line of
farming implements? Where is their
place of business? The same people
do a commission business, buying and
selling for cash or handling on com
mission, hay, grain, fruit, potatoes,
etc. They also carry a stock of lime,
plaster and cement. They have been
doing business here one year aud have
built up a big trade. They are full
of enterprise and those who have not
yet become customers should awake to
their opportunity. The goods they
sell are standard, having the very
highest reputation. They will be glad
to have you interview them at any
NUMBER 17-One of the live dry
goods stores of Oregon Oity is put be
fore yon in this number. One of their
exclusive features is Topsy hosiery,
another Is Busier Brown shoes for the
children and the White House shoes
for men and women. It is here you
find the Broadhead dress goods and
the Standard paper patterns. There
are many other exclusive features at
thistore but these will be sufficient
to put you on the right track. This
store lias been doing business here for
tour years, it is on a o irner. They
have ajsplendid line of dry goods and
furnishing goods, notions, shoes, etc.
They are known for their low prices.
What is the name of this store and
the location?
NUMBER 18 What is tlm name of
the oldest and largest iron works in
this section of the valley? This
works has been a going institution for
years. You are aiso to give its loca
tion andjthe name of the firm which
owns ana operates it They are engi
neers, machinists, iron and brass
founders. They are fully equipped
for all kinds of machine work, each
one a skilled mechanic in his depart
ment. They make a specialty of au
tomobile overhauling and gas engine
work, also saw mill machinery. Thi
institution is so well known that it
will not be difficult for the reader to
identify them readily.
UMBER 19 There is no uiercan
tile institution which presents a more
pleasing aspect than an up-to-date
harness and leather goods store, and
there is uo name better identified with
that line in this city than this oue.
This institution lias te: u a goiug one
fcr years. It has been under present
management only six mouths, al
though th i present proprietor was at
the holm once b"foro. Evetything
that is needed to complete the ward
robs of the hoi so i found here and
then some. All kids of leather
goods, g'ces. ndiics, whips, robes,
blankets, li rse bo U aid turf goods
of every (iesciption. All the harness
stock is of home manufacture. He
brings nineteen years of experience in
Portland to the business. Hanford's
Balsam of Myrrli can only be had at
this store. Give the name and loca
tion. NUMBER 20 Where thrro is much
land selling there are plenty of real
estate dealers, and in Oregon City
none are better equipped for business,
in the matter of knowledge and val
ues of laud, than this firm. They
have been doing business in this line
for seven years. They make a spe
cialty of orchard tracts, fruit lands,
chicken ranches, and farms. They
also pay close attention to -city prop
erty, acreage and timber lands. They
make many exchanges, outlines get
ting what each party wants in this
manner. They are wide-awake and
thoroughly reliable, but what of that
if yon dont' know the name? It
the name that has the double "oo"
it. Think it out. Give name of firm
and location of office.
NUMBER 21 There is a busy little
millinery and dressmaking parlor
Oregon City which was started only
last spring. This place has done
much towards supplying the styles
that make the ladies of this city aud
surrounding country look bo pretty
and handsomely dressed this year.
The young ladies in oharge know
their business well, and their trade is
growing each season. They are now
ready for the fall trade and have
beautiful line of goods to show, tli
latest creations in the fashion world
nice line fancy neckwear and hand
kerohiefs. What is the name and lo
NUMBER 22 Where is the black
smith and wagon shop that has
feed stable on the side? Give the
name of the proprietor, There are
many feed stables that have a black
smith shop on the side, but this is the
reverse. This shop was started two
years ago, but the present proprie
tors have been in charge but two
months. They are mechanics that
know the business and are getting a
good share of the business. The feed
stable is open at all times and it is a
most convenient place to leave your
NUMBER 28 This is the now dry
goods store, where you hnd the Mc
(Jail paper patterns. It is on a corner
which enables them to have a broad
front but causes the width of the
store to diminish at the rear. They
riarry a splendid line or dry goods and
shoes and have become noted for
their low prioes. They have been do
ing bnsinB8 on saving plans.
Their line or men s and women's
furnishing goods is very complete.
Your wants will always receive the
most careful attention at this store
It is their hobbv to make it easy and
pleasant for people to shop with them
Give the name and location of this
NUMBER 24 Where is this millin
ery store? It is kept by a lady whose
husband was formerly engaged in the
dry goods line. Give the name
The most fashionable creations in
millinery will always be found in this
store, and the ladies who wish to keep
strictly np to date in the millinery
line will not tail to visit this store.
Here will also lie found a nice Hue of
ladies' furnishings. ThiB store's his
tory dates bank a dozon years. If we
told what stieet it is on you would
pick it out readily.
NUMBEU 25 This is one of the
live grocery firms of Oregon Oity
which is soon to move into a new
building being built expressly for
thin store, by one of the members of
the firm. The firm has been doing
business for two years and their pros
perity is noted by the new quarters
being fitted for them. They carry
everything in groceries and provisions
and make the prices that please the
people. This is not the original hi
torical firm which once upou a time
"went up the hill" aud had a con
spicuous accident. However they
went up the lull. Now what is the
namo and location of this enterprising
NUMBER 2(1 What is the namo of
t lie popular liotol which was built
two years ago and lias 84 nice room
all clean, nioely kept mid supplied
with the most comfortable bods in
the dining room breakfast, dinner and
supper come each time as a pic. sant
surprise to the appetite, in such a
home-like wav, going unoiringly to
the hungry spot with that delight so
mnoh appreciated by the epicuro.
Everything served is first-class, and
it is always nicely served. JNO one
ever departs from this house with a
"grouch." What is the name and lo
cation of this hotel?
NUMBER 27 What is the name !of
the wagon that is 76 yfars old? When
yon have discovered this you have dis
covered the name oi a large Portland
implement house of which this firm
has the Oregon Oity agency. This
house carries a general line of imple
ments everything for the farmer.
Here are a few or .the lines: Hay
wood damp natrons, Case steel plows,
Bissell chilled plows, Hoosier drills.
Champion harvesting machinery, Par
ry buggies, Iowa Dairy cream sep
arators, Stover gasoline engines,
Myers nay tools and so on down the
line. This house knows how to make
the prioes right Answer the ques
tion above, and give name and loca
t'on of the firm handling these goods
iu Oregon City.
NUMBER 28 Who is the abstractor
in Oregon City who can furnish
along with your abstract of the rec
ords a diagram or plat which explains
and demonstrates your abstract so
that anyoue can thoroughly under
stand it? He is a draughtsman as
well as an abstractor. He is also a
notary public and an expert at con
veyancing. He has been following
this business here lor twenty years
and is an invaluable man to patronize
when you want to know about titles
Give his name and location of his
NUMBER 29-Is your coffee right?
Likewise yonr tea? If not your meal
is a failure all round. It is the busi
ness of this enterprising dealer to see
that your coffee is right, and likewise
your tea, your extracts, Jour baking
powder, your spices, eto. uonees,
teas, extracts and spices are his
specialty, and whatever goes out
from this little store has the word
quality branded nil ovor and through
it. He has been doing business here
one year. Prompt delivery by special
messenger is one of the features of
this store. Give the Mime mid loca
tion. NUMBER 80 It was here in Ore
gon City where that illustrious indi
vidual came into fame. We refer to
the gentleman who rushed into an as
sembly of people and earnestly in
quired, "Hbb anybody here seen
?" The poor man was hungry.
He knew if he could find him he
could get a square meal, one that
would drive the wolf from the door
and keep him away for a few hours at
least. It is a very common thing in
Oregon City for people to be looking
for this man. But lie has sold out
and there is a new'man at the coun
ter. He is experienced and will
maintain the reputation of the house.
You are to supply the name and loca
tion. NUMBER 81 What is the namo of
the big amusement parlor that is do
ing the business in this oity? Also
give the location aud the name of the
firm. Billiards and pool galore, some
thing doing every minute rf the day
and well into the night. Also the
headquarters for smokes aud tubaccos
of all kinds, and fresh candies and
soft drinks. They have five tahles and
they are kept busy all the time If
you are out looking for your friend, it
is ten chances to one you will find
him here.
NUMBER 82 What is the name of
the oldest and largest bank in Oregon
City? It was established in 1881. Its
last official report made Sept. 1,
shows total resources of $998,654.20
80 close to a million dollars that it
might be called a million. Its capi
tal stook is $50,000, with a surplus of
that much more and undivided profits
of $9,723.96. The deposits aggregate
$962,924.37, including $74,794.13 in the
savings department. It has a splendid
banking house aud fixtures valued at
$32,499.60. This is just the kind of a
bank the cautious depositor is in
searoh of.
JNUMUrJK 38 What is the name
and location of the competent veter.
iuary surgeon who has been minister'
ing to the animal fraternity of Clack'
amas county xor a dozen years or
more. He is au up-to-date man, and
that is saying much, for in uo branch
of science has there been greater pro
gress than in the diseases of the ani
mal. This gentleman is a graduate of
the Ontario Vf torinary College, also
of the McKillip School of Surgery of
Chicago. He treats all animals,
horses, cattle, dogs, anything that
is a tale to wag.
NUMBER 84-" If you have beauty,
come, 1 11 take it; if you have none,
oome, 1 u make it. " This is the in
centive offered by a certain leading
photo studio in this city, and it goei
withoutsaying that its threshold is
crossed by hundreds of the "smart
Bet" and other sets, as the days roll
by. This studio is conducted by a
gentleman who has had years of ex
perience, over a year right iu this
community. The class of work
turned out is of a very high grade.
It is looated centrally and has modern
facilities for good work. Portraits
are the specialty here, although all
classes of work are douo, aud in the
highest Btvle known to the att. Give
the name aud location.
NUMBER 8: This is the store
where you can purohnse one of Eiler's
pianos, a Singer sewing machine, or
almost any kind of furniture for your
home. A big line ot new and second
hand furnitnre at prices that will
please. Also has second-hand eewiug
machines. Very cheap. If you want
piano or a sowing raachiue, von ran
get it here and pay for it while yon
use it. This store has b?en doing
business for only four months II
you, are not posted on it you shoum
be stirring aronnd. Big bargains aro
the rule here. Give name aud loca
NUMBER 86 What is the tamo .of
the fiist class liotol in Oregrn City
where all tho commercial men stoi?
Whore is it located and what is the
name of the proprietor? Here they
have steam heat, eluctire lights aud
oornniodiouB sample rooms Here they
have the gonial Lhnspitulity and the
host accommodations for the traveling
publio. Hero they sorve tho best
meals and have the most luxurious
beds and rooms. These, are (he things
that oatoh the heart of the "knights
ot the road. " It is bore that you
should send your friends when they
come to town.
NUMBER 87 Here is a market
which has he,en slashing away on
freBh and salt meats" in the same locu
tion for a period of trn years. There
is no market m Oregon that dispenses
better meats. They buy and butcher
their own Btock and are always in the
market for good fat stock of all kinds.
Their kettle rendered lard has a repu
tation among the people of Oregon
Oity as being the best that can bo
bought. Their sausages have a walk
away on all other makes. 1 hoy are
also noted for their prompt and ac
curate dolivery nud universal cour
tesy. They are on Main Tireet. Give
the name of the market, street number
aud name of the proprietor.
NUMBER 88-What is the namo
and location of the "tig, buy drug
store of Oregrn Oity? ' It ullB a room
having seventy-live feet Irout, divided
into various artistio departments.
Here are found all the accessories to
heath and bodily comfort and then
some. They aro headquarters for
Kodaks, talking umo'iinos aud recorJs,
fine stationery, school supplies, cut
glass and chum specialties; exclusivo
handlers of the Kexall remedies,
Sherwin-Williams paints (that cover
the earth), and many other lines oi
star.le merchandise. They have a
large lino or loatlier goods and um
brellas, the biggest variety of pest
cards in tho oity, and'they have photo
suupplies of all kinds, and do devel
oping and printing for amateurs.
They handle framed pictures and make
picture frames to order. You cannot
miss tins one.
NUMBER 89 Do you know where
in Oregon City is the little market
with the big business? Tho last name
n tiie firm is Brothers." its deliv
ery wagons, two in number, go all
over the city, and if yon will watch
where they stop you will know where
the beBt people live. They handle the
choicest of meats, beef, pork, mutton
nd veal. Also hams, bacon and lard.
Their sausages are known for their
excellence. They butohor all their
own supply. They have been doing
business here lor lour years, ou a
'high plain." Give the name and
location of thiB firm.
NUMBER 40-What is the name
and location of a prominent tea store
which recently came into new hat ds,
and what is the name of the uew
firm? They alBO handle groceries,
fancy an staple, and take great pains
to see that everything is of the high
est quality. They are up on the hill,
yes, and they are building up a
business that should iulueuce you to
test the quality of their goods aud
prices. The same firm used to be
down on Main street, but with
ifferent line of teas aud coffees.
They will be glad to give you one of
If you had positive proof that a certain remedy for
female ills had made many remarkable cures, would you
not feel like trying it ?
If during the last thirty years we have not succeeded in
convincing every fair-minded woman that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has cured thousands and thou
sands of women of the ills peculiar to their sex, then we
long for an opportunity to do so by direct correspondence.
Meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee
to be genuine and truthful.
Hudson, Ohio." I suffered for a long time from a weakness,
inflammation, dreadful pains each month and suppression. I
had been doctoring and receiving only temporary relief, when a
friend advised mo to take Lydia 13. IMnkham's Vegetable Com.
pound. I did so, and wrote to you for advice. I have faithfully
followed your directions and now, after taking only five bottles
of the Vegetable Compound, I have every reason to believe I am
a well woman. I give you full permission to use my testimonial."
ura. tieua armocmu, xiuuson, umo, K.tl.Ko,7,
female diseases. We possess
enough to convince the most
For 30 years Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. No sick woman docs justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of cures to its credit.
Mrs. Pinkhara invites all sick women
UJif to write her for advice. She has
guided thousands to health freo of charge.
Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Elasa.
thoir printed lists of china, glass,
granite and other waves which they
distribute on the conditions named
as indncemouts for business.
NUMBER 41 This store used to bo
called the "H. H. " store, but now it
ia the "M. M. " The 'ino of goods is
groceries, fancy audttaplo. It has
been under preseut management but
one month. They have thoir own
delivery wagons which go to all parts
of town with t he freshest tilings for
tho table. This is wh1 ro you get the
excullout " Vim" flour, made at St.
John. There is noire superior as
eveiy housewife who has tried it will
aver. The new firm at this storo is
bidding lively for husiiuss and they
are getting if. They will he glad to
number you ninorg Iheir patrons.
Give the nauio of tho firm and the lo
cation. NUMBER i-i What is tie mime
and ljcatinn of oue of Oregon City's
prominent pharmacies which has been
a goiug institntiiou for many ye era
and which is owuod by an incorpor
ated company? It is the store where
yon get the excellent NyHll remedies,
kuown, everywhere as being the. high
est perfection of manufacturing idiom
isti.v a remedy for almost eviry ail
ment. It is the store where you find
the Now Era Aome Quality paints, it
is the store where you find a big line
ot school supplies and stationery, it
is the store whore they have a repu
tation for aoournoy iu the filling of all
prescriptions. Give the name and lo
cation of this busy institution.
Simple Mixture of Buckthorn
Bark Conquers Appendicitis
Germany loads the world in soiouce,
and it was left to a Gorman physi
cian, to discover a simple remedy for
treating appendicitis without opera
tion. This discovery, coming when
appendicitis is increasing so rapidly,
will bo of great bouolit, although per
haps in very rate cases, operation may
still ho advisublo. The reiuody, called
Adlor-i-ka, is composed of buckthorn
bark, glycuinie and other simple in
gredients scientifically compounded.
Because Adler-i ka COOLS the dis
eased parts and DHAINH OFF all im
purities, which no other medicine can
do. ONE DUSE instantly relieves
stomach or bowel trouble. The drug
store of Jouos Drug Oo. roporta large
sales aud wonderful results.
Almost any doctor will toll you, if
your bowels do not move each day, or
if you have wind or gas in your stom
ach or bowels, or a heavy feeling af
tor eating, you may very likely get
appendicitis. By taking Adlor-i-ka
just once each week, appendioitis can
gain no foothold.
A valuable book showing many pic
tures of the curious little appendix,
aud tolling how appendicitis is caused
and how you can easily guard yoursolf
Bguiust it, can bo secured froe for
a short time at the above druggist's.
You should read this book and take
no chances.
Sweet Pickltf Recipe
Sweet Mixed Pickles Cut into
small piocea whatever combination of
vegetables you line cauiinower,
string beans, young beats, sweet ap
ples, radish peds, miall cucumbers,
minced cabbaee. eto. Steam these
until quite tender, and pack iu pickle
bottleB or Jars, ftlake a syrup m
three pounds of light brown tugar and
one quart of good vinegar, putting it
over the lira lo boil. Make a clieeso
cloth bag in which put an ounce each
of ungronnd spice, cloves, mace a
stick of cinnamon brokon into short
lengths, a tahk-spooufol of eelory seed
and a few pepper corns. Put a half
teai-poonful of salt iu the boiling
syiup, drop thei sewed-up spice bag
into it and let boil ror auout ten min
utes. Pour this syrup over the piet
ies in the jars, and cover, ror three
successive days drain off the syrup,
St. Regis Falls, N. Y. "Two years ago I was
so bad that I had to take to my bed every month,
and it would last from two to three weeks. I
wrote to you for advice and took Lydia 13. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound in dry form. I am
happy to say that I am cured, thanks to your
medicine and good advice. You may use my
letter for tho good of others." Mrs. J. II.
lireyere, St. Regis Tails, N. Y.
There is absolutely no doubt about the
ability of this grand old remedy, made from
the roots and herbs of our fields, to cure
volumes of nrnnf nf this fart-.
heat to boiling mid pour over the
pickles auaiu. Then cover closely and
put away for tho vt inter.
Wm. L. Mulvey
In placing hofore the people of thiB
county, for their consideration,, my
candidacy for the Kepublioau nomi
nation for the oilioe of connty clerk
for this oouuty, and dosiring to serve
the peonlo iu this otlloo, which is re
garded by the voters and taxpayers as
one of the mdH importaut of the
county, I beg leave to make to you
the following statement:
I have had throe years' experience
as doputy in the office of the oounty
clerk, during which time I have put
forth my best efforts to loam fully all
the dutios aud the work pertaining
thereto. I am deeply sensible of the
importance which this oHlce imposes,
and am fully contldont of my ability
to conduct aud discharge the duties
must satisfactorily, aud so stating, de
sire that you personally know that I
shall be most grateful for your assis
tance and support. I trust that you
will duly coiiHider the fact of my
practical experience and ablility and
give mo yonr support and vote at the
primaries, Siptoinbor 24. I will, if
nominated aud eloctod, give the peo
ple of Oluckauias cou'.ity a clean,
economical and busiuesslike adminis
tration and prompt, just and court
eous treatment.
Paid;Adv. '
And Other
Read our (In
scriptions anil
not th quullly
fully gunrtintc
by u. Comim
Goods in
tn prices wi
those that
others ask
the lame
' 8a vo mld
dlemen'e profit for
the children."
Ask (or Catalog
o. 42
Bend us deal
er'! estimates
or your own list
Ask us about freight
rates. We paok
ihlp promptly,
to anybody.
O.B. Williams
rA 1 riRBT
10. AVE. S.
Seattle, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Des Lanes, Studio
for the Violin and Voice. 414 High St.
Pboue Main 3171.
V f
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Wffit o3
m. i
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