Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, July 08, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Ineredfents : Sulphur.
naJt?Pl!W!l5aa.Aiiohol. Water. Perfume.
Ask your doctor if there
'Ask him also if there is
Bo&s'nbt'Color the Hair
J. C. A TUB COMPANY, Lowell. Mm
mmc it
rj T) ft i i
Married, Saturday, Jobo 25, Mr,
Eugene Jensen of Portland and Miss
Mary Erickson, youngest dauglitor of
-Mr. and Mrs. Krickson. Kev. Hosing
performing the ceremony. Only a
few friends and relatives were pres
ent. Mr. and Mrs, Jensen will make
their future homo in Portland.
. Mr. Holtie and wife of Farview and
' two cousins from the East were visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Ilogue Saturday and
Invitations are ont for the wedding
of Honry Gilbortson and Uora Howe,
for Wednesday evening, June 2D.
Mrs. King has returned from a few
days' visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Wood, of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller of Ore
gon Oitv were visiting friends and
relatives in Barlow a few days the
past week.
Homer Ogle of Portland was visiting
relatives in Barlow, Sunday.
Uorrine Bergoseu of Portland spoilt
Sunday at the home ot her parents.
Mrs. Oren Richardson of Saloin was
visiting Mrs. Tull a few days during
the week.
Mrs. Wurful was a Portland visitor,
Proper Treatment For Dysentery and
Tho great mortality from dysentory
and diarrhoea is due to a lacs of prop
er treatment at the first stages of the
disease. Ohamherlain's Colic, cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy is a reliable
and effectual modioiuo, and when giv
en in reasonable time will prevont any
dangerous ronsoquences. It has been
in use for many years and has always
mot with unvarying Buocess. For
sale by Jones Drug Oo.
The Misses Manning and Walter
Waldorf went to Oswego, Saturday,
returning Monday uooompauiod by
Miss Edna Waldort.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Maple, Mildred
Maple and the MiBses Unodgrass de
parted a couple of weeks ago for the
Hood River country, whore thoy will
enjoy a sojourn of a fow weeks ut Mr.
Maple's ranch. .
Archio Dougan, who has boon work
ing in Portland all winter, is again at
home witli hiB father.
Dal. McDonald is working at the
Oolton Shingle mill.
A number of Urniirliim Oren 'a
friends ladnn with well filled baskets
surprised her one day last week, the
oooaHiou being her seventy-seventh
J. Udell is having his house paint'ed
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pruett of Ya
quiua wore guostB at B. A. Howard's
last Wednesday.
Miss Rose E. Gans, who has been
visiting relatives here for a few
wookB, returned to Portland Tueaday.
Twenty-Five Cents Is the Price ol Peace
The torriblo itching and smarting
incident to certain skin diseases is al
most iiiHtantly allayod by applying
Oliamberlain's Salvo" Prioe 25 oeuts.
For sale by Jouus Drug Co.
Wool saoks for sale at tho Oregon
City Ooiumission Company.
Portland Railway,
Li&htana Power
Between PortUnd and Oregon City
Leave Arrive Lcavo Arrive
t? o o n o -
A 1 V f " A
ff y m a a " a
d a g b J
tin " o -
jlU i. 3 i
1 4.00 6.27 6.40 6.40 6.45 (i.45
6.30 7.22 7.30 6.20 6.20 7.20
7.00 7.52 8.00 6.60 6.57 7.50
7.30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30
8.00 8.52 9.00 8.00 8.07 9.00
8.30 9.22 9.30 8.30 8.37 9.30
9.00 . 9.52 luflft 9.00 9.07 10.00
9.30 10.22 10.50 9.30 9.37 10.30
10.00 10.62 11.00 10.00 10.07 11.00
10.30 11.22 11.30 10.30 10.37 11.30
11.00 11.52 12.00 11.00 11.07 11.59
11.30 12.22 12.3V 11.30 11.37 12.30
12.00 12.62 1.00 12.00 12.07 1.00
12.30 1.22 1.30 12.30 12.37 1.30
1.00 1.62 2.00 1.00 1.07 2.00
I. 30 2.22 2.30 1.30 1.03 2.30
2.00 2 52. 3.00 2.00 2.07 3.00
2.30 3.22 3.30 2.30 2.37 3.30 -3.00
3.62 4.00 3.00 3.07 4.00
3.30 4.22 4.30 3.30 3.37 4.30
4.00 4.62 6.00 4.00 4.07 6.00
4.30 6.22 5.30 4.30 4.37 6.30
6.00 5.62 6.00 6.00 5.07 6.00
6.30 6.22 6.30 6.30 6.37 6.30
6.00 6.52 7.00 6.00 0.07 7.00
6.30 7.22 7.30 6.30 6.37 7.30
7.00 7.62 8.00 7.00 7.07 8.00
7.30 8.22 8.30 7i30 7.37 8 30
8.00 8.62 8.55 8K)0 8.07 9.00
8.30 9.22 9.25 t&0 8.37 9.30
9.00 9.52 8.66 flCft 9.07 10.00
9.30 10.22 10.26 9.33 9.37 10.30
10.00 10.62 10.65 10.03 10.07 11.00
10.30 11.22 11.25 10.33 10.37 11.30
11.00 11.62 11.55 11.03 11.07 11.69
II. 30 1 12.22 1 12.25 11.33 '11.37 I . . . .
42.00 1 13.46 I 12.50 I 11.65 -11.67 I
I I j 12.6012.65 . ... .
To Mllwauklb only.
Trains for Falrvlew, Troutdale,
Gresham, Boring, Eagle Creek, Esta
cada and Cazadoro and Intermediate
7:15. x8:02. 9:05. il0:05. 1:05.
8:05. x4:05. 6:05. x6:05. 7:06.
8:06. 11:36.
For Greshain.
x Gresham, Falrvlew and Troutdale.
NOTE: Cars leave East Water and
Morrison streets 6 minutes later than
schedirUd from First and Alder 8ts.
Glycerin. Quimn. Sodium Cdlorid".
is anything injurious here.
not genuine merit here.
Pooplo aro beginning to mauo hay
Celobration the 4th at the Dix pic
nic grounds. All the usual attrac
tions. Ice cream, music, races, oto.
Everybody come and join in tho fun.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bonney and Mr.
and Mrs. W. Gorbett wore visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips at
El wood hiBt Sunday.
Mr. Handle of Highland left for his
ranch in tho hills, Monday.
Mr. Freeman of El wood is hauling
shiuglfis for Ed Ilettman at Olarkus
from the Colton shingle mill.
School closed t'ridav, June 17, aftrr
a successful term of nine months witli
Miss Frodehorg Halt ns toucher.
Chetser and Walter Goibett, who
were away at eastorn Oregon, have
roturned with a couplo of tenuis of
Mr. and MrB. Lawronce Bonney and
children of Mulino, who have been
visiting with the hitter's mother, Mrs.
Dlx, returned to thoir homo, last Sun
day. Mr. Johnson, an old bachelor who
had boen complaining about not feel
ing well Saturday, was found dead
Sunday morning at his homo at Cul
ton. The dance given at Colton last Sat
urday was attended by a largo crowd.
Mrs. John Lamin and Mrs. Lee Liv
ingston aro visiting thoir parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Bonney, at Oolton.
Alfrod Borglund and Krnost Valleu
have returned from Oorvallis, whore
they havo boen attending school.
Mr. W. E. Bonney attended tho pio
ueor meeting at Oregon City last
Mrs. Freeman and children of El
wood were visiting with tho former's
mother, Mrs. Dix, Saturday.
Mr. Luther Peterson of Minnesota
is visiting friends in Oolton.
Tho midsummer day picnic was
largely attended and an all round
good time is reported.
At tho annual school mooting last
Monday, Mr. W. E. Bonney was elect
ed chsrk and Mr. Peterson, director.
Mr. Soribbuer, the supervisor of
District 21, is busy working on the
road botween OoltcAi and Chukes with
a number of bunds and teams.
Mr. Farver of Olarkes was at Oolton
on business one day lust week.
Napolcun'S Or it
was of tho unconquerable, never-say-dio
kind, the kind that yon noed most
when yon havo a bad cold, cough or
lung disease. Suppose troches, cough
syrups, cod liver oil or doctors; have
all failed, don't lose heart or hope.
Take Dr. King's New Discovery.
Satisfaction is guaranteed when used
for any throat or lung trouble. IthitB
savod thousands of hopeless sufferers.
It masters stubborn colds, obstimite
coughs, homorihagos, la grippo, croup,
asthma, hay fever and whooping cough
and is the most safe and certain rem
edy for all bronchial affections. Mc,
and It. Trial bottle freo at all' drug
gists'. ;
The Commercial Club of Can by
have secured tho fair grounds for the
gorcors' annual picnic for July 20,
when it is nudcrHtood that everything
possible will bo done by tho business
men of Ciuiby to make tho tiny one
long to bo remembered.
Harry Bair escorted a party to Ore
gon City Tuesday of this woek in his
jlOharlesII. Wavhis from Forest Grove
hus como to Can by and intends to
mako this his future homo. He hus
purchased tho Hd Miller farm south of
town and expects to take possession
after tho Fourth, when his family
will arrive.
Mrs. Portor and daughter mot with
an accident last Sabbath afternoon.
While out driving the buggy went
over tho embankment near the Molalla
river and both were thrown out, but
neither sustained any serious injury
and we rejoice that they are able to
bo about again.
On Tundriday Harry Bair was bust
ling a carload of potatoes to bo thipped
to tho citv. There si'ems to bo nil in
creased demand for old potatoes now.
The Children's Day exercises at the
M. K. chinch Sabbath niorniiiB were
well attended and a well prepared pro
gram, consisting of recitations, exer
cises by the children and suitable
music by the young ladies of tho
Sunday school and tho choir, was ren
dered. Tho church was beautifully
decorated with Mowers, red and white,
and displayed tho excellent artistic
taste of those who did tho decorating.
Several of Oanhy's temiunaiiee peo
ple have expressed decided satisfac
tion at the fate of whiskey which
visitors havo brought with them into
town, and they hope that nil packages
may meet a similar fate which two
bott les met during the week, for tin so
two broke and the contents did no
serious harm we aro told, unless it
was to the exterior' of the bodies of
the owners or to thoir clothing.
John U. Newton now possesses one
of the best wells on tho Canny prairie.
It vttis drilled by Mr, Beck "of Port
land and is one hundred and ten feet
dee) and is cased up with eight inch
casing. Mr. Newton left Moudy fer
Twin Falls, Idaho, where he hus busi
ness interests and is likely to be ab
sent for ten days or two weeks.
The baseball game between Cimhy
and Aurora at Oiinby last Sabbath
was well attended and resulted in a
victory of the home team bv a score of
6 to 8."
Some tlno specimens of ore are on
exhibition at the Canbv Realty Cos.'
otllce. They came from mines in
Marion county.
A Contented Woman
is always found in the tame house
with Rallard'e Snow. Liniment. It
keeps every member of tho family free
from aches and pains, it heals cuts,
burns and scalds and cures rlieuma
tism, m uralgia, lumbago mid all mu.
cular soreness and stilTuoss. 2.V, 50c
and fl a bottle. Sold bv Jones Drug
' V -
The Hous9 logging camp left last
week. They have been logging for
seven weoks on the Baker place.
Everyone is (cutting hay. As the
weather has boen so nice, there was no
fear of ra'n.
Mr. Ralph 'Wilson Biid wife were
called to Portlnud last Tuesday on ac
count of the death of Mr. Wilson's
father. Samuel Wilson, of Salem.
Tho deceased was 81 years old and a
member of the Methodist church.
His wife diod 33 years ago. He leaves
to mourn his death two sons and a
daughter: Melvin of Grants Pass,
Oregon; Ralph L. ol Portland, and
Mis. Lena Cormack of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Eisele were in Port
laud last week.
Mrs. Virgil Clark ot Portland, in
structor in vocil music, will be at the
homo of Miss Myrtlo Cross, 302 Bluff
street, every Wednesday. Mrs. Clark
comes highly recommended, and al
ready bus a largo class.
Wesley Douglass and son Ed re
turned from the soda springs last Fri
day, where they had spent a few days,
hoping the change would benefit Mr.
Douglass, who has'been in poor health
but it did not benefit him much. He
came home feeliug worse 'than when
he left for the springs, but is feeling
a 'little better at this writing and we
bono ho will continue to improve.
Mrs. Mario Gibson was calling on
relatives on the hill last Saturday.
W. A. Baker of Portland will come
out and hold services at the school
house next Sunday at 11 a. m. All
are cordially invited to atend.
Sevoral of the people of this com
munity attended the celobration at
Sandy the Fourth and spent a pleas
ant day listening to the recitatious,
singing, speaking and eating the pic
nic dinners and witnessing thejvarious
The Improved Champion Binder Shows the Result
Several new and highly important features have been added. A wide face master wheel of great strength. The
relief rake prevents weeds and grass from gathering at the inner end of the platform. The force feed elevator,
a time tried champion advantage, keeps a positive feed of grain going to the packing arms and prevents choking.
The balancing sectors keep the machine correctly balanced and adjusted for cutting grams of various heights
The Binding attachment is reliable. The reel is adjustable. The platform and elevator are wide. The IMPROV
ED CHAMPION BINDER IS STRONGEST AND BEST, a machine for heavy work m any condition of grain,
Tho Fourth of July teemed to bo
very enjoyiiblo to most of the pooplo.
There wus a trarheriiiR of twenty peo
ple at Mr. K. K, Leok'B place. A
line diuuor was servod and a splendid
time was had by all. After dinner
they went to Redland to see the ball
name betweeu SpriiiRwater and Red
hind. Redland was defeated.
Mrs. Stella Graves and friend lett
hero for home nt Mt. Hood. Oregon,
Tuesday morning, after a long visit
with relatives.
Mrs. Jones and daughter, Mrs.
Larkius, went "to Portland for ajfow
dnvs' visit.
K. R. Leek has a fine new covered
hack. You can imagine it would be
nice to take a ride in it
Mr. M. U. Jones camo home last
Saturday, after being away for four
mouths 'working in a sawmill in
The hall game between Crescent and
Rock Creek at Crescent last Sunday
wan a nice game. Kvcrythiiig seemed
to be fair and tatisfactory. 'The same
teams will play Sunday, July 10
Work U Hours a Day
Ti e busiest little things ever niiide
are Br. King's Now Life Pills. Kv
ery pill is a sugar-contcd globule of
health, that changes weakness into
strength, langour into euergy, braiu
fng into mental power; curing consti
rnti m. lii-iul iche. chills, dyspepsia,
ninliirin. 2."o at all druggists'.
Mr. James Downey was doing busi
ness in Portland hist Saturday.
Mrs. Henry Ihiuwald and daughter.
Miss Katie, "of Sbeiidan, were calling
on friends a few days ago. Tho Dun
wald laiuily lived here nt one time
and wero verv well liked.
A large crowd of pooplo oujoyed Mr.
Sehiioor's beautiful park last Sunday.
Cant, l onng s sons have the hand
somest launch on tha upper Willam
ette. .Mr. LoMay ha:, sold his home to a
family from'North Dakota aud is liv
ing temporarily in the Panics resi
dence. Mr. Larseu, who purchased the
London property a year ago for $1800,
bus inst sold it to a uiau from Iudiana
tor J'-'.'iOO.
Several families whh small children
showed their wisdom by celebrating
our nation's birthday iu our lovely
Clias. Chirstonsou and family of
Willamette have moved to their now
home, formerly the Truliuger place.
J. J. Mallatl has sold his farm and
will build on his property in oast
Frank Manning is home for a few
days looking afttr his interests here.
Fred Woodside, who was threatened
with pneumonia, ih aronnd again.
Fred Wallace of Oak Point is visit
ing re'atives hero.
E. Maple, and familv and the Misses
Snodgrass returned during the week
from their outing in the Hood River
conn try
II Gans of Oswego spent a few
days at B. A. Howard's during the
J. Ball and wife are the proud par
ents of a nine-pound boy.
J. Evans purchased T. Orem'g horse
and in addiiiou a fine new buggy.
Olive Morey of Liberal spent the
week end with the Erickson girls.
Mulino was represented the Fourth
at Oregon City, Macksbarg , and
Two nieces from Oregon City are
visiting at H. Turner's home.
- Terribly Scalded
is something we hear or read about
every day of our lives. Burns and
scalds either slight or serious are
bound to happen in your family. Bo
prepared by having a bottle of Bal
lard's Snow Liniment handy. It re
lieves the pain instantly and qui kly
heals tho burn. Sold by Jones Drug
Wednesday, June i9. Miss Oora
Valdine Howe and Honry A. Gilbert
son were quietly married at the Luth
eran church in the presence of a num
ber of invited guests and relativos,
Rov. O. A. White of Silverton per
forming the ceremony. Miss Howe is
the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Good As Possible to Make Them
II. Howo. The wedding party en
tered the church to the strains of tho
wedding march, played by tho bride's
sister, Mrs. O. G. Tull. The bridu
was attended by Miss Olga Howe, sis
ter of the brido. Miss Cora Sandsness
aud Miss Clara Fagerman; the groom,
oy ueo. uuoorisou, uruinei in
groom, Walter Howe and Wilmer
Sandsness. The guests were tendered
a nceptiou aud luncheon at tlu homo
of the bride's parents. Many usetul
and oostly presents were received by
tlin bridal couple. Mr. and Mrs. Gil-
iitiriNuu wiu uhibo men miuto nu.nu
in 13arl(,w, where Mr. Gilbortson is
engaged iu the hop business.
Those from Rarlow attending the
celebration at Oregon City were Mr.
aud Mis. O. G. Tull. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Gilbortson, Olga Howe, Walter
Howe and Dave Sliepphord
Mr. and Mrs Jas. Ogle aud
snout the Fourth iu Hubbard.
Misses Tillie and Corrino Rergeson
of Portland spent the Fourth with
thoir parents.
Miss Alta Evans celebrated the
Fourth in Rarlow. m
Mrs. J. C. Waruock of Silverton vis
ited Mrs. Ed Ogle, Weduesady.
Mrs. Win. Evans was a Portlnud
visitor, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wurful colebrated in
Forest Grove.
K Golden Wedding
menus that man aud wife have lived
to a good old age and consequently
have kept health. The best way to
keep heslthv is to see that your liver
does its duty 8(53 days out of 8(!3. The
only way to do this is to keep Bal
lard's Herbino in the house aud take
it whenever your liver gets inactive.
50 cunts per bottle. Sold by Jones
Ding Co.
Mowers are running ou every
and all available men are busy in
Held. Clover is very spotted
places. Cattle are getting ftit and the
butchers are buying thorn up. Timo
thy will not be aa heavy a crop as was
exacted. Gardeps are looking tine
and corn is miuing rapid growth with
this warm weather. Fall wheat is
well tilled with very large heads aud
a verv plump berry. Barley is all cnt
and iu shock Late oats are doing
Wui. Heiua aud family were visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bums Sunday.
1 Misses II )i!a Bums and Alice Moore
weie out from Portland, Sunday.
Xlie dance at Liberal hall Saturday
night was well attended and all re
port' a good time. Dibble's orchestra
furnished tho musio.
Fred H. Burns is paintjng Mrs. Sa
lona Scharff's barn.
Liberal is improving, if we do have
the old time knockers. Who can im
prove the t places butter than the
farmers or aro more able to do so?
Mr. and Mrs Fred Bums sent out
invitations for the Kouith of July
social at Wrights Springs to Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. Itobliins and family and
Mr.aS. Wools of Molalla, Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Osborne of Portland, Mrs.
McMullan and Fred Biughy of Port
land and Win. Morey and family.
They spread the white cloths on the
ground and everything eatable was
i here They had a bull liame, swings
and a general good time.
A large cowd went to Wilhoit on
tlie Fourth and a fow to Oregon City
and Macksburg, and all had a good
A lot of aatos from Portland wont
to Wilhoit Sunday and they were all
loaded to the brim.
Mis. J D. Freuch has been very ill.
Dr. Powell of Molalla is caring for
her and she is improving slowly.
Still keeps cloudy and hay is drying
Tho squash bug has made his ap
pearance ngaiu and is working on late
quashes and beans.
Must Be Above Suspicion
Kidney and bladder ailments are so
serious in thoir consequences, and if
unchecked so often fatal that any r;m
edv offered for their cure must be
above suspicion. Foley Kidney Pills
contain no harmful drugs, and have
successfully stood a long and thorough
Jones Drug Co.
B.rry crates and boxes for Bills at
Oregon City Commission Company.
What's the Result
The Result is the most perfectly constructed
HEADERS, and REAPERS ever turned out in
the Champion or any other factory. The Cham
pion line by right of its superiority has always
held first place in the esteem of the Northwest
harvester, the improved construction of the 19 10
line, particularly the Binder and Mower, makes
them far ahead of any previous year's line.
, .
Sold Locally By
J. J. Sandsness
W. J. Wilson & Co.
The glorions Fourth has come and
gone, leaving people in various con
ditions, somo enjoying the gcod times
spent with friends and relatives and
some feeling n groat deal like the fel-
,QW dosuriijpd by the poet
aiicr tne
jjjj js ovcr
MisH Carrie Kdwaids, a sister of
Mr George Edwards aud Mrs. L.
j;eVln,uli jg visitiug with her people
,ere an(j we aro all glad to welcome
,i(,r ju om mjdHfi as B10 js H Rreat
,lelp to t)0 ciir jstiim ,work of Monu-
tujii View
Her many friends will bo glnd to
learn that Mrs. Skinner is better
The Bible study aud prayer meeting
will bo held at Mrs Newman's next
Thursday afternoon, July 14, All are
iuvitwl to come
I Kev. Quinu will not preach at the
1 church next Sunday evening, as he
preacliod here last Sunday night, and
he will go to his quarterly meeting
at Teasel Creek next Sunday.
Uncle Jako Harless ot Molalla was
soon on the streets tho Fourth, taking
in tho sights.
-Raleigh Ekard, sou of the rural car
rier ou Route 1 of Molalla, alos one of
the band boys, visited with Willie
Quinu over night ou the Fourth.
Is Life Worth Saving?"
Mrs. Mollie McRauey, Prentiss,
Miss., writes that she had a severe
case of kidney and bladdor trouble,
and that four bottles of Foley's Kid
ney Remedy cured her sound and well
She clrses her letter by sayingj "I
heaitly recommend Foley's Kidney
Remedy to any sufferer of kidney
disease It saved my life. "
The n.ncli looked for rniu on the
Fourth did not appear.
The neighborhood celebration at
Abbot's grove was a sure scucess.
About tbreo hundred people were pres
ent. An interesting program consist
ing of recitations, soDgs aud musio by
our new orchestra, was highly en
joyed. The successful rendering of
the program aud special drills was
largely due to the efficiency of Miss
Mabel Goss, who has had great pat
euce iu preparing tb ohildreu for the
occasinu. The main feature of the
afternoon was a ball game betweeu
the Kedlaud nine and Springwater.
The score was 14 to 16 in favor ot
Sj riugwater.
L'on't forget Farmers' Day at Chau-
tanqus if you cant' go any other dav.
Mr. Win. Stone's team became
frightened at a passing automobile
Monday morning while standing
hitched to a post in front of his house.
Thev palled up the pes', and went
PO-thiBte down tho rnnd, leaving tho
hack distributed ;alonu tho road; but
they attended the celebration jurt the
Mr. Abijiih Sprague of Artbnr's
Prairie an 1 Mr. Froidrieh of Lower
Logan are both building new housos
on their farms.
Mr. and Mrs. D II. Mosior of Salem
were Redlaui visitors on tho Fourth.
Much hay is being cut this week.
Tho clover crop is verv short.
Motg peoplo are preparing to attend
Chautauqua from this community
than ever before.
Mr. Joseph Donioy of Estacada is
visit'ng relatives in Redland this
A number of young people gath
ered at the home of Mrs. Oldham
Thursday evening and spent a picas
aut evening.
Mrs. Opal Orecraft, former teacher
at Evergreen, spoilt the Fourth with
friends here.
Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure
any case of kidney and blnndor trou
ble not beyond tho reach of modiciuo.
No medicine can do moro.
Jones Drug Co.
Advertised Letters
List of unclaimed letters at the Ore
roii City postoffice for the week end
ing July 1, 1010:
Kerin, Frank (2); Kimball, Clyde;
Kahn, Rahumut; Keinnn, Helena;
Muoinskas, Viucas; Shniitt, John;
Sestnk, Iguac; Kabilinns, Toinns;
Willard, Chester.
Ladies' Home Journal $1.60 a year.
Send in your subscription to Miss
Adah B. Bedwell, Pacific phone No.
This is a posnivo fact knowu to
tons of thousands of wives and mothers
of this land. They know Onim is
a reliable remedy for the cure of
drunkenness, because it has restored
their loved ones to lives of sobriety
and usefulness. Everyone of these
women bought Orrine with full confi
dence that it would effect a cure or
thoir money would be refunded to
them if it failed. This guarantee is
in each box. No othtr remedy for
the enro of drunkenness is sold with
this liberal guarantee, but Orrino has
been so uniformly successful that the
makers want the buyers to know that
they have full protection if it should
fail in any instance. Wo never pub
lish letters of patients hut receuly this
letter came to us from Dr. Nolte, 8th
and Race Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.,
Read it rud you will readily appreci
ate why Orrine is so well thought of :
"I have had a remarkable caso of
inobriacy under my personal observa
tion. Tho patient drank heavily for
fifteen years and reached a degraded
condition, which caused the breaking
up of his family and reparation from
his wife. Every hope was giveu up of
ever saving the man from his strcn;;
desire for drink, and only a mother's
interest finally porsuaded him to vol
untarily take treatment for his dis
eased condition. It was my pleasure
reoommenu urnne, your liquor habit
cure, and this treatment was taken
faithfully. This was two years ago
and the patient is now iu a healthy
condition and still abstains from the
use ot stimulants. I have sold Orrine
for a number of years and have al
ways found it to be satisfactory. I
believe you have an exceptionally good
treatment tor the disease."
Orrine is prepared in two fornn.
No. 1, a powder, absolutely tasteless
aud odorless, given secretly in food
or drink. Orrine No. 2, in pill form,
is for those who wish to cure tliem
selves, Orrino costs only $1. a box
Iu every box there is a guarantee
which entitles you to a retund of vour
mouey it Orrine fails to effuct a cure.
Write for Free Orrine Booklet
(mailed iu plain sealed envelope) to
Orrine Co., 104 Orrine Building,
Washington, D. C.
Orrine is for sale in this citv bv
Jones Drug Co., Clo Main St. They
Know Urnue is a reliable and effica
cious remedy for drunkenness and
they will not offer you a substitute.
Nature makes the cures
after all.
Nov and then she gets
into a tight place and
r.ccib helping out.
Things" get started in
11:0 wrong direction.
' . Something is needed to
check disease and start
the system in the right
direction toward health.
Scott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil with hypo
phosphites can do just
It strengthens the
nerves, feeds famished tis
sues, and makes rich
Band 1., nnmo of puper nnd tills nd. for
bi'.'iulilMl Bnvlima Dank nnd (lliild'a Hkutoh-Bouli
Euch bunk cuutniQa o Good Luck Punlij.
SCOTT & 130WNE. 409 Pearl St., New York
George C. Erownell
Attorneys at Law
Notary Public. Vlorirmres Foreclosed.
Abstracts Fur:- iphed. Money Lonned
ou Real and Chattel Security,
Andresen Bldg Oregon City
J. J. Hirshheimer
Patent ami Pension Attorney. Pension and
Claims aguinst the U. S. a specialty.
Phones: Office, Main 78:15; Residence, Mail! B4G3
Rooms 20-21 l,nl)le Building
227 Washington St. Poi tland
33 Acres of Lend in Lo
gan, Oregon; 10 Acres
under cultivation, balance
timber, good house, barn,
2 chicken houses, Etc.
Fruit trees, three watering
places well, spring and
creek. AH fenced; private
road to the place.
Call, at Courier office, or address
"FARM BARGAIN," care Courier,
Oregon Citv
Ont of town people
, .tun have their plt6
l. -nnd bridgework fla,
-. viii'd In one day
. 'tt m'oetiBary.
- , jWa mil siva you i good
;22k gold or porcelaia
."sl crown for $3.50
- ) Mo1r Crovn 5.00
tx "Gold Fillinga 1.00
, . Enamel Fillinga 1.00
i -v, ' lJ"Jt
, ' f,Silvor Fillinga .50
' AXSV" .Willie 2.50
vv-X V ' .- pw" 5.00
LiiA. t8 7 5ft
Oft. w.a. wise, rMiiHMTNoMm.ua bBr tM 22
. thai tiTmiiHH ii nmin Painless Ext rM ton 59
PainleeB Extraction free w (ion plfttepor brniso work
inordorod. OonmltAtion Free, Vnu cannot itetbettev
luiinlrns work done an? where. All work fully icuar
anti't-ri. Modern lfctriu equipment, liett method,
Wise Dental Co.
Fin.rNn'Brn.TrNO incorporatid
9mCE BOOBS: t A. U. to 8 F. It. laidaTa, to.
Sandy lor Boring at 6:30 a. 11 . and 2:30 p, m.
IloriMR lor Samlv at 8:35 a. m. and t Ali p. ra.
SUNDAY SCIlliDUI.K Lenve Saudy for
Boring at 8:'Xla. in. and 2:30 p. ra. Leave
Boring for Saudy at 10:35 a. m. and 4:4 , m.
At Sandy makes connection with
Salmon Mail Stage.
Cream Vermifuge
Ballard-Snow Liniment Co.
Jones Drug Company