Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, March 18, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier
Published Every Friday by
Oregon City Courier Publishing Co,
Entered la Oregon City Postofflce
Second-Class Mall.
Six months 7f
Palu In advance, per year fl 6b
The press of the oouutry has beeu
devoting muoh spaoe to views ou the
cost of living, and many have been
the reasons for the advance in the
mecesBities of life. The Saturday
Evening Post recently states editor
ially under the caption of "Much Ado
AKmif Unmatliini " ill wl,i,li mnll
truth is told and reads as follows:
"At regular intervals the American
oeoul work themselves into a fine
frenzy about somebody or something.
Everyone grabs the nearest weapon
and tires into the air,-or takes a pot
shot at the first head that shows itself.
The resultant uoiso is stunning, the
smoke bewildering, liefore it has
blown away everyone gives three
oheers, goes about his own particular
little stunt of dollar chasing, and
straightway forgets what it was all
"Just now you are gunning for the
men who are responsible for the in
creased cost ot living. A conimisisou
has been appointed to find out what
everyone with ordinary common sense
knows, bat before it reports yon will
be all worked up over whether you
will elect congressmen who belong to
the grand old party ot Lincoln or the
graud old party of Jefferson.
"Why not for a change,, disregard
the labels that the candidates wear
and find out what is in their minds?
Why not ask them just what they pro
pose to do about the increased cost of
living, and then when you have elected
them to office, see that they do it?
Why wait lor a new liouso, even?
Start work on the material at hand.
If yon will ooncemtrate your fire and
write to your senator and conrgess
man as you wonld to year personal
representative in Washington ; if you
will make them realize that they must
redeem every promise witu a vote;
if yon will let them see that they are
watched like paying tollers in a bunk
for they are actually handling your
money your ballots will be bullets,
not blanks. But uutil you get aeon
ception of this government as your
Intimate personal business, and of
your senators and congressmen as your
personal representatives, accountable
to you, the cost of living in this
oountry is going to keep on going up I
up ! up!
"An increasingly large number of
voters and oonrgessmen are beginning
to grasp this idea of government. We
call them insurgents or independents.
An insurgent is simply a oourgessman
who has a constituency that thinks for
itself and demands an accounting from
its representatives. liven the bravost
insurgent is a little half hearted as
yet, a little afraid when Unole Joe
shakeB an impressive forefinger at him
and shouts that he can't belong to
the grand old party. That is simply
because he is not quite suro of you
the man behind him. lie is afraid
you will wobble if yon are told that
you are not true to the O. O. P.
"You will attaoh more and more
importance to honest thinking and
voting, and less to labels, as the cost
of living goes up. But in proportion
as the number of insurgents increases
the cost of living will decrease.
"It is time to stop shooting in the
air and to take aim. Host your lungs
and work with your brains In the
oomiug oampaign. Korgot your grsnd
old party if it does not pay close at
teution to you, and give a little
thought to your family and your
country. Concentrate on your eon-
gressmaim. Tell him what you wait
and make him tell you what he is go
ing to do about it. If he straddles,
vote for someone who 1ms opinions
that ho is not afraid of. A man on
the fence is looking for a chance to
run, not to fight. This is a time f jr
less politios and more patriotism.
Right now there are measures of the
greatest importance before cotirgcsB
measures afl'ooting the railroads, the
trusts and conservation a bill provid
ing for postal savings-banks, and the
Carter bill, insuring a reorganization
of the postal department on a business
"The whole truth of the matter is
that the past twenty years, while you
have boen hurrahing for mo and pay
ing scaut atteutioH to measures, the
cost of living has beeu receiving care
ful consideration. It has been at
tended to by an exceedingly able body
of business men, whose sole concern
has boen to make it just as high as
"The price of what you eat, of what
yon wear, and the rent you pay are
afteoted by almost every moiisusro be
fore the oonimon oouuoil, the state
legislature, and the congress. If you
are interested, iuipretB your views
on your pnblio survauts. The able
business men just mentioned need no
urging to state theirs. Abandon your
personal attitude toward your gov
ernmennt. Every bill passed takes
money out of your pocket or puts it
there. Kvon the man who has no
patriotism has a pooketbook, "
Portland's big new packing plant,
just completed by the Swift, interests,
began killing livestock yestorduy.
From now on. it will en'arge its op
erations until all the departments and
allied industries are under way. It is
expected to be two or three mouths
before the big $2,000,000 plant is in
full operation. The completion of
this great packing house is a big boost
for the producers of livestock not only
in thin state but throughout the
Northwest. The killing department
is prepared to handle about 600 cattle
a day as a starter and has a capaoity
of 1000 hogs and sheep. The intorest
shown in livestock production
throughout the big territory tributary
to this market will largely determine
tiie magnitude of operations by the
new plant. Hogs reached $11.10 dur
ing the past week.
With Judge Liouol R. Webster in
charge, headquarters have been op
ened in Portland by the Oregon Good
Roads Association and it is planned
to wage an active campaign constant
ly for good roads throughout the
state. Funds to carry on the work
have been subscribed and not only
will good roads legislation be fathered
but demonstrations of approved road
making will be carried on and it is
hoped to secure the appointment of a
highway commission. Much good is
expected to result from the campaign.
Following a conference between
officials of Oregon and Washington
held during the past week in Port
land, an agreement was reached as to
the disputed state boundary at the
mouth of the Columbia river. An
arbitrary line was agreed upon which
will be used in enforcing the fishing
laws and in levying taxes until the
vexed question is settled finally.
Washington boosters will reac
Portland on the afternoon of March
1!) on their way to California. The
visitors will roprosont cities in West
ern Washington and while in Portland
will be entertained by the Commercial
A great many people say of a ser
mon, "That's good," and thou go
home and forgot it.
Large sums of Eastern capital have
been invested in this state during the
past week in the purchase of the
Northwest Corporation, which con
trols numerous gas, water and electric
light and power plants in Oregon and
Washington. 11. M. Byllesby & Co.,
of Chicago, a largo promotion con
cern, are understood to have taken
ovor tho properties. The firm will es
tablish an office in Portland by the
first of uoxt mouth and direct opera
tions from here. The properties
bought extend from Walla Walla,
Wash., to Southern Oregon. Ambi
tious projectB yet to be completed are
included in the company's holdings.
Various oloctrio linos in tho two
states are planned, and tho develop
ment of big water powers has been
outlined. This transaction, which
carries with it a very large sum of
Eastern capital, shows the confidence
outside investors have in the future
development of this section of the
United States.
Every city and town in tho North
west should join in the spring clean
up movement, for it is undoubtedly
true that evory section of Oregon,
Washington and Idaho will bo visited
by a number of Easterners The
West earned a reputation last summer
as a flue hu minor resort and according
to the best information obtainable
there will be many tourists coming to
tho Northwest during the warm
months. The cry has gone out,
"Clean ; plant more trees and
shrubbery,' abolish the disgraceful bill
boards, preserve your beautiful land
scape; let the visitor be ablo to see
tho real beauty of your oitv. " In
many cities and towns the cry is be
ing heeded ; the bill board man is be
ing told that he is not wanted : if the
man who uses tho hill boards for ad
vertising wants real results, let mm
aitvortisu in tne noiue paper ; that is
the medium which gives results and
tho medium which should be used.
Although the Northern Pacifio and
Great Northern, particularly the lat
ter, lost imllioiiB by reason of the
slides in tho Oasoades they have an
nounced that they will proceed with
improvements contemplated in the
Northwest. This meaus that there
will be no interruption to tho devel
opment of tho old as well aa the now
towns and cities along the rights of
way of thoso railroads, This year
promises much for the Btntos of Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho.
Judge Webster is "whooninu it un1'
for good roads in various parts of tho
state. At Kosuburg recently he is re
ported as saying : "Evorvouo knows
that macadamized roads increase the
value of evory foot of land through
which they pass. Let me build tho
roads 15 miles from Roseburir in ev.
ery direction, and I will add $50 an
acre to the value of overy acre im
mediately tributary to the road."
Total deposits in Oregon banks, both
national and state, at tho close ot
business Januarv HI. totaled $'.)!. .114.
1118, an increase of l.205.i)N8 aim last
November. Loans and discounts in
the sumo period increased $1,441 ,2-11).
On the last dav of Januarv th
duo Oregon banks from approved re
serve agents outside of the state, a
total of $10,2:W,853. These figures aro
given in a statement just issued by
State Bank Examiner Steel.
Sunday School Lesson
March 21, 1J10.
Golden Text They that were scat
tered abroad went everywhere preach
ing the word. Acts viii :4.
2 The following review scheme can le
used with profit by all the newspaper
clubs who are .tuJiiiig up the Bible
studies, whether having actually
studied tho eleven lessons here re
viewed, or only oue of them, cr
whether this is the first lesson which
has captured a reader's attention ; or
while it is a "review," it is also com
plete in itself.
The date and title of each lesson
and where tound, the Gold a Text,
and one question on each lesson fol
low. Jan. 3 Acts 1 :l-lt. The tecension
of Our Lord. Golden Text: Luke
xxiv:5l. It came to pass while he
blessed them, he was parted from
them, and carried up into heaven.
Verses 10, 11 Would the coming of
the Spirit of Jesus on the day of Pon
tecost, be the return of Jesus as those
two men meant?
Jan. 10 Acts ii :1-21. The descent
of the Holy Spirit. Golden Text
Johnx'v:16, 17. I will pray the
Father and lie shall give you another
Comfoiter, that he may abide with
yon forever, even the Spirit of Truth.
Verses 0-12 An educated ministry
is desirbalo but which willmake the
most oonverts, a man with' fair in
telligence and a common school edu
cation, filled with the Holy Spirit,
or an university graduate lacking
that experience?
Jan. 17 Acts ii :22-4.'. The Begin
ning of the Christian Church. Golden
Text. Acts ii4:. They continued
steadfastly in the Apostle's doctrine
and fellowship, ojid in breaking of
bread and in prayers.
Vorse2 22 Uow is it that Jesus lias
impressed Himself upon the world as
no other man has ever done, and that
he lias swayed the hearts of tho lowly
and mighty alike, and that His in
fluence is increasing with the years?
Jan. 24 Acts iii :l-2(i. The Lame
Man Healed. Golden Text. Acts iii :
it), ii ib name, hutii made this man
strong, whom ye see and know.
Vorso 0 Need the lack of mouoy or
ability, ever prevent anv man from
doing the work in life, which God
uis appointed him to do?
Jan. 31 Acts iv :1-31. Tho trial of
Poter and John. Golden Text. Acts
iv:31. They wore filled with the
Holy Ghost, and they spake the word
of God with boldness.
Verses 1 :3 Iluve priests I laud
preachers, in tho past, been quick or
slow, to see God's new revelations of
truth, whether in science or theology?
Feb. 7 Acts iv:32 to v:ll. The
True and False Brotherhood. Golden
Text. Prov. xii:22. Lying lips are
an abomination unto the Lord ; but
they that deal truly are His delight.
Versos 34, 85 Is faithflu'ness to
God a sure cure for shortness of
money ?
Feb. 14-Actsv 17-42. The Apostles
Imprisoned. Golden Totx. Matt, v:
10. Blessed are they which are perse
cuted for righteousness sake;for theirs
is the kingdom of hoaven.
Versos 84-40 Is it not true that the
heroics of one generation have been
the saints of the next?
Feb. 21 Acts vi:l to vii :8. Ste
phen, the First Christian Martyr.
Golden Text. Acts vii:9. They
stoueu ncepnon, calling upon uou, and
saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
VBrses 11-18 When a man with
right viows of truth, gets anrgy at the
man with wrong views and perseouteB
him, which, tho hitter takes with
moanu&ss, whicli is likely the better
niBii of the two?
Feb. 28 Acts viii :4-2. The Gospel
in Samaria, Golden Text. Aotsviii:
(I. The people with one accord gave
hoed unto those thingB which Philip
spake, hearing and seeing the miracles
which ho did.
Verso 0-11 Is there any evidonce to
beliovo that there are, or ever have
boen, persons with the power claimed
by witches, conjurers, fortune tollers
and similar fakirs?
March 7 Acts viii:2-40. Philip
and the Ethiopian. Golden Text
John v :80. Search the scriptures for
in thorn yo think ye" have eternal lifo;
and they are they which testify of me-
Verse 2(i May any person, who is
not playing doublo with God, safely
trust "the inward voice" to diroot as
to outward circumstances?
March 14 Acts ix:81-43. Aeneas
and Dorcas. Golden Text. Aeneas,
Jesus Christ maketh thee whole ; arise
and niaUo thy bed. And he aroso im
mediately. Verses 3ii-38 How do you classify
those who content themselves with
going to (huroh and prayer meeting,
and talking and praying, but are not
following .tesns, in going about doing
good ?
(This question must be answered
in writing by members of the club.
Lesson for Sunday, March 28tli,' l'JIO.
Temperance Lesson. Prov. xxiii:29-81.
Evey House Wife,
the Farm in fact
evety Business Man in Town.
Everybody needs a good pair
Shears, and when you are able to purchase a pair for
Do not htsitah; be sure to come early on that dap as the stock is limited
and then will positively not be one pair left We bought all we cocld and
only re$ret we were unable to secure a shipment of several htmdred.
Drug Co s Special Sale Dap!
Full Nickeled, Warranted Best Steel SHEARS, the kind that sell the
year round everywhere at 50c to 75c and one dollar. Seven, eight and
nine inch, will be sold at the Jones Jruq Cofs Special Shears Sale Day,
Wednesday, Ward) 23rd, at the very astonishingly low price of
23 CTS.
Watch Our Windows
23 CTS
No method of keeping a record of receipts and expenditures
is more convenient for the farmer than the check account.
He deposits his money in the bank, and pays his bills by
check. The extra minute taken to write on the stub the
mount of the deposit, adding the balance and subtracting
the amount of the check, gives him accurate knowledge
of his standing with the bank all the time and. does away
with the use of other account books. You cannot afford
to be without a check account if you do any business. Try
It. It will cost you nothing and give you great satisfaction.
The Bank of Oregon City
With the HHsuranoo that Uncle Sam
will ai.moprato Kit), 000 for Suislaw
harbor, and tlio local taxes giving
twice m much more, property should
go up a groat deal. Tho kind of prop
erty that will go up iu price will not
be any kind that 'human labor and in
vention will be Ude to produce or
bring iu, or take away, or destroy.
That kind of property always increas
es three times more from such im
provements mentioned as their looal
The Port of Toledo has boon formed
for the betterment of Yamuna Bav.
There are inaguillcniit opportunities
lying idle all around Yaqniua waiting
for bettor transportation and harbor fa
cilities. Tho property benefitted
should and could pay for the improve
ments. Tho atate ot Oregon should
loan to such ports tho credit, and the
land values should teturii tho loan
over term of years.
The Torreus land law stops litiga
tions as to titles iu land. It cots
oonsiderablo to Btart it, but where it
has been in operation a few years it
saves in litigation niauy times its cost.
This is why some very aide lawyers
object to it.
Fanners in Tixas tiro demanding the
union label on ail their clothing, and
tho result is that the readymado mail !
order shops in the cities are compelled i
to reform. i
The people of Oregon should have
the power of taxation close in their
own hands. What they will do with
it is another matter.
The pecplo of Oregon have more to :
fear fiom tho Supreme Court of the
United States than from any other
source, because it is always faoked. I
Approval of the movement for a
national tuberculosis Sunday on April
24, reoently inaugurated by the Na
tional Association for the Study and
Prevention of Tuberculosis, is given
in a statement by the Right Reverend
Kiohard li. .Nelson iSieliop (Joadjutor
of Albany, N. Y, for the Protestant
Episcopal church, issued today.
Bishop Nelson says: "I think well of
the proposal that all the churches
should unite on April 24th iu present
ing the truth concerning tuberculosis
and stimulating pubho interest' in the
campaign for its prevention and cure.
The campaign has entered upon its
second stage. Having labored with
some success to point out the danger,
we are now ooccemed with the cure,
and this depends upon improvement in
conditions of personal and social life.
Whatever the churches may be able
to do along this line, will be a double
contribution to physical and spiritual
betterment and I should think that all
would wish to have a share in such an
enterprise." Reports from all parts
of the United States indioate that the
Sunday set apart will be generally ob
served, by the preaching of sermons
on tuberculosis and by the distribu
tion of special literature. The Na
tional Association for the Study and
Prevention of Tuberculosis declares
that tho campaign against tuberculo
sis is a warfare against ignorance,
and that as soon as the people of the
United States know that tuberculosis
can be preveuted and cured, they will
demand that the needless waste of
200,000 lives annually he stopped.
Beoause they were found guilty of
violating the college regualtion pro
hibiting the use of intoxicating li
quors, four students have been sus
pended from the Oregon Argicultura)
College lor one year, four others have
confessed and apologized before the
faculty and student body and tour
more are still under investigation.
Pre is dm fc Kerr and the fnculty have
expressed themselves as being deter
mined to protect both the students
a id the institution. There are no sa
loons in the city and the investigation
which has been carried on seems to in
dicate that there have beeu very tew
instances in whloh students have been
guilty of using intoxicating liquors in
the past. The faculty will attempt to
put an end to all such practices in the
La grippe pains that peivade the
entire system, la grippe coughs that
rack and strain, are quickly cured by
Foley's Honey and Tar. Is mildly
laxative, safe and certain- iu results.
Jones DrngCo.
Phone Farmers 47
R. F. D. No. S, Oregon City, Oregon
F. M. BLUHM, Manager
Producer and dealer in all kinds of
Straw, Wheat, Oats and Potatoes always on hand. First class Butter
and Kggs a specialty. All Orders Promptly Filled
The reclamation of ,42,000 aores of
laud in Oregon by the national gov
ernment will be followed by nearly
150,000 acres more. The total cost
will not bo more than $30 an acre on
an average but will create land val
ues to more than $100 an arce The
entire cost will not equal half that of
a dreadnaugth. Eveiy dollar of the
reclamation fund will return to the
NO Substitute
"Accept no substitute for Foley's
Honey and Tar. It is the best aud
safest remedy for coughs, colds, throat
aud lung troubles. . Contains no opi
ates jiud no ..harmful drugs Remem
ber tho name, Foley's Honey aud
Tar, and accept no substitutes. J The
Jones Drug Off.
Succeed when everything else fails.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy, as thousands have testified,
it is the best medicine ever sold
over a druggist's counter.
The quality features of the
Will attoact, Must Attract tke better class of
smokers to any retail establishment that
features New York Bond Ggars
It will cost you only five cents to investigate. You have
often wondered, "what, is there to the New York Bond?"
CAMPBELL 8c EVANS, Distributors