OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER .17, 7 ? Caught, in T h e t ROUNDS j SHORT STORIES The compiled by "MAN ABOUT TOWN" Rounds Ho dame upou his gentle wife, hoi tnon h liorv rerl She hati Home dumbbells in her bauds, ,sunaiag on nor neud, Wluleat her feet her ihiinty fett in curious array, All HorlH or clubs and weights and tilings in great prorusnm lay. Her face was tense, her eyes. Lolled out, hur bosom rose and foil. Wh.lo every liitlo while she'd stop and give an awful yen. Ha thought hei dally., nuked her what ticiH r.lii, uirtwl lwt niniinni en "My Christmas shopping, dear, she mim, iiiunb jot uu uuub, ou know." With that she biffed a punching bar, thou dodged as lack it sped, And as she. grabbed a club lie turned, grew pale as death and fit tl. Tomorrow she'll go snoppiug she de- claioa for all tho day; II is fondest hope is that none will gut in the Dearie's way. Eugene Register Kicking at railroads for poor ser vices does von as much good as yelling at a deaf man to get ont of the way of an nntoinobiR Sunday School Lesson DjoBifthT li), l'.lOU. Kevie Golden Text tor the quarter -I have foug:it a good fight , I I avo finisliel 11 1 v con i so, I have kept the faith. II. Tim. iv:i. Tho following questions can be used as a new and complete lesson, as well as for a review ot the eleven pre ceding lessons The data and title of eaoh lesson aud whoro fouud, the Golden Text, and one questiou from each of the eleven, preceding lessons follow : October 8 Paul a prisoner. The arrest. Acts xxil :7 to 22-30. Golden" Text: Thou therefore endnre hard- n ss -is a good soldier of Jesus Christ. II. Tim. ii:8. Verses a0-2l In bridging the two (lispar.sat.ious the two, is it likely that God, so to speuk, winked at Ttbo anos ties trims to graft the law of Moses into Christianity, or was it God's plan that Jewish Christians should at ill keen the law? October 10 Paul a prisoner The Plot. Acs xxu :) toxxn :Ho. Uolden Text: I will sav of the Lord Ho is inv refuge and strength my God : m Him will I trust. Psalm 1)1 :2. Verse 11. There i no way to take the miraculous out of the Now , Tes tament without destroying it. Now iu.view of that fact, why did not God resouo Paul, iu this instauoe, as he did from the prison at Philippi? .Ootober 17. Paul a prisoner bofore Felix. Acta xxiv. Golden Text: Herein do I exercise nivself to have a conscience void of offencce towards God, and towards men. Acts iv:l(i. Verses 20-27 What was the besetting 'siu of Felix, and how ido you estimate the character of a man who wants ot be bribed to do right? Oct. 124. Paul a prisoner beiore Festus and "Agrippa. Acts v:2(i-13, chapter 20. Golden Text. I know whom I have believed, and am per suaded that he is able to koep that which I have committed unto him Bgaiust. that day. II. Tim. i :12. Verses 24-32 Why did not Festus aud Agrippa both turn to God, seeing that they were clearly convinced of the truth of Christianity and their need of salvation? Octshtr 31. Paol a prifonor-The voynge. Acts xxvii :l-2(i. Golden Text: Commit thy ways unto the Lord, trust also iu Him, aud Ho shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37 :5. Verses 21-20 What reason is there to boHeve from this narrative that wheu we fail to use, aud it is too late to adopt God's best plan, he will still graciously provido a good one which we must adopt? (This question must be auswered in writing by main bers of the club. November 7 Paul a prisoner The Shipwreck. Acts xxvn:2 toxxvili: 10. Golden Text: The Lord redeem eth the soul of his servants aud none ot them that trust in him shall be desolate. Psalm 4 :22. Verses 33-38 May praying and fast ing, when you ought to bu eating and working, b3 as great a practical crime as scuttling the' ip? November 14 -Paul a prisoner id ' ome. Acta xxviii :11-31. Golden Toxt:I I am not ashamed of the gos pel of Christ, for it is the power of God onto salvation to everyone that believeth. Romans il :6. Verse9 25-2. Is it a law of God that deadens the consciencs and perverts the judgment, hence, can a man liv ing iu any kind of sin, trust his lindz inent ou peisonal, moral and spiritual questions? . November 1 ?aul s stir,' of big life. II. Cor n:l tosti:IO. Golden Text- II' said into mc, My giace is Bufhcie.nt for the... for my s'rength is made rerf-et in wia'tnes". II tor. xii :!. Chapter xii:l-0 What is tho only real proof ot God, of immortality and of the wisdom of ti e spiritunl life? November 8 P.iul ou felt-denial Romans X1v:10-1. Goldm Text: It is good neither to eat flesh nor to dr,nB wine, nor anything wnerecy try brother stuujbleth. Romans xiv :1. Verses 15-10. If you eujov ai.d drink your class of w ine, whe'i you know that wine drinking i doing vastlv more harm than gocd, what sort of a person are you ? December 5. Paul ou the grace of giving, III. Uor. vii:l-15. Golden Text Remember the words of the Lord' Jesus.lhow He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts xx '35 " Verse 15. What reason is there to believe that if we gne systematically to God' cause that we ourselves shall jeerlaok? December 12. Paul's last words. II Tim iv:l-18. Golen Text: For me to live 'is Christ aud to die is gajn. Phil i '21. Verses 3-4 Why is it that burglars, garnbleis, counterfeiters, liars, drink Trs and other bad men and women, often persuade themselves that they arerlght? " Lesson lor aunany, fBtcuiuoi !,, 1909. The; buth oi nnsc,, i:M3. Matt, Things for a JMan It used to be considered a task to choose gifts for men. It's not so this year at our store. Look over this list: Shaving Sets Pipes Leather Traveling Cases Suit Cases Umbrellas Cigar Cases Tobacco Jars Safety Razors Fountain Pens Watch Chains Smoker Ses Cigars Bill Books Pocket Books Watches Humidors Ash Trays Military Brushes Cuff Links Shaving Mirrors Huntley ros. Company Christmas Headquarters Waterman's Ideal FoungtPPen Should be in every stocking 1 h'L 7"Jji We carry nearly a hundred Waterman Ideal Pens iu stock and can suit any hand and purse. All pens sold with privilege of exchange if point does not suit. Waterman Pens $JJ 50 Huntley's Guaranteed Fountain Waterman Pens, gold mounted $,J 50 '" " l iT.ni K.if'o o,.if riiin..r. m Pii Gold or Silver filigree Pens " L $5 5() to Oolcl Pens In Pearl Holders Jgl to g, In our efforts to show you the completeness of cur Christmas stock, we may at times sound almost boast ful in our printed ads but we don't speak of our facilities or our stock at all in a boastful spirit. We only want, in the plainest language possible, to tell you of the opportunities in our big store for Xmas shopping. Our stock is so very large and varied that we can only mention the most important items. You owe it to yourself to come in and look around, then we think you will agree with us. No cne will importune you to buy. Oregon Oregon City, A list for Boys and Girls Don't you think you can find something In this list for the children? Knife, 25c up Fountain Pen, $1 up Pocket Glass, 10c up Books, 25c up Educational Games 25c Tooth Brush, 10c up Cloth Brush, 25c up Nail Brush, 5c up Military Brush, 75c up Umbrellas, 75c up Gold Chains, $1 up Cuff Buttons, 25c up Collar Buttons, 10c up Stick Pin, 25c Match Box, 25c Purse, 10c up Box Note Paper, 25c up Watches, $1.00 up Kodaks, $1.00 up Picture Books, 10c up Post Card Albums, 25o Christmas Cards, 5c up - 'V.-.----.7 ' i.v c- fifes ocvfLemic ear Camera, Developing Outfit, Chemicals, Films, Printing Paper everything needed all for f -1.00. This outfit we particularly recommend for children and beginners. Ask to see some work done by It. Brownie Cameras $J to $12 Pocket Kodaks $( to $25 We have some splendid values In Shav ing Sets this year, and among other things, shaving mirrors that will please any man who shaves himself. Shaving Sets 75c to $5 Shaving Mirrors 75c to $.. Shaving Brushes J((c to $; Gillett's Safety Razors $5 Ever Ready Safety Razors $! Razac Safety $;$ 50 Ordinary Razors $1 to $; Cases for Razors ;5c to $2 Bibles Our Billies are the famous Nelson Large Type Rlhles and come to us direct from the publisher. No middleman's profit to , pay. Cloth bound Bibles. ,'5c up Leather bound Bibles ;,c up Teachers' Bibles $1 J5 up to $7 Standard Bibles 50c to $8 Catholic and Protestant Prayer Hooks and Hymnals at all prices. Magazines and Newspapers at Cut Rates Don't send away your money for Periodicals. We-an save you trouble, risk and Ask for our cut rate catalog. Free by mail, or at the book counter. 9 . McClure's Magazine... $1.50 Review of Reviews 3.00 Woman's Home Companion. . 1.50 $6.00 OUR McClure's Magazine $1.50 Dn-F Woman's Home Companion . . 1.50 PKIOfc Sllcces Maoailne 1.00 S I 5U Hundreds of other equally saving clubs. $4.00 OUR PRICE $3.50 Post Card Albums Are now used In every home. Our stock embraces every good design of Domestic and Imported Albums ranging in pi-Ice from 5c to $5 Thousands of Postcards to select from at..; 25c doz. to 50c each Autograph Albums JOc t0 SI Photograph Albums SI to $5 mm Know anything richer or nicer for a gift than Leather Goods? Our big stock will be a revelation to you. Prices lower than city prices. Ladies' Bags 75c to $20 Men's Purses and Books ',)C to $5 Music Rolls 5()o to $5 Suit Cases $g 75 to $20 Traveling Bags $5 to $17 Card Cases, Travelers Toilet Outfits aud Many Novelties In Leather. Lowneys Candy A half a ton of that delicious candy has just ar rived from Boston and the Xmas boxes are pret tier tnis time than ever before. Don't think be cause it's drug store candy that it is high priced; on the contrary, it's high grade goods at low prices. As Christmas comes on Saturday this year, you can buy our famous Saturday Candy for S rf fj&i$rfi W'.'X 35c per pound, and that is going some. Holly, i i'jj . - V Mistletoe and fancy boxes of Lowney's from 25c 'jgr f S!lflf:'J V ' up to $5.00.' . ..., -'AWteW?''' This New Edison Phonograph $27 The very latest, Just received from the Edison factory. Plays both 4 minute '.''iid 2 minute records. Has the new Cygnet Horn, which gives you more volume and better tone than the old style, Is out of the way and can be turned to point at any angle. Hear this instrument It's the best yet. . $1.00 A WEEK will buy this newest Edison and make more people happy for a longer time than any other Christmas present you ever bought. Edison's.. $! 5() $()5 00 Victors $K) to $200 Columhlas....$25 to $100 We can give you your choice here. Military Brushes We have all kinds and styles of balr and cloth brushes, but iho Military brushes Beeni to be the most appropriate for Christmas time. We have some new ones of transparent celluloid, very pretty colors, light and strong. We also have them In Sterllne, (wear better than silver), Ebonold, Faxwood and real Kbony $1 00 to $10 Other Hair Brushes from 25c to $7.50 Take a Look at the Pictures Wo try always to be up-to-date here, and this year we have Installed the whig system of show ing pictures and all pictures are displayed on swinging wings so that you cati run through the whole stock of hundreds, of pictures In a few min utes. Can waii on yourself If necessary. 'PRICES FROM 15c TO $10 FOR "MY LADY" There are so many things in our store that a woman wants that It seems hardly necessary to make a list, hut here are a few of the many we have for her: Gold and Silver Clocks. .$3.00 up Brass Novelties 50 " Brass Candle Sticks 75 " Cut Glass 1.00 " Hand Painted -China 1.00 " Christmas Candy .- 25 " Jewflry 25 " Hand Bags .50 " Umbrellas 1.00 " Books 25 " Toilet Sets '. .75 " Manicure Sets 62 " Hdkf and Glove Boxes... .49 " Xmas Stationery Calendars Pictures Ebony Brushes . Perfume Atomizers Mirrors Fountain Pens .. Gold Pens Purses Phonographs Silver Novelties . Albums Art Pottery . .25 " . .25 " . .10 " . 1.25 " . .25 " . .50 " . .25 " . 1.00 " . 1.00 " . .25 " .12.50 " . .25 " 1.00 " . .40 " Traveler's Samples 50c on the Dollar We fell heir to a line of samples brought out from New York and shown in the usual way to the retail trade. At the price we areoffering them you will probably doubt if we got them honestly, but we did. In the first place we had no freight to pay; then a few samples were broken and damaged beyond repair, and the whole outfit was turned over us for a song. We now have them In our window and In fine shape and priced nt about what jobber would pay for the goods In New York City. . Think of H! a fine up-to-date Toilet set, regular $5.00 for $2.50! Everything at half price or better. Don't wait until tho hist minute and expect to find any of these bargains left. $10.00 Stag Toilet Sets $5.00 $15.0) Ebonold and Silver Toilet Sets 7.00 $10.00 Ebonold and Silver Malncure Sets. 6.00 $ 2.00 Ebonold Manicure Sets 90 $ 3.00 Ebonold Toilet Sets 1.75 $ 8.00 Men's Brush and Comb Sets 4.00 $ 1.00 Baby Sots, Brush, Comb, Mirror.. .49 $ .75 Pipe Sets 38 $ 1.00 Glove and Handkerchief Boxes 49 $ .25 Children's Purse 15 A lot of Ink Stands at Half Price. Home Course In Live Stock Farming V. Some Common Diseases. By C. V. GREGORY, Author of "Home Course In Modern Agriculture," "Making Money on the firm." tie. Copyright. 1909. by American Pres Auocintion 0 NE of the most common dis eases among horses is colic. This tuny be caused by moldy fouil. a sudden change of food or uiiythhiK else that affects the di gestive system mi luvoru bly. Kefusing to eflt. I'.-iivhig. groaning, looking around at Hank, lying down and get ting up again nre some of the common symptoms of eoiic, a good remedy to have ou ha ml fur folic is turpentine, one ounce ; -:i iiit;iLis imlii-a, one-halt ounce: silcohnl. four ounces; water, one pint. Tliis should be shaken well and given as a ilrcm h. In wvere cases a veterinarian should b sent for. Barbed Wire Cuts. Wheivwr Ui'isfs ale allowed to run Iu pH-iun-M femed uitli barbed wire there will be freipieut ueed of treat ment for w ire t uts. Iu case the cut U deep, wit li f('iiideruble bleeding, the first thini: lo do hi to t.oD the flow of blood. A'ifohol. vinegar or alum vva ter Is good for this purpose. A solu tlou of chloride uf li'iiu is still better. If the bleeding is from a large vessel, compression will have to be applied lowurd the heart if an artery Is cut or away from it in the case of a vein. Usually, however. Imi hed w ho cuts do liot bleed seriously. They should be cleaned thoroughly with warm water to whk'li carbolic ucid lias been added at the rate of 1 to 100. If the wound "uiatterutes"aii opeiilngshoilld be mndo lit he loner pan to allow t lie pus to escape freely. The wound should be washed (hilly with a solution of chlo ride of zinc, one dram to one pint of water, and a little powdered iodoform sifted on It. This Iodoform aids heal ing, prevent the formation of "proud flesh" and keeps the Hies away. A very bad cut should be dressed by a veterlnarii.:. us proper treatment will reduce the size of the resulting sear, tiallt. When horses are put to work in the spring. gaIN are very likely to form on their shoulders. This can be preveuted by the use of collars and by accustom ing the horses to work gradually. The use of pads is seldom advisable, as they become tilled with sweat and are hard and Irritating. A hard leather collar that hts snugly to ine horse's neck Is the best thing to use. The bnmes should tit the collar snugly. Washing the shoulders in warm water every night helps to keep them from galling. Sugar of lead, twenty grains to one ounce of water, or nitrate of silver, ten grains to oDe ounce of wa ter, is a good remedy. The following salve is one of the best cures for galls tfter tbey have once formed: Pulver ised alum, four ounces; pulverized bloodroot, four ounces; white lead, four ounces; calomel, two ounces. Mis with glycerin, sweet oil or lard to make an ointment. , Sweeny. Sweeny, or a wasting away of tin muscles of the shoulder, occasional!) occurs In farm horses. It Is caused lr a strain by pulling with only one tu y. T --M.' 4 4 SX. ? ; !-:Y FIO. IX.- A THHIPTT STFEH. hooked or by pulling heavily on a ma chine with a great deal of side draft. A sweenied animal should be turned out in the pasture until the shoulder Is filled up again. Injecting ten drops of turpentine under the skin at intervals j not closer than one Inch will greatly hasten the process. " Tubereuloaig. Tuberculosis affects cattle, sw ine and man. It ha- been clearly proved that tuberculosis can be transmitted to swine through the milk of a fleeted cows, and II Is very prnhnhle that It can be irau -mitteil in human beings In the siiiie- a i'ubiri ili.s.s i an seldom be told by the appearance of Hih animal. Uften the best looking cows liilhe held will De me -worst arrectea. Tuberculosis Is easily transmitted from one cow In a herd to another. The only safe way to do Is to get the herd on n healthy basis and keep It there. The tuberculin test applied by a competent man Is a sure menus of detecting the disease. The diseased ri n I run Is should be sold to a sonpmiikei' at once. If the disease Is present u v lii certain local partB of the body 'I lie rest may be all right fot -Hse. After the herd Is once cleaned up no animals should be brought ou the place that have not beeo subjected to the test, iu this way only can a healthy herd be maintained. Abortion. Ahortiofi is of two kinds, accidental and chronic. Accidental abortion may occur in almost any class of animals as a result of moldy feed, strains or injuries of any kind. Coutnglous abor tion Is seldom troublesome except Iu the case of cows. All eases of abor tion in cows, unless positively knowu to be due to some other cause, should be treated as contagious. If once in troduced Into a herd this disease spreads rapidly, ulmost destroying the usefulness of the entire herd for breed ing purposes. As soon as a cow has aborted, the calf, if II Is dead, should be burned, together with the afterbirth. The stall and the hind quarters of the cow should be disinfected thoroughly. A 2 per cent solurloo of some coal tar dip or a I'j per cent solution of car bolic acid Is all right for this purpose. The genital organs of the cow should be syringed out with this solution every three or four days as long as there is any discbarge. Cows that cava aborted should, be kept well away frbtb the rest of the hero. Ttiey should Dot be bred for at least ten weeks after aborting or until all dis cbarge has ceased. The reproductive organs of the bull should be disinfect ed both before and after service. The bull Is one of the most frequent means or transmitting fhe'"dlsease from one cow to another. All litter In the stall where the affected cow Is kept should be burned as soon as cleaned out. For Internal use the carbolic acid treatment has given the best results. One of the best ways to give this is In salt at the rate of 2 parts to 100 parts of barrel salt. Pure carbolic acid comes Iu crystals and will have to be liquefied by placing the bottle In hot water for a few moments. The acid should be poured over the salt and stirred in well. This makes au excellent preventive. It should be placed where the cows can get it at all times, beginning at least Ave months before calving with cows that have previously aborted and three months with' those that have not. All new cows should be kept sepa rate from the rest of the herd until it is fprtaln that they are free .from Infec tlon. II there Is ahy unusual dlscrilfrsre they should be returned to the seller or subjected to a strict course of pre rentive treatment. Continued nut week J H N Phones; Main 5I?4, A3544 384 Yamhill St. PORTLAND, ORE. Our representative will be he the Electrio Hotel, Oregon Uitv, Friday and Saturday with a' full liny of European toilet articles and hair goods Wo have the largett, moot modern and completely equipped place this side of Sow York City. We will tuko ordure for wigs, tounocs, crown pieces uni switeln s made' by expert iiorliu wig makers. Derma tologist work, removing of superfluous hair, warts and moles by epxert op. ronton Wo will do Kronoh hair dying with vegetable dye, your own 'natural shade guaranteed. : Kuasouable and permanent. Will call at the homes. Tdephmo Main (14, Messages received con liduntiul. Standing Timber three miles from town sufficient for two thousand cordg of wood, for sale by O. A. Oheney. 4 Dr. L. O. Ice, dentist, Masonle Bldg Pacific phone, 1221, Home, A198. Arrival and Departure of Mail From Milwaukle Arrive : From Portland North 7 :25 a. m. j 1 :24 p ni. 1 :08 p. iu. ; From Oregon Uity South 8 :03 a. m. 1 M p. m. Depart: To Purtlaud North 7:60 a, m. 12:60 p. m. 4:60 p. ai. To Oregon City South. 7:15 a.m. 1 :15 p. in. Doo't Be Hopeless about yourself Mien yoa're oripplod with rheumatism or stiff jo'nts of course you've tried lots of things and they failod. Try Ballard's Suow Liniment it will drive away all aches, pninB and stiffness and leave you as well as yon ever were. Sold by Jones Drug (Jo,