Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, September 17, 1909, Image 3

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This Girl fell in Love
This Young Man Fell in Love
They got. Married
We Furnished Their Home
They Saved 25 Per Cent, and he, she, they and we are all happy-
Whose Business is That?
G3ttine married is an important event in everyone's life-netf in importance, in fact, to getting born; but one has little-in fact, nothing-to say about gettng born. That's why we put up
uuung marriea an p M ' h ; h most. Important event in our lives that is subiect to our own control. All the world not only loves a lov-
Hut Se? 'Scoring of .he fully m we.. he enjoy, netting married IMt Formerly i was the custom for
Ttta "Sule" got married, but we have seen no mothers weep the wedding of their daughters for the past 20
the custom changed? Or is it because they know that most any kind of a man can give his bride on elegantly furnished home at our VERY LOW EAST SIDE NO-RENT PRICES?
In Our Complete Outfits You Make the Greatest Savings-Easily 25 per Cent
Every merchant has his leaders, his special sales. The highest-price furniture man in town may have one article on special sale today at or nearly at cost, and tomorrow have on sale something else on
wh ch hTwil make no profit during L special sale. Everybody understands this, or at least they should understand it. Naturally if you should go to the low-pnced house xn the tye
Ind miced the same article, you would find it higher than the "Special" price, unless the low priced house should happen to have the same article on special sale at the same time Therefore Special
al evidence cr proof that any firm is a low-priced house. But special sales oftimes do furnish proof of High Regular Prices-the prices that the complete house-fur-nfsherToe
up STinTis particularly noiiceable in "Half-price" sales, for it is plainly evident that goods must first be marked double their cost, or at the rate of 100 per cent, profit before they can
b e SuonlnS, M -nt. unless the merchant is "specializing" his goods below cost, which everyone knows he does not do once in a hundred sa-e. Now we have been
deep Ires n wi h our ''Special" bargains as have others, but you never see special reductions exceeding 25 per cent, or one fourth, made by us. Why? our Furniture is regularly priced SO much
lowe Xrekewnere that all of our prices are "Special" prices-Extraordinary Bargains. That is why our business has grown so very, very rapidly. The number of complete outfits that we have
sold is something wonderful. And the reason is that in a big bill the savings are so evident, so noticeable, that no one can fail to see and appreciate it and to send their friends.
Zbafstbe Reason We Jyad to Erect a Big Hew Building Our Second Year
In November we expect to be in oar new feeding. Next month we will begin moving fwnitare. All oaf eastern pofchases are being timed to go into oof new home. Andwewant to move as
little fornittfre as possible-having a natural pride to have everything new; therefore during September we will cash in thousands of dollars worth of goods at little or no profit. This.will particularly
apply to all samples, broken lines and heavy furniture. You want to look out for our ads and also visit our store. We show the same courtesy to the person who wishes to price furniture as to the
one who comes to buy. In fact, that has been our long suit. We have sold more goods to "lookers" first and last, than any two houses in the city. If they don't buy then, we know that ti iey -wM
return and buy-after getting prices elsewhere-and be even better satisfied; not everybody of course, but 90 per cent of them. THEN WHY SHOULDN'T WE BE GLAD TO CAREFULLY
Carload of Ranges Slaughtered
Ranges are awfully heavy and cumbersome to move. We have about two
carloads on hand steel, cast and malleable-and are anxious to close out at
least a carload within the
Oar New
fell IM mm mm mm agp"
a!! mmmmmmmmjm
next 20 days. We have
therefore placed on sale a
complete line of high-class
ranges at 25 per cent fy'
ducthtl. With some mer
chants a 25 per cent reduc
tion would not mean that you were
then getting an extraordinary bar
gain, but at the prices our goods are
marked it means that we absolutely
make no money on them.
Extraordinary Rug Reductions
We have one of the largest
that we cannot show in our
several hundred this month.
We desire especially to call
your attention to the fine
Wiltons we have on Sale
at $30.00
These are 9xJ2 ft., new
and of the latest designs.
Others would call them $45
and $50 Wiltons, but we
value them ,at $40.
RUGS, Special
stocks of Rugs in the city, hundreds of Rugs
present cramped quarters. We want to sell
8165 05
GRAN DJWtdmm esfe E. STRK
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September 19, 190a.
GoWen Text for the Qnarter-So
mielitilv grew the Word o( Ooii and
prvaUl.-Acta xix:20.
The following renew enn be used
89 a complete 1 son in itself, or us a
renew of the eh-ven preceding lessous.
The ilita and title of each lesson
and wh-ra foaud, the Golden Text,
and 0'ie qu Btiou from each lesson
'1 if t xv :3 to xvi :15 Paul's
uu... , . : .
u 1 MissitnHry jonrney um"
, 1; : iun Teit. Acta xvi:9.
) r iuuuui. - j 1 1
n,.. nvpr into Msoedonia and help
to '
DBi. ... . OQIf a man nhnWS lack Of
courage, or tact, or faitlifolness, in
onn position, does tint in any mea
sure disqaalify him from getting an
other, or fromncceBS wlion 111 another
July 11 Acts xvi:16 40. Paul's
Seooud Missionary Journey The Phil-
ippiaii Jailer. Ooluen Jext: Ayts
xvi -81. Believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ and thou tthalt be saved.
Verse 16 In what olass do you put
those who, knowingly, either directly
or indirectly, profit by the gins of fal
len women?
July 18-Aots xvii :1-15. Paul's Sec
ond Missionary journey Thessalonica
and Berea. Golden Text : Psalm
119:11. Tliy ord nave I hid in my
heart, that I might not sin against
Verse 3 Is it, necessary for ns to
adopt all Paul's opinions, deductions,
and prognostication in order to be
well pleasing to God?
July 85 Ante xvii-.lfl-M. Paul's
Second Missionary Journey Athens.
Golden Text: John iv:24. God is a
Spirit,1 and they that worship him
must worship him in spirit and in
Verse 18 Which brings the more
lanting happiness and "develops tho
nobler character, and why, the Epi
curean philosophy, a life devoted to
the pleasures of sense; or the Stoic,
Christian philosophy, a life devoted
to the service of others, and to self
denial? (This question must be an
swered in writing by members of the
August 1 Acts xviii :l-22 Close of
Paul's 2d MissionHry Journey. Golden
Text : John xvi :3a. In the world ye
snail have tribulation, but be of good
cheer; I have overcome the world.
Verses 2-8 A goodly proportion of
the membership of the churc'i have
the ability to preach ; ought not this
ability to be developed, thus giving to
every local church several preachers
who could divide the preaohing be-1
tween them, paying only one a salary,
who would thus have time to act as
pastor? , I
August 8-1 Thess. v :12-24. Paul's
Instructions to the Thessaloninns. :
Golden Teit : I Thess. v :15. See ;
that none render evil for evil unto !
any man, but ever follow that which
is good. "
Verse 21 Caa the real truth ever be
a hurt to a true man, and should not '
such a man be as glad to change his
opinions, when be finds ha is wrong,
as to change a worn-out garment for a :
new one? .,, .
August 15 Acts xviii:33to xix:22.
d i . Thirrl Mimionarv Jnnruev
Ephesus. Golden Text : Aots xix :17.
The name of the Lord Jesus was mag
nified. Verse 28 Why is it that God has
conditioned all extension of human
progress and bettument, including sal
vation itself, uuon the zoal, ability,
and goodness of those who already en
joy its benefits?
AunuHt 22 -Acts xix:23 to xx:l
Paul's Third Missionary Jouriwy
Thuriotiu KphBHOS. Golden Text:
II Cor. xii :9. Ho siiid nuto me, M.v
grace is sufficient for you; for my
strength is made perfect in weakness
Verses 38-27 When the genoral wl
fare of the people is injured by the
business of the few, is, it or not, the
duty of the state to make such busi
ness illegal?
August 29 I Cor. xiil :13. Paul on
Christian Love. Golden Text : I Cor.
xii :13. Now auideth faith, hope and
love, these three: but the greatest
ot these is.
Verses 4-7 Why is it that love
ten Is to promote patience, politeness,
kindnesB, gentleness, humility and
every other virtue?
Suptrmiher 5-Acts xx :2-88. Paul s
Third Missionary Jonnmy Farewells.
Golden Text: Phil. iv:13. I can do
all things through Christ, which
BtrengtliHiieth me
Verses 7-12-Wliy is it that ohuroh
mnmbfirs will lii-ten. unwearied, for
houistoa political speech and get
tired of nven a good sermon if it lasts
longer than thirty minutes?
September 12-Acts xxii:-17. Close
of Paul's Third Missionary Jouruoy.
Golden Text: Aots xxi :14. The will
of the Lord be done.
Versos 8-9. Should Christian par
ents train their children from infaucy
to know God, to be skillful in prayer,
in failh and in good works?
Lesson for Sunday. Suptenihnr 29
Temperance lesson. I Cor. x :28-8tf.
Louis Funk of Holland spent Tues
day afternoon transacting buBinees
I matters iu this city.
IK. Courier only $ 1.50 per year.
TfYou Want to Spend
several of the pleasantest half
hours you ever put in get the
and read in this order: " Happi
ness," "The Mellowdrammer"
and "What Shall We Do
With the Old?"
After that read where you
will you'll say, "Htri't a good
magazine." Try it and see.
By Huntley Bros. Co.