Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, September 10, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Magazines kfyff JjffTl Patterns
NTber miEgffl AIISizes
'5c ' 10 c
Now Ready for Your Inspection
Complete Line of New
Fall Woolen Dress Goods
Now is the opportune time for prudent women to select Woolen Dress Goods
for Fall and Winter needs. We have gathered together this season an unusually
large stock that women of good taste will appreciate. Fabrics that will give
long service and cannot be excelled in style. The variety of pretty designs and
colorings has never been so great, and quality considered, prices ere as low as it
possible to make them. We invite your inspection.
New Faustina Satins at $ 1 .65
A beautiful all wool fabric, perfect in
weight and weave, rich satin finish, come
full 54 inches wide, shown in all the lat
est shades.
Piece-Dyed Serges at $ 1 .25 ,
A special display of piece dyed Novelty
Serges in sell colored novelty, stripes in.
any wanted shade. A splendid weight
for early fall wear; 54 inchss wide.
All-Wool Cloakings at 98c
A special offering of all-wool 54-inch Cloakings of
double weight, many kinds to choose from, in a large
assortment of the newest designs and plain shades.
New Kersey Cloth at $2.00
Genuine English Kersey Cloth, strictly all pure wool,
extra heavy weight, shown in solid colors in every
wanted Bhade; other stores are selling this same quality
cloth at 2.60 a yard. ,
New-Black Fabrics, $1, $1.25, $1.50
For this week's selling we call your particular attention
to our showing of Priestley's and Wm. F. Read's Cel
ebrated Black Fabrics; among the new weaves are:
Wool satins, satin soleils, satin, ottoman, wool reps,
wool bengalines, poplins, epingle, French and English
prunellas, diagonal serges, unfinished worsted, ocean
serges, etc. We know of no other store that places be
fore you such a splendid line of black dress goods at
such low prices.
Priestley's Cravenettes at $1.50
A full line of Priestly's celebrated Crav
enettes, a fabric that has a perfect finish
and is absolutely waterproof; comes full
54 inches wide and shown in all the new
shades of gray.
New Novelty Fabrics at $1.00
At this price we are showing 44 to 50
inch self-colored striped Serges and hard
finished Worsteds in an endless assort
ment; fine pure wool fabrics that cannot
be bought elsewhere at less than $J.2o to
$1.50 a yard. Wo purchased an unusu
ally large line to sell at this price as a
special leader. Not a wanted shade is
Golf-Red Cloths at $ 1 .50
An unusually attractive sowing of the new Golf Red
Cloth for children's coats; comes in double weight, full
54 inches wide one of the most fashionable fabrics for
the new season .
New Broadcloths in every desirable color and black
in qualities that cannot be duplicated at the following
prices-$ 1 .00, $ 1 .50, $2.00, $2.50.
Double Weight. Kersey Cloths, in golf red, strictly
all wool and 54 inches wide; extremely fashionable fab
rics at popular prices $ 1 .00, $ 1 .50 $2.00.
Also the Reason Why Ho Was
After the Medical Man.
"Yea, jour honor, ' wild Hie man
wbo bud been arrested for driving bis
automobile ut uu Illegal nil' ul speed.
"1 ndmlt Unit 1 wus running I ulity
miles mi hour.' but I going for
tbe doctor."
Ob. you were i!"'1'- fl"' 'he doctor,
eh? tun you oBci' tiny proof in niiIi
stantiiile Unit kIiiiciiiciiI : '
" i'S. I c:iii bring in the doctor
himself . n itiiess. jt nw cs;ii ."
"liii! 'Hint ntight to iiimU.' n iliflcr
pin p The law Is explicit, but wi
inilst KL'iinl 1'iut I here iiim.v ie exten
uating clivinnsliiiii ex. I in n- nave
been Iiiiihk win ii IliecoiiiJ umik! have
been gl.-id In run thirty mi i s an nnur
If the court cmilil Il.vp ih hi, tr
tniuly n man slmu.il not he held too
Strictly t" the provisions et t tie law
if be happens to violate It lor the pur
pose of trying to .save ;i i i t c. t he
court Is very strongly Im linnl to dis
miss the cusp. Phi yon exi;nu in the
officer who arrested .sou that you were
going for the doctor'"
"Yes, your honor."
"Otlicer. whiit hnvp you to say?"
"Well, your honor. I asked tilm.
when he said lie whs going for the
doctor, what lie wus going for the doc
tor for."
"Yes. That was very sensible. What
was be going for tbe doctor for?"
"For to take the doctor aud two
young Indies for a ride, ns 1 found out
unbeknownst to bim."
"Thirty dollars and eosts."-Chlcngo
Conducted by
J. W. DARROW. Outturn. N. Y..
Prat Cmrmxmdrnl Ntw Yoih State
The New Ceremony Introduced
Into New Hampshire.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
Mirta May Sperger, Plaintiff,
Frank Sperger, Defendant,
To Frank Sperger Defendant::
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
pear In the above entitled Court and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before the 27th day of September,
1909, and if you fall so to appear and
answer said complaint, plaintiff win
apply to the court for the relief prayed
for in said complaint, to-wit, as loi
lows: I...
First: For an order of this court
directing the defendant to pay into
this Court for the benefit of plaintiff's
attorney the sum of $150 as attor
ney's fees to be allowed plaintiff's
attorneys In the prosecution of. this
this suit said sum to be paid
before ' defendant Is allowed to
move, plead or answer In
this suit.
Second: That defendant be directed
to pay to this plaintiff the sum of
Thirty Dollars per month during the
pendency of this suit and for $30 per
month permanent alimony to be used
in the maintainence and care of the
Minor John Gordiau Sperger.
Third: For a decree giving and
granting to this plaintiff a one-third
interest in and te the following des
cribed property, to-wit: The W.
of the S. E. quarter and the S. E.
quarter of the S. E. Quarter of Sec
tion Three and the N. E. quarter of
the N. E. quarter of Section Ten, T.
Four. S. R. Nine W. of the W. M.
containing 160 acres in Josephine
County, Oregon.
Also Lots Five & Six Block Thirty-
two Irvington Park Addition to the
City of Portland, Multnomah County,
Also Lots Five and Six In Block
Nine Tremont Place Addition to the
City of Portland, Multnomah County,
Also Lots Seven and Eight in Block
Two Sussex Addition to Portland,
Multnomah County, Oregon.
Also Lots 35, 30, 37, and 38 Block
3 North Villa in Portland, Multnomah
County. Oregon.
Fourth: For the care and custody
of the minor John Gordian Sperger
and for a decree ferever dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now exsitlng
between you and the plaintiff and for
such other and further relief as to
the Court may seem equitable.
This summons is published for six
consecutive weeks in pursuance of
an order of the Honorable Grant B.
Dimick, Judge of the County Court
of Clackamas County, State of Ore
gon which order was duly made by
said Court on the 11th day of August,
The date of the first publication
being August 13, 1909.
Last publication September 24, 1909.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of The State of
Oregon for the County of Clack
Mary Lenora Anderson, Plaintiff,
Harry Morton Anderson. Defendant.
To Harry Morton Anderson above
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear ana answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
Court and cause on or before the ex
piration of six weeks from and after
the date of the first publication of this
summons, to-wlt: on or about the" 7th
day of October, 1909. and if vou
tall bo to answer, the nlaintiff for
want thereof will take judgment
Ugainst you for a decree dissolving
me Donas or matrimony heretofore
ana now existing between you and
plaintiff and for such other and fur
ther relief as to the Court seems
meet and just.
This summons Is published bv or
der or the Hon. Grant B. Dimick,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Clackamas, in the absence from Clack
amas County of the Circuit Judge,
and said order was made and dated
the 18th day of August, 1909, and the
date of the first publication of this
Summons is the 20th day of August,
1909, and the date of the last pub
lication of this summons is the 1st
day of October, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 518 Chamber
of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Notice of Final Account
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, administrator of the
estate of Alice F. Chapman deceastid,
has filed his final account and report
an administrator of paid estate and
that Monday, the 4th day of October,
1909, atti.e hoar of 10 a. m of said
day lias been fixed by the County
Court of Clackamaa County, Oregon,
as the time for hearing objections to
said account and the settlement of
said estate. That said hearing will
be held in the conrt room of said
conrt and all persons interested are
notihed'to be present Dated this 3rd
day;of toeptember, 1909.
Adiministrator of the Estate of
Alice F. Chapman, Deceased.
Registration of Land Title
In the matter of the application of
William V. Ashburu to register the
title to the South one-half of the
Donation Land Claim of James Wal
drip and Lnoinda Waldrip, his wife.
Certificate No. 7662, in Tp. 8 S , K.
3 E. ot the W. M., Olaukamas County,
State of Oregon. The estate of the
applicant in said described premises
is in fee simple, subject to the home
stead, all to whom it u.ay concern:
Take notice, that on the 31st day
of August, A. D. 1909, au application
was men ny sain wniam Ashburn in
the circuit court of Clackamas
County, for initial registration of
the title of the laud above de
scribed. Now unlets you appear on or be
fore the 4th day of October, A. D.
1909, aud show cause why such ap
plication shall not be tgrunted the
same will be taken as confessed, and a
decree will be entered according to
the prayer of the application, and you
will be forever barred from dispntiug
the same.
Clerk of Said Court and County
Attorneys for Applicant.
fled with proper vouchsrs at the office
of Gordon E. Hayis, rooms 3, 4 and
5 Stevens Building, Oregon City,
Oregon, within six-months from the
date hereof.
Dated August 81, 1909.
Administrator of the estate of Jo
hanne Harms, deceased.
Attorney for Estate.
The Way He Secured a Rare Piece of
Dresden Ware.
We should cultivate our fancy for old
china us did the late Mr. Wertheiiner,
the art dealer, concerning whom thpre
is a story that every bargain hunter
should take to heart.
Wertheiiner was one d.iy passing
through Mnyfalr when he noticed a
sale about to tuke place of the "furni
ture and household effects of a de
censed nobleman." He walked through
the rooms where dpalprs were critical
ly examining choice specimens of un
doubtedly genuine Chippendale and
Sheraton, interspersed among early
Victorian furniture, his eyes apparent
ly dwelling on nothing. Hut when the
sale wus about to commence be asked
the auctioneer If be would take 5,000
for everything In the house.
The offer wus accepted. "Now you
can resell everything for me," said Mr.
Wertheimer, "except this." and he took
down from Ibe mantelpiece a dirty or
nament some nine inches high and put
it Into his pocket. It was a piece of
the rarest Dresden, bearing the covet
ed mark of the wand of Aesculapius,
which he afterward sold for 10,000.
How the dealers metaphorically kick
ed themselves for overlooking It ud
bow they bid against one another In
the chance of securing a similar treas
ure is still a tradition In Bond street
London Chronicle.
Meeting ot Creditors
In the District Conrt of the United
States for the District of Oregon.
In tbe mutter of G. N. Joe, In
vo nutary bankrupt.
Notice is hereby given that on the
24th day of August A. D., 1909, G. N.
Joe of Oregon Oitv". Oreeon. wan
duly adjudicated bankrupt; aud that
tne nrst meetiug ot his creditors will
be held at Rooms 201-2 Fentou Build
ing, Portland Oregon, on the 10th dav
of September, 1909, at 10 a. m., at
wlilcli time the said creditors mav at
tend, prove their claims, appoint a
trustee, examine the bankrupt and
transact such other business as mav
properly come before such -meeting.
jjiiiou Augusr. za, laua.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his final report as
administrator of the estate of Tennie
North, deceased. In the county court
of Clackamas County, Oregon, and
that Monday, September 20th, 1909,
at 10 o'clock A. M. has been set by
said court for hearing thereof and
settlement of said estate.
Dated August 7, 1909.
Administrator aforesaid.
Notice to Creditors
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Ulacka-inas.
Arthur M. Stewart, Plaintiff,
Saphronia J. Stewart, Defendant
To Saphronia. J. Stewart, above
namad d. feuduut :
la the name ot tlia State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against yon in the above entitled
court and cause on or before the ex
piration of six weeks from and after
the date of the first publication of the
snmuions, to-wit: on or abont the
22nd day of October, 1909, and if you
fail so to answer, the nlaintiff for
want .thereof will take judgment
against you for a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimonv heretofore
and 'now existing between you aud
uie piaiutm ana lor such other and
further relief as to the Court seems
meet and just.
llns summons is Dubhs bed bv order
of the Hen. J. U. Campbell, judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas,
and said .order was , made and dated
the 7th tday of September, 1909. and
the date of the firstjiublication of this
summons is the 10th day of September,
190!), and the date of the last publica
tion of tJiis summons is the 22nd day
of October, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 208 Fenton
Bidg.,Portland, Oregon.
She Makei a Suggestion.
"How beautiful and clean the hori
zon looks," said Polly as on the second
day out she came up on deck and
threw herself down In the steamer
chair beside me.
"Well It ought to be," said I. looking
up from my book. "The captain has
been sweeping It with his glass for
tbe pnst six hours."
"That reminds me," said Polly, turn
ing two very grave brown eyes upon
me. "Did you remember to bring that
vacuum cleaner along with you, as 1
"No," said I unwarily. "I remem
bered to forget it. however. What on
earth does anybody want with a
vacuum cleaner at sea?"
"It was only for you, dear," said
Polly. "1 thought you would like to
have your brains massaged with it oc-casIoually."-N'ew
York Times.
The Home of the President of the New
Hampshire State Board of Agricul
ture and Treasurer of the State
Grange Selected For First Honors.
Special Correspondence.
One of the late events In grange cir
cles in New Hampshire was the first
use of the uew ceremony for dedicat
ing the rural home, the ritual for
which was written and presented to
the national grange, or the Order of
Patrons of Husbandry, by Mortimer
Whitehead of New Jersey, past lec
turer of the national grange, and which
was formally adopted by that body at
Its session last November. The work
was performed by a "team" from the
eastern New Hampshire Pomona
grange, being committed to memory
George R. Drake, secretary of the state
grange, acted as director.
The Pomona grange first met in reg
ular session with one of the largest
attendances hi its twenty-five years'
history, as 330 sat down to the sump
tuous dinner. The home dedicated.
which is named Hill Top Farm, was
that of Joseph D. Roberts, president of
the state koard of agriculture and
treasurer of the state grange. It Is a
farm of 400 acres devoted to dairying
and fruit growing and has been in the
Roberts family for several generations.
The ceremony was smoothly and
impressively rendered, and It was uni
versally commended. Nearly all the
officers of the state grange aud the
head Patrons of the state were pres
ent. State Master Herbert O. Hadley
gave nn able address on "Our Homes."
The universally high praise with
which this beautiful home dedication
ceremony has been received by the
Order everywhere promises Its right
to live, and a hundred years from now
and as long s the grange stauds and
rural homes are to be built up, beau
tified and protected In our land of
homes It will be a monument to the
lifelong devotion and work of Morti
mer Whitehead In assisting in building
the grange and to his efforts for the
higher aud brighter life of the farm.
ill p I ijHl G if III
, The Minister's Tools.
No workman can do good work with
out sufficient tools. Books are tbe
minister's tools. He must hare them
If he Is to serve his people well. Vet
many u minister's salary Is so small
that he Is unable to provide the com
monest necessities for his family and
have enough left to supply himself
with needed books. The church that
makes It Impossible for Its pnstor to
buy books banns Itself eren more than
It nanus the iiilnister.-Cuinberluud
the land above described. JNow un
less vou appear on or before the
fourth day of Octobor A. D. 1909 and
show cause why sneh application
shall not be granted, the same will he
taken as confessed and a decree will be
entered according to the prayer of the
application and yon will be forever
burred from dispntiug the same.
Applicant's Attorney.
Reglstraiion of Land Title
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Application No. In the matter of
the application ot Leaudor Hartlemay
to register the title to
In the matter of registration of the
title to the Southwest quarter and the
Southeast quarter of the Southwest
qoatter.ofsection three (3), township
thre - i3), south range four (4) east
of W. M. vs. Reuben Pankey,
Sarah E. Pankey, Jolm J. Pankey,
T. T. Pankey, Thomas T. Pankey,
of John pankey, deceased, and John
Howlett, husband of Lydia D. How
lett, deceasod, heir of Jnhn Pankey,
deceased, ; and jWilliam Linn and
Curtis Linn heirs Oreeon & Cali
fornia Railroad. Co.. it cornrtinn
aud all whom it may concern, jdufeud-
Notice is hereby given that the nn
dersigned has been appointed by the ' ants.
County Court of Clackamas Countv. 1 To all whom it mav concern: Taka
uregou, administrator of the estate of i notice, that on the third day of
Johanna Harms, deceased. All
persons having claims againgst the
said estate are hereby notified and re
quired to present the same duly veri-
August A. D. 1909, an application was
filed byjssiu Leauder BarJemay in the
Circuit Court of Clackamas County
for initial registrationjof the title to
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. C. G. Cox, Plaintiff,
Clara A. Cox, Defendant.
To Clara A. Co::, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby notified to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
court and cause on or before six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons which Is first
published on the 27th day of August
1909, and the day on or before which
you are required to appear and ans
wer is the eighth day of October, 1909,
and If you fall so to appear or ans
wer on or before the said eighth day
of October, 1909, the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief de
manded In said complaint to-wlt: for
a decree dissolving the bonds of mat
rimony now existing between plain
tiff and defendant and granting such
other relief as to the court seems Just
and equitable.
This summons is published by or
der of the Honorable Grant B. Dim
ick, Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Clackamas, which order was made
and entered on the 25th day of Aug
ust, 1909.
Attorney for PlalntllT.
First publication August 27th, 1909.
Last Publication October 8th, 1909.
Farmers Didn't Get Much From
the Last Legislature.
Auswerlng a question as to what
special laws had been enacted by the
legislature of Pennsylvania at the past
session In the interest of the farmer,
State Master Creasy writes as follows:
The sesslou of the Pennsylvania leg
islature which adjourned In April did
very little for the furmer. The only
thing of nny importance that was en
acted was a change in tho township
road law whereby the Btate pledges
Itself to pay 50 cents for every dollar
raised In cash for road purposes, such
amount not to exceed $20 per mile.
But the appropriation to carry this
out was reduced from $1,500,000 to
$500,000, which will not be enough
money to redeem this promise. The
grange will make a determined fight
to have this pledge redeemed by the
next legislature. The appropriation
for state roads was also very ma
terially reduced by the governor. .
The state grange Is giving special at
tention to the picnic season, and In ex
tending the order a number of new
halls are being dedicated. The grange
sentiment Is growing, and we expect
to add a number of uew granges to
those already organized and reorgan
ized. W. T. CREASY.
fcuJ ,
flu 1
ALCOHOL S Pen rcun
AMrgclabtc Preparaf ion ForAs-'
Promoles DieslionJdieeifur
ness and Rest.Cnnt,iins neither
Opium.Morphine norMiaeraL!
Rntipkbi Seed'
ADcrTcct Remedy forConsdna-
tion . sour sromacn.uiarniuta
Worms ,Coiwulsions.fevcrish
ness fludLoss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the A
ature M
Guaranteed, undcrthe l
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
Small Farms Wanted
Home-seekerslrequest. EASTHAM, SMITH & CO. to
look them up homes.
Three customers have asked us to look them up
small farms of 5 to 40 acres. They must be well
improved and conveniently located. If you have
such a farm to sell please call on us.
Eastham Smith (Sb Co.
Phonci Farmer 47
Producer and dealer in all
kinds of First-Class Farm
Products and Fir Wood.
F. M. BLUHM, Manager
Hay, Straw, Wheat, Oats, Pota
toes, Etc., Always on Hand
First-Class Butter and Eggs a Spec
ialty. All Orders Promptly Filled.
Have Plenty of Seats.
Make the rally an Informal outing,
actire. Joyous and one that leaves a
sense of having been a "pleasure ex
ertion" well worth while. Avoid hir
ing professionals or Introducing clap
trap devices for amusement. The
grange can develop leaders for recre
ative occasions ns well as all serious.
An Important detail Is to have plenty
of seats for the company, located not
too far from the speakers' stand.
New England Fruit Show.
There Ik to be a big fruit show in
Boston lu October. Ail New England
Is getting Interested. The subject Is
now engaging the attention of many
granges, partleulurly In Maine. A pre
mium list of $10,000 Is already as
sured. Often "esteemed contemporaries"
speak of the "president" of a grange.
There Is no such officer. The presid
ing officer Is the "master."
D. C LATOURETTE, President F. J. MEYER, Cashier
(Successor to Commercial Bank)
Transact a Ceneral Banking Business. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p.m
w Jfc
A Sprained Ankle
As Dsoally treated a sprained ankle
will dirablo the injured porsou for
a mouth or more, but by applying
Chamberlain's Liniment and observ
ing the directions with each bottle
faithfully, a enre may, in most
cases, - be afTeted in one week's time.
This liniment is a remarkable prepa
ation ; try it for a sprain or a bruise,
or when laid op with clironio or
muscular rheumatism, and yon are cer
tain to be delighted with the prompt
relief which ' it affords. For sale
by the Jones Drag Co,
During the Season 1 909
via the
Southern Pacific Co.
Oregon City
To OMAHA and Return - - - $60.50
To KANSAS CITY and Return $60.50
To ST, LOUIS and Return - - $68.00
To CHICAGO and Return - - $73.00
and to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and South.
Correspondingly low fares.
On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August II, 12
To DENVER and Return - - $55.50
On Sale May 1 7, July I , August 1 1
Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit
October aist.
These tickets present some very sttractive features in the way
of stopover privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling pas
sengers to make side trips to many interesting points enroute.
Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a
slight advance over the rates quoted.
Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be fur
nished by any Southern Pacific local agent, or
WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
Good lor Biliousness
"I took two of Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets last night, and
I feel fifty per cent better than I havo
fult for weeks, says J. J . Firestone
of Allegan, Mich. "They are cer
tainly a fine article for bliiousuess. "
For sale by the Jones Drug (Jo.
Bamples free.
John W. Thomas
Molalla, Mondays