6 OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1909 COUNTY COURT Road Dist. No. 1. C. H. Counsel! 20.00 John Davis .' 6.00 Orln Battin 1.25 Albert Hurst 11.25 Cleve Battin 2.25 A. M. Winn 7.50 Goorge Atwood 6.00 George Terry 5.00 W. H. Counsell 7.50 Road Dist. No. 2. Prank Busch 2.00 M. B. Webster ... 35.00 I. W. Johnson 28.00 Carl Jones 40.00 George Durgan 4.00 L. D. Jones 32.00 R. Johnson 15.01 Jack Young 15.00 Eugene Sager 15.00 A. Handley 25.00 Beryl Webster G.00 Road Dist. No. 3. John Teevin 4.00 Gust Erxon 12.00 II. Matson 8.00 Nels Rodlin 4.00 J. E. Siefor 10.00 Fritz Boose 2.00 Henry Breighthaupt 8.00 Clarence Seller 2.00 Goedfrled 3.00 Road Dist. No. 4. L. Kale 1.75 J. B. Linn 4.9 Roy Linn 8.20 G B Linn 810 Road Dist. No. 5. R. K. Jurl s o,. Straus Lumber Co 274.21 George Partch ..." 70.7 J. Grosliong 17.00 Straight & Salisbury Agents (or the Celebrated Kewanee Water Tanks and Aermotor $42.50 Gasoline Pumping Engines Plumbing and Tinning a Specialty 720 Main St. Oregon City Phone 2(182 Pi I O- 3 KILLthe COUCH and CURE the LUNGS Dr. ling's WITH Ikw Discovery PRICT5 rm f yfJ,S.X, woo. OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACIOBYi OA HONEY REFUNDED. Do You Like Good Things If so you will like Bonvillc's Western Monthly Read it. and see. It is for sale at HUNTLEY BROS. CO. iiOTRSssaHSSBSffinEaf Portland Railway, Light ana Power Company o. iv. p. in vi si ox TIME TABLE b.-twn Portland and Oregon City Leave Arrive Leave Arrive O o B 5 & ft n v r. i I o 0 n o P Q ! 4.0U 5.27 6.40 5.40 5.45 6.45 ti.SU 7.22 7.30 6.20 6.26 7.20 7.00 7.52 8.00 6.50 6.67 7.60 7.30 8.22 tUll 7.30 7.87 S.30 S.(il) 8.52 9.00 8.00 8.07 9.00 fc30 0.22 i.;i0 8.30 8.37 9.30 It 00 9.52 10.00 9.00 9.07 10.00 9.30 10.22 I0.;:o 9.30 9.37 10.30 10.00 10.52 11.00 10.00 10.07 11.00 10.30 11.22 11.30 10.30 10.37 11.30 11.00 11.52 12.00 11.00 11.07 11.59 1 1.30 12.22 12.30 11.30 11.37 12.30 12.00 12.52 1.00 12.00 12.07 1.00 12.30 1.22 1.30 12.30 12.37 1.30 t.OU 1.52 2.00 1.00 1.07 2.00 1.311 2.22 2.30 1.30 1.03 2.30 2.00 2 52 3.00 2.00 2.07 3.00 2.30 3.22 3.30 2.30 2.37 3.30 3.00 3.52 4.00 3.00 3.07 4.00 3.30 4.22 4.30 3 30 3.37 4.80 4.00 4.52 5.00 4.00 4.07 6.00 4.30 5.22 5.30 4.30 4.37 5.30 5.00 5.62 0.00 5.00 5.07 6.00 5.30 0.22 11.30 6.30 5.37 6.30 6.00 0.52 7.00 6.00 6.07 7.00 ti.30 7.22 7.30 0.30 6.37 7.30 7.00 7.52 8.00 7.00 7.07 8.00 7.30 S.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30 8.00 8.52 8.55 8.00 8.07 9.00 8.30 9.22 9.25 8.30 8.37 9.30 9.00 0.52 9.55 9.03 9.07 10.00 9.30 9.33 9.37 10.00 10.52 10.55 10.03 10.07 11.00 1 1.00 1 1.52 11.55 11.03 11.07 11.59 12.00 12.40 12.50 11.55 11.57 ' 12.50 12.65 To Mllwaukio only. Trains for Fulrvlew, Troutdale, Gresliain, Boring, Eagle Creek, Esta caila and Cazuilero and Intermediate points. 7:13. x8:02. 9:05. 3:05. x4:05. 5:05. xl0:05. x6:05. 1:05. 7:05. 8:05. 11:35. For Cii'c.iliam. x Greshaui, Kairview and Troutdale. NOTE: Cars leave East Water and Morrison streets 5 minutes litter than scheduled from First and Alder Sts. N. H. Bickford 4.00 J, J. Timmerman 4.00 Fred Grosliong 6.00 Arthur Arch 15.00 John Elsworth 22.00 D. P. Shaw 7.00 Burt Schoonour ... 3.00 Road Dist. No. 6. Frank Beers 27.20 D. J. Hlte 20.00 V. F. Strack .' 5.00 Chas. Krebs 14.60 Road Dist. No. 7. Johanson Lumber Co 104.25 Ernest Leal 58.00 Geo, Maroney 32.00 A. C. Baumback 36.00 August Johnson 36.00 Will Bell ,. . ' 39.00 W. M. Rakes 38,00 W. Robins 10.00 Geo. Craig 63.00 Ed Druns 12.00 Reugg & Bornstedt 2.00 Carl AschofI 4.00 Otto Aschoff . . 4.00 Henry Ten Eyke 4.00 A. C. Milliron 2.50 Geo. Gibbons 3.00 Frank Langensand 21.00 P. Gray 20.00 Ed Daley 20.00 R. Net.ol 20.00 O. T. Rakes 8.85 Gus Fingers 20.25 John Haggerty 33.75 Melvln Haggerty 15.00 W. Strack 27.00 A! Winchie ... 20.75 Thomas Clark 15.00 Joe Clark 8.00 F. E. McGugin 46.25 Road Olst .No. 9. Wm.Held 28.50 A. II. Miller 54.86 Road Dist. No. 10. Estacada Mercantile Co 1.60 L. M. Yocura 45.00 R. A. Duncan 8.00 II. N. Duns 4.50 T. Yocum 37.50 A. E. Yocum 22.00 I). P. Crawford 3.00 C. C. Sailing 3.00 C. Dims ... 1.60 II. H. Davis 31.50 II. Wagner 27 00 K. Lemon 24.00 W. Pinkley 11.25 E. Wonucott 19.50 G. R. Palmuteer 33.75 G. T. Beebe 22.50 N. Tracy 22.50 11. Krigbauin 11.25 II. Hewitt 1125 J. A. Krlgbaum 8.25 W. Lemon 6.00 A. Atkins 3.75 C Duncan 18.00 P. J. Holm 11.26 J. Osborne 11.25 L. J. Palmuteer 13 60 C C. Warner 9.00 P. Conkllu 13.50 Kluotch 3.00 VV. II. Dwyer 14.00 O. C. Klaetsch . - 15.00 A. J. Callfl 4 50 ,1. F. Snyder t 14 00 B. C. Looney . . 10.00 S. L. Fisher 10 00 M. Snyder 10.00 Don Rawlins 8.00 II II. Anders 30 00 . T. Hunt 11.50 . A. Looney 25.00 Road Dist. No. 11. rank Ilusch 3.25 Wilson & Cooke 3.90 '. A. Jones 22.00 ercy Jones 40.00 .eonard Lunberg 44.00 McQullIln 34.00 nines McAnulty 20.00 'Yank McAnulty 20.00 Mann 20.00 van Rlttenhouso 18.00 Burgess 18.00 L. Tnilllngor 14.00 R. Llvesay Road District No. 12 Ilusch Gill 48.00 4.25 37.00 1.25 20.50 .90 lenry Road Dist. No. 14. rank Busch WIIhoii & Cooke l'ope & Co Scripture & Beaulhui 4.45 Trojan Powder Co . . 215.50 D. Thome 46.25 10. Kuppcnliender 40.00 C. Jones 42.00 V. Barney 4(5.00 S. Harney 00.50 t'. Harney 22.00 11. II. Payne 43.00 L. 11. Shelley 30.00 W. It. Wheeler 8.00 ('. Ulehter 8.00 A. 1. llassler 18.00 I). Sberruble 12.00 I. Irish 7.50 I.. F. Wilson 12.00 O. Kunzeniiin 33.25 Chris Murnlt IS. 00 J. Shelley, Jr 82.00 .lames Shelley 47.50 GinitluT 80.00 It. (iwilllm 110.00 Shelley .... 55.75 N. Clark 27.00 V. Bagman 55.00 Perclnski 4S.00 llornssnh 59.30 Blnhm 03.00 My rick 60.00 T. Sinclair til.25 Sinclair 26.00 llenrlcl 00.00 Honrlci 50.00 Virl 47.00 Derrick Brenner Linn Dillon 41.00 47.00 43.00 9.00 15.00 5.00 3.15 24.25 Road Dist. No. 15. "Max Telford L. Mattoon Road Dist. Wilson & Cooke .. F. J. Wlrfs No. 16. I. N. Crlteser 6.00 Del Crltescer 3.50" Aug. Staehley 10.00 Wm. Staehley 4.00 Road Dist. No. 18, H. H. Hughes 3.25 Road Dist. 19. Carlton & Rosenkraus ... C. T. Howard Wm. Wallace 42.25 79.70 4.00 Wm. Mueller 5.00 Lew Wallace ' 4.00 Lew Sugcr R. II. Long J. Helvey J. Paine . 2.00 12.00 9.00 5.00 Max Huss ' 6.50 Mrs. M. Wallace 2.00 H. Wallace 2.00 Road Dist. No. 20. Trojan Powder Co 182.50 E. Damours 25.75 E. Kirk 6.25 J. Putz . . 12.50 Chas. Shockley 20.25 J. Fryrear 8.00 D. Fellows 6.00 A. Harrington C.00 F. Vohs 8.25 Ed Vohs 8.25 Alvin Stormer C.25 Nat Scribner 20.20 Geo. North 8.25 Joe Panlsh 12.00 W. Klobe 2.00 H. Fellows 10.00 T. Wlrtz 8.00 E. Klelnsmith 1.50 Nat Scribner 27.50 G. R. Miller 8.00 Abe Stormer 7.00 S. Bunnell 24.00 J. Mayfield .. .' 8.00 F. Hettman 32.50 G. Wallace 23.00 O. Fellows 9.50 John Wallace 17.00 C. Kirk 12.00 Road Dist. No. 21. Hult Brothers 51.97 John Will 24.00 Alfred Wall 24.00 Frank Winslow 25.00 Frank Robeson 2.50 Alfred Danielson 5.10 August Dahlstrom 9.00 A. N. Swanson 4.00 John Erickson 8.00 Andrew Johnson 2.00 Oscar Johnson 2.00 P. A. Emborg 2.00 Road Dist No. 22. W. C. Noon Lumber Co 7.68 .las. Lay 4.00 Gust Johnson 8.00 Clay Engle 8.00 Albert Engle 5.00 Road Dist. No. 23. Avon Jesse 10.50 H. Krause 3.50 R. W. Zimmerman 5.00 O. I. Miller 12.00 Road Dist. No. 24. Steve Fisher 5.25 Clurence Miller 75 L. P. Spagle 16.25 O. I. Miller 5.19 Road Dist. No. 26. V. Dunton 1.25 F. Watts 1.00 Harvey Dart 7.50 F. Quinn 2.62 Ed Hobart 1.00 Max Huss 10.00 W. II. Engle 2.75 Road Dist. No. 28. J. M. Groshong 5.25 J. M. Nicholson 3.50 G. N. Wills Co 31.19 A. D. Mazlngo 87 A. M. Groshong 5.00 Road District No. 29. Mrs. F. W. Prahl . . : 22.00 A. McConnoll 1.1.50 Road Dist. No. 30. Wm. Dyer 4.00 F. E. Davidson 10.00 J. II. Manning 10.00 Oliver Worthington 4.00 Road Dist. No. 31. Oregon City Lumb. Co 12.25 Ed Boeckman 3.00 R. Schatz 5.00 Wm. Schatz 0.25 Road Dist. No. 32. C. Comstock 4.00 A. II. Smith . . . 5.00 W. C. Heater 25.00 (. Murry 1.00 S. E. Baker 2.00 S. Murry 4.00 W. Willis 4.00 F. W. St. Clair 4.00 Bowman Lumb. Co 24.85 J. E. Morliack 1.00 J. Grose 11.00 Road Dist. No. 33. Charlie Folsom 7.75 Guy Wilcox 7.75 Archie Howell 7.75 Curl Howell 7.75 W. II. Handle 18.00 ltay Marrs James Marrs Anton Haybelt ... . Frank Millard ...., W. W. Tucker .... Albert Folsom . . Eugene Lewelleu . . W. M. Warnock ... E. II. Tlson Ernest Genserowski 10.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 5.50 6.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 Henry Cromer 12.50 Estacada Mercantile Co 4.50 Henry Gilmore 2.00 James Marclibank 3.50 Road Dist. No. 34. Oregon Iron & Steel Co 9.10 Wilson & Cooke 8.45 Ownbey & Lipe 1.80 H .T. Shipley 14.00 A. D. Bowers 7.S7 J. Edmond 14.00 C. Christian 12.25 C. Hobble 7.00 .1. M. Turner 81.25 Road Dist. No. 36. F. M. Samson 10.00 P. D. Samson ... . ' 6.00 Frank Stanton 73 lister Stanton 75 Obed Miller 4.40 Road Dist. No. 37. George Gorgolos 4.50 Joe Tony ... ... , 4.50 Bill Tony 9.90 Pete Thomas 23.00 J. W. Myers 20.58 J. W. Stone 5.75 C. W. Kruse 73.57 C. W. Kruse 8.25 Jones Lumber Co 8.45 Road Dist No. 41. George Roberts 4-00 Walter Kitzmiller 6 00 G. R. Woodle 8.00 A. Jews ' 4.00 A. J. Morrison 4.00 Harry Morrison 4.00 P. P. Pashall 8.00 A. J. Kitzmiller ... 2.50 Road Dist. No. 42. W. II. Yoder 3.00 Chas. Taylor 3.75 B. Wormdahl 1.50 F. E. Taylor 5.30 Road Dist. No. 46. J. R. Carr C.00 Orvel Watts 3.00 W. W. Bradley 5.50 Joseph Swartz 42.00 Road Dist No. 47. C. H. Dauchy, Jr 1.80 Trojan Powder Co 12.35 G. Himler 32.00 M. Rivers 34.00 H. Wagner 34.00 E. Himler 31.00 J. Maddox 60.00 S. L. Shepard ... 10.00 E. Rivers 26.00 Bert Clyde ... 4.00 E. Carter 7.00 H. P! Brownrlgg 12.00 E. Harrington 45.00 General Roads . Frank Busch 3.25 Beall & Co 7.55 E. A. Gottberg 3.00 Ownbey & Lipe 40.00 W. H. Mattoon 32.80 John Lewellen 41.90 Real Estate Transfers West Coast Timber Company to State of Oregon, rust half of north west quarter and south half of south west quarter of section 12, T 8S, 11 3 E; $400. C. W and Addle Barlow to Martha Elizabeth Shepard, 4.33 acres of sec tion 5, township 4 south, range 1 E; $1. C. D. Robeson to Ji'.ssie Mayfield, SW quarter of SW quarter of section 33, T4S, R3E; $2000. H. N. North to Jesse Mayfield, S. half of SW quarter of section 33, T3S, R3E; $1. George H. Saubert and Anna Sau bert to R. J. Hendricks, lots 8, 9, to 24 inclusive of block 17, and lots from 25 to 43 inclusive of block 12, Min thorn Addition, to the City of Port land; $1. John W. Beckley and Delia A. Beck ley to George Hartung, 10 acres of George Crow D. L. C, T2S, R1E; $1, 200. Gladstone Real Estate Association to C. J. Johnson and Knima Johnson, 3 acres of section 11), township 2 south, range 2 East; $1. W. S. King and Elizabeth King to A. D. Mayo, lot 1G, block 7, Shaw's First Addition to Oregon City; $700. Ira and Jessie E. Burley and Wil liam and Maggie Wills to Clackamas County, tract of land In Clackamas County; section 25, township 1 south, range 1 east; Ardenwald; $1. Francis M. Whitlock to Lela Whit lock, undivided one-half Interest in lots 7 and 8, block 140, Oregon City; $1. John J. Button and Mary Hatton to Clackamas County,' 20.28 acres of Horace Baker and wife D. L. C, T. 2 South, range 3 East; $35. J. U. and Anna Campbell to Clack amas County, land in S. S. White D. L. C, T2S, R2E; $1. William and Melinite to Peter and Clara Ruber, lot 2, block 2, Holmes Addition to Oregon City; $380. Peter and Anna Held to Louva Wlsmer, north-half of NW quarter of section 21, T3S, R3E; $1. Fred and Josie Erickson to James McLoughlin and W'lnifred McLough lln, 40 acres of section 10, TR4S, R2 E; $3000. William E. and Mary Odekirk to Henry Henke, part of section 25, T4 S, RIE; 100 acres; $5500. Margaret and J. I. Johnson to Vera GitHch, lots 1 to 24 inclusive, block 12, Mlnthorn; $5. Oregon Iron & Steel Compauy to Miss Anna M. Alton, lot 7, Elk Rock Villas; $10. Security Savings & Trust Company to Fred Cooper, lots 10, 11, 12; $10. Fred ami Stella Cooper to Thomas Noud, all of lots 10, 11, 12, Atkinson; $3190. Edwin and Mary Cole to John J. Cole, land in section 25, T1S, RIE; $1. L. H. Uok and Grace Look to Karl Schulz, 10 acres or sections 22, 23, 26 and 27, town ship l south, range 3 east; $1250. Lillian J. Clarkson and Thaddeus S. Clarkson to Goodrick D. Boardnian. all of blocks 50 ami 51, First Addition to Jennings Lodge; $1. William E. Mayeock to Leander M. Fells, 40.08 acres of oseph C. Geer and wife D. L. C. township 3 south, range l west; $10. Charles Sharhakle and Maggie Sharnakle to Harper E. Klock, 10.4 acres of section IS, township 2 south,' range 5 east; $1. James G. McElroy and Adelaide O. M. McElrov, .22 acres of section 13. T2S. R 110; $10. F. J. Walkley and Jennie Walkley to J. H. Revenue, land in section 13, T2S, R4E; $1. Martin and Mary Tauchman to E. McKitiney, land in Clackamas Coun ty; $1. Martin and Mary Tauchman to E. C. McKinney and E. A. McKinney. 50.90 acres of section 23, T3S, R1W; $10,500. R. H. Mayeock to Gullferd Williams land In Clackamas County; $250. Guilford Williams to George East man, land in Clackamas County; $300. George Eastman to M. L. Pratt. land In Clackamas County; $500. Cora McCown and F. M. McCown to S. J. Vaughan, 20 acres of section 25'. T2S, R2E; $1. W. O. and Eleanor M. Vaughan to Susan F. Moody, 206.71 acres of sec tion 25, T6S, R2K; $1. Frank Rentier to J. W. Gerber. 25 acres of S. X. v:,noe D. L. C. T3S. R2E: $2100. Alice II. Roman and J. A. Roman to Eliza Gerber. nil 0f lots 1, 2. 3, 4. block 3. Mountain View Addition to Oregon City; $000. Emma McNeil to Olive Champagne all of lots 27, 28, block 5, Hyde Park; $10. Halsey J. and Mary Phelps to Al vin Phelps, 40 acres of section 1, T4S, RIE; $1450. J. W. and Lucy Reed et al to West ern Lumber & Fuel Company, lots 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, block 6, Estacada; $1. E. J. duPont deNemours Powder Company to Nathan B. Harvey, land in Clackamas countly; $6,000. Harriet Llbbey to Oregon Iron & Steel Company, 10.04 acres of Clack amas County; $1. Harriet F. Libbey et al, to W. J. Youmans, southwest quarter of north west quarter of section 20, T2S, RIE; $9000. T.' W. and H. L. L. Clark to George C. Ewen and Erne Ewen, all of lot 5, block 1, Windsor Addition to Oregon City; $1. Oregon Swedish Colonization Com pany to A. Julius Magnusin, 160 acres of section 8, T5S, R3E; $3300. M. O. and Fatina Belwln et al., to W. W. Graham, 160 acres of Pames L. Daly and wife D. L. C. sections 20, 29, T3S, R1W; $1. A. R. and Madge G. Morgan to Wil liam K. Parker, 41.43 acres of T2S, R5E, also 20 acres of section 19; $5000. E. B. and L. W. Andrews to Wil liam J. Warne, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, block 6, Falls View Addition to Oregon City. Harvey E. Cross, attorney and abstracter, Oregon City. Oregcn Abstracts of real eBtate in Clackamas oonnty promptly made: charges rea sonable. 30 years' experience. EVENTS IN OUR. STATE OF MINOR IMPORTANCE Yoncalla M. D. Ferguson, a farmer residing near here, was mis taken for a deer by his hunting com panion and killed. Milton James M. Hicks, died here from blood poisoning contract ed from smut In the harvest field In a boil on his nose. Salem Dr. John Shaw, for many years physician at the state peniten tiary, died at his home in this city last week. Springfield This city will hold a special election September 6 to en large the limits of the city, taking In several hundreds of acres of ter ritory. Portland Bradley Saunders, a telephone lineman, while working on top of a pole In this city, was elec trocuted when a wire came in con tace with a power wire. Albany Complete estimates of the damage rought by the fire which gutted the First National Bank building In this city last week, place the loss at $64,550. The insturance is $39,000. Heppner A company, recently organized here, has filed water rights on the John Day river for the pur pose of constructing a power plant to supply Heppner with light and power. The Dalles Wm. A. Sechler, local agent for the Pacific Express Com pany, was kidnaped by friends of his and held captive until 6 o'clock in the evening, spoiling the wedding plans. Heppner The city council has passed an ordinance licensing near beer saloons and pastimes where games are played. A $500 bond is also required by the proprietors to insure an orderly house. Salem Representative Hawley has recommended the appointment of Robert J. Hendricks, of Salem, as supervisor of the census for the First district. Mr. Hendricks Isedl tor of the Salem Statesman and other papers. Maishtkld Never before In the history of .Coos county has there been such extensive roadbuilding work as is in progress this summer. For new roads and improvements a total of over $1 10,000 is being ex pended. Salem Deputy Warden John lieugiti, of the penitentiary, has gone to Eureka, Cal., to bring back to prison Kufus Fis--.li, a convict who escaped several months ago while employed at the feeble-minded school near this city. Fish was serv ing one year for larceny, having been sent up from Douglas county. Astoria The regatta committee has abandoned the project of hold ing the annual carnival this year on account of lack of time In which to make the preparation and because it had not sufficient funds at Its com mand to give the entertainment pro jected. The Astoria Motor Boat Club is arranging for a day of water sports later in the season. .Fort Stevens It Is expected that Inspection by Brigadier General Mans will lead to a number of ma terial changes in the arrangement of Fort Stevens. General Maus has condemned the locaMon of the build ings of the engineers department, because of the fact that they limit the field of fire of a number of the batteries. Portland The fruit crop of Ore gon this year has turned out better than expected. Early in the season It .was feared the crop would almost be a failure. The unusually cold winter and the dry spring caused the orchards to look anything but good, but these fears have been dispelled by the reports from the different sec tions of the state. Small fruits on the whole, have not done well, but the staple crops apples, pears and peachespromise a yield that will aggregate only about 100 carloads less than the fine crop of 1908. St. Johns Foiled In an attempt to end his life by Jumping from th North Bank bridge, across the Will amette, Sunday morning, Chas. Ack strom, bent upon committing sui cide, tried to hurl himself In front of a fast-moring train and force Deputy Sheriff Beatty with him onto the track. Beatty, dtTlnlng his pris oner's Intent, threw him to th sld of the bridge and stepped back Just in time to save himself, the train whizzing by in an iiiBtunt. "I am tired of life," was the only answer Ackstrom would give in reply to questions as to his two attempts to kill himself. Portland After inspecting work on the Celllo Canal and other gov ernment projects on the Upper Co lumbia, Brigadier General Wm. L. Marshall, chief of army engineers of the United States army, said: "Work on the Celllo Canal is progressing as rapidly and as favorably as could b expected in view of the puny appro priations that have been available for it.' If congress would allow us enough money for a lump contract on the whole work we could com plete the canal in throe years and a half. As it is it may take 20." The Chinese Six Companies of San Francisco have put an end to ex ploiting Celestial vice by Chinatown guides Prominent Chinese declare that thlb vulgar system of putting Chinatown on exhibition for tourists has made Chinese lose reputation, and they propose to stop It. Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor Dandrldge, aged 85, third daughter of President Zachary Taylor, died at Washington, D. C, Sunday night. Baron de Forqest has offered a prize -of $20,000 to the first British aeronaut to cross the channel in a British-built aeroplane In record time. For sweet charity's sake promi nent society women of Boston are planning to give the Salome dance with Mrs. Nicholas Longworth and other leaders as sponsors. Amy f MRS. LONGWORTH. Grant, famous us the real Salome artist, will do the dance amid the most fashionable surroundings and with the most brilliant light effects. John Leonard Rc.eder, who acted as orderly to General Rlucher at the battle of Waterloo, died Saturday at Quincy, 111., aged 108 years. The Ihiiitd States army transport Kilpatricii, with the Tenth United States Cavalry, arrived in New York Sunday after a two months' voyage from the Philippines. The number of persons dead as a result of h:st week's hurricane in Texas is consjrvativ.My estimated at 40, thone' more or k'ss seriously in jured number twice as many and the property loss placed al $1,000,000. A company is being organized to Invest $111,000,000 In steel vessels to ply on th i.akes-to-Gulf waterway, which th . :i'onK)t'.:r. consider as dured. id Yo!i Ever Know that Chinese cliiiiheiu play " liiiiiJ Alan's -Bull"" anil lots of other games, just like our own American " kniuit-s "? iul that there are pome bacteria so rooJ for us that .hey Ye See the lcy'rc called u iiKii.spcnsablc"? AUGUST EVEBYSuST'S At all Local News Dealers Boost Oregon ! Boost Clackamas County :SEND Oregon City Courier To your Friends in the East and in terest them in this glorious West Phont I12 Hts. isss Williams Bros, transfer Co. Safes, Pianos and Turniture Moving a Specialty Trtlgbt ni Panels Delivered , Prices Seasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed MARKETREPORT Embracing Portland, Seattle and the.Local Markets. . WHOLESALE QUOTATIONS. Vegetables, fruit a, Etc. Green Onions 40c doz. bunches. Radishes 20c dozen bunches. Lettuce 20c dozen bunches. Head Lettuae 20c dozen- bunches. Rhubarb 3c pound. Asparagus 65c doz bunches. Potatoes $1.00 per cwt. Oregon Onions $1.00. Butter and Eggs. BUTTER Ranch, 45 to 50. Cream ery, 60c roll. EGGS 28c dozen. HONEY 12c frame. HONEY Strained, 7c to 9c lb. HONEY White, in frames, 13c ea. Dried Fruits. DRIED APPLES Quartered, sun dried, 7c; evaporated, 7c; prunes, 4c 5c per lb. Grain,. Flour and Feed. WHEAT $1.20. " - OATS No. 1 white, $40.00 per ton. Gray oats $39.00. FLOUR Pat. hard wheat, $6.25; val ley flour, $5.50; graham, $5.60, whole wheat, $5.85. MILLSTUFFS Bran $28; middl ings, $35.00; shorts, $31.00, hay $12 to $18. HAY Valley timothy, No. 1 $18.00 per ton; cheat, $14.00; clover $14. Live Stock. STEERS $4.00$4.25. HEIFERS $3.25 to $3.60. COWS $3.50. LAMBS $3.50 to $4.00. HOGS $4.00 to $4.50. Poultry. OLD HENS 12 cents per pound; young roosters, 11c; old roosters, roosters, 9c; chickens (frys) 12lc DUCKS 9c. Dressed Mevts. FRESH MEAT Hogs 9 and 9VjC per lb.; veal 7 to 8c; mutton 6c to 7c; lamb, spring, 10c lb. A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation weakens the whole system. Doan's Regulets (25 cents per box) correct the liver, tone the stomach, cure constipation. For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills Minneapolis, Jlinn. "I was a great suflerer iroin female troubles which caused a weakness and broken down condition of the system. 1 read so much of whatLydia E. l'irikham's Veg etable Compound had done for other sultering women I felt sure it would help me, and I must say it did help me wonderfully, My pams all left nie, I grew stronger, and within three months I was a perfectly well woman. "I want this Tetter made public to show the benelit women may derive from Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. John O. Moldan, 2115 Second St., North, Minneapolis, Minn. Thousands of unsolicited ami genu ine testimonials like the above prove the. el!k'icncy of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made exclusively from roots and herbs. Women who suller from those dis tressing'ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these fads or doubt the. ahility of Lydia E Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. If you -want special advice write to Mrs. rinkliatn, at I.-jnn, Mass. She will treat ymiHcUorassf rictly confidential. For '" years sh'o lias been liel;i:iff sick women in this way, f :: ,' ..! r;;e. Don't hesitate wricc m once. THE: Office In favorite Clgtr Store OppoHU Itiasonle Building LETTER PUBLISHED 'V V