OREGON CIT COURIER FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1909 i We ELGIN, WALTHAM, HOWARD HAMILTON Men's Watches A Ladies Watches Nickel and Silver Cases $2. to $25. ' Gold and gold filled flO. to $100. - Ingersol and New England Watches $1.00 tofO.OO OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT is prepared to fix all Grades of Watches Clocks, Pins, Rings, Etc. AI.L, WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Burmeister (Eb Andresen Oregon City Jewelers LOCAL AND Drs. Btutie & Mount, (lentiuts, Ma sonic x'oniplo. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gates, a daughter. Linn E. Jones has returned from an outing at Seaside. Mrs. Thomas Mooney, of Clackamas, spent Friday In this city. Mrs. Augusta Lutz Is visiting Mc Mlnnville Wends this week. Miss Wynne ilunuy left Monday for Tacoma to spend a week visiting rel atives. Peter Nuliren is spending two weeks recuperating at the Collins Hot Springs. Miss Edna Mattock of Portland spent Sunday with Oregon City friends. Oreu and Allen Cutting of Molalla made a business trip to Oregon City Tuesday. Mrs. Belle A. Sleight, deputy Couuty Clerk, Is spending here vacation at Hood River. Fred Yohann, a prominent resident of Macksbui'S, was a Saturday visitor in Oregon City. Ralph Russell, night linotype opera tor at the Enterprise office, Is enjoying a week's vacation. Fred llurgoyne, a well kliown resi dent of New Era, made a business trip to Oregon City Friday. K. S. Coe, one of Canby's progres sive residents, was an Oregon City vis itor Friday afternoon. H. L. Price has resumed his position in this city after an extended trip through Southern California. W. II. Nelson, a prominent resident of Mulino, paid Oregon City a busi ness visit Saturday afternoon. A marriage license was issued. by the county clerk Thursday to Miss Myra L. Williams and John A. Bless i"R. V. h. Holmes returned home Sat urday morning from a business trip to Gervals, where he is conducting a store. Mrs. Aurora Payne, formerly Miss Dickey of tills city, who is residing in Spokane, is visiting Oregon City friends. Dr. G. E. Stuart has returned to Oregon City after spending his vaca tion in his old location, North Yam hill. Louis G. Criteser and Earl C.Wink, two well known New Era young men, were Oregon City visitors Monday night. Tom Word, Jr., son of Ex-Sheriff Word of Portland, spent Sunday in Oregon City as the guest of Raymond Caufield. Hon. George C. Brownell of this city, delivered a highly interesting ad dress at the Good Roads Meeting in Tualatin Saturday. Beldon Ganong and William Stokes have returned to Oregon City from a ten days' visit in Seattle, where they enjoyed the Fair. IRONPORT (Non-Alcoholic). Cures the hankering for drink. Refreshing, 'delicious, invigorating. For sale at all Soda Fountains. David Officer, a former Molalla res ident, but now a prominent Howell Prairie hop raiser, made a business trip to Oregon City Saturday. Miss Anna Shannon and Miss Ger trude Hamilton of this city are spend ing two weeks at the Hackney Cot tage at Long Beach, Wash. Charles F. Bollinger and Philip J. Sinnott of this city spent Sunday af ternoon in New Era, making the trip to that city and back in a row boat. Through eating a crab Sunday jilght, Lloyd Riches, the Journal agent, contracted plomanic poison. Prompt medical attention allayed the disease before it became serious. Mrs. T. P. Randall, Miss Velma Ran dall, Miss Margaret Boyd, of Walla Walla, Wash., the former's sister, and Miss Olwin Edwards, are enjoying a month's vacation at Wilhoit Springs. They will be joined on the 12th by Mr. Randall, our genial postmaster, who will spend two weeks at the resort. W. M. Ladd, president of the Ladd & Tilton Bank In Portland, was in Oregon City last week conferring with W. B. Lawton of Mount Pleasant, whose place joins the Ladd property. The two gentlemen decided to reopen a street through the properties and to build a driveway along the bluff in front of their premises, which commands a fine view of Oregon City, the Willamette River and surrounding country. WATCHES have for your inspect ion an immense stock of watches for men, women, boys and girls-in solid gold gold filled, silver and nickel cases. Our movements are all the very best American , makes. MB1 20 year Guaranteed gold filled case 1 with Elgin orWal ham Movem't $13.00 Susp. Bridge Corner PERSONAL Chris Muralt was an. Oregon City visitor Monday. Mrs. E. G. Caufield is spending sev eral weeks at Seaside. Charles Hamilton was a New Era visitor Saturday night.. Dr. L. G. Ice, dentist, Masonic Bldg. Pacific phone, 1221, Home, A198. Carl Casseday of Beaver Creek, spent Sunday In this city. W. B. Blanehard Is the guest of his son, R. L. Blanehard, of this city. J. R. Wllkerson, of Canby, made a business trip to Oregon City Friday. J. V. Harless, of Molalla was an Oregon City visitor Friday afternoon. J. Levitt and family are spending a few weeks at Shepherd's Hot Springs. F. J. Lonergan, of Portland, made a business trip to Oregon City Mon day. Dr. Li. A. Morris, dentist, Is absent on his vacation. Will return August 18th. . Clell Hammond of this city, attend ed the camp meeting at New Era Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Alexander Warner and Miss Laura Pope are spending a week at Wilhoit Springs. Charles W. Robison has returned to this city from a three weeks' vaca tion at Seaside. Miss Arline Olson has returned to her home in Willamette after a two weeks' visit in Eugene. S. Pallay, proprietor of the Oregon City Shoe Store, is spending a week hunting in the mountains. Will Howell. Jr.. returned to this city Monday from a three days' visit to the A. Y. P. Exposition. Mrs. Emma Mertsching and son of Maple Lane spent Monday afternoon attending to business matters in Ore gon City. Misses Celia and Bertha Goldsmith left Friday night for a visit with rel atives In San Francisco and Sacra mento. After spending some time in Astoria visiting his sister, Mrs. Howard Brownell, Walter Hart has returned to Oregon City. Glen Hurst of Aurora, passed through Oregon City Sunday forenoon with a party of friends In an auto, going to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Andrews of Portland spent. Sunday with Mrs An drews' parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hamilton oi this city. Miss Minnie Rake! is spending the remainder of the summer with her sister, Mrs. Peter Wlnkel, of West Oregon City at Newport. Miss Effle Jane Fra.er, of Pendle ton and Miss Ethel Caufield, of Port land, were the guests of Miss Marjor ie Caufield of this city, Sunday. After a visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkinson of this city, Mrs. Margaret Richardson, Misses Eleanor and Jeanette Wiggins and Miss Ethel Richardson have returned to Portland. Mr. JBusbee of West Oregon City and Fred Baker of Gladstone are in the mountains on a hunting trip. Dur ing Fred'H absence his position with H. P. Brightblll is being filled by R. Forsberg. Mr and Mrs. Duane C. Ely. Miss Hazel Francis and Mr. Bauer, went to the Toll Gate Sunday in an automo bile, returning to Oregon city tne same" afternoon. Miss Grace Shewman, who recently underwent an operation at the Good Samaritan hospital, was brought to this city Monday afternoon, much im proved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schneider left Sunday for their home in Orting, Wash., after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Roake of this city. They were acompanied by Miss Ivy Roake, who will visit Orting and Tacoma. vori-v raiifleld returned to Oregon City Saturday evening from a visit to Seattle, Belllngham, victoria ana vonnniiver While In Washineton he was joined by Wallace Caufield and Ben Harding, and In company wun the former he climbed Mt. Adams. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. Be Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of U. S. Dix of Colton spent Friday In Oregon City. Carl Stronigreeu was an Oregon City visitor last week. R. E. Moore of Albany was an Ore gon City visitor Monday. Mrs. R. J. Goodfellow Is spending two weeks at Wilhoit Springs. Charles Gates of this city was a Molalla visitor Sunday. Ray Cole made a business trip to Portland Monday afternoon. Nick Story left Monday for Astoria to attend to business matters. Miss Grayce Marshall is spending two weeks in Tacoma and Seattle. Wallace McCord of this city was a New Era visitor Saturday evening. Miss Stella Powell of Molalla spent Saturday with Oregon City friends. Allen Adams has accepted a posi tion with Rosenthal's of Portland. Harry McClure is enjoying a hunt ing trip iu the vicinity of Brownsville. Mrs. S. S. Mohler spent Sunday and Monday with her aunt In Vancouver. Chris Schuebel .and family are en joying a month's vacation at Ocean Park, Mrs. A. McClure and Miss Olga Mc Clure are enjoying a vacation at Sea side. Miss Mabel Francis was confined to her home by illness the first of the week. J. W. Doty, a well known resident of Barton, was an Oregon City visit or Monday. Claude S. Howard, one of Mullno's progressive residents, made a business trip to Oregon City Monday. Miss Ethel Rigdou, of Salem, is spending a few days with Miss Mar jorie Caufield. .While playing at Long Beach, Wash. Walter Roos of this city fractured his arm 'last week. ' C. G. Huntley has returned to this city after a three weeks' vacation spent at Tillamook. Donald Silcox returned from a vis it with relatives at Tacojna and Amer ican Iike, Wash. Mrs. Laylon Seabolt, of Portland, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Allen E. Frost, of Mount Pleasant. Miss Anna Yale, of Vancouver, is spending a week with friends and rel atives in Oregon City. Charles Gates has accepted a posi tion as shipping clerk for the Oregon City Manufacturing Company. Walter H. Smith went to Aurora Sunday in the interest of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company. Louise, Clara and Bruce Weber of this city are spending ten days visit ing their aunt, who resides near Dam ascus. John Francis and Thomas Fair clough" returned Wednesday to the Ogle Mountain mines after a visit in Oregon City. Mrs. P. H. Jeremiah and daughter, Mlsa Carrie Jeremiah, of this city are attending the two weeks' camp meet ing being held at St. Johns. Hon. Gordon E. Hayes and daugh ter, Miss Harriett Hayes, have return ed to Oregon City from their delight ful outing on the banks of Clear Creek. George Broughton and Alexander Lewthwalte, two Portland business men, who were formerly residents of this city, were here transacting busi ness Tuesday afternoon. Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you scratch the worse the itch. Try Doan's Ointment. It cures piles, eczema, any skin itch ing. All druggists sell it. . Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawley, Mrs. George E. Pusey and Willard Hawley, Jr., have returned to this city from a most enjoyable automobile tour through points of interest In Califor nia. Archie Story, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Story of Long Beach, Cal., is visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Story and renewing ecquaint ances in this city. Afte spending some time here, Mr. Story will attend the A. Y. P. Exposition at Seattle. A Resident Artist Whose work is characterized by a rare qual ity the exact reproduction of lifelike Expression and Personality William Manning of Portland spent Sunday in Oregon City. Shelly Cornell, a Marlon County hop raiser is in this city. J. A. Zimmerman of Miiwaukle was in Oregon City Wednesday. Miss Ruth Brightbill spent Tues day visiting Portland friends. Miss Maribel Cheney of Meldrum spent Wednesday in this city. Miss Veda Williams is the gii'.'st of Mary Conyers of Clatskanio. Mrs. M. W. Shepherd of Barlow is visiting relatives In Oregon City Mrs. Lucy Mitts of Needy is In this flity taking the teachers' examina tions. Mrs. George Campbell and sons are visiting the former's sister in Port land. Miss Mary Weber of Oak Grove spent Wednesday morning In Oregon City. J. N. Sawtell of Molalla made a business trip to Oregon City last Wed nesday. A. Mill-row, a former Oregon City resident, was here from Sellwood. Sunday. Robert Ballard of Eldorado was a business visitor In Oregon City last week. Born, Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. John Skirvin of Clackamas Heights, a daughter. Miss Elizabeth Bronaugh of Jen nings Lodge visited friends in this city Wednesday. A nine pound son arrived ut the home of Mr. and Mrs William Knopp, of Greenpoint, Sunday. Charles Harris of Oak Grove made a business trip to this city Saturday afternoon returning the same day. Mrs. Kate Athey of Portland has gone to Seattle, where she will join a party of friends and attend the Fair and Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. William May of this city were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart Saturday and Sunday at Eldorado. Mrs. Martha Roberts has returned to her home is Sunnyside after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Shaw of this city. Miss Mona King, who is a nurse in St. Vincent's hospital, is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. King of Mount Pleasant. Mrs. Henry Wetzler has returned to this city from San Francisco, where she accompanied the remains of her father, the late Henry Beck. Mrs. Beck will remain In California some time to visit her children there. Dr. C. A. Stuart has returned to Oregon City from Haily, Idaho, where for the past month he nas been at the Willow Creek mines, ia which he, with Oregon City people, U interest ed. He reports good progress at the mine, and states that the weather in that section is by no nieam cool. An Ingersoll Dollar Watch window at the Oregon City jewelery store of Burmeister & Andersen is attracting considerable attention, and well it may, as u certainly is one or tne most attractive windows that up-to-date jewelry firm has put up. It will pay you to take a look as you pass by. Over four hundred of the famous dollar watches are used in the dis play. Considerable interest has been man ifested throughout the Northwest this week by the publishing of the list of the winners in the Government land drawing at the Couer D'Alene Indian Reservation, and so far the names of five residents of this county have been drawn. Of these, the best num ber drawn is that of Peter J. Frey, a well known young man of this city. He has a good chance to get a valu able strip Of land, and his many friends in this city are freely giving him the glad hand over his success. Not far behind Frey was Albert Zan ders, an Oak Grove resident, whose name was the 278th drawn. E. K McLain and H. T. Crawford, both residents of this city, drew, the form er 718 and the latter 950. Lawrence I. Snyder, one of Aurora's well known citizens, was also lucky, drawing num ber 2C80. Tbc Photographer Studio at 1003 Main Street, Oregon City BUSINESS NEWS HOP PICKERS WANTED 180 acres near Salem, call at the Electric Ho tel Friday and Saturday afternoons, from one to five P. M. and ask for Shelley H. Cornell, and register. Can furnish you iu any amount from $500 to $50,000. Building loans made at 5 per cent interest and payable monthly. Buy your lot and build your own house. O. A. CHENEY. LOST White horse, roached mane. Was wearing halter, left foot has wire cut, right foot has iodine ou and is lame. Branded S." ou right flank. T. E. Hines, Lents, Ore. Phone, Tabor 1029. AGEr- TS WANTED iu every town lor the Steel Adjustable Hameless Horse Collars. No pads, or straps, can use with any kind of tug at tachments. Will not gall horse or wear out. Will not corrode or rust. Price $0.00 each. Ask your dealer. Write for literature. Address, Nel son Wilber Company, Exclusive Dis tributors Pacific Coast States, Al bany, Oregon. WANTED TO RENT A farm for a term of years, about 80 acres farm able and some pasture land. Must be in good condition. Write L. C. Peck, 114 Ms Grand Avenue, Port laud, Oregon. tl SCOTCH ' COLLIES, the farmer's stock dog. Fox Terriers, champion vermin destroyers. If you waut a good reliable dog, drop a card and avoid the rush, to L. P. Williams Route 3, Oregon City. LOST At Bolton, Brindle Jersey cow, dehorned, white spots on sides. No tify H. Bethke, Oswego, Oregon. REWARD. FOR SALE An American Fruit evap orator in good order. Address J. H. Lindsay, 1 mile south of Cane mah, Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 6 Box 25 2t LUMBER $(j.50 per M during July at F. J. Wlrf's mill on the R. Dundas place 2 miles east of . New Era. FOR SALE Goats, any number, up to 00. Address, P. O. Chlndgren, Mulino, Ore., R. F. D. 1. Farm Wanted. The undersigned wants to rent a farm of not less than 40 acres in cul tivation, and not more than 8 or 10 miles from market. Will rent ou shares. Address, M. R. RIGDEN, . Miiwaukle, Clackamas Co., Oregon. K. D. 1, Box 53 A. Seven per cent interest on money left with us to loan. DIMICK & D1M 1CK, attorneys and abstractors, Garde Uldg., Oregon City. WANTED Names and addresses of 100 young men and women who wish to prepare for civil service examinations. For particulars ad dress, Coast" Civil Service School. Rooms 425-420 Lumber Exchange Building. Sufficient unto the day is the thirst thereof. Ask for IRONPORT at the Soda Fountain. A refreshing and pleasing soft drink. Room for Rent at Seattle Fair. Airy one wishing a room while vis iting the Seattle Fair can secure the same by addressing 427 Summet Ave., North, Seattle, Wash., LOSTI LOST! LOSTI A ladies' light gray coat Thursday, July 29, In Oregon City or on the Abernethy road. Coat has house mark, "The Grand Loader, 5th and Alder, Portland." Reward for return to the Courier office, Oregon City. O. W. Eastham LAWYER Legal work of all kinds carefully at tended to. Charges moderate. Office over Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Oregon. A 0 Wedding at Leberal. At the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Bradbury of Lib eral, August 8, at noon, Miss Eliza beth Bradbury became the wife of Carl Potwln. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Davenport. The bride was becomingly attired In a dress of cream silk and carried a large bouquet of carnations and bride's roses. The groom wore the conven tional color. The rooms were taste fully decorated with wild fern, Oregon grape and a profusion of flowers. Af ter the ceremony was performed and the congratulations of many friends received a sumptuous dinner was ser ved to which each guest did ample justice. At two o'clock the happy couple were whirled away in an auto mobile to Canby, where they took the train for a short trip to the coast and a visit, on their, return, with friends In Portland. Mr. Potwin is a young man of good habits who has spent the greater part of his life near Hub bard. Mrs. Potwin Is a popular young school teacher who has taught In the schools of Oregon for the past two years and who has made many friends among her pupils and their parents. The young couple will be at home to their many friends after September first, on a farm near Aurora, Oregon. Miss Jewell Entertained. Miss Mary Adele Case will have as her guest today Miss Izetta Jewell, of Portland. Miss Case will go to the city and will return with Miss Jewell in her electric car to her home in Falls View addition, where the two ladies, who have become celebrated throughout the west and in fact very largely over the whole world, will en joy the day. Miss Case will take great pleasure In driving Miss Jewell about this city behind her famous horse showing her how to properly handle the ribbons in driving a line, blooded animal, while Miss Jewell will be equally well pleased to offer Miss case some Information in the handling of a beautiful electric auto. A dainty luncheon Is prepared for the afternoon and one or two of Miss Jewell's friends will be present to be entertained by Miss Case. B. F. Linn is confined to his home by illness. A. M. White leaves Friday for a two weeks' vacation at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curran visited Friday afternoon at Clarkes. AI A. Price leaves Saturday to join his wife at Long Beach, Wash. Rev. J. H. Goode of Lents made a business trip to this city Wednesday. George Hall, manager of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, is confined lo his home by Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Dlmlck, of this city, are spending a two weeks' vacation with friends at Cannon Beach. Mrs. Howard M. Brownell, of As toria, has been the guest of Mrs. Gtforge C. Brownell in this city the past few days. Alma Noon, of Portland, was the guest of Miss Mary Adele Case on Wednesday fpr tea, at her home in Falls View addition. Dr. Carll left Thursday for a three weeks' vacation at Harrison Hot Springs on the Canadian Pacific Rail way in British Columbia. C. U. Barlow, who some years ago was a resident! of this county and well known in this city, and who for the past few years has resided in San Francisco, Cal., is visiting friends in this city. He is accompanied by his wile and will remain a few weeks. Mrs. Truscolt, Miss Sophia Dunker, Miss Ruth Truscott and Charles H. Truscott, all of Portland, were visit ing Oregon City friends Thursday. Miss Dunker will leave in a Hhort time for her home in Des Moines, la., to spend the winter. Work has been commenced on Mrs. Truscolt's new residence In Jennings Lodgo. Hon. Linwood E. Jones of tills city leaves Sunday night by the Canadian Pacific for Toledo, Ohio, where he will attend the Supreme lodgo of the Foresters of America as representa tive from tliis state. After attending I lie convention, Mr. Jones will spend six weeks visiting the large cities and points of interest in the East. , A. V. Hlnkley and wife accompanied by their son, C. J., of Onaway, Mich.,' who havo been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllliam Gardner for the past few days, started on their return trip to their Eastern home today, going by the way of Spokane and the N. P. line. Some years ago Mr. Hlnkley and Mr. Gardner were partners in the town of Onaway, later the former gout Ionian becoming Interested Iu the bunking business and Mr. Gardner coming to this city. It has been some years since I hey have had the pleas ure of meeting, and their visit here lias been doubly enjoyable. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters at the Ore gon City postoflice for the week end ing August 13, 1909. Woman's list Dube, Lena; Hinsby, Mrs. J. W; Hodes Mrs. H. E; Willock, Mrs. L. A; Young, Mrs. L. E; Young, Mrs L. R. Men's list Arnold, T. P; Baker, C. H; Baker, W. J; Cadden, Roy; Car penter, Arvllle; Campbell, Ben; Coop er, Leo; Kent, P. H; Leber, Rev. E; Melock, Tennlo; Rlgglns, Harold L; Schilling, Albert; Schirmer, C. F; Thompson, G. A; Wheeler, A. G; Young, Stanley, D; Stafford. We are having excellent weather for harvest, with very little smut in grain as far as heard from. The young people of Stafford en joyed a very pleasant evening at Mr. Scrlbner's last week. Quite a number of families are af flicted with measles and the Delkar children havo measles and whooping cough, too. This is a great strain on the little tots. Lonle Schroeder, who is thought to have consumption has been out lo the old home. Farm help is pretty scarce, but the farmers are doing nicely by helping each other. Threshing has already begun, al though some pieces of Spring grain will not be ready to cut for some time yet. The Hohner'g band snt out a cou ple of young ladleg who preached in the school house last Sunday. They were good singers also. There will be preaching there ev ery second Sunday at 2:30 and 8:00 P. M. Wilhoit Mineral Springs jRuto Stage Cine TIME TABLE ' LHAVK LBA.VK a.m. a.m. Oregon City . . . .8:00 Wilhoit Spi.. .8:00 Mulino 9:00 Molalla 9:00 Liberal 9:30 Liberal 9:30 Molalla 10:00 Mulino 10:00 Arr.-Wilhoit... 11:00 Arr. Oregon City 11:00 , p.m. p.m. Oregon City. . . .3:00 Wilhoit Sps. . .3:00 Mulino 4.00 Molalla 4:00 Liberal 4:30 Liberal 4:30 Molalla 6:00 Mulino 5:00 Arrive Arrive Wilhoit 6:00 Oregon City . 6:00 Autos Leave From Electric Hotel and Garage at OregonCity FARE $4.00 FOR the ROUND TRIP Phone Main 101. Home 90, Oregou City lor reservations, or to Wilhoit Springs. SANDY STAGE & LIVERY LEAVES Sandy for Boring at 6:80 a. m. and 2:80 p. m. Boring lor Sandy at 8:116 a. m. and p. m. SUNDAY SOHKUUI.B Leave Sandy (or Boring at (1.00 a. in. and 2:30 p. ni. Leave Boring for Sandy at 10:85 a. m. and 4:15 p. m. At Sandy makes connection with Salmon Mail Stage. L'llKIH'LB gUBJBCT TO CBANOB WITHOUT N OX ICE EMMETT DONAHOE, Proprietor H. SCHRADER'S Bakery and Confectionery Always a full tine of fresh bread, pies, calces, tttc UKB HOME COOKINQ Main St., Oregon City C. Schuebel W. 8. U'Ren U'REN & SCHUEBEL Attorneys-at-Law Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend you money and lend your money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise build ing, Oregon City, - Oregon. J. E. HEDGES Attornay-ak-Law Weinhard Building, Oregon City C. D. D. C. Latourette ATTY'SATLAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate out Specialties. Office In Commercial Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. George C. Brownell ATT'Y AT LAW OREGON CITY, OREGON O, D. Eby ATTORNEY-AT-LAW fjeneral Practice, Deeds, Mortises an J Abstracts carefully made. Money t loan on good security. Charges reason able II. 11 OIMICK W. A. DIMICE DIMICK (Sb DIMICK Attorneys at Law Notary Public. Morigiues Koreolosyl. Abstracts Furnished. M:iney Loaned on ltrl and Chattel Security, Audreseu llldtf Oregon City Land Titles, I.aud Office Business aud Mining Law a Specialty. Ki-Kegistet O. 8. f.aud Office Phone Main 7105. ROBER.T A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW :i Worcester llldg. PORTLAND. ORH Q. A. CHENEY Real Estate NOTARY. PUBLIC 4 Fire Life Accident and Plate Glass Insurance U. 8. Pensioll Attorney Oregon City, - Oregon ivinws Cream Vermifuge THE CIIILDREiM S FAVOi'.lTE TONIC. OCWAPC Of IMITATION 6, II,; GCNUINC PnC"Anr.D OHLY BY Baiiard-Snow Lament Co. eT, I'-Wlfj, MO. JONES DRUG CO., Inc. If You Want To See a really beautiful magazine, ask for THE AUGUST EVERYBODY'S By Huntley Bros. Co. THE GumilHTEED WORM r a a rnv si L U i