Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, August 13, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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I News of the County j
will soon
begin In this
U. S. Dlx was at Oregon City last
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Bonney, of
James, wore visiting Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Gorbott last Sunday.
Mr. Danielson's new barn Is com
pleted. Mr. Wall put a new coat of paint
on bis bouse wblch Improves the ap
pearance very much.
W. E. Honuey and family were at
Dodge blacltberrying last week.
Putz Bros, were visiting at Clurkes
lust Sunday.
Miss Peterson, of Portland is visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Axin.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stromgreen
were in town on business last week.
Mrs. Trigg and children were vis
iting Mrs. Carl Stromgreen Sunday.
Mr. Curren, the fish man, was here
last week.
Philip Putz was helping Mr. Axin
In baying Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eindstrom have a
Portland visitor this week.
W. E. Bonney was busy cutting
and hauling hay for Mr. Trigg and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. fierglund were visit
ing at Colton last Sunday.
The threshers are busy nowadays
hauling out the grain. One man near
MacliSburg bad a tract that raised
sixty bushels of wheat per acre. That
was what we heard. We did not see
it measured.
The grain is turning out line.
Mr. and Mrs. Grimes were visiting
John Burns and wile last Sunday.
We understand that Mr. Davenport;
who preaches at Canby, is going to
return to his old home in Nebraska
in the near future.
Warren Kendall lias made some
more improvements on his new house.
Fred Hurst had some blasting done
on his ditch last week. He is going
to put more men to work before long.
Mr. Rape's old friends, who lives at
Salem, paid him a visit a short time
Mr. Porter is going to put up some
more new fence.
Mrs. Phelps, who lives In Portland,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. irvin
Henry Smith, who has lived In Can
by for a number of years is going to
build on his place near Macksburg,
this fall and move on to it.
Haves' Saturday
a good time.
night and all report
Clear Creek.
W. II. Bonney started his threshing
machine last week. His first setting
was at It. O. Hollingsworth's, whose
grain averaged 51 bushels per acre.
Mrs. Carl Fallartt had a narrow es
cape lately. While driving the bind
er for her husband, the team became
frightened and ran for souk,' distance.
Mrs. Fallartt doesn't like driving the
binder any more.
W. C. Paine, purchaser of the W.
W. Meyers place is preparing to build
a large eleven room bungalow on bis
ranch. II. A. Allen Is also about ready
to starl building on bis new residence.
Miss Olive Morlimor, who taught
the Fir Grove school last winter, is
sending greetings this week to her
pupils from the Seattle Fair. She was
successful In the contest of the school
and Home, receiving a majority vote
for Clackamas County, entitling her
to a free trip with a party attending
the fair. We are proud to know that
our old friend and teacher has been
so successful.
The wind has ceased to blow and
Ihe lain has ceased to fall. The weath
er is once more warm though news
is scarce and the manufactory Is not
running, so items will be light.
Haying is a rushing business.
Mrs. Nightengale is on the sick
list. Dr. Todd has been called. Not
much change yet.
A party of pleasure seekers urn ex
pected to pass through this country
soon curoute for the big bend of the
Berry pickers are seen passing al
most every day bound for Clear Creek,
where berries grow to perfection, and
rumor has it that there are plenty of
both blackberries and raspberries.
The recent rain gave our potatoes
such a start that they are crowding
each other out of place.
Mr. Newman is out with ills new
binder, passing the lime while Ills own
grain ripens. He lias about sixty
Mr. Wood, one of our neighbors
visits Molalla on Saturdays. He shaves
nien'H luces and lightens their pockets
a little.
Mr. Berry has sold his farm and baa
none to Salem to engugo in the stable
business. We hope he may do well
us he is a rustler.
Wheal harvest will hoou be the or
der of the day, as It is ripening very
last and Is good. This pleases nil.
Beef cattle for sale at, Wlngt'leld's
who live on Center Park farm.
Uncle Davie Robeson of Colton was
in town Sunday.
M. ,f. Lee of Canby has concluded
to operate a stage auto line from this
place to Canby. He runs from one
to two trips per day, according to the
volume of business.
.1. W. Staudlnger has the work com
pleted on the high school building
which will add materially to the ac
commodations as well as the looks.
Mr. Winslow and family visited
George Robeson and family Sounday.
Mr. Shafer Is having Ihe ground
cleared off on River Street near the
head works of the Canby Canal, pre
paratory to building a large sawmill.
Mr. and Mrs Holinan and son were
visiting friends In the south part of
town Sunday afternoon.
George Williams has just, complet
ed a large contract of hauling piling
for the Meadowbrook-Canby Canal
County Surveyor lluiigale has been
surveying in this part of I lie country
for the last few days.
Mr. llofsleller passed through
town Wednesday with one division of
his family enroule for the blackberry
dam sprung a leak, so
planking and put
tins Fisher's
he (ore out the ol,
in new.
Mr. Nelson bus sold his L'0-acre Ir
to a lamtly Iroin ihe East.
Aug Funk is getting over his In
jury to his foot, caused by being
caught In n hay rake.
Mrs. Mulr and daughter of Canyon
City were down looking at her place.
Messrs Davidson nnd Emily, or Wit
her, Wis., were visiting friends here
the past week.
Mr. Shaffer of Molalla. one of Ihe
appraisers appointed by tho U. S. Dis
trict Court, on the Clear Creek Lum
ber Company's affair thinks that the
nppialsnieiit of former parties was
too low by CO per cent. We hope for
the benefit of the creditors that Mr.
Shaffer's ligures will materialize. Mr.
Shaffer is an nil around practical
lumberman and seems to understand
his business.
The bud of this week will about fin
ish cutting grain,
Mrs. Kuult seems in hard luck hav
ing recently lost n diamond brooch,
also a valuable enul, but by Inserting
a little ,) n Courier,' b,T goods
were recovered. Don't say advertis
ing doesn't i.iy.
A Mrs. Miller has been engaged to
teaeli HiHrlrt No. S.
Gi.iell liivs. luive finished having
nnd returned io I ,! huiil. where they
are doing tenni work.
Fran',; Mann has been through Ibis
place bnymg sheep nnd lambs, pav
ing $;l.i)o for K,io,i si u ir.
Mr. Bouncy has started up his
Grain seems to turn out better than
Miss Fiaeeis Stone of Vancouver
was visiting ivlativts here the past
Mr. Mntoon informs the Courier
correspondent that John Malleoli and
wife are on (heir way lo u Port land
hospital, Where Mrs. Mattoon be
operated upon.
Eagle Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Douglass
of Duiur, were Ihe guests of Mr. and
Sirs. J. V. Douglass one day last
A couple of Portland butchers were
out buying up cattle in this vicinity
last week,
Dave Hoffmeistcr made a trip to
Sandy last Thursday.
Leander Bnrlhcmay's sister and her
husband made him a visit Sunday.
The farmers are busy culling grain.
The Sollwood team played a game
of ball with the Eagle Creek team
Sunday afternoon, and we are sorry
to relate, defeated Eagle Creek by ii
score of ( ;. The Sellwoodites
chartered three cars, and unite a num
ber of the Sollwood people came out
to witness the game. Next Sunday
Ihe Eagle Creek nine intends to go
to Sollwood and play Willi the Sell
wood boys on their home diamond.
Ho your very best boys, and win this
Henry Udell made a business trip
to Barton Monday.
We have been having very fine
weal her the hist, few days and hope.
o win continue so until ail the
are harvested.
Lee Bronson,
to begin work
Co. as soon as
Miss Emma
employed as waitress there for
or two.
E. N
gnu the
of Estaeada, expects
at the N. W. L. L.
Gerhardus- has been
a week
Bates of Sell wood has be
new school house at ll.iri,,,,
ias hired Mr. Hales of Estaeada
Grnvor .ludd of Barton o help
Lee Merril of Gresbam and Miss
Emma Gerhardus were guests of the
Wilburn family Saturday night.
Grovor Judd had a very serious ac
cident happen him Saturday. While
shingling on the new school house
at llarlou, be fell about lill feet, which
left him with a bad kink in his neck
and a game leg,
George Croucher. who so slrangolv
disappeared from Ihe Judd ranch two
weeks ago, has returned and tells or
a very exciting accident lh.it occured
to 111 111.
The Courier has published and has
on sale some very handy order books
with time pages attached, for the use
of Threshermen. Already several
Threshermen throughout the county
have called for these books and have
expressed themselves as finding the
books just what they need to not only
have a signed order from their custom
ers, but also to have a handy time
record for men in their employ. Call
at the Courier and get one of these
handy record hooks.
William Evans' is 'erecting a resi
dence on his property east of town.
Robert Ogle is digging a well on his
Between the hours of twelve and
one o'clock Sunday night, the family
of W. W. Jessed were aroused to find
their bouse on lire. With the aid of
the neighbors the flames were soon
R. E. Irwin Is giving his barn a
coat of paint.
.1. .1. Wurful was visiting Mr. Wur
ful at. Shepherd's Springs Sunday.
Fred Warnock. editor of the Hep
pner Gazette, was visiting his 'sister,
Mrs. Ed Ogle and family a few days
last week.
Air. and Mis. Frank Jesse have re
turned to their home in Portland af
ter a week's visit with the former's
parenls, .Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jesse.
Homer Ogle of Portland was visit
ing relatives in Harlow Sunday.
Mrs. Scroggins has returned to her
home at llillshoro after a two wueks'
visit with her sister, Mrs. Andrews.
.Mrs. William Shepherd is visiting
attending the teachers' examinations
at Oregon City this week.
Fred Will and wife of Hubbard vis
ited the hitter's parents, Mr. ami Mrs.
Wm, Thompson Sunday.
Grover.McGonegal and family spent
Monday here.
Mr., and Mrs. Frank Jackson of Mar
quam called on Fred Smith and wife
Our mall carrier is en his vacation
and Miss Kraxberger of Macksburg
Is substituting for him.
Uncle Henry Welter of Maoksbur,;
and son, Sherman, of Portland called
on friends and relatives here Monday.
Mrs. John Gahlor, Jr.. made a busi
ness trip to Aurora Tuesday after
noon. Gilbert Wyland lias been on the
sick list.
, Mountain View.
Harry Rambo was in this burg one
day last week looking after his motlv
er's property on Duane street.
We hear Mr. Marrow has sold his
property, but we did net hear the
name of the purchaser.
Mr. Thompson of J. Q. Adams street
has sold his property to M. A. Mautz
and Mr. Siebkln's daughter has rent
ed it.
Mr. Gerber painted Mr. Yerxley's
new barn last week.
Mr. Kleinsmith is building for Mr.
Robeson, Instead of himself, as was
stated In last week's paper.
Miss Edith liullard is visiting this
week at Carus.
Fred Cuiran and wife spent last
Friday out at the sawmill near
Mrs. Schoth and Mrs. Frank Bull
ard spent one clay last week at Mel
drum station visiting Mrs. Morgan.
My wn Rex waa taken down a year ago with lung trouble. We
doctored eome months without improvement. Then 1 began giving
fir. King's New Discovery, and 1 soon noticed n change for the better.
I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my eon is perfectly
well and works every day. KRS SAMP, RippEE, Ava, Mo.
50c AND $1.00
An entertainment and slipper social
will be given by the Firwood Progras
slve Association at Firwood hall Sat
urday evening, August 21. Ladies
bring lunches in shoe boxes. An in
teresting and jolly time is guaran
teed rain pr shine.
Mr. J. J. Nally spent Sunday at
Camp Idle a While.
Mr. J. J. Costello returned from
Canada last week.
Mrs. Kruse and daughters returned
to their home in Portland after a
very pleasant month's visit at Fir
wood. Mrs. J. J. Nally is visiting her moth
er, Mrs. H. Frey, at camp Idle a While
this week.
Birch Roberts returned from' his
trip through Southern California.
Birch thinks there is no place like
Dear Old Oregon.
Digs Them All and Digs Them Right
No farmer would ever return to the old method of diszp-inp- potatoes after he has
ouce used a Hoover Digger. This digger gets them all. -It does not chop or scrape
the potatoes but leaves them clean on top of the rows. It is an extremely 'light draft
machine and is exceptionally well made. We also have in stock the Hoover Picker
Digger a machine which not only digs potatoes but deposits them in a box or crate
fastened to the machine and saves the labor of picking up the potatoes. These are
machines which ought to be of interest to every potato grower. Let us know if you
are interested and we will send you our catalogue and circulars.
Harvesting Is now at hand. Frank
.lugger of Carus started out with his
threshing machine Monday.
C. Smith lost a fine horse hist week.
Mrs. It. A. Sehoeiiboru and son,
Henry, returned home at'ler camping
a week at Wllholl Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Snivthe of
Oregon City, are staying with her
brothers Albert and Robert Sehoeii
boru. Fred SI urges paint eil his automo
bile, It shines like n looking glass.
Mrs. ,1. Moshherger returned homo
from Wllhoit alter camping a month
or five weeks.
Mrs. C. Speiice and Mr. ami Mrs.
Tom Davis went to Molalla Sunday.
William Jones wenl on a hunt in
the mountains.
Mob Milliard made n business trip
to Oregon City one day hist week.
The Spencers and Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Havls have gone to the moun
tains for a trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Kill May of Oregon
City spent Saturday and Sunday with
Mr. and .Mrs. Hill Stewart.
BOISE, - Idaho
Disc Plow
Dry or Sticky
Ask us about it, Information
Weismandel Bros.
Oregon Gity Agents,
. The farmers are about through
with their hay. Some of the hay was
damaged by too much dampness, for
the grain, which is a good yield if
taken care of. They ought to get
through harvesting soon as there is
several fine new binders in the neigh
borhood; Shibley's Gutridges, Smith's,
Folsom and John Stormer are the own
ers. ,
We now have a twice a day mail.
The I. 0. G. T. lodge of Currins
ville last week gave an ice cream
social, which was very entertaining.
The Smith brothers are homo on a
vacation, Roy from Portland and Al
bert from Astoria.
Our pastor, Rev. Cromley and sis
ter was absent last week, he looking
after church work and the sister vis
iting mother and friends in Polk Coun
ty. William Bard gained the law suit
that was held In Judge Samson's
court in Oregon City Monday, brought
by Doty and others. It was something
about a horse.
I The minister and other church mem-
ners propose to give a social Tues
day evening, the 24 Inst. Everybody
cordially Invited.
people of Mountain Hoad hated to
see her go, as she made many friends
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hodge drove
over to Villamette Sunday. Mrs.
Hodge is much improved over her
long illness.
Coiiard Zimmerman, who has been
working at Hillsdale, came home Sun
day to help through harvest.
Minnie LaFlemme is home for a
few days. She will leave Saturday
for Hood River and return to Port
land Monday for work.
The Sweet Briars crossed bats Sun
day with a picked up team from Can
emah, Oregon City and Willamette.
The score stood 10 to 3 in favor of
Mrs. Lee of Deer Island spent a
few days with Mrs. A. Hodge.
What is Best for Indigestion?
Mr. A. Robinson, of Drumquin, On
tario, has been troubled for years
with indigestion, and recommends
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets as "ths best medicine I ever
used." If troubled with indigestion
or constipation give them a trial.
They are certain to prove beneficial.
They are easy to take and pleasant
in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples
free at Jones Drug Company.
New Potato Pest.
Mountain Road.
Everybody is busy getting their
grain cut and are stacking at, and if
the rain holds off, everything will be
ready in a few days.
Miss Mildred Eddy of Portland, who
spent two weeks visiting her cousin,
Anna Hodge and friends returned
home Wednesday.
The measles are all over our burg
but are of a light form. Minnie wil
klns has just recovered from them.
Miss Hazel Agnew, who has been
spending her summer vacation with
her cousin, Alice Eisele, left Sunday
for her home In Portland. The young
A new kind of potato bug has ap
peared on some farms about seven
miles north of Albany and has proven
ver destructive in the few patches it
farmer living on R. p. D. No. 2, from
this city, brought some samples of
the bug to Albany and Is endeavoring
to find out its name, but thus far no
one has been found who has e.ver seen
such an insect.
The bug is black In color and has
the appearance of an ant, but flies
well. It attains tho size of about half
an inch 'in length and is very hardy
and multiplies rapidly. The bugs bite
off the blossoms on the potato vines
and then attack the plant, killing it
quickly. Albany Herald.
Intense Colicky Pains Relie.ved.
"For many years I suffered from
intense colicky pains which would
come on at times and from which I
could find no relief," says I. S. Mason,
of Beaver Dam, Ky. "Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
was recommended to me by a friend.
After taking a few doses of the rem
edy I was entirely relieved. That
was four years ago ond there has been
no return of the" symptoms since that
time." Tills remedy is for sale by
Jones Drug Company.
relatives in Oregon City.
Mrs. I.. It. l.enibecke of Hubbard
and Mrs. 1). H. Rowen and Utile dau
ghter of Portland were visiting Mr.
and Mrs. James Ogle Friday.
.Miss llessie Shepherd returned Sun
day evening from a few days visit
wilh friends In Oregon City.
Eugene and Otis Ogle of Molalla.
visited with James Ogle's Saturday.
Mrs. li, K. Irwin and Mrs. Quint
have returned from three weeks
camping at the New Era eampmeet
lug. Charles Ogle was a Silverton is
ilor a few days last week.
Aliss Ambrose of Victoria U. C. is
visiting with Mrs. Kydd for a few-weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. ,1. Lewellen spent a
few days among relatives and friends
at Springwater.
.Miss Pearl Francis is visiting in
Portland this week.
John Francis returned home from
llillshoro Monday and Wednesday
morning started ui the Ogle Mountain
Mrs. Rose Nehren was visiting Mrs.
Weiilner and her sister, Mrs. West,
Frank Henrici Is threshing in this
neighborhood this week. Mr. Burd's
grain averaged oyer 40 bushels per
Mr. Will Reasoner of Portland was
calling mi friends in this vicinity Tue-sdav.
Mrs. Crawford is at Independence
with her daughter, Bessie, and Mrs.
Vrawford Is on the sick list. His
son is at home with him.
Mrs. May Fairclough has gone to
the mines to join her husband and
pick huckleberries.
It. F. Linn Is seriously ill.
WU May and family spent last
Sunday among friends at Cams.
Mr. Frank Stillwell Is on the sick
list. Dr. Strickland was called.
up with
Henry Grossmiller Is laid
n broken arm.
Mr. Durst has bought a her-
C. N. l.jirkliis.
Mr. Maddy has reuied his faun to
n man from Portland.
If you want to learn a point or two
about farming just consult lleniy or
Jacob Grossmilior or Clarence Lee.
They know all about it.
We have preaching every other sun
day by Rev. Eugene Kleinsmith. the
local minister, and on the altcm.ile
Sundays by Mr. Pepper.
Mr. Lucelne Clout Is going to build
a new bouse.
Several of the young people of
Clarkes attended the dance at Mr.
Golden West,
I make a specialty of
breeding and raising Pure
and have a litter now which I
will sell at prices to live and let
live. Call or Address
F. Yohann
R. I , B. 77 Aurora, Ore
Threshing has begun here and our
farmers arc busy harvesting their
Mr. McEwlng's show was good the
three nights he was here, and a large
I crowd was In attendance each night.
I Prof. Tom Yoder and family and
i mother visited at D. B. Voder's Wed
j nesday.
A few from here attended the iee
cream social nt Smyrna Saturday.
U. . Zimmerman and sons or
Mark's Prairie are tearing down the
old tannery on his place here.
Some or our folks went for an out
ing up at Silver Creek falls.
Mrs. George Asking spent several
days of last week in Portland.
Mrs. L. Lympke of Hubbard nnd
daughter. Mrs. Uowan. of Portland,
visited relatives In our burg last week.
Cbas. Noblitt and wife took sup
per at Albert Ellott's Tuesday eve
ning. Mrs. ,11m Do.'.ler was called lo Par
adise City Friday evening to help
Mrs William Leach care for
Mi tie boy, w ho was ill.
George and Louis Mitts are
gelling out hard wood, which
pect to Bell.
Miss Lncv Mitts and Messrs
Mr. W. J. Wirtz lectured on "Char
ily" before an attentive audience
which filled Firwood hall Sunday eve
ning. The lecture was well render
ed, interesting and instructive. Some
have expressed a desire to hear such
Grandma Molloy is on the sick list.
Mrs. John May was to have gone i a . lecture every week,
home Tuesday, but will now wait un-1 All items for the Firwood Bugle
til her mother-in-law, Mrs. Molloy, is should be sent in by Wednesday, Aug
bet lory. ' list 28.
Afraid of Ghosts
I hoy
Mitts, Ray Fish and Robert Voder are
Many people are nfraid ol hosts. Few people
are afraid of germs. Yet the hot is fancy and
th tferra is a fact. If the germ could be magnified
to a size equal to its terrors it would appear more
terrible than any fire-breathind dragon. Germs
can't be avoided. They are in the air we breathe,
the water we drink.
The germ can only prosper when the condition
of the system gives it free scope to establish it
self and develop. When there is a deficiency of
vital force, languor, restlessness, a sallow cheek,
a hollow eye, when the appetite is poor and the
sleep is broken, it is time to guard against the germ. You can
fortify the body against all germs by the use of Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Discovery. It increases the vital power, cleanses the
system of clogging impurities, enriches the blood, puts the stom
ach and organs of digestion and nutrition in working condition, no
that (he germ finds no weak or tainted spot in which to breed
"Golden Medical Discovery" contains, no alcohol, "hiskv or
habit-forming drugs. All its ingredients printed on its outside
wrapper. It is not a secret nostrum but a medicine of sov
composition and with a record of 40 ftan rarfj. Accep no
substitute there is nothing "just as good." Ask your neighbors.
i '
! ' I k
In making purchases of Har
ness horse goods or even in
the matter of Repairing. (Jin
all the features which go to
make up a desirable place to
trade, we positively know
that we are at the head.
Goods of absolute reliability,
prices that are reasonable and
fair, and a good full stock,
with judicious selection of
goods, render our place a de
sirable one on which to be-
cfrvTTf iTMt l-J, We know we can offer d
alOW yOUr traCtC outages, and to this end
' we solicit your lavors
Frank II. Cross
Shoe Refraining
403 SEVENTH STREET On the Hill. 5 minutes walk
or drive from Main St. No Cars to frighten your horses.