J OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1909 3 X I TBMHE 4? 2 Do not let the Year pass without having sent to your home that greatest of all Newspaper necessities, the 3 3 t 3 ' , 3 3 3 Oregon City Courier Our Job Printing is the stand ard of Excellence 3 LOCAL AND Drs. Beiitie & Moant, dentists, Ma sonic Temple. h. H. Kirchem of Logan spent Sun day evening In Oregon City. Roy Baxter has accepted a posi tion with H. G. Surles. Fred Leavens, of the Portland po lice force and his wife, spent Tuesday and Wednesday visiting Oregon City friends. Holmes has Utah laud plaster Bpecial price, 75 cents per sack $14.60 per ton. Park place Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Gadke and son, Joseph, have returned from a trip to the Seattle Exposition. r Frank Newman and F. L. Guston, of Rex Oregon, are the guests of the former's brother, L. H. Newman. Rev. and Mrs. D. H. Jones of Boise, Idaho, are the guests of the former's brother, William Jones, of Beaver Creek. Bernard Davenport, one of Canby's rising young business men, paid a visit to the county seat Tuesday after noon. William Mosier, who is connected with the U. S. Hospital Corps In San Francisco, is visiting Oregon City friends. IRONPORT (Non-Alcoholic) . Cures the hankering for drink. Refreshing, delicious, invigorating. For sale at all Soda Fountains. County Judge G. B. Dimlck return ed to this city Sunday from Corvallis, where Jie addressed the Rural Letter Carriers' Association. Mrs. H. W. Strebig, Miss Strebig and Oscar Woodfin were among the Oregort City people who attended the campmeeting at New Era Sunday. . Alfred Bigger, who has been con ducting a store in Skaguay, Alaska, arrived in this city Monday night to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Biggar of Greenpolnt. Harry Moody, his son Kent, Henry Stratton and Charles Monroe, from Idaho, are spending two weeks hunt ing in the vicinity of Cow Creek Can yon in Southern Oregon. Before re- tm-nlncr in this pitv Mr. Stratton Will visit his Lister, Mrs. Sam Stow of Hilts, California. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Astmann and Knn Frank Astmann. Jr.' left Thurs day for Astman Park, on the Coast near Tillamook, where tney win re main fnr thA halance of the summer. The park, which is the property of Mr. Astmann, has been subdivided In to city lots, and will shortly be placed on the market. In another column of this paper will be found the advertismeni 01 me inn,.,.nDbnti T anil Pnmnanv. who are inquiring for small farms, to fill the demands of the Eastern people who aire rapidly selltinf In Oregon, juiiu member of the firm, is a brother of Dr. C. H. Meiss- ner, one of Oregon City s wen kiiuwu physicians. W H Engle, who resides with his son near Molalla Corners and who Is working successfully a farm of net.. Qa ahnnt two miles from that vicinity which he has purchased from the Vaughn farb, was in this city last Thursday on business Mr. Vaughn has not visited the county seat often since he was freighting Into this city some months ago. (TILDES PERSONAL Chris Muralt of Shubel spent Teus- day afternoon in Oregon City. Dr. L. O. Ice. dentist, Masonic Bldg. Pacific phone, 1221, Home, A198. nr A. L. Beatle and family are spending a month at Seaside. n R Srnne of Farmineton. Ill- stopped in Oregon City Sunday and Monday. Dr. L. A. Morris, dentist, is absent on his vacation. Will return August 18th. Mfu n t Parker and children are spending a week at the Oats farm in Gresham. Miss firavce Marchall and Rolla Wentworth of this city were New Era visitors Sunday. William Morris of Corvallis was in Oregon City visiting friends the first of the week. Miss Eva Moulton has resumed her position in the office of George C. Borwnell after a vacation at Seaside. iiwip-o mwl Mrs. W. W. H. Samson nf this citv attended the spiritualist campmeeting at New Era Sunday af ternoon. S. A. D. Hungate accompanied by Clint Bock spent the fore part of the week surveying in me vicinity vi Scotts Mills. Mr. John B. Fairclough returned to the Ogle Mountain Mines. Wednesday morning accompanied by Miss wary A. Scott. Miss Maude Booker, of Walla Walla is the gueBt of Miss Gertrude Wilson of this city. Miss Boouer luriumi; resided in Oregon City. p-oni, Mir-hPls has Instituted divor- ...nnnoJlnin: ao-nlnst Anna Mlchels. alleging desertion. They were mar ried in Vancouver, wasn. Mills S. Grimms of Madelia, Minn, 9 th miest of Rev. J. Robert Landsborough this week. Mr. Grimms is an old classmate of Rev. Lands- borough. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bowers of Can h ..roi-o nrpirnn rltv visitors Tues day. The following day they left for Mound, Minn., to visit Mr. uowers parents for three months. Trafton Dye, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dye of this city, has returned Jr,m Tihipa N. Y. where he is a student in the law department of Col umbia University, ftir. uye recenuy o tisn onhnlarshin in the univer sity, the third has been awarded while here. The Dye family are now enjoy ing a vacation at Mount Hood. 0. A. Simpkins of Woodville passed through Oregon City Monday on his way home from Spokane. Mr Simp kins went to Spokane to register on the Cour d'Alene lands. He states that he missed being in the railroad accident only by one tiain. Simpkins tried to . get on the train that was wrecked, but was unable to do so because of the crowded cars. CASTOR I A Pnr Infant and Children. The Kind You Haw Always Bought Bears the Signature of George Campbell is off on a two weeks' hunting trip. . Thomas Sinnott spent Wednesday afternoon in Jennings Lodge. Mrs, W. H. Husbands of Mulino was an Oregon City visitor Wednesday. William Knoop, who is employed"yi Portland, is spending a few days here. Jacob Hettinger, of Central Point, spent Friday afternoon in Oregon City. ' William Rambo of Portland spent Tuesday night with Oregon City friends. Floyd 'and Sherman Wheeler came up from Portland Tuesday to visit relatives. A. O. Miller of New Era spent Wed nesday transacting business in Ore gon City. Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Mount are spend ing a few days rusticating In the llulalla country. E. E. Brodie, of the Enterprise, transacted business matters In Port land Wednesday. Miss Minnie Rakel and Samuel Stevens were at the New Era camp meeting Sunday afternoon. Will Avison is spending a two weeks' vacation visiting points of in terest In the Palouse country. T. C. Judd, a well known resident of the Springwater district, made a busi ness trip to Oregon City and Port laud Saturday. .L.s. A. ii. Allen Cone of Maple . iv . (h ,it eaturday aliernoon in Ore gon City attending to business mat ters. Mrs. J. W. Norrls has returned to this city from Seattle, Wash., where she visited her son, Ed Diller and at tended the Fair. Mr, and Mrs. William Moehnke have moved to this city from Shubel, and have opened a lumber yard near the Eastham aphool. Mrs. E. C. Stewart has returned to her home In Portland after a visit witli hei parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tho mas Warner of this city. J. Read Bain, who has been In Sal mon City, Idaho for the past two years, stopped in Oregon City Satur day on his way to Tillamook. IRONPORT at Soda Fountains. Sat isfies thirst's desire. Good for girls, also for boys. Men like It; women crave it; children cry for it. Former Deputy Sheriff Dudley Boy les, who has been in Eastern Oregon some time for his health, is expected to return to Clackamas county before long. Mrs. Clarence Farr and son and Mrs. J. W. Davenport are spending three weeks with Mrs. Fair's par ents, Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Freeman at Seaside. Rev. J. A. Goode, of Lents, who Is attending the meeting of the Oregon Conference of the Evangelical Asso ciation at Jennings Lodge, made a trip to Oregon City Friday afternoon In the Interests of the Conference. Emil Schwock, William Strohemey er, Ed Mueller, J. W. Curran and J. M. Gillett left Wednesday morning for an extended outing In the Mount Hood country. It is the Intention of the party to scale the peak before re turning. Captain Graham has (returned to this city from a two months' tour of the Eastern states, during which time he visited Chicago and his old home in New England. The captain reports a fine time and is seemingly little the worse for the trip. Miss Frances Griesshaber, a student at Mount Angel Academy, spent three days in Oregon City before leaving for Crary N. D. witli her brother, Her man Griesshaber, of that city, who has been visiting friends In Oregon. Miss Griesshaber will spend her vacation with her brother. , A party, consisting of the Chinese Consulate at San Francisco and staff, and a piominent Portland Chinese merchant visited points of Interest in this city Tuesday and enjoyed lunch eon ut the Brunswick. They left the same evening for the A. Y. P. Fair at Seattle. r TUG Earl Lutz returned from Wilhoit Springs, where he spent ten days. D. M. Marshall of Garfield spent Monday attending to business in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Charleston of Portland spent Sunday visiting Ore gon City friends. After visiting her son, J. M. Mul vey of Eugene, Mrs. M. Mulvoy has returned to Oregon City. Elmer F. Veteto, one of Now Era's progressive citizens was an Oregon City visitor Monday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rowan left Sun day for their home In Earlham, 111., after a visit with the former's sister, Mrs. E. H. Cooper of this city. Thomas F. Gleason has left this city to register for the Couev d'Alene drawing and to visit the A. Y. P. Exposition. Mrs. F. Hugh Roberts, a well known Jennings Lodge club womaTr-was in Oregon City Wednesday having some dental work done. Anthony Moore, a well known Tea zel Creek residen.t came to Oregon City Tuesday in the auto stage to attend to business matters requiring his attention. Alexander P. Bowen returned to this city Tuesday evening from a two weeks' outing at Seaside, where his parents. Rev. and Mrs. T. F. Bowen, are staying. Wednesday he left for Beaver Creek to visit Carl Casedday. Hal Rands, who recently went to Deep River on a business trip has returned and states that he has been awarded the contract for the con struction of a 700 foot tunnel for the Deep River Lumber Company, P. R Traver and N. Chenowevtli . well known residents of Ness county, Kansas, were in Oregon City Satur day as the guests of Hon Gorge C. Brownell. These gentlemen will visit the A. Y. P. Exposition and other PQints of interest before f returning to their home Intense Colicky Pains 'Relieved. "For many years I suffered from intense colicky pains which would come on at times and from which I could find no relief," says I. s. Mason, of Beaver Dam, Ky. "Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was recommended to me by a friend. After taking a few doses of the rem edy I was entirely relieved, That was four years ago ond there has been no return of the symptoms since that time." This remedy is for sale by Jones Drug Company. . For Sale or Trade. Splendid Mt. Tabor home in Port land. .Bath, toilet, hot and cold water, electric light, fine location and good enlghborhood. For acreage In Glad stone or Parkplace, address C. V. Lee, 138 Central Ave., Mt. Tabor, Portland, Oregon. Teacher's Examinations. Notice is hereby given that the County School Superintendent of Clackamas County will hold regular examination of applicants for state and county papers at Oregon City, as follows: FOR STATE PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, August 11 at 9 o'clock A. M-, and continuing un til Saturday, August 14 at 4 P. M. Wednesday Penmanship, History, Spelling, Physiclal Geography, Read ing, Psycology. Thursday Written Arithmetic, The ory of Teaching, Grammar, Bookkeep ing, Physics, Civil Government. F r I d a y Physiology, Geography, Composition, Algebra, English Litera ture, School Law. Saturday Botany, Plane Geometry, General History. FOR COUNTY PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, August 11, at 9 o'clock A. M., an1 continuing un til Friday, August 13, at 4 P. M. Wednesday Penmanship, History, Orthography, Reading.. Physical Geography. Thursday Written Arithmetic, The ory of teaching, Grammar, Physiol ogy. Friday Geography, School Law, Civil Government, English Literature. Yours truly, T. J. GARY, County School Superintendent. 1003 Wain St. KER Oregon City BUSINESS NEWS LOST White horse, roached mane. Was wearing halter, left foot has wire cut, right foot has Iodine on and is lame. Branded "E. S." on right flank. T. E. Hines, Lents, Ore. Phone, Tabor 1029. AGEM'S WANTED in every -town for the Steel Adjustable Hameless Horse Collars. No pads, or straps, can use with any kind of tug at tachments. Will not gall horse or wear out. Will not corrode or rust. Price JG.00 each. Ask your dealer. Write for literature. Address, Nel son Wilber Company, Exclusive Dis tributors Pacific Coast States, Al bany, Oregon. FINE YOUNG MARE Tor sale cheap. Sound, going four years, weight eleven hundred. Dr. Freeman, An dersen building, Oregon City. FOR SALE Good work horse, 1200 pounds, 7 years old. Michael Kroll, on Molalla road, near Beaver Creek. FOR SALE CHEAP A second hand Binder in good running condition, by E. J. Dietrich, Molalla Road. TAKEN UP Dark brlndle cow, de horned, right ear cropped, branded "H" on right hip. Has bell and is giving milk. Enquire W. R. Ivie, 11. D. No. e. LUMBER $0.50 per M during July at F. J. Wirt's mill on the R. Dundas place 2 miles east of New Era. FOR SALE Goats, any number, up to GO. Address, P. O. Chindgren, Mulino, Ore., R. F. D. 1. Farm Wanted. The undersigned wants to rent a farm of not less than 40 acres in cul tivation, and not more than 8 or 10 miles from market. Will rent on shares. Address, M. R. RIGDEN, Milwaukie, Clackamas Co., Oregon. R. D. 1, Box 53 A. Seven per cent interest on money left with us to loan. DIMICK & DIM ICK, attorneys and abstractors, Garde Bldg., Oregon City. WANTED Names and addresses of 100 young men and women who wish to prepare for civil service examinations. For particulars ad dress, Coast Civil Service School. Rooms 425-420 Lumber Exchange Building. Sufficient unto the day 4s the thirst thereof. Ask for IRONPORT at the Soda Fountain. A refreshing and pleasing soft drink. Grace: Pimples, Blotches, rough. shiny skin are from the blood and stomach. A simple and never failing remedy one that makes olear, healthy, complexious, pure blood, per fect digestion, is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Surprise yourself. Tea or tablets 85 cents. Huntley Bros. Company. Room for Rent at Seattle Fair. Any one wishing a room while vis iting the Seattle Fair can secure the same by addressing 427 Summet Ave., North, Seattle, Wash., O. W. Eastham LAWYER Legal work of all kinds carefully at tended to. Charges moderate. Office over Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Oregon. GHiuHESTElTS FILLS 1, LADIES I Arii your Oi-URffliit for CIII-CHES-THR'S UIAMUJM L Golq, met Ribbon. Druircfat DIAMOND Bit A N It PI l,h for twentT-fivfl years regarded ns Best.fcafest, Alwnys Reliable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ffi, EVERYWHERE iSi A OREGON STATE NEWS Interesting Happenings From All Parts of the State. New Potato Pest Ii Found. Albany A .new kind of potato bug has appeared on some farms about seven miles north of Albany and has proven very destructive in the few patches It has attacked. The bug Is black in color and has the ap pearance of an ant, but flies well. It attains the size of about half an inch In length and is very hacdy and multiplies rapidly. The bugs bite off the blossoms on the potato vinos and then attack the ' plant, killing it quickly. Horse Thieves In AYallowa. La Grande About $1000 worth of horses have been stolen from one ranch near Lostlne within a month, according to District Attorney Ivan hoe. At Enterprise .the grand jury found true Indictments against Ar thur Hulse and Wm. B. Hunter on charges of horsestealing. Hulse pleaded guilty and will serve one year In the penitentiary. Hunter's case will come up next term of court. The confession of Hulse disclosed the fact that in Wallowa county there is a well organized band of horsethleves. Pined for Swearing, He Gives Coin. Eugene John B. Coleman, a lo oal capitalist, who was arrested and fined $5 In police court recently for swearing at an automobile which came near running Into him on the street, has given another brick block, valued at $15,000, to the Eu gene Bible University, In addition to a block valued at $25,000, given a year ago. The gift is In memory of his wife, who during her life was a devout member of the Christian Church. State Fair Plans Progressing. Salem On September 13 will open Oregon's annual state ' fair which has come to be recognized as the greatest affair of the kind west of the Missouri river. Because the A-Y-P. Exposition will still be open, tourists will get special rates to Ore gon's show and a part of Oregon's superb exhibit at the Seattle fair will be exhibited at Salem. AUTO ROUTE ACROSS STATE New Method of Transportation From Shaniko to Klamath. Bend The recent inauguration of automobile stage lines connecting Shaniko and Bend has proved bo successful that J. H. Wenandy, the proprietor of the present line via Madras, announces that he has pur chased a new machine for a supple mentary service beyond Bend. The new car will have Its head quarters at Bend and from here will make quick connections with SlBters and the trans-Cascade stage lines and especially will facilitate trans portation southward to Rosland and in the Klamath direction. This means that hereafter passen gers coming from Shaniko, bound for the towns beyond Bend, will not be obliged to abandon the automo biles here, but can continue by this quick method. GrantB Pass While Frank Ellis and a party were exploring Jose phine county caves Sunday, Ellis be ing In advance of the party, slipped and a pistol he was carrying was dis charged. The ball entered his left eye, death resulting after four hours. At the discharge of the weapon, all fled except Mrs. Ellis. Finally Mr. Ellis died and Mrs. Ellis, grop ing on all fours until she found the lead string which the party had brought in, followed it with great difficulty and finally crawled her way to the cavern's mouth. The strangest feature of the case is the action of the party In not re turning to the cave. They notified a rancher what had occurred, but were too frightened to return. Honorary legree for Pastor. Corvallis The third honorary de gree conferred in 40 years by Philo math College was given Rev. J. R. N. Bell, the well-known divine of Corvallis, Friday. Twenty years ago Dr. Bell attended a mooting of teachers in the old college building. Since that time he has been active In his efforts to advance educational as well as religious work in Oregon. Rural Carriers Meet. Corvallis Officers of the Oregon State Association of Rural Letter Carriers were elected here Saturday night. Upon invitation of the Port land Commercial Club the next an nual convention will bt held la Port land In June, 1910. Packing Companies Row. Astoria A suit has been filed in the circuit court by the Columbia River Packers Association against the Tallant-Grant Packing Company to restrain them from anchoring a scow In front, of the JJiaholas Kere age slnlng ground. LOST! L03TI LOST! A ladies' light gray coat Thursday, July 29, in Oregon City or on the bernethy road. Coat has . house mark, "The Grand Leader, 5th and Alder, Portland." Reward for return to the Courier office, Oregon City. Board and Rooms. Good table board and rooms well furnished close in the business district in Oregon City, transient board, splen did table. Good things to eat. Mrs Young, Cth and Water streets. Mrs. W. C. Green Is at Seaside for a vacation. Wilboit Mineral Springs jRuto Stage Cine TIME TABLE LBAVR LBAVB a.m. a.m. Oregon City.... 8:00 Wilhoit Sp. . .8:00 Mulino 9:00 Molalla 9:00 Liberal 9:30 Liberal 9:30 Molalla 10:00 Mulino 10:00 Arr. Wilhoit. . .11:00 Arr. Oregon cuy ii.:uu p. m. p.m. Oregon City. . . .3:00 Wilhoit Sps.. .3:00 Mulino 4.00 Molalla 4:00 Liberal 4:30 Liberal 4:30 Molalla 6:00 Mulino 5:00 Arrive - Arrive Wilhoit 6:00 Oregon City. . 6:00 Autos Leave From Electric Hotel and Garage at Oregon City FARE $4.00 FOR the ROUND TRIP l'hone Main 101. Home 90, Oregon City ior reservation!, or to Wilhoit bpringH, SANDY STAGE & LIVERY LEAVES Sandy for Boring at 6:30 a. m. and '1:30 p. m. Boring lor Snudy at 8:i a. m. and 4:45 p. m. SUNDAY 8CHKOUI.r Leave Sandy ior Boring at 8:UOa. m. and 2:M p. ra. Leave boring lor Sandy at 10:3a a. in. and 4 15 p. m. At Sandy makes connection with Salmon Mail Stage. 3CUKDULB SUBJECT TO C1IANOK WITHOUT NOIICB EMMETT DONAHOE, Proprietor H. SCHRADER'S Bakery and Confectionery Always a full line of.fresh bread, pie, cakes, l!tc L1KB UUMB COOK1NO Main St., Oregon Cit.y C. Schuebel i W. 8. U'Ren U'REN & SCHUEBEL Attorneys-at-Law Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements of estates. furnish abstracts of title, lend you money and lend your mouey on nrsi mortgage. Office in Enterprise build ing, Oregon City, - Oregon. J. E. HEDGES Attornsy-aL-Law Weiuhard Building, Oregon City C. D. (8b D. C. Latourette ATTY'S AT LAW . Commercial, Heal fc'state and Probate our Specialties. Office In Commercial Bank Building, Oreeon City, Oregon. George C. Brownell ATT'Y AT LAW OREGON CITY, OREGON O, D. Eby ATTORNEY-AT-LAW General Practice, Deids, MorUKM a"-l Abstracts carefully made. Money t loan on good security. Charues reason able (I, II. DIMICK W. A. DIMK'H DIMICK (Si, DIMICK Attorneys at Law Njtnry Public. vIopijiikhb KoreuloHsi I. Abstracts Kurniehed. Money Loaned on Real anil Cliuttel ti.u'iirily, Aiulrertcii Hldg Oregon City t,aud Titles, Land Office nuslnem and Mining Law a Specialty. Hx-Keglttt V. 8. I.aud Office Phone Main 710.). ROBERjT A. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW m Worcester Bldg. PORTLAND, ORB Q. A. CHENEY Real Estate NOTAR.YPUBL.IC Fire Life Accident and Plate OlaHS Insurance U. S. Pension Attorney Oregon City, - Oregon Cream Vermifuge Jv THE GUARANTEED ffel WORM WBEIEDY THE CHILDREN'S FAVORITE TONIC. BIWAHC OF IMITHTION1. THE GXNUINI pntPAnCD ONLY V Ballard-Snovv Liniment Co. BT, LOllIU, MO. JONES DRUG CO., Inc. If You Want To See a really beautiful magazine, ask for THE AUGUST EVERYBODY'S By Huntley Bros. Co.