OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1909 own 4; nn - q 7 .1 3 f i COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHERS :: OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE t W 1 ill & m sID uli 4 V 1 I L 1 i Announcement is now made of the Most Remarkable Sale of Housefurnishings, Kitchen and Miscellan eous Goods that has ever been submitted to the Clack amas County Public. Accompanying cuts show the diver sity of selection. This is not a price reduction on a few articles-the sale covets most everything you use around the home, such as HOUSE FURNITURE, LINOLEUM, MATTING, CURTAINS, KITCHEN FUR NITURE, CUPBOARDS, TABLES of all kinds, IRON BEDS, COUCHES, ROCKERS, DISHES, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY of all kinds, COOKING UTENSILS, ENAMELED and TINWARE, PICTURES, and a great variety of MISCELLANEOUS Goods -..u.iM-'in- itrt -Y- - .at 4 it 9 The 1 eaum 3 yp The only favor we ask is that yon Compare Prices and Goods with any you have ever seen before. Read t)t Red tag Prices! You .don't have to ask what the prices are, for they are marked in plain figures on Big Red tags. all over the store. All we ask of yoti is that you come in, use your eyes and your good native judgment, and say for yourself whether we are right or not. During the sale we cfFer 18 neat couches to the first coiners at the uniform price of - 1 Oft Come in time to get one of these p J.W 1 TO THE FAF,M TRADE We wish to say that our principal object in pushing out goods at little or no profit at this time, is to prevent our fall stock j: piling up on goods already on hand. But m addition to this we do not recognize X the common claim that AUGUST must j-be a dull month in the housefurnishing t business. Th3 PRICE ou?ht to be in- centive enough to cause buyers to pur- rkaca nrwir Sncfoirl rf urai.inar till fall $ Business comes with a big rush in the fall, because the harvest has brought in t plenty of ready cash. We prefer to sell now and receive payment when the t t crops have been disposed of. If you can 1 buy an article now for $ 1 2.00 that will t cost $15.00 six weeks later, isn't this t the time to buy it? Then get these goods out of our way. We will lose Z t nothing by it and you will be far ahead Z t on the deal. There will be all the cus- Z t tomers we can take care of at regular t t prices in the fall. Z XT ... ' ' ' I ll - r W r' 1 Iff! V i li 'I .: --3 . - V 5 i it; MM ( , :j V j SALE PRICE IRON BEDS $2.50 For the $3.25 Style and a similar reduc-. tion on nine different patterns. Two or 3 patterns will be quoted at less than Wholesale cost. ttf ill This well-made nicely finished' ROCKER -Regular value $3.25, Sale price $2.50 About 50 Rockers of various styles and prices are to be closed out at like reductions 24 Solid Oak Dressers Made in one of the oldest and largest Massachusetts factories, which guarantees their style workmanship and finish, go now for $13.30 and $15.00. They have large French bevel plate mirrors and are worth regularly f 17.50 and $20.00. We are simply unloading surplus stock, for by the time these are out of the way our fall stock will be demanding room. Enamel Ware We have an overstock of one certain line of the highest grade of Enamel ware. It is known as the "Standard" and includes Tea Kettles, Coffee Pots, Stew Kettles, Preserving Kettles, Etc. It is beautiful "blue and white" triple coated ware and the pieces are about one third deeper than any you have ever bought. roc Other articles in proportion This will go during the Summer Sale In this ware large Coffee at a uniform yt Pots ... discount of- U PCI IClll PAINT-$1. 15 Per Gal. About 75 gallons of the best Mixed Paints made. Gallon, half gallon and quart cans. . There is not enough of any color to fill a large order but if you want a few gallons there is a saving of 40c to 50c per gallon for you. Barn Paint, Per Gal., 80c NAILS All Nail larger than Bight penny go at EIGHT POUNDS FOR 25c rope; -inch, per pound - 12c Inch, 4 " - 12c 400 lbs to be closed out at this price Matting- 17k per Yd. This is a good qual ity Chinese Matting. It makes a durable Jloor cover ing, and for bed rooms is a satis factory and inexpensive substitute for Carpets. IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT ABOUT The GENUINENESS OF The BARGAINS WE OFFER, give as the benefit of the doubt tmtil yoa have an op portunity to come in and become acquainted. HARDWOOD Extension Table $7.00 We have on hand about two dozen Morris chairs. They are the Mission pattern, with Boston leather cushions. Some of the cush ions are wool, some silk floss and some com bination of wool and excelsior, these are of fered at from " - $6.50 to $9.50 Mission furniture is not the "craze" as it was a short time ago. and our price of these chairs is somewhat below wholesale GLASSWARE Our August Sale Price on 7-piece Berry sets large berry bowl A fn and six individual dishes is HfKJ Butter Dish, covered; Sugar Bowl, covered; Spoonholder and A.tr Cream Pitcher, 4-piece set HfKI 7-piece Water Set large brilfiant glass pitcher and six SfY Hi m hi pre ... VJ Water Glasses, six for We are tmloading a Year's Ac cumulation of Glassware It must - j 1 " go now price is a secondary con sf deration . ic 20c These Berry Bowls 15c and 20c This is a well made neatly finished Ex tension Dining Table Weare'long'on them and have made a big cut in the price for our summer clean up Sale. Buy a Dining Table ahead of actual needs while price is only $7.00 "i kB J1 WE SELL PIANOS Singer Sewing Machines Stoves and Ranges The Famous Semi-Malleable Range is in a class with the high-priced Mailables. We have been able to sell it at a price close to that asked for the ordinary cast tops n on Aluminum, 1 5c 15 cents IrfrT'Tfritrar'T-irii i ' 10 cents fa" If 15 cents 10c 5c v ill 10 cts. 15 cts 10c 12 qts. 20c After all, comparison of price and quality is a true test of value. Whether you buy or not, we appreciate having you examine our merchandise. For this sale we have marked our prices in plain figures on Big Red Tags.