Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 18, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Compare These Suits
By comparison you will know their worth Compare these suits
with the average $32.50 suit around town. Compare qualities,
compare workmanship, and compare the styles. It will be the
unanimous verdict that our $22.50 SUITS are equal, if not su
perior, to any $32.50 suit in the city.
Every garment strictly in accord with fashion. The prevail
ing plainly tailored effects. Three-quarter jackets. Collar and
cuffs of same cloth, satin or corded silk lined with the finest lin
ing satin. Sxkirts gored, with or without fold. Made of serges
principally, and some of Panama and wool taffeta. The new
shades of tan, gray, blue, brown, old rose and other C A
colors. Unequalled values at- . . . $ZZ Ju
$9.50 Values, $6.50
Smart, plainly tailored jackets of broad
cloth and covert cloth, ' black and plain
tan and shadow stripes; elegantly finish
ed garments and either without or with
fine quality Satin lining (t- A
$9.50 values POOV
Dressings Sacques
A splendid offering Short sleeved dress
ing Sacques, with scalloped edges; a doz
en neat designs in a variety of pretty
Bargains at Jv
liquor license. Notice is heroby
given that we will, at the next veg;
ular meeting of the city council ap
ply for a license to sell liquor at
our place of business, Eighth and
Main streets, for a period of three
months. Astman & knlgntly.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. Frank Isele, Plaintiff, '
Amelia Isele, Defendant.
To Amelia Isele, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above-entitled suit, on or
before the 12th day of July, 1909, and
if you fall so to appear or answer,
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for in the complaint
filed herein against you. The relief
demanded in the complaint Is for a
decree dissolving the bonds of mar
riage now existing between the plain
tiff and defendant and for such other
and further relief as to the Court
' seems epultable.
This summons Is to be published
for six consecutive weeks In pursu
ance of an order of Hon.- Grant B.
Dlmick, Judge of the Court of the
County of Clackamas, State of Ore
gon, which order was duly made and
entered on the 21st day of May, 1909,
and the date of the first publication of
this summons Is the 28th day of May,
1909, and the date of the last publica
tion will be the 9th day of July, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
513 Fenton Bldg., Portland,' Oregon.
Liquor License. Notice Is hereby
given that we will, at the uext reg
ular meeting of the city council, ap
ply for a license to sell liquor at
our place of business, Seventh
street and Railroad Ave., for a
period of three months.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
Notice is hereby given that on Mon
day the 5th day of July, 1909, at the
hour fo 9 o'clock A. M. of said day
at the Court House door, I will offer
for sale and sell to the highest bidder,
for cash In hand, all of the property
that Clackamas County has acquired
title to by virtueof the sales of 1903
and 1904. The sale will commence
at the time stated and be adjourned
from day to day until completed.
Dated this 25th day of May, 1909.
R. B. BEATIE, Sheriff.
By R. W. BAKER, Deputy.
A Thrilling Rescue.
How Bert R. Lean, of Cheney, Wash,
was saved from a frightful death is a
story to thrill the world. "A hard
cold", he writes, "brought on a des
perate lung trouble that baffled an ex
pert doctor here. Then. I paid $10
to $15 a visit to a lung specialist in
Spokane, who did not help me. Then
I went to California, but without ben
efit. At last I used Dr. King's New
Discovery, which completely cured me
and now I am as well as ever." For
Lung Trouble, Bronchitis, Coughs and
Golds, Asthma, Croup and Whooping
Cough it is supreme. 50 cents and
$1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed
by Jones Drug Company.
My child was burned terribly about
the face, neck and chest. I applied
Dr. Thomas, Electric Oil. The pain
ceased and the child sank into a rest
ful sleep." Mrs. Nancy H. Hanson,
Hamburg, NX
Portland's Fastest-Crowing Store.
Real Estate Transfers
Alex Nibley and Agnes NIbley to
Portland Cement Company, east half
of NW 1-4, NE 1-4 of SW 1-4 and lots
1, 2, 3, of section 2 T6S, R1E, con
taining 141.00 acres; $1.
Alex NIbley and Agnes Nibley to
Portland Cement Company, 6 1-4
acres in section 35, T5S, R1E; $1.
H. A. Kruse and Rosa Kruse to John
Bruck, tract of land In section 18,
T3S, R1E; $50.
Loleatta and Abram Labowitch to
Lillian A. Blckell, part of J. S. Risley
D. L. C. containing section 12, T2S,
R1E; $000.
Fred Vollman to F. F. Williams, east
half of NW 1-4 of SW 1-4 of NW 1-4
of section 32, T2S, R3E; $1500.
Levi Stehman and Eliza Stehman
to George F. Barnard, 34 acres of S.
S. White D. L. C, T3S, R1E; $1105.
W. S. King and Elizabeth' King to
G. G. Parman 16 3-4 acres of section
20, T2S, R2E; $10.
Emll Courand to Mary Oourand,
lot 8, block 6, OregonClty; $1.00.
H. S. and Charlotte Clyde to A. I.
Anderson, 4.74 acres in Clackamas
Heights; $10.
Willamette Land Company to A.
I. Anderson, block 4, Clackamas High
lands; $352.
B. F. Giesy to Grace Loder, lots
18, 19, Apperson's Addition to Glad
stone; $1.
W. H. and Cella Lang to William C.
Lang, 13 acres In section 32, town
ship 1 south, range 3 east; $1.
Georgia P. and John W. Meldrum
to Clackamas County; part of Peter
Rlnearson and wife D. L. C, town
ship 2 south, range 2 east; $1.
August Erickson and wife to W. W.
Raymond, 16 acres in section 15,
township 2 south, range 2 east; $10.
Portland Trust Company to S. S.
Mohler, block 76, Oregon City; $1.
William F. Lehigh, et al., to S. S.
Mohler, block 76 Oregon City; $10.
Pauline and Frederick Schwartz to
Wesley Howard, lot 5, block 3; $600.
G. B. and Frona Dlmick to Aldy
Simmons, lots 10 11, block 9, Glad
stone; $200.
Georgia P. and John W. Meldrum
to E. M. and T. C. Holwell, part of
D. L. C. of Peter Rlnearson and wife
D. L. C. townshlp2 south , range 2
east. Including 3.32 acres; $1660.
C. P. and Mable F. Jordan, et al.,
to H. A. Brewer, 40 acres of section
28, township 3 south, range 5 east;
Melchior and Mary Tambler to John
Anderegg, 20 acres of sections 5 and,
8, township 2 south, range 1 east;
U. S. and Frances Peshal, 160 acres
in section 24, township 30, range 5
east; Pat.
Mary M. Charman to .Clackamas
County, block 68, Clackamas Heights;
George H. Smith and Theresa Smith
to Joseph Liebentritt, 12 acres In D.
L. C. of Hiram Straight and wife,
township 2 south, range 2 east; $3000.
Joseph Llenbentrit to F. H. Louis
Blaue and Esther Blaue, 12 acres in
the Hiram Straight and wife D. L.
C, township 2,south, range 2 east;
John W. Loder and Grace Loder to
Charles E. Reillng, lots 18, J9, Ppper
son's Addition to Gladstone; $1.
James and Olive Meyers to Dnaiel
and Mary A. Robinson, 10 acres of
Philander Lee D. L. C, township 3
south, rank 1 east; $2000.
Arthur Erickson to Mary Erickson,
7 acres of Frultdale, township 2 south,
range 2 east; $1.
Joseph V. Harless and Etta Harless
to W. D. Adams, 1 acre in Mathias
Swegle, D. L. C. No. 45, township 5
south, range 2 east; $10.
William Delapp to D. D. Mowery,
south half of lot 14 of block 8, Esta-
cada; $1.
Walking Skirts
At $4.50
Fine Panamaa walking skirts, in blue
brown, black and gray, gored, with or
without fold of same material, satin or
taffeta A CA
An elegant skirt for the price, Ptwv
Petticoats, $1.95
Petticoats of Sateen and watered percal
ine, about six different styles; deep floun
ces, finished with straps; another with
shirring, straps and stitched ruffle; un
derlay of same; D i QC
$2.25 petticoats .......
Coyd A. Looney to Jasper L. Hewitt,
2 acres of section 26, township 3
south, range 4 east; $100.
H. A. and Rose Kruse to Clackamas
County, tract of land in Clackamas
County; $1.
R. E. and Lillian G. Hanna to
Pierce W. Goold and Alice Goold,
portion of D. L. C. of Lot Whitman
and wife, section 36, township 1 south,
range 1 east; $1. . .
W. A. and M. A. Shaw to Prlscilla
M. and Fredrick A. Daly, lots 4 and
7 of Boardman's Addition to Jennings
Estacada State Bank to S. Morton
Cohn Real Estate & Investment Com
pany, lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
and 13 of block 2, Estacada; $1500.
Mary M. Charman to J. E. Bryant,
block 7, Clackamas Heights; $360.
Frank Jaggar, trustee, to Julia Muel.
ler et al., tract oi land in the C. F.
Vonderahe D. L. C. section 28, town
ship 3 south, range 2 east; .
David P. Jones and Clarissa Jones
to Bertha Long, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, block 5, Weslynn; $1.
United States to Emil Eyssell, 120
acres In section 14, township 2 south,
range 6 east; Patent.
MargareUL. Robert to J. F. Goode,
lots 19, 30j 31, 32, block 16; lots lip
12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
40, 41, block 42, Mlnthorn Addition to
Portland; $60.
O. F. Jones to Fred Hogg, lots 9,
10, 3, 4, block 1, Clackamas Heights;
J. J. Thompson and Lydla Thompson
to R. F. Harty and wife, lots 3 and
4 of block 13, Windsor; $500.
Land Company of Oregon to Char
les B. Moores, 15.45 acres of section
25, township 1 south, range 1 east;
Ellen Edes Meyers and Henry W.
Meyers to O. A. and Lizzie Smith,
lot 1, block 72; lots 18 to 21, inc.
block 72; lots 24 to 26, inc. block 72;
lots 27 to 46. inc. block 72; lots 1
to 8 inc. block 73; lots 31 to 37 inc.
block 73; lots 9 to 13 inc. and lots
38 and 39, block 73; Mlnthorn Addi
tion to Portland; $17550.
J. U. and Anna C. Campbell to Levi
Stehman, 73 acres of S. S. White D.
U C; $4200.
Oscar Eaton to Ethel L. Thompson,
lot 3 .block 24, Oregon Iron & Steel
Company First Addition to Oswego $1.
M. and Louise Durst to James and
Kate Oliver, property in Milwaukle;
E. M. Howell and wife to Rennie
J. and Ethel Younger, tract of land
on 6th St., Oregon City; $200.
J. N. Nerlson to E. N. Erickson,
land In section 34, township 6 south,
range 1 east; $390.
Pierce Halley to Joseph Lawrence
and Herbert Medcalf, 80 acres in sec
tion 21, T4S, R2E; $800.
Gullik Olson and Carrie Olson to M.
and Hannah Halverson, 2 acres in sec
tion 10, T5S, R1E; $90.
Ella Casto to Kate Casto, lots 7, 8,
11, 12, block 21, Milwaukle Park; $1,
000. Gladstone Real Estate Association
to Mrs. M. E. Paddock, lota 3, 4, blk.
85; $200.
Lewis R. Smith and Lewis Rutfner
Could Not Be Better.
Those attractive women who are
lovely in face, form and temper are
the envy of many, who might be like
them.' A weak sickly women will be
nervous and Irritable. Constipation or
Kidney poisons show in pimples,
blotches, skin eruptions and wretch
ed complexion. For such Electric Bit
ters work wonders. They regulate
Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify
the blood; give strong nerves, bright
eyes, pure health, smooth, velvety
skin, lovely complexion. Many charm
ing women owe their health and beau
ty to them. 60 cents at Jones Drug
Examples to Be Made of Men of Con
stabulary Who Seized Post.
Manila, June 15. Brigadier-General
Bandholtz, chief of the Philip
pine Constabulary, who is at pres
ent on a tour of Inspection In the
island of Jolo, will at once proceed
to Davao, Mlndano Island, the scene
of the mutiny of the second company
of Constabulary on June 6, The in
sular government is determined to
make an example of the mutinous
men who fled to the mountain with
their rifles and equipments, and the
pursuit will be pressed wiih tha ut
most vigor until the last one of the
mutineers has been captured.
Market Their Own Grain.
Lewiston, Idaho, June 15. Farm
ers of the Inland Empire are rapidly
freeing themselves from the grain
companies and subsidiary organiza
tions which have brought Immense
wealth to many concerns. The work
is being effected through the agen
cies of the Farmers' Educational
and Co-operative Union, an organi
zation Introduced about two years
ago, and which now enjoys a mem
bership of approximately 20,000
farmers In the Inland Empire.
Walks Four Days on Broken Leg.
Portland, Or., June 14. His leg
broken four days ago, Wm. Young,
47 years old, benumbed by the ex
cessive use of intoxicants In the in
terim, was not conscious of his in
jury until Sunday afternoon, when
he fell to the street, the fractured
limb finally falling to withstand the
weight of its liquor-laden possessor.
Von Angeles Robbery Reveals Seri
ous Defects in System.
Los Angeles, June 14. Theft by
postofflce employes and not an er
ror in routing was responsible for
the loss of registered packages con
taining X30.000 in currency mailed
by the First National Bank of Los
Angeles to the Bank of Blebee, Ariz.,
last week. To a sudden uproar in
the postofflce following the discov
ery is" attributed the failure to ap
prehend the thief, who made away
with two packages containing $15,
000. This alarm is believed to be
responsible for the recovery of the
other two packages, which were
found in the registry division of the
main postofflce.
Plan Western Division.
New York, June 15 The National
Civic Federation will meet in Se
attle before the close of the A.-Y.-P.
Exposition to organize a Pacific
Coast branch.
Notice For Bids on Lumber.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned will receive sealed pro
posals for the furnishing and deliv
ering of lumber to be used for muni
cipal purposes by the City of Ore
gon City, for a period of one year,
from date of. contract to be entered
into with Oregon City by successful
bidder hereunder. Said lumber to
be delivered any place In corporate
limits of Oregon City designated by
Street Superintendent. All bidders
hereunder to specify grades of lum
ber, to be furnished and -prices there
of per M. Bids to include both rough
and surfaced lumber.
Bids will be received until Tuesday,
July 6th, 1909.
The right is reserved to reject any or
all bids.
Published by order of the Council
of Oregon City, Oregon.
t2 Recorder.
Smith to M. J. Denney, 1G0 acres in
section 27, T1S, R2E; $16,000.
Jennie B. Harding and George A.
Harding to James McPh Robinson and
Rhuby Jane Robinson, Jots 11, 12,
block 5, Gladstone; $300.
Oregon Iron & Steel Company to
W. R. Lattln, lot 1C, block 8, section
16, T2S, R1E; $1100.
wimam nordner and Jane Gardner
to Joseph Haas, 2.77 acres In section
13 and 24, T3S, R1E; $3UU.
Frederick Hager and Anna Hager to
incpnh j Price. sA acres of George
Crow D. L. C. No. 49, T2S, R1E; $2500.
C. E. Fields to J. a. xeon, unuivmea
one-half interest in section 16, T3S,
R7E; $4000.
iTs.an V. rima. aUnrnnv and.
abstracter, Oregon Oitr, Oregon.
Abstraots of real estate in Olackamas
oounty promptly made: charges rea
sonable, au years exporiHuue.. .
Liquor License, rvouce is nereuy
given that I will, at the" next reg
ular meeting of the city council, ap
ply for a license to sell liquor at
my place of business, Red Front, 415
Main St., for a period of three
months. H. KRUGER.
Liquor License. Notice is nereDy
given that I will, at the next reg
ular meeting of the city council ap
ply for a license to sell liquor at
my place of business, Fourth and
Main Btreets for a period of three
Liquor License. Notice Is hereby
given that I will, at the next reg
ular meeting of the city council ap
ply .for a license to sell liquor at
my place of business. Fifth and
Main streets, for a period of three
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that on
July 17th., 1909, the undersigned, as
administrator of the estate of Jennie
North, deceased, will offer at private
sale and sell to the highest bidder for
cash the S.W 1-4 of the S. W. 1-4 of
section S3, Tp. 3 S. R. 3 E. of the
Willamette Meridian in uiackamas
County, State of Oregon, subject to
the confirmation of the Honorable
County Judge of said county.
Bids will be received at the ornce
of my attorneys or may be made to
me In person in Oregon City until
the above named date. .
Administrator aforesaid.
Attorneys for Estate.
Smuggled Silk and Cigars Also Dls
covered in Liner Minnesota.
Seattle, June 14. immigration
officials, after picking up on the
wharf a stray Chinese, who admitted
he came over as a stowaway on the
Great Northern liner Minnesota,
searched the vessel and discovered
nine more smuggled coolies and a
quantity of silk and cigars.
Inspector Keagey, who is a heavy
man, stepped Into the sail locker of
the steamer and fell 20 feet through
a hole in the floor, alighting square
ly on top of nine naked Chinamen.
Further Investigation brought to
light several leather sacks,., resem
bling government mall pouches filled
with raw silk and a number of boxes
of Manila cigars. The bags of silk
are supposed to have been taken
aboard with the mail sacks.
Release School Lands.
Washington, June 14. Represen
tative Hamer, of Idaho, has intro
duced a bill permitting Western
states to make Immediate selection
of school lands in satisfaction of
grants from the federal government
Inside forest reserves. He says that
Idaho, which Is entitled to 800,000
acres, has been unable to make its
full selection because the remaining
desirable lands are tied up In re
serves, and a similar situation exists
in other states.
8ERAND. Representative to the United
States from France, .who,, with his
wife, Is making a tour of the Paclflo
Coast. They were extensively enter
tained at the A.-Y.-P. Exposition,
this week. .
Great Body of Water Forming as Re
sult of Roosevelt Slide.
Spokane, Wash., June 14 Where
the town of Roosevelt, Idaho, once
stood, posterity will see a large lake,
formed by the damning of Mule
Creek at its' confluence with Monu
mental Creek, the result of the de
structive work of the massive slide
of talc and earth, rock and timber
that wiped out building sites and
property on May 81. Between 15
and 20 feet of water covers the flat
where the town once stood. Houses
In the mining village are being float
ed near the hillside to clear the old
channel of debris.
Indian Interests Merge.
Lewiston, Idaho, June 15. Under
the new plans of administering the
affairs and education of the Indians
on the government Indian reserva
tions, the interests of the redmen
are being rapidly merged with their
white neighbors, and when patent to
the Indian allotments is issued, it la
expected the Indian allottee will be
fully capable of transacting bis own
Holmes has Utah land piaster
speoial price, 78 cents per lack $14.60
per ton. Parkplaoe Ore.
Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum
sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch
of your clothing. Doan's ointment
cures the most obstinate cases. Why
suffer. All druggists sell it.
Women as Well as Hen an Kado EMt
by Kidney anil Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind,
discouragesandlessensambition; beauty,
vigor ana cneenm
ness soon disappear
when the kidneys are
out of order or dis
eased. Kidney trouble has
become to prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for a child to be
born afflicted with
weak kidneys. If the
child urinates too of ten, if the urine scalds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
sge when it should be able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting,
depend upon it, the canse of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild end the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty
cent and one-dollar
size bottles. You may
have a sample bottle
by mail free, also a
pamphlet telling all
about bwamp-Koot, vum kmmim.
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers
who found Swamp-Root to be just the
remedy needed, in writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and
mention this paper. Don't make any
mistake, but remember the name, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address,
Biaghsjnton, N, Y., on every bottle.
California's handsome building is one of the very striking structures
on the grounds ot the' Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition. It is in the old
BpanUh Mission type of architecture encountered so frequently in South
ern California, and the detail of its front has attracted the attention ot
artists and architects from all .over the country.
In the building every county of the golden state will have an exhibit.
California, from Siskiyou to San Diego, has shown as much enthusiasm
(or the Exposition as has Washington Itself.
Sirailalill$llKFbo(fan(IRpt)iiDi ting (lie Stomachs andflowdsi
ness ana Kestrontains rem
OpiunuMorphine nor Mineral.
Rmptil SnJm
AiatSnd CarifM Sugar
Anerfect Remcdv for Ctmsflp
Hon .Smir Stnmach.Dlarrboel
Facsimile Signature of
120 Guaranteed under the toi
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
fbnt mi
Htl. I$S3
Williams Bros, transfer Co.
Sifts, Pianos and TurnUurt moving
a Specialty
Trtltbt and Par alt Dtllvertd Prlctn Rtattnablt and
Satltfactlen Buarantttd
Small Farms Wanted
HomoseckersZrequest. EASTHAM, SMITH & CO. to
look them up homes.
Three customers have asked us to look them up
small farms of 5 to 40 acres. They must he well
improved and conveniently located. If you have
such a farm to sell please call on us,,
Eastham Smith Co.
Phaact Fimm47
F. M. BLUIIM, Manager
Hsy, Straw, Wheat, Oats, Pota
toti, Etc., Always on Hand
(Successor to Commercial Bank)
Transect Ceneral Banking Business. Open from t . m. to3 p.ra
John W. Thomas
Holalla, Monday
i 1
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Offlct Tavtriit Cigar Sitrt
OppftlU mattnlc Building
Producer end dealer In all
kinds of Flrst-Clase Farm
Product and Fir Wood.
Firat-Clasi Butttr and Eggs a 9pc
ialty. All Orders Promptly Fillsd.
F. J. MEYER, CaihUr
Onir uithoriMd KceJer la
tllut la Onna, Writ
for lllniitl oltraLr.
If air Mil num. 71 L 1 1 in s.
. r