OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, MAY 28. 1909 7 The Most in Values Portland's Fastest-Growing Store. Quality Women's Stylish New Suits An elaborate showing of new suits received direct from the best New York manu facturerbrand new Suits in styles never before shown in Portland. Beautiful serge and Panama fabrics in the new shades of grey and tan, so much in demand, and other umumg uiue ana Drown in tne new tones; plainly tailored effects but remark- awe ur meir smartness in appearance. Real $62,50 values on sale at only - We are showing many other exceptional values at $10.00. $12.50, .$16.30, $ir.50 and $18.50 $22.50 A Tablefull of Waists at 95c Regular Values from $1.25 to $l.r3 On your next visit do not fail to look over this table full of splendid waist val ues. You are sure to find the very style wanted in this great showing, broken waist lines of many descriptions consti tute the lot; made of fine lawn, dimity, nainsook aud black sateen, plain, colors, dainty figures and stripes; some with tucked and pleated fronts, some embroid ered and others with yokes of lace. Val ues from $1.25 to $1.75 at one price: 95 Cents Sateen Petticoats Petticoats of black sateen, excellent in quality and style. Two styles, 15-inch flounce, plain effect with straps; another with three rows of shirring, strap and feather stitched ruffle; underlay of same material, exceptional petticoats for $1.25 Silk Petticoats All Colors. Stylish petticoats of fine quality, good weight, non-splittable taf feta. One of the widest ranges of colors ever shown black, navy, brown, red, tan, green, Copenhagen, French blue, gray and old rose. These and other colors in a variety of shades. About six different styles from a deep flounce in the severely plain effect, trimmed with strap, to a more elaborate flounce with shirring, straps and double .ruffle; $5.50 to $7.50 values Easterly at right angles with Main street 210 feet; thence Southerly by a course parallel with Main street 80 feet to the Southeast corner of said Block; thence westerly 210 feet to the place of beginning subject how ever to the- homestead right of said plaintiff. . Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance "with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 12th day of Juno, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at iiie front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest biddor, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or' either of them, had on the date of the mort gage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said exeoution, Judgment, order, decree, Interest, costs ana an accruing costs. R..B. BEATIE, Sheriff of Clackamas County. By R. W. Baker, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Or., May 10, 1909. $4.90 Notice of Alteration and Re-Establish ment of Street Grade. Notice is hereby given that the . grade of the South half of Twelfth street of Oregon City, Oregon, lying between the West line of Washing ton Street and a point 152.7 feet East of the East line of Washington Street is ordered altered and re-established in accordance with the following description of grade: Beginning (for South one-half of Twelfth Street) at an elevation of 132 feet at the West line of Washing ton Street, thence on an ascending grade across Washington Street to the East side of Washington Street at an elevation of 133 feet, thence East erly on a descending grade to an ele vation of 130 feet to a point 152.7 feet East of the East line of Washing ton street. This notice is published pursuant to an order of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, made at a special meet ing of said Council held Wednesday, May 19th, 1909. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. "My child was burned terribly about the face, chest and neck. I applied Dr. Thomas' Electric oil. The pain ceased and the child sank Into a rest ful sleep." Mrs. Nancy M. Hanson, Hamburg N. Y. SUMMONS. In the Ch-cult Court of the State of .Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Sidney E. Cornish, Plaintiff, VS. Martha Cornish, Defendant. To Martha Cornish, the above nam ed defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court on or before the expiration of six weeks from and after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wlt: on or before the 12th of June, 1909, and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint on file herein,. to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved upon the ground of cruel and Inhuman treatment of the plain tiff by the defendant, and of the prac tice of personal indignities toward him rendering his life burdensome, and for such other and further relief in the premises as to the Court seems equitable and just. This summons Is published by or der of the Honorable Thomas Mc Brlde, Judge of the Circuit Court for the County of Clackamas, and said order was made and dated this 26th day of April, 1909, and the date of the first publication of this summons ih the 30th day of April, 1909. JOS. H. PAGE, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS Iu the Circuit Court of the State of Oroega for Clackamai county. Lucy E. Joues, Plaintiff, VI. William Warren Jones, Defendant, To William Warren Jones, the above named defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the ooniplaint filed against too in the above entitled tait on or before the expiration ot six weeks from the fint publication of this goniniong, to wit: on the 80tb daf of April, 1909, and if jon fail to so appear and ans wer for want'thereof the plaintiff "will apply to the Court for the relief pray ed for in her complaint on file herein, towit; for a decree dissolving the bonds fit matrimony now existing Children's Dresses Children's Wash Dresses. Made of fine quality percale, gingham and chambray. Colors are plain blue, pink, gray and pretty stripes and checks. Dresses of two styles and jaunty sailor suits. Just the proper thing for summer wear. $1.50 values $1.25 between plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published by order ot tne Hon. tups. A. JKcliride, Cir cuit Judge of the Filth Judicial Dis trict iu aud for Hie State of Oregon, made and entered this 29th day of aprii, rju. First publication of this summons to be Friday, April 30, 1909, last- pub lication of this summons to be Jane 11, 1909. JOHN DITCHBURN, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS Iu the Oirnuit'Gourt for Clackamas County, State of Oregon. Cathie Zizelmau. Plaintiff, vs. Charles Zizelmau, Defendant. To Charles Zizelu an, the above named defendant: In the name -of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appearand answer the complaint filed against you iu the above entitled suit on or D., 1908, and modified by an order of May 8th, 1909, will sell at private sale, on or after ten o'clock A. M., June 12th, 1909, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title, and Interest of said decased, in and to the following described real prop erty In Clackamas County, Oregon, to-wit: The West half of the South West Quarter, and Lots numbered Three and Four of Section 29, Tp. 3 S. R. 2 E. of the Willamette Meridian, Con taining 150111 acres, excepting 50 acres sold to M. C. Wrlgley, July 16; 1881, by deed recorded in Book S page 619, Deed Records of Clackamas County, Oregon, I will sell said land as a whole, or in two separate parcels, as hereinaf ter described, as I may find opportun lty, being eo directed by said Court, the parcels being as follows, to-wit: The Northerly parcel being par ticularly described a beginning at the Quarter Section Post between R. thence from the first publication hereof, 1 Sections 29 and 30, Tp. 3 I S. of to-wit: on or before the 21st day of E. of the Willur-ette Meridian; tl May, 1909, and if you fail so to an pear aud answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the releif sought in her complaint filed herein, to-wit : lor a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony exist ing between plaintiff and defendant. and awarding her the care and cus tody of the minor children of plain tiff aud defendant, and deoreeing her to be the sole owner ot said real es tate, and that defendant has no inter- eat therein, and for costs and disburse ments, and other equitable relief. Tins summons Is published by order of lion. O. B. Dimick, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, made and en tered the 3rd day of April, 1909, directing that thesaid publication be made in the Oregon City Courier for six consecutive weeks, not less than once each week, the day of the first publication thereof being April 9, 1909, and of the last, publication May 31, 1909. PEA ROY & WINTLER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. Iu the Oirouit Court for Clackamas County, State of Oregon. John Blouk, Plaintiff, vs. Annie B lock, Defendant. To Annie Block, the above named defendant: Iu the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear aud answer the oompiaiut filed against you in the above entitled suit on or berore tne expiration oi six weeks from the first publication hereof, to-wit: on or before the 4th day of June, 1909, and if you fail ao to ap pear aud answer, lor want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tne Court for the relief sought in his oompiaiut, filed herein, to-wlt: for a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony exist ing between plaintiff and defendant. and for sucli other and farther relief & to equity may senm meet. This sacumoiis is published by order of Hon. Q. B. Dimiok, Judge of the County Court of the blate of Oregon for Clackamai Coanty, made and en tered the 19th day of April. 1909, directing that the said publication b) made in the Oregon Vlij Courier for six consecutive weeks, not less than ouoe each week, the day of the first publication thereof being April 33, 1909, 4th, 1909. PEARCY & WIKTLER. Attorneys forPaintiff. East 40 chains to the center of Sec tion 29; thence South 11.50 chains to the Isaac Farr D. I C; thence West 25.50 chains at a point, said point being 22.30 chains west of the north west corner of the Isaac Farr D. L. C; thence south 4.60 chains; thence west 14.50 chains to the west line of said Section 29; thence north 16 chains to the place of beginning, con taining 62.50 acres more or less, The Southerly parcel as, beginning at the northwest corner of the Isaac Farr D. L. C; thence west 22.30 chains; thenc6 south 4.50 chains; thence west 14.50 chains to the west line of said Section 29; thence south 11 chains to the north line of the land deeded by William Butcher to M. C. Wrlgley, on July 16, 1881, Deed for which is recorded in Book S, page 619, Deed Records of Clackamas County, Oregon; thence east 3G.80 chains to the west line of the Isaac Farr D. L. C; thence north on said west line to the place of beginning. containing 50 acres more or less. Bids for all of the hereinbefore des cribed property, or either part there of, may be left with my attorney, C. H. Dye, corner of 8th ana Main streets, upstairs, Oregon City, Ore gon. Dated, May 13th, 1909. T. C. THOMAS, Administrator of the Estate of Alvln Crowe, Deceased. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Lena H. Charman, P.lalntlff, vs. 'George H. Wisbart, Charles H. Cau- field, T. L. Charman, Executors, et. al., Defendants. STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas, ss,. By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court. In the above en titled cause, 4o me duly directed and dated the 11th day of May, 1909, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 3d day of April', 1909, In favor of Plaintiff, and against defendants, for the sum of $8500.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 3d Hav nf Anril. 19(19 anil thn further and of tiie last publication Jane sum 0f $500, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $15.00 costs and dis bursements, and the costs of and up on this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real Administrator's Sale. property, situate In the county of Notice is hereby given that the un- Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: derslgned Administrator of the estate , Beginning at the southwest corner of Alvln Crowe, deceased, under and 0f Lot No. 5 In Block No. 22 on Main by virtue of an order of sale, made street, in Oregon City, Oregon; run by the County Court of Clackamas nine thence Northerly along the bound- County, Oregon, November 12th, A. ary line of Main street 80 feet; thence Notice of Eleventh Street Improvement. Notice is hereby given that that portion of Eleventh Street of Oregon City, Oregon, lying between the Westerly-line of Main street and the East erly line of Water Street, hereinaf ter described; and that portion of Eleventh Street lying between the Easterly line of Main Street and the Easterly line of Van Buren street, is ordered improved by order of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, in accordance with the following: Said Improvement shall consist as follows: From the Westerly line of Main Street on the Southerly GO feet of Eleventh Street said improvement shall consist of a frame and pile trestle 60 feet wide for a distance of 200 feet Westerly; tlience with a contracting width of said frame and pile trestle to that of 50.7 feet West erly to the East line of Water Street. Said improvement to be done In ac cordance with the established grade of said street. Frpm the Easterly line of Main Street to the Easterly line of Van Buren Street said Improvement of Eleventh Street shall consist in mak ing such excavation and embankment as is necessary to bring the street to sub-grade, the entire width of the street except at such places as in the judgment of the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City and the City Engineer, it is not essential to bring to sub grade that part of the street occu pied by sidewalk or parking; of plac ing a line of wood curbing 12 feet from the property line on each side of said street; of constructing wood side-walks 6 feet wide on each side of said street; of placing macadam on that portion of the Btreet (36 feet) between curb lines, the macadam to be a depth of not less than 6 inches at the curb line and 9 inches at the center of the street; and of placing such drains and culverts and doing such other work as shall be necessary to complete the improvement of said street in accord ance with the plans and specifications therefor to be prepared by the City Engineer, and by grading said street according to the established grade thereof. This notice is published pursuant to an order of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, made, at a special meet ing of said Council held Wednesday, May 19th, 1909, at 8 o'clock P. M. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder EXPOSITION OPENS JUNE 1 teattle Merchants Will Suspend AH Business for the Day. Seattle, May 2 5. Mayor Miller has Issued a proclamation asking the Seattle public to co-operate In sig naling the opening of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacifle Exposition by taking' a day off and visiting the exposition on the opening day Tuesday, June 1. Practically every important place of business in Seattle will remain closed. The Merchants' Association reached an agreement to this effect and Its members have since used their infliiinee to prevail upon other establishments not affiliated with the organization to Adopt the same" course. mm v II - L'lilxriMii-W,. 51 1 . " W i.u i J I I .Aa II O.VB KM MM m Mm mm m7 Jkm mm In H KJ KM Mm mm MISS HELEN TA FT. Miss Helen Taft, daughter of the President, has accepted an Invitation to unveil the monument erected at Gettysburg, Pa., in memory of the soldiers of the regular army who participated in the Gettysburg cam paign. The ceremony will take place May 31. GOVERNORS PLAN MEETING Hay and Benson to Go Over Lund Conci-rnod in Controversy. Portland, May 25 A meeting be tween Governor Benson, of Oregon, and Governor Hay, of Washington, Is to be held in Portland early In June for the purpose of visiting the Lower Columbia River and confer ring on an amicable adjustment of the boundary controversy between the two slates. Real Estate Transfers Joseph Simon to Casper N. Braasch NW 1-4 of SE 1-4 and lot 7, Sec. 13, T3S, R3E; 87.29 acres; $1700. Casper N. and Harriet E. Braasch to The Land Company of Oregon, NW 1-4 of SE 1-4 and lot 7, Sec. 13, T3S, R3E; $1. G. E., Minnie, A. H., and Hanna Zimmerman, to Elizabeth Zimmerman, 7 acres Sec. 4, T4S, HIE, quitclaim; Sl- Emma and Charles Druschel, Mary, Maggie, Sarah and Delia Zimmerman Clara and George Hoff to Elizabeth Zimmerman ,same property as above, quitclaim. Lizzie and John Kray to Elizabeth Zimmerman, same property as above; quitclaim. Louis A. Rail to Nora E. Rail, lots 3 and 18, blk. 11, Gladstone; $1. John W. and Grace E. Loder to William and Bertha Dahlke, lots 1 and 2, blk. 6. West Gladstone: $375. S. F. and Rachel Scripture to Jas. Roake, lot 5, blk. 116, Oregon City; $100. Dave and Bessie McLaren to Jacob Relchard, 3 acres J. D. Garrett D. L. C, T1S, R2E; $10. M, A. and Agnes J. Jones to Mrs. M. D. Odell, W of N of NW 1-4 of SW 1-4, section 27, T2S, R2E, 10 acres; $1000. J. M. Poorman, trustee, to Karen H. Ramberg E of NE 1-4 of SE 1-4 of Section 31, T5S, R1E, 20 acres; $1250. Christina Fischer to Karen Hi Ramberg, W4 of NE 1-4 of SE 1-4 and E of NW 1-4, Sec. 31, T5S, R1E, 40 acres; $1. T. M. and Ida E. Kellogg to C. Klip- pel, 9 acres George Abernethy D. L. C. No. 58 and 11 acres In same prop erty, T2S, R2E, $20. H. and Janett Look to L. E. Look, 20 acres, Sees. 22, 23, 26 and 27, T1S, R3E; correction deed. A. E. and Elizabeth Sparks to Jas. M. and Ermetta Mae Barr, lots 9 and 10, blk. 12, Zobrist's add. to Estacada: $750. Alexander Gettman to Casper Gett- man, lots 10 and 11, block C, Milwau kie Park; $10. Emma Avery to Jerome Avery, 2.80 acres Wichita, Sees. 29 and 30, T1S, R2E; $1. Willamette Falls Co. to A. Mihlstin, lot 11, blk. 13, Willamette Falls; $1. Charles I. and Loranca C. Baker to Caroline Bremer, lot 11, blk. 13, Wil lamette Falls; $10. J. W. and Delia A. Beckley, to Grace H. Gray, 3.03 acres in Crow D. L. C. quitclaim; $1. Alice E. Glass to B. F. Drlscoll. lots 11, 12, 13 and 6, 7 and 8, blk. 12, Mil waukie Park; $50. Jacob and Golde Goldstein to Adel-" bert and Maria Muesslg, 45 acres, Sec. 25. T2S. R2S; $1100. Helen Jackson to Louis Farr, lot 6, block 1C9, Oregon City; $900. Oregon Iron & Steel Co. to D. F. and Sarah E. Adcock, all of tract 1 of J. D. Miller D. L. C. and J. M. Moore, D. L. C, 12.71 acres, reserv ing the right to use water-from Tuala tin rover; $10. Death and Ruin by Flood. Oklahoma City, Okla., May 25. Five persons are dead and at least 10 seriously injured, several thou sand acres of crops are inundated and every stream in the' northern and eastern part of the state raging as a result of almost unprecedented rains during the last 48 hours in Oklahoma. A number of houses have been washed away. OPPOSED TO FREE LUMBER Tariff Amendment Rejected by Vote of Two to One. Washington, May 25. The lum ber schedule of the tariff bill was under consideration almost the en tire day yesterday, with Root, Hey burn, Borah and Dolliver contending on the one hand for protection and Clapp, Burkett and McCumbor ar guing strenuously against the policy. The day closed with more than a two-thirds vote against McCumber's free lumber amendment, the ballot Showing 25 for and 5G against. Postolllee Clerks Indicted. Helena, Mont., May 24. Indict ments have been returned by the federal grand Jury against W. H. Martin and Richard Hockln, former postoffice clerks, who are charged with embezzling government funds. Seattle will not only have a remark able exposition, but will be able ti acommodate the Influx of visitors in a way that will be a cause for lasting satisfaction. Hotels are many and reasonable, and with fixing of normal charges at the eating houses, from the most aristocratic to the humble lunch counter, tourists may have no fear of not finding accommodations. ALCOHOL 3 PP.H ni-v-n AVcgelablePreparationrorAs-1 aiiiuiaiiiigtnei'uodaiHlRcgula ling (lie Siomachs ardBowdsof ProraotesDigestlonjCfceifur ness andRest.Contalnsndmer Opiitni.Morphinc norMaaaLj WOT NARCOTIC. 4tx.Seim jlautSttd HU'arttHukSdt Clarified Sugar . hiMapmiiimr. ADcrfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomaeh.Dlarrtioeaj Worms .CoiTvulsionsjeverisn- ness andLoss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW In Dse For Over Thirty Years 20 Guaranteed under the oi Exact Copy of Wrapper. Under New Management It is our raim to give in the future the same dependable groceries and satisfactory treat ment that this store has given in years past, and which has created the enviable name of "The Best Family Grocery Store in Oregon City." JACK & ALBRIGHT Successor to J. E. JACK 904 Seventh Street Opposite Shlvely's Opera House Pbont 1121 Hti. isss Oftlct In TavtrUt Cigar Sttrt Oppotltt ttiai0nle Building Williams Bros, transfer Co. Safes, Pianos and Turniture Moving a Specialty trtlqht and ParttH Dtllvt rti Print Ittaionablt ani Satisfaction Buaranttti n 11 1 Harvey E. Cross, attorney and abstracter, Oregon Ciiy, Oregon. Abstracts of real estate in Clackamas county promptly made : charges rea sonable. 30 years' experience. Do You Get Up With a Lame Back? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and omuuer remeuy, oc rfiime nf ita remrirk- ji able health restoring I properties. Swumi) . Root fulfills almost ji every wisli 111 ovcr- piiin in the back, kid neys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scaldingpain in passingit, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of bcine compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many ! times during the night. ! Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver , or bladder trouble, it will be found iust j the remedy you need. It has been thor- I oughly tested in private practice, and has proved so successful that a special ar- j rangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, wno nave not ai- : ready tried it, may have a sample bottle j sent iree Dy man, aiso a dook icuing more about Swamp-Root, and how to una out 11 you nave khi nev or bladder trouble. When writing mention rs:ili:,5 ISHtrr reading this L'enerous I ."""S IS:::: offf-r in tliittrinnpr nnd fti'ffT vh? send your address tof&J Small Farms Wanted Home-seekersrequesL EASTHAM, SMITH & CO. to look them up homes. Three customers have asked us to look them up small farms of 5 to 40 acres. They must, be well improved and conveniently located. If you have such a farm to sell please call on us. I Eastham Smith Co. OVER. BANK OF OREGON CITY I UT, Kilmer & lO., llm. olcwtmp-bwu Binghamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress), Binghamton, N, Y.,on every bottle. Phonct Fttmcri47 R. F. D. No. 3, OREGON CITY, ORE. LONE OAK FARM Producer and dealer in all kinds of Flrst-CUw Farm Products and Fir Wood. F. M. BLUIIM, Manager Hay, Straw, Wheat, Oats, Pota toes, Etc., Always on Hand First-Class Butter and Eggs Spec laity. All Orders Promptly Filled. D. C LATOURETTE, President F. J. MEYER, Cashltr THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON (Successor to Commercial Bank) Transact General Banking Business. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m