OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1909 5 II W Bailing Wovdn . UibJolulety Ture Renders the food more wholesome and su perior in lightness and flavor. The only baking powder , made front Royal Grape Cream of Tartan SOCIAL EVENTS OE THE WEEK LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dii. Beatie & Mount, dentiHts, Ma 's sonio Temple. If you want stylish hat call on Miss Goldsmith. Mrs.-- Chaa May and son of Malhuer are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. XJ. W. May of this city. Burntce the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Curran is 111 at her home In Elyvllle. Miss Edna Park, Miss Ana All dredge, Miss Ethel Park, Mortimer Cockrell and Morton Park spent Sun days. flailing on the banks of Clear Creek. George Boylan Is repainting his res idence in Central Addition. Miss Louva Randall arrived In this city today from Elk City to spend several days with relatives and friends. Miss Vada Elliott, Leonard Runyan, Miss Mabel Francis, Joseph Gerber, Miss Maude Moran, Leo Burdon and George Rainey spent Sunday at the home of Miss Clara Morey In Liberal. Miss Bessie Reynolds, Mrs. V. H. x Wilcox, Miss Anna Alldredge and Mr. Reynolds of this city attended a party in honor of Miss Helen Wilcox, a form er Oregon City girl, in Portland, Fri day night. , Mrs. Arthur W. Brown and three children of Bay Center Michigan are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Randall of this city. Charles Moulton returned home Saturday night from Canby where he spent the day at the-ball game and races. . . J. L. Mumpower, a prominent resi dent of Stone, spent Tuesday in Ore gon City. W. C. Maleomb of Ashland was an Oregon City visitor the latter part of the week. Judge W. W. H. Samson of this city attended the races at Canby Saturday afternoon. Willis Cornell and Harvey Wright of Portland transacted business in this city during the first part of the week. J. K. Morris and family of this city were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mautz of Maple Lane Sunday. W. A. Shewman, Jr., who was called to New York a few weeks ago by the Illness and death of his father, has returned to this city and has brought with him his mother and sis ter, moving their household goods here." Mrs. Shewman expects to re main. A marriage license was issued Wed nesday, to Fred Kuhn and Nellie May McCoy. Miss Ella White has left this city for Salem and Corvallis to be gone several days. The X. L. Club of Gladstone held a meeting last Friday night at the home of Mrs. Henry Salisbury. . The club decided to serve lunch at, the Fourth of July celebration at Glad stone Park. You are requested to visit our mil linery display. . MisaO. Goldsmith. It pays to be thirsty when you can get I RON PORT. At Soda Fountains and in Bottles. All up-to-date dealers carry it. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mackey, of Bel Uttgham, Wash, guests of J. Walter Page; of Portland, were Oregon City visitors last Friday. C. H. Dye, Lawyer and Loan Agent, Abstracts carefully made. Estates set tled. S. W. corner 8th and Main Sts., Oregon City, Oregon. Mrs. L. E. Jones and the members of the Shakespeare class went to hear Pen Greet's production of "Mid-Sum-irers Night Dream" at Helllg Theatre Saturday afternoon. . Earl Lutz, the hustling young busi ness man at the Levitt Gents' Cloth ing House in this city, is conducting a sale In Sheridan for the coming month or two. Earl will make a suc cess of the venture as he usually does. Judge G. B. Dimick soke at a meeting of the Pleasant Valley Com mercial Club in that city Wednesday evening before a large-audience and gave the people these one of the best talks they have listened to for many a day. Irishman's Stunt. A fine old irishman seated naturally on the seat of a grindstone turning the same with pedals and doing a fine stunt grinding a scythe is an at tractive window at Wilson & Cooke's hardware store this week and it would pay the- man who wishes to have a good laugh to walk a few blocks and take in the show. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters at the Ore gon City Post Office for the week end ing May 29. Men's List Barnett, Dolas; Brown rigg. J. H.; Clipper, Bill; Cole. Arthur; Eckerman, Theodore A.; Gibbs, 0. L; Klick, E. N.; McCabe, Jason; Overton, Perry; Richmond, Allen; Schultz, F. H.; Smith, Gilbert, (3); Sullivan, Eu gene; Wallroff, Henry (2). Woman's List Henry. Miss Maud, (3); King. Mrs. Felix; Kimmey, Mrs. J. B.; Kimmey, Mrs. F. C; Schultz, Mrs. Lena; Thomas, Miss Olive. Jennings Lodge ' . . An automobile of representatives of the Portland Seed Company was out last week looking up a suitable loca tion for a nursery, they purchased three acres from George Morse along the car line and are setting it out to roses and small shrubs. The dinner served at the Grace Chapel Wednesday evening was quite well attended and netted a sum of $13.15, which will be used to paint the chtfpel. Work- will begin on it some time this week. Articles of incorporation were filed on Tuesday evening at Oregon City for the Grace Chapel of Jennings j-jvmv, uj v-r. u. uuutuuiaii, i' , in. riail and A. F. Russell. The property is valued at $1000. 'Fred Terry has Just completed a fine porch at his residence on the .river front which adds to Its appear jance very much. j Mr. and Mrs. Boardman spent Sat urday at Portland looking after their property Interests at that place. Mesdames Emmons and Roberts drove to Oregon City on Saturday. The Misses Arllne Shaver, Ethel and Fern Hart, Stella Shaver attended the field meet at the Chautauqua grounds at Gladstone Saturday. H. C. Painton is drilling a well for Mr. Henderson, who recently purchas ed three acres of the Britten tract, Miss Jennings, assisted by the girls of the school planned a picnic dinner and surprise to the boys on Wednes day. An elaborate picnic dinner was spread under the' firs on the property of Mr. Will Jennings and the girls served hot baked potatoes and boiled eggs. The visitors were Jack Hamp ton, Mary Jane Painton, Clarissa Rem ington and Jennie Pratt. Mr. Howson and Mr. Harvey of Portland were entertained at the H. H. Emmons home on Sunday. Mr. McClure, accompanied by his mother and Mrs. Brown and children, of Portland, spent Sunday on the river. Mr. George Morse and C. P. Morse are building a new fence-in front of their property near Meldrum, and when completed will add much to their already attractive home. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Pratt drove to the former'3 new home near Canby on Sunday. Rev. Shupp preached his last ser mon of the conference year at the Grace Chapel on Sunday, May 22. A number were present and enjoyed the earnest and-able sermon. The confer ence will be held at Lents, Oregon this week. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brown drove to Hlllsboro on Saturday returning on Sunday evening. Mrs. G. D. Boardman had the mis fortune to fall down stairs on Sunday, sustaining several injuries about her hip and severely bruised her feet, which will confine her to her home for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Soesbe and Ken neth, of Oregon City, visited at the home of . James Soesbe on Sunday. Mrs. C. T. Spooner of Portland has made several trips to this vicinity re cently, looking after real estate. Mrs. Spooner entertained her four sons at six o'clock dinner on Wednes day evening, May 21st, In honor of Mr. Spooner's birthday anniversary and a very pleasant evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Jeager, of Portland, were out on Monday, they are con templating purchasing a summer home at this place. A number of Portland people- have decided to buy the river front property and build summer homes. This surely Is an ideal spot as the Willamette river is so beauti ful at this place. Major and Mrs. Clarkson and Mrs. Spooner accompanied by Mrs. Manly of Portland, spent Friday in Vancouv er and were the gues.ts of Mrs. Hodg kins.. Mrs. Rice and Miss Nellie were called to Vancouver, Washington to attend the funeral of an uncle, Mr. Sawyer. VIOLIN LESSONS By pupil of Ore gon Conervatory Music. Lloyd Riches, Oregon City. DEFIES THE A.-Y.-P.70RCE Superintendent Forbids Booth on . Oregon Ground. Seattle Armed with a revolver and with . 3 5 men held in reserve, F. J. Smith, superintendent of the Oregon building at the A.-Y.-P. Ex position Inst week stood oft the workmen sent by Frank P. Allen, Jr., director of works at the exposi tion, to place a selling booth on the lawn In front of that building. I Director of Works Allen has plan ned to plt'ce 100 booths about the grounds, where refreihments may be sold. Among the locations se lected were four sites on the lawn at the Oregon building. When It was learned that the Oregon com mission refused to allow the booths on the ground under Its control, Di rector Allen threatened to use the exposition guards to enforce his orders. Postal Official Aroused. Washington, May 26. Stirred as It has not been over a train hold-up In years, the postoffice department has taken vigorous steps to capture the robbers and secure the booty taken by the men who held up and robbed the Union Pacific Overland Limited near Omaha last Saturday night. A picked force of postal in spectors Is already on the scene. Give Successful Hop. ' The dance given in the Armory Hall last Friday night by the Bache lor Girls for the. benefit of the Mc Loughlln home, was more successful than was first thought possible, and the members of the club feel justly proud to say that In addition to the large number attending enjoying a most pleasant evening, enough money was cleared to help materially in the work of moving the residence of the Father of Oregon to its permanent location at the head of Seventh street. The hall was attractively decorated in Oregon grape and Scotch broom, and the walls were covered with a profusion of pennants from all the leading colleges and schools in the nation. The lights were yellow and green, and shed a soft glow over the dancers as they glided to the strains of Prasp's orchestra, from Portland, and one is safe in saying that this organ ization of skilled musicians were at their best on this occasion. Just op posite the music, a punch stand was placed beneath a bower of greenery and pennants, and here the delicious beverage was served. . The patronesses, Mesdames M. M. Charman, G. A. Harding, Dan O.Neil, W. E. Pratt and Miss M. L. Holmes, were seated at the right of the hall, and their place was also attractively flunnrntAll In addition tn tha HrndTtn - w.v.0.4 City people, a number of residents of Portland attended, and they joined our towns-people in Baying that the enter tainers, the Bachelor Girls, have few equals and no superiors. The mem bers of the club are Miss Anna Shan non, Miss Nieta Harding, Miss Dollle Pratt, Miss Essie Block, Miss Wynn Wnnnv Miss Merle Keck Mlaa Rllzn. beth r'oos, Miss Maribel Cheney, Miss Appiegace anujuiBs june unarman. Surprise Mrs. Jones The members of the Shakespeare Department of the Woman's Club ten dered a surprise party Monday after noon to their leader, Mrs. LInwood E. Jones, at her home on J. Q. Adams street. Her guests during the after noon presented her with a bust of Shakespeare. The afternoon was spent in a social way, and refresh ments were served. Present were; Mrs. W. B. Zumwalt, Mrs. Ernest P. Rands, Mrs. Will White, Mrs. J. R. Norris, Mrs. P. C. Ganong, Mrs. Ted Osmund, Mrs. H. P. Brightblll, Mrs. Scott, Miss Clarice Zumwalt, Miss Elizabeth Roos, Miss CIs Pratt, Miss Essie Block, Miss Myrtle Buchanan, Miss Nellie Cauflehl, Miss Jean White. o ..--o I BUSINESS NEWS X ' i L U.xhv wnn'r unfTftr five minntea with nrnnn if vrm milllf Hr ThnillRfl' Klflfi. UlUUj 1 J S Hf'J . " trie Oil at once. -It aots like magic Music Lovers Have Feast .The grand concert, given by Rose brook's symphony orchestra of Port land, afthe Congregational Church, urder the auspices of the Derthlck Musical Club of this city, was a grand success, the church and the galler ies being packed with a large, refined and appreciative" audience. Mrs. Nieta Barlow Lawrence, In her ren ditions of "Love's Torment," and "Alia Stella Confidante," received a hearty encore. Charles D. Raff, in his two numbers of the vlollncello solo was pronounced by musical critics, as 'sublime. All who attended, pronounce the affair to have been a rare. treat of classic music. Ice Cream Social Tonight, The McLoughlln Maids will give an ice cream social Friday evening, May 28th, on the McLoughlln school lawn for the benefit of the McLough lln Institute.' In case the weather is unfavorable it will be held in the Mc Loughlln Hall. Ice cream and cake will be served. Some good amuse ments have been prepared, and the affair promises to be one of the best of the . season. The McLoughlln maids will also offer some of their best home-made candles and lemonade. Death of Pioneer Jacob A. Jones a pioneer of this county, since the days of '62, died suddenly, at his home on the Aber nathy, Wednesday morning, at 5 o'clock, of appoplexy, aged 75 years. Mrs. Jones had just awakened at the time and noticed that her husband was breathing hard and with difficulty. She immediately summoned her son to his father's assistance, but ere the young man reached him, he expired. Mr. Jones had been in this city Tues day, and seemed to be in good physi cal . condition, and retired the night before feeling well. BEAVER CREEK. Born to " Mr. and Mi s. Roberts, Sat urday, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Spatz went to Willam ette Sunday to visit Mr. Andrews and family. Willie Parry, who was confined to his bed, for the last week, Is able to be up again. Rev. Marschall preached at the Hen rici school house Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Nellie Montgomery and (laugh ter are visiting her aunt, Mrs, F. Hen rici. Mr. Babcock, who bought: the W. H. Hughes place is putting up a new residence. Mr. and Mrs. O. Moehuke of Oregon City, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Stelner bought prop erty in Oregon City, and intend to move the latter part of the week, Some one had the heart to steal Charles Jones' sugar and meat out of the house the other night. Miss Laura Parry Intends to go to Portland to work. Suit for Killing Cow. John Carlson of Milwaukle, by his attorney, George C. Brownell, com menced a suit in the Justice's Court of this city Wednesday vs. the S. P. Ry., for the sum of $G0, the value of, a cow owned by him, which was killed on the track near Milwaukle, May 28th, 1907, the sum of $125 for a full blooded Jersey cow, belonging to him, killed at the same place, June 25, 1907, and the sum of $20, for a full blooded Jersey calf, killed on the track last April. He asks for judgement for the to tal sum of $205. Woodmen to Elect Officers. Tonight the local camp Woodmen of the World will elect offllcers for the ensuing term and initate a large class of candidates. The officers and drill t?am of Prospect Camp No. 140 have been invited to exemplify the ritualistic work of the order arid a good time is anticipated by all who attend. There will be a number of prominent Woodmen from Portland present. Noted Lecturer Coming. Clarence C. Eaton, C. S. B., of Ta coma, Wash., members of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Bos ton, Mass., will deliver a Christian Science lecture at Shlvely's Opera House, Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, under the auspices of the First Church of Christ Scientist, of this City. Ad mission free and everybody invited. Parkplace. Rev. Folsom will preach the Bac calaurate sermon on May 30, at the Congregational church, to the 6 gradU' ates from the high school. Graduating exercises In audlaorium, on June 4th. The lecture last Saturday evening was well attended and enjoyed by all. After which ice cream and cake were served. The educational club netted $15. Mrs. Bert Clyde Is on the sick list, Mrs. Clara Knowland, from Portland, visited her mother, Mrs. Coffey, last Sunday. Last Friday Mrs. Elsie Blood and daughters, Evadna and Ruth, of Yam hill county, came to visit her mother, Mrs. Brayton, for a few weeks. Hal Brown has left Oregon for the sunny clime of California. The Ladles' Aid Society of the church will meet at 2 P. M. in the church for sewing. Ladies are In vited to come and bring their thim bles. Mass Meeting at Elyvllle. There will be a mass meeting at Fireman's hall In Elyvllle this Friday evening at 8 o'clock for the purpose of arranging subscriptions for stock for the proposed hill extension to the Molalla-Oregon City Electric railroad, and also to perfect the right of way. Mr. F. M. Swift will be present as will also many good speakers from surrounding country and members of the Oregon City Commercial Club as well and there will also be present many citizens from the surrounding neighborhood. Every public-spirited citizen should make a special effort to attend who have the Interest of the new railroad at heart as well as the building up of our vast farming ter rltory. Mullno. Mrs. M. Daniels and Mrs. M. Crook spent a day the fore part of the week with Mrs. Silas Wright, of Liberal. A sad accident happened at the shingle mill last Friday when Elmer Erickson, operator of the cut off saw, loan, two fingers off his right hand. He was taken to Oregon City where Dr. Somer attended the wound. August Erickson butchered two fine veal last week, selling same in Canby. Miss Vesta Churchill, who haB been on the sick list, is able to be about again. Albert Erickson and Ernest Davis, of Portland, spent Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodside and Mrs. M. H. Wallace made a business trip to Oregon City last Tuesday. Edwin Faust and wife, of the Shaw vicinity, spent Sunday at the Udell heme. . C. T. Howard and crew are making great progress on the road leading east from the Molalla road into the Shaw neighborhood. Considerable blasting .has been done, and all the stumps and roots in the middle of the road have been taken out. We un derstand that Arthur Mallatt Is in the pitch business. Cinby Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lelser, of this city spent Sunday with the latter' parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Shubel, of Sr.ubel. C A. TUCKER. The Photographer Up-to date Pbototftapbs 1 003 Main St. Oregon City Molalla. The Molalla Commercial Club has secured a cheese factory, work on the building has already begun. Fredrick Brothers are the men back of the un dertaking and it is expected the fac tory will be ready to receive milk by the middle of June. The" building site was secured from L. W. Robblns Cheese will be made during the sum mer and butter the balance of the year. Now it is up to the public to furnish the boys with plenty of good milk. "Good ' is tne word. Well, it looks like Oregon City would raise the $30,000 block of rail road stock for our electric line, seeing that Molalla did as well; not basing judgment on the Oregon City of the past, but the Oregon City that redeem' ed itself at the eleventh and three- fourth hour of opportunity when there will be great rejoicing up and down the creeks, across the ridges to the very mountain tops, over the awafc enlng to life of the old sleepy-poke easy-city- let '.'redeemed at last," be the shout words, and co-operation the future action. J. N. Sawtell was appointed repre sentative of Molalla Grange No. 310 to meet the co-operative assembly on the first day of June at the County Court House, Oregon City. Molalla Grange No. 310 will hold an Ice cream entertainment on the ev ening of June 3. The ladles will also serve cake and coffee; proceeds to go towards the new norse barn. A good time for everybody and his best girl. Last Saturday was red letter day for Molalla abroad. Our juvenile base ball boys defeated the Willamettes and our regulars the Canbyltes right on their own grounds. Geo. H. Gregory is preparing to build the principle addition to his tenant dwelling In Everhart s addition. The hay crop outlook is extremely short at this stage of the season. At the last "report" they were still firing away on Teasel Creek Hill "shooting" It down to a 5 per cent grade. Some miscalculations were made on the beginning of the job, which if it had baen followed far enough would of dipped some thou sand feet below RussellvIIle and prob ably tapped the sod springs; but as it were the proper grade was taken only after some $300 hole had been made. Its the people's special money that went into the hole so the county will not be deeply concerned. Wanted to trade No. 2 Sharpies Separator for family horse. H. J. Koch, Springwater, R. D. No. 1. CALF FOR SALE Holstein and jer sey steer, 8 weeks old, $15. In quire at the Baby Home, Parkplace, Oregon. FARM FOR SALE-50 aores well im proved. For particulars and terms cull on or address O. D. Bly, Oregun City, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 8, box 81. - For Sale or Trade Reaistered Jer sey bull three years old. H. Ulover, Eagle Creek. Inmate blood rons you down makes yon an easy viotim for organic dis eases. Burdock blood Bitters purifies the blood cures the oa use builds yoa up. Seven tier cent interest on money left with us to loan. DIMICK & DIM ICK, attorneys and abstractors, Garde Bldg., Oregon City. Grace : Pimnles. Blotohes , rough, shiny skiu are from tiie blood and stomach. A simple and never failing remedy one that makes clear, healthy, complexions, pure blood, per fect digestion, Is llouisters nousy Mountain Tea. Surprise yourseii. Tea or tablets 35 cents. Huntley Bros. Company. Vtnilila nn rnnr whnla bodv. Reg ulates the bowels, clears the blood, aids digestion, makes you feel well from head to feet. That's what Hoi- liatnr'n Rnnkv Monntalll Tea Will do', greatest Spring regulator. Tea qr traulets. 80 cents nuuuey w Co. Karl R. Ladd, the five-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ladd, died at the home of his parents, Wednes day morning, from the effects of a se vere attack of scarlet fever. His fun eral was held from the home of his parents, yesterday afternoon. Inter ment In Mountain View cemetery. It's luck to smoke Puck The better than 5c Cigar The Cigar in the green box Iff 'Doau's Ointment cured me of eoze- ma that had annoyed me a long time. The oure was permanent, "-non. o. W. Matthews. Oommissoner Labor Stutisics, Agusta, Me. FOR SALEa wood wagon in good con dition. Mrs. Schulze, R. F. D. No. 6, Oregon City, Farm Wanted. The undersigned wants to rent a farm of not less than 40 acres in culti vation, and not more than 8 or 10 miles from market. Will rent on shares. Address M. R. RIGDEN, Milwaukie, Clackamas Co., Ore. R. D. lv Box 68 A. "Don't hitch your horBe in the rain," use our free stable room IS. W. Mellieu & Co. Complete lions, furuishers, opposite the Court House WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply at Courier office. I have re-located my law office at the S. W. corner of 8th and Main streets, upstairs. Will be pleased to meet my friends at my new office. C. H. DYE, Attorney.. To relieve constipation, clean out the bowels, tone and strengthen the digestive organs, put them in a na tural condition with HolliBter's Rocky Mountain Tea, the most reliable tonic for thirty years. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Huntley Bros. Co. . Bill has won her pretty maid, A June bride she is to be Her peach-cream complexion will not fade Because its Rocky Mountain Tea inlaid. Huntley Bros. Co. - Whooping Cough. . This is a more dangerous disease than is generally presumed. It will be a surprise to learn that more deaths result from it than from scar let fever. Pneumonia often results from it. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy has, been used in many epidem ics of whooping cough, and always with the best results. Dolbert Mc Keig of Harlan, Iowa, says of It: "My boy took whooping cough when nlno months old. He had it In the winter. I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy which proved good. I can not recomend it too highly." For sale by Jones Drug Company. Can't look well, eat well or feel well with impure blood feeding your body. Keep the blood pure with Bur dock Blood Bitters. Eat simply, take exercise, keep clean and you will have a long life. I will not be responsible for anv v Stafford. Mrs. Mays, son and daughter, and little grandson, have all had the measles. No new cases are reported. Mr. Powell is also Improving. Zack Ellegeen has been blasting rocks for the foundation of his new barn, and has the onl one nearly torn away, as be will build upon the site of the old one. Charlie Tiedeman will have his barn ready to raise next Thursday. Mr. Gage has been cutting a field of clover to destroy sorrel, and will now let it go to seed, as clover s.;ed always brings a fair price. Miss Melinda Sharp is still under the doctor's care. Good Street Drill Fountain Hose Company, No, 1 had a drill Wednesday night under the supervision of Chief Engineer Gleaaon and Foreman Roy Woodward. The movements were perfect and timely, and the boys acquitted themselves most creditably, calling for compli ments from all present. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Be Kind You Have Always Boi'sht Bear the Signature of HAVE YOU SEEN ft t Bonville's Western ft I Monthly? ft A New Magazine and a Cood J J On. t ft ANYBODY CAN KODAK Get all there is to Summer time with a KODAK PICTURE MAKING The Kodak Way is simple and inexpensive. We show you FREE how to take pictures, develop them and print them. WE DO DEVELOPING AND PR.INTINC-PMCES REASONABLE Burmeister d& Andresen Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner v.. ; ; ! t ji t list "A - i J I f-f till BLAES1HG CRAKiTC CO. 267 f h:rd street PORTLAND, OREGON. H.J.BLAESING. Mgr.1 ' Phone A 4444 ' .1 : " .1 AM B. .rttW JM A.. Jk ""l 4-L! SUMMER RATES EAST During the Season 1909 via the Southern Pacific Co. from Oregon City To OMAHA and Return - $60.50 To KANSAS CITY and Return $60.50 To ST, LOUIS and Return - - $68.00 To CHICAGO and Return $73.00 and to other principul cities in the Bast, Middle West and South. Correspondingly low fares. On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August 11, 12 . To DENVER and Return - - $55.50 On Sale May 17, July 1, August 11 Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit October 31st. These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stopover privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling pas sengers to make side trips to many interesting points enroute. Routing on the return trip through California may be bad at a slight advance over the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be fur nished by any Southern Pacific local agent, or WM, McMURRAY, Gknkrai, Passengkr Agknt, Portland, Ore. I ft ft Extra Special 200 Pairs of Ladies's Oxfords in Patent or Black Kid Leather, either button or blucher and latest style toes, while they last HO Values up to $4.00 Oregon City Shoe Store debts my wife may contract ALBERT H. MELLIEN.