OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1909 KILL the COUGH d CURE the LUMCS wth Dr. King's Hew Discovery CaSP,jfflBe. AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONEY REFUNDED. Walte Hot nback Has Purchased the Royal Restaurant From A. E. Joyner, and will conduc the place on first class lines Best Meals in the City 410 Main Street - Opp. Electric Hote SANDY STAGE & LIVERY LEAVES Sandy for Boring at 6:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. Boring tor Bandy at 8:85 a. ni. and 4:45 p. tn. SUNDAY SCHEDULE Leave Sandy tor Boring at 8:00 a. m and 2:30 p. tn. Leave Boring for Sandy at 10:36 a. m. and 4:45 p. ni. At Sandy makes connection with Salmon Mail Stage. SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOXICB EMMETT DONAHOE, Proprietor Do You Want to know what to follow to make a succes of life? Do you want to know how to double the Iu iness you are now following? Do you desire to learn a profession or business of your own? IF SO CALL ON PROF. SIZER Room I , Masonic BIdg. Oregon City C. Schuebel W. S. U'Ren U'REN & SCHUEBEL v Attorneys At Law - Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements of estate furnish abstracts of title, loud you money and lend your monoy ou fiim mortgage. Otlice in Enterprise build ing, Oregon City . Oregon jTeThedces- . Attorney-at-Law Weinhard Building, Oregon City C. D. D. C. Latourette . ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate oui Specialties. Office In Commercial Bant Building, Oregon City, Oregon. O, D. Eby ATTORNEY-AT-LAW General Practice, Deeds, Mortgages an Abstracts carefully made. - Money t loan on good secuy. Charges reason able Q. B. DIMICK W. A. DIM1CI DIMICK Sb DIMICK Attorneys at Law Notary Public, viorigiites Foreclosed Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned on Heal and Chattel Beturi'y, Audresen Bldg Oregon City Land Titles, Land Office Business and Mining Law a Specialty. Ex-Regtstet U. 8. Land Office Phone Main 7105. ROBERT A. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW 833 Worcester Bldg. PORTLAND, ORE. Q. A. CHENEY Real Estate NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Life Accident and Plate Glass Insurance U. S. Tension Attorney Oregon City, Oregon Otis fap Daugberty Tree Pruning and the Cart of trees MOLALLA - OREGON GADK Carries a complete line of Spray Pamps and "t Give him a call and see how cheap you-J can spray your orchard. F. C. Gadfce Plumbing aud General Jobbing Oregon City, Oregon John W.Thomas DENTIST Holalla, Mondays CHICHESTER'S PILLS DIAMOND re0 BRAND 6 LADIES I A.k rF Drarrlat for CH1-CHES-TER'9 VI AMU U UKAiND tlLLS It Gold metallic boxes, sealed Ribbon. Tacs mo other. T Dramrtat ana k for lll-t i tliyOSD BII AM) PII.L, for twnt.fle years regarded as Bet, Safest. Always Keuabie, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 3$S EVERYWHERE XWS A i ki;d andAx with BlueXO) lll:S.TtK'8 V WORKSHOP II PALACE Italy's Queen Establishes Oneto ' Benefit Earthquake Sufferers. BUSY HIVE OF INDUSTRY. Aristocratic Ladies and Working Girls Sew Side by Side Little Princesses Make Dolls' Clothes For Poor Cala brian Children Stories of the Dis aster. It is Impossible to enumerate the re lief committees cj all kinds, each with a practical object, which have been formed in Home for the benefit of the earthquake sufferers In southern Italy and Sicily. Queen Helena,, who is per haps the most useful of all the agen cies of relief, has had the heavy furni ture removed from three big rooms of the royal palace, putting In tables, sew ing machines, forty or fifty workbas kets, chairs and nothing else. Here la dles of the oldest aristocracy and work girls are gathered together tn friendly Intimacy, cutting out and sewing as though their lives depended upon fin ishing. - , The queen is as busy as the rest ad vising and directing, even giving les sons aud taking a hand herself. This goes on practically all day until o o'clock, when tea is served for an hour. At these dlvertlsemeuts the great Indy and the modest sewing girl associate as equals, says a special cable dispatch from Rome to .the New York Times. Indeed, they almost change places in giving instruction. Other humble pupils are the royal children, the Princesses Yolanda and Mafalda, . respectively seven and six years old, who are permitted to be present. They are established iu a cor ner, delighted, busy and Important, cutting out and making dolls' clothes for the poor little Calabrlan children. They have been promised that If they do these well they shall soon be pro. moted to making baby clothes. Then their cup of pride will be full. . The way In which the queen came to establish this hive of industry was quaint. She culled a little dressmaker that her maid patronizes to order some children's clothes and saw her person ally. In the midst of the conversation the dressmaker remarked that it was difficult to carry out so large an order, as she had joined a society of sewing girls, established to devote a "Certain number cf hours every day to making clothes for the refugees, buying the material out of their own pockets. The queen was impressed and in vited them to the Qulrlnal, promising the material If they would give the Idea, which was enlarged into the present organization. The queen is right in her element and was beard to observe "If the cause were not so awful thelse would be very happy days for me." No wonder she was at Messiun "our lady of mercy." During the sewing in the royal work room many stories are told about the earthquake. The little princesses were particularly interested in follow ing that of an old woman, appearing about 100 years old, who refused to leave the ruins without her little treas ure and was so obstinate that she had to be left to her fate. Another case was that of some sailors who heard a queer noise under the ruins, evidently coming from something hu man. So they dug on and found a woman and child in a little shed which had resisted the shock and the fall of the debris, together with a cow. which yielded enough milk to keep them both alive. At last nil be came so weak that they could not lift their heads, but they were all alive when rescued, having given warmth to one another. Several children taken from the rutirs on the first day, when hunger was not so pressing, cried and kicked until their favorite dolls or toys were found. One youngster was found still clasping a Teddy boar in her arms. Queen Helena In describing some of the pathetic incidents of her visit to Hcgglo said: "In one sunny street not a single -building remained Intact, though the facades of the buildings remained standing. In these houses the living and the dead were mingled. In them were hundreds of corpses, besides many injured persons who were pen ned In small spaces under the debris or held down by timbers or stones that rested upon legs or arms. Yet upon the standing walls in many places were cages containing canaries entirely uninjured, which sang and warbled joyously. The contrast pre sented was terrible. "The very day that I saw these ca naries and heard the cries of impris oned persons under the ruins I visited Messina, where a young woman bereft of her reason stood upon a heap of ruins singing and bowing to an au dience composed of corpses. The wo- man ved t0 be the gluger Gemma rerugla, who had gone mad from griff and who Imagined herself at a cafe chantant." Send Them Home at 1. A new club recently opened on Eu clid avenue, In Cleveland, O., has a house rule that all members must be out of the building not later than 1 o'clock and the place closed up nt that hour, excepting, of course, special oc casions. "And what's the reason for a 1 o'clock closing ordinance?" somebody asked. "Reason enough," replied a member of the house committee. "No man has my license to bo away from his fam ily any later than 1 o'clwk." Tbe Secret of Long Life A French scientist haB discovered one secret of long lite. His method deals with the blood But long ago millions of Americans had proved Electric Bitters prolongs life and makes it worth living. It purines, enriches and vitalizes the blood, re builds wasted nerve cells, imparts life and tone to the entire system. It is a godsend to weak, sick and debilitated people. Kidney trouble had Might ed my life for months," writes W. Al. Sherman, of Coshing, Me., "but Elec trio Bitters cured me entirely. " Only 50o, at Jones' drug store. CAMPAIGN EXTENDS ACROSS ATLANTIC Great Britain Reports a De crease in Deaths From -Tuberculosis According to a report issued recent ly by the Local Cfovornment Board of Loudon, the number of deaths from tuberculosis in England aud Scotland has decreased by one-third in the last 60 years, falling from. 64,918 iu 1853 to 89, 74(1 during the past year, while the death rate per 10,000 of popula tion has fallen more than oue-halt, or trom 549 8 to. 11.5. Iu Ireland, ou the contrary, the death rate per 10,000 has increased in 40 years from 24 to 27. Dr. Arthur Newsholme attributes the decrease in the mortality from consumption iu England to effective segregation and institutional treat ment of the advance I caseg of the disease, which are .known to be the centers of infection and spread of tu berculosis. The Irish medical author ities attribute the increase in the amount of tuberuiiiosis to a combina tion of poor housing, insufficient and uunourishing food, had sanitation, es pecially in the schools, and the large Irish emigration. Dr. Maurice Fishberg is authority for the statement that the number of deaths from tuberculosis among the Jews is one-third that observed among the 'non-Jewish population around them and living in the same urban en vironment. Dr. Fishberg attributes this remarkable vitality of the- Jews, and their immunity to siokuess in general, to the fact that they have been for over 2,000 years dwelling in ciio ouy ana are tnus able to with stand more than their neighbors. War Against Consumption Al nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of contumptiou, the " white pluguo" that claims so many victims each year. Foley's Honey aud Tar cures coughs aud colds per fectly and you are in no danger of conHnmption. Do uot risk your uealtk by taking somo unknown preparation when Foley's Honey aud Tar is safe ana cretain in results. Ask lor Fol ey's Honey and Tar and iusist upon having it. ORAKGE-CUCSJMSER NOW. Latest Freak Horticultural Combina . tion May Becomo Favorite Dish. An orange-cucumber, or cucumber orange, as the name h;is uot yet been decided, Is a freak combination r:ij.-.cd by Howard S. Hill, a cucumber grower of Gardner, Mass., wbi; h ho is culll vating as a new dish toHfle the pal ates of the exacting diners. The new fruit or vegetable resulted from an experiment nmdo several weeks ago by Mr. Hill. At lh:it time un orange tree was In full bloom li: his cucumber hothouse, nt the same time the blossom of the cucumber vines first appeared. Mr. Hill trans ferred the pollcu from the orange blos soms to several cucumber (lowers. The first appearance of the fruit was the same as that of an ordinary Infant cucumber, but, as the fruit graw the result of the inoculation became ap parent. The "tucuinber Instead of lengthening out remained round, like an orunge, with the orange bloom sear, but the skin was. that of a cucumber with the same corruptions, When ripened the new product assumed a bright orange color and from a dis tance appeared the same as an orunge. With the seeds from the best speci mens' Mr. Hill Is growing a number of vines and thinks that the new fruit will become established nud prove a favorite, as the taste of the orange and cucumber blends In an excellent man ner and makes a pleasing combination. AN ELECTRICAL FARM. Latest Labor Saving Dsvices to Displayed at Chicago Show. The electrical fafm which will Bo be one of the features of the electrical show In Chicago in January will oc cupy an entire floor In the Coliseum Annex as an adjunct to the electrical trades display In the main building. The advancement in the science of practical farming has been marked by the invention and Introduction of elec trical machines and devices In great numbers, which not only add to the comfort and convenience of farm life, but are advantageous In the matter of production and labor saving In all de partments. There will be electrical incubators which will hatch chickens, ducks and geese In plain view of the people. Cow will be milked by electrical ma chinery. The cream will be separated by electrical machinery, and butter will be manufactured on the spot by electrolytic action. Electrical machin ery for planting and harvesting will be exhibited, there will be electrical pumps that replace the windmill and an electrical chicken In the model farmhouse. DANGER TO HOME LIFE. Indiana Professor Deplores Outside Employment of Married Women. "Advance In the age of marriage, ex perience la and distaste for domestic duties, uneconomic habits of spending and a more ready resort to divorce as a refuge of domestic ills are some of the pathological results of the Indus trial employment of married women." Professor Ulysses G. Weatherly of the University of Indiana thus criti cised the conditions that followed the entrance of women Into industrial em ployment at the recent convention of the American Sociological sotlety In Jersey City, N. J. "The defective conditions of home life that result from the outside em ployment of the married woman," he went on, "react on the habits of the husbands and are disastrous to child hood. The infant death rate Is in variably high where married women are employed and children are de prived of the normal home discipline." Best for Women and Children On account ot its mild action and pleasant taste Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is especially recommended for women and children. It does not nauseate nor gripe like pills and or dinary cathartics. Orino Laxative fruit hyrnp aids digestion and stimu lates the liver and bowels without ir ritating them. Remember the name, Orino, and refuse substitutes. A Trip lo the Ogle Mountain Mliie .January 21, '09. To The Kdtor : As wo have many friends in Oregon City aud Clackamas county that are anxious to hear of our trip to ihe Ogle Mountain Mine, if you will allow us a little space we will give our experience on the trip. We left Oregon City o i the 5 :40 train and landed in Albany m due time and spout a very pleasant even ing with friends there. We loft Al bany over the 0. & E. on the morning of the 19th at 7:30, and arrived in Uates at noon, to rind there had been a storm raging many hours. Tho mountain streams weio very high. " We were vory anxious to get to the end of our journey, as George Arudt, a Portland minor, wus left iu for 30 days to h"la down the cam p. So we hit out for Elkhoru, a distance of niue miles, and arrived there at 4 p. m., aud then we were only six miles from our home aud that was away up in the snowy regions of the summit. It was still pouring down ruin. Well, we hit the trail till niirht overtook tis, thou we fonud out wo had lost onr way in four feet of soft snow, the rain still poun ig down. We had a lantorn, but to our sor-ow we discovered the fact that the oil was just about out. We were ouli- one and a fourth mile's from our jour ney's end. but we could not cot there nor any place else aud a tire could uot be made, men we Knew something must be done, so we hit out, tukiua our back tracks, coiuius to a cabin jast when our light went out. (We were iu the same fix .Moses was in. ) As the oil was all burned, we made a tire in the old fireplace. We were very wet, having beeu in the rain fcr twelve hours. It was just about mid night and the last meal we ate was at Gates twelve hours before. We had no lunch with us and there whs noth ing in sight, but we skirmished around tire old cabin and fouud some beans, prunes', canned falmon, coffee and sugar, and you can guoes at the rest. - . Starting out early from the cabin next morning, wu arrived home at 10:30, finding everything all O. K. at camp. Mr, ArndD was feeling fine. He had a greeting suiile on his faoe when he saw us, and informed us he has had between seven uiid eight" feet of snow here, but the warm rain of the past few days lias melted tho snow down to about two feet. But this morning it turned colder and be gan freez ng again. There 1ms boeu six inches of snowfall today up to this wriiiug. Mr. Arndt also informed us that over the mountain tilings were not as they ought to be, as two-luen were out prospecting and wore cuuglit in the storm and were snowed in, Thoy got out of feed for their horses anil were just out ot "grub." We found that one ot their horseB had died the night -before of starvation ; so we helped the gentlemen to get the other horse over to our camp, aud the men came over to stay with us until tho storm was over. So our troubles are most all over now aud we are right at home to receive callers at any time ladies especially invited. Our home is 4000 feiet, above sea lovel ou the side of Ogle Mountain. JAMES H ATT AN, TOM B. FAIRCLOUUH. C;;i)IA'S GREAT REFORMER, I tpoicd Grand Councilor Has Been Called Empire's Strongest Man. Yuan Shi Kai, the great viceroy of Chill province, who was recently dis missed from the office of grand coun cilor aud commander In chief of the Chinese forces, was one of the most influential aud powerful statesmen iu the Chinese empire. The. reason given for Ills dismissal Is that he has rheumatism of the leg. The edict ordered Yuan Shi Kai to vacate all his offices aud to return to his home, adding, "Thus our clemency toward him Is manifested." Yuan Shi Kai has been called the strongest man lu China and was re garded as much more powerful that Li Hung Chang was. lie Is a thor oughly practical man nud brought business methods to the administra tion of the empire. He worked assid uously for the advancement of the Middle Kingdom, and his watchword was that China was capable of ac complishing just as much ns had Ja pan. He Inspired a national patriot ism which Is today doing much to sweep away middle age superstition and rebuild the empire. He has been a member of the gram! council since 1907, and in that year he relinquished the post of viceroy of Chill, but it was in this office thitt he gained the greatest renown. Yuan Shi Kai organized an army in China that astonished foreign military critics. He succeeded in obliterating all the popular and caste objections to military service, so that- the sons of the nobility today are proud to appear in uniform. He substituted modern text books for ancient classics, he com pelled tho abolition of torture and transformed I'ekin from the filthiest city iu the world into a metropolis well paved and cleanly kept, that compares favorably with many cities of Europe and America. It Is an uncoil tested, fact that Yuan Shi Kai encouraged (and represented the most progressive Ideas in the cen tral government. He was director gen eral of trade and International relations In Korea and judicial commissioner of Chill In 1SD7. In 1898 he was appoint ed to the vice presidency of a board with control of an army corps and in 1890 to the vice presidency of the board of works. In the same year he was made acting governor general of Chill. In December of 1901 he was appoint ed Junior guardian of the heir appar ent, in 1902 consulting minister to the council of government and In 1903 pres ident of the army reorganization coun- J ell. A Conimoa Cold " We claim that if 'catchinc cold could be avoided some ot the most danger ous and fatal diseases would never be heard of. A cold otten forms a cul ture bed for gorms of infectious dis eases. Consumption, pneumonia, diphtheria aud scarlet fever, four of the most dungerous and fatal diseases. are of this class. The culture bed formed by the cold favors the develop ment of the germs of these diseases, that would not otherwise find lodir- ment. There in little danier. how ever, of any of these diseases being contracted when a good expectorant cough medicine like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. It cleans out these culture beds that favor the de velopment of the germs of these dis eases. That is wliT this remedy has proved so universally succepsful in preventing pnemonia. It not only cores your cold quickly, but mini mizes the rik of contracting these dangerous diseases. For sale by Jones isrog Co. A DEEP MYSTERY SOLVED. Women Blinded by Science. The Doctor writes his prescription In Latin and the patient shuts her eyes to what she is swallowing. She takes that much on faith. If it should cure her she doesn't know what cured hor. If the proscription Injures hor she doesn t know what did the Injury. Tho physician is experimenting with different prescrip tions all the time. Sometimes his medi cine Is successful in the case but often not. This mystery of a concealed pro scription 3 intended to mystify and to blind the patient. One physician of wide experience and national reputation does not believe in mystifying tho public, nor does he grasp at the stars, but believes that Nature provides that which la neces sary for our health and happiness. When the womanly system is deranged beyond the sta?o where it will respond to sunshine, good air, cheerfulness and proper rost; when the balance of health Is seriously disturbed this doctor believes that Nature has placed at your hand the. balance of power for good. Hidden in our American forests are many plants which correct and euro those distressing aliments which cause women to sutler with backache, bearing-down pains, pain In the back or front of the bead, nervous hess and hissltudo. Most all womon who love XNature.-wno like to wander through the woods, have at one time or anothor Elcked the beautiful blossom of the ady'sSlipperfCypripediurn). This Is not only a beautiful but a very useful plant. The root of this plant when treatod properly with glycerine to extract Its medicinal virtues is "valuable In all cases af nervous excitability or- Irritability, jays Prof. John M. Scuddor, M. D. An other authority, Frof. F. Ellingwood, M. D.. says of this plant: "Exercises special influence upon nervous conditions depending upon disorders of the fomale organs." Anothor plant which Is fre quently found In our Amorlcan forests Is Holonlas, or Unicorn root. The Amkri cas Disi'jsxsATORr says of this plant, that It "possesses a decidedly benolicial Influence In an enfoebled condition of the general system, with weakness or dull pain in the renal, or lumbo-sacral (small of the back) region. In dis eases of the womanly organs, It Is one of our most valuable agents, acting as s uterine tonic, and gradually removing abnormal conditions, while at the same time it imparts tone and vigor to the organs." Hence, it is much used In ca tarrhal, pelvic drains, Irregularities and painful periods. Prof. King further says, of Unicorn root: "A particular phase removed by it is the irritability and dospondoncy that often attends these troubles (roforrlng to the ailments just mentioned). It has boon found especially adapted to those cases in which pelvic fullness, and the aching, bearing-down organs feel cw if they would fall out of the body." Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Insti tute of Buffalo, N. Y., says, that a com bination of tho active principles of these two native plants together with Golden Seal root, Black Cohosh and Blue Cohosh roots when extracted by the use of pure, trlplfj-reiined glycerine of proper strength (which is used Instead of alcohol), will almost Invariably cure thoso peculiar weaknesses and maladies Incident to women. That Is why Dr. Pierce, nearly forty years ago, docidod to put up in ready - to - use form, a 0 Prescriptloi a lotion which he had fouud large practice. so useful In his Dr. Pierce is frank and open about his roady-propared medicine, called Dr. Plorce's Favorite Prescription he tolls Just what is contained In It he says It is not a cure-all, as it serves only a singleness of purpose, being for women's peculiar weaknesses and maladies, the only medicine put up for sale through druggists for the cure of such maladies, all the ingredients of which have the en dorsement of leading medical practi tioners and writers, as being the very best known remedies for the ailments for which "Favorite Prescription" is advised. All this will be learned to the roader's full satisfaction by perusing a booklet of extracts compiled by Dr. Plorce from standard authorities of the several schools of practice, and which will be sent free to any address on request for samo, mailed to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. It stands alone. Dr. Plorce's Favorite Prescription Is the only medicine for woman s peculiar weakuoss and affec tions, all tho ingredients of which are printed upon the bottle-wrapper in plain KnyllHh, so that all who take It may know exactly what they are using. a iiiriuer reason tor ine unprecedented popularity of the "Favorite Proscription" of Dr. Pierce for the special use of women is to be found In the fact that it contains not a drop of alcohol. Ho does not be hove that m alcoholic compound is bene ficial for those &2fv)"ti8 peculiar to women because lie after-effect of spiritu ous wines or alcoholic medicines Is tiarm ful for weak, Invalid, nervous women. What "Favorite Prescrlntion " has dons for others It will no doubt, no for you, it similarly afflicted, and you give It a goodi fair and faithful trial. OVER FALLS IN A BALL. Canadian Will Defy Niagara In Unique Rubber Vehicle. Another mnu Is planning to fry the trip over the Horseshoe fulls In a vehi cle different from anything that has been tried before. It is an Immense rubber bail which Is now being con structed by a rubber company in the United States. The voyager Is Robert Leach of Chippewa, Out, and he plans to make the perilous trip next June. There will be two balls, one within the other. The outer ball will be thir teen feet In dinmefbr and tho inner one, iu which Leach will hazard his life, eleven feet In diameter. Tho in ner ball will be held In position by four spiral steel springs, and suffi cient oxygen will be pumped Into It to give the man a bare chance for life if anything goes wrong. Chicago Street Sweepers' Headlights. The street sweepers that operate at night on the more Important boule vards of Chicago have fouud their work hampered and rendered danger ous by the carriages and automobiles that throng these avenues. In order to relieve this danger each mun Is now provided with an electric lamp, which Is attached to his helmet, fed from a storage battery in the sweeper's hip pocket. The entire outfit weighs less than a pound, and the lamps will burn ten hours without recharging. The sweeper does not have to give the ap paratus any care, as It Is properly con nected up and fitted to him when he starts to work at night and needs no attention until he returns from work In 'the morning. Scientific American. Eggshell Gas Mantles Now. Eggshells as gas mantles is an Idea from Germany. The contents are drawn or blown out, the ends are neat ly cut off, and tho body of the shell Is fixed in position like the regular arti cle. The light thus obtained Is very good, while the new form of mantle is durable. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Mast Pop ular Because II Is the Best "J have sold Chamberluiu's Cough Remedy for the past eight years aud find it to be one of the best selling medicines on the market. For babies and young children there is nothing better in the line of cough syrups," says Paul Allen, Pluiu Dealing, La. This remedy not only cures the eonglm, colds and croup so common among young children, but is pleutibut and safe for them to taite. iFor salo by Jones Drag Co. , TT' Here's an Opportunity "SSSSSBMBBBsWiBBSSlSH SSBS To Get a Smart Wmtei Suit ot Overcoat Below the Actual Valce Our Great. Mouey Raising Sale has proven a noteworthy event.. The greatest offerings of Real Bargains ever had in this city can be had here. If you need a Suit or Overcoat or can anticipate your needs for the next year don't miss this Sale. $8.35 buys any '$12.50 to $15 Overcoat in the house $13.25 takes Suit or Overcoat that was $18 to $20 $17.25 any Suit or Overcoat that was $22.50 to $25 $19.25 any Suit or Overcoat that was $27.50 to $35 $1.90 buys a Ha wes $3 Hat $2.35 buys a Roelof or Stetson $4 Hat. $3.05 6uys a pair of W. L. Dougias $3.50 Shoes. $3.55 buys a pair of Douglas $5 Loggers. 35c takes a 50c Dress or Wool Shirt. 75c takes a $1 Monarch or Elgin Dress Shirt. Everything eke reduced to cost or less, our display window PRICE BROTHERS Sixth and Main Sts. BEST TIME TO TAKE Directions to Prepare a Simple Home Mixture Which Is Not Expensive i GIVES THE DOSE TO TAKE How to Overcome Rhcuma tism With Simple Recipe Which Is Easily Mixed A woll-known authority ou rhouma tiBm gives the following valuablo, though simple and harmless, presorip tion, which anyoue can easily proparo at home: SV ZZ- . Fluid extract of Dandelion, one- half-ounce : Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compouu(lSyrup Sarsnpnrilla, tnroo ounces. i r; Mix by shaking, well iu a' bottle, aud take a toaspoouful alter each meal and at bedtime. :jT"r.hi , He states that thoingrodiouts oan be obtained from any "good prescription pharmacy at small cost, and being of vegotabte extraction, are harmless to tuke.rur 1 1 IZZ f This pleasant mixture, if taken reg ularly for a few days, is said to over come almost any case of rhematism. The pain aud swelling, if any, dimin ishes with each dose, until pomiuneut results are obtainod, and Without iu- I jnnng the stomach. Whuo thero aro many so-cttuoa rtiomatism reme dies, patent medicines, etc., somo of which do give relief, few -leally givo permuneiit results, and tlio above will uo doubt bo greatly appreciated by many sufferers here ut this time. Inquiry ut the drug stores of this neighborhood elicits the information that thoso drugs aro harmless aud can be bought separately, or the druggists hero will mix the prescription for our readers if asked to. A Hummer. "Morning, morning!" said paterfa milias genially as he entered the break fast room. "I've had a .splendid night Slept like a top!" His wlfo agreed with him. "You did," sho responded grimly "like a humming topl'riilllpplnes Gossip. A Man of Letters. "Did your friend make a hit at the literary club?" "I guess ho did. He pronounced 'Les Mlserables' hi a brand new way and then alluded to It ns Victor Herbert's masterpiece." Washington Herald. True bravery Is shown by perform lng without witness what one might be capable of doing before all the world. La Rochefoucauld. tMonoy'loanod, abstracts ninde, tittes oei tified.'v Lowest rates, O. H. Dye, U1 Main' St. TRY THE MONEY-BACK CURE FOR INDIGESTION Wine times out of ten stomaoh do. rangements aro responsible for sallow complexion, dull eyes and thin body. ;it is'tbo stomach that supplies nour ishing blood to the muscles, the nerves and skin. If tho stomach is healthy, plenty of nutritious matter will be absorbed by the blood. If it Is uot healthy, tho food will fermsnt, a. id undigested, will pass alona through the boweU, furnishing so lit tle nutritious matter that the blood becomes impoverished, and the glow of health vanislios. If you suffer lrom nervousness, sick headache, belching of gas, sour tasto in the mouth, heaviness after eating, or any other miserable stomaoh dis turbance, you need Mi-o-na, aud the sooner you get it tho quicker you will be healthier and happier. It will relieve any distressed stom ach condition almost immediately. It will cure if used according to direc tions. Jones Drug Company soil it for 60 cenU a largo box, and think euoagn of it to guarantee it to cure Indigestion See OREGON CITY COLUMBIA Double-Disc Records Fit Any Machine 65c. 1 you ever spent 60 cents for a disc record, it won't take you long to see the double value of a Columbia Double-Disc Record at 65 cents a different selection on each side. Hear one ! Get a catalog I HUNTLEY BROS. CO. OREGON CITY, ORE. Now Is the time to visit California When summer has passed in these northern states, the sun is only mild under the bright blue skies of Southern California. This is one of nature's happy provisions eternal summer for those who CHimot endure a more severe climnte. California has been called the "Mecca of the winter tourist." Its hotels and stopping places are as var ied us those of all well reg ulated cities. Visitors can always find suitable accom modations, congenial com panions, and varied, pleas ing recreations. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will be glad to supply some attractive literature, de scribing in detail the many delights of winter in Cali fornia. Very low round trip excur sion tickets on sale to Cali fornia. The rate from Or egon City to Los Angeles and return is $55.00 Limit six months allowing stopover in either direction. Sim ilar excursion rule ate iu eilect to all California points. For full information, sleeping car reserva tions and tickets, call ou, telegraph or write E. T. FIELDS, AGENT ORBOON city or Wo. McMurray. Gen. Ps. Agtnt PORTLAND, ORK. it ."xj 1