OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1909 8 ANNUAL REPORT OF BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OF OREGON CiTY. Oregon City, Oregon, anuary 1, 1909. To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of Oregon City, Oregon: We submit herewith our annual report embodying a statement of our receipts and disbursements for the past six months and Inventory or statement of the property, Implements and materials In our possession per taining to the water works, together with the condition and approximate value thereof and the amount of outstanding claims against said water works : Receipts 190g ' Amount July Water collections . $1416.49 W. P. & P. Co., Pipe & Flange 67.00 Aug. 4 Premium 1146 Aug. Water collections 1122.25 Sept. 9 Premium 1195 Sept. Water collections 1071.35 Sept. 17 Premium 4-50 Sept. 28- 4 00 Oct. 6 Premium 10i73 Oct. 13 Premlutn 700 Oct. 14 Premium 02 Oct. Water collections 1174.00 Oct. 31 Premium . 500 Nov. 6 Premium 9 7C Nov. 14 Premium 122f Nov. Water collections 1049.23 Nov. 28 Premium 1833 Dec. 8 Premium 8-50 Dec. 10 Premium 3 71 Dec. 15 Premium 457 I,ec Water collections 107G.40 $ 7079.16 Warrants after application of cash 41,975.62 Grand Total $49,054.78 Disbursements. Salaries 149000 Lights .0O Telephone llA,) Oil , 82 67 Commissions 3C4-41 Stamps " n0 Lrbor- -1234'20 Pipes, Gate covers, Ells, Tees, etc 595 27 Packing 3008 Freight and Cartage 577'03 Sundries '. 441'3C , , .. This Item Includes a largo number of small items kept on the books oi the Commission under their appropriate heads, but are too numerous to separate, and include amongst others the following: Dolls, unions, nuts, nipples, butts, washers, hinges, hesp, cord, nails, pans, repairing phone, towel, weights, plugs, window, rods, gasoline, Backs, letter file, soap, lamps, permits, notices, sapollo. Lumber C92 " Cement 3G1'70 ' Excavating Tall race and dock 5552.50 Compound , 83.20 Gravel Plans Filter Belt 17107 Oil and Paint J3-3? Taxes Cake property Filter Roof "J-JJ Extension Discharge Pipe 140-00 $12,255.69 Interest on Warrants paid (Report Treasurer) 81566 Warants outstanding July 1, 1908 lJt $49,054.78 Inventory and Approximate Value of Property. lumping station, flumes, wheels, pumps $21,000.00 Water Mains ZZ Reservoirs and grounds onnnn Telephone line 2 Tools and office fixtures - r ; S Intake pipe lino ,Knnnoo Filter plant, grounds, tank house it,)w.vv $112,800.00 Gross receipts for 1907 I'lll Gross receipts for 1908 I4.'1"-"9 Increase ' 778 17 Respectfully submitted, CHARLES H. CAUFIELD, . President. JOS. E. HEDGES, Secretary. COUNTY COURT Continued from page 0 O. J. Culbortson Ed Pfelfor Cnsper Zonger Chris Bongll Peter Wright A. Zcugor Max Huss O. W. Robblns W. W. Everhart E. Jobnsou A. W. Russell J. A. Wells J. V. Baker A. B. Zwlefel P. L. Scamel District No. 26. S. A. Cordlll C. I. Ginson E. K. Dart II. N. Evorhart District No. 27. J. W. Ebnor J. M. Binkloy F. M. Lackey Wm. Mortenson J. O. Miller C. K. Cjulnn T. Slaughter L. B. Larson S. Nlckolson Geo. Boutlry J. Labour District No. 28. Frank llauu Francis 11mm Omer Williams C. G. Vorhels Ben Wade Geo. Wylaml H. Wilson Ray Wyland . ... I D. Shank Robblns Bros N. B. Wade J. N. Collins District No. 29. Lewis Koll District No. 30. Oregon & Washington S. P. O. C, Whitten . Ed Whitten Ernest Whitten Frank Whitten Leslie Whitten 3.75 3.75 2.00 1.25 1.25 6.10 1.60 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 .75 1.00 2.00 3.75 1.00 6.00 10.00 19.50 12.40 2.00 13.77 32.65 6.00 2.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 32.50 22.00 6.50 14.50 22.00 12.00 16.50 22.50 11.00 30.00 20.25 11.50 15.00 37.00 17.80 31.00 33.00 21.00 21.00 10.00 J. P. Cook O. I. & Steel Co District No. 31. O. C. Lumber Co Wm. Sclmta E. Frederick P. Sharp E. Kruso . C. Wagner District No. 33 Special Henry Cromer District No. 34. O. C. Lumber Co Walt Ford E. H. Ford A. K. Ford J. M. Turner District No. 35. C. A. Bmimback Straus Lumb Co A. D. Edwards Thos, Dunn D. Loughlurback C. H. Edwards I. Spoors District No. 36. Theo. Thyker Allen Drescher A. P. Schneider D. Ilumitmieyer W. G. Wolf John Yodor Solus Yodor John Drcshor Steve Fisher A. J. Lais Obod Miller Grogerson Bros Harry Wormdahl Edward Peterson O. E. F. Loe P. J. Schneider District No. 36. Josse Troyer Leonard Asklns Rile Garrett Joe Fisher , John Gahler August Stuwe A. J. Lais A. S. Thompson Knight & Susbauer L. P. Spagle District No. 37. W. R. Wllmot C. W. Kruse 10.00 31.00 14.05 2.10 1.50 1.75 1.75 . 1.75 68.24 12.93 7.87 3.50 10.75 10.00 8.25 10.62 8.75 3.50 3.50 5.50 6.00 7.50 4.00 .75 3.00 8.00 1.50 1.50 4.50 1.60 34.60 4.50 3.30 1.50 6.00 20.00 26.00 6.00 8.25 5.50 4.50 6.25 1.60 15.40 4.50 3.35 16.75 6.75 116.76 District No. 39. Henry Hughes 4 60 C. Muralt l-50 Frank Jaggar 5'00 James Shelly G. R. Guillam .. . .' : 4 00 District No. 40. G. Burr 20.00 H. T. Burr I8 00 Ed. Griffin ... .. 17-00 p. Winston 5.00 N. Hollenbeck 18 00 A. Bock 00 W. A. Hall 8 00 O. C. Royer 2 00 J. E. Selfer 10.00 C. J. Hanson 27.33 A. Gustafson 2.50 E. Danlelson 4,81 H. Broner I3-50 H. Ackerson .. 8.30 H. G. Lllja 700 Perrlt & Alison 8'00 J. Woodle Q. R. Woodle - 18 25 M. Grafenhain 1150 A. J. Kltssmiller ... 3.25 District No. 43. Selwood Lumber Co 19.71 V. Berg ... 1-00 A. S. Baker 100 Ed Guber 4-0" T. Harders 4.0U Henry Johnson 13.00 R. E. McConnell 10.00 R. Douglas 2 00 C. G. McConnell 10.00 W. C. Longwell 0.00 John McConnell 36.00 District No. 44. Gibbs & Son 170.88 Wilson & Cooke 6.35 T. Osburn 1-00 W. S. Rider 100 C. Ruesaer 1-00 T. Osburn 9.00 C. Ruesser 9.00 W. S. Rider 1-00 S. M. Wamock 17.00 H. Eastman 5-00 D. Jones 5.00 G. Randall 7.00 T. C. Duffey 17.40 General Roads. W. H. Mattoon 14 00 Jeff Shaw ; S-ia John Lewellen 48.40 W. O. Gottberg 5.40 F. Beers 43.75 Howes & Co 30.66 Story & Thomas 47.52 Honeyman Hardware Co 25.17 Frank Busch 5.65 In the matter of the division line between road districts Nos. 31 and 32; ordered that the division line between districts 31 and 32 be es tablished on the north and south di vision line between east and west halves of sections 11, 14, and 23, T. 2 and 3 S. R. 1 E. In the matter of special road tax in certain road districts; ordered that the clerk extend said levies on the tax rolls as reported by said dis tricts. In the matter of the petition of J. M. Austin and others for establish ment of a county road; it appearing that said road has been travelled for a period of over ten years and is now a mall route, it is ordered that said road be declared to be a county road, In the mutter of the petition of George Saffoid for license to sell liquor at Oswego; ordered that said petition be granted and a license Is sue for a period of one year. In the matter of the claim of John Acker for $150 for rock used for road purposes, and damage to his land; ordered laid over until February term of this court. In the matter of enlargement of boundary of road district No. 7, so as to include Melnlg hill; ordered that said petition be granted In ao cordance wllh the prayer thereof. In the matter of petitions for new roads; ordered that all petitions for new roads, together with proof of posting notices and bond, shall be submitted to the district attorney be for the same Is turned over to the board of county road viewers. In the mutter of the W. A. Bard road; ordered read first time and laid over until tomorrow for second read ing. In the matter of the W. N. Brown road; ordered read flrat time and laid over until tomorrow for second reading. In the matter of the J. G. Miller road; read first tlmo and laid over until tomorrow for second reading. In the matter for formation of road district No. 45; Ordered that said road district be established as follows: Beginning at mouth of Clear Creek whore same flows Into Clackamas river at T. 2 S. R. 3 E. and running thenco up suid Clear Creek on the west bank to the quarter section cor ner on the north line of section 31, In said township and range; thence west one-half mllo; thence north one-fourth mile; thenco west one-half mile; thence north one-fourth mile; thenco west one and one-half miles to quar ter corner between sections 35 and 34, T. 2 S, It. 2 E.; thence north one half mile to N. W. corner section 35; thence west one mile; thence north one-halt mile to quarter corner be tween soot Ions 27 and 28; thence west one-half mllo to center of sec tion 28; thence north one-half mile to quarter corner on north Hue of sec tion 2S; thence east one and one-half miles to corner of sections 26, 27, 22 and 23; thence north on section line between sections 22 and 23 to Clack amas River; thence up Bald river with the meanders thereof to place of beginning. In the matter of town plat of Reg- tier's addition to Cherryvtlle; or dered that said plat be and is ap proved. In the matter of Shannon Acre Tracts; ordered that said plat be and n n S7S SIM Obstinate racking coughs that settle on the lungs and may develop Into Pneumonia over night are quickly cured by T? T7T7 Mi It soothes and heals the Inflamed air passages, stops the cough, heals and. strengthens the lungs. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and Is safest for children and delicate people. Remember the name-FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR-and insist upon having the genuine, as no other remedy Is so safe or as certain in results. ifOLEYS TV 1 H II- WAT ft t I ll Given Up to Die With Croup. Mrs. P. !. Cordler, of Mannlngton, Ky., writes: "My three-year old girl had a severe case of croup; the doctor said she could not live and I gave her tip to die. I went to the store and got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. The first dose gave quick relief and saved her life." Editor Cured of Lung Trouble. W. L. Straub, Editor of St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times, writes: "When coming across the bay from Port Tampa I got wet and caught a cold that affected my throat and lungs. I neglectedit, thinkingl would soon recover, but I kept getting worse, until I bought a bottle of Foley Honey and Tar, anllt cured me completely.", Tims alias Uc, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and ono-half times as much as the small sise and Uw $1.00 bottle almost sis times as much. RofllM Substitutes! SOLD AMD RECORDED BY TB, JONES DRUG COMPANY MORE PINKHAM CURES Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. fomrtnn "T T "Tf la with nlpasNTfl that I add my testimonial to your aireaay long nsi nojnng uiai n may Induce others to avail themselves of tins valuable mem cine, LydiaE.I'ink ham's Vegetable Compound. I suf fered from terrible headaches, pain in my back and right side, was tired and nervous, and so weaklcould hardly stand. Lydia E. rinkham's Vegeta ble Compound re stored me to health and made me feel like a new person, and it snail always nave my praise. Mrs.W. P. Valentine, 902 Lincoln Avenue, Camden, N. J. nnrriiiiar M " T wn9 a treat suf ferer from a female disease. The doc tor said I would have to go to rue hospital for an operation, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound com pletely cured me in three months." kits. S. A. "Williams, 11. F. D. No. 14, Box 80, Gardiner Me. liecause your case is a difficult one, -.nnfnra lmvlnff done von no crood. do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham s vegetable Compound a trial it surely has cured manyenses of female ill3, such as in flammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down fopiimr inilio-estion. dizziness, and ner vous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it, ana the resin, is worm mil lions to many suffering women. is approved. In the matter of monthly reports of road supervisors; Ordered that each road supervisor appointed by this court for the year 1909, procure from the clerk of this court a copy of a report made out in proper form, to be used by super visors In making his report to this court; that the name of each em ployee be properly spelled and writ ten In a nluln and legible hand; that the number of days employed and the amount per day and the total amount due said employee be placed In the proper columns and then cor rectly added and that each super visor have his report so made out as above mentioned and filed with the clerk of this court on or before twelve o'clock on the first day of each and every term, and any super visor failing to comply with this or der, without sufficient excuse will be fined in the sum of $5.00 and his re port laid over until the following term. In the matter of the Louis Funk road; ordered that report of viewers be adopted and said road declared to be a county road. In the matter of the D. W. Douglas road; ordered that said -petition be dismissed. In Hie matter of appointment of a board of county road viewers; order ed that S. A. D. Hungate, N. Blair and Hud Thompson be and they are hereby appointed as a board of coun ty viewers for year 1909. In the matter of road district No. 14, which was attached to and made a part of road district No. 39 in 110S; ordered that said road district 14, be mul the same is hereby severed from road district 39 on the lines and shall he embraced which Inclosed said iliMiict when said change was made in January, 190S. In the matter of the W. A. Bard, W. N. Urown road, and the J. G. Mil ler road; ordered that flies and rec ords of these roads be submitted to District Attorney as required by law. In the matter of levy for year 1909; ordered that the levy for said year be as follows: State, two mills; school, three mills; county, two mills; roads, two mills; bridge, two mills; county debt, two mills. In the matter of the creation of road district 47; ordered that all that part of road district No. 11, lying north of the Clackamas River be and the same is hereby declared to be road district No. 47. In the matter of the purchase of a gravel pit; ordered that the 10 acre gravel pit be purchased and that upon the execution and delivery of a good and sufficient deed therefor, owners shall be paid tbe sum of $300. In the matter of cancellation of a mortgage for $315 held by Clacka mas County in 1863; ordered that J. C. Paddock, County Treasurer can cel said mortgage. Road Supervisors appointed at Jan uary term, 1909: 45 A. S. Henderson. 4G D. W. Watts. 47 Ed Harrington. "Don't hitch your horse in the rain," use our free stable room. E. W. Mellien & Co Complete hous. faruishers, oppasite'the Court Honse Uil BUSINESS COLLEGE WAHIMTON AMD TINTH STU. PORTIAND. OMaON WRITE FOR CATALOa TU W tXmt PUuu Tern 6d rMHmn ' Judge us by the quality and price of our goods; j J come once a 11 d you'll J come again. t E. W. Mellien & Co. J ! The Home Furnishers, t opposite the Court House z District No. 1 W. H. Counsell. " 2 M. B. Webster. " 3 Fred Siefer. 4 B. F. Linn. " 5 George Prach. " 6 Charles Krebs. " 7 F. E. McGugin. 8 D. W. Douglas. " 10 D. M. Marshall. " 11 Charles Livesey. " 12 Fred Gerber. " 13 W. C. Ward. " 14 Chris Muralt. " 15 Max Telford. " 10 Aug. Staehely. " 17 D. R. Dlmlck. " 18 Ed. Hornshuh. " 19 John Paine. " 20 Nat Scribner. " 21 Frank Wlnslow. " 22 Albert Engle. " 23 Wm. Bowers. " 24 L. P. Spagle. " 25 James Smith. " 20 H. Engle. " 27 J. E. Marquam. " 29 Aaron McConnell. " 30 F. E. Davidson. " 31 Wm. Schatz. " 32 W. C. Heater. ." 33 Henry Cromer. " 34 John Turner. " 35 A. D. Edwards. " 3C .F. M. Samson. " 37 C. W. Kruse. " 38 C. W. Risley. " 39 Frank Jaggar. " 40 Carl Hansen. " 41 A. J. Kltzmlller. " 42 Frank E. Taylor. " 43 Stephen A. Douglas. " 44 Sam Wamock. Now Is the time to visit California When summer has passed in these northern states, the sun is only mild under the bright blue skies of Southern California. This is one of nature's happy provisions eternal summer for those who cannot endure a more severe climate. California has been called the "Mecca of the winter tourist." Its hotels and stopping places are as var ied as those of all well reg ulated cities. Visitors can always find suitable accom modations, congenial com panions, and varied, pleas ing recreations. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will be glad to supply some attractive literature, de scribing in detail the many delights of winter in Cali fornia. Very low round trip excur sion tickets on sale to Cali fornia. The rate from Or egon City to Los Angeles and return is $55.00 Limit six months allowing stopovers in either direction. Sim ilar excursion rates are in e fleet to all California pointi. For full information. aleepingcar reserva tions and tickets, call on, telegraph or write . T. FIELDS, AGENT OREGON CITY or Wm. McMurray, Gen. Past. Agent PORTLAND, ORE. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. Annual January Sale 50c Quinine Pills 25c 25c Can Vaseline 09c 15c Porous Plaster 06c . - $1.50 Fever Thermometers 98c 50c Tooth Brush 25c 25c Hair Brush 17c 50c Hair Brush 29c 25c Nail Brush 13c 50c Cloth Brush 34c 65c Florada Water 38c 25c Rexall Talcum Powder 15c 50c Whisk Brooms 34c 35c Whisk Brooms 20c 2.50 Wade & Butcher Wastenholm VVastenholm 1. Blue Steel sS Razors 97c 97c $2.00 Self Honing Strops $1.00 Swatty Hones 67c $2.00 Nugget Hot Water Bottle $1.50 (Guaranteed for two years) $1.25 Hot Water Bottle 79c $1.25 Fountain Syringe 79c $2.00 Ladies Hand Bags 98c 75c Bulb Syringe 49c 75c Fountain Syringe 50c 40c Toilet Cream 13c 25c Can Viscol 18c 25c Cascara Tablets 18c $1.75 Pictures 98c 75c Beef Iron and Wine 38c Hundreds of customers have taken advantage of the opportunities offered in cut Jan. Sales. Have yot done like wise? There still remains another week and while many of the bargains offered early in the month are gone yet we have added additional ones to take their place so yoo are sore to find some thing of interest to you at cot prices. B Our Store Is Bristling With Bristle Bargains For the remainder of this niontb, we give our customers an opportunity to purchase any brush in our large and well selected stock at a Reduction of 25 per cent This includes Hair Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Nail Brushes, Bath Brushes in fact every thing in the brush line. The JONES DRUG CO. DRUGS STATIONARY PERFUMES