OREGON CITY COURIER'' 'FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1909 7 The Most in Values Our Best Clearance of MEN'S CHOICE GARMENTS PRICES ARE ABOUT HALF IN MANY INSTANCES This Sale has already won success The greatest Volume of business this sec tion has ever experienced. It is a sale worth while, a sale wherein the most favored styles of brand new Coats, Suits, Skirts and Waists are offered at less than actual cost to make. Suits That Embrace Perfection in Every Phase. We liavo reference to our popular-priced Suits now selling for fifteen dollars. Perfect in style, perfect in workmanship. The most perfect suits that have commanded your attention this sea son. Is this not the suit you are looking for? Materials are fancy worsteds, serge, panama and broadcloth in plain colors and fancy and shadow stripes. Coats and skirts are in several dif ferent models, but all strictly of the latest de sign. $17.50 to $22.50 suits, regular Clearance Sale Price $15.00 CHILDREN'S COATS, AGE 2 TO 6 YEARS To fully appreciate these bargains in Coats for children, aged 2 to G yars, you must first see them, for printing cannot fully convey to you their wonderful value. They are made of ker sey, homespun, worsted, bearcloth and panned velvet, In all plain colors, fancy stripe and mix tures; styles are the latest, some are plain and others are suitably trimmed with braid, velvet, etc. Regular, prices range from $3.50 to $0.50. Clearance Sale Price $2.50 $1.50 SATEEN PETTICOATS $1.19. Satesn Petticoat bargain that should not be missed; made of good quality black sateen, with deep flounces in several styles. Reduced for this sale $1.19 MADRAS SHIRT WAISTS 59c Shirtwaists of good quality madras, in several plain colors, light plaids and stripes, open in front and finished with pleats. The latest in waists at a remarkably low price. Regular price 85c, at Clearance Sale 59c Summons. Iu the Circuit Court of the State of OreROii, for the County of Clackamas. Bertha C. Miles, Plaintiff, vs. Georgo V. Mile, Defendant To Genrgo W. Miles, ' defendant above named: In the name of the stateof Oregou, you are hereby required to appear and hiiswdr the compaiiit til-id against you in the above eutitlod suit on or be or the 22nd day of January, 100!), and if you fail so to appear and answer, lor want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the re lief prayed for in her said complaint, to-wit: a decree dissolving the bonds of mat iuinur existing between plain tiff and defendant, and for general re lief, with her costs and disburse ments. This summons is published by order of Hon. Grant B. Dimicb, Oouuly Judge of tho County of Clackamas, by order duly made and entered on the 5th day of December, 1U08, and said order directs that publication of this summons be mado oue week for six consecutive weeks and the date of the first" publication aooording to said or x dur is December lltli, 1008. x H. F. LATOURETTK, Attorney for Plaintiff. Portland, Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the estate of Louise Wolf, deceased, has tiled iu tin County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, his final account as such executor of said estate, and that Mon day, the 1st day of February, 1901), at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing all objections to said report and the settlement thereof. , , JOHN WOLF, Executor of the estate of Louise Wolf, deceased. U'HKN & SCIIUEBEL. Attorneys for Executor. - Notice of Executor's Sale Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an order and license of the Counly Court ot Clackamas County, State of Oregon, I will offer for sale at private gale and on February 20th, 11)09 will sell to the highest bidder tor cash the S W of the S E M of Sec tion;l0. and the N W )i of the N E yi of Section 15, all in Tp. 4 S ii 1 E of the W M in Claukamas couu ty, State of Oregon, said described property belonging to the estate of - Mary A. Brackett, deceased. All bids may be sealed and ad dressed to me at Aurora, Oregon, or to my attorneys. Datod January 18h. 1909. i;w. V. IRVIN, Executor of said Estate. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE, Attorneys. Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given to all parties concerned that the undesigned has been duly appointed by the County Conrc of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, as the administrator, with the will annexed, ot the estate of William Reid, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as snch administra tor and that all persons having claims .against the said estate most present theui, within six mouths from the date of this notice, to the administra tor at the law office of C. D. & D. C. Latourette in Oregon City, Oregon. Dated this 23 dav of January, 1909. GEORGE D. REED. Administrator. WANTED Representatives in this vicinity, mala or female. Those willing to hustle cau earn from 100 to fl2o monthly. Experience not necessary. Address Northwestern Specialty Co., 501-502-504 Board of Trade, Portland, Oregon. -")Riv SBis-" Portland's Fastest-Growing Store. WATER PROOF COATS $10.00 Rubberized Taffeta Coats in many plain colors and stripes. An absolutely rainproof and cold proof coat, that possesses all the fine points that con tribute to a st.yish garment. Full length, in a beautiful semi-fitting effect, with automobile ' collar. A coat most practical for the severe weather. $12.50 and $15.00 values, Clearance Sale Price $10.00 LONG COATS, MISSES' AND SMALL WOMEN Three dollars and fifty cents buys any one of these popular-price $7.50 and $8.50 coats for misses and small women. They are chiefly of fancy worsted and kersey in brown, navy, tan, green and plain color, fancy stripes and mixtures; the new semi-fitting effects, plain or finished with trimmings of same cloth, velvet or braid. $7.50 and $8.50 Coats, priced for Clearance Sale $3.50 WOMEN'S SKIRTS FOR $3.98 Walking Skirts of "high-grade worsted panama, in black, blue and brown, both the pleated and gor ed effects are shown, plain or finished with folds and trimmings of 'satin, taffeta, or same cloth. $5.00 to $G.50 values Clearance Sale Price $3.98 LONG FLANNELETTE KIMONOS In many pretty designs and colors with edging of satin to match. $1.50 value, for this week.. $1.29 SHORT KIMONOS FOR 48c Of German Flannel or Flanellette, in all colors and many dainty designs. 65c, value Clearance Sale Price 48c Final Notice Notice is hereby giveu that the" un nersigned administratrix of the estate of J. J. Gibson, deceased, has filed her final account with the County Court of Clackaiuas County, State of Oregon, and that the judge of said court has set Monday, the 9th day of February, 1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. of said day, as a time for hearing the said report, at which time all persons interested are hereby notified to be present and make objec tions to said report if any tliero be. Dated this 81st day of December, 1908. ANNIE GIBSON, Administratrix of the Estate of J. J. Gibson, doceusod. Contest Notice Department of tho Interior, United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, December 29, 1908. A sufficient contest alliduvit having been filod in tliis office by Fabian O. Wyman, contestant, against Home stead Entry No. 14973, made June 23, 1903, for S E of S E i, Section 30, Township 2 South, Range 0 E, by James E. Kershaw, coufostee, in which it iB allegid that he is woll ac quainted with the tract of land em braced in the homestead entry and knows the present condition of the same ; also that said Jurats E. Ker shaw has never resided on said land for the last three years to my knowl edge aud also that the only improve ments made on said laud by James E. Kershaw wore one shake cabin 14x10 feet outside.aud having no win dows, doors or furniture whatever, and that the said alleged absence from the said land was not due to his em ployment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States as a pri vate eoldier, officer, seaman or marine during the war with Spain or during any other war in which the United States may be engaged. " Said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and otter ovidenoo touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on February 10th, 1909, betore the Register aud Receiver at the Unltod States Land Office in Port land, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, filed November ilOth, 1908, set forth fact- which show, that after one diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that sucli notice be given by due aud propor publica tion. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Administrator's' Notice of Sale In the matter of the estate of Lena C. McCormick, deceased. Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to the order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, dulv made aud entered therein on the 18th day of January. 1909, in the matter of the estate ot Lena O. McCormick, deceased, 1, J. F. McOoruiick, Administrator ot said estate, will, iroin and after the 28th day of February, 1909, at the office of L. E. Crouch, room 420 Chamber of Commerce Building. Pt rtlaud, Oregon, proceed to sell at private tale, subject to confirmation by said court, all that reul property belonging to said estate situated in the County of Clackaiuas, State of Or egon, described as follows, to-wit : An undivided one-seventh interest in a tract of land sitnated in Section Twenty-three, Township Three Soutli of Range One West ot the Willamette Meridian, Clackamas County .Oregon, and more particularly described as beginning at the Northeast corner of the Donation Land Claim known on the plat and surveys of the United States as Notification No. J 32.j aud Claim No. 45 iu the aforesaid Town ship, thence West 8.09 chains to Boon ferry road ; thence Sooth 13 degrees 15 minutes West 15.60 chains to a post IHBBB9 The Best in Quality where a pint bottle is deposits! 10 inches deep: thence East 11.00 chains to the East boundary of Claim ; thence North 15.80 chains to tho beginning corner, contaiiiiug 15 acres more or less Terms ot s.'ile are cash upon confirmation of sale by the aforesaid Court and delivery of deed. J. F. McCORMICK, Administrator of tho estate of Lena C. MoOoriuick, deceased. Dated, January 18, 1909. Sheriffs Sale Iu the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. William Corufoot, Plaintiff vs. James Fairfull, Defendant State of Oregon, County of Clackamas By virtue of a judgment, dooroe and an execution, duly issued out of aud under the seal of the above entitled court, In the above entitled ((buso, to me duly dirocttd and dated the 2Gth day 0' December, 1908, upon a judg ment reudered and entered in said court on the 9th day ot May, 1908, iu favor of William Corufoot, Plaintiff, and against James Fairfull, Defend ant, for tho sum of 1104.50, with in terest thereon from the 21st day of November, 1905, aud the furtner sum of $10.00, attorney's fee, together with the sum ot $28.00 and 15.00, at torney's fee, and the further sum of $75. 40, witn interest thereon from the 10th day of January, 1900, at ti per ceut per annum, and the further sum of $10.00, costs and disbursements, and tho costs of aud upon this writ, commanding me to make sale ot the following described real property, sit uate iu the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Lot 7, Block 9, and Lot 20, Block 16 of Milwaukie Park according to the duly recorded maps and plats thereof on file iu the office of the recorder of conveyances of Clackamas County, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, jclgmeut order aud decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 30th day of Jauuary, 1908, at the hour of 10:80 o'clock a.m., at the front door of tho county court house in the city of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, sub ject to redemption, to the highest bidder, lor .United States gold coin, casli in hand, al 1 the right, title aud interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on date of the attachment herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thoreof, to sat isfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all oocrniug costs. R. B. BEAT1E, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore. By IS. W. BAKER, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Decem ber 2(i, 1908. WANTED GOOD MAN IN EVERY locality good pay; experience un necessary, to represent large real estate organization. Write today. B. F. Loos Co., Dea Moines, Iowa, tf FOR SALE In order to close up its affairs the MECHANIC LAND COM PANY of Oregon City will sell 60 acres of the choicest land on the West 3iae at much less than actual value; 25 acres in cultivation, bal ance in timber. For price, terms and particulars Inquire of Thos. F. Ryan, Secretary of Company. Of fice Masonic Temple, Oregon City. Dori't (Jet a Divorce A western judge granted a divorce on account of ill tamper and bad breath. Dr. King's New Life Pills would have prevented it. They cun consirpation, causing bad breath snd liver trouble the ill temper, dispel colds, banish headaches, conquer chilis. 25c at Jones' drug store. MAKE UP AT HOME Mix It Yourself by Shaking Ingredients in Bottle as Directed A SIMPLE HOME REMEDY Hundreds of People in Vicinity Here Will Welcome This Advice Says Local Druggist What will appear very interesting to many people hero is the article taken from a New York daily paper, giving a simple prescription, which is said to be a positive remedy for back ache or kid ley or bladder derange eut, if taken before the stago of Bright's disease. Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargou, oneoume; compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottlo and take in teaspoouful doses after each meal and again at bodtimn. A well-known druggint here at homo, when asked regarding this pre scription, stated that the ingredients are all harmless and can be obtained at a small cost from . any good pre scription pharmacy, or the mixture would be put up if asked to do so. lie further stated that while this pie soription is often prescribed in rheu matic amotions with splendid results, hi could see no reason why it would not be a splendid remedy for kiduey and urinary trouble and backache, as it has a peculiar action upon the kid ney structure, 'cleansing these most important organs aud helping thorn to silt and filter from the blood the foul aciis and waste matter which cause sickness and suffering. Those of our readers who suffer can make no mis take in giving it a trial. School Report Report of Alaplo Lane echool, dis trict No. 27. Those pupils neither absent nor tardy during the month ending January 15, are: May Splint er, Irma Suhmidt and Birdio Dicker sen. Those not absent beside the above' are: Erick Waldow, Orphia Parker aud Binni ''Derrick. CORA' DARR, Teacher. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with local applications, as they can not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to euro it joo must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and dots directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular pre ssription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly mi flitt ninoAiiu Hfirfarpo Tim nnvfupfr. combination of the two ingredients is what produces sncn wonitertui results in curing catarrh. Send for testimon ials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props, v Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75n. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. To Trade For Farm - A beautiful 6-room cottage located in nice sightly location iu Portland aud has two large bedrooms, nice olotheg'Jolosets, large reception hall, nice porcelain bath, wubIi bowl and medicine chest, fine linou closets, large living room and dining room with opening, flina closets, built-in window 6eats, fire place, fine kitchen with pantry and porcelain sink, ele gant electirc aud gRS lixtuies, line drop light, uico front and rear porches with lights, cement walks and stops large eoinent basement with stationary tubs. House now aud in good neigh borhood, nice terraced lawns and full size lot, plenty of sli rubbery and roses. Price $3500. Will trade this beautiful piece of Portland property for improved 'fnrui with stock and im plements near Oregon City and pay some cash difference. Send loacatiou, price aud full description. RALPH ACKLEY, 005 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore School Report Following is the report of Shubel school for the mouth ending January 1.5, 1909. Number of days taught, 20; number of pupils enrolled 28; average daily attendance, 24; tardiness, 1; Those present daily are : Alvin Storm er, Hurley Fellows, Raymond Uin tlier, Esther Ginther, Ivan Moohnke. Visitors present during the month: Mr. and Mrs Chas. Moohukn, Otto Stoiner, Jacob Uossmillor, and John Heft. We are always glad lo have patrons call. ROBT. GINTHER, Teacher. "Don't hitch your horse in the rain," use our free stable room. E. W. Mollien & Co Complete lions, furuishors, opposite the Court Honse Municipal Neglect. In view of the conditions recently found by Waterworks Superintend ent Illller at the Hunt street (Cincin nati) pumping station, It is not sur prising that complaints of "no steam" were frequent during the last year or two. The boilers, which were reserved for service, were found to contain tho accumulated soot nnd dirt of years. I the smoke flue four feet of soot was removed. Municipal Journal and En gineer. i Once More, Nol At an election held Nov. 10 the citi zens of Coldwater, Miss., voted against the proposition to Issue bonds for the construction of an elertrio light plant and waterworks system. Electrical World. Itching piles provoke profanity, but profanity won't cure them. Dean's Ointment cures itching, bleeding or protruding piles aft'T years of suffer ing. At any drag store. FOR SALE. 30 acres good level laud 8 miles from Oregon City. Good well?, barn, cabin and outbuildings. Plenty of top and limb wood. No rock; good soil, ail tillable Few rods from Molalla road. Write or call Burley & Stafford, R. D. No. 8. Pac. States, Framorg 148. TO SEND BUILDING MATERIAL Itnosevelt's Plan to Aid Sufferers by Recent Earthquake in Italy. Washington, Jan. 18. An innova tion in International relb'f measures so far as Europe is concerned will be undertaken by the government in ex pending the 500,000 appropriated by congress for the Italian earth quake sufferers. Realizing that a great need among the sufferers will be shelter, President Roosevelt has decided to send to Italy material for the construction of 2500 or 3000 substantial but modest frame houses. Verbal Instructions were given by the President to Secretary Newberry to enlist the machinery of the navy department. Mr. Newberry has al ready been able to make partial ar rangements for carrying out the or ders of the President. The bodies of the American Con sul, Arthur S. Cheney and Mrs. Cheney have been found In the ruins of the American consulate at Mes sina by the sailors of the American battleship Illinois. Arrangements are being made for the shipment of the bodies to the United States. An estimate of the dead In Mes sina as a result of the catastrophe of December 28, made by Stuart K. Lupton, the American vice-consul, on behalf of the American embassy at Rome, places the number at 90,000. WHOLE FAMILY KILLED W. L. Seelcy, Wife and Daughter, of Seattle, Found Dcud. Seattle, Jan 18. W. L. Seeley, an attorney and ex-national bank exam iner for Illinois; his wife, a member of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution, and his daughter, Miss Rene Seeley, a Btu dent at the University of Washing ton, were found dead in a bathroom of their home in the fashionable Cap itol Hill district at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. They had been dead since the previous Thursday. The women, each of whom was clad in nightrobes, had been mur dered by being struck in the head, evidently with a hammer. There was no mark of violence on Seeley He Is believed to have been partially chloroformed and then drowned in the bathtub. All three were kneel ing at the bathtub with their heads submerged In the water. The bodies were found Sunday by Guy M. Smelzer, affianced husband of Miss Seeley, and E. R. Zlbbell, a friend of the family. The police de tectives searched the house for the weapon with which the murders had been committed, but were unable to find any bloodstained Implement. No jewelry or other article of value was taken from the house. Late developments are taken as strengthening the, theory that the man killed the two women and then committed suicide. He had recent ly received $8000 as his share of his father's estate, but within the past few days he had borrowed money to pay his last month's house rent, In dicating that he was in financial straits. Seeley is an uncle of M. F. Goso, of Pomeroy, recently appointed by the governor to the Washington su preme bench. He has a brother, Charles, at Pomeroy, and another, Frank, at Hood River, Oregon. BARBER IS VERY EXPENSIVE Man Who Shaves Presidential heard Paid $1000 Yearly. Washington, Jan. 18. The recom mendation of the auditor for the navy department that congress pro vldo more clerks for his office has raised some question concerning the employment of William B. Dulany. Dulany for several years has been President Roosevelt's negro barber. Last March he was appointed a "spe cial accountant" in the navy auditor's office at a salary of $1600 a year, but continued to serve as the Presiden tial tonsorlal artist. It Is reported the appropriation committee of the house, at the Instance of several members who want to "get even" with the President, will investigate the matter and ask why the navy au ditor's office should pay for his dally shave. MOYER LOSES SUIT Sued Colorado Executive for Dam uges as Result of Imprisonment. Washington, Jan. 18. -The su preme court of the United States to day decided against Former Presi dent Moyer of the Western Federa tion of Miners, in the damage suit brought by him against former Gov ernor Peabody, of Colorado, on ac count of Moyer's Imprisonment on the governor's orders, because of his alleged connection with riots at Tel luride, Colo., In 1904. SEATTLE MAN GETS BRIDE Charters Hpcdul Truln to Get Over Boundary. Portland, Or., Jan. 18. Denied a license to marry In Oregon becauso of the non-residence laws of this state, H. R. Rood, vice-president of the Pacific Creosoling Company, of Seattle, chartered a special train Sat urday afternoon and went to Van couver, Wash , where he and Mrs. Edward O. Stoiher, of Denver and Paris, widow of the late E. G. Stol ber, were married. The bride is said to be the wealth iest woman in the American colony In Paris. AA4Af ff X Those who come to look X usually remain to buy. It's because our prices I are so attractive. X X E. W. Mellien & Co. J X opposite the court house. Everything you need nV.rt,f fl-io lirmA 4, auuui nit uuuiv. j II I I I ! HM.IW Small Farms Wanted Home-seekerslrequest EASTHAM, SMITH & CO. to look them up homes. Three customers have asked us to look them up small farms of 5 to 40 acres. They must be well improved and conveniently located. If you have such a farm to sell please call on us. Eastham Smith Co. OVER. BANK OF OREGON CITY WHAT A CLACKAMAS COUNTY FARMER WRITES ABOUT THE , LITCHFIELD MANURE SPREADER "It is complete. Iu simplicity, lightness of draft and durability it cannot be surpassed. I fully recommend the Litchfield as the most profitable investment on the farm." FRED YOHANN Aurora, Oregon Yes, and the action of its moving bed is a marvel. Lots of Little Things about it that are Big Advantages, jt Call and See One J. J. WURFEL BARLOW OREGON Under New Management! It is our aim to give in the future the same dependable groceries and satisfactory treat ment that this store has given in years past, and which has created the enviable name of "The Best Family Grocery " Store in Oregon City' JACK & Successor I 904 Seventh Street Vj;wiv waiw7 Phone: Frmr47 LONE OAK FRM F. M. BLUHM, Manager Hay, Straw, Wheat, Oats, Pota toes, Etc, Always on Hand YOUR MEAT ORDER SHOULD HAVE YOUR CAREFUL ATTENTION We give your order our best consideration and our customers are always satisfied. TRY US FOR YOUR NEXT ORDER Brown's Meat Market Seventh Street - - - Oregon City Pbont mi Hts. 1S3S Williams Bros, transfer Co. Safes, Pianos and Turniture Moving a Specialty Trtlgbt and Parctli Dtllvertd Prlcts lltasenablt aud Satisfaction Guaranteed O. W. Eastham LAWYER Legal work o all kinds carefully at tended to. Charges moderate. Ofllce over Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Oregon. ALBRIGHT to I. E. JACK OREGON CITY - R. F. D. No. 3, OREGON CITY, ORE. Producer and dealer in all kinds of First-Class Farm Products and Fir Wood. First-Class Butter and Eggs a Spec ialty. All Orders Promptly Filled. Office In TavorHt Cigar Store OppoaiU masonic Building Ceorge.C. Brownell ATTY AT LAW OREGON CITY, OREGON