4 OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1909 Oregon City Courier Published Every Friday by Oregon City Courier Publishing Co. Entered in Oregon City Postofflee as Second-Class Mail. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Six months Paiu in advance, per year 7i fl 60 $ SS J"$ $$ "Many favors which God gives us ravel out lor want of hemming, through our unthank fulness: For though prayer procureth blessings, giving praise and sharing them with others doth keep the quiet possession of all things of value. Fuller. GO $$$$$$$ WILL OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY Hereafter on February 14th, the an niversary of the admission of Oregon into the Union, Fan annual conference will be held at the University of Ore gon to disouss ways of enhancing the service of this institution to the peo ple of the ' State. The appioprittte rolo of n State University in the life of a progressive commonwealth is rapidly expanding. Tim need of Ore gon for expert aid from the Univer sity in toning up its institutional life is particularly urgent. The radically denmcratio organization that the peo ple of this State have assumed and the magnificent prospects it has in all lines make suggestion from scien tific sources especially desirable. It will also greatly stimulate the activities of the University and give it larger purpose to got into touch with tho practical needs and construc tive np-buildiug of the State. Aims strongly and distinctly directed to the promotion of tho common good wi1 have most salutary ethical influ ence upon the student body. The subjects for discussion at tiio first of these uuuual conferences will bo (1) Oregon's lleritago Conservation of it for the Pooplo as a Whole, (2) tho co ordination ot the activities of all tho educational agenoies in the State. Prominent men from all parts of Ore gon will participate. The comploto program will be announced in a few d&ys, do them. That is right for it is an unselfish thought. But it is well to reflect that everyone who thus seeks to help others himself gains by tho effort he puts forth. This comes as tin encouragement when the worK it self is distasteful or when, as is some times the case, the effort is not appreciated. The choosing of a capital for a na tion is of rare occurrence but when tho step becomes necessary it is by no means easy and generally onuses fric tion. This country wrestled with the question for quite a timo and nearly half a century ago Canada had the same experience. The Commonwealth of Australia have just settled upon their capital alter a good deal ot heart burningand in so doing havo followed tho American precedent of selecting a tract of laud which shall bear the same relation to the other states of the Commonwealth as tho District of Columbia does to tho var ious states of the Union. It is said that in overy particular tho tract qIiohoi) is admirably adapted for its purpose. Now the Australians are uuoetraiu what name to give it. In both tho nenr eaxt and tho far east niattors remain in an unsettled condition and are tho ciiuse of anxiety to other countries. In the liulkans tho reassuring initio k of ono day is offset the next by disquieting rumors nnd as tho winter is slipping by: fast and no settlement ot tho various ques tions directly involving Turkey, Aus tria, liolgarin nnd Servia is in sight, tliero is grave danger of hostilities in the spring. In China the dismissal of the reform prime ministor- causes much uneasiness among tho foroign legations inasmuch as the action bo trays a reactionary sentiment which is always hostile to foreigners. Now is the timo when tho (subur banite witli a small garden spends hours poring over seed catalogues with their bewildering descriptions of seods and their highly colored pio tuioB of gorgeous flowers and mam moth vegetables which he fondly hopes to match when the summer oomes. Of courso a few weeks' work in the garden dispels the illusion, but it is delightful while it lasts. And auyway, even if tho amateur garden er's dreams are not altogether realized tho pure air, exiircise and modest re turns of gardening remote health mid comfort and save many a doctor's bill. Senator Tillman of South Carolina has made his reply to the president's charges accusing him of a discredit able connection with the Oregon Tim ber Company of Portland, and if ho succeeded in convincing himself of his iuuoconce he did less for his audi ence, which was the largOBt at the cnpitol since tho Inst inauguration. The galleries were packed with eager listeners for two hours before tho sen ate was called to order by tho vice president and such a crowd hud gath ered in expectation of a sensational speecli that the police force of the canitol had its hands lull to prevent a riot when the doors were opened The Hallories were disappointed, for the pitchfork senator was very mild in flourishing Ins weapon and it was evident he considered it an instru ment inferior to tiio big sitck. Ho read from the manuscript a speech which he had evidently had insuffi cient time to prepare and confined his tirade against the president to com paratively mild terms. Ho whs em phatic in protesting that the amount of money involved, forty-five hundred dollars, was so incouseauent as to relieve the transaction of gravity, and insisted that the tact that he had not signed the deeds nor paid over tho op tion fee was good and sufficient proof that ho had not engaged in a ques tionable deal. Ho admitted an effort to get the land, acknowledged tiio let tors and telegrams that the president had secured from tho secret service sleuths, but, inasmuch as the land had not passed into his possession he re garded himself clear of tho accusa tions. Ho referred boidy and often to his past records and to tho known en mity of tho president for him and so evaded and clouded the main issue. which was tho principle of a public official using his place and power, to advance his private fortune, that a few were persuaded that ho was after all a martyr to a mendacious chief executive. He insinuated that he know plenty of things ngainst the president but that he had liot suffi cient strength and time now to expose them and that he would reserve their revelation for another time, a claim that was liberally discounted by the more thinking ones of his audience who knew that a reasonable man would not have omitted such a rare chance to got even if it were possiblo. On the other hand, however, the pres ident's part in bringing the charges against Mr. Tillman has tint made him any more popular witli tho sen ate. It is generally agreed that in part at least personal animus inspired thoVxpohure and that had he held in his possession similar evidence against a fri"ud or a senator to whom he was indifferent he would not have intro duced the matter. Tho senator has not committed a criminal act, neither has ho injured the public. He has not profited by the transaction and tliero is nothing to show that he has done anyhing more than to tako ad vantage of his position as United States senator to increase his private income. On the other hand lie has boon the enemy of the president open ly and avowedly for almost the entire term of Mr. Hoosevelt's administra tion and he has missed uo'opportuuity to attack him in the most violent way whenever an occasion piosonted itself. Ho has never concealed the faot that ho would bo glad of any political or private misfortune that might come to the president and it is not without tho range of human understanding that Mr. Roosovolt should welcome a SIGNS OF PROGRESS Items Concerning Oregon's Advancement Gleaned From Columns of Our Exchanges "The Oregous, " the basket ball team that is at present touring the eastern states through the activities of tho Dallas Commercial Club, is proving a great advertisement for this state, as the organization is playing the game for all there is in it, and although tliey have played a largj number of games, they have seldom been defeated. The team carries a supply of literature descriptive of Dallas and Polk county with them, nd this is distributed wherever they play. Efforts are being made to organize a company of the Oregon National Guard at Oorvallis. An organized gang of cattle rustlers is seriously disturbing the peace of mind of residents of Bonanza and vicinity. "The Cuuby Irrigator" made its ap pearance last Friday. James Hoskin son, formerly associated witli George Dixon of the . Canby Tribune, is the editor and manager. A twelve aero orchard tract near Medford recently sold for $ 18, 000, or 1 1 000 per acre. Realizing the value of advertising, tho members of the Grants Puss Com mercial Club are working to raise 5U00 to give publicity to that city and the rest of Josephine county. Medford is to have a company of militia coast artillery in the near future. This will be tiie second or ganization of the kind in the stato, the other being situated at Astoria. Adjutant General b inzer of the Or egon JNutional Unard, who brought about the organization of the com pany, is striving to effect a similar organization at Newport. Efforts are being made by the Amal gamated Sugar Company to establish the sugar boot industry in Wallowa county. Shepard Hull,, the new $25,000 Y. M. O. A. building at the Oregon Ag ricultural Colloge, was thrown open January 8. A beautiful pamphlet descriptive ot the resources of that section, has just been issuod by tho Washington Coun ty Development League. 'A levy of ten mills was fixed for the ooming year by the county court of Douglas county. The postofflee receipts at Dallas readied an amount in 1008 that the matter of free delivery is being noised about. JNoarlv all or the logging camps on the lower Coluumbia have resumed operations after the enforced holiday" during the cold wave. FIGHT EXTENDS TO THE WEST INDIES National Association Opens Campaign Against Tu berculosis i n Porto Rico This Week The. Auorner stop in the campaign against consumption in the United States will be taken next week, when tho National Association for the Study ana rrevention ot Tuberculosis opens its tight agauist this diesease iu the Island of Porto Rico. A traveling tuberculosis exhibit was shipped to San Juan a few days ago and will bo used m a campaign about to be com menced. The exhibit will be shown first in ban Juan, after which it will be taken to all of the important coast cities and also to many of the interior towns, as mere are (iOOO cases of tu berculosis among the million inhabi tants of Porto Rico at the present umo. ma movement promises much good. The Anti-Tuberculosis League of Porto Rico is cooperating with the national Association, and has fur nished a special physician who will be director of the exhibition during its itinerary about the island. In connection with the exhibit, numerous public meetings will be held. The exhibit is entirely in Snanish and was prepared in New York under the di rection of the National Association. Tho preliminary arrangements for thejaxhibitiun were made by Mrs. Al bert Norton Wood, the acting presi dent of the Porto Rico League, who was a delegate to the recent Inter national congress on Tuberculosis. The membership of the League in cludes most of the American residents and many prominent Porto Ricans. The exhibit to be used in Porto Rico is the third of its kind owned and conduotod by the National Asso ciation tor the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Ono of the other two is at present being used in a "Ninety-day Campaign" in Florida. The othors being shown in Topoka, Kansas. After a three mouths' cam paign in Porto Rico, the third exhibit will be carried to other Spaaish spenking parts of the West Indies and the United States. THE REDUCED RATE chance to retaliate. The verdict of tho Tennessee jury convicting six night riders for tho murder of Colonel Rankin is a re freshing indication and prostages a better condition in that section. It is also oneoiiarging to note that the Southern press is omphatio iu its ap proval of the verdict. The jurors doing their plain duty in tho lace of great personal risk is also nn inspiring indication and will strengthen imbue confidence iu the ability of the courts and tho law to overthrow the annrctiv which lias long been a disgrace to parts of Kentucky nnd Tonnesseo. The Old Age Pension Act in Eng land is now iu operation and tho first payment to successful npplioan's is being made this mouth. Tliero are so many conditions attached that bv no means everyone that roaches the age limit and applies for a pension is suc cessful. Necessary us these conditions niay.bo they nevertheless cause con siderable disappointment and some dissatisfaction, but on the whohthe measure is popular and it will doubt less brighten the lot of 'many an old person who otherwise would continue in poverty. The working of the act is being watched with keen interest by other countries. It is idle for members of the house to talk of impeaching the president Tliero is no parallel between the situ ation now and the timo ot Andrew Johnson's impeachment. Moreover the iresiilent will lie a private citizen before the machinery oi impeachment enn bo set going and it may he pre dicts! that those members of congress who ara most vociferous about im peachment will also be private citi zens in duo course ef poiiticul evolution. New York is going to try to s ttlo the tramp problem by tho establish ment of farm colonies iu which tramps will be set to work. Tho at tempt will be watched by other states with sympathetic interest for the tramp is a nuisance and a menace to sooiety everywhere. Too lazy to work and generally so devoid of principle that ho does not hesitate to steal, not only does it mean a half million of drones tramping up and down tho country witli all tiio loss of produc tive labor that implies, lint the ex pense involved in keeping him and protecting society against turn is enormous. Where is that sen of a prophet who predicted that the automobile and the trolley car wrnld retire the homo from business? The prioes obtained at reeeut horse sales indicate no slump in horse flush. Tho horse bids fair to survive even tho flying nm eliiuu as ho has long survived steam loconiot ion. This is the centenary of what has been well culled, "The Voir of Genius," aud the nnniversnrv of the brirtli of tiio (list mguislieil men who first saw the light in tho memorable year of our Lord, IHOt), will bo fit tingly observed during tho next twelve mouths. Consideriug the sinallness of the population of this country a hundred years ago, it, is re markable what a number of Aineri- A man's life is to be measured as to its duration not by years but by char actor. As the Arabs well say, "A wise man's day is worth a fool's life." Length of days is not vouch safed to everyone, but ability to live well is. No news that bus been received by tho people of Oregon during the last twenty-four mouths is so important as tiio announcement that the trans continental railroads will make a rate, beginning Muren 1 aud continu ing uutil April 80, from Kansas City, Omaha, St. Paul nod Minneapolis, Winnipeg and other similar situated towns, to all main lino railioads iu Oregon, for 125 00. The poople of no state iu the nniou have profited more by these one-way tickets than have those of Oregon dur ing tho last four years The rute from Chicago is fliij, from St. Louis $30.50, witli a proportionate low fare from all points in the United States. This should add many thousand actual settlors to the population of Oregon. These are one-way tickets, and if tra velers desire to return to their former homes iu the older eastern states they would have to'payfull faro. Every commercial club and adver tising bnreau in tho stato, as well as overy real estate firm, should begin immediately to advertise these rates. Every citizen of Oregon should write personal letters to old friends and ac quaintances reminding them that the rate is good for their town. Rut tho ticket must be bought to tho point of destination its just as cheap to the most distanfOregon point as to tho one just over tho border of tho state. RICH, RED BLOOD You Will Never Have It Long as You Have Dyspepsia S tore I TENTH AND MAIN STREETS 'WATCH OUR BUSINESS GROW" Sale of Remnants We have a lot of Remnants of Calico, Percale, Flannel ettes, Outing Flannel, Ginghams, Etc., which collected during the holiday fushThese we are offering much below regular values. erwi Wet Weather Goods s Women's Heavy Calfskin Shoes - $ tt ii 2to2 9 to Children's Children's Boys' heavy Shoes, Men's good, heavy, serviceable shoes, black -Men's good, heavy Tan Shoes, double sole - -Men's high cut Tan Shoes, double sole 2.00 1.75 1.50 $1.75, $1.90, $2.50 $2.6S 3.50 5.00 as On the 12th the Rosoburg Commer cial Olub celebrated the opening of its beautiful now Club, built ex pressly for tliem. Guests from differ ent parts of tho state were present, and an elborato banquet was servedjby the Ladies' Auxiliary ot tho Club. ' Tho welcomo thaw extending over the I'aeilic Northwest did not inter fere with tho Walla Walla-California excursionists, who reached 1'ortlunrl last Saturday as expected. A car ride over the oity, dinner and evening reception at the Portland Commercial Club, were features ot their entertainment. Just as' long as you have dyspepsia your lood will not properly digest, and the nutritions elements in the food will not be extracted or ab sorbed, and impoverished or watery blood will follow. This condition may not be apparent at first, but it will come just as sure as the sun will rise again. Any stomach ailment, including all forms of indigestion can bo promptly oured by using Mi-o-na tablets, a sci entific treatment unsurpassed. It stops fermentation, belching of gas and taste of sour food almost at once. The mighty power of Mi-o-na to in vigorate and restore the stomach to perfect condition is known every where. Mi-o-na cures by building up by banishing the cause. For thin people it is a great flesh builder, because it causes tho stonnieh to give more nnd purer nutrition to the blood.. It cures sea and car sickness and vomiting of pregnancy almost immediately. Jones Durg Company sell. Mi-o-na fur 50 cents a largo box, -and guaran tee it to cure, or money back. UMBRELLAS Good, Serviceable Umbrellas at 50c, 75c and 98c Better Grades at - $1.38, $1.48, $1.68 YOU SHOULD SEE-Our New Spring Suitings-40 inches wide. The best values ever offered in Oregon City. AT, THE YARD, 65 CENTS The "C C" Store 10th and Main Streets Oregon City, Ore. Vancouver, Washington, lias em ployed P. O. Lavey, one of America's Most offootive advertisers, a splendid orator and organizer, as secretary of its commercial club. They are deter mined to raise $10,1)00 for an udvertis ing fund, and at a recent meetiug $4,000 was subscribed in an hour. Senator Fpraker is still harping on his Urownsvillo a Hair aud proposes to uialvo it tho unfinished business of the senate until it is finally disposed of, but he ought to know that it is stale, unprofitable and unlit to be warmed over. Orcfron Patents. Granted this week. Reported by C. . Snow & Co., Patent Attomevs. Washington, D. O. : F. A. Kime. linker City, hay truck ; K. K. Parrisli, Inpeudenee, flvcatehing dovico. It. W. Pritchard, Portland, sanitarv re ceptacle. H. U. Wintiold, Grosham, wrench. Per copy of any of above patents seud ten cents in postage stamps witli date of this paper to U. A. Snow it Co., Washington, D. C. The Pure Food Law Secretary Wijson says, ' One of the objects of tho law is to- inform the consumer of the presence of certain harmful drugs in medicinps. " The law requires that the amount of chloroform, opium, morphine, and other habit-forming drugs be stated on the label of each bottle. The man utacturers of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy have always ol inied that their remedy did not contain any of these drugs, and the trutli of this claim is now fully proven, as no mention of them is made on the label. This remedy is not ouly one of the safest, but one of iho best in use for coughs and colds. Its value has been proven beyond question during the many years it has been in geuoral uso. For sale bv Huntley Bros , Or egou City and Mulnlla. MOUNTAIN VIEW. This week we have wind and rain instead of snow. . The boys spend their time after school hours floating rafts and boats in tho water around the blacksmith shop. Ed Got t berg's house is in a pond of water. Miss Mabel Francis closed a success ful torm of school last, week and is at homo for a vacation. She is engaged for another term.but will not begin until the we ther settles. Miss Winnie Jackson is at home this Wi ek on acoonut of sickness. Mrs. Hall is on the sick list this week and Mrs. Nora Carrico is at tending her. Grandma Molldy is still qnito poorly-Mrs. Parish is a little hotter this week. Rev, Molloy had quite a hard fall during the snow storm. Ha slipped and fell, sustaining a black .eye aud a badly bruised arm. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Bakor went to Uarus Tuesday morning to attend the funeral of Mr. linker's sister, Mrs. Bob Casaday. Fred Meyers aud bride of Ohehalis, . Washington, spent last week with mr. Meyers' sister, MrH. Francis, aud family. The pooplo ef this vicinity are plan ning for a pie social, the proceeds to be used for painting the Mountain View church. Rev. Moffatt of the Primitive Bap tist clirnch, will hold servicos at the Mountain View church, Saturday at 2:80 and Sunday at 11 o'clock. While hunting noar Wildwood re cently, a man mistook a friend for a doer, witli the usual result, cans who achieved world-wide tiiiction were born in that year. din- The average Persian must be puz zled as to his political position. The country is distracted by civil strife and when the faction opposed to tho Shah gets a. little ahead l.e revokes the constitution origiually granted a few years ago, and when the wheel of fortune takes a turn ho re-enacts it. Kauoy liviBg in a country where a constitution is put on or oil' as readily as one put on or takes otf an over ooat. r When poople set out to help others probably the dominant idea in most cases is 'that of tho good they way j No matter bow lowly tho calling is, so long as it is honorable, in which one is engaged, he glorifies labor, se cures self-respect and that of others when he works elfieiently. Tho man who is always going to do and who never does amounts to but little in this life. What the world wants is not mure inteutiou, box ever good, but action. To absorb all that one may from reading nnd travel and part any of that knowledge benefit of others is nothing but refined selfishness. acquire not im for tho A Horrible Hold-Up "About teu years ago my brother was 'held up' in his work, health and happinos by what was believed to bo hopeless consumption, " writes W, It. Lipscomb, of Washington, N. O. "Ho took all kinds of remedies and treatment from several doctors, but found no help till. he used Dr. King's New Discovery, nud was wholly cured by six bottles Ho is a well man to day." It's quick to relieve and tho surest euro for weak or sore lungs, hemorrhages, coughs :iul colds, bron chitis, la grippe, asthma aud all bron chial affections. B0c and fl. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Jones Drug Co. Closing thorniest succesful year of its organization, the Portland Cham ber of Commerse ijiive its annual din ner on January with almost three hundred guests gathered around the tables. Noedleoraft Shop, formerly SS3 Wash iugton St.. now 147 Sixth St.. be tweeu Morrison aud Alder Sts., Port land. January noeiilewoik sales now on. WANTED To trade a good house and font lots iu Oregon Oity, all in first-class condition, for small farm. Aftuross v. AI., care Courier. at .agazine A STAR SERIAL BEGINS NOW There is an article in this number with a big jolt in it. DON'T MISS IT. You know some of the things Everybody's has done. THIS IS ANOTHER. There is a story by the Pigs Is Pigs " man that is one long ache of laughter, and back of these special features a big, fine Everybody's Magazine, D. C LATOURETTE, President F. J. MEYER, Cashier EEDS f ? . Guaranteed to Please (y'jfjpTrsS. Fresh, Reliable. Pure A. S. Hunt Let tho president have the stage. His engagement is short. Never mind Tilluiau ami his pitchfork, his timber hinds and his typewriter. The presi dent is the star att-action. Two events of iuterest last week wore the meeting of the Oregou State Assessor's Association from the Uth to the 14th. and the Fcurteouth An nual Convention of the Oregon State Poultry Association, both in Portland. F. W. Howard. The H. H. Store Fancy Groceries &. Provisions Home Phone :M" Tacific States 149 7th ami Center Sts. We solicit a share of your patronage NOTICE !J Notice is hereby given that there is ; J petition ponding before the cityl J. T 1 ' 1 v e qo unt claim to be No one dreams himself into char acter! lie must hummer and forge it and that means bard work but it pays. I council of Oregou Oitv, Oregon, of tho Haw ley Pulp & I'aper Oumpauy praying for tho vacation of that part of Water titreet lying between Third and Fourth Streets, Oregon City, Ore gon. Dated this Hth dav of January, I'JOil. W. A.'DIMICK. " Recorder. lowest on every item, but the total saving is money in your pocket. We sell honest goods at honest prices. E. W. MellientoCo. Opposite the court house Ever? Gardener and Plant rr should tent the nuniirlor nierlta of Our Northern Grown Seeds. SPECIAL OFFER FOR 10 CENTS we will send postpaid our FAMOUS COLLECTION I pkf. 60 Dmr Tonal . . .SO 1 ikf. Fi-inwii Kidlh , . . . 10 1 pfc. NelHirowlNr M'T . ... 1 pk(r. Karlj Arrow-hif faMuic . 16 1 pkf. VullortoR Mirkt liiUf . . , 1(1 AIM li VwleilM Chulw lvwr HmU . & 1.00 Writ kxHy! Send 10 cento to hlp piy poaUfe and packing and rcive the alxv Taniiui illtioti," lo gather with our Nw and ltitmctivt CUrdt-n Umrla. GRKAT NOKTHFKN SKF.D '4. 1458 Hose St, Knckforti, UltnoU THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON (Successor to Commercial Bank) Transact a Ceneral Banking Business. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m 1 zn? vfhiJEPi S 4 H ft IL-ar . u l m &1 kkMMN 60 YEARS V EXPERIENCE iw Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. AriTone sending ike'rti and description ma? qntckly ascertain our opinion free whether an InTPiitlnn la probably patentable. CommunlPa tlouaitrtctlyetMiOdentl&l. HANDBOOK on Patent tvnt free. OMt aveucy fr securing patent. Patent taken thmutrh Munn & Co recelvt jwi tw mic, wummt cnnrga, w tnc Scientific Hmtim. A handsomely lltastrated weeklr. Jjirvest ctn culatlon of any scientific Journal. Terms, 93 a ypr , four niontb, fl. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNfl gCo.?6,B New York Brancr vaic aS T St, WishUutoo. IX a EYES If you have any trouble with your eye difficulty iu seeing distinct or readidg, aching eyes, tired eyes If you suffer ftom headache, if the child cannot see well at school, or if the child's eyes soon become tired call and have them examined most carefully. . NO CHARGE FOR. FXAMINATION We prescribe glasses only when absolutely necessary and guarantee satis faction. If your glasses need straightening, we gladly adjust them for you free of charge. Burmeister b Andresen Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Cor. i t r t