Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 22, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Throughout the United States there are many farms that are not
named, and the Courier believes that it Is Just as important that the farms
should be named as it Is important that the' various business houses are
named. Give your farm a name. Fill out this coupon, and send it to the
Oregon City Courier, and your farm name will be placed on the Courier
Registered list of Farms. The name sent in will be published together
with the name of the proprietor. Use coupon below.
$ 8
Name of farm 4
$ Proprietor
$ $
$ 0
S Address $
Born, on Thursday, the 7th iusfc, to
the wife of PoKtmaHter Davis, a Hon.
The I. O. O. F. installed their
ofnoars for the ensuing term last Hat
urday night.
Wesley Hill passed through Madras
last Monday, goinc after wood.
A number of minrods ot Madras
were hunting jack-rabbits Weduosday
alteruoon ana killed about 60. An
other party was out Saturday and
killed a like number. Ono man
claims 88 for his share. Let the good
work go on, boys, as there are ejitire
ly too many rabbits and tliey are a
menace to all growing crops in this
M. Lonsberry reports killing 15
jack-rabbits Saturday afternoon with
his 112 rifle. Me says that he would
have killed more had he not run out
of ammunition.
A number of freight toams are
stormbound at Madras and the way
stations between Madras uud Shaniko.
Stanloy Grnoll was in town from
the big plain last Monday for a load
of water.
Clias. Crowfoot was in Madras to
get water and to attend to otlior buBi
uesi matters, Monday.
Tho rosidciuce owuod by George
Loucks and occupied by Harvey Hell
and family of Agency Plain caught
fire Sunday afternoon and burned to
the ground. Boarcely anything was
saved. The family was provided for
by neighbors in the best manner pos
sible under the circumstances. A
subscription was started and $80 was
rained in a short time.
The tliorinomoter logistered 88 bo
low zero Sunday morning in Madras
the coldest weather known in the
country. It was much colder Mon
day, but tho thermometer being frozen
op we could not tell how oold it was.
Mrs. Martha Jones reports that five
of her chickens were frozen to doath
Sunday night,
W. 0. Moore visited A. J. Rinfgo
and family Monday. Ho drove to
town in a sleigli.
Mr. Van Taiwal had runners put on
Ilia niailwagon so it would be a sloigh
and managed to curry the mail in this
way. It was almost impoBsiblo to
travel with a wagon.
A number of farmors near town
have been using tho county road
grader to level tho snow and make a
track for wagons, as there aro many
who have to hunl water for their
stock and for domostio nso.
Koscoe Oard left the Plnfns last
Tuosday for Oregon City and Purk
plaoo, where he will remain lor Home
Th.' flouring m'll was shut down
during tho cold snap.
A number of the farmers on the Big
Plain say thoy aro short cf wood ami
if tho storm continues long there will
be much sutturing.
One thing wo aro roud ot in this
country is that we aro not at the
mercy of tho plumber, iih almost all
the wells in this country are muzzle
loaders and we don't need plumbers.
oomprise half the population.
Ye scribe is sorry to disappoint the
roadors of the Courier in regard to
the Malheur country, but as soon as it
is ready for tho press it will bo hand
ed in.
Everyono is glad that, the north polo
has changed back to its proper place,
leaving old Oregon where it wan two
weeks ago. Nearly ovcrybody had a
sloigliride, but I hoy aro willing to
wait twenty years lor the next one.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. 0.
Rieman of Mt. Pleasant was buried
iiero last Friday.
Nearly everyono lias a bad cold or
some other ailment.
School was closed for a week during
the worst part of tho storm.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Horutihnh of Se
attle, Wash., visited Mr. HoruHhuh's
parents for a week.
I Hints of all kinds died by tho hun
dreds during tho cold weather. Even
screach owls diod ot starvation.
Miss Lottie Hornshuh, Miss Julia
MaHsinger, P. Massinger, A. Horns
huh and W. and H. Huttman spent
Sunday evening with the Misses Seiiu
bel. John Hoft purchased souio sheep
from Schmidt liror. John believes
in getting the best there are. He is
also going to raise thoroughbred Jer
sey cattle.
The Literary and Debating Society
has taken on new life, and at preseut
there aro about twenty members.
The society will meet every Saturday
evening. The question for debate
next Saturday evening is Resolved
that eight hours' work should con
stitute a day's work. A warm debato
is expected in discussing this ques
Our cold wave has brokon and the
snow is nearly gone, causing high
1 A general oomplaint is being made
of frozen potatoes, fruit and ilowers.
All potatoes that wore covered out in
open ground aro all right, but most of
tho cellars froze except where they
kept lamps burning. On the coldest
morning it was 10 degrees belo v zero
with snow from 13 to HO inches doop.
The grain is all right, with a line
Mulino, Liberal and Molalla now
all havo depot grounds selected for
tho new electric road with bright
proBiioots ahead. If all that can
would take stork and lend a helping
nana, tun road would soon bo pushed
through without a doubt.
A great many goats froze to death
during tho cold siiau, Tho weather
was too severe for them.
F. M. Swift and wife and S. Wright
wont to Portland Monday on business.
The farmers had one time in tneir
lives to do what cannot very often be
done in Oregon. All they did was to
food stock, liaild fires to keep warm
by and the rest of the time sloigliride.
Sleighs .of every description were out
and all seemed to enjoy tho treat.
Farmers fed the birds by the hun
dreds, yet till kinds froze and starved
to death in spite of tho helping hand
that was giveu by tho tanners. Chi
nose r.l'oasants seemed to sutler the
has nearly all
Tho welcome rain has como again
and tho snow is almost a tiling of the
past. Our whole prairie looks like a
big lake.
Fom reports it seems that our farm
ors havo lost fully one-half of their
potatoes by the cold snap.
There will bo a lot of frost-proof
cellars omit bore this summer, as wo
are learning that the weather can got
to a freedug point in Oregon.
Thero has been some loss of stock
horo by Ilia cold weather. Ono of our
farmers who has lived here almost
forty years lot several of his cattle
stay out all through the storm. It
was a shame to listen to tho poor cat
tle lowing for a shelter. The hniniine
oilioers should get busy and punish
mou who are able to provide shelter
for their stock and are too penurious
to do so.
Hay is ill demand here and several
of our farmers have a lot to sell now.
The social party at W. Armstrong's
on Saturday night, was a success and
all had a line time.
Miss Alice Bitter is homo for a few
days. She is teaching tho Concord
school near Milwaukee.
Ben Wolfor was calling at Oglesby's
Bill i'ish of Paradise City gives
this description of his city: "Mayor
John Taylor lives in his fine bungalow
at the corner ot First and Main
streets. Oitv Marshal Leaoh lives on
Second and Mam and is at all times
on duty. Bill Fish's residence looked
like a Japanese man-of-war during tho
snow storm, with throo smokestacks
working at their greatest capacity.
Bill win chief llreman. Pat McUill
was kept busy keeping up steam in
his shack and IMr. Cooper was trying
to keep tho streets passable, but found
it a hard job.
Tho snow
Our school started last Monday with
Miss Etliul Strong of Marquam as
Ed MeFarhiue's new residence is
liearing completion.
J. I Sharp, who hail the misfortune
to fall over a wash boiler ami seri
ously injure his back, is, we aro glad
to report, improving nicely at the
present writing. '
Sam Hammer, tlio real estate ageut
rrom boons Wills, transacted busi.
ness In our community one day last
0. O. Vorhies made a dying trip to
tho Russellvillo couutry one day last
Miss Dora Wyland was visiting her
siBter lioar Scotts Mills a few davs
Still tho real estate transfers go on.
The Bnrstou place changed hands last
Friday, a Portland concern being the
Mr. Pitman of Snniiysido, Washing.
ton, is visiting his father iu this suc
tion. Omer Williams wag doing business
in Molalla one day last week.
A. M. Oroshong aud Mrs. J. I.
Sharp transacted business at the coun
ty seat last week.
The promised bill in tho legislature
to tax old bachelors, we think, would
be a valuable law especially iu this
locality, as old bachelors and widows
The people here have enjoyod ten
days of good sleighing, hut the warm
winds and rain have melted tho snow
Mrs. Albert Welch is on tho Bick
list, but is reported as being some
Mrs. James Wilson has rented her
farm instead ot sidling it, hs was re
ported. M. Anderson has sold forty acres of
land to Mr. Ilenricksen.
Mr. and Mrs. Hock were visiting at
Mrs. Kettle's one day lust week.
Mr. aud Mrs. Arohio Young and
baby are visiting Mrs. Young's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Woli'm-nn.
Tho snow was heavv enough to
break a twenty-foot section of D.
Vinsant's barn.
The stork visited Damascus airain.
The snow being so deep, be left two
babies with Mr. and Mrs. John John
son, instead ot one.
(Too late for Inst issue)
Tho basket social that was post
poned on account -of the storm will
not be given until the storm breaks.
If it does by Thursday, it w ill be bold
Saturdavy evening, and if not, the
following Saturday.
John Davis was injured seriously by
a kick in the faoe from a vicious
horse, and is now in the Good Samar
itan Hospital. He expects to bo Home
in two weeks. His jaw bone was
broken and his face was badly
The young people are enjoying tho
sieigning opportunity and coasting
down the hills.
tion will have a business meeting
dohate and program at the Firwood
Hall Saturday at 8 n. in., January 23.
Subject, "Resolved that the public
fcoii.juiH mourn adopt a course in agri
culture "
Tho welcome "so'wester'
nice warm
us of our
brought on its wings a
rain lias almost robbed
blanket of enow.
Mr. Bullou of Rainier, Washington,
was visiting frionds iu this vicinity
Miss Nina Heacock has again re
sumed her school work, and those
who have met her sinco need not be
told that her heal h is very much im
proved. B. F. Hart of Moutavilla visited
this part of the county Thursday uud
b nrhiy.
Usually a surprise is on tho one for
whom tho party is given, but last
week the tables were turned. A party
of'JyoDiig folks gathered at the resi
dence of E. D. Hart and shortly after
they wero seated MIbs Ldora Milliron
walked into the room, coming as it
aimost seemed, direct from Califor
nia, for uouo of the company had yet
nearu or nor return.
The Firwood Progressive
To Measure the Wood la a lot
About the best method for the tie
termination of the amount of cord
wood that cap ho obtaiued from a log
is as iouows:
In smooth, straight-uplifting timber,
a log four leet in diuuieter and four
feet long would mako one-halt cord of
wood, as after it is split it will pile
up enough to make the srjuaro of the
diameter of the log ; 4x4 equals 10
toet, and fuch a log 12 foet long
would niakd three cuts or one and one
half cords. In rough, knotty wood,
it will pile up slightly moro, .but the
method is fairly correct, bark includ
ed, for any timber. Formula would
be 4x4x12 equals 1!)2 d'vidod by 128
equals ono and one-half cords. For
Ki-incii stove wood. 4x4x13 equals 1113
divided by 43 pquals four and a half
Rutabagas and Wurzels.
Rutabagas contain 1 per cent di
gestible protein, 8.1 per cent carbo
hydrates and 0.2 per cent fat. Mangel
wurzels contain 1.1 per cent of pro
tein, 5.4 percent oirhohvdratt s and
0.1 per cent fat. They each contain
about the sauio per cent of protein,
but the rutabaiias contain more carbo-
hydarates, as you will notice by the
analysis. Dairymen would therefore,
in balauoing the rations for their
cattle use something with a greater
I per cent or carbohydratos with the
Associa-1 wurzels than with the rutab igas.
My son Rex was taken down a year ago with lung trouble. We
doctored some months without improvement. Then I began giving
Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better.
I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly
well and works every day. MRS SAMP. RIPPEE, Ava, Mo.
50c AND $1.00
'f eat
A 4
; Fx tTu7UJ
Means an increased yield of
Fruit - therefore increased profits
( ' ' II
tNs4J3$ (ft ; tiidiJMt Vim
The pumps shown cm this page are but
two of the many different styles made
by the F. E. Myer's Co. The fact that
these pumps are used and indorsed by
- many leading orchardists seems to in
dicate the universal satisfaction they
are giving. They are made to with
stand hard usage and we guarantee
them to be as represented, the best on
the market.
n"""' -"ft WTBLTia
wisliestolioeome a member ho shall
pay the asNoeiiition $7 anil furnish bis
own instrument and attach ou the as
sociation's line, then pay $'3 per year
switch fee that jjoes to the switch
tender This entitles one to a froo
exchange over nil Mutual divisions.
We are irhul to hoar that J. W.
Smith was iu-iippointotl road super
visor of our district.
Who says it wasn't cold iu our burn
lust week? Everybody seemed to en
joy themselves as long as tho snow
Anybody who had any hogs or veal
to sell iu tho hist week or so realized
quite a good piotit. Hogs brought S'j
cents, veul whs 10 and 11 cetits, w hile
butler fat is worth JiU cents a pound
delivered at Uanby. Since too Wash
ington Creamery of Portland has pot
a test station at Canbv. almost everv-
liody is taking cream thero. Every
one can see their cream weighed and
tested and know what they are get
ting for every can.
What is the matter with the now
railroad ? We all expected to see cars
running by this tune.
J. L. lloskinsou, editor of the Can
by and Willamette Valley Irrigator,
was in our burg on a business trip
The Macksburg Mutual Tcliphone
Association hold its annual meeting
Monday, January It, lUO'J. The fol
lowing olhccrs vcro elected to serve
one year: J. W. Smith, president;
J. P. Hole, vice president; J. K.
Wells, secretary ; O. G. Morris, treas
urer. U 1C. litiwcn -was elected di
rector to serve three years. It was
decided at the meeting to reduce the
share from 13.,"0 to f If a person
The snow has about all disappeared.
J. F. Dowty and F. E. Uowty of
Mere Station, loaded wood for the
Hawthorne Fuel t'ompiiny of Port
land, Friday.
Smiley Lovelace vras out from Esta
cada visiting with his wife last Fri
day evening. He returned Saturday
Mamie Itioplo was visiting at John
Githeus' over Sunday.
liotiert Marehbutik of Estacada was
seen on our streets Friday.
Mis Mary Erickson visited iu Port
land over Suuday with friends.
Ed Douglas and wife attended the
nance at liui ton, Saturday evening.
Ihe schools were closed last week
on account of ths snow.
Chas. Kitchen was the guest of
Miss iiiivr of Estacada over Sunday.
Miss Hazel Uithens and Mr. Ernest
Douglas took in tho light lantastio at
Kartell Saturday eveuing.
Kobcrt Marchliaiik ami Miss Mabel
Linn attended the dance at Spruig
water Friday evening.
Koell Savior makes trips to Oregon
City every two weeks. Wo wonder
w hv.
Brave Fire buddies
often receive severe bums, putting
out tiros, thou i.so Unction's Arnica
Sahe aud forgot them. It hiuu drives
out. pain, ior Inmis, scalds, rounds,
cuts and bruises it is earth's greatest
healer. Quickly cures skin eruptions,
oid sores, boils, ulcers, felons; best
pile cure made. Kclief instaut. 23c
Ht Jones' drug store.
Tho most of our beautiful snow is
gone and there is au excess of water,
as all the small streams are Bwoileu
and in some places have broken out.
In spite of this it seouis real good to
see old mother earth again with tho
green grass springing up. The grass
never stopped growing while it was
hid by its snowy covering.
Mr. and .Mi. Win. Melton visited
at tho homo of l!ev. Quiim a few days
A groat many enjoyed the preaching
by Elder TrulliiiL'er at the Dart M. E.
cnurch last Sunday.
Tucre will bt preaching by J. II.
yuinii at tlio Teazel Creek church
next Sunday All aro cordially in
vited to attend.
Mrs. Joe Simmons is up and around
the bouse again, but is not able to do
any work as yet.
Farmers have turned their attention
from sleds tu farming implements,
and are getting ready for spring plow
ing and seeding.
Have the ro.uis'iiuy bottom in them?
Ask Francis ijuinu how deep he wont
down w hen ho went to get his load of
nay ami perhaps ho can give you the
Don't Take the Kisk
When yon have a bad cough or cold
do not let it drag along until lit be
comes chtouie bronchitis or develops
into au attack of pneuuiouia, but give
it the attention it deserves aud get
rid of ic. Take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy ami you are sure of prompt
relief. From a small beginning the
sale and usts of this preparation lias
exteuded to all l arts of the United
States and to many foreign countries.
Its many remHrknhlu cures of coughs
aud colds hiivo won for it this wide
reputation and extensive use. Sold
by Hum lev lircs.. Oregon Citv and
Oregon City Courier will furnish your
stationery at the lowest possible cost. '
The beautiful snow lias left us, and
tlio fields aro green again.
The Molalla rivor is quite full, al
most as full as some of our law
makers at Salem.
Master Earl Rnd Miss Ollie Hall are
stopping with O. T. Kay aud family
this winter.
Now that the ground can be soon
we will soon be reminded of return
ing iirasperity by tho sound of the
null whistles and croakine of thn
donkey team.
K. H. Sliodgragg nnsserl thromrb
i. i ...
io u nouiiesuay with a crew of men
to drive shingle bolts.
Ailkius Bros, are improving tho
time by running logs while the water
is good.
Mr. Wilson returned homo from !
Viola iriday, where he lias been for
some time engaged iu the milling
D. R. Boinikee and wife aro visitinu
Il .li ... i , .. "
ur. ria u mm ianniy.
Prof. Dibble has gone to Salem,
where he expects to attend nnrmiil
school and occasionally look in ou
the law-makers, give them a few
pointers aud mane himself useful iu
various other ways until February 15,
when lie. will return to District No.
11, take up the birch aud proceed to
straighten out the olive branches aud
gladden the parental hearts.
O. T. Kay made a business trip to
the mill in tne south part of town, re
turniug home Sunday aiternoou iu
time to entertain companv.
Sleighriding was all right iu its
time, but it is decidedly out of
fashion now.
Archie McCord of Oreeou Citv has
moved to town aud is stoniiina for
the present in the rlut form -rlv occu
pied by Mr. Tisoii. Mr. McCord will
manipulate the levers for the South
Side Milling Co.
ness, dally profits, $5.00 to $10, par
ticluars free, write today. B. F.
Loos Co., Des Moines, Iowa tf
Once more we are permitted to see
the gronud, which has been covered
with snow to a depth of about, 12
inlielios for about eleven days. Part
of the time tho weather "was very
cold, being about 0 above zero. Peo
ple wont about just the same as usual,
though the mail has beon very irreg
ular. We hope for bettor weather for
, the mail business.
I Mrs. Ramsey is on the sick list now,
i although it is bad weather in which
to be sick.
I Some cattlemen are now gathering
m their scattered stock. The snow
was not so deep in the mountains as
Mr. Voorhies underwent a misfor
tune "with his gasoliiie engiue re
cently. When he left " off work the
water by some means failed to all run
out aiid it froze np and cracked a
part of his machine. Ho thinks it
can ho clasped and drawn together.
Fall-sown grain was so well covered
that it was well protected from the
inclement weather. All hope this j
will be the last cold spell.
. Mr. Lehman, our mill man took
advantHge of time and hauled several
sled loads of oats while the roads
were covered with snow.
There wore many tons of snow
shoveled off t he barns and other build
nigs, aud still some structures went
down under tho weight of snow on
Some horses havo been sick with the
blind staggers since the dry cold
weathoc came upon us.
This is a country covered with tim
ber, but tho cold suap caught many
almost out of fire-wood although
some had plenty cut hi the timber.
It is reported that, Mr. Perry Buck
lior, who had a stroke of paralysis
some time auo, has tint been so well
in the last tow weeks us ho was some
time ago.
Peter Boyles hauled sixteen hun
dred pounds of hay, with his mules
nnd a sled, from John Cole's. Ho
mado tho trip in less that a day, a
distatioe of 10 miles.
Mis. Wiugliolu's dairy is Tunning
full blast, rolling out tho buttor iu
good shape.
Mr. Wtugfleld still wants to sell his
farm Biid stock of cattle. '
Look out for a flood like 18iJ2, which
suDiuorgen nair ot uregon City.
Married, at tho residonne of tho
bride's parents, uoar Estamida, on
January 17th, Miss Freda Duris and
Norval L. Ki reborn. Engle Creok's
loss is Logan's gain, as tliey will re
side ou Mr Kirehem's farm here.
We extend congratulations and best
wishes for a long and happy lifo.
Most of our tanners have boon tak-
ing an inventory of stock to see what
daniiigo was done by the froezo-up
and no very sorions damage was re
ported. Some potatoes wore nipped
anil some canned fruit damaged.
Mahals A. Gill and her brother at
tended Pomona grange at Oswego dur
ing the cold snap. There was a dance
at Gill's hall on the Kith aud a good
time is reported.
Now the sleighs will bo laid aside
until tho next time and then they will
be out of commission.
Stomach and Liver Trouble Cured
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures
stomach and liver trouble as it aids
digestion, aud stimulates the liver and
bowels without irritating those or
gans like pills nnd ordinary ca
thartics. It cures indigestion and
sick headache and chronio constipa
tion. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup
does not nauseate or gripe and is mild
and pleasant to take. Refuse sub
stitutes. Jones Drug Co.
Experiments With
Cholera Vaccines.
Two Hog
Witli the interests of the American
farmer nnd stock-raiser at heart,
James Wilson, Secretary of Agricul
ture resent ly mado extensive tests; of
Uruschottini Hog gUholeia Vaccine,
and also Bruschettiiii Hog Cholera
and Swiiio Plasun Serum. The re
sult of these experiments was that
hogs treated with either of thorn and
then exposed to the cholera became
affected with the disease in the usual
length of time and diod, which tests
indicate that uoitlmr of the remedies
are reliable
Cured Hemorrhages of tile Lungs
"Several years since my Inngs wore
so badly affected that I had many
hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ako, of
Wood, Iud. "I took treatment with
several physicians without any bene
fit. I then started to take Foley's
Honey aud Tar, and my lungs are
now as sound ns a bullet. I recom
mend it iu advnuced shines of lung
trouble." Foley's Honey and Tar
stops tho cough and heals the lungs,
and prevents, serious results from a
cold. Refuso substitutes. Jones
Drug Co.
Great bargain sale at J. Levitt's.
$20,000 stock will be sacrificed. Look
for the green signs.
The only favor we ask is
J? that you compare prices
and goods. Our house
is headquarters for dishes ft
crockery and granite t
opposite the court house.
Our shipment of Calendars for 1909 has been delayed
and we will probably not receive them before the 10th
or 12th of January. The delay being unavoidable
we can only express our regret, and ask our friends to
be patient with us, assuring them that the calendars
will be distributed at the earliest possible moment after
their arrival..
The Bank of Oregon City
17 ij
A'k your OruirrM for CTTI-CHRS TER'S
J. jT"" in Rko r.mi
Colo mclal'.i!: lioics. scaled ni;h B'uct
Ribbon. Takb KO I.TDFR. tiTrTn
DIAMOND BKANII Pll l fr ........
years rejrardcU aj Best, Safest. A!wav Reliable i
and CURE the LUNGS
Dr. King's
New Discovery
n i iinn
OLDS Trial Bottle Free