Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 11, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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i V
Irvin Wheeler's mother lias moved
into her new honse.
Houry Smith has moved into the
house lately vacated by Mrs. wneeier.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dan.
iels. a son.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fellows,
a daughter.
'Bnd Hilton is working for Mr.
Irvin Wheolor Is engaged at present
in the insurance business.
. Wurroti Kendall is working in town,
Harvey Bissel, who lias been work
ing in Eastern Oregon, has returned
to Jus limine m Uanby
Leu lliggs and wile called on John
Burns and wife a low (lays ago.
Ralph Kuiglit had some folks ont
looking at JUcUorbett's place a snort
time aco.
We have been informed that James
Adkins is thinking of putting np an
other sawmill at Mulino.
Mr. Porter is kept busy most of the
time hauling freight.
fiosooe Mack has a fine display of
Christmas toys in his store.
We are woll pleased with the Cour
ier magazine.
The Molalla river is very low for
this time of the year.
We are having plenty of cold, frosty
weather, and it makes the cmpmunKS
and gray squirrels stay out of sight.
. Lester Loland and family of Port
land, who wore visiting Mr. Mont
gomery of this vicinity, returned
home Monday.
Several young men of this commun
ity were terribly surprised one night
last week on their leturn from Oregon
City and they woro suddenly awak
ened when ten gallons of gasoline ex
ploded. Thoy woro pretty flacky, as
only one of them was hurt, and his
injuries are not serious.
- A very pleasant evening was spent
at the home of William Q. Randall,
Saturlay evening, Doc. 5th, when
about forty friends surprised Miss
Kate Hass With a miscellaneous
shower. Many handsome and useful
presents were rocoived. JJAf ter several
unique games wore played, a dainty
luncheon was servod. The guests all
onjoyod the evening and expressed
thoir bost wishes for the bride to bo.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Randall, Mr.
aii'l Mrs. L. Crawford and baby,
Mrs. Montgomery, Geo. Randall
and Miss Hans and Lestor Leland and
family wore visitora at Gilbert Ran
dall's Sunday.
I We are very sorry that Mrs. Givens,
who was to teach in sohool district
63, will not be able to teach, on ac
count of sicknoBS.
J. Shannon of Oregon City was ont
to his raii'di recently attending to
some business. '
D M. Sputa and Will JonoB were
at Willamette visiting friends a few
days ago.
(Jlydo Anderson and Fred Bohlander
attended the dance at Highland Sat
urday night.
Mis. Nollio Montgomery and daugh
ter are visiting the former's aunt,
Mrs. F. Henrioi, for a couple of
Henry Riohtor went to New Era
Sunday to visit his parents.
Ed Jones is bnsy clearing stumps
for V. Bohlander.
Miss Millie urim attended tho ba?
kot social at Twilight last Saturday
George Holman is busy plowing and
sowing on George Station's farm,
whioti he iias rented for five years.
Mr. Parry was busy digging his
carrots lust wook.
Fred Htoiuer has sold his stoam
wood saw to the Morgan brothers of
II. Honriol bought a thonsaiid fence
posts from Win Jones and is busy
hanling them.
Win. Horman and O. Stoinor took a
fishing trip to the mountains last
week. They report a good time and
lots of trout.
E. Ilornscliuoh is putting the finish
ing touch to the rock road by J.
Steinor's farm.
Word was received from Rev. M ar
shall of Illinois that ho intended to
leave with his family by Dooeuibor 8
for Oregon Oily, where he intends, to
tako cliargo of tho Congregational
clinrch of Beaver Creek.
The wedding bolls will soon ring in
our Burg again.
Last Sunday wan tho most gloomy
day o"f tho season so far, as tho fog
settled down so thick it made one
think of the old snylng that wo neod
ed a butcher knife to cut through It.
We thank tho Kusyollvillo corres
pondent for the description of his
travel. Would llkb it if ho would
give us a more mlnule description at
his next writing, as we are Interested
in travel, also In good dinners, which
ho mentions. We congratulate him
for the enjoyment in general.
The grippe is at 111 holding sway.
Mrs. and Miss IIoshIo Qtilnn are the
victims this week as this pluguo is
no respecter of persons. It takes
hold of tho only cooks of the house
hold, leaving poor helpless men to
scratch for their own picking, which
Is so trying on those who are not
skilled in the nrt of cooking.
Our community was shocked Inst
Friday on learning that Freeman
Austin, a former resident of Molalla,
had passed nway, dying at Tho Dalles.
Ills body was brought home and laid
to rest beside his father In the Clack
amas County cemetery. Mr. Austin
leavos a mother, five sisters and two
brothers to mourn his untimely death
besides a host of friends. Ho was a
true, dovoted son to a widowed moth
er. Rev. Qiilnn conducted tho ser
vice. Willie Qulnu met with a painful
nccldent lust Sunday evening by a
horse falling with him and breaking
his leg just above the ankle. Drs.
Powell & Towell woro called and
soon reduced the fracture and he Is
now getting nlong nicely.
Clear Creek.
Frank Mattoon is the biggest man
in town. It's a 10-pound girl, arrived
Wednesday morning, November 2.
Dr. Sommor attended. All are doing
J. II. Balrd lost a large 20x30 waKon
sheet or stack cover while driving
from Oregon City on the Ahernetliy
jroad, somewhere within a mil of
town. Mr. Balrd would be very
thankful to recover the missing ar
ticle. W. H. Brown has a bad hand, caus
ed by blood poisoning. A mere scratch
on the hand started the trouble, but
he Is getting on well under the care
nt Tir Mnnnt.
We hear rumors of petitions for
road supervisor. If there is an-"
who has a desire
Is your chance by
put in as road ovc
always picked, and sometimes they
ueea lc.
Feed being so high this winter.
some or tne dairymen are buylne al
falfa meal as a substitute for bran.
One room of the Springwater school
closed a few days last week on ac
count of the sickness of their
teacher. Miss Erma Shibley, but she
has resumed her duties again.
A small barn located on the Shank
place in Redland burned down last
Thursday. The fire was supposed to
have been caused by tramps.
The funeral services of Mr. Jacob
Gerber, Sr., of Sellwood, who died
Sunday, the Cth Inst., were held at
the cemetery on Arthur's Prairie,
Tuesday at 12 o'clock, conducted by
Rev. Coleman of Estacada. Mr. Ger
ber was the father of Jacob Gerber
of Viola and Samuel and Fred Ger
ber of Logan. He was well known
throughout this portion of the coun
ty, having spent many years as a res
ident of the Logan community. De
ceased would have been 78 years old
the latter part of this month. A wife
and three children remain to mourn
his loss.
A meeting of the stockholders of
the Clear Creek Mutual Telephone
Co. has been called to take place at
the Logan Grange Hall on Monday,
the 21st of December, at 10 o'clock.
The main purpose of the meeting is
to levy an assessment. This is the
first assessment the company has
ever made. Owing to the extra ex
pense of making a metallic line to
Oregon City and other general re
pair work, it has become necessary
to replenish the treasury, and if a
liberal assessment is made it will not
likely have to be repeated again for
several years.
C. C. Miller of Viola intends to
move In a short time to Sllverton to
do mill work. We hope this is not
a permanent move for C. C. will be
greatly missed in this community.
Saturday was the lucky day' for
Robert Engle and Mr. Cutting, who
were chasing coyotes with their fam
ous dogs. They started a coyote near
Mr. Wlngfleld's farm and chased him
two circles around this country, and
on the third round the coyote was
overtaken by a shot from a 30-30
which took effect in one of his hind
quarters and disabled him so that the
dogs soon picked him up and put an
end to his thieving. We hope that
they may have the luck to kill coy
otes until there will not be one left
to give their usual howl. Who will
take the next scalp?
O. S. Doyles Is still Improving his
place by building sheds to his barn
and a woodshed and well-house to his
T. B. Trullinger has sold 1C50 lbs.
of Italian prunes. Portland was his
market place nearly forty miles
.Kethly Qulini made his sister, Mrs.
G. W. Wlngfleld, a visit a few days
John Trullinger expects to Btart to
eastern Oregon in the near future.
Mr.' Lehman Is doing some fine work
opening a new road. He has grubbed
the whole forty feet of road width.
There Is another road that needs the
Professor Rands of Oregon City was
surveying In town a couple of days
last week.
Mr. Dennlson Is fencing the Greek
Addition in the northeast part of
town, where the Greek camp fires
have been burning for the last few
Mr. Schaffer Informs us that he will
hitch up his donkey team and go ot
logging after Christmas.
Rumor has It that the Meadowbrook
scribe takes two days each week to
tat lk about his neighbors; but who
believes Idle rumor?
W. S. Ramsley was In town the
first of the week looking over some
vacant lots and negotiating with Mr.
Schaffer for lumber. Mr. Ramsley
may do some extensive building next
O. T. Kay has been on the sick list
for the last few days and Is not much
Improved at the present time.
Wo have just closed the books after
holding the 31st Presidential election.
Congress has convened and the Can
non boometh.
If some good man (a republican
preferred) would come to town with
a good woodsaw he could do a rush
ing business.
A. L. Larklns made a business trip
to town In the interest of the town
J. W. Standinger has his gasoline
All the Gold
Could not Buy-
Rodlni. x Autul IT, 1M.
Hum 1 0. DiWitt Oo.,
Ohleat. Ilia.
In I SA7 I had adlieaeeaf theetomaoh
andbowele, Some phyaldane told mall wai
Dy iwili, torn Ooneumpdon of the Lunge,
othara Mia ooneumptlon ol the Bowele. On
phyelclen uld I would not U until Sprtnf ,
and tor lour lone yeare I exleted on lltut
boiled milk, eoda blioultt, doctor,' prcrlp
Uoni and Dyepepela remedlee (hat flooUed
th market. I oould not dlgtM anything
I at, and In th Sprtnf 190S I plokad up
on of your Almanao at a poor amaslatM
Dyipapila wrtck will (rup at anything, and
that Almanao happtnvd to b my Ufa taw.
I bought a fifty cant bottlt of KODOL DYS
PEPSIA OUR 8 andthabanrftl I racalyed
from that tx.lt I ALL THB OOLD IN
taking It and In two month I want back to
my work, at a maohlnitt, and In thr month
I wai well and haarty, I tlll uiaa little oo
oatlonaily at I Bnd K a fin blood purifier
nd a good tonlo.
Hay you U r long end protptr.
Your Try truly,
This is only a sample of
the great good that is
dally dono everywhere by
Kod o 1
for Dyspepsia.
Throughout the United States there are . many farms that are not
named, and the Courier believes that it is just as important that the farms
should be named as it is important tha the various business houses are
named. Give your farm a name. Fill out this coupon, and send it to the
Oregon City Courier, and your farm name will be placed on the Courier
Registered list of Farms. The name sent in will be published together
with the name of the proprietor. Use coupon below.
$ Name of -farm ,. ,. . . $
Proprietor " a
S Address , ' a,
engine riEced out and Is now rea,iv
for business.
Mr. and Mrs. Rtanrllne-Ar nnr! familv
called on Mr. and Mrs. Crain Sunday
The latest nrosneritv news we hnva
heard says the Boutwell Barlow mill
win resume after Christmas.
Professor Dibble authorizes us to
say that he expects to go to see his
best girl Christmas.
Miss Griffith and Miss Pnlhersnn
of Portland, are holding meetings in
the Free Methodist church.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Wilcrrr tinvo on
eight-pound boy. He arrived last
Miss Trulllneer snent Satnrrl nv nun
Sunday with friends at Eagle Creek.
Mr. Hendrickson and family are
moving to their now home on thn
Newton place.
Mr. and Mrs. Sink havo rntnrnprl
from their visit to Yamhill County
If yot are not getting what yo consider
yo shoald from yoar land, yog may de
pend gpon it yoar plow is partly to blame
for it. The best way to get jar ge crops
is to cse
These Plows are bcilt right. They.will do
what we claim for them the first day they
are osed and they will do it even -better
ten years after that day. They have been
called the plow a man can poll because
they are light draft. Do not kill yoar
horses on a heavy palling plow.
Implements and
Portland, Oregon
Geo. E. Ilarnreaves, agent for the
Oregon Fire-Relief Association, was
In our town one day last week solicit
ing for his company.
Cllhertson Brothers have com
menced work on a modern cottage at
the corner of Main and Second
Charles Harding has finished mar
keting his onion seed. Mr. Harding
raised COO bushels off a small tract
of land.
W. I). Toll shipped three cars of
lumber last week.
Miss Mabel Seward, a teacher at
Union Hill district, called on some of
her old friends In Harlow last Sun
day. Mrs. V. Werrlster, of Aurora, vis
ited with Grandma Quint one day last
Leonard Parnienter has returned
from Seattle, Wash., where he has
been working the last four months.
Mr. Perln and family of Molalla
visited Mr. and Mrs. Newton Satur
day. Mrs. ,T. J. Wurfiil was In Portland
on business Saturday.
Miss llesslo Sheppard was a Port
land visitor Monday.
Mr. Wratstod has moved to his new
house on his farm north of town.
Mr. Wralsted was the architect, car
penter and builder, and the structure
Is not only a house for comfort but a
very neat, attractive residence.
Tho Zlon Ladles' Aid Society of
the Lutheran Church will have a sale
at Columbia Hall Friday, December
IS. Refreshments) will be served.
Lost and Found.
Last Thursday afternoou while Mr.
Hansen of our towu was in the tim
ber near the Pudding river, he be
came bewildered and lost When he
did not return at dark, a searching
party started to look for him. The
party returned about midnight with-
and report a good time.
Albert Welch has just given his
house a new coat of paint.
Mr. Johnson is building a wood
Mrs. Gran and Mrs. Leigenthaler
are reported on the sick list.
Sign Your Letters.
The Courier 'requests that all com
mnnications be siened. We do not
wish to pnbilBh these signatures, but
muse Know who the writer is. and
quite often letters require an ans
wer and unless, same are signed we
are unable to determine who the
writer is. Sign your letters.
Farm Wanted.
Tile niirlersilnotl wnnfa' tn ranh a
farm of not less than 40 acres in culti
vation, and not ; more than 8 or 10
mi lea frnm mnpltiit Will m.f
shares. Addrosst M. R. KIGDEN,
MUwaume, Clackamas Co., Ore.
R. D. 1, Box 53 A.
out getting any clue to what became
of him. Friday morning the search
was renewed and he was foupd about
11 o'clock in the morning near Au
rora. Mr. Hansen is nearly 80 years
of age and has only been in Oregon a
short time.
Tho Harmony Improvement 'Society
will be eutortaiuod nxt Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Prentiss, near Ken
dall station.
The Harmony church will have a
Christmas tree Christmas eve.
The Haruirny Improvement Society
will Kivo a basket soeisl New Year's
eve, and they invite everyone to come
aud watch the old year out and the
new one in. Admission free and ro
rofshments'for pale. Every young
liuly and also the little ftirls are in
vited to bring baskets. The entertain
ment will take place in the school
It is the intentiru of the members
to break ground for a new hall for
the improvement club daring the hol
idays nud eve-y man aud hoy is invit
ed to come with team, shovel, plow,
etc., and help excavate. The ladies
will have dinner for them aud will
make a gakt day of it.
Mrs. Luther, sister of Mrs. JoliD
Davis, has moved trom Uillshoro to
Lot her station.
Niue new pupils have beeu added to
the Harmony school in the last week
aud more will enter after the holi
days. Harmony is growing aud a few
years more will witness considerable
oliauge in this district.
The Wichita people Mre preparing a
Ohristma tree and program to be
given at Jerome Avery's present home,
as the family expect to have moved
into 1heir new home by that time.
Mr .Wheleer, who bought six acres
from Mr. Garner, is having the prop
erty cleared.
' J Plow Is 1
1 Mart? I
.' "Th'eNYourSweethwllikes"
S. W. Corner J
4th and Morrison Streets
Mrs. Wheeler was taken to the hos
pital ahont a month aj?o, and is re
ported to be in a very serious condi
tion. Leslie Avery, tho you"g son of Je
rome Avery, is seriously ill with
blood poison caused by au injury to
the knee.
Weighed in the Balance
and never found wanting in either quan
tity or quality. That is what you will
say of our groceries after j-ou have test
ed them in your household.
Give us ytvHr first order aud if honesty
of weight and quality count with you we
ate sure of many others hereafter.
New season goods arriving daily.
New Walnuts, Almonds, Tecans, Fil
berts, Raisins, Currants and Figs.
Home-Made Mince Meat.
The Seventh Street Grocer.
' . w
Case Fi
P II ;',
is! afm
ARE MADE L itfj l I
I I j
There is an air about this store
that seems to win prestige-rper-haps
its our prices or the ex
cellence of our styles and the
good cloth that is in the gar
ments. Special values in Suits and Over
coats, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00
and $25.00.
"BROOK HATS" The peer of ali
$3.00 Hats.
To the Editor of the Courier, and I Want
the People of Oregon City to Know that
I Wrile the Following Voluntarily.
Harry L. Goodlel.
I write these few lines ont of grati
tude for what Mi-o-ua has done for
me for dyspepsia and indigestion.
I have Buffored for the past five
years aud have tried different doctors,
but have had no relief until I bought
afiO oont box of Mi-o-ua from our
drug store (R. W. Knowlton's) here
a short time ago.
The first box did me so much good
that I immediately purchpsed another
one, aud now I feel better than I have
at any time in the past five years.
Am able to eat anything aud every
thing, aud get a good night's sleep
Was so bad at one time that all I
was able to eat for over a month was
a raw egg in a half a glass of milk,
two or three times a day.
I would earnestly advise anyone
suffering as I was from dyspepsia to
give this remedy a fair trial. I re
main gratefully yours, Harry L.
Goodiol, No. V4 River St., Astabnln,
Mi-o-na is the ruly logical dyspop
sia remedy on the market today. It is
not a digester. It does not oontain a
particle ot pepsin. It cures by build
ing np the mnsculnr walls of the
stomach, and making the stomach so
strong and perfect that it is ablo
without artificial help to digest an
oridnary meal with ease and without
The experience of Mr. Goqdiel is a
common one, and it is snfo to eif that
Mi-o-na tablets have cured more acute
aud chronic diseases of the stomach
than any other medicine. Jones Drug
Co. soils it at r0 cents a box, and
guarantees it to cure or money back.
Members of the legislative ' com
mittee of the Oregon Good Roads As
sociation and State Grange, appointed
at a largely attended state conference,
have gone to Portland to spend a full
day, for the third tiuio in the past
two months, in order that they might
agree upon such a bill as could be
brought before the legislature and be
come a law withont unnecessary de
lay. Medicine That Is Medicine.
"1 have suffered a good deal with
malaria and stomach complaints, but
I have now found a remedy that keeps
me well, and that remedy is Kleotrio
Bitters; a medicine that is medicine
for stomach and liver troubles and for
rnn-down conditions," says W. O.
Kiestler, of Halliday, Ark. .Eleetrio
Bitters purify and enrich the blood,
tone np the nerves, and impart vigor
Biid energy to the weak. Your money
will be refunded 'it it fails to help
yon. 50o at Jones Drug Co. 's drug
D. C. LATOURETTE, President
(Successor to Commercial Bank)
Transact a General Banking Business. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m
To The Old Country
' The Christmas season being near at "hand
you may want to send a remembrance to
"The Old Folks at Home" and there is
nothing that makes more acceptable
present than an order for money. We
issue such orders payable in any desired
part of the old country and will be pleased
to attend to your wants in that line j jt
UTe Bank of Oregon City
Portland; Oregon
Insare in the
Conservative, Strong, Safe,
Prompt and Cheap
Should there be no local
agent write to
565 East Yamhill St.
Hnblte IWttvolj Cared.
Only iiithorize.1 Keclt'y In
tltute in Oregun. Writ i
for illustrated rijvulsr.
and CURE the LUNGS
Dr. ling's
New Discovery
run r yyj?ra . oo , i..
OLDS Trial Bottle Free
First Class Barber Stiop
New location 405 Seventh St.
Oregon City, Oregon
Shaving 15c Haircutting 25c
No extta charge for neck shave
Fine Bath in Connection 25c
Best equipped hydrolic chairs, complete
sanitation, courteous treettnent, expert
The Seventh Street Barber Shop
W. C. GREEN, Prop.
F. J. MEYER, Cashier