Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 26, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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McCall's Magazine
Royal Worcester Corsets
KCShG Corsets
Kayser Cloves
Plamate Shoes
Carlson Currier Silks
Sorosis Petticoats
McCaU's Patterns
Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoes
Red Cross Shoes
Florsheim Shoes
Dorothy Dodd Shoes
Plamate Shoes
Red School House Shoes
Stein-Bloch Clothing
With unsurpassed stocks that t!p the acme of excellence and completeness: with values that show unanswerable reasons why this store should be foremost in your mind. There will be no diver
sity of opinion regarding the decisive and superior worthfulness of this merchandise offering. Here is real Price and Quality magnetism. The opportunity of the year for buying seasonable and styl
ish wearing apparel for women and children. Every visitor has bought, which proves that women believe what we have said about the importance of our sales, and when they came discovered that
we really didn't say enough; didn't tell half the story of the immense varieties and sensational values. All ready for another busy week-Just as good and even better bargains than during the past week
Ladies' White Dress Skirts. Joiit
received 50 White Dress Skirts made
of good quality material, cut good
and f nil $1.60 ench. Others up to
13.00 paoli.
Protty cross bar lawn waists, also
neat stripes in all colors; soiuo have
separate linen collar and cuffs em
broidered in colors; others have laun
dered collar and cnffs trimmed with
straps in contrasting colors. We have j
never men such exquibite waists sold
at this price. The materials, trim
mings, stylos and workmanship are of
the kind.thut usually go into the high
Teazel Creek,
Mrs. C. E. Dart has been very sick
with tonsiUtis, but is reported some
Mrs. Frank McLearen, of Wilholt,
passed through here last Monday en
route for Oregon City.
Rev. Quinu preached to an Interest
ed audience latit Sunday at Molalla at
11 o'clock, his subject being "Paul's
Mr. and Mrs. Qulnn took dinner
with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moore, of Mo
lulla Sunday.
People are again flocking to Wil
hoit as the weather -is getting settlod
Grandma Dnrt has been quite poor
ly lately and does not seem to improve
with the summer weather.
Horn, to the wifa.of Wm. Moohnke,
a (laughter.
Tho rock crusher will be moved on
Mr. Hollman's place this week.
Miss Elnora Ginther, who has been
teaching school at Marquam, came
home Saturday.
Archie, the 12-year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Cummins, was kicked
by a horse last Monday evening crack
ing his skull and breaking tho bridge
of his noso. Dr. Mount was called
and did what he could. The boy Is In
a critical condition.
- Mr. Cummins took his wife to Ore
gon City again, as the trouble with her
eyes took a turn for tho worse.
In spite of the stormy weather Sat
urday evening, the school houso was
crowded. All or the children corrlod
out thoir parts well. W. W. H. Sam
son, sold tho baskets. Tho net pro
ceeds for the evonlng amounted to a
neat sum.
The Shubel baseball team gave a
dance at the Boaver Creok hall last
Friday evening. They sold 42 num
bers, netting $22, which very nearly
puts tliom out of debt. Tho team will
ho re-organized this week.
Tho question of tho day: "Whore
aro you going to spend your. Fourth?"
The answer usunlly Is, at Clnrkes, of
The heavy rain of tho past week Is
George C. Brownell
Vv 1
V-r . .. .
:j I'
Baths Fridays, Saturdays and by Request
From Oregon City '4 miles ; From Gladstone 2 miles ; From Portland 12 miles
A 4.4 .44 M
AutomoDiie win meet
pfione Calls. Ptone Farmers 26 A. ElYlLIYdUll, 11 Up.
Very special at $1.25.
Ladies' and children's elastic Hose
Supporter, best quality elastic. Per
pair 15o.
Draperies of exceptional merit at
extremely low price.
Scotch Laoe Curtains of good strong
washable net in a large selectiou ot
patterns, full width, extra long per
pair $1.50
Dotted Swiss and fancy figured
Nets. Speoial values 10c to 25o per
Speoial 25 pairs Laoe Curtains,
good net, good flguros 50o pair.
(Limit 2 pairs to each customer. )
causing grain and grass to lodge,
which means that the crop Is quite
Miss Zilla Kirbyson was bitten in
the arm" by E. W. Hornshuh's dog last
evening. Sunday morning Mr. Kir
byson took her to Oregon City to have
a physician examine the wound.
The Best Pills Ever Sold.
"After doctoring 15 years for f hron
lc indigestion, and spending over two
hundred dollars, nothing has done me
as much good as Dr. King's New Life
Pills. I consider them the best pills
ever sold," writes B. F. Ayscue, of
Ingleslde, N. C. Sold under guarantee
at Howell & Jones drug store. 25c.
Carus, ,
Well, we are going to have a new
presidont by and by.
The crops never looked hotter than
just now at this time of year.
Ed. Brown is building a fine drier
for his fairly good prune crop.
Mr. Drlscol is putting In crop on
now ground, and is slashing lots of
John Mohan is building a fine barn.
Mr. Irish Is cultivating a fine crop of
Mr. Mills is growing a fine lot of
Mrs. Augusta Andrews and her three
children are spending a few weeks
with her father Dr. J. 8. Casto.
Mr. Davis is slashing 80 acres of
The county is working a lot of
men, building a new bridge In the can
yons on the county road. In a few
weeks this long neglected road will
he in first-class shape.
C. W. Gusto, late of Oakland, Cal
ifornia, is working for his father on
the farm, where there is always plen
ty of, work. It is expected to put in
10 acres of new land this season.
Fruit of nil kinds Is plentiful except
prunes nnd there will, he a good many
of them.
Mrs. Julia Casto is spending some
time on the,ranch with her husband.
Tho rain was timely last week. We
need a little rain every week. The
weather is ideal, and wo are insured
a good crop In this part of Clackamas
county. ''
There Is a good improved farm near
here for salo with good house and
barn, fruit and crops.' Only about one
half mile from the Casto place. Good
.- i I
prioed waists.
rrvrfmi UfJtUUiilij FT;
44 4
au i eie- a rnTPTCAM rm
Double tipped fingers. These
gloves, as everyone knows, are super
ior in every way to all other siik
gloves. Every pair guaranteed. The
maker's name is on each pair, and
evory pair warranted to fit perfeotly
$1.50 per Pair
WOMEN'S 33c and 50c NECKWEAR.
2 1 Cents
About six dozen latest style Ladies'
Collars. Some plain, some embroi-
derod. Exceptional values at 21c.
100 Suits ranging in value from
$12.00 to $16.50. Reduced to $10.00.
100 Suits. Values $17.00 to $22.50.
opening for some emigrant to get a
good start.
Clear Creek.
Fred Wilcox, Geo. Hlginbothem and
Julius Spees, who have been in attend
anme at the State Agricultural col
lege, are home through vacation. We
wish more of our country boys- and
girls could be induced to take courses
in such schools. It might help to solve
the problem of making children Con
tent to stay with the farm Instead of
seeking their fortune In the city. A
little more technical knowledge would
Improve most of us. We have got to
a place where a successful farmer
must be something more, than a clod
hopper. A large number of neighbors and
friends gathered at the home of Mr.
Fred Gerber to celebrate the wedding
of their daughter, Miss Nleta Gerber
to Thomas A. Anderson, June 18th at
high noon. The festivities were con
tinued in the evening by a gathering
of the younger people. The bride and
groom are very prominent among the
young people of their community, and
have-the hearty congratulation of all.
Lorenzo Wilson, of Oregon City,
came quietly into our midst last Sun
day and carried away one of our pret
ty girls before many were aware of
what had taken place. Miss Millie
Cox, the bride, has been Btaying with
Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes, where a
few favored friends gathered to wit
ness the ceremony performed by Rev,
J. P. Rinehart, which we hope will
make them happy ever after. After
feast of good things, the bridal pair
journeyed to Oregon City, where they
will reside. Still there is more
The meeting of the Boundary Board
to decide as to the forming of a new
school district in Redlnnd was well
attended by those interested in the
question. The matter is still under
advisement of the board.
A good hay crop seems to be sure
some pieces are lodging badly.
The Gravel Bros, have taken pos
session of the place recently bought
ot Jacob Strohacker, who Is moving
to a place near Woodburn.
William Anderson received a ser
ous fracture of the arm Monday, caus
ed by- kick by a horse. The break
Is near the elbow and it is feared may
leave a stiff arm.
Reduced to $15.00.
No old stook. Every suit this
spring's pattern and make.
All onr spring stock ot Boys' Cloth
ing reduced. Suits for boys from 3 to
14 years. We carry the "Mrs. Jaue
Hopkins" suits for boys. A written
guarantee for satisfactory wear with
each suit.
A large assortment of Wash Suits fn
plain white or colored; two-pieoe or
princess style. $3.50 to $8. 00.-
Infants' Short Dresses in a great va
riety of styles; some plain, others
Our fishermen returned from the
head waters of the Molalla and Oau
ley creek with well-filled baskets of
J. B, Yodor, who has been attend
ing O. A. O. at Corvallis the past
school year, oaine honi6 last Thurs
day. 1 Oleo Kyllo had au old-fashioned
barn raising last Monday. He. is
building quite extensively. Andrew
Kleve is doing the carpenter work.
Mrs. Harry Rittenous, of Portland,
is visiting will her parents and sister
for a few days this week.
Erio Sether was delivering fat hogs
to Rudolph Kyle at New Era last
Mrs. T. B. Yoder and children of
Portland arrived with tent aud bag
gage and expeot to camp in the neigh
borhood for Several weeks.
T.B . Lantz of Dayton, Or., made a
business trip to this vicinity last
Monday. Mr. Lantz owns a large
fruit farm on the island in the Will
amette river below Wheatland, and he
was here inspecting driers, with the
expectation of building one.
F. E. Taylor is finishing a barn on
his mother's plaoe.
Miss Florence Yoder, who has been
staying with' her. aunt, Mrs. Chas.
Ritohie, near Woodburn, is at home
Sunday at high noon at the heme of
Mr. and Mrs. Hughes was the occa
sion of a quite, wedding, the partio'
pants being Miss Millie Oox and J. T.
Wilson, of Oregon City, Kev. .Bern
hardt oeffliating. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
son will make their future home in
Oregon Oity, where Mt. Wlison is in
Geo. Hieiubothen, F. Wilcox and
Juilus'Spices have returned from the
O. A. O. to spen their vacation. All
peak highly of the O. A. O.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mosher, of Sa
lem, were visiting with the letter's
parents last week.
The hay orop will be about an av
erage one Some fields are poor,
while others are good. Recent rains
have caused some olover to lodge.
N. H. Smith will no doubt carry off
the premium for a heavy crop, to-wit:
oats, vetch aud clover, which will
probably go about four touB to the
Mr. and Mrs. F. Oruel arrived from
Monatana last Thursday and are ap
parently glad to get back to Oregon.
W. H. Bonner has purouased a new
24x50 all steel separator including
soif-feeder, blower and weigher,
Old Mother
Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard
She wanted some Flour to bake;
But so many kinds
She there did find
'Twos hard to tell which to take.
But in a corner, all by itself
Calmly reposing upon a shelf
She spied sack of
The Flour that has always stood
the test"
For baking Pies and Cakes and
The Flour that's always at the
And so she passed by all the rest
And said, "I'll take only
Every sack Guaranteed, and only
$l'35 Sack.
Main St, Oregon City.
trimmed with lace and insertion.
Priced from 65o to $3.50.
Infants' Swiss trimmed Caps 25o to
A large selectiou of Men's Work
Shirts, neat patterns. Guaranteed to
give sacisiactory service. All sizes
14 to 19.
" 50c Each
85o and 50o valnes. New patterns,
latest style four-in-hand ties. Newest
shados , . "
25c Each
MUSI C ' and
Complete Outfit
THE OUTFIT includes 1908 Model of Edison
Standard Phonograph with big horn, 12 Gold
Moulded Records-Bottle Phonograph Oil Oil Can.
Automatic brush attachment.Take n& risks Buy
only after a free trial and without expense to
Send today for Catalog, Record Lists and fall particulars of this
great offer to Coorler Readers. We can pot oat only a limited num
ber of Phonographs on this extraordinary liber 1 offer. Make yoar
application at once it places yoa ander no obligation If yoa don't
wish to bay.
I Huntley
whioh ought to bring it right up to
Mr. Beiersdorfer lias sold his nlw
on Cedar Creek to a party from Colo
rado, consideration $13,500.
P. Oruell is loo bin 2 for a t.nam Hint.
will tip the scales at aboot 82 to 84
The foreman of the loccinc nrnw at
the O. O. L. Co. oamp, while taking,
cyliuderhead on their donker.
qaently they have shut down for re.
pairs and possioly a new donkey ot
larger capacity, jvhich is needed bad
ly, will be purchased. N
A Grand Family Medicine.
"It gives me pleasure to speak a
good word for Electric Bitters,"
writes Mr. Frank Conlan, of No. 436
Houston St., New York. "It's a grand
family medicine for dyspepsia and
liver complications; while It cannot be
too highly recommended." Electric
Bitters regulate the digestive func
tions, purify the blood, and impart
renewed vigor and vitality to the
weak and debilitated of both sexes.
Sold under guarantee at Howell &
Jones' drug store. 50 cents.
Club Meeting at Milwaukee.
The Mothers' and Teachers' Club,
of Milwaukee, held Its annual' meet
ing at "The Firs," the beautiful1- su
-Cures all Kidney
The best Overall in Oregon City for
the money. Made of special grade
blue denim or Covert cloth. Double
stitched; high bib; double buckle;
six pookets.
Best quality Covert Pants with belt
Ld buckle, (luffs on bottom or plain.
$1 Pair
'Ladies' Cotton Ribbed Vests. , Low
neck and sleeveless. lOo.
Ladies' Ribbed White Lisle Vests.
Low neck ana sleeveless; high neok,
Bro's. Go.
burban home of Miss Estella Niles, at
Milwaukee Heights, on June 12th, at
which time the election of officers
took place, and were as follows: Pres
ident, Mrs. M. L. Roberts; vice-president,
Mrs. M. D. Reid; secretary, Mrs.
P. S. WIssinger; treasurer, Miss Es
tella Niles. A grand picnic was ar
ranged to take place at the Chautau
qua grounds July 14th, to which all
members are invited to be present, as
well as their families and their friends
and all are requested to bring their
lunch hasketa laden with ovwi HJn
to eat, and enjoy a pleasant outing to-
semer, uie place or gathering will
be the Federation tent at. 11 vwir
A. M., on the above date.
The club colors are scarlet and sil
ver, and each member is expected to
be decorated with emhinmo r,f thoir
membership. The following commit
tees on peunania were appointed: Mrs.
Wm. Edwards, Mrs. Hesley, Mrs. Col
by and Miss Estella Niles. This com
mittee met at the residence of Mrs.
Edwards, at Milwaukee Heights, Wed
nesday, June 16 to perfect plans.
ator. He has the windows of the
Price Kms.1 ennt'a furnishing
ltshment decorated this week in real
military StVlf rpnrespntlni' n milltorir
officer observing approaching trocps
vinii a military reporter taKlng notes,
the tent. arms, and all that m tn mito
up the field of battle. Mr. Price last
and Bladder Diseases-Guaranteed
& JONES, Reliable Druggists.
long sleeves. SOo cent values 20c
Ladies-line Lisle Vests. Low neck
and sleeveless; hand oroohet yokes.
Values $1.50; each 85o.
Children's Underwear. Light or
medium weight. Swiss ribbed cotton
Vests or Pants. Umbrella style lace
trimmed Drawers, 25o.
Just" 15 Silk Petticoats in plain
blaok, oo lor s and checks. Special
Special Offer
'-- TO THE -
Courier Readers
10 Day's Free Trial
Eight Months Credit
No Interest
The R.EXALL Druggists
Edisons - Victors - Columbias
Oregon City, Oregon.
year had a similar decoration and en
tered the contest in the Merchant's
Record publication in the window dec
orations and won fourth prize against
thousands of decorations.
ing school, has been elected princi
pal of that institution, v p Sullivan
son of Mr. and Mrs. T. .W. Sullivan,
has been elected instructor of the
school of trades. Mr. Sullivan la a
graduate of the University of Oregon,
and the position he is elected to is a
strong inaication or his ability as an
Instructor. Mrs. N. C. McAdam is
transferred from the Rmnkl
to the North Central school, Miss May
T- .. 1 1 Y-.-H! m . . ... .
n.eu.Y, ramus; miss mrriette E. Mon
roe and Miss Myrtle Shonkwiler, Haw
thorne: Arthur Yoder- V.aat Wlo-h
School; Miss Ana G. Baird, Stephens;
miss verm Monroe, Portsmouth; Miss
Kate I. Porter, Sellwood; Mrs. H. B.
Rinearson, Sellwodd; Miss Addie E.
Clark, Highland; Mias Mice Shannon,
There are many teachers from this
city who are filling positions in the
Portland schools, and all those who
taught In that city last year have
been re-elected, and Prof.-Read, prin
cipal of the Parknlaoft srhnrl fr.r .
number of years, has also been elect
ed to the position of the Glencoe
scnool. Miss Fannie G. Porter, for
many years vice-Drincinal nf tho Vn.