2 ORKGQ.W OBTV COOMBR, FEIDAV, JUNE 19, 1908 NEWS OF THE COUNTY Colton. Mr. Lee Livingston, of Oregon City. is out vi3iting his wife's people at Colton. Jobn Scnu iook a herd of carlo to the mountains last Monday. Tlie Mu.lno baseball team wett home defeated with a sour fao a week ago Sunday. They were too sure of the game. Mr. Johnson is busy clearing. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stronigreen and children were visiting J. Pptz's last Sunday. The Colton "and the James schools closed Uast Friday. U. S. Dix too a trip to Dix Bros." mill last Saturday. J. Putz is raising a barn this week Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bonney and children were visiting at th'; former's parents last Sunday. waiter Uorbetts house is ncany compietod. - W. H Bottemiller attended the tel ephone meeting at Beaver Creek last Monday. Schewe Bros, were visiting at Putz ui'os. last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kandle moved from the mountains to Highland last week Gertie Carlson left Monday for Ore gon City. Mr. Freeman moved Mr. Erickson's family to Colton from Portland last Friday. Mr. Hult improyed his place by put ting up a new wind mill which is the first one at Colton. Mr. Bonney and daughters took a trip to Oregon City last Saturday. V. S. Dix was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman at Elwood last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stromgreen and Mrs. J. A. Stromgreen went to town last Saturday. Mr. Lundell has nearly completed his new barn. W. E. Bonney and br6ther Frank, attended the pioneer meeting at Ore gon City last Saturday. Clackamas. School meeting for district No. G4 was held Monday evening, June 15. By ballot L. D. Jones was elected to fill out the unexpired term of C. F. Clark, one year. William T. Johnson, retiring director, was unanimously re elected for term of three years. Fi nancial report for the past school year was read and accepted. E. P. Dod nian was unanimously re-elected as clerk for ensuing year. The Clackamas baseball team play ed against tho Arleta team last Sun day afternoon. The home team made a score of 5 to 3 against the visiting team. Our boys made a fine appear ance in their new suits of crimson and white. "Grandma Bailey," a well known resident of Clackamas, is lying very low. Mrs. Bailey has been an Inva lid for many years. Her release is ex pected at any moment. Dodge. The Dodge Sunday School attended the Children's Day services at Spring water Sunday. The Dodge choir gave a song and Mr. Fred Horner sang a solo. The program was very good, and everybody enjoyed themselves. Mr. Myers and Mil Nash went to Estacada Saturday and drove across the bridge with the team. Whon they came back the bridge had sunk sev eral inches and they wore obliged to drive down tho j-iver to Baker's bridge before they could cross the river. They reached home early Sun day morning. Miss Bulle Howard is expected homo Wednesday, the 17th. She has been working for Mrs. Harding, of Oregon City for Borne time. We will be very glad to have her at home again. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Marrs, a 10 pound boy. Mr. Ankor has left Dodgo again. He is thinking of going to California. W. H. Park and family expect to leave for Iowa some time next week. We are all very sorry to see them t'- Tho annual school meeting was held last Monday. Mr. D. Horner was eloctod clerk. Mr. I. M. Park is chair man of the board und J. Marrs and J. Marehbank are tho other directors. It was decided to moot next Saturday to repair the woodshed and some other improvements to tho school house. Harmony. There was a well attended school meeting in the harmony school house Monday evening. Mr. Kent was elect ed director and Mr. George Avery, school clerk. Tim district voted to build a new school house, consisting of four rooms; two of thorn to be fin ished in time for tho fall term of school, and tho others as required. The cost of tho proposed building not to exceed 5,0U0. Mrvand Mrs. John Wlao entertain ed a number of the Harmony people Friday evening in a very successful manner. A good program was eiven. Mlsa Lucia Caffull gave several reci tations and Mrs. Ecclos and Mr. Hud son sang a duet, and Air. Hrougher, pastor of the White Temple made an address, ico cream and cake were served. Mr. Millard has sold his live acres near Kendall station. Mr. Dolk has sold two acres and a new house will soon bo erected upon tho tract; also one upon an adjoining tract. Stone, Mother Earth is being well wet up and the farmers will be blessed with another bountiful crop in Clackamas County and Western Oregon this year, though this is nothing new for this great Wllamette Valley country. Here is a clipping from The Bloom- Ineton Advocate, a Franklin County DaDer. of Nebraska, of the 12th inst "The hail storm last Tuesday, the 9th inst.. over south ot the river cov ered a strip several miles square, do ing the most jmage at Tom Yocum s, all kinds of grain and garden truck was pounded into the earth several Inches deep. At one man's house it pounded holes through the Bhlngles." Here is a clipping of what one man saw of cyclones at Rlverton, Franklin county, Neb. Mr. Shephardson said he knew there was seven distinct cy clones in Kiverton last Friday, for he saw them as he stuck his head out of the cyclone cellar. The school district No. 30 chose J. G. Mumpower for director at the elec tion, and X J. Hatton for clerk. Will raise four hundred dollars; have 8 months' school, and ordered the board to enlarge the house. Stone is to the front in school privileges as well as most all other good enterprises. The Damascus people are trying to build roads this wet spell. They come clear down to Stone for material to build a solid road, and bulge into Clear Creek to get gravel to put on their mud roads. The Clear Creek Company's butter maker comes to the front with 23,000 pounds of butter for May. The price of butter is 21 cents per pound. Over $5000 of butter products out of this creamery in one month. Elder O. P. Rich will preach at the Baptist church at upper Logan on the 28th of June at 11 o'clock A. M. Every body invited. Stimulation Without Irritation. In case of stomach and liver trouble the proper treatment is to stimulate these organs witnout irriiawng mem Orlno laxative Fruit Syrup aids di gostion and stimulates the liver and bowels without irritating these organs like nills or ordinary cathartics. It does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Needy. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Smith and Mr. G. McGonegal and family visited at J. D. Ritter's Sunday. Jesse Mitts returned home Friday after a visit In the East. He was ac companied by several relatives. Will Leach's little girl has been quite sick. . Dr. Dedman was in at tendance. Mrs. Freeda and Miss Freeda Gah- lor were Canby visitors Friday. A few of our people attended tne picnic at Liberal aSturday. Royal and Percy Berry, of Ashland, are visiting their uncle, J. D. Rittor. Frank and Charles Ogiesby and Tack Kerr and family spent Sunday at Dave Yoder's. 1 George Asklns, Jr., is doing some carpenter work for M. G. Smith. Gus Stuwe and Bill Asklns, attend ed meeting at Zlon Sunday evening. Misses Wllma Blair and Lucy Mitts left Tuesday for Salom where thoy will study at the normal during the Summer. Marcus Smith and family visited at William Thompson's Sunday. Frank Fish and wife were the guests of their daughter, Nora Thompson, on the 21st. . Henry Zimmerman, of Marks Prai rie, visited relatives here Sunday. The friends of Miss Nellie Arm strong, a former teacher here, will he sorry to learn that she is very ill with pneumonia at her home in Port land. Ted Wolfer was ono of us Sunday. Our first nine beat the second nine with a score of 23 to 4, Sunday afternoon. All grain here Is looking fine; a big yield is promised. Jack Kerr was called to see his mother over in Yamhill county last week. She is quite ill. There was a social gathering at Dave Yoder's Sunday. Ice cream and cake were served to the guests, good music was furnished by OgleBby Bros, A fine dinner was served at noon and all enjoyed themselves. Various games were played by tho young people. Mr, and Mrs. Peterf Kraus were calling at Henry Krauses' Sunday. Several new members will be Ini tiated into the W. O. W. at Needy at its next meeting. There are several Bryan Republi cans here who will not vote for Taft for president. Mr. and Mrs, R. W. Zimmerman were visiting at Mr. Ziegler's Sunday. Mr. White is assessing this part of the county and Is making some of our old mossbacks squirm by raising the value of their brush ranches. Several Needy sports went fishing last week. They report fine luck. We did not see very many fish on their re turn, although several large fish stories were in evidence. Maple Lane. Maple Lane people were quite for tunate in not having much hay down during the recent rains, although a good deal is ready to harvest. Orley Pace will move to Oregon City, where he will be near his work. Driving to town at 5:30 A. M. is not very much to his liking these cool mornings. The grange hall makes quite a dif ferent appearance since it received its new coat of white paint. Don't forget the picnic at the grange July 4th. Mr. Simpklns had the misfortune of stepping on a nail and running it through his foot. It was necessary to call a doctor and It was several Archie Weddle has gone to Jeffer son to visit friends. Julia Weddle is entertaining a young friend from Oregon City this week. The past few days has ripened the strawberries fast. They are to be had at a dollar a crate. Mr. and Mrs. Powell entertained a house full of relatives from Portland Sunday. Mr. Bring goes Tuesday to Newport to attend the Soldier's reunion. Our enterprising young townsman, Henry Toedemeyer has been bringing us excellent beef lately.. Estacada. W. P. Snuffin is shipping some splen did strawberries to Davenport & Co., of Portland. Mr. Davenport says he can handle a large quantity of them as they are of superior quality. The high bridge is being built rap Idly and will soon be open to traffic. The firemen of Estacada will give a grand celebration on the fourth of July. Public speaking, music, races, and dancing will be provided. Special reduced rates have been secured on the O. W. P. Come and hear the eagle scream at Estacada. The Park and Pavilion are at the disposal of the firemen's committee and here the cele bration will be held. Meaadowbrook. Quite a number of our folks attend ed the picnic Saturday at Wright's Springs where they plcniced between showers, they returned fully convinc ed the rainy days are the most shady day we have. Work has commenced on north Main street. Mr. Engle, our street commissioner, has been at work all the forepart of the season in the south part of town. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Gill, of Portland, were vis iting town Saturday and Sunday. annual reunion. Mr. Cadanau, of Portland, was a caller In town Thursday, with a view of locating here in the real estate business. Rumor says the Molalla river will be bridged at this place this week. Mr. Eckert, of Molalla, was visiting his wife's people here Sunday. There is some talk of the saw mills In the south part of town closing down in the near future. Woodburn. The Woodburn Convent school cele brated the last day of school with a picnic at Wolfer's Springs at Hubbard, Thursday. E. L. Kirkland, a prominent cigar dealer, of Utica, N. Y., visited rela tives in Woodburn the first of the After Once Tasting Yittbt no one wants an old-fashioned cod liver oil prepara tion or emulsion, because Vinol is a much better body builder and strength creator for old people,weak children, and for coughs, colds, bron chitis, etc. If it does no goodJ we will return your money. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. Oregon City " Born In Iowa. Our family were all born and raised In Iowa, and have uBed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy (made at DesMoines) for years. Wo know how good it Is from long expe rience in the use of it. Iu fact, whon In El Paso, Texas, the writer's life was saved by tho prompt use of this romody. We are now engaged in the mercantile business at Naroossce, Fla., and have introduced the remedy here. It has proven very successful and Is constantly growing in favor. Enuls Bros. This remedy Is for sale by Huntley Bros., Oregon City and Molalla. Whee Others Fail THE CHAMPION LINE DEMONSTRATES ITS SUPERIORITY , Yot might bay a cheap machine at a cheaper price, hut you can't bay a better ' Machine at any Price ! - - mAnv(u AM PIQN Z OCK-LEVR SELF DUAP2 hay. Rakes clean and does not break leaves and stems. CHAMPION . RAKES Are made in several stees, and is the most popular Machine in the Champion line. It readily adapts itself to all conditions of The frame is made of the best grade of steel and the whole rake is made of the best material. CHAMPION BINDER Champion Binders are built in the following sizes, five, six, seven and eight foot cot. The elevators are so constructed that they may be used as either closed or open end, a point you should not overlook. The Cham pion seldom misses a bundle. Works in all conditions of hay and is beyond doubt the most practical machine made. SEND FOR CATALOGUE Marks Prairie. A largo amount of clover hay has bteu badly damaged by the rain of tho past few days on this prairie. The hop crop will bo very light; not one-half crop will bo raised. Ruesellille. There are many changes in this country, but the rain continues to fall. Into planted corn that looked green, now looks like the yellow kind. This Is a good time to sow turnips. , Coyotes are still finding plenty of goat meat they are sometimes seen in the day time. This country has been visited by road viewers and surveyors; they have located ono road and are surveying I down uie soua mountain. Road work has been suspended on account of bad weather. Mr. Wingfield and wife went to Canby a fow days ago with 110 dozen eggs and ill pounds of buttur. Archie Boyles made a trip to the mines on Ogle Creek. He reports some snow on the way. Ho is going to escort James Adklns to the mines in a few days. He also reports Fair dough miners striking a rich btreak in their mine. Miss Buluh Ramsey has returned home from Albany where sho had been attending school. Miss Bortha New-, ton is expected home from the same school. B. F. Boyles is making long strides building a new houso, most men in this community are carpenters and do their own work. , . Miss Myrtle Boyles is going to stay with her grandmother a few days in the near future. Wants All To Know- Rodlnf, Ot., September 18, 1S0B. MESSRS. B. 0. DB WITT A 00., Chicago, 111. Gentlemen: Yourt of the (th to hind. In reply will ley, most assuredly use my letter In any way you see fit for the benefit ol the suffering. I will answer ell correspond ence as to my own case. I recommend KODOL to all I hear grumbling about their stomachs, and have bought many their first bottle. All that It required Is a trial ol KODOL. It talks for itself. Your very truly, O. N, CORNELL. odol or Dyspepsia. K digest what you eat, take th strain off of the heart, and contrib ute, nourishment, trength and health to every orjran of the body. For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Inflammation of the mu cous membranes lining the Stomach and Digestive Tract, Nervou Dys pepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAW Digests What You Eat If your Barn is not equipped with a HAY CARRIER, you had better Investigate the MYERS Portland, Ore. Boise - - Idaho Spokane - Wn. Salem - - Ore. m MAKING CREAM " SEPARATOR HISTORY The year 1008 will, mark an important period in centrifugal Cream Separators. Probahly never again will such a large num ber of valuable Seperator improvements be brought forth as are now shown in the new improved 1908 De Laval machines. After thirty years of ceasless testing and experimenting, the really perfect Cream Separator has at last been producetUn the New De Laval. Nothing anywhere near like it has ever been made before and all who Have seen and examined it marvel at the great degree perfection attained in every feature of the machine from the supply can to the base. Although the improved De Laval has only recently been placed on the market it is already SWEEPING ALL COMPETITION ASIDE and experienced buyers everywhere are saying of it "YOU DON'T CLAIM NEARLY ENOUGH." The many new De Lavaliiiiprovements are of almost equal importance with the invention of the separa tor itself and must be seen to be fully appreciated. To this end you may have a free demonstration of the machine in your own home for the asking. Mr. W. P Kirchem, the agent for Oregon City, has arranged with FRANK BUSCH to have one of the machines in his store where the merits can be fully examined and catalogues be ob tained. Call at , FRANK BUSCH'S STORE And see the new DE LAVAL SEPARATOR to l-tu reri "r Electric Theatre 504 Main St Oregon City Each Performance shows 2 full Reels latest and - up-to-date Pictures and Illustrated Songs. MISS CATHRINE DEID, Soloist . ... Matinees oh ... . Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday ADMISSION 5 AND 10 CENTS. Grand 4th of July Celebration - Highland Grange Hall Highland Ore. There will be SPEAKING by County. Judge Grant 13. Dimick and others. A BALL GAME at 1:00 o'clock followed by RACES of various kinds. PRIZES will be given for winners of Races. GRAND BALL in the EVENING Bring your baskets well filled and enjoy a - - Picnic Dinner days before he could stand on his foot. 1 Mr. Russell ia still rustling the logs A. Maui has secured the contract 'out of Mr. Bouaker's bottom farm for of building the new house to be erect-' the Noon sawmill. Mr Russell has ed by Henry Yost. Work will com- one of the best donkey teams in tho monee about the first of the week, country. Mrs. M. At. Hall, of Portland. Is , o. . it spending the week with her brother, I sawmill In form, , r,wirTn W. 1). Uledleman. " w".n,US .th.at tne Molalla i p"ur-,o mm awn ou ine nnai round up Tuesday morning. Guy Jewett made a business trip to Currlnsvllle. Edgar Ilelplo and M. Lonsberry were Portland visitors last Friday. Giles Sarver, of Spriugwater, was visiting old friends In Currinsville ami Hnglo Creek last Sunday, . , Fred Ely left the first of the week for Eastern Oregon, where he will per haps remain until after harvest. Ho goes via The Dalles and will drive his team from there to lone. Mrs. llelple is having her farm sur veyed this week. O. n. Linn was an Oregon Cityv vis itor last week, returning Saturday. week. J. F. Fresher, one of the draymen, has been going around on crutches as the result of his knee coming in contact with a nail. Miss Ada Kelsey, has gone to Pax ton, 111., to visit relatives. A petition has been presented to the council asking that Young street be graded and graveled. This Bhould town recently. We are informed that , have bet" done 'ng ago. " Mr. Jewett contemplates buying land In Southern Oregon. J. W. Staudinger is helping Mr. Den nison build his feed barn on Clarks Avenue, joining Larkin's block. O. T. Kay, of Lad & Co.'s sawmill, was in town Sunday. Mr. Kay is complaining of rheumatism. R. P. Cooper left Monday for a few days' outing at Newport to attend the Stafford. Tho sun shone Sunday, Monday and Tuesday in Stafford and the querleous look upon the faces of men with clo ver to cut has given place to genial smiles as they mount the mower and with one eyo on the sky proceed to the field. Mr. Schatz has gone" to the hot springs in the hope of getting better of the rheumatism, which has afflicted him for some time. Miss Susie and Rosa Schatz have gone to Newport on a vacation. Miss Ruby Thompson and Henry Koelemeler were married at the home of the bride at 5 P. M. on Wednesday. May contentment and happiness at tend thorn. Mr. Wagner, who has been a resi dent of Wilsonville for a gtxui many years, died and was buried Wednes-' day in the Stafford cemetery. j : Study the Subject Th policy ol out Greatest Artlslt,.. I givt this my spe cial attention with most gratifying re sults, -j- -t- Cheney Photo Studio Mtn lad 10th Su. OREGON CITY Mrs. J. R. Brown, who had been held up six days on the road by floods, arrived Friday evening from Wyoming and is visiting her daughter, Mra Walter Johnson. Miss Maude McKlnney was given a kitchen shower last Monday In honor of her approaching marriage to Rev. Levi Mochel, of . the Presbyterian church, which will take place June 24, at 8 o'clock P. M. Many useful gifts were given her. New Era. Had you noticed how much shorter the days are getting? Mr. Charter, of Portland, ticket in spector for the Southern Pacific Co., was up fishing-Sunday with Rae New bury. Mrs. George Bowman, Miss Julia Sevclk and Antoue Sevcik, of Port laud, were Sunday visitors. On Wednesday of last week, Mr. Kyle was setting a mole gun when it went off on its own accord taking a portion of one of his best Angers. Dr. Geisy is in attendance. Mrs. August Bremler and Mrs. Wm. Pagel, of Portland, visited the former's son, August Bremer, Jr., and family, of Twilight, Sunday. Mr. McArthur is attending the old Soldier's Encampment at Newport this week. Hans Mader Is the possessor of a Spanish Mauser rifle and tested its penetrating power by shooting through a three-foot log, . Mr. Burgoyne and son William Jen nings, attended the ball game at Can by Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Penman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Eckles, of Canby, were guests at the Penman farm Sunday. Mrs. Mabel Anthony Truesdale, left Friday for her home in Portland, af ter a week's visit with her parents of this place. Logan. Miss Niet-. ." rtr-vber and Thomas E. Anderir . .e married at the res idence o r'e bribe's parents, Mr. and Mis. F. U'Tber, on June 18, at 12 o'clock, M. Rev. J. R Landsborough performed the ceremony, which was witnessed by a large number of rela tives and frkmds of the popular young couple, who made the matrimonial con tract while standing under a bell of roses. The rooms were tastefully decorated for the ocasion. Miss Alta Judd was bride's maid and Edwin Ger ber acted as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson received many handsome and useful presents. The young peo ple of the neighborhood were invited to a reception in the evening. We wish them all the happiness and suc cess that mortals may attain. .With the new thresher that Babler & Kohl have purchased, Logan has four threshing outfits, so we ought to get well threshed. The more the mer rier for us farmers. Martin Johnston has sold his farm to John Scliuttel's son-in-law, whose name we have jiot learned. The ball players have their plans interfered with by the rain quite fre quently. Well, boys, it will quit rain ing after a time. T. Af Mostul last a valuable colt Do not forget that the. grange meets on the 2d of July, and that it will be time to make further arrangements about the fair. Clarkes. Mr. Rambo, the Clarkes shingle man, has finished sawing the cedar timber on J. Gard's place, and Is now going to cut on Mr. Cumming's place,' which has about four months' run. The Rambo shingle mill averages about 24,000 a day. "The Superior Bhingle mill sells shingles at $1.75 a thousand deliver ed. Dix Bros, have bought another body of timber, which will give them this summer's run sawing put first-class lumber at their sawmill. What is the cause of that big smile on Mr. Bottemiller's face, do you know what? Oh, yes, that new house, which is being put up for him, which he will move into some time along the first of July, if the weather allows the work to be rushed on. Mr. Buell purchased a new De Laval separator from W. H. Wettlau fer. Another one was sold to P. Schewe. This will soon put Wettlauf er on the shelf, won't it? S. Elmer Is now busy planting po tatoes. S. Click, who had an auction sale last Thursday, left for Portland to work. Remember the great Fourth of July celebration at the Highland Grange hall, which is located at the Clarkes store. This will be the largest cele bration in Clackamas county. A good time guaranteed for the holiday, and also In the evenin, if not money will be returned. ' Dover. D. A. Watters, of Portland was in Dover last week. A. J. Kitzmlller was put in road supervisor. . Mrs. Mark New is very ill." George Kitzmlller . made a business trip to Oregon City Monday. Mrs. J. W. Exon and Mrs. A. J. Kitzmlller went to Sandy Tuesday. & The effect of Scoffs Emu Is ton on thin, $ A pale children is magicaL Q Q It makes them plump, rosy, active, happy. X It contains Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone, and so put together that it is easily digested by little folk. ALL DRUCClSTSl BOc. AND $1.00. '