OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1907, Fop Eczema, Tetter and Salt Rheum. The Intense itching characteristic of these ailments is almost Instantly allayed by Chamberlain's Salve. Many severe cases have been cured by it. For sale by Huntley Bros.,- Oregon City and Molalla. "ITS AN ILL WIND THAT BLOWS NOBODY GOOD" Hundreds of Oregon City Folk Have been Made Happy in the Last Few Days at the Great v, s 7W f . MUST-HAVE-MOWEY-SALi NOW ON AT 6 CHRISTMAS GROCERIES Are here in bountiful supply. Raisins, currants, citron, can died lemon and orange peel fancy crackers, plum pudding and all the rest of the good things that mark the season Come and Select Yoars before the biggest rush com mences. With a few except ions every thing bought now will keep till needed; so buy now instead of waiting until you actually need the grocer ies. Our delivery service is apt to be pretty well taxed by that time. Choice Walnuts, per lb. 20c Choice Almonds, " " 20c Xmas Candies, 10c to 50c SEELEY'S THE BIG STORE Cor. 9th B Main Oregon City Ore, WE LEAD In high grade Dentistry and popular prices and this is why in eight months we built up the largest Dental practice in Oregon City. Our plates are the highest standard of workmanship and the highest grade of material We give written guarantee for ten years. We use NO CAS, NO COCAINE, and extract from one to thirty-two teeth absolutely painless. Teeth extracted free when plates are ordered. Plates - . $5.00 Cold Crowns ... $5.00 miings ... 50c Cold Fillings - $1.00 up Examination Free Oregon Dental Parlor Willamette Building OREGON CITY, OREGON The Name V. HARRIS Stands for QUALITY IN GROCERIES OUR STOCK IS ALWAYS FRESH CENTRALLY LOCATED EIGHTH AND MAIN STS. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED Real Estate Mortgages For Sale $ 600.00, 5 years' time, G per cent. 2000.00, 3 years' time, G per cent. 800.00, 3 years' time, 6 per cent. 600.00, 2 years' time, G per cent Also private money to loan on terms tmd in amounts to Bult borrower. '"Will give you good real estate mort gages for bank certificates in Oregon City and Portland Call, write or 'phone. John W. Loder Attorney at Law and Abstracter of Land Titles. OREGON CITY, ORECON FOR BARGAINS and lowest prices in new and sec ond hand goods see Z. C. WARD 509 Seventh St. LEVI ING MAIN STREET TWO DOORS SOUTH OF POSTOFFICE OREGON CITY, OREGON THE FIGHT OF THE MONEY KINGS and their cries for ready cash enables us to sell goods at a great discount. Never in the history of the present generation has such a bonified, legitimate sacrifice of high class wearing apparel for men and boys been known under Oregon skies. Qfl flflfl eest Sfa(fe Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods thrown on the altar of sacrifice at II II II II prices that set the purses of the most skeptic in action. The prices tell the story of the great need of cash. The J hatcams hells nf nnnrtftiimrv aiv r'm&m& loud and deaf, and th?s is vour rhanre tn nnrrfiaco Ar'ArT CmnA at a big saving. Read a few of the hundreds of good things in store for you at this fine store. fy It I I 5 f m 4 SCIILOSS BROS. I CO. fine Clufhes Makers Baltimore and New York MEN'S SUITS ' Men, picture yourself as no doubt you do, dressed in the neatest, nobbiest and best fitted suit in town, draw upon your imagination until you have decided upon the swellest suit your mind can conceive, then come to this store and see just the suit you want. WE HAVE IT, whether it be Black, Blue, Grey, Brown, Plaid or Check, and can fit the long or the short, the slim or stout, in the largest variety in Oregon City, at such extremely low prices you will be astonished. Agents for the celebrated Schloss Bros. Clothing. . . - Men's $10.00 wool and worsted suits, new Til nobby goods, and well made at .r Men's $12.50 Fine Business Suits'in all the CO QZT popular weaves, now ......IT Men's' $15.00 excellent dress suits, hand C f f felled and worked T Men's $20.00 best dress suit, hand tailored, single or double breasted, over thirty etyles to tf AJ choose from, .now .....kT Also the celebrated Schloss Bros. Suits, the acme of suit perfection equal to the finest made-to-order D f Q suits on earth, worth $30, all go at r y' OVERCOATS This line presents just the opportunfty you have been waiting for. All the new'styles and cloths at just about one half the price you will pay in other stores. $ 8.50 Overcoats $ 4.95 $10.00 " , 6.45 $12.50 " 8.95 $20.00 " ; tJ.85 $ 9.00 Ulsters .' 5.95 $10.00 Cravenettes 7.85 $12.50 " ...... 9.85 $18.00 !' .' J3.85 SHOES Men's, Women's, Boy's, Girl's and Children's Shoes At Sacrifice Prices. tr a r- Men's $2.50 work or dress Shoes, now pair.. .. 4 QO Men's $3.50 fine Shoes, now pair Men's $5.00 best dress Shoes, now pair Men's $6.00 Krausse loggers Shoes, now pair.... Men's $-?.00 Stillson loggers, now pair Ladies' and Misses' $2.00 Shoes, now pair Ladies' and Misses' $2.50 Shoes, now pair Ladies' and Misses' $ 3.00 Shoes, now pair Ladies' $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes, now pair Boy's $2.50 dress and school Shoes, now pair ... Lot Children's Shoes, sizes 10 to 2, worth to $2.00, now pair 2.45 3.35 4.55 6.75 1.35 1.85 2.15 2.65 J. 35 59c MEN'S PANTS About 1,000 pairs varying from the heavy coarse working panto to tht finest of dress trousers; all offered to you at a tremendous discount. fl.50 Pants . .; fO.OS t2.50 Pants, Corduroy.. 1.59 3.00 Pants 1.95 $4.00 Pants 2.90 15.00 Pants ,s 3.25 Peg Top Corduroy, light colors, fS.OO values 3.15 BOY'S SUITS Of courst you are going to buy the little one a new suit for the holidays aud here's the place to buy for you save more than half on each boys' suit. Boys $2.50 Suits $0.95 Boys $3.00 Suits....: ...1.45 Boys $4 and $5 Suits 1.95 "FIXINS" FOR MEN Men's 20c wool sox, pair 12c Men's 25c Suspenders, pair 15c Men's President Suspenders' pair 39c Men's 25c Socks, wool, 3 pair 50c Men's 15c Socks, pair 9c Men's 50c Neckwear 39c Men's 25c Neckwear 19c Men's black and white striped Work Shirts, good, heavy materials, fast colors and well made '. . 39c Men's new and handsome $2 and $2.50 Negligee Shirts for $1.40 In Pongee Silk, white or shaded. Men's $1 Negligee Shirts .'. , . . 65c Men's 75c Negligee Shirts 59c Men's 60c Negligee Shirts ... 39c $1.50 values flannel shirts 85c $2.00 values flannel shirts $1.25 $2.50 values flannel shirts $1.65 $3.50 Rain Proof Col. Flannel shirts $2.45 $1.50 all-wool Sweaters j .95c $3.50 Sweater Coats, fancy borders $2.65 Men's Red Handkerchiefs, 3 for 10c 75c fleece lined Underwear '. 43c Ribbed Underwear 50c value 39c $1.25 fine wool Underwear 85c Men's Work and Dress Gloves $1.50 Dress Gloves $1.10i $2.00 Dress Gloves $135 GOc Work Gloves '. . . 45c $100 Work Gloves 75c $1.50 Work Gloves $1.10 HATS Hats Favored by Fashion Hats made on leading fashionable blocks, in every styl ish shape, soft and stiff, black, pearl, gray, tan, brown and all popular colors, products of America's leading factories all at Slaughter Sale Prices, viz: i3 00 Hats.... $215 $2 50 Hats i 65 $2.00 Hats....! 1.35 NOTE: No disappointments at this sale, every article jast as advertised or money refunded. A fair and square legitimate money raising safe; come and see for yourself and you will quickly he convinced of our sincerity. Oat lines of Holiday Gift Goods are- replete with all the fads and fancies of the season and EVERY ARTICLE IS BEING SOLD AT SACRIFICE PRICES. The Store That Sets the Pace. LEVITT'S CLOTHING STORE Mak Street, 2 doots ' Sotith of P. O. Smallpox at Cottrell. Dr. J. W. Norrls, county physician, has returned, from Cottrell, where he went at the request of Judge Dimick to make an Investigation of the small pox cases that were reported. Dr. Norrls found two cases in the family of Paul Dunn, and In these cases the patients are convalescent. There are two other new cases, and the Cottrell school has been closed. Practically the whole neighborhood has been ex posed to the disease. A Dangerous Deadlock. that sometimes terminates fatally, Is the stoppage of liver and bowel func tions. To quickly end this condition without disagreeable sensations. Dr. King's New Life Pills should always be your remedy. Guaranteed abso lutely satisfactory In every case or nieny back, at Howell & Jones' drug store. 25c. An Interesting Drama. "The Holy City," Clarence Ben- E32 nett's drama dealing with the story of the death of the Savior, seems des tined to take a place among the clas sics of the American stage. It has already been witnessed by more per sons than any other Bible drama and instead of losing its hold seems to be gaining new friends each season. It will be presented at the Shively Theater on Monday next. .Erlckson has abandoned his original Idea to erect a dancing pavilion, and will build a commodious skating rink, I where no liquors will be sold, but nun. urniKS may De ouuuueu. mo nun will be operated by ft man of exper- j losnce. The management Invites the public to come early and often to the Tavern, where there may be Msured of a warm we'eome and a pleasurable time. CLACKAMAS TAVERN OPEN. Skating Rink Will B Built, and Noth ing But Soft Drinks Will Be Sold. Clackamas Tnvnrn tho nnnnlor road house on the Clackamas River, has been thrown open to the public, and is commencing to enjoy a popu larity that Is amazing. Only a few miles from Oregon City, the Tavern ia located In a beautiful itnnr and U a delightful place for people to spend tneir sunuays and leisure houra. Mr. Buy Mining Machinery. ' The Willow Creek Gold Mining & Milling Company has purchased a , flour gold amalgamator for use In its mines at Hailey, Idaho, where the machine will soon be Installed. Dr. C. A. Stuart, C. P. Farr, M. P. Chap-' man, George Reddaway, Captain Ram-; bo, H. H. Hoggat and Ira Rarabo ; went to Portland yesterday to Inspect j the machine in operation at the Lew- j is and Clark fair grounds. ' . The Secret of a Beautiful Face lies in keeping the skin pro tected as well aa cleansed. Just washing is not enough that only leaves the delicate surface more exposed to the irritation of dust and germs ) to merci less attacks of sun and weather. After washing, ap ply Robertine and experience its delightful refreshment. You will admire the line-lea softness it imparts to face, neck and arms. It not only stimulates a radiant glow, but protects the skin from becom ing coarse. Prevents burn ing, tan and freckles. JUymr Drmtt1 M frm Minfit ry" BERTipi tbent 1121 HtS. IS33 Olflct Tavoritt Cigar Sfor Oppesitt Tttastnlc Building Williams Bros, transfer Co. Safes, Pianos and Turniture Moving a Specialty Trtlgbt and ParttlsJitUvtrtd Prittt Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed THE FINEST STEAKS, CHOPS. VEAL, LARD ETC . TO BE HAD IN OREGON CITY ARE AT BROWN & WELSH'S UP-TO-DATE MARKET 7th STREET, A. O. U. BLD'C 'PHONE MAIN 271