Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 13, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Dr. A. L. Beatle, dentist, Weinhard
John Relnemann, of New Era, was
In the city Saturday.
W. J. Carson has returned from a
fortnight's visit with relatives In Leb
anon. Mr. and Mrs. John Seedling, of Staf
ford, were In Oregon City on business
Monday. -
License to marry has been grated
to Edith M. Kraus and George E.
Robinson, of Mllwaukie.
Mrs. M. M. Binford, of Portland,
who has been visiting her mother,
Mrs. J. W. Grout, returned home Mon
day. Andrew Hodge, of Canby; H. 0.
Inskeep, of Cams, and John Turner,
of Tualatin, were In town on business
Holiday goods, best selection, low
est price at Thomson's Bargain Store,
the busy corner, opposite Bank of Ore
gon City.
Miss Ethel Thompson has accepted
a position in the office of the Oregon
Water Power & Railway Company, at
Seven per cent Interest on money
left with us to loan. DIMICK & DIM
ICK, attorneys and abstractors, Garde
Bldg., Oregon City.
Mrs. C. O. T. Williams left Wednes
day for Roseburg to spend the win
ter with her daughter, Mrs. J. M.
Daniel Fisher, who has been work
ing in the mines in Idaho, is in the
city to spend the Christmas holidays
with his parents.
Stops Itching instantly. Cures piles,
eczema, salt rheum, tetter, itch,
herpes, scabies Doan's Ointment. At
any drug' store. .
Bert Roake and family have moved
Into their new bungalo on Ninth and
Madison streets.. The location is
very sightly.
Mrs. Frank Newton is up from To
ledo, Lincoln County, for a fortnight s
visit with her parents. Judge and
Thomas A. McBride.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mulr arrived
Saturday from Iowa, and will spend
the winter in Oregon City, and may
make Oregon their future home.
Mrs. D. H. Howell and family are
moving to their new home in Glad
stone. Mrs. Howell recently sold her
home in this city to a Salem man.
Miss Grayce Marshall has resigned
her position with the Western Union
, Telegraph Company in Portland, and
is occupying a clerical position in the
store of G. Rosensteln.
For a mild, easy action of the bow
els, a single dose of Doan's Regulets
is enough. Treatment cures habitual
constipation. 25 cents a box. Ask
your druggist for them.
Miss Reita Carothers, for the last
16 months chief operator of the Ore
gon City & Farmers' Independent
Telephone Company, has resigned her
Miss Nell Younger has returned
home from a visit of several months
with relatives and friends in Sioux
City, Peoria, Chicago and other middle
Western cities.
Miss Mary Dolan, formerly of Ore
gon City, was in town yesterday from
Portland, where she is following the
profession of a nurse.- Miss Dolan
has property Interests in Oregon City.
"Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is the
best remedy for that often fatal dis
ease croup. Has been used with
sucess in our family for eight years."
Mrs. L. Whlteacre, Buffalo, N. Y.
Miss Bertha Chambers, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Miller,
at Clatskanie for the last two months,
is home for the holidays and will re
turn to Clatskanie early in the New
Heavy, impure blood make a mud
dy, pimply complexion, headaches,
nausea. Indigestion. Thin blood
makes you weak, pale sickly. Bur
dock Blood Bitters makes the blood
rich, red, pure restores perfect
The entertainment of the Tennes
see Jubilee Singers In Shively's on
Tuesday night under the auspices of
the Presbyterian Church was a very
successful affair. The old plantation
songs were pleasing and were heartily
You know as well as any one when
you need something to regulate your
Bystem. If your bowels are sluggish,
your food distresses you, your kidneys
pain, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain
Tea. It always relieves. 35c, tea or
tablets. Huntley Bros. Co.
J. L. Mumpower, who has been in
Portland on a visit, passed through
the city Saturday en route to his home
at Stone. Mr. Mumpower, upon arriv
ing in the city, was met with the in
telligence of an accident to his son,
W. E. Mumpower, who broke his leg
while working on a telephone line.
When winds shriek high in fiendish
And enters winter with bis key
Protect yourself, from disease be free ;
Take Hollisetr's Rocky Mountain
For sale by Huntley Bros. Co.
W. A. Fuller and H. W. Best, of
Spokane, Wash.,, were in Oregon City
last week, and were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Elizabeth Warner, of Mount
Pleasant. - Mr. Fuller and Mr. Best
were on their way to Grants Pass,
where they have purchased the larg
est real estate business in Southern
Oregon, and they will go into the
land and brokerage business.
. Miss Wilhelmine1 Joehnke, an Ore
gon City, girl, who spent her last
summer vacation here, sailed De
cember 9 from New York for Guay
aquil, Ecuador. Miss Johenke makes
the South American trip in the inter
est of several newspaper and educa
tional bureaus in the East. She will
stop at Panama for several days and
will be absent in South America for
about six months.
' Two New Buildings Going Up.
The new Masonic building and the
new Cole . building will probably be
ready for occupancy by February 1.
The Interior work of the Masonic build
ing is being done by William La
selle, manager of the Oregon City
Mill and Lumber Company. Carl
Caufleld, of Portland, has the elec
tric wiring well along. The frame
work of the Cole building is' now be
ing put up. It is expected that the
basement will be completed by Janu
ary 1. when a bowling alley will be
installed by Jack Cauneld and August
Rakel. The lower floor of the build
ing will be occupied by Johnson &
Stratton's barber shop.
Great sale on children's hats, val
ues to $2.60 for 50 cents. Miss C.
oGldsmith. .
Meet me at Block's store on .Mon
day and Tuesday nights, from 7 un
til 9 o'clock SANTA CLAUS.
C. F. Buckles, the commission man,
Is Installing counters and other fix
tures and will run a grocery store in
connection with his commission house.
Every article In millinery at a
great reduction. Miss C. Goldsmith.
Every hat, trimmed and tailored, at
a great reduction. Miss Celia Gold
Goldsmlth. - , .
The Clackamas County Horticultu
ral Company will hold meeting at
the courthouse on Saturday of next
week for the purpose of electing of
ficers and other business that may ap
pear. The election of Cataract Temple,
Pythian Sisters was held Tuesday
night with the following result: Mrs.
Alda Simmons, most excellent chief;
Mrs. M. P. Chapman, excellent senior;
Mrs. Leolia Blount, excellent junior;
Mrs. Nellie Cooper, manager; Mrs.
Lizzie Goodfellow, protector; Mrs.
Charles E. Burns, Jr., guard; Mrs
Del Hart, mistress of records and
correspondence; Mrs. ' Clara Calif f,
mistress of finance; Mrs. Elmer Lan
kins, past chief; Mrs. Bruce Zum
walt, trustee. The attendance was
good and a banquet followed the election.
Pioneer Chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, held Its election of officers on
Tuesday night, and the following offi
cers were chosen: Miss Alvena Horn,
worthy matron; Frederick W. Green
man, worthy patron; ,Mrs. Annie
Howard, associate matron;. Miss Myr
tle Buchanan, conductress; Miss Gus
sle Humphrey, associate conductress;
Miss Helen Daulton, secretary; Mrs.
John H. Walker, treasurer. The of
fices that will be filled by appoint
ment are the five points of the Star
Ada, Ruth, Esther, Martha, Electa,
and the offices of warder, organist,
sentinel and chaplain. Refreshments
were served at the close of the election.
Will Interest Many.
Every person should know that
good health is Impossible If the kid
neys are deranged. Foley's Kidney
Cure will cure kidney and bladder
disease In every form, and will build
up and strengthen these organs so
they will perform their functions
properly. No danger of Bright's dis
ease or diabetes if Foley's Kidney
Cure is taken in time. Howell &
Premiums Offered for Displays of
Fruit at Portland In January.
Fruit culture from the time the tren,
shrub or vine is planted until the
product Is delivered to the consumer,
will bo discussed by leading horticul
turists of the state at the annual
meeting of the State Board of Horti
culture, which will be held in Port
land January 14-16, inclusive. Fruit
from all sections of the state will be
exhibited in the basement of the build
ing used, while the literary exercises
will be conducted in the lodgerooms.
The subjects to be discussed will be
classified, apples occupying one day,
prunes and pears another, and smali
fruits the third day. Mr. Reid, who
Is chairman of the committee on ex
hibits, announces that cups and prizes
will be offered for the following dis
plays: Best box three-tier Yellow Newtown.-
' .
Best box three-tier Spltzenberg.
Best box three-tier Northern Spy.
Best box three-tier Baldwin.
, Best box of four-tier apples of each
of the four varieties above named.
Best box of each of the following
varieties: Arkansas Black, Lady,
Winesap, Red Cheek, Wagener, .Ben
Davis. Winter Banana, Ortley.
Best exhibit of five varieties, one
box of each.
Best five boxes grown in Willamette
Valley, at least three varieties. .
No exhibitor can enter more than
one box fo any one prize.
In judging, 33 1-3 points will be al
lowed for color and form, 3 1-3 points
for freedom from blemishes and 33
1-3 points for packing.
All apples of each variety and size
will be grouped together on the ta
Prizes will be offered for pears, etc.,
as follows :
Best box of P. Barry.
Best 'box of Bosc.
Best box of Cornice.
Best box of Winter Nells.
Best display of Italian prunes.
Best display of English Walnuts.
For that Dull Feeling After Eating,
I have used Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets for some time, and
can testify that they have done me
more good than any tablets I have
ever used. My trouble was a heavy
dull feeling after eating. David Free
man, Kempt, Novia Scotia. These
tablets strengthen the stomach and
improve the digestion. They also reg
ulate the liver and bowels. They are
far superior to pills but cost no more.
Get a free sample at H'mtley Bros.',
Oregon: City and Molalla, and see
what a splendid medicine it is.
is a "special" invitation for you and your friends to
visit our store whether you contemplate purchas
ing or not. We want, everyone to see our goods
and learn of the big values we are constantly offer
ing. Today we mention
Oar Extra Blend Coffee - - - 25c
Others charge 40c for cam grade and call it M. XS J.
New season's Prunes - - - -' 6c
Daily arrivals Figs, Dates, Raisins, Home Made
Mince Meat, Walnuts, Almonds etc.
Mllwaukie Man May Step Into Mayor
Schlndler's Shoes Next Year.
Philip Strelb, elected Councilman at
the recent municipal election in Mll
waukie for one year, is the logical
successor to Mayor Wllllan Schind
ler, who has been at the head of the
city government of the pioneer town
since it was incorporated five years
ago. It is conceded that Mr. Streib
will be the administration candidate
for Mayor a year hence, all other
things corresponding to the pro
gramme. Ho was nominated for one
term councilman for that purpose. His
personal popularity was attested when
he ran ahead of his ticket at the re
cent election. .
However much the opposition to Mr.
Streib may disapprove of his policy it
Is conceded that he is a public-spirited
man and wants to see Mllwaukie
ments will be circulated all together,
sonic Temple on Sixth and Main
Streets in this city.. He understands
the situation with reference to the
Southern Pacific Company seeking
right of way through the town. With
tha ntfcoit momllfirH of the Council Mf
Streib is committed to the determin
ation to use the funds on hand to
complete the City Hall so it may be
used for public purposes.
It has been asserted that Mllwau
kie has made no progress since it was
incorporated, but this is a slander on
the town. It, has made substantial
progress, more In five years than for
40 years before. A careful estimate
shows that more than $100,000 in im
provements and new houses have
been made at Mllwaukie. Among
these are the Evangelical Church, the
shingle factory, the City Hall, the
Grange Hall, rebuilding of residences
and erection of something over 75
cmmiiu m-j
Mala and Seventh Streets
Report of First National Shows Good
Condition or insmuiiQn.
ThA rendition of the First National
Bank of Oregon City at the close of
business December 3 nas just been
made public and is extremely flatter
ing. The deDosits are $134,659.40. and
the actual cash on hand is $00,473.29,
exclusive of the redemption fund of
ftizb and tne amount uub ii"' ua"si
1 4.483.20. The bank's officers are D.
C.-Latourette, president; C. D. Lat
ourette, vice-president; F. J. Meyer,
cashier; M. D. Latourette, assistant
cashier. The report follows:
Loans and discounts $ 48,905.87
Overdrafts 193.21
Circulation . 12,500.00
Premium on U. S. bonds.. 558.00
Other bonds and warrants. 44,073.28
Bank property 15,280.95
Paah nn hand G0.473.29
Due from banks 14,483.20
Redemption fund
Total $197,159.40
I iahllitle.
Capital Btock ...$ 60,000.00
Circulation 12,500.00
Deposits 134,059.40
Total $197,159.40
Muscular Pains Cured.
"During the summer of 1903 I was
troubled with muscular pains in the
Instep of my foot," says Mr. S. Ped
lar, of Toronto, Ont., "At times it
was so painful I could hardly walk.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm was recom
mended to me, so I tried it and was
completely cured by one small bottle.
I have since recommended it to sev
eral of my friends, all of whom speak
highly of it." For sale by Huntley
Bros., Oregon City, and Molalla.
1 V v ulx
the young and
old I am coming
just loaded with
Christmas presents
for dear baby, boys
and girls, mama
and papa and dear
old grandpa and
grandma. Will
let you know later
just what day and
hour I will be at
Blocks, Cor Main
and 7th Streets.
Now little girls and . boys be sure and write me just what
rf. , . .
you want and address your letters to
620-624 Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon.
P. S.Be sure and watch The Courier and see what Santa Claus has
to say of his visit to the Block's Big Toy Store.
i ; ;
i hi iii HViwi inn ii nil nir Wimniiw n Miami irW In i in in mi i mnl Vi i mi m m
Small Fire at Bolton,
Fire Sunday afternoon at the resi
dence of S. H. Tanzer in Bolton creat
ed considerable excitement in that
neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Tanner
came to Oregon City in the afternoon,
leaving three small children In their
house. The little ones allowed an
airtight stove to become overheated
and a conflagration followed. One
room was badly damaged, and other
portions of the house suffered from
the flames. There Is no fire depart
ment in Bolton, tut the neighbors re
sponded quickly to the alarm and ex
tinguished the blaze. Mr. Tanner
placed the damage at $200, which is
covered by Insurance,
This is the season of decay and
weakened vitality; good health is
hard to, retain. If you'd retain yours,
fortify your system with Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea, ilbe surest way.
36c, Tea or Tablets. Huntley Bros.
Not at Christmas time, assuredly NOT ! To promote that
cheer, which should characterise the season, there MUST be
giving of gifts. Bat the same old question arises, "What Shall
It Be." We make no attempt to answer that question for yoa
in this ad. Bet our stock will do it for you without the least
trouble. Keep this store in mind. To miss our display is to
miss a good deal of the pleasure that belongs to the season.
There is a constantly growing custom to
From patents to children and from children to parents it's the same, and fr om friend to
friend. Bet we have many other lines. These are jis st a few of them: Cat Glass,
Hand Painted China, Fine Haviland China, Vases, Kodaks and Cameras,! Canes and
Umbrellas, Waterman and Parker Fotmtain Pens, Ebony Goods, Spectacles and Eye
glasses, Opera Glasses, Mosical Instruments and a targe variety of Victor Talking
Machines, Edison Phonographs arfd Colombia Graphophones. Prices are as low as
they can possibly be.