Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 13, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Farmers In Clackamas County Who
Took Advantage of Recent Dry
Spell Find Grain Benefited
By Heavy Rains.
The local grain market is still
somewhat dull, as the flour mill is
not quoting prices on grain during
the holidays, nor is it huying grain,
and many of the farmers who have
brought their grain here to dispose
of have left their product at the mill
. and will wait for the holidays to end
before getting the prices for same,
but tie commission house in the city
is quoting prices, which are about
the same as that quoted last week.
The Oregon City onion market is
strong at prices quoted and good
stock is in ready demand.
The condition of the potato market
remains unchanged.
Bleached celery is wanted at from
60 cents to $1 per dozen bunches. The
celery that Is now being sold at the
grocery stores in this city is excel
lent and is readily disposed of.
. Clear stock evaporated and bleach
ed apples are wanted at fair prices
and are enumerated in the list below.
. Eggs are coming in more freely,
but still strong at quotations.
Butter remains the same ranch,
60 cents, and creamery, 65 cents.
Many of the farmers throughout
the county are plowing 'on high
-ground, but the present rains pre
vent them from doing much farm
work. In many sections the farmers
took advantage of the long dry spell
and finished their plowing and seed'
ing before the late rains set in, and
In this case the grain sown will be
ereatly benefited by the rains.
. Stock in many parts of the county
have taken to the straw stacks and
are in excellent condition for winter,
although there Is plenty of green
errass and with moderate weather
will remain so.
AddIbs are dally being brought in
to the markets and some of the best
varieties are retailing at ?1 per box.
Durlne the week many of the mer
chants here received large shipments
of nuts to supply the Christmas de
mand, and are retailing at 20 cents
nfir nrmnd.
Onions Oregon onions, $2.252.60
per sack; onions strong at prices
quoted and good stock in ready de
mand. Potatoes &U(EPuc per nuuu.j
condition of SDud market unchanged
Oregon cabbage at from 40 to 60c the
nfir harrel.
Bleached celery wanted at from 50c
to $1 per doz. bunches.
Clean' stock evaporated and bleach'
ed apples, wanted at fair prices en
merated iff list below.
Vegetables, fruits, Etc. '
Onions Oregon onions. $2.50 sacK
tomatoes. 25c box: potatoes 6070c
per hundred; Oregon cabbage 4050c
doz; rutabagas, lc ro; fresh onions,
40n Der dozen bunches; horseradish,
if Va cauliflower. 4050c dozen
summer squash, 30o doz.; pumpkins,
60c doz., medium, 90c to$l doz., large;
- CELERY 50c dozen.
KRAUT 20c to 25c gallon.
POPCORN Shelled, 4c to 6c.
Butter and Eggs.
BUTTER Ranch, 60c; creamery.
65 cents. '
EGGS 37c dozen.
HONEY 12c to 14c frame. .
Fresh Fruits.
. Apples, 75c$l; cranberries, $11
per, barrel; strawberries. 14c to 16c
bpx; watermelons', 90c to $1.00.
Dried Fruits,
DRIED APPLES 68c; prunes.
4 to 5c; silver prunes, 6 to 6c;
pears, 11 to 12c.
Grain. Flour and Feed.
WHEAT 95c.
OATS No. 1, white, $27.
FLOUR Patent, $4.95; valley flour,
$4.40; graham flour, $3.75$4.25;
whole wheat flour, $3.75$4.25; hard
wheat flour, $4.80$5.00 bbl.
MILLSTUFFS Bran, $21.50; mid
dlings, $32; shorts, $25.00; dairy chop,
HAY Valley timothy, No. 1, $18
$20 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy,
$1718; clover, $12; cheat. $15; grain
$14 16.
Live Stock.
STEERS $3.00 3.60.
HEIFERS $3.00. .
COWS $2.252.75.
LAMBS $4.254.75.
HOGS $5.505.75.
OLD HENS 10 cents per pound:
young roosters, 11c; old roosters, 9c;
mixed chickens, 11c; spring chicken?
(frys) 12 c 'per pound; turkeys 15c
to 17c.
Dres.ted Meats.
FRESH MEATS Hogs, 8e per
pound; veal, 78c; mutton, 89c;
lamb (spring) 9o per pound.
HAMS. Bacon 1718o per pound.
Maple Lane Elects Officers.
The annual election of officers of
Maple Lane Grange, Patrons of Hus
bandry, was held Saturday. The
meeting was. well attended, about 50
grangers being present. County Dep
uty C. C. Borland, of Oswego, was
present, accompanied by his son, and
warmly congratulated the members of
the Grange on the excellent showing
made. The usual attractive program
was given. Maple Lane Orange al
ways devotes at least 75 minutes at
each meeting to the lecturer's hour, as
this is one of the requirements of the
State Grange contest. - Last year
Maple Lane took the second prize In
the contest for initiatory work and
next year it is likely that this Grange
will also enter the contest for liter
ary work. The officers elected were:
A. J. Lewis, master; Louise Beard,
overseer; Blanch Mautz, steward;
Mrs. Anna J. Lewis, lady assitant
steward; Mrs. J. E. Seeley, lecturer;
Mrs. R. Mautz, chaplain; Lyman Der
rick, assistant steward; S. T. Roman,
secretary; A. J. Hobble, treasurer;
Emma Roman, Ceres; Pearl Darling,
Flora; Bessie Crawford, Pomona;
Harry Shelley, gate keeper; Mrs. T.
E. Beard, organist
liquor license Notice is hereby
given that we will apply to the
city council at the next regular
meeting for a license to sell liquor
at our place of business, corner of
Main and Fifth streets, for a per
iod of six months. JUSTIN &
IS?' few"
Don't, put off your Xmas shopping another
day. Turn over anew leaf and begin now. We
know from long experience that the early shopper
not only gets the best bargains, but they enjoy buy
ing when they can have the undivided attention of a
salesman who knows the stock and can help in making
selections. We believe we have provided for every
want, every taste and every purse this year. If we
haven't what you want at the price you want to
pay, you will still be the gainer by the ideas you will
get looking through our immense stcck. Whether
buying or "just looking" you will be welcome.
Visk us once anyway as many more times as you
Of course yon, will give
some Books this year, for
after all theijnothing
like books forJpjMjstmas.
For some friends nothing
else will do; for others
they do better than any
thing else you can afford
to buy; for children and
young people it wouldn't
be Christmas without
Books. Thisjyearjindt us with our Book stock nearly
double, and we have more room to display it. Children's
and Juvenile Books will be found In the annex. Our
stock is at its height now. Have you made your selec
tion yet? Our Bookman can help you now. Later it
will be jam. Remember we meet or beat all depart
ment store or mail order prices.
200 copies of the best selling fiction of the past two or three years, such
as The Verginian, Richard Carvel, Call of ths Wild, The Right of Way
When Wilderness was King, The Crafters, The Master Christian, The
Missourian, The Prospector, Leopards Spots, Etc. Published PA
at $ 1 50 each. Our Price OUC
All this year's popular Fiction $1.50 edition. . . $1.20
Library Edition of Standard Authors Published at 75 cents FA.
Silk Ribbed Cloth Binding, CUt Top OUC
Standard Authors in Plain and Fancy binding Aft
Special fUG
Small Gilt books infancy bindings 25c tO 50c
Standard Poets in Padded Leather Binding QOA
Published at $1.50. . VOW
Standard Poets, Fancy Cloth Binding AQi
Published at $1.00 HOW
Standard Poets, Plain Cloth Binding QOfk
Published at 75 cents. OO V
Gift Books in Fancy Leather Binding. $J ,00 to $2.00
Boys Books by Alger, Optic and other Famous Boys Writers p
Special ChWV
Boys Books by Cestlemon, Bonehill, Otis, Ellis, and other best
Juvenile Authors, Regular 75c, Special
Girls Books by Sophia May, Mary Maple Dodge, Mrs. Moles
worth, Mrs Meade, Mrs Ewing, Martha. Finley and others 35c to. . . .75
Picture Books for the children
5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c to
Cook Books White House, Mothers, Blue Grass, Mrs,
Rorer, Mrs. Parloa and others 48c to . . .'
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, Sheep Binding
Stock and Poultry Books 9gc j0 $2.50
Dr. Chase's Receipt Books "! . . . $ .25
W t'A There's more real
J 15
fun and
genuine entertainment in a
Phonograph than any other
investment whatever the cost.
Its always ready to play
never tired and anybody can
play it. Ask your neighbor
if he would part with his Phonograph at any reasonable
price if he couldn't get another. Or better yet, come
in and let ns play for you and judge for yourself. We
carry a big stock of
The three best machines made. Prices range from $10
to $75. Our easy payment plan will put one in your
home at the cash price and you can pay for it at your
convenience. Send for catalogs.
Another Ton of Candy
You would hardly believe it but that's about the
amount it takes to supply our Xmas trade. Because
it's the finest in the land is no reason why everyone
should'nt have a box this year. It's no higher than
the common box kind, but it's far and away better.
Price from 5 cents to $5.00. .
Those dollar watches
have made many a boy's
heart glad at Christmas
time. Why not give him
one this year?
$1.00 to $1.50
Guaranteed for one year
Toilet, Sets
Nothing is quite so
popular after all for
an Xmas present as a
Toilet Set. Realizing
this we have provided
a stock this year that
has never before been
equaled in Oregon
City. Our buver was
East this year, where they are made, and got in on
the ground floor on prices. We can save you from
20 to 50 per cent on this line of goods. Prices range
from 50 cents to $20.00.
J QLAD TO SEE YOU tad you will be gladYz IS1
1 1 to ice thU .pUdid display of JEWELRY. Buy
'ydf 'l?vVi il it mil, otherwUe don't but do inspect, com.
fviUj v pare and gel poBted. The roof of tliu store coveri
' "th including good cheer.
Those new non-trust knives cost about 25 per
cent less than the trust-made kind and are absolutely
guaranteed so far as quality goes. Prices range from
25 cents up. If you want to make a reaJly practical
present for a man this year get him a sha.ving outfit.
Our regular razors range in price from $1.00 to
$3.00. If you think a safety would be better we
have them from a' Crescent at $1.00 to a $5.00 Gil
lette. You take no risk in buying razors from us
because when we say we guarantee a razor we mean
it and are always ready to "make good."
Shaving Sets have always been
popular presents for men. We
have several new things this year,
among others, an adjustable
stand mirror, with brush and
shaving mug. This style $7.50.
Other sets ranging in price from
$1.00 up.
A fine umbrella is a gift that any Oregonian will
relish. You will find in our big stock, something to
suit your taste and your purse. Prices begin at $1
for a good, substantial umbrella and go by 25c and
50c steps to $10. And note that we guarantee every
Each year finds the Empire Cut Glass more strong
ly in favor with careful buyers of this dainty ware.
Compare our patterns and prices with other lines
you will find them 20 per cent less. Prices for all
purses :
$1.25 to $20.00 .
That man always wants a
pipe if he smokes at all
and most men do. Our dis
play of pipes Ihis year is
fine. Our new 10-foot
cigar caso gives us ample
room for the hundreds of
kinds of pipes we carry and
we can help you to select
just the kind you should
give him. Prices range from 25c to $15.00, Cigars
by box, COc to $11.50.
Athletic Goods
Jointed Fishing Poles - -Boxing
Cloves - - - -Punching
Bags - -Foot
Balls -----
$1 to $10
$1 to $6
. $lto$5
$1 to $10
1 ; lyOCRT'Jj
9TorLisr ;
buying from us.
Buying and keeping perfume is al
most a business of itself. After
years of experience we believe we've
gotten it down almost to a science.
Each perfumer has two or three
special odors which are better than
any ordinary kind, because they
spend lots of time and money devel
oping something especially good.
We buy these special odors from each
leading perfumer. They come
from France, England, Germany
and America, and are each one the
best of its kind. We keep the goods
right in a case made specially for
this purpose and you can depend on
getting full strength perfume when
Fancy bottles from 25 cents to $10.
We have too many
ladies' puries and bags
this year; in our efforts
to get everything new in
the market we over
reached a little and
therefore are making
special prices until our
stock is down to normal.
Everyone nearly knows
that our prices on leather
goods are way below the average anyhow and when we tell
you they have been cut auother 15 or 20 per cent you may
be sure of some good bargains.
' IL
Post Card Albums
The popularity of Post
Cards has caused a conse
quent demand for Post
Card Albums. We have a
big line of the newest de
signs about 50 sizes and .
styles, ranging in price
from 5c to $5.
Photograph Albums 75c to $5.00
What would home be without one. We have them
in plush, celluloid, stag, leather.
Autograph Albums 5c to $1.25
Just as popular as ever. Every school boy and
girl wunts one.
Scrap Albums 20c to 95c
Nothing can take the place of these with the children.
Christmas Tree Ornaments
We have a lot of new things this year all bright
and fresh. Special pricfts to churches.
There are so many new and pretty things in mir
rors this year that we will not undertake to describe
Triplicate Mirrors 25c to $12.50
Hand Mirrors 25c to 5.00
Shaving Mirrors 22c to 7.50
Special Magnifying Mirrors 50c and up
Since photography
escaped the dark
room it has become
more popular than
ever. The whole
process from pres
sing the button to
the finished picture
IT '1
can no uone in (lay
light, and by chil
dren as well as
- - $1, $2 and $5
. . $10. SIS and $20
BR.OWNIE KODAK BOX--A complete outfit, Camera
Developing Machine, Paper and Chemicals, Complete
Outfit S4.00
Mf faction by 1h y' K
W handful. ChrUt- ;W.
. tnuin; JO ojJjj
SsJ tht imitation and eooj'y
imitation and ehooj9
tOattrman'j ldtal
Wo have 80 different sizes, styles and points of
this famous pen in stock to select from. After 10
vcars experience with fountains pens we are confi
dent. that this is absolutely the best one made.
The quality of the $2.50 pen is the same as higher-priced
ones more costly ones are larger or
mounted in gold or silver.
We have in stock now
over 75 different sizes
and styles of Testa
ments and Bibles to
select from. We guar
antee to undersell any
mail-order house and
we also guarantee the
quality of our Bibles. Prices from 10c to $G.50.
Special prices to Sunday School Teachers. Fine line
of Catholic Prayer Books.
Druggists and Booksellers