OREGON ClfY COURIER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1907 2 NEWS OF THE COUNTY Oswego. Mrs. Charles Pauling is under the care of Dr. Bruns. Mrs. L. Hallinan visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walling, at Portland, Thursday. Mrs. Mlntle, of Portland, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Russell this week. Ernest and Vernon Nelson, who were employed surveying the Hills-boro-TUlamook Railroad, are spend ing the Winter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson. . ' David Nelson, Jr., is ill with typhoid fever. Mumps have played havoc with the children as well as with some of the older folks In Oswego during the last few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Pettinger have moved Into their beautiful new home. The new homes of Mr. Henry Koeh ler In the new town and that of Da vid Nelson in the old town are nearly completed. John Blchner was elected scnooi Clerk at a special meeting to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of A. Walling, who has moved to Portland. Work Is progressing rapidly on the Catholic orphanage built on the prop- erty recently bought by the Sisters of the Holy Name, of Portland. Miss Sarah Hill. Willie Austin and Emmett Dunn have been ill for some time. Jennings Lodge. The wind blew a hurricane here to day, breaking tops out of trees and lodging some on the telephone wires, Now see the rain pour In torrents. Mr. Hart is slowly but surely get ting his new residence completed. He is building near Mr. Jening s place. Mr. York and family have moved to their new Washington home. Mr. Blanton and family will soon move from among us. Mrs. Boardman, who has been in a Portland hospital for some months past, is able to be home and Mr. Boardman has rented the Lldell place. Mr. Lldell moving to Oregon City, where he has a shoe shop. George Boardman and family have recently moved into their large new residence. Mr. Davenport seems to be doing a thriving little business with his store. Mrs. George Morse has gone to Iowa on an extended visit with old friends and relatives. Her son-in-law and family have sold out there and will locate here In January. Mrs. Stennett recently moved from Oregon City into L. H. Chamber's new house near Meldrum. Mr. Shaw, our real estate agent, seems to be determined to make a thriving little town here, it Is build ing up) very fast. Our main drawback Is the lack of a public school. There are some 25 or 30 pupils in the com munity, all of whom are compelled to go to and from school on the cars, Borne to Concord, some to Oregon City, others to Parkplace. Teasel Creek. Grandma Dart has been on the sick list, but Is Improving. E. E. Judd is improving the appear ance of his home in the way of clear ing and burning the prunlngs from his shade tree. The people of Teasle Creek were pleased over the return of their pas tor, Rev. J. H. Qulnn, who preached them a good sermon last Sunday. He had been absent for two weeks, and Just returned In time for the people to give ' him a good "pounding" on Thanksgiving. It was a very enjoy able occasion, about twenty-five be ing present. Sunday school is held at the Teasle Creek M. E. church South every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m.; preaching second and fourth Sundays at 11 a. m and quarterly meeting December 15th. Marks Prairie. We had a regular Kansas zephyr the past week, and as a result the Dhone- service is badly demoralized. Wm. Leach purchased a horse of Frank Lockwood last week. Jack Kerr was calling at Grove M& Gonegal's Sunday. W. Sutherland was calling at Ogle- by's Sunday. Chas. Wolfer purchased a fine driv ing horse last week. Social dances are all the rage at Strlngtown, near Paradise City. We hear that a petition will be to the County Court to change the eastern boundary of road district No. 23 to take In a part of district No. 25. We object to calling that woman a lady that was searched for concealed weapons at Canby last week. Henry Kraus is trying to get some of the water off his ranch nere by ditching. Oglesby Bros, are doing some grub bing with a new style grubbing ma chine. John Kopper has been putting in some tllelng the past few days. Our mail carrier has our sympathy these days, as he has a frightful road south of Macksburg to travel. Our hop growers will form a union of all the hop growers of Oregon, Cal themselves against the short buyers who have robbed the hop grower for years. It Is time such action is taken. An organizer will soon be here from California, to start the .organization. Ye scribe took dinner with Samuel Wolfer Sunday. He is one of our sub stantial farmers here. - Needy. Mrs. Percy Ritter spent last week at Butfevllle, having some sewing done. Lucy Armstrong visited at Wieg and's Sunday. Jack Kerr and George Oglesby had their wood sawed this week by Carl Hilton. Oscar Jack and wife visited Grove McGonegal's Sunday. Ray Fish called on Miss Laura Kocher Sunday. D. B. Yoder helped R. W. Zimmer man butcher Monday. MAKES WORK EASIER. Oregon City People Are Pleased to Learn How It Is Done. -v It's pretty hard to attend to duties With a constantly aching hack; With annoying urinary disorders, Doan's Kidney Pills make work easier. They cure backache. They cure' every kidney III. E. E. Gillian, proprietor of livery and feed stable, at 62 Forry St., and living at 332 Water St., Salem, Ore., says: "Years of almost constant drlv- Ing and a fall I got several years ago, which wrenched my back and tended to hurt my kidneys, which I felt In Bevero backache and lameness so that at times I could hardly straight en up. Sharp pains caught me whon X arose after sitting. None of the rem edies I tried did me any good untl a short time ago I was Induced to get Doan's Kidney PHU. In a short time I obtained more relief from the back ache and disordered condition of the kidneys, than I had for years. I know of neighbors who have also used your remedy and they all speak of It as the best kidney medicine thore Is and I believe this to be so." Plenty more proof like this from Or egon City people. Call at Huntley Bros.'s drug store and ask what cus tomers report. For sale by all doalers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mtlburn Co., BulTulo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Liberal.' Farmers are busy plowing on high ground; stock have been taken to the straw stacks, and are In good condi tion for the winter; grass Is still good, and with this moderate weather will stay so. Early sown grain looks fine, and a very healthy growth, as a gen eral rule last spring sown clover Is rather thin on the ground. Some freak In the weather must be the cause. Another big drive of ties by J. E. Broughton passed by Wright's Bridge Sunday. At this stage of the water they will be at Barlow by Tuesday night. A crew of seven men was crowding them through. Pete Hornick and crew are Deiow Liberal with their logs. Mr. Hornick Is one of the best river driver on this stream, or at least he has the success. Pierce Wright Is plowing sod and killing gophers for a change. Per haps he doesn't go far enough on the north side of the river, eh? Max Hu8s is busy clearing his piece of land getting it ready for spuds in the spring. R. A. Wright has his new house an plastered and has one of the finest houses on the river. J, O. Morris returned from San Francisco last Thursday. No place like Webfoot for him, and he did not bring back a cook either. Russellvllle. Once more we will try to pencil something for the readers of the Courier. As for weather, we have all kinds except cold and disagreeable. No ex cuse not to work. O. S. Boyles and his carpenter are progressing nicely with their house; In a few weeks It will be pronounced complete. E. P. Carter Is camping on his farm In our country enjoying the fresh mountain air, while he does some re pairing work on place. Clarence Ramsey seems to be go Ing to make 0. S. Boyles a new yard gate. He seems to be viewing it closely. Mr. Lehman, the mlllman, treated his family to a new graphone a few days ngo. Music Is often heard from that direction, as well as sound of the mill whistle. Mr. Daugherty has butchered sev eral fine beeves this fall, and one to winter himself on (wife excluded). Roy Trulllnger has been attending the Molalla school for sometime, and will probnbly attend all winter. Mrs. Wlngfleld Is expecting to spend Christmas In Salem with Mrs Jane Bagby. Badly Mixed Up. Abraham Brown, of Wlnerton, N. Y., hnd a very remarkable experience; he says: "Doctors got badly mixed up over me; one said heart disease; two called it kidney trouble; the fourth, blood poison, and the flftR stomach and liver trouble; but none of them helped me; so my wife advised try ing Electric Blttors, which are restor ing me to perfect health. One bottle did me more good than all the five doctors prescribed." Guaranteed for blood poison, weakness and all stom ach, liver and kidney complnlnts, by Howoll & Jones, druggists, 50c. Ik 4y You Can not Afford to have a bundling dentist work with your teeth no matter how cheap the price. Chenp dental work is dear and dangerous at any price danger of ruining your teeth and losing your money. YOU TAKE NO CHANCES when you coma to this office. We understand thoroughly every operation in dentistry. Our work is the same as you get from the up-to-date dentist in the larger cities. It lasts. We never do poor work. Our eighteen years practise in 1 this city is the best guarantee any dentist can give you A guarantee is gooa oniy wnen you can nnd the one who gave it and then not always. Prices are lowest for good dental work in city. No charges for examination. Kind treatment. L. L. PICKENS. Dentist Post Craduate of HASKELL and CHICACO SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY Shubel. Behold, a certain man had a feel ing that he would be the best man to repair, improve and oversee the work on the public highway, and he forth with sent forth his runners to see how many would rally to his banner, and a goodly number were ready to follow his lead, but lo and behold, another thought he ought to be It; and yet again another said "No, I am It. Why would ye follow a new lead er? . Am I not doing all I can?" (And he Is). "My loss would not be your gain, as you would find," and the high moguls In the "temple of Justice" wink their eyes and say "we know, what we know, and no doubt will do what they think Is best." When men are so small that If they can not have it their way they would stop all road work It is time to show them that they could not Influence a blind pig, and the stories which are being circulated that some are get ting pay for their rock, and getting more wages, are deliberate falsehoods, and they know it, and In my humble Judgment, the road work Is progress ing as fast or faster than it did under better weather conditions heretofore, and every one is earning every cent he gets. Mr. and Mrs. William Moehnke came up from Portland and are vis iting here for a few days. The literary and debating society Is bringing out the young folks from far and near, and In the near future we may hear of some great orators, who will say, "my first experience be fore an audience was at the Shubel debating society. The young folks are practising pieces for Christmas tree entertain ments at the different churches. Mrs. E. W. Hornshuh has been spending a few days with her mother at Albany. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lieser, of Sell wood, and Val Lieser, of Oregon City, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. Thursday. A.B. Countryman, who had been quite sick for the last few months, wag in town under tne doctor s care, He came home last Saturday and is feeling quite well now. ' Carl Stromgreen has traded a milk cow for a fat beef cow to Mr. Peter son. He intends to butcher it in about a week. Mr. LIndstrom bought a load of hay from Mr. Willson In Elwood. Mr. Haag was in Oregon City last Saturday. A dance was given at the Colton hall last Saturday night. Some boys of Clarkes attended. They seemed to be pretty good "yodlers" when they passed people's houses. Mr. DIx butchered several hogs on last Wednesday. Mrs. J. S. Stromgreen was visiting Mrs. LIndstorm a few days ago. J. Putz attended a telephone meet ing last Monday. Molalla. Mr. Fairfield, late of Mullno, has opened a blacksmith shop at 'the old Trulllnger stand. . Mrs. R. R. Thomas has been 111 with pneumonia since Thanksgiving, also suffering from a severe burn received from an alcohol lamp caused by faint ing while in a vapor bath. At this writing she is improving as well as could be expected. Mrs. Mary B. Lett came down from Albany Monday to be with her sister, Mrs. Thomas, until she is better, and will then go to Portland for a few weeks' visit with pioneer friends. The Molalla condensed milk factory will be started up in about 90 days. Some change has been made in organ ization from that first contemplated. The association is now taking out In corporation papers, and Intend to build larger, and double the capital stock Mrs. Carrie Stubbs is quite 111 with Mullno. A Merry Christmas is expected In our little burg. There will be an Xmas tree at the hall. The program will be rendered by the school, church, and grange combined. Mr. Woodside is doing some fall plowing. Mrs. Nellie Haden and Miss Pearl Hydinger are visiting at the home of the former's father: Mr. Bruner. Mrs. Annie Johnson spent the day with Elva Daniels Monday. Miss Spulak spent Sunday at the Linqulst home, near Colton. Marguerite Manning, who has been working at Sellwood has returned to her home. A. Erickson killed a beef Monday. H. Turner has moved onto Mr. Evans' , place for the winter. Louis Churchill has moved Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jewlt to Llndsley's sawmill, sorry to see them go. Will Fairfield has gone to Molalla, where he will continue his work as blacksmith. Mr. Holstein's son is staying with him at present. There is still talk of- the sawmill being built at Mullno. The work will start soon after Xmas. A. Dongan is hauling cream now. . H. Seltzer wll move to his new home in the near future. Mrs. Daniels and daughter, Katie, dined with Agnes Woodside Monday. Redland. ' There seems to be a mild form of an epidemic of scarlet fever In this community. W. E. Brown's children being afflicted. Dr. Mount is in at tendance. District No. 75 will have a two weeks' vacation through the holidays. Frank Gruftl and wife leave today for Great Falls, Mont., and we are sorr yto see them go. E. N. Brock began putting a metal- AS SO YE SOW SHALL YE REAP ; THERE IS NO QUESTION BUT THAT WE ALL WANT to REAP GOOD CROPS. Ei'mii i a 9 i y u ni FT W 1 The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borno the signature ot and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good "are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tte Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CSNTAUH OOMPAHV. TT MURRAY STRCCTi HCW VOHH 6ITV. The First Move Toward this End is to Sow Rignt tIT CANNOT BE DONE BETTER THAN WITH A HOOSIER DRILL It is built strong, is set to sow accurately and will remain so. Tne Hoosier is what many others are not--a "Positive Force Feed" -and because it is positive and accurate it sows in a uniform manner, whether up hill or down, on side hill or on the level there is no difference, always the same amount put in at the same depth. IT IS ABSOLUTE PER FECTION IN A SEED ING MACHINE. Catalog and Cit celar s telling all abotrt it sent free on application. Agencies through out Oregon Washington, Idaho A. Schubel. U. Glnther and family spent their Thanksgiving with some friends at Highland. The windstorm played havoc with some of the telephone lines. Will some one please explain why the Home telephone people charge us 25 cents to phone to Macksburg? I thought we were to have free ex change over all lines In this county. Some of the hoys think the hunt ing season for birds is still open. Bet- Hi COURIER ter look a little out, the pheasant season closed December 1. We are informed that another change In hello girls takes place this week. Miss Hazel Glnther will at tend to. the switching. It Is possible that there will be a change of pastors In the Lutheran church, as Rev. J. F. Doescher has a call from another church with an In creased salary. The Southern Pacific Railway Com pany had a man to examine what land they own in this neighborhood and to report aa to timber, etc. Ed Schmidt Is able to be up and around again. He was confined to his bed about four weeks with ty phoid fever. Colton. Ben Marshall, of Highland, purch ased a load of shingles of the Colton shingle mill and hauled them home last Monday. Mr. Schlewe, who had been looking for a place for' the last few months, has found one to suit him at last. He has bought Mr. Staub's place, at Clarkes, and Intends to move right away. He went to Portland Monday. John Scott, who had lost a cow.was looking for it and found It in the mountains. He took her home last an acute attack of throat trouble. Molalla Grange, No. 310, began work at 10 o'clock sharp last Satur day, and had two Initiations, and elected the following officers for the. ensuing year: Master, J. V. Harless; overseer, Kate Schamel; lecturer, J. N. Sawtell; steward, B. O. Cole; as sistant steward, L, H. Cochran; chap plain, Anna Everhart; treasurer, Rhoda Mackrell; secretary, Bertha Adams; gate keeper, D. Wllhelm; Ceres, Edith Husband; Pomona, Nina Dunton; Flora, Edith Sawtell; lady assistant steward, Edan Adams; trus tees, G. V. Adams, P. L. Schamel, J. W. Thomas; executive committee, W. W. Everhart, J. M. Austen, J. R. Cole, J. V. Harless and Bertha Adams. Yutbt Our delicious Cod Liver preparation without oil. Better than old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions to restore health for Old people, delicate children, weak run-down persons, and after sickness, colds, coughs, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Try it cn our guarantee. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. Oregon City Corner First&Tayior Sts PORTLAND, OREGON. lie trunk line In today. Oregon City grist mills are doing a good business since shorts have gone up and hard to get. W. H. Bonney started a logging camp In the woods last Saturday. Adolph Fisher has left the hospital and is now at the Wilhelm Tell in Oregon City. Storm & Storm Intend to saw some again In about two weeks. Real Estate If Buy yourself or wife a nice farm or resi dence for a Christmas present. We have a number of choice bargains for some one. Also wish to list a few well improved large or small tracts which we have calls for every day W. F. SCH00LEY & GO. 606 Main Street Office Phone 60 Res. Phone 1973 OREGON CITY Oswego. Mr. Johnson, a farmer who lives near Oswego, had his legs badly crushed while hauling wood. The Artisan lodge initiated several new members Saturday evening. After the Initiation lunch was served and all had a most enjoyable time. David Nelson, Jr., who has had the typhoid fever for some time, is con valescent. The Oswego Women's Club met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Gray Wednes day. Mr. E. Messing was visiting friends here Saturday. The brass band Is preparing to give an entertainment and dance soon. 7TV YT S (o)(o (o) MrHM lit For Dyspepsia Gives rest to the stomach. For indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, tired stomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed stomach, nervous stomach and catarrh of the stomach. A prompt relief. Fr.p.r.d it tb Lab or.tory of E.O.IxWilt &0o.,0hlc.go,P.B,A. Dlgaafa Yfhat You Eat mkma tha Braath Swt Am Roaas RaU.v.i lndig.itlon, lour itomMh, b.loh lm of y.i, t. For Sale by GEORGE A. HARDING Buena Vista. Dave Baker got badly hurt at Can emah. on Monday last by being knock ed down by a street car. He is get ting along all right. P. Murry, of this city, has pur chased the Stilwell place now being occupied by Mr. Smith; price paid, $500. Mrs. Carlton was visiting friends here on Saturday last. Mrs. Langsford is still confined to her room through illness. School Report Following is the report of school district No. 38, (Marks Prairie) Ore. for the month ending December 6, 1907: Number pupils belonging, 31; num ber days taught, 18; average daily at tendance, 29; whole number of days' attendance, 527H: whole number of days' absence, 36 V6: number times tardy, 0. Those perfect In attendance were: Lenna, Mable, Ted and Dewey Wolfer, Lizzie, Leta, Roy and Henry Zimmer man, Loulne and Lornie Kerr, Blanch, Gene and James Cribble, Earl Kocher, Reba Rueck, Theoline, Cora and Nora Larsen, Sammy and Orvllle Marks, Mattle and Charlie Johnson. Visitors present were: Mrs. John Marks and Miss Rebecca Johnson. Visitors are always welcome. ALICE E. RITTER, Teacher. Clackamas. The Christian Endeavor of the Con gregational Church held a "Dutch" market last Wednesday evening in the Grange Hall. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and a fine supper was served. The Endeavorers cleared $10.00, which well paid them for their time and trouble. Will Capps has been spending much of his time lately with his mother, who Is quite 111. Mrs. Peebler and son, Lester, spent several days las week with relatives in Oregon City. The Hartnell Bros, are away for a few weeks cutting wood in Beaver Creek. The Grange will give a carpet-ball social next Wednesday evening, the proceeds to go into the hall fund. Car pet balls sell for twenty-five cents, and supper for two goes with every ball. Your partner's name will be inside. All are cordially invited. The Congregational Church is soon to have a bell. A fine subscription was taken and a good bell has been ordered. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church has been preparing for a Christmas bazaar, which will be held some time this week. Hand-made Christmas presents will bo sold very reasonable. O t 4 O Don't neglect your cough. Statistics show that in New York City alone over 200 people die every week from consumption. And most of these consumptives might be living now if they had not neglected the warning cough. " You know how quickly Scoft's Emulsion enables you to throw off a cough or cold. ALL DRUGGISTS SOc AND $1.00. O O