..nr ,irn1'" j OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1907, 8 MRS. BRADLEY 13 FREE. 1 OOKOO' Slayer of Senator Brown, of Utah, Ac quitted at Washington. BU5GH 2 D) iy)lU3 ir Where; to buy Furniture and save more money than by banking in a savings bank ? BUREAUS Beautiful Bureaus like cut at a price to suit the poor pod man s book, You will have to see these bureaus to appreciate them. . And then when you come home tired what comfort to have one of these handsome Lounges to lay down on and rest afford thsm no matter your weary bmes, what your salary. Q JRk I THIS TMDE-MARK. ) jmZ ai-ss JL. I Glass Dishes? Old Such beauties and cheap! So cheap you cannot believe it until you see them and ask. Now is the time To buy your STOVE i 1? RANGES ! "Gar'and" is the markof perfection in Stoves, Ran ges and Heaters. WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 "Not guil ty" was the verdict rendered Tuesday by the jury in the case of Mrs. Annie M. Bradley, charged with the murder of former United States Senator Ar thur M. Brown, of Utah, at a hotel In this city on Decemoer 8 last. Amid the applause of a crowd that filled the courtroom, Mrs. Bradley, with tear dimmed eyes, was discharged from custody and a trial that has evoked national attention during the last 3 weeks was at an end. Throughout its deliberations the Jury, into whose bands the case was delivered by Justice Stafford at 4:15 o'clock Monday afternoon, stood at 1.1 to 1 for acquittal until the final bal lot, when the lone juror, who was holding out for sov.e form of punish ment, Juror JuMus II. Prigg. gave in and the verdict of acquittal was agreed on. Almost three-quarters of an hour before the time for the opening of court, at 11 o'clock, the courtroom be gan to fill with spectators, the majori ty of them women. A few minutes before 10 o'clock word reached the courtroom that the iury was ready to renort. As the Jmlee entered the courtroom the crowd stood while the court crier announced the opening of the court with the customary Ua save the government of the United States." There waa a hrief suspense, the door opened and the jury filed in. The room was so quiet that a pin couia have been heard to drop. All eyes were fastened on the jury and all necks were craned in that direction Justice Stafford warned those pres ent to avoid any demonstration Meantime, the jury waited to deliver its verdict. Foreman James U tee nev nervously clutching in his hand the document that meant so much to the frail, trembling woman in the pris oner's chair. "Gentlemen of the jury," asked the clerk, "have you reached a vercuctr "We have," answered the loreman "What is your verdict? Is the de fendant guilty or not guilty?" Every person in the courtroom, from Judee to spectators, almost breathlessly awaited the reply. "Not euilty." replied the foreman firmly, and "not guilty" replied every one of the lurors. For a moment in the intenseness of the excitement not a word could De heard then the 'Suspense was over and" a murmuring "thank God" from a group of women who sat on the front benches was heard througn me coun room and was the signal for a demon stration. II. TOLPOLAFU THE SECOND-HAND MAN OREGON CITY, ORE. FURNITURE AND HARDWARE - M wv . mi ' i V:.- -V n I v I 1 irZS JST7TT p: I f v.iti A til i vnr ST takes years of experience, fine figuring and shrewd manipulation of the mar ket supply to'p'rovide the highest grade goods at the lowest prices, as well as years-of honest endeavor and straight forward business methods to establish our reliability and superiority as we have done. T In selecting your holiday gifes this is a safe store for hurried people. -TI All Toys are sold at a very small margin. You will find that 25 cents will buy more in our establishment than 50 cents in the high rent district stores. 1 We have very strong lines in Rocking Horses, Dolls, Boys' Wagons, Coasters, Velocipedes, Mechanical Toys, outside of our regular line of Silverware, Cutlery, Scissors, Furniture, Carpets and hardware. MRS. GENINl SEARCHED. Marshal Dick, of Canby, Find a Weapon. Failed to URIC ACBD In the blood causes Rheu matism,Sciatica,Lumbago, Neuralgia and Gout You can remove the cause by wearing one of our r-. r- r Qfiw RHEUMATIC RINGS Manufnrtureil bv(h Rex Rhcumatlo Ring Co., Hariford, Connecticut. ' . J Price $2.00 Bold By Barmeister & Andr esen 'It i W. A. HEYLMAN Attorney at Law LYMFS PHOTO STUDIO 10th and Main Bt. Oregon City, Oregon. Most complete Line of Picture Mouldings In the city. Picture en larged cheap. ROBERT A. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW Room BOfi Commercial Bldg. Dud aud Wayhiugton Sts. PORTLAND, OllEUON George C. Brownell ATT'Y AT LAW OREGON CITY, OREGON a. B DIMICK a. niHit'u DIMICK & DIMICK Attorneys at Law Notary Public Mongnues Foreclosed. Abntrauta f urnished. Money uinu on Hi'l ami ('Imttol ttauurity, General Law Practice. ,3 and 4 Uanld lildn., Orison Oity Oi Estacada, Oregon O.D. Eby ATTORNEY-AT-LAW General Practice, Deeds, Mortices and Abstracts caretully made, money to loan on good security. Charges reason able. ' C. ScKuebel W. S. U'Ren U'R-EN & SCHUEBEL Attorneys At Law Will practice in all oourts. nmko col. lections and settlements of estates, famish abstracts of title, lend yon money and lend your monoy on flist iuorRigo. Office in Enterprise build ing, Oregon City - Oregon , Letter List. I Letter list for week ending Decem J ber 6: I Wnmnn'H lint Tiovnton. Mrs. Ida; Carothers, Miss Helen (2). Men's list Anderson, J. E.; Baiter, H. G.; Loffe, Frank; Murphy, Walter; McKnight, Frank; Robe, H. Here's Good Advice. O. S. Woolever, one of the best known merchants of Le Raysville, N. Y.. says: "If you are ever troubled with nlles. apply Bucklerfs Arnica Salve. It cured me of them for good 20 years ago." Guaranteed for sores, wounds, burns or abrasions. 25c at Howell & Jones drug store. FOR BARGAINS and lowest prices in new and sec ond hand goods see Z. C. WARD 509 Seventh St. C. D. D. C. Latourette ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate out Specialties. Office In Commercial Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. MILWAUKIE NURSERIES Have the Leading Varieties Of Apple, Penr, Cherry, Plum, Prune, reach and English Walnut Trees, mid can supply the planters of Clackamas County at reasonable prices with first class trees in every respect. Call or write for prices before placing your orders. Address N. B. HARVEY, Prop. Milwaukle, Oregon. SANDY STAGE & LIVERY LEAVES Sandy for Boring at 6:80 a. in. and 2:30 p. m. Horing lor Sandy at 8:86 a. tn. and 4:45 p. m. SUNDAY SCHliDULK Leave Sandy for Boring at 8:00 a. m. and 2:31) p. m. Leave Boring for Sandy at 10:36 a. in, and 4:45 p. in. At Sandy makes connection with Salmon Mail Stage. SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANOB WITHOUT NOTICE EMMETT DONAHOE, Proprietor O. W. Eastham LAWYER Legal work of all kinds carefully attended to Charres moderate. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Oregon Oity Oregon. the El or 0QBES DR. KING'S FOR IS and GOLDS City Marshal J. S. Dick experienced the novelty of searching a woman for concealed weapons Wednesday and seemed to perform-the task with such coolness and dexterity i that several men about town have hinted that they believed that they could hold the job of city marshal. The -episode came aDout 1111 wis manner: A. S. jeirnes, wno was ic ceiitly cleared of an attempt to mur der Tony (ienini was m iownwiui Mrs. Genini, who seems to be the 'heaiitiful ladv" in the drama. It was over her that Jeffries nought -to anni hilate Genini, the destroyer of his hopes, though Genini had a prior claim by right of discovery, Genini was also here. The tragedy was also about to be repeated, Genini had a gun, and it was hinted that Jeffries and Mrs. Genini also had dangerous weanons hid about their clothing. Mr. Dick flashed his star, raised his hand to high heaven and said:- "The ma pstv of the law shall be upheld! Hold foul traducers, until I place my hands under thv clothinc and wrest from thee those Instruments of death, else chains and a bastile await thee! The beligerents stood back, Mr. Dick searched the men first. He found a gun and took possession of It. He then came to Mrs. Genini. He hesitated. The crowd that stood watchine the performance laughed Mr. Dick discovered a bulky substairtse which from surface indications re sembled a sun. "Put your haud un der there if you want to," the woman said, and Mr. Dick took new courage nnd mmnleted his undertaking. He didn't find a gun. Canby Tribune. CLACKAMAS TAVERN OPEN. Skating Rink Will Be Built, and Noth ing But Soft Drinks Will Be Sold. Clackamas Tavern, the popular road house on the Clackamas River, has been thrown open to the public, and is commencing to enjoy a popu larity that is amazing. Only a few miles from Oregon City, the Tavern is located in a beautiful spot, and is a delightful place for people to spend their Sundays and leisure hours. Mr. Erickson has abandoned his original Idea to erect a dancine pavilion, and will build a commodious skating rink, where no liquors will be sold, but soft drinks may be obtained. The rink will be operated by a man of exper iesnce. The management invites the public to come early and often to the Tavern, where there may be assured of a warm we'eome and a pleasurable time. i 'A m V I ' Will cure any case of Kidnej' or Bladder Disease not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. Cvrqs Backacha Corrects Irregularities Do not risk having Bri'rht's Disease or Diabetea HOWELL & JONES, Reliable Druggists. Road District Meetings. Road meetings are being held in many districts for the purpose of dis cussing the general situation rela tive to the improvement of roads. In several districts special taxes have been levied, this course being advocat ed by the county court. Meetings in road districts have been scheduled as follows: Molalla, Friday, December 13, even ing; Dickey Prairie, Friday, December 13, afternoon Wilhoit, Saturday, De cember 14, afternoon; Boring, Satur day, December 21, afternoon; Barton, Thursday, December 26, afternoon; Cherryville, Saturday, December 28, afternoon. Will Interest Many. Every person should know that good health is impossible if the kid neys are deranged. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure kidney and bladder disease in every form, and will build up and strengthen these organs so they will perform their functions properly. No danger of Bright's dis ease or diabetes if Foley's Kidney Cure is taken in time. Howell & Jones. Scarcity of Cedar Shingles. 'Chemical roofing is taking the place of shingles ever since cedar is van ishing out of our forests. As chemical roofing is superior to tin roofs, it must also crowd out this devise for protecting our residences and store buildings. Frank Busch covered his new store building with chemical roof ing in preference to shingles and tin. - A Dangerous Deadlock. that sometimes terminates fatally, is the stoppage of liver and bowel func tions. To quickly end this condition without disagreeable sensations. Dr. King's New Life Pills should always be your remedy. Guaranteed abso lutely satisfactory in every case or meny back, at Howell & Jones' drug store. 25c. "CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AMD ALL THROAT and LUNG DISEASES PREVENTS PHOBIA C0BSIHPTI8Q "Two years ago a severe cold settled on my lungs and so completely prootrated me that I was unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. Klng'i New Discovery, and after usin2 one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was." otter using w w ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn. PRICE 50c AND $1.00 SOLO AND GUARANTEED DY HOWELL & JONES RELIABLE DRUGGISTS HIS APyERTISEMEN is a "special" invitation for you and your friends to visit our store whether you contemplate purchas ing or not. We want, everyone to see our goods i i k:r ualimc up are rorvstantlv Oller- onvi ream ui iuc vis .- ing 25c Our Fvrr1 Mend Coffee - Others charge 40c for same grade and call it M. (S3. J. New season's Prunes - - - - 6c Daily arrivals-Figs, Dates, Raisins, Home Made Mince Meat, Walnuts, Almonds etc. A. ROBERTSON THE STORE THAT EXTENDS A WELCOME D. C LATOURETTE, President F. J.. MEYER, Cashfcf More Than Wealth Use BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT AND you will always have good health. What is more to a man than good health? All the money in the world can't make happiness where health is unknown, Ballard's Snow Liniment F TnCC Rheumatism, Cuts, Burnj, Sprains, Neuralgia, Ll J K IZ Sores, Stiff Joints, Contracted Muscles, Lame V gack an(, a ,lls yj. p,esh fa Hejr tQ UNIHENT : : pmci so.7" l KING OF THEM ALL 8 One Who Knows. J. G. Scott, Salt Lake City, Utah, -writes; " I cannot too highly praise your Ballard's Snow Liniment for the relief of acute rheumatism, caused by sudden change and exposure to the weather. I also recommend your Ballard's Horehound Syrup for coughs aud colds. These used together defy all pain. GET THE GENUINE. Three Sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00 Ballard Snow Liniment Co. 500-502 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, - MISSOURI. "" im ijh,jhpHI. WWMWHJL.HHH.MPI " .nw. ..Tr-..wjr:p.s-: Sold and Recommended by Charmatt & Co., C7j Drug Store THE FINEST STEAKS, CHOPS, VEAL, LARD jr.Tfi. TO BE HAD IN OREGON CITY ARE AT 'BROWN & WELSH'S UP-TO-DATE MARKET 7th STREET, A O. U. W., BLD'C. 'PHONE MAIN 271 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON (Successor to Commercial Bank) Transacts . Cerveral Banking Butfr.es. Open from 9 . . to 3 p.m V V ILL A DOLLAR DO? j T certainly will. One do!la will open an account at this bank. One dollar deposited weekly to that account will scon accumulate a good sized balance. As your savings increase month by month, year by year, when thus set aside in a savings account, you will be astounded to learn just how much a dollar will do. You want a bank account we want to assist you to have one. It only re mains for you to bring in your first de posit and you will be "on your way." A Dollar Will Do. TSi BANK OF OREGON CITY fmm