Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 06, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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0S I
7 Portland's Fastest-Growing Store. V ait,es g
All Ready for Santa Glaus
Monday witnesseaed the opening of our Basement Toy Department, which for the next month will be de
voted to toys, games and many lines of holiday goods.. This department is filled to outflowing with beau
tiful new things for Xmas.. There are dolls o fevery kind and description; tiny little tots not as long as
your finger; great big ones as tall as little girls; dolls you can undress, others you can't, and ever so
many other kinds. Toys a great showing, and they are not all here yet. Mechanical toys, Iron toys
blocks, games and books, also many lines of desirable holiday novelties.. We have outdistanced all com
petitors in the race for the best showing along these lines and our prices are the lowest. Take time by
the forelock and escape the hurry and confusion that the final days will bring.. ALL HOLIDAY GOODS
ffX rKJu i to i iii v AKlc, i t GREATEST IN VALUE
O JkiFor thQ Most Fashionable Silks
II Silts That Were Made to Sell In the Regclat Way
rWAt SJ.25
At $J.50 At $1.75 And $2.00
This Great Special Purchase From the Best Silk Manufacturer In the Country Is Without Doubt the Most
Remarkable Offering of High-Grade Silks Portland Has Ever Known THOUSANDS AND THOU
Silks for Street and Evening Wear and AH Holiday Purposes
Silks of utisurpissing beauty and unquestionable beauty. Held up to comparisons with each and every silk offer
ing this season, here or at any other store. This is beyond all doubt the very best of all values.
SALE STARTS PROMPTLY AT 8 A. M. Extra space devoted to silk display extra salespeople to serve you
promptly. An early morning visit is suggested to avoid the great afternoon crowds.
For Choice of These Silks
Valtfesupto $2.00
120-INCH SWISS TAFFETAS In rich, effective
plaids; an elegant assortment; all the desirable
color combinations.
20-INCH HEAVY TAFFETAS-Buckskln finish In
every desired Bhade; pretty effective patterns in
stripes and plaids.
20-INCH JUNJAUB SILKS An excellent line of
pretty Pekin stripes; in all size stripes; very effec
tive patterns; extra good quality.
NEW NOVELTY SILKS An enormous line of new
fancy dross and walsting silks in every known weave
and color; au unsurpassed assortment; exceptional
values. -
20-INCH BROCADED SATINS In exquisite floral
designs; beautiful colorings on cream grounds.
light grounds with rich floral patterns; pre'tty deli
cate shades.
newest and most popular thing shown In fancy
20-INCH PERSIAN TAFFETA and Louisenes, every
beautiful and ffective color combination.
For Choice of These Silks
Values op to $2.00
DOUBLE-WEIGHT PUNJABS In pretty assortment
of fancy stripes, checks, broken plaids and new om
bre effects; all the desirable shades.
These especially fine values in black Silks,- real
$1.25 and $1.50 values at the great reduction
21-inch Gros Grain sx f
21- Inch Armure I IC
21-inch double-faced Peau de Sole.... II J
24-Inch double Twill Surah flv1
'24-inch shower-proof Surah I I lju
21-inch Satin Duchesse 9 J
36-INCH TAFFETA SILKS Chiffon weight Taffeta
Silks in buckskin and chamois finish; extra QQr
fine wearing quality; values up to $1.50. special
REAL $2.00 SILKS AT 98c
In the Circuit Court or the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Minnie Stephenson, Plaintiff,
William P. Stephenson, Defendant.
To William P. Stephenson, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled court and
cause on or before the 6th day of
December, 1907, which is six weeks
' after the 25th day of October, the date
ordered for the first publication of this
notice, and If you fall to so appear and
answer the plaintiff will apply for the
relief prayed for in her complaint, to
wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
above named plaintiff and defendant,
and for such other and further relief
as to the court may seem just and
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. Grant B. Dimick, the
Judge of the County Court of said
county in the absence of the Hon.
Thomas A. McBrlde, the Judge of the
above named court, made and entered
on the 22nd day of October, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
518 Chamber of Commerce, Portland,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
" Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Elmer E. Woodworth, Plaintiff,
Eva I Woodworth, Defendant,
To Eva B. Woodworth, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
cause on or before the 6th day of De
cember, 1907, which is six weeks after
the 25th day of October, the date or
dered for the first publication of this
notice, and if you fail to so appear and
answer the plaintiff will apply for the
relief prayed for in her complaint, to
wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
above named plaintiff and defendant,
and for such other and further relief
as to the court may seem just and
meet. -
This summons Is published by order
of the Hon. Grant B. Dimick, the
Judge of the County Court of said
county in the absence of the Hon.
Thomas A. McBride, the Judge of the
above named court, made and entered
on the 22nd day of October, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
518 Chamber of Commerce, Portland,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Lucy May Sargent, Plaintiff,
Draper C. Sargent, Defendant.
To Draper C. Sargent, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before December 13, 1907, which Is
six weeks after November 1, 1907,
the date ordered for the first publi
cation of this summons, and which
is also the last day of the time pre
scribed in the order for the publi
cation of this summons, and if you
fail to appear and answer on or be
fore said December 13, 1907, the plain
tiff will apply to the above entitled
Court for the relief demanded in her
complaint, to-wit: A decree dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony now ex
isting between plaintiff and defen
dant, and for such other relief as may
appear mete and equitable in the
This summons is published by or
der of Honorable Thomas A. Mc
Bride, Judge of the above entitled
Court, made and signed on the 2Gth
day of October, 1907. The date of the
first publication of this summons is
November 1, 1907, and of the last
publication thereof December 13,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Chief of Police Sale of Real Property
for the Satisfaction of Delinquent
City Liens.
State of Oregon, County of Clack
amas, City of Oregon City, ss:
By virtue of a warrant duly Issued
by the Recorder of Oregon City to me
directed and dated the 28th day of
October, 1907, commanding me to
forthwith levy upon the several lots,
tracts, blocks or parts thereof here
inafter described, and to sell the
same in the manner provided by law,
to satisfy the amount of the several
unpaid assessments against each par
cel of the said real property as here
inafter set forth, together with inter
est at the rate of six per cent per an
num from the date set after each of
said parcels.
The date of docketing lien, the name
of the owner or reputed owner, the
object of the assessment, the descrip
tion of the property levied upon, the
amount of lien and date from which
Interest on such amount of lien shall
be computed and collected, being as
May 4, 1892, Mrs. K. L. Newton,
7th Street Improvement, lots
1 and 2, blk 142, Oregon City. $24. 90
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from Aug. 25, 1906.
June 7, 1900, Wm. J. Raugh, side
walk improvement lot 4 and
northwesterly 25 feet of lot 3
in blk 1 of Fairview add. to
Oregon City 10.00
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from Aug. 25, 1906.
Jan. 24, 1901, James Dolan es
tate. Sidewalk improvement
lot 4 of blk 13, Oregon City.. 2.60
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from Aug. 25, 1906.
May 2, 1901, Mary Ann Dutcher,
sidewalk improvement, lot 5,
blk 144, Oregon City 14.04
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from Aug. 25, 1906.
May 8, 1902, Miss Staben, side
walk improvement, lots 6 and
6, blk 45, County add. to Ore
gon City 2.55
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from Aug. 25, 1906.
June 14, 1902, Mrs. Scott, side
walk improvement, easterly
lot 1, blk -25, County add. to
Oregon City 14.00
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from Aug. 25, 1906.
Sept. 3, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, sidewalk improvement,
lot 4, blk 24, Oregon City.... 15. 39
With Interest at 6 per cent per
annum from Aug. 25, 1906.
Sept. 3, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, sidewalk Improvement,
lot 5, blk 124, Oregon City.... 15. 39
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from Aug. 25, 1906.
Sept. 3, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, sidewalk improvement,
lot 4, blk 145, Oregon City... 15.39
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from Aug. 25, 1906.
Sept. 3, 1903, Sarah" J. Hender
son, sidewalk Improvement,
lot 5, blk 145, Oregon City... 15.39
With interest at 6 per cent per
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from Aug. 25, 1906.
Sept 3, 1903, Thos. A. McBride,
sidewalk improvement, lot 1
of blk 34; County add. to Ore
gon City 24
With Interest at J per cent per
annum from Aug. 25, 1906.
Sept. 3, 1903, Thos. A. McBride,
sidewalk Improvement, lot 8,
blk 34, County add. to Ore
gon City... 24
WJth interest at 6 per cent per
annum, from Aug. 25, 1906.
June 231903, Aaron E. Wait
sewer district No. 3 assess- ..
ment, lot 1 of blk 19, Oregon
City 48.
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Aaron E. Wait,
sewer district No. 3 assess
ment, lot 2, blk 19, Oregon
City 43.
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Peter Pacquet es
tate, sewer district No. 3 'as
sessment, south half of lot 4,
blk 48, Oregon City 30.
With Interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Bewer district No. 3 as
sessment, lot 3, blk 100, Ore
gon City ; 62,
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, sewer district No. 3 as
ssessment, lot 4, block 100, Or
egon City 44
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, sewer district No. 3 as
sessment, lot 6, blk 100, Ore
gon City 44,
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J.' Hender
son, sewer district No. g as
sessment, lot 6, blk 100, Ore
gon City ..,62.
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, sewer district No. 3 as
sessment, lot 7, blk 100, Ore
gon City 62.
With Interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, sewer district No. 3 as
sessment, lot 3, blk 124, Ore
gon City 31.
With interest at 6 percent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, sewer district No. 3 as
sessment, lot 7. blk 124. Ore-
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, sewer district No. 3 as
sessment, lot 5, blk 124, Ore
gon City 49.
With interest at 6 per cent per
Annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
Bon, sewer district No. 3 as
sessment, lot 6, blk 124, Ore
gon City 31.
With Interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, D. M. Whitmore,
sewer district No. 3, assess
ment, lot 1, blk 144, Oregon
City 43.
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Anna Band, sewer
district No. 3, assessment,
lot 8, blk 144, Oregon City.. 46.
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, sewer district No. 3 as
sessment, lot 4, blk 145, Ore
gon City 49.
With interest at 6 percent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23. 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, sewer district No. 3 as
sessment, lot 3, blk 145, Ore-
gon City 31.11
With Interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, sewer district No. 3 as
sessment, lot 5, blk 145, Ore
gon City 49.10
With Interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, sewer district No. 3 as
sessment, lot 6, blk 145, Ore
gon City 31.11
With Interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Wm. J. Rauch,
sewer district No. 3, assess
ment, lot 6, blk 155, Oregon
City 5.14
With Interest at 6 per cent per
annum from July 18, 1903.
Sept. 6, 1903, W. W. Myers,
Jackson street Improvement,
west of lot 1, blk 159, Ore
gon City , 84.71
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from October, 1903.
Sept. 6, 1903, W, ' W. Myers,
Jackson street improvement
west of lot 2, blk 159, Ore
gon City 140.51
With Interest at 6 per cent per
annum from October 3, 1903.
Sept. 6, 1903, John Welch, Jack
son street improvement, lot
7, blk 103 of Oregon City: . . .518.93
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from October 3, 1903.
Sept 6, 1903, John Welch, Jack
son street improvement, lot
8, blk 163, Oregon City 221.35
With interest at 6 per cent per
annum from October 3, 1903.
Now, therefore, pursuant to such
warrant, I have levied upon each par
cel of the real property above de
scribed for the amount of the respec
tive lien thereon, together with inter
est, as aforesaid, and shall on Sat
urday, the 21st day of December, 1907,
at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore
noon of said day, at the front door of
the court house of Clackamas County,
In Oregon City, Oregon, offer for sale
and sell at public acution, to the high
est bidder, for cash, and subject to
redemption as provided by law, each
of the several separate parcels of
real property hereinbefore described
or so much of each of said parcels
as may be necessary to satisfy the
amount of the unpaid lien thereon as
hereinbefore set forth, together with
Interest on such amount of lien from
the date set after the description or
each parcel of said real property as
in this tfotice set forth.
Chief of Police of Oregon City.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Andrew A. Hickey, Plaintiff,
Doretta M. Hickey, Defendant.
To Doretta M. Hickey, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
cause on or before the 13th day of
December, A. D. 1907, and in default
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded in said
complaint, which is that the bonds of
matrimony existing between you and
plaintiff be dissolved.1
Service of summons on you by pub
lication is made by order of Grant B.
Dimick, Judge of the County Court of
Clackamas County, Oregon, made and
entered on the 28th day of October,
1907, directing ttiat said publication
be made in the Oregon City Courier,
a newspaper of general" circulation
published at Oregon City, In Clacka
mas County, State of Oregon, once a
week for six successive weeks. prior
to the 13th day of December, A. D.
1907, and the first publication thereof
is in the Issue of said newspaper of
date November 1st, 1907.
"" B. E. HANEY,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
L. M. Cochran, Plaintiff,
Divinnle Cochran, Defendant.
To Divinnle Cochran, the defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you re hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint herein on or be
fore Saturday the 7th day of Decem
ber, 1907, the said date being more
than six weeks from the date of first
publication of this summons, and after
the time, prescribed by said court, and
by law for the publication of this sum
mons, and if you fail to so appear and
answer, plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in his
complaint, to-wit: .
That the bonds of matrimony now
existing between the plaintiff and de
fendant be forever dissolved; that
plaintiff be forever divorced from said
defendant and for such other and fur
ther relief as to this court may seem
mete and just.
This summons is published once a
week for six consecutive weeks by
order of the Hon. Grant B. Dimick,
Judge of the County Court of Clacka
mas County, Oregon. Dated the 23d
day of October, 1907. Date of the first
publication of this summons is Friday,
October 25th, 1907, and the last publi
cation is Friday, December 6th, 1907.
O. D. EBY,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
United States for the District of Or
egon. In the matter of L. S. Bon
ney, bankrupt: Notice Is hereby
given that on the 25th day of No
vember, A. D. 1907, L. S. Bonney,
of Eagle Creek, Oregon, was duly
adjudicated bankrupt; and that the
first meeting of his creditors will
be held at rooms 204-5, Fenton
Bldg., Portland, Oregon, on the 10th
day of December, 1907, at 11 A. M.,
,at which time the said creditors
may attend, prove their claims,
appoint a trustee, examine the bank
rupt and transact such- other busi
ness as may properly come before
such meeting. Dated November 29,
eree in Bankruptcy.
old stand, and are prepared to fill
all orders on short notice-, have
10,00 feet of dry flooring on hand.
Undertakers and Embalmers, op
posite Huntley's Drug Store, Main
St. Oregon City. Phone 2691.
for sale; combined weight 3400
pounds; harness, wagon and log
ging outfit all in good repair. F. C.
PERRY, Molalla, Oregon.
wife Mr3. Annie Becker, has left
my bed and board and I will not be
Winter Gotling
The continued warm weather has made Clothing move slowly.
Our stock is too large for the middle of December and we must turn
it into cash. Our stock embraces all the tatest creations of Charles
Kaufmann Cloihing, and the workmanship is of the best. We are
prepared to offer rare bargains to move off these goods. Now is
the time to buy; don't hoard your money but buy a good Suit cheap
and keep your money and clearing house certificates in circulation
$10 Suits, best money can buy,
to close out at $G. 75
$12 Suits, good to wear, well
made, neatly finished 7.75
$15 Suits, cut to latest styles,
goods all late weaves, can't
be beat at 12.00
$18 Suits, tailored fit for a king,
will conform to your body
like tailor made, going ai .14.00
A few at $20, $22 and $25 as good
as $50 tailored garments, choice at
greatly reduced prices. See these sure
$10 Overcoats, warm and com
fortable, made to give ser
' vice, selling at $0.35
$12 Overcoats, no house in the
State can match the coat
and price, at 9.75
Better Overcoats at a little ad
vance over these prices. You will
miss it to buy a coat without first
seeing this line.
rare bargain prices. Our $5 gar
ment to reduce stock, at $2.90
No such bargain has been offered in Oregon
City for many a day.
Full line Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Socks, Etc.
Rosensfein's. Store
Corner 7th & Main Sts., Oregon City
responsible for any debts contracted
by her. W. M. Becker. November
22, 1907.
FOR SALE 180- acre farm In Clark
County, Wash., 45 acres in cultiva
tion, good 7-room house, 2 acres
good family orchard, assorted fruit;
good barn, 55x115 feet; good water,
flume running across place. Price,
$35 per acre. Terms, one-third down,
balance 6 years;, 6 per cent. I. P.
Putnam, Battleground, Wash., R. F.
D. No. 1.
NOTICE The Chinaman, Toy Que,
commonly called Ham, wno was
drowned near Hood River, Nov. 18,
left personal property. He Is sup
posed to have a brother, Toy Young,
somewhere In the Willamette Valley.
WANTED Girl to do light house
work for small family, uan ai i.
W. Bradley's, 1210 Main street.
Two hav mares left for sale, a bar
gain. Inquire of A. Erickson, propri
etor of Clackamas Tavern ana neaiiu
Application for License.
the undersigned will apply to the
; County Court of Clackamas County
for a license to sell spirituous, malt
and vinous liquors for the period of
one year from the 3rd day of Jan
ii.rv. -inns nt m n'colck A. M.. and
hthat 'i will present the following pe
tition to tne saia uoumy uun. uu
said day for said license. Dated
December 6, 1907. GEO. S AFFORD.
of Clackamas County: We the un
dersigned, residents and legal vot
ers of Oswego Precinct, In Clacka
mas County, State of Oregon, here
by respectfully petition your hon
orable body to grant to Geo. Safford
a license for the period of one year
from the 3rd day of January, 1908,
to sell siplrtuous, malt and vinous
liquors In less quantities than one
gallon in the town of Oswego, Clack
amas County, Oregon. V .
w Klser O. E. Cline
Elmer Shipley A. Brandt
Jerry O'Brien A. H. Bullock
S. C. Blanken J. F. Bloomer
E. P. Hawke J. T. Conway
A. J. Monk s. Zlvney
Jos. Blckner H. M. Borland
W. L. Harrington W. M. Nelson
J. R. Wanker , R. C. Worthlngton
R." N. Howe A. H. Coon
L. J. Buckbee F. McHugo
C. H. Rutter "Wm. S. Gqjette
Wm. Maire Gottf. Lehman
Joseph Ruel J. W. Blckner
W. J. Carrel Jerry Fiala
A. R Scott Chas' Shapland
D. Munro A. Berg
James Bullock T. J. Whlttier
C. H. Hyslip E. B. Gates
F. F. Johnson J. J. Bullock
H. Bethke F. Maier
J. E. McCutchen G. Riser
Ed Robinson Wm. Worthlngton
Wm. M. Kllleen Joseph Blvert
M. J. WorthingtonBert B. Espy
Maurice McDonaldV. DeLashmutt
Miss Jessie Humphrey, accompani
ed by Miss Joseph, of Portland, was
up to spend Thanksgiving day with
her parents.
T,. Halllnan
J. H. Manning
3. H. Payne
Henry Gans
W. M. Miller
F. S. Thomas
Fred Brock
John Abeln
E. D. Cass
T. H. . Williamson
C. Meyer
J. L. Davis
Geo. Hunesucker Alex Rankin
Henry Nierenaori rca uavis
Burt Hayes Nute Davis
Frank Gerritz J. W. Stone
A. Waldorf F. Beck
t. E. Morrell Andrew Began
M. C. Bruns, M. D.P. Keyser
M. McKenzie
H. R. Davison
Emlle D. Hooghe
t UorHnertnn TIenrv Groo
cm Kamnfer John J. McGuIre
J. Wilcox Harry Farmer
Wm L. Kenke Jimmy O'Brien
John Gurdner T. J. Brown
rieoW. SchambackM. Blanken
niarlea Pauling R. DeLashmutt
Real Estate Mortgages
For Sale
$ 500.00, 5 years' time, 6 per cent.
2000.00, 3 years' time, 6 per. cent.
800.00, 3 years' time, 6 per cent.
500.00, 2 years' time, 6 per cent.
Also private money to loan on terms
and in amounts to suit borrower.
Will give you good real estate mort
gages for bank certificates in Oregon
City and Portland
Call, write or 'phone.
John W. Loder
Attorney at Law and Abstr er of
Land Titles.
Report Has It That John Green Will
Be Street Superintendent.
- Victories and defeats are soon for
gotten and the talk among those polit
ically inclined is now turning towards
the appointments of Dr. W. E.-tJarll,
mayor-elect. The medicine man is a-'
clam-like and is not shouting his In
tentions from the housetops, but it
is whispered that several important
changes will be made. It is regarded
as certain that Superintendent of
Streets John C. Bradley will be suc
ceeded by John Green, who was street
superintendent before the regime of
Mayor Caufleld. Mr. Green pulled off
his coat and worked for the election
of Dr. W. E. Carll and he is not likely s
to go unrewarded, 'tis said.
It is reported that a shake up will
occur In the police department, but
this Is not generally credited, for the
work of the present officials Is gen
erally acceptable and they took no
part against the mayor-elect in the
campaign that is just past.
The appointments of Dr. Carll em
brace a chief of police, two night po
licemen, city engineer and superinten
dent of streets. The fortunate men
will be announced at the flrBt mooting
of the city council In January.
Badly Mixed Up.
Abraham Brown, of Winerton, N.
Y., had a very remarkable experience;
he says: "Doctors got badly mixed up
i over me; one said heart disease; two
called it kidney trouble; the fourth,
blood poison, and the fifth stomach
and liver trouble; but none of them
helped me; so my wife advised try
ing Electric Bitters, which are restor
ing me to perfect health. One bottle
did me more good than all the five
doctors prescribed." Guaranteed for
blood poison, weakness and all stom
ach, liver and kidney complaints, by
Howell & Jones, druggists, 60c.
Isaac Austin
H. W. LaMere
J. Riser
John Qurthan
Walter Waldorf
T. A. Lambotte
Ben Roenlg
Herman Roenig
R. Woodard
L. G. Harrington
Joseph Wlnt
F. Hughes
F. Rramer
R. Hamilton
j. Van Duyse
F. Ford
Geo. Baker
Jos. Zlvney
Joseph Woell
O. C. Davidson
Anton Nielsen
Edward Pollard
Gus B. Smith
Wilfred Platts
C. Morrell
E. Courand
M. Blanchard
F. Puymbrock
Henry Roenlg
O. A. Ratliff
D. Erickson
Frank Werner
Aug. Rempln
E. Young
Chas. Main
F. V. Whittor
Ole Anderson
Peter Puylaert
E. F. Whitten
F. Whitten
A. Wood house
A. Tapfer
E. Worthlngton
A. J. Davidson
James Feeney
D. J. Foote
Where the
Door Opens
You can , Jdy heal and keep
cozy the draughty hall or cold room
no mailer what the weather conditions
are and i( you only knew how much .
real comfort you can have from a
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
you wouldn't be without one another hour. Turn the wick as high
or m low as you please there's no danger no smoke no smell
A:mi inl.n.. L.aiLAi'a kprniiftft nf the ftmnkr.lpju device.
beautifully finished in nickel snd japan orna-
. rri I I .I II -
mental anywhere. 1 ne brass roni noias t quarts, giv
ing heat lor 9 hours. It is light in weight easily
carried irom room to room. Every heater warranted.
i 1. 1 . . i i ..
need ol the
iIhJv linlit ideal to read or
study by. Made of brass nickel plated, latest im
proved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted.
II your dealer does not carry Perfection Oil Heater
and Kayo Lamp wnte our nearest agency.