6 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 1907, Agents For Standard Patterns 1 la Agents For Star5Stai Shoes Watch 0ir Business Grow, weary Have yoa arranged to meet Santa Claos? He'll be fast as folly this year as ever; age doesn't make him rv or doll: if von have never met the Grand Old Man don't mtss the opportunity this year. See him and arrange for presents for yourself and for your friends. Bring the little folks in and let them look around and express their choice and then we will do me presents up so. inai iney may oe none xne wiser until Amas. Bay you Christmas Goods Eat ly Last season we ran short of Christmas goods this season we have a much larger stock, but yet we may not be able to supply the demand for those Inexpensive items that have made our counters famous. Finished Pillow Tops. Scalloped edge, embroidered slip, hand-painted, 3 de signs, jack rose, poppy and sunflower, each 25c Finished top with over-stitched edges, floral designs .embroidered effects, each 30c Finished slip, 22x22, tan Ilnenette In tints of brown and white; the newest thing In art pillow top; rustic and Indian designs.. 50c We carry the Bralnerd & Armstrong embroidery silks in Fllo Itoman, Caspian and twisted embroidery, per skein 4c Decorated Tea Sets China Tea Sets, 16 pieces, 25c China Tea Sets, .23 pieces and larger 40c Tin Tea Sets, 7 pieces, 13c Tin Tea Sets, 12 pieces, larger size, 25c Child's tin cup and saucer 5c Child's tin mugs, decorated, 5c Child's China mugs, decorated ...8 and 12c Come here for Decorated China, Cups and Saucers, Salad Bowls, Plates, Vases, etc. A Few Staple Items at Small Prices. Dark-colored outing flannels, just right for making comforts, pr yd, 7c Full size comforts, covered with sllkaline, filled with sanitary cotton, each $1 38 Flannelettes In great variety of colors, nice new patterns, per yd 10c Men's suspenders in many styles, light or heavy weight, pr. pair.. 25c Men's light colored negligee shirts, nice soft materials, good pat terns 50c Men's best heavy work shirts, well made, dark patterns 50c Men'B heavy-weight wool socks, tan or gray, good quality. .20 and 25c Men's wool mixed socks, gray color, medium weight, warm and serviceable 15c LadleS1 extra size vests and pants, good heavy1 cream colored gar ments - 35c Ladles' Outing Flannel underskirts, liberal sizes; our special price, 45c Black Bateen underskirts, full width, nice quality 98o Wool fascinators, several, colors, good quality, large size 28c Fur neck scarfs, good quality, black or brow 98c Fine quality niching, neck lengths, pink, blue, and white 5o Cube pins, black, white and colors, 80 pins to the cube 4o Good quality side or back combs. Special price, 10c Safety plus, black or nickel, all sizes, per card of 1 doz..... 4c Toilet Boap, large cake, nicely perfumed, C cakes for 25o The Famous Henty Books Stories that never grow old Handsome new edition In cloth with a variety of cover designs; good print and paper. Our special price .'. 25c A large assortment of toy books In both paper and linen covers . 5, 10 and 15c . "Buster Brown" and his funny pranks; a series of ten books; board covers, each 15c Juvenile books, board covers, each ....12, 15, 23 and 25c Handsome gift books, printed on good paper titles In gold and floral, gold top, each 23c Standard copyright books, Including some of the literary succes ses of recent years "The Westeners," Pillar of Light," etc., ea. 58o 2.1 -1 WT1XJL 1 1 ovs fL JM shown. Automobiles in a number of different styles with good, strong springs, each ' f 25c Turkeys that gobble and geese that quack, too many to tell you about; come and see them. Iron toys for rough boys from 5 to 50c Hook and Ladders, fire engines, express wagons and trains, 25 and 30c Tin and Iron toys for little ones....". 5 and 10c Dolls Dolls Bisque Dolls, long hair, jointed arms 4c Bisque Dolls, long hair, full jointed arms and legs, painted eyes 15o Real Bisque Dolls, full Jointed arms anl legs,' long hair, sleeping eyes.. 25c Kid-body Dolls, 11 Inches long, nice hair.,.. 15c Kid-body Dolls, 13 Inches long, curly hair, sleeping eyes, 25c Kid-body Dolls, sleeping eyes, nice curly hair, large sizes., 48c, 85c and $1.13 Extra quality kid-body Dolls, 23 Inches long, - natural curly hair, visible teeth $1 38 Same In large size $2 00 DRESSED DOLLS We have a fine line of Dressed, jointed, bisque-head Dolls, with shoes and stockings. Dressed Dolls, 11 In,, stationary eyes, 25 and 33c Beautifully dressed Dolls, with sleeping eyes, shoes and stockings and pretty hats, each 48, 63, 75 and 85c Extra fine dressed Dolls, large sizes, trimmed hats, sleeping eyes; one that will gladden the hearts of the little ones, each, $1.25, $1.50, $2.25 Fine large dressed rubber Dolls 25 and 48c Stuffed brown Bears, Jointed limbs, 23 and 35e R 0tX&iYVs& 1 e suPPty yoof wants up to the last moment before Santa starts on the road, but the ixeilltclliueri "early bird'' gets the choice. If you don't see what you want in the other stores be sure to come to us, we may have just what you are looking for. No trouble to show goods; always pleased to greet old and new customers. COME EARLY AND OFTEN. CANBY GOES DRY. Prohibitions Win and Will Get Rid of Saloons. Canby Is now a dry town after the hottest fight In the hlBtory of local municipal elections. J. F. Mitts, the) Prohibition candidate for Mayor, won out over his opponent by tho narrow margin of two votes, The four Coun clliuen who are opiwsed to saloons, wore elected by majorities ranging from 7 to 10. The new charter was adopted and the bonding propositions also carried. Following are the new municipal olflcers: Mayor, J. F. Mitts; Treasurer, F. Zollner; Assessor, Geo. Knight; Councllmen, F. T. Fisher, F. H. Hilton, Charles Lucke and Frank Weed. A Real Wonderland. South Dakota, with its rich silver mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges and strange natural formations, Is a veritable wonderland. At Mound City, In the home of Mrs. E. D. Clapp, a wonderful case of healing has lately occurred. Hor son seemed near death with lung and throat trouble. "Ex hausting coughing spells occurred every Ave minutes," writes Mrs. Clapp, "when I began giving Dr. ! King's New Discovery, the great med- j Iclne that saved his life and complete ly cured him," Guarantted for coughs and colds, throat and lung troubles, by Howell & Jones, druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. CHILDREN'S SUITS "Better Wear WEARBETTER" mm? David if. rriM Co. Mothers : there are two important tilings to be considered when you buy children's clothes. First, the quality of the pirments are they serviceable and practical are they dressy and pretty and will they be be coming to your children. Second, the price are you getting the full value for the money you pay. To economical mothers who want the very best clothes for their children at moderate priceswe recommend Wearbetter garments. These are the clothes that wear better look better fit better than any others. uster Brown suits Sailor suits Eton Norfolk suits and other pretty tyles, in a wide range of fabrics, patterns and colorings. $20 Jo IQM And don't forget that we carry the largest and choicest line of Boys' school suits. Co!rrl,M 1M BM M rfulnr A CO. Uuom Tt'satemptation Just to look at our assortment of canned and bottled goods, fruits, jellies, jams, etc., and its a temptation you can yield to without regret. Like all our groceries our canned and bottled goods nro put up in strict conformance with the Pure Food Law and our prices are such that it's both a waste of time and money to do your own doino- nn " Special for the Holidays New Cron Walnuts - - 20c New Crop Almonds - - 20c Xmas Candies here a plenty per pound ..... 10c Come in and look at SEELEY'S 9th and Main Oregon City POTATO MARKET AT STANDSTILL PRICE HAS TUMBLED 25 CENTS PER HUNDRED POUNDS WITHIN A WEEK. SOME FARMERS HOLDING Fall Wheat Is Growing Well and More of That Cereal Has Been 8own This Fall Than In Any Previous Year. 'The potato market la practically at a standstill throughout the county. The price during the past week" has gone from l0 cents and 75 cents to 60 cents and 75 cents per hundred. Many of the farmers refuse to accept clearing house certificates for their potatoes, arid the commission houses in California that have depended so largely on the Oregon potatoes object to accepting sight drafts and bills of lading, thus making it an unusually dull"year for the potato market. A large portion of the farmers, rather than sell their potatoes at the above figures will hold their produce until they think that better prices will be paid. The grocery stores of this city are supplied daily with all kinds of fresh vegetables and a large shipment of excellent apples were received In the city markets during the week. Thanksgiving week was an unusually busy one as experienced by the mer chants, who report good sales, and who are looking forward to still larger sales during the coming Christmas and New Year's holidays. , (The fall wheat that has already been sown by the farmers is growing nicely, and there will be more grain sown in the county this fall than any previous year. The -poultry market Is again dull in this city, but Thanksgiving week there was a large demand for turkeys, and chickens, but there was very lit tle demand for geese and ducks. WHOLESALE QUOTATIONS. Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. Onions Oregon onions, $2.50 sack; tomatoes, 25c box; potatoes 5070c per hundred; Oregon cabbage 4050c rfloz; rutabagas, lc lb; fresh onions. 10c per dozen bunches; horseradish. 7c lb; cauliflower, 4050c dozen summer squash, 30c doz.; pumpkins. 50c doz., medium, 90c to?l doz., large; CELERY 50c dozen. KRAUT 20c to 25c gallon. HUBBARD SQUASH 45c to 90c dozen. POPCORN Shelled, 4c to 5c. "'" Butter and Eggs. BUTTER Ranch, 60c; creamery. 65 cents. y EGGS 37c dozen. HONEY 12c to 14c frame? Fresh Fruit. Apples, 75c$l; cranberries, $11 per barrel; strawberries. 14c to 16c box; watermelons, 90c to $1.00. QUINCES, 60c. Dried Fruits. DRIED APPLES 68c; prunes. 4 to 5V4c; silver prunes, 6 to 6c; pears, 11 to 12 c. Grain, Flour and Feed. WHEAT 95c. OATS No. 1, white, $27. FLOUR Patent, $4.95; valley flour, $4.40; graham flour, $3.75$4.25; whole wheat flour, $3.75 $4.25; hard wheat flour, $4.80$5.00 bbl. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $21.50; mid dlings, $32; shorts, $25.00; dairy chop, $2122. HAY Valley timothy, No. 1, $18 $20 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, J1718; clover, $12; cheat, $15; grain $1416. Live 8tock. STEERS $3.00 3.50. HEIFERS $3.00. COWS $2.252.75. ' LAMBS $4.254.75. HOGS $5.505.75. Poultry. OLD HENS 10 cents per pound: young roosters, 11c; old roosters, 9c; mixed chickens, 11c; spring chicken? (frys) 12c per pound; turkeys 15c to 17c. Dresied Meats. FRESH MEATS Hogg, 80 per pound; veal, 78c; mutton, 89c; lamb (spring) 9c per pound. HAMS, Bacon 1718c per pound. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup CONTAINS HON BY AND TAR Ralleves Cold by working them out of the system through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves Ccuffhi by cleansing and strengthening the muooui mem branes of the throat, chest, lung and brenohlal tube. The Original Laxative Cough Syrup Conforms to National Pure Food and Drug Law For Croup, Whooping Cough, La Grippe, Influents, Bronchitit, and all Cough., Colds, Lung and Bron chial affection no remedy It equal to Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. Children like it. Put up In 23o. 30c and $1.00 bottles at th Laboratory of E.C. D.WITT ow CO-.CMo.go. V.S Jk. Pleasant to take Children like it You Can not Afford to have a bungling dentist work with your teeth no matter how cheap thoprice. Cheap dental work lSsdear and dungerous at any price danger of ruining your teeth and posing your money. YOU TAKE NO CHANCES when you come to this office. We understand thoroughly every operation in dentistry. Our work is the same as you get from the up-to-date dentist in the larger chies. It last. We never do poor work. Our eighteen years practise in this city is the best guarantee any dentist can give you A guarantee is good only when you can find the one who gave it arid then not always. Prices are lowest for good, dental work in city. No charges for examination. Kind treatment. L. L. PICKENS, Dentist - Post Craduate of HASKELL and CHICAGO SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY IS REPEATED BY REQUEST DRUGGISTS HEAR MUCH PRAISE FOR THIS MIXTURE. RECIPE IS VERY SIMPLE Lots of Men and Women Here Had .the Simple Home-Made Mixture Prepared, Says Druggist. Some remarkable stories are being told about town and among the coun try people coming in of this simple home-made mixture curing Rheuma tism and Kidney trouble. Here is the recipe and directions for taking: Mix by shaking well in a bottle one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla. Take as a dose one teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. No change need be made in your usual diet, but drink plenty of good water. This mixture, writes one authority in a leading Philadelphia newspaper, has a peculiar ton'ic effect upon the kidneys cleansing the clogged-up pores of the eliminative tissues, forc ing the kidneys to sift and strain from the blood waste matter, overcoming Rheumatism, Bladder and Urinary troubles in a short while. A New York druggist who has had hundreds of calls for these ingredi ents since the first announcement in the newspapers last October stated that the people who once try it" swear by It," especially those who have Urinary and Kidney trouble and suf fer with Rheumatism. The druggists In this neighborhood say they can supply the Ingredients, which are easily mixed at home. There is said to be no better blood-cleansing agent or system tonic known, and cer tainly none more harmelss or simple to user- Carll's Campaign Expenses. Dr. W. E. Carll, tne successful can didate for Mayor, has announced his faith In the Huntley Corrupt Practice bill, that was defeated at, the last ses sion of the legislature, and he made tho following statement of his cam paign expenses: Printing circular let ter sent to signers of petition, $5; postage stamps, $3.65; addressing and Btamping envelopes, $2; hot coffee and sandwiches sent to polling booths, $5; cigars and treating, $1.25; total, $16.90. This is the first time that a candidate for an office in Clackamas County has made public his campaign expenses. Makes the Liver Lively. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup gives permanent relief in cases of habitual constipation as it stimulates the liver and restores the natural action of the bowels without Irritating these or gans like pills or ordinary cathartics. Does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the name Orino and refuse substi tutes. Howell & Jones. A Letter to Santa Claus. November 26, 1907. Dear Old Santy Claus: I want a new suit of clothes and a suit for Otto. Bring Otto a box of blocks and for me two, and sure bring me a new cap and for Otto a sweater for Sunday for me and Otto. My lit tle baby brother wants a little music and my mamma wants allew fur. I can't write yet, so my mamma wrote for and I helpt her. I guess you know where I live; you was here last year. My name Is GILBERT FISCHER, By Clear Creek; Oregon City R. 2, . .Box 32. MUCH CONCERN FELT. Ordinary Methods for Treating Ca ' tarrh Prove Unsuccessful. Recent statistics showing an In crease In catarrh have shaken the confidence of medical men in the us ual prescriptions to safeguard human health from the ravages of this dis ease. When1 stomach dosing proved In effective, it was natural to look for some' other treatment, and It is be lieved that in Hyomei an absolute cure for all catarrhal troubles has at last been found. Breathed through a neat pocket Inhaler, Its healing med ication reaches every spot where there are catarrhal germs, destroys them, prevents their future growth, and soothes the irritated mucous membrane bo that relief Is felt almost Instantly, while lasting cure is prac tically sure to follow. " The complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1.00, and is sold by Huntley Bros. & Co. under an absolute agree ment to refund the money if it does not give satisfaction. It is the only cure for catarrh that has ever been sold under a guarantee to cost noth ing unless it cures, but Huntley Bros. & Co. have so much faith in its pow er to cure all catarrhal troubles that they are willing to take the risk, so if Hyomei does not help you, there will not be "a penny's expense. Get an outfit at once on this liberal plan. Shubel School Report. Following is the report of district No. 80 for the month ending Nov. 29: Number of pupils enrolled 25, number of days taught 19, average dally at tendance 24, number of cases of tar diness 6. Those who were neither absent nor tardy are, Beulah Horn schuh, Sophia Bohlender, Bertha Klin ger, Hilda Shubel, Esther Ginttrer, Al vin and Wesley Stormer, and Wendell Glnther. Visitors present five, includ ing two of our directors, Jacob Gross miller and John Heft. We Invite the patrons to visit the school. ROBERT GINTHER, Teacher. Lee J. Caufleld came down from Butler, Wash., to spend Thanksgiving day with his parents, Mr. and Mr. David Caufleld. The Cause of Many Stfdden Deaths. There ia a disease prevailing in thi Country most dan gerous because so decep. tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often 11 1 11 uini rn the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance the kidney-poisoned blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidueys and, a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel ing badly you can make 110 mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soou realized It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and 1 sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this, generon offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-R ot, and th address, Binghamtoii, N. Y., on every bottle. Get In Line, Don't Wait, Only $1.50 Per Yr. For Sale by C A Harding Tonsilitis i's swellina and inflammation of the glands at the side of the throat. OlOMV.'S Lirvimeivt used as a aarale and aoDlied In the outside of the throat rpHnrp the swelling end gives instant relief. For Croup, Quincy Sore Throat, rpncnin,Msrnmu, rain in uiesn Lungs this liniment is unsurpassed Sloan's Liniment is indispensable when travelling because it is penerraring, warming, sgominq, healing and antiseptic. -Price 25 50 i 61.00 OrEorl S. Sloan, Boston. MosvU.S A 4 jf 7 Jl ill 11 I