OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1907 fiiwpfip fpow the Pwnri i IMjOlbllDlolllj M U U '"IS lb 11$) IMbuuiiaLl U U F TIHE- UCM MfiM MQMEY WmW II J HP will give the people the greatest bonafide money saving event in the histoty of the Notthwest. Severn! of the large Eastern manufacturers of fine goods that require millions of cash annually to get full benefit of the discount offered for payment of their bill,have offered J. LEVITT a tremendous discount off the Clackamas County's regular prices, as the Eastern people need the cash. GREATEST CLOTHIER NOW FORA SLAUGHTER SALE OF FALL GOODS THAT WILL MAKE ALL OREGON WONDER $ AAAA flfi Worth of Men's Boy's aitd ChUdren's Suits' Overcoats, Cravenettes, Pants, Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods will be sacrificed at 25 to 50 per cent off the regular $ JUUUvl value. People of Oregon City will know what this means to the buyer of Fall and Winter wearing apparel. The standard of ?r mcrchandise tMLsaLe is equal to the best. 6P - 1 JLJ U S Fine ClotUes f JtT W MaHers. 0 . Baltimore and. flew YarK. i I I F i ii SWEATERS $1.50 all-wool Sweaters 95c $3.50 Sweater Coats, fancy borders $2.65 MEN'S SUITS $10.00 Suits .X. $6.45 $12.50 Suits 9.85 $15.00 Suits : X0.95 $18.00 Suits J 2.95 Celebrated Scbloss Bros, makes, bought to sell for $30.00 all go for $18.75 MEN'S HATS $3.00 Hats $2.J5 $2.50 Hats J .65 $2.00 Hats ...J. 35 OVERCOATS AND CRAVENETTES $8. 50 Overcoats $4.95 $10.00 Overcoats :w6.45 $12.50 Overcoats 8.95 $20.00 Overcoats JI.85 $9.00 Ulsters 5.95 $10.00 Cravenettes ....7.85 $12 50 Cravenettes 9.85 $18.00 Cravenettes .... ... J3.85 MEN'S PANTS "Neat, dressy patterns, genteel worsteds and handsome mixtures in tweedish materials, nicely tail ored and fashionable cut. $1.50 Pants ..'.$0.95 $2.50 Pants, Corduroy J. 65 $3.00 Pants J. 95 $4.00 Pants 2.90 $5.00 Pants ... 3.25 Peg Top Corduroy, light colors, $5.00 values J $3.35 SUIT CASES TRAVELING Solidly made, steel frames, fancy lined with extra pockets. $6.00 value for $3.35 $8.00 value for J. 85 Men's White Handkerchiefs 2c Men's Red H'dk'f, 3 for f Oc Men's Working Socks, per pr... 5c 75c Fleece Lined Underwear.. .43c Ribbed Underwear, 50c value.39c $1.25 Fine Wool Underwear.. .85c MEN'S WORK m DRESS GLOVES $1.50 Dress Gloves $MO $2.00 Dress Gloves t.35 GOc Work Gloves... , 45c $1.00 Work Gloves .....75c $1.50 Work Gloves J.JO CHILDREN'S SHOES-BIG BARGAINS Sizes 10 to 2, lace, blucher and regular styles, worth up to $2, for ... 59c WO MENS' SHOES Closing out our entire line of Ladies' Shoes at a mighty reduction. $2.00 Shoes $1.35 2.50 Shoes.. 1.6J 3.00 Shoes..' ; : 2.15 3.50 Shoes... .' 2.65 Women's Comfort Shoes, $2.00 values.... 1.25 SHOP CAPS 15c kind .- 5c DUCK COATS Worth $2.00 $1.25 BLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS $1.50 values..... 85c $2.00 values $1.25 $2.50 values.... 1.65 $3.50 Rain Proof Col. Flannel Shirts, 2.45 BOY'S SUITS Clothes for the little lad's wear. . An imv mense line in the choosing. Ages in this lot, 4 to 7 years, values to $5. All must get out 95c, $J.35, $1.50 Joy for the little man. MEN'S FURNISHINGS Men's 25c Suspenders, pair J5c Men's President Suspenders, pair 39c Men's 25c Socks, wool, 3 pair 50c Men's 15c Socks, pair .-. 9c Men's 50c Neckwear..... 39c Men's 25c Neckwear J 9c Men's black and white striped Work Shirts, good heavy materials and well made 39c Men's new and handsome $2 and $2.50 Negligee shirts for.... . $f.40 In Pongee Silk, white or shaded. Men's $1 Negligee Shirts 65c Men's 75c Negligee Shirts 59c Men's 50c Negligee Shirts 39c THIS IS NO MAKE BELIEVE SALE Every Article as Advertised BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY! LOOK FOR GREEN AND RED SIGNS O n r i i 509 MAIN STREET OREGON CITY, OPPOSITE FIRST NATIONAL BANK . - - OREGON Sale Begins SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8:30 A. M. REMEMBER SALE BEGINS SAT URDAY, DECEMBER 7th, AT 8:30 A. M. BE ON THE SPOT AT THAT HOUR. AND GET EARLY CHOICE I. 11 Phone mi Hit. mt Office In favorite Cigar Store Opposite Wasonle Building Williams Bros, transfer Co. Safes, Pianos and furniture moving a Specialty freight and Parcels Delivered DUTS STEALS A SHIRT. County Jail Is Crowded and One Prisoner Is Liberated. Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction (iuaranteed WE BUY fur SiHIIDES tpot CMh. 10 to 60 more money for jon to ship Raw Turn and Hides to nrjUttn to wX. home. Write for Prloe LUt, Market Report. Shipping Tana, and abont our HUNTERS TnArrtna uUiutwiii 50 paiei, leather bound. Bolt tblnr on the inbjeet erer written. Illuitratlni all Fur Animal., ill about Trapper Secret!, Decoye, Irape. Oame Uwl. Bow and wbere to trap, and to become a loc ceaefal trapper. H'a a retnlar Encyclopedia. Price, ta. Toonrcmtomeri. l IS. Hidee tanned Into beautiful Rnbea. Oar Mametlc Bait and DecOMltrart; anlmale to tripe. 11.00 per bnttle. Ship T"iir Hide! and Fun tQ ru and lit bigheel price.. ABderech Bra., BtfU II. IUBopU,JIUija. The theft of a shirt of a trifling value cost J. B. Duts his liberty for ten' days, as he was arrested and hailed before Recorder Dlmick and given ten days In the county jail. Duts occupied a room In a South Ore gon City lodging house and tne pro prietor swore to a complaint charg ing Duts with stealing an undershirt. The man had the shirt on when he was arrested. His Incarceration brought about' the freedom of J. G. kRamsey, who was serving a sentence of three months for horse stealing. He had only a week left, to serve of his sentence, but It was found that the county would have to purchase moro bedding to accommodate the shirt thief and Ramsey was turned loose. There are now nine men In the county Jail, seven of whom are charged with the murder of Bhlng- wan Singh, a Hindu, at Jarl & Pagh Bros.' mill near Boring on Hallow e'en night. Leroy Carden, charged with criminal assault, la also in dur ance vile, awaiting a hearing when the holidays are over. Mrs. Anna Berry Dead. Mrs. Anna Berry, formerly of Clack amas County, Oregon, died suddenly at her home In Ashland, Or., of hem orrahge of the lungs, Saturday even ing, November 23. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon. Rev. E. F. Green, ot.the Congregational Church, officiating. The interment was along side the remains of her huaband, Frank Berry, who died two years ago. Mrs. Berry was born in Clackamas County, May 4, 19C6, and is survived by two sons, Royal and Percy Berry. She leaves one brother, J. D. Ritter, of Aurora, and four sisters, Mrs. Dob bins, of Marshfleld; Mrs. Hurst, of Hubbard; Mrs. Brant, of Juneau, Alas ka, and Mrs. Strickland, ot Los Ange les, Cal. Of her relatives, only her A Sordid or Strain must have immediate attention Slop's Lmiment is invaluable in an emergency ot this Kina . II quickly relieves the soreness and congestion reduces tne swelling ana ircnymcuo mc weak muscles. Remus of Us antiseptic and healing properties, Sloan's Liniment is the best- remedy Known tor cur5.wouna5.Dru.5e5 srinqs.Durns ana 5ca.a:. c PRICE 25$ 50 & $1.00. -Dr. Earl S.Sloan. Boston., Mass. J V Ml Yff1ll) brother and his wife and her sons were present at the interment. Rain In Three Months. The precipitation at Oregon City for the three months ending November 30 was 16.G0 inches, The unusual downpour was due to the exceedingly heavy rains from November u 10 November 2G Inclusive, when the pre .initntinn wnn 8 Inches. From Sep tember 1 to November 20 the guage registered 6.00 inches, and from No vember 26 to November 23 the pre flinitntinn vie 1 2K Inches. The reg istration from November 2C to Novem ber 30 was .75 inches. O. A. uneney has kept an accurate record of the rainfall during this time. 8TOP THE 8TRENU0U3 LIFE. Weakens the Tissues and Lessens Organic Vitality . The Bt.rcsa and strain of th& strenu ous life in both city and country tends tnwnrrla tttnmnr.h troubles. Five people suffer today where one did ten years ago with sick headache, dizziness, flatulence, distress after eating, specks before the eyes, bloat ing, nervousness, sleeplessness and the many other symptoms of indiges tion. All who are suffering with stomach troubles, and that means at least two out of three in Oregon City and other towns, should use Mi-ona stomach tablets. Nothing else Is safe, yet ef fective; nothing else can be so thor r,uirh1v rpllprl unnn to relive all -"-" a troubles from Indigestion as Mi-o-np. It Is not a mere digestive laaen nftfT the food is eaten, but a true tonic, stimulant and strengthener for the muscular walls of the stomacn. Increasing the flow of digestive fluids nnri riiittlni? the stomach into such condition that It does the work Na ture expects of It. So reliable Is Ml-o na In its curative action that Howell & Jones, with every 60-ccnt box they sell give a guarantee to refund the money unless the remedy does all that is claimeu for It. I Miss Gertrude Gray, who has been visiting Miss Margaret Goodfellow, left Sunday for Eugene. . James Bell, of Barton, was transact ing business in Oregon City the latter part of the week. t'm ii mI M i.er.i HiiVao.i.'.i'. l'he Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been, in use for over 30 years, has home the signature ot and has been made under His per ffi-f-f- sonal supervision since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and"Jti8t-as-good"are but Experiments that trillo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, it Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of sW7 The Courier SI. 50 The KM You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC OSNTAUN OOMMMT, TT MUMMY STRUT, NtW tOPI OlTV.