Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 06, 1907, COMIC, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 12

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    Great Invention Improves Horn
Think of all the music of the world
all of the languages and all of the fu
and entertainment as well In one little
machine! Such is the Edison new styl
1908 Model Phonograph, the greatest
Invention that the world ever has
All readers should be glad of the op
portunlty to know of this wonderful
offer whereby you may secure a gen
ulne Edison 1908 , Model Phonograph'
for a free trial In your own home a
free trial lasting at least several days
week If necessary. .
Music Moves the World
When an offer so stupendously liberal
as this Is made I think It the duty of
this paper to bring it to the notice of
Its readers. Music moves the world and
muslo should be in every home. The
offer made here is one which gives you
an opportunity to bring all of the best
muslo of the world, all of the highest
class entertainment, comic opera, gran
opera, all of the great piano selections,
all of the wondrously beautful songs,
the great violin solos, monologues, reel
tatlons and vaudeville skits right under
your own roof for an absolutely free
trial lasting a week if necessary.
I believe that every reader of thl
paper should take advantage of this
offer. The Edison Phonograph Dlstrlb
uters of Chicago tell me that free trial
means free trial, and that they will
stand back of every offer made here.
Since this Is a large business house of
- the highest financial standing, I know
that they will do everything they say,
Think of it! They will loan you
-phonograph and charge you. not one
penny for rental.
Send Only Small Payment
i If you want to keep the phonograph
after you have given It a thorough trial
and after you have Invited all of your
friends to hear its sweet tones you may
send the Edison distributers a small
payment, ranging from $2 to $3.60, and
pay the remainder in easy monthly in
stallments, no more than $2 or 13.60
a month.
And after you have tried the Genuine
Edison 1908 Model Phonograph in your
home and decide not to keep It you may
return the Instrument at their expense,
and they will charge you absolutely
nothing tor the trial I never heard of
uch liberality. Did you?
With the new model phonograph yon
get one dozen genuine Edison gold
moulded records, which you may keep
with the machine for the same small,
monthly payments. They go with the
My advice to you la to accept this of
fer today. All you have to do Is to
algn the coupon at the bottom of this
page, place It In an envelope and mall
It. I sincerely hope that each one of
the readers will sign the FREE
COUPON at the bottom of this page at
once and mall it today.
Better Than Piano or Organ
The Phonograph is better than a
piano or an organ, its ' cost is about
one-tenth as much, and its power to
entertain and please is a hundred times
greater. The- Phonograph Is rapidly
supplanting the piano in thousands of
homes. Where those Instruments pre
viously furnished the music, whatever
tnuslo there wav the Phonograph
' atands now,
Some of the greatest muslo writers
of the day,the great . composer of
music, and even the most renowned
critics of technique and execution have
praised the perfect new atyje 1908
model Edison Phonograph. Henry T.
Flnck, an eminent writer on music, says
In a magazine article: "I would rather
hear Sousa's band in' one of these su
perior Phonographs than in the con
cert hall, because the record makes It
less noisy, while at the same time pre
serving., the peculiar quality of tone
color of every Instrument."
When such statements as these are
made by a man as well known in the
musical world as is Prof. Flnck; it Is
easy to tell why the people, living on
the farms and in the smaller towns,
, have such exceptionally fine entertain
ments and enjoy their homes so thor
oughly. They ,have provided them
selves with Edison Phonographs.
New Songrs Always
The country never Is without Its new
songs, catchy, pretty and bubbling with
the exultant feeling of a successful na
tlon. These songs usually originate In
New York and take months to travel
westward. If you have a Phonograph
you may have these new songs all the
time; you may keep pace with the world
and you may learn these songs by heart
simply by hearing them sung over and
over again by the Phonograph. "Why,
where did you hear that new song? 1
have been Just dying to hear It," Is an
expression heard frequently when the
owner of a Phonograph sings airily a
new tune his Phonograph has taught
him weeks before It reaches his partic
ular district
You Cannot Imagine How Much
you will get from this instrument un
til It Is set up In' your home and begins
to play the pieces which stir your very
soul. Turn your back and you will be
almost willing to swear that a great
sotor or a sweet singer is standing be
hind you.
iww 'ffiZk-W.L, ii:MTM vir fii
VTo-C - Miff. r-$ -I
: i'Vs '-if i-t'A f X'-'Wr- ' - W-Wj hi
All hearts are lleht and lov relsns suoreme in this hnm vth.rin
i j u i. .-j -. . -----
fiicbo mat il iciiucrs mere is rruiuilgeu
tnan witn the new I9U Model Edison
f l!roriWff SraySorrr.N?n , 'If - - After each
Phonograph, which wilt be sent to any respSnalbllperso i lor a htt 7rtaljuttag 2 days. T b " "ner W"y t0 entertain yourriends
want, iu d i,iiununrapii 112
Parents find Aid In Rearing Children
Another great help hit bfen found for the
IHotiiM A. EJIion 1 wondnrful machlnfi-
ril and
Mfl, hold
;weit It VI 1VOK mciriM Hi
rapn, holdii Hie family together firmly and
eena a fcclina of ffood cheer and contentment
GuiiHiaiuiy alive.
Mlnintcra and public
nonVpri tltv ft kua
pointed out the ffreat work wllirh tht Phnnru
i'll li doing in keeping the children within
(lorni during the evening. When a Phono
rajth ia in tlie home there ii no running around
nights vn the unrt of the children. They are
more than , glad to remain at their own fireside
hci they can get more and better entertain,
ment than they can get in any other place.
1 hey lorn all ileilre to go out. They want to
liy ill. Ihey want to hear the bands, they
Want to tlltrn to the annua mnA Uuah
the jukes of the funny men.
problem of keeninz the children nff it,.
tieets is no problem at all when an Edison is
III the home, i
All OCOUls know that the arenteat -
the home and to the rlllMrn cnm. ...u. .u.
childien begin to run about ninhta when the.'
leave their own britrht. warm nre.id fnm .1.1.
darknniij of the night, There are but two res-1
sons for thiseither there is insufficient enter,
talnment at home or the children are doing
things which they ought -not . to do and do not
want their parents to know about In a little
while the boys' and girls, too, are changed.
TJley have met evil eomnanlon and th.
imbibed some of the evil spirit they have seen
in others. They become rough and disobedient
and you wonder If your sullen son ever was
the sweet, innocent baby you held in your arms.
Don t blame him too murh' Tnl anm .f
the blame yourself. Young girls and boys are
not supposed to have the same ideas as the
older folks. They want something different.
They crave for play and entertainment that,
many times, the dry old home doesn't furnish.
lhis entertainment should be furnished by
the parents and when it is fumUhet Ku thn
there is no longer a desire on the part of any
child to leave home. The child's heart always
turns toward home. That is its natural in
clination. At home is father and mother, and
no matter how dissatisfied the children may
seem there is always love in their hearts. When
there is added to this natural love, the inva
of such a magnificent entertainer as the new
1908 model Edison Phonoeraoh the children
never want to leave the house in the evening.
Why should thev want to iro- awav when von
can take them to band concert to-night a
minstrel show to-morrow niirht a sacred con.
cert the next night? And then, if you want
to, you may give them a dance. Young people
always like to dance. Just take up the rugs,
put the Edison in one end of the room and
the fun begins.
The music from the Edison is the sweetest
dance music there is. It is loud enough to
play in anv hall, and as the vaunt neonle .mrl
their friends and even you. yourself, go glid
ing over the floor everything but joy and
pleasure is forgotten.
There is no rasoinff or scratching nr haltlnv
about the Edison. Judgment of this great new
90S PhonOcraDh should not he hASert nn the
cheap, metallic-sounding imitations you may
have heard. .
You cannot make a mistake if vou sien tha
coupon and get a free trial.
- . -sisasBaaajasaaaTaiaTaTaTaT.aiat
' 7 "
American home.5
EDISOn'pHON inf the Uni5ed States tbb great special offer
Kuuun rwixuuiwtl UUiHf No. 5 will be interesting to you and may mean much to your family.
on our new style special 1903
F you take advantage of this wonderful offer your home always will be cheerful, and you will have
...v. ui awiuov-uicm vuu iuum tutu any piace. ine new style tclison monograph is a wonderful im
provement over the old style machine. Asyctf sknow, it sings, laughs, talks and plays the orchestral
it i4 r- u t Sj I . ........ Huimii i liuiiucifluM auu me Kenuine
Edison Gold Moulded records you hear in your own parlor every night an entertainment as good as any vou
could have in the big cities. ' . y .
. Cad wVCry WOI"d f thf ffer' U ou like musitf. want your home and family always to be iovful
rnd happy, ,f you want to enterta.n your friends and if you want to bring your children up in ar , air o culture and Refinement
IZXT rL e-spiiuinS refincment
.0 . .. m.v iiiioi Kiduu upcra selections, piano recitals ana strincr band
selections, you can not afford to miss this liberal offer. 8
Music for your home. Joy for the old and young! No end of pleasure for all the family! An
All vn h,a ;u " lu:. "I" ...V. l'r:ra s"uu irum. in? napomi 01 tecnnique and character.
CU X I , . J m UIC atlurs arc in. mc room witn you.
. v """'v. miicic iiccr is ansenr m sprv rrno m onH . c uu
t i . , . ccip. n mill ijuiu. music
S hlTme.'5 T- ? thing to bring
i, the best thing o keep cheer in and mlseTy ouV'!Th7re To teTway t mTo
best music into the home than with an Edison Phonograph. You will not know how much
pleasure you w,ll get from an Edison Phonograph untH vou ZXJTtJT
of z; Sriui rVstu StjSSS
All f ail m ai i-iuviucu ana is providing in thousands of homes.
hefnre vnn T it i;i . S a "i .3 " 0"'6,c '"rn oi tne cranK you may put them
d ?1Z iJVrJ.iTi?!1'. 4nd 'le.very Pson who i, singing for you thert in
r. " . '"C?.FJ,W,..l!?Mi m,,M away m d."fere"t cjimate and a different country. v?JZ?fi :2..7Z
vn,, nv "inv-M win nai iur years, i-et grandpa speak into the Phnnnwrani, .- . t ' - .- w vvi
the great horn and fills the room. Let bab r talk and nrntt J in f JLTOPiL!ni. ..Vf?w "wments his own voice comes from.
i.-.:- ...:ii n . . . r .
uiwir vuitts win remain, now wonaerlUI a miracle s fh
same mirarl rni.j tu -t j .i..
n-.p, . ... -f;v.u. iiicn siiuulu iney leave you
uon t miss this rare opportunity.
ii i a i limn j
f ft
- M SI
NO CO.D,NO DnOSIT..Wlle this offer lat, every re8pon.ib!e, reliable person Imng
ieQrtmM J Sp?8 " TrW, in his own home, a Genuine New
Style 908 Model Ed.son Phonop-aph Outfit, including machine and twelve Genuine Edi
son Gold Moulded Records, direct front u. to your home-positively not one cent in advance.
Try this wonderful new style instrument right in your own parlor. Let it laugh and talk and sing for you. Let
it play the rousmg melody of Sousa s marches, listen to its stirring orations by some of Americas greatest men.
its beaunful religious hymns and vocal solos and form your opinion. If you want to get the opinions of others
ask them to come right into your own home and hear it. . v
S m ,acH, , an, sponsible peri,, Afltr .h, ,4
! ts"; If 4
v. .; . .. .t n-a rm . V -r.
4 NlL'-' iT
k. if "Haw viV
Here is the Great New Style
Edison Parlor Grand Outfit No. 5
This is a picture of our 1903 Edison Outfit-The Parlor Grand
Outfit No. 5 which is sc far superior to the ordinary talking ma
chines that there is simply no comparison.
Even the old Edison" Outfit No. 5. the peer of all outfits
is now eclipsed. This new No. 5 is equipped with the
brand new style Horn,a type of horn that is now
Deing produced for the first time. It is a much
& g . . n tnan tnat used on the oId outfit No.
I is tne most handsome horn ever put out,
being hand decorated with beautiful flowers in many
tw.vio. iui mc roai Teason we cnoose this extra
large horn is because of its acoustic properties;
nit niHuuutuun vi souna irom this horn is simply
perfect, giving the largest possible volume, the
finest tonal shading, every instrument, of a brass
band, every whisper of a recitation being given
full value in the most natural manner conceivable.
Aniongother exclusive features this New Style Out
fit No. a is equipped with: (1) AConnecto. (2) An
automatic stop. (3) An automatic brush. 4)
A tone modifier. (5) Various equipments and
extras nnt crlv.n .r r ...
e-.". "wciuiure witn anv
phonograph outfit, all extras the value
and importance of which you will qiliclcly aooreciate
when you get the new style 1908 !?Lre2..i
lhe modifier, with which vou r.n in i-..:..
Look at
the magnifi-
fAnf nour Viriti.
Note the wonder- p5lt.
iui new improvements.
a.--..- J . . . J t (Ill 11,91
.,ne volume of sound, itself
.....w. . ,u,inc worm much more than
y other outfit All the' superior polnbTo"
this new style model No. S outfit are
uyuuuca in tne tdison books which
r you 're n request.
ru coupoBj ana
. Bet the Edlsoa
afWmummB . books, tree
.... prepaid.
What Owners of Edison Phonographs Say of This
: Wonderful Instrument:
a Month
For Cash in Full ttl.
now pays for a Genuine Edison 1908
Model Phonograph and I doz. Genuine
tuisonGoId Moulded Records This U -wJJl B.M.H. A. Ull pi
. , . , . positively the greatest and most liberal ae advantage of this opportunity to secure direct
Offer you have ever seen before. Less than One Dollar ($1.00) a week for the finest outfit. ,he hnes Edison Outfits that we are often asked what dis-
TWs free trial e.y payment offer plice, a Genuine Edlson Phonograph. Ions known a. the luxurv of S'le' cifnifjl0 We b'L8Cd ?in '5 lV
the rich, within the reach of every one. and because we charge on , ,. l"we.t ne t ea h LI 1 "l ' ' " CMh dlscount- aS We have al'0Wed tbe
wi.hou, even Interest on monthly p.ym,. the rich also are uk n .dv.nt... of ZZ. iFltV"" ,0 tl,0Se J3" ,lme a"d We mUSt
method o( saving and are buying Edison Outfits on the Easv ravment nl.n Th., n customers alike, consequently you may
chance for , to lo or to be foo,cd in thi, great offer W, d eTac ly' a. w. .. "nd Tn 17' 0rn.'ud8m"t when your period of free trial is at
b,ck every word by our high-clas, business standing. Don', delay Send couZ "d.y th, first momh fU" ' P3yment '
ak EkJ&mmi
Just sign and ' eW v "
mall Coupon '.. v V "V.
No letter neceaanry.''. .,
and get the great Edison Catal
Ih.s i Cata ogiieclls you all about the wonderful Edison Phononh. how thev are made, how
O" j .
iur. unison invpnrpii t ia Mhnu i
evcrv one Yn w.1 U . P ' u '"r,0111 thinirs of historic and scientific value to
.7 rVu alS0 0Ur beautiful coIore Poster of the great new 1908 Outfit
ud to Ira Remember, you pay us nothing for a trial lastlnfl
Up 10 several days, and if you don t want the instrument" after vou have eiven it a trial
Machias, N. Y., Jan. 17, '07.
Dear Sir: The machine and records are
fine unsurpassed by any I have ever
heard. It is faultless in every respect.
X. S. Cornwall.
Aiken, S. G, June 1, '07.
Dear Sir: , I nevf r spent a' cent in my
life that gave me as much satisfaction as
when I purchased an Edison i'honograph.
Mr. Randall Williams.
Monteiuma, N. Y.. Feb. 6, T)7.
Gentlemen: I received tne Phonograph
all safe and in good condition, and found
it to be just as you represented it to be: I
am very highly pleased with it. Nathan
Sudlonvilte, N. J., Jan. 10, 07.
Dear Sirs: We have given the Phono
graph a good test and find it all right, and
we are pleased with It. It is so plain, and
of such a sweet tone. Mrs, Geo. Holden.
Edwards, N. Y., Feb. 12, '07.
Dear Sir: I received your Outfit No, 5,
and' am well pleased with it. Evervone
that has heard it says it is a fine machine.
You may publish this letter if you like.
Fred Hendricks,
Park City. Utah. May 27, 07.
Dear Sirs: I received the Edison Stand
ard Phonograph Outfit No. 5, and will say
that it is away past my expectations. It is
the best and "clearest I ever heard. P. T.
Jackson,. Mo., May 22, 07.
Dear Sir: You can tell everyone that
wants a Phonograph that they need not be
afraid of the Edison No. 5, for it is all it
is said to be. Mr. Fred E. Dormeyer.,
Durant. I. T.. May 28. '07.
Dear Sir: Your shipment of Phono
Karthans, Penna., April 16, 1907. that would give a clearer eurer tone
all riRht. Am well pleased and proud of Lawrence.
the Phonograph, It gives better aatisfac- Argyle Mo Keb 19 '07
tion than any other, one here. Wm. Mc- Dear Sir: Phonograph' Outfit received
Kenzie. vesterdav. It i. "hantv ' .11 rt v
West Union. Minn.. Mav II -m it,""J .T"Km- 1 ."" disc ma.
ur oir: 1 recen
all right and ike
nothing but an Edison No. 5 fn, h. 5,.!?! "...1Mt..ni?nt: " "made a
1. Minn Mav II '(17 lnvy respect. I have a fine disc ma.
ceived your Phonograph S'ntfut " df.c' n0.' b58in 10 "Pare with
it all riht If .n. lhf Edlson- My wife says she would not
Ph I lalvfSe'.hem',onybuny VS.!"? i" .town was
It is a fine instrument. W. S. Engel.
Hunt's Spur, Mich.. May 31, '07.
Dear Sir: I received the Edison Phono
frraph Outfit No. 5, and I am very well
pleased with it. It is one of the swoatest
sounding machines I ever heard, and your
system of doing business is very convenient
for anyone buying on the installment plan.
Mr.-C. C. Sphung.
Gary, W
Pear Sir: The
It is better than I expected. It has a clear,
I never heard in any
them. Mr. Chy.
decided "hit" with all
t. lyron.
Ridgeway, Va.. May 2, 07.
I re?d the Edison Phone
graph Outfit No. 5 and have given it a
thorough trial. The Edison machine is
wrhout doubt the best in the world. It '
gives clearest and finest tone of any ma
chine I have ever heard. It is a treat en-
,, . ., ,, ,, nertainer for both young and old. I hava
Va.. ADrit 13. 07. larte rrnwd. .ru ;, t. 1
Phonograph is all right. 'music it produces. Mr. J. R. Doyle,
Valley, Wash., May 6, 1907.
Dear 5ir: Edison Phonograph arrived
last night in good order. As to tie quality
of the machine, I think it is the best I
have heard. There are several talkinr ma-
ringing sound that
other machine. It is also free from that
scratching noise that is so often heard.
Mr. Henry Shewey.
Millertown, N. Y Jan. 10. '07. .
Dear Sir: I am in receipt-of the Edi
son Phonograph Outfit No. 5. After an
evening's trial I am fully convinced that it
is an ideal machine, far above my expecta
tions, and I take pleasure in adding my
testimonial in its favor. H. A. Burch.
. Sheldon la.. May 26, "07.
cnines in this town, some that cost $50.00.
But I think them inferior to the Edison
Standard No. 5 in clearness and sweetness
of tone. Aug. Nelson.
Mt. Hope, Mo., May 16, 'OT.
Dear Sir: Your Phonograph was received
about a week ago. Why, it talks and ting
iear sir: 1 am well pleased with your . , P ' -" .
outfit you sent me. If I knew I could not " ni,ur1 " ,he PT"0,,S h"ives You
can hear every word for over s quarter of
mile, and of a still evemnor vou can tell
many of the words -for a half mile. I can
hqva mi 'on
in ..- I " . ""'". unci U" ,"-"
n . u ,you may retl,rn 11 at r expense. Just eet the Edison catalogue.
Do not bother with a letter. Sign the coupon and mall to-day. Do It right now.
get another one like this I would not take
ft hundred dollars for this one. Even mv
dog likes it; when he comes in the house
J scratchy; distjnet in words and sounds, and
Arlington, Wash., March 16, 07. is not too loud for home use.
Iar Sir: The Phonograph came all I have heard machines that cost 1100.00,
right, was all and more than claimed for it' and this Edison beats them so much there
There have been manv to hear it. and all is hardly any comoarison.v I thank you'for
it s the best machine say ft is the finest tn town, and I think it your treatment ever so much, and will try
Thos. F. Thornburg. would be impossible to procure ft machine to make sale for you. Mr. Con Fisher
fraph received and is entirely satisfactory.
I think this machine is tne "missing lime y " . ; k.JL u tiT, certainly recommend your phonograph as il
necessary to make our home one cont.nual " P tort '"d bark at it till some. i 8oft 'in n0
Potter Neb. May 29, '07.
Dear Sir: I find the Edison phonograph
Outfit No. 5 to be better than you really
recommended it to be. Not only myself.
bat everybody, tars
they ever heard. Mi