OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 29, 1907 Vy ECndw Where to buy Furniture and save more money than by banking in a savings bank? BUREAUS Beautiful Bureaus like cut at a price to suit the poor man's pocket book. You will have to see these bureaus to appreciate them. And then when von enmn home tirpd what "comfort to have your weary bones, what "your salary. and you can afford them no matter 4 Li TU - Farm arid Garden DAIRY BREEDS. A NEW TOBACCO. Valuable Ciflar Wrapper Variety Grown Under Shade. .The original plants of this variety were found by the writer growing In a crop or tobacco under cloth by M. L Floyd near Tarlffville, Conn., In the season of 1003. This crop was raised from seed brought to Connecticut from v lonaa and which originally came from the Island of Sumatra. In this ' FOR J A ( THU TMOt-MAKK. ) Glass Dishes? Oh! Such beauties and cheap! So cheap you cannot believe it until you see them and ask. Now is the time To buy your' STOVES ! S? RANGES ! "Garland" is the mark of perfection in Stoves, Ran" ges and Heaters. II. TOLPOLARI THE SECOND-HAND MAN OREGON CITY. ORE. OREGON CITY, ORE. URIC ACID In the blood causes Rheu matism,Sciatica,Lumbago, Neuralgia and Gout, You can remove the cause by wearing one of our REX RHEUMATIC RINGS Manufactured by the Rex Rheumatld King Co., ilartfurd, Connecticut, Price $2.00 Bold By Btttmeister & Andresen LYMP'S PHOTO STUDIO 10th and Main St Oregon City, Oregon. Most complete Line of Picture Mouldings in the city. Pictures en larged cheap. ROBERT A. MILLER. ATTOUNKYJ AT LAW Room 808 Oommerolal Bldg. 8nd and Washington Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON George C. Brownell ATT'Y AT LAW OREGON CITY, OREGON W. A. HEYLMAN Estacada, Attorney at Law Oregon O.D. Eby ATTORNEY-AT-LAYV General Practice, Deeds, Mortices and ausiraus careruuy maae. Money to loan on good security. Charges reasonable. C. Schuebel W. S. U'Ren U'RXN & SCHUEBEL Attorneys At Law Will praotioe iu all oonrts. make col lections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend too money and lend your money ou first mortage. Ofttoe iu Enterprise build ing, Oregon City . - Oregon C. D. D..C. Latourette ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate out Specialties. Office In Commercial Bank tsuiidlng, Uregon City, Oregon. Recorder Files Instruments. County Recorder Ramsby Friday decided to reopen his office for the filing of Instruments and had 127 deeds, mortgages and other legal pa pers that had accumulated in his of fice since the commencement of the holidays. Mr. Ramsby has held his office open, but has only accepted pa pers for future filing. But upon the advice of his attorney, concluded to proceed with the usual routine of bus iness, as he exercised no judicial functions. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature TYPICAL LEAF UNCLE SAM SUMATRA. TO BACCO. ' field of the bo called Sumatra variety of tobacco were found upon Investiga tion eleven very distinct general types of tobacco plants which were strong ly enough differentiated by certain characteristics of habit of growth, shape and size of leaves and quality to be designated as incipient varieties. Among these types was found one which most nearly approached the ideal of a cigar wrapper plant, both as regards development of plant and character of leaves and strikingly different from every other type found In this field or in other fields. . This was designated as "Type No. 8" for convenience In the breeding experi ments and was so known until it was considered of sufficient importance to be named. After very careful and satisfactory tests in 1004 and 1905 the results have proved beyond a doubt the value of this variety for growing commercially, together with the fact that the seed comes true to type year after year when saved under bog. The name Uncle Sam Sumatra was given to this variety. It is a cigar wrapper variety of tobacco and adapted for growing under shade in the cigar wrapper pro ducing region's. The plants reach an average height of about eight feet at the time of maturity, and they bear an average of about twenty-six leaves before topping. The cured leaves will average about sixteen inches in width by twenty inches in length, although the size va ries according to field and cultural conditions. The yield of the crops of this variety Is high, being as much as 1,600 pounds loma of the Laading Typet That Male Dairying Profitable. Howard Van Alstyue, who Was head x tne dairy department of the Pan- American fair, is a firm believer in the special purpose cow. From his expert ence Mr. Van Alstyne considers the Holsteln, the Ayrshire and the Jersey or Guernsey the leading types of dairy breeds. The Holstein, he finds, will produce a quart of milk at less cost than any other breed and is well adapt ea to those who wish to produce milk at low cost regardless of richness and will supply plenty of food without oblig ing tne cow to hustle for a living. Ac cording to Mr. Van Alstyne, the Ayr shire is well adapted to bill pastures and on such locations ought not to be supplanted by the Holsteln. The milk Is richer in solids and fat and the cow better adapted to finding her own liv ing in rough pastures. The milk is well balanced in composition and de sirable for cheesemaklng, and the cow ia of good constitution and occupies a place between the Holsteln and the Channel island breeds, The Jerseys and Guernseys are very much alike and are classed about equally in Mr. Van Alstyne's estima tion. They are, above all, good butter cows. The Holsrelns at the Pan-Ame lean exposition made more pounds of butter than the channel breeds, but It cost 12 cents a pound where the Jer seys and Guernseys made it for 9 Cents, and they are accordingly the best breeds for the man who wishes to make butter. Not only is the milk richer, but it creams more readily and can be handled to better advantage after the cream Is obtained. It can be churned with less trouble from tem perature and other conditions. The color is also better, especially in win ter, the Guernsey breed being the only breed that produces high colored but ter during the winter season. For the dairyman stocking his farm Mr. Van Alstyne advises that the start be made with pure bred stock if pos sible. Although the first cost is high er, such stock is more likely to breed true and produce better quality. The surplus young stock, too, can be sold for a much higher price than grade stock, but as far as the yield of milk and butter Is concerned it Is possible to get about as good results by breed ing up a herd of choice grades with a pure bred. sire. The choice of breeds should be such as suits the require ments of the dairyman, his farm and pasture condition, his market and the class of product to be turned out American Cultivator. rr A lytitcli in lime saves nine. Save many a .rick spell hy giving Ihe child BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP EVERY MOTHER should keep supplied with Ballard's Horehound Syrup, if Bhe wishes to Have her children from serious sick spells. It con tains i absolutely nothing injurious, does not constipate. Good for children ns well as adults. A cough often leads to consumption and should be checked Immediately. . A Household Necessity. J. C. Smith, Houston, Texas, writes: "I have used ISallard a Horehound Syrup in my family for the past few years, and find it far superior to any other cough medicine we have tried. Every household should be supplied with this worthy roinedy." The Delight of Children. CURES COUGHS, COLDS, WHOOPINO COUGH, SORE THROAT, BRONCHI TIS AND ALL LUNG TROUBLES. PRICE 25c, 50c, and $1.00 AVOID ALL SUBSTITUTES. Ballard Snow Liniment Co 500-502 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO., I Ml Sold and Recommended by Cbarman & Co., Cty Drug Store The Farmers' Market SANDY STAGE & LIVERY O. . OIMIHK w. A. WMIOK DIMICK & DIMICK Attorneys at Law Notary Publlu Morgues Foreclosed. Abstracts Furniahed. Monev lxinned on Heal and Chattel Hn'multy, General Law Practice. J, S nd 4 OhhIh Bklii., Oregon Ulty Or , MILWAUKIE NURSERIES Have the Leading Varieties Of Apple, Tear, Cherry, Plum, Prune, Pencil nnd English Walnut Trees, and can supply the planters of Clackamas County at reasonable prices with first class trees in every respect. Call or write for prices before placing your orders, Address N. B. HARVEY, Prop. Milwaukie, Oregon. LEAVES Sandy lor Boring t 6:30 a. ra. and 2 80 p. m. oriii(t lor Sandy at 8:86 a. in. aud 4:46 p. m. 6.UNUAY 8CHKDULK- leave Sandy for Boring at 8:00 a. m. aud 2:80 p. tu. leave Boring for Sandy at 10:86 a. m. and 4:45 p. m. At Sandy makes connection with Salmon Mail Stage. SCHUDUL SUSJKCT TO CHANOS WITHOUT HOTIC1 EMMETT DONAHOE, Proprietor O. W. Eastham LAWYER Legal work of all kinds carefully attended r? . Charfes moderate. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Oregon City Oreiton. FOR COUGHS FOR THROAT CIWG OF CURES colds THE WONDER WORKER DR. KIWCVSl luTcs - lam ifi I FOR COUGHS AND COLDS I FOR COUGHS AND COLDS PREVENTS PNEUMONIA iSJ r itt J tlnScoueh was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that r ?J ft Z rdil 7OXXlt Burely be for m? P- 0ur d0 pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and well.-MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. completely that I am Price 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTFrn? Trial Bottle Free r,TTn,. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY J 11 HOWELL & JONES RELIABLE DRUGGISTS i I'lfXUAIi PLANT UNOLH SAU 8UMATBA. iKAt TOBACCO. of cured tobacco to the acre under fa voraule conditions. The percentage of the best grades of wrapper in these crops is correspondingly high and eat- lsractory to the grower aud manufaC' turer allke.-A. D. Shamel. Sorting and Packing Eggi. iggs to be placed on the market should be carefully sorted and packed as to size, shape and color. It Is bet ter not to put eggs having different colored shells In the same package; neither should eutra varying much in size be placed in the same package. Every egg should be perfectly clean, and If slightly soiled it may be wiped clean with a damp cloth. If badly soiled the eggs should be discarded, for the washing required to clean them injures their appearance. The dis carded eggs can be disposed of at some of the cheaper and less exacting markets. Eggs may be placed in large shipping cases or in small pasteboard boxes, according to how they are to be marketed. Q. A. Bell. Pumpkins In th Cornfield. Pumpkin seeds are cheap, and they can be saved on any farm with almost no trouble. The cost of the seeds is the main expense of a good supply of pumpkins when planted in the corn field, and they are very valuable to feed, why, then, do farmers not plant them? Because the modern cultivator when adjusted for corn is hard on the vines. Agrlcola in Iowa Homestead Pure Water For the Cow. The healthy animal should be pro vided with a constant supply of pure water. The statement that the cow prefers dirty water is false. The eow prefers dirty water if it is of a more suitable temperature than the clean water offered, but clean water witb the chill taken off will be preferred to the same water full of filth. It is hardly reasonable to expect that the cow Is going to produce pure and wholesome milk when she has to drink water full of dangerous organ isms. Many epidemics in the herds have been traced to the impure water supply. If the cow is drinking water which is likely to make her sick, It is hardly safe to use her for milk. H. W. Strebig Prop. Albright's Old Stand DAIRY BRIEFS. Biliousness and Constipation. For years I was troubled with bil iousness and constipation, which made life miserable for me. My appetite failed me. I lost my usual force and vitality. Pepsin preparations and cathartics only made matters worse. I do not know where I should have been todav had I nnt trind Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. The Tablets relieve the ill feeling at once, strenRthen the digestive func tions, helping the system to do its work naturally. Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birmingham, Ala. These tablets are for sale by Huntley Bros., Oregon City and Molalla, t l 1 The heifer that is harshly treated with her first calf seldom fully recov ers. She has a delicate nervous or ganism that must be carefully handled. The comfortable cow is the one that gives the milk and makes the butter. See if you can't devise some means of protecting the cows from flies. Fly repellents will help. ' The cow with good dairy points and nothing else may not be a good cow. It Is the performance that tells. If cows are being driven a long way. it is best to stop every little while and let them rest. The best cows are handled from calf hood. Usually they are not the kickers nor the bookers. Be sure to give a dose of epsom aits, ginger and molasses a day or so before each cow is to calve. This Is the way to avoid milk fever, garget and "bad luck." A good pedigree Is a fine thing in man or beast, but when It comes to cows it Is well to look at the udder and the general build of the animal, for pedigree alone will not fill the milk pall. The finishing' touches always pay. Milk and butter in attractive packages are the readiest sellers at a top price. Farmers In selecting cows usually want those who give milk that is good to drink after It has been skimmed. Pure water is as important for the cows now as it was in the winter time. Warm skimmed milk with some cooked oatmeal and some flaxseed jelly Is an economical and profitable feed for growing dairy calves. While the milk Is warmer than the surrounding air It should be left un covered, but when colder It may with advantage be covered. The best way to have a cow that won't kick is to make her gentle from the time she Is dropped. The hornless cow is no longer a curi osity. The horns are usually bred off, r the dehorner is used. By feeding rich foods the proportion of butter fat in milk can be increased. The bulk of cream obtained Is depend ent upon so many other circumstances than feeding that it affords no safe guide as to the real effects of the latter. The advantage In grinding the corn and cob together for feeding the dairy cow, says- the Farmers Advocate, is that the cob, besides containing some nutriment, renders the grain more di gestible aud more easily assimilated. a Will bay all yoo f Live Stock, Poultry, Butter and Eggs Hides, Etc., And pay you the highest market price in CASH for any amount you bring. IT We are still selling the best Meats at the lowest possible living price. Call when you want anything in the line of fresh or . 'cured Meats, Poultry, Butter and Eggs. THE FARMERS' MARKET Albright's Old Stand Oregon City Phone Main J 98 J Main Street THE FINEST STEAKS, CHOPS, VEAL, LARD, ETC : TO BE HAD IN OREGON CITY ARE AT BROWN & WELSH'S UP-TO-DATE MARKET 7th STREET, A. O. U. W., BLD'C. 'PHONE MAIN 271 jyiLL-A DOLLAR. DO? A Hard Debt to Pay. "I owe a debt of gratitude that can never be paid off," writes G. S. Clark, of Westfield, Iowa, "for my rescue from death, by Dr. King's New Dis covery. Both, lungs were so seriously affected that death seemed Imminent, when I commenced taking New Dis covery. The omnious dry hacking; cough quit before the first bottle was used, and two more bottles made a complete cure." Nothing has ever equaled New Discovery for coughs, colds and all throat and lung com plaints. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. J T certainly will. One dollar will open an account at this bank. One dollar deposited weekly to that, account will soon accumulate a good sized balance. As your savings increase month by month, year by year, when thus set aside in a savings account, you will be astounded to learn just how much a dollar will do. You want a bank account we want to assist you to have one. It only re mains for you to bring in your first de posit and you will be "on your way." A Dollar Will Do. The BANK OF OREGON CITY 'mm D. C LATOURETTE, Proideot F. J. MEYER, Cubin THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON (Successor to Commercial Bank) Transacts General Banking Business. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 c m 1