Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 29, 1907, COMICS, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 12

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    , 1 .,
iT' ' , ' i l" ' . I Ana bv carefully filling In the accompanylngf blank and ,
COMFORTABLY fitting wrapper or house (town la an In
dispensable garment. The one pictured
Is a
deslarn owing to lte extreme simplicity. A choice of
full length or elbow sleeves la given, and the neck may be
In square cut, outline or finished with a high standing col
lar. Several materials are adaptable, such as cashmere, flnn
nel, dimity, lawn and China silk. The medium size will re
quire 6 yards of 86-lnch material. , v
Ladles' House Goni. No. 5828. Slses for 32, 84, SH, UN, 40
nod 42 Inches bint measure.
To some women the close fitting house gown will always
be the correct thing; and nothing could be more graceful
than this princess wrapper with its long sweeping lines and
well-shaped curves. The collar adds charm to the dress,, and
no extra trimming is necessary. The neck cap also be made
high, as the pattern provides for that. Silk flannel, cash
mere, or any washable material will make up nicely. The
medium size requires 7 yards of 44-inch material.
Ladies' Princess Wrapper, No. S04S. Slses tor 912, 84, 86, 88,
40, 42 and 44 Inches bust mrnsiire.
There is a certain charm about a dainty white house apron ,
that is certainly very attractive. This one Is made of white
lawn. The princess front adds greatly to the dressy char
acter of the' garment and the frills of 'embroidery that form
the trimming give the wide shoulder effect so essential to
present styles. It would also be suitable as a maid's apron.
Cross-barred muslin, linen, gingham and percale will all be
suitable for reproduction. The medium size ,will require 4
yards of 36-lnch material.
Ladles' Princess Apren, No. rTI). Sixes for smell, medium
an larsce.
The three useful and practical articles comprising this set
ere made of checked gingham. Excellent shaping is given to
the apron by the seams in the front that extend from the
shoulders to the lower edge, and by darts at the sides. The
straps are arranged over the shoulders fastening to the belt
in the back. Two-large pockets are a useful feature, although
they may be omitted. The sleeve protectors extend from the,
wrist to the elbow, and are full enough to accommodate he
dress sleeve underneath'. Gingham, sateen, butcher's linen,
chambray and Holland can be used in making these gar
ments. For the medium size apron and sleeve protectors, 5
yards of 36-inch material will be required and of a yard
for the cap.
Ladles' Work Apron, Sleeve Protectors and Cap, No. Bfllrt.
Sixes for 24, 2H and 32 Inches rralat.
, Patterns of these illustrations will be mailed to any ad
dress by carefully filling in the accompanying blank and
mailing with ten cents for each pattern, to Marjorlo Dane,
43 West 91th Street, New York City.
Marforte Dane, 43 West 34tk Street, Nev York City
Enclosed please find cents for
Pattern is) No. 1
Site (s ;
Name !
Son ol G. B. Richardton,
92 Wadiworlh Avenue, Bronx,
New York Cily.
Age. 12 months; weight, 25 X lbs.
Imperial Cranum made this baby strong
and healthy
' III ; I .ril.;.:i;. .--: . tZTi 7 U " IIWV ' 1 III 1. ! I 0'
wvffs i l l iiii x k4 m i ! ?sa n
. w it.'Ztt fc' va MioTtH. im hot (joino irT,vi r iv
WAM:' 111 Mi IMI iTosHooTaMyzr; :-J- I
II I IMU .'.SMM3C fm-mrT.-X ill ' I I s-1 1 I I I I " '" i ... i I I 1 1 HA I I I rV I
1 1 iii tuiiirrv y,'ir. i u Ti w t.tt a m . it m 11 11 ; i : i i i i i . " mmm 11 11 a i u i m
K LIKE HtLRTrW IfSOTf ' r I I I 1 1 I I, SmtVA'i 7m m I
a i t '"ii tV
' , II inn : x i hi p&itw? Ns-'a ; 9mm I X
The Unsweetened
Babies fed on it have per
fect , digestion,, no bowel
irregularities, strong
bones, teeth and plump
v firm nesh with no
- flabby fat.
- FREE I Send us your name and
addflKt and we will tend you a cute
tittle tt doll for baby, a large sample
o imperial Cranum and our helpful
-book for mothers, "The Care of
Desk 34
15) Water t., New York
Cards to Wedding Reception
i tr f HEN a vc
Wceeded by a reception or break
fast there ia enclosed with the
wedding invitation also an engraved
card of medium Blze Inscribed thus:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Doan
request the pleasure of
on Monday, October the fifth
at half past twelve o'clock
Twenty-two Washington Avenue
R. s. v. p.
from half past four o'clock
Twenty-two Washington Avenue
s. v. p.
Invitations to a midday wedding,
followed by a breakfast at the bride's
home, are now not infrequently cast
In the very suitable English form. In
form the wedding invitation is
engraved on a double sheet, and then
in smaller lettering at the bottom of
the page is aaaert, ana anerwarna ai
breakfast," followed by the address of
the bride's parents.
In event of a home wedding, the in
vitations are engraved as for a entire!,
ceremony, with the substltutlo in
place of the sentence, "honor of- your
presence," of the phrase "pleasure or
honor of your company." For a
home wedding where the marriage
ceremony is to be performed In the
presence only of the Immediate fami
lies concerned and to be followed jy a
large reception, the Invitations Issued
generally take this form:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Doan
request the pleasure of your company
at the wedding of their daughter
Lydia Madeline
Mr. John Henry Richards
n Monday afternoon, October tlje first
at four o'clock
Twenty-one Beech Street
1 1
. J