Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, September 20, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Bull Block or
Tomy Moore
14x6 $45 and $35
Head and Side
12 Inch Head.... $13.00
9 Inch Sidp 9 50
Cheap Trip 7.50
Yarding Block
12 inch $24.00
10 inch 22.00
9 inch 20.00
7jch 15.00
6 inch 13.00
Lead Block
12 inch :$I6.00
10 mch 15.00
9 inch 13.00
Head Trip Block
for road engine
18 inch $22.00
- . - .
(fik Grab Hooks ' f
- vi'T. uva 930 1
X2 r.oo V
' " We&g9, per lb 3 Oc
Wedges -J
r "N 1U ,n Bucking Wedge
f ' - j Perlb 30c Perlb... ....30c V
L"' Warranted Logging Dogs ' M
C1 . 1x2 $2.5o
Sledges, goods, nothing J'--- lM
1x2 . . 2.oo
Perlb 40c else M2 .. 1.75
x2 $1.5o xl l.oo
10 Pit Cent
In the Circuit Court of the State of
n,-aern fnv tho Pnnntv nt Plnclm-
Julia E. Moore, Plaintiff,
Harry Livingstone Moore, Defendant.
To Harry Livingstone Moore, de
fendant In the name of the State of Oregon;
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before the 1st day of November, 1907,
said date being six weeks
after the date of the first publication
of this Buramons, and if you fail to so
appear and anBwer, the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief de
manded in the complaint, to-wlt: For
a decree dissolving the bonds of mat
rimony now existing between plain
tiff and defendant.
Pursuant to an order made and en
tered September the ICth, 1907, by
n , r r. nimi.i, n..t., t.,j '.
Hon. G. B. DImick, County Judge of
Clackamas County, Oregon, this sum-
mons is served on you by publication
thereof for six successive weeks In
the, Oregon, City Courier, the date of
tne rirst publication being September
20th, 1907, and the last being Novem
ber 1st, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
,518 Chamber of Commerce, Portland,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Constance Adaline Chapman, plaintiff,
Oscar L. Chapman, defendant.
To Oscar L. Chapman, defendant
above named:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before the 9th day of Nov., 1907, the
said day being more than six weeks
from the 20th day of September, the
date of the first publication of this
summons and If you fail to answer
for want thereof, plaintiff will apply
to Court for the relief prayed for, to
wlt: For a decree of .said Court forever
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and
defendant; that the plaintiff, Con
stance Adaline Chapman, have the
custody and control of their said
minor child, Glen Chapman, and for
such other and further relief as may
hft emiitflMp nml inst The nrrlftr for
publication of summons in this cause
was made by the Hon. Grant B. Dim
lck, Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Clackamas County
on the ICth day of September, 1907.
The date of the first publication of
this summons Is Sept. 20, 1907, and
the date of the last publlcaton is
Nov. 1st, 1907. .
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Chief of Police Sale of Real Property
For the Satisfaction of Delin
quent City Leins.
state 01 uregon, uiacnamas county,
City of Oregon City, ss.
By virtue of a warrant duly issued
by the City Recorder of Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon, to me
directed and dated September 17, 1907,
commanding me to forthwith levy up
on the several lots, tracts, blocks or
parts thereof, to satisfy the amount
of the respective unpaid assessments
against each parcel of said real prop
erty as hereinafter set forth, together
with the interest at the rate of six
per centum per annum from the date
set after each parcel.
The date of entry of said assess
ment in the Docket of.City Liens, the
name of the owner or reputed owner,
the object for which said assessment
has been incurred, the description of
the property and the amount of the
Special Blocks
Off On All
Hen, the date from which said amount
beai's interest being respectively as
follOWS '
er District No. 4, Lot 2, Block 112
Oregon City, Oregon, Int. from '
Dec. 16th, 1904, at 6 per cent.
per annum $29.64
Jan. 10, 1900, John F. Edwards,
Sidewalk, Lot 4, Block 1, Dar-
nalls Addition to Oregon City..
Aug. 2, 1906, C. E. Nash, im
provement pf John QuincyAdams
street, Lot 1, Block 139, Oregon
City, Oregon, the easterly 50 feet
thereof, interest from Aug. 17,
1906. .
Aug. 2, 1906, C. E. Nash, im
provement of John QuincyAdams
street, lot 2, block 139, Oregon
City, Oregon, the easterly 50 feet
thereof, interest from Aug. 17,
1906 a 61.20
Dec. 27, 1906, Mrs, Martha Rln-
'so. Sewer District, No. 5, Lot 6
w, A',,,m. ' t
Block 42, County Addition to Ore-
f" Ir " ' i 1 "
"lL"B. rlBr7 8
of. - Interest from Jan. 11, 1907 21.00
I Dec. 27 1906, Mrs. Martha
Farrel, Sewer District No. 5, Lot V
18, Blk. 3, Mount Pleasant Addi
tion to Oregon City, Oregon, Int-
terest from Jan. 11, 1907 35.00
Dec. 27, 1906, Joseph O'Neil,
Sewer District No. 5, Lot 4, block
13, Pleasant Hill Addition to
Oregon City, Oregon. Interest '
from Jan. 11, 1907 35.00
Deo. 27, 1906, Joseph O'Neil,
Sewer District No. 5, Lot 3, block
13, Pleasant Hill Addition to
Oregon City, Oregon. Interest
from Jan. 11, 1907 35.00
Dec. 27, 1906, Ira O. Shattuck,
Sewer District No. 5, lot 10, block
13, Pleasant Hill Addition to
Oregon City, Oregon. Interest
from Jan. 11, 1907 35.00
Now therefore, pursuant to said
warrant, I have levied on each par
cel of real property above described,
for the amount of the respective lien
thereon, together with interest as
aforesaid and will on Saturday, the
19th day of October, 1907, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon, at the front
door of the court house of Clackamas
County, in Oregon City, Oregon, pro
ceed to offer for sale and sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
in hand, subject to redemption as pro
vided by law, each of the several par
cels of real estate hereinbefore des
cribed or so much of each of said par
cels 88 may be necessary to satisfy
the amount of the unpaid lien togeth
er with interest at tjie rate of 6 per
cent, per annum thereon from theidate
set after each parcel thereof, as in
this notice set forth.
Chief of Police of Oregon City.
Dated Sept. 18, 1907.
Ordinance No.
An ordinance assessing the proba
ble cost of improving Fourth Street of
Oregon City, Oregon, from the east
line of Water Street to the west line
of Main Street, and from the east line
of Main Street to the stone wall of the
Oregon and California Railroad Com
pany on said Fourth Street, and di
recting an entry of such assessment
in the Docket of City Liens.
Oregon City does ordain as fol
lows: Section 1. That whereas the Coun
cil of Oregon City, having ascertain
ed and determined the probable cost
of improving Fourth Street of Oregon
City, Oregon, from the east line of
Water Street to the west line of Main
Street, and from the east line of
Main Street to the stone wall of the
Ofegon and California Railroad Com
pany on said Fourth Street, as provi
ded by ordinance No. 389 to be the
sum of $2104.34 and
Whereas under the provisions of
Btiilt to Otde
Main Line or Belt Hooks
2 inch $2.75
)i inch 2-5
Yarding and Trip Hooks
ltfinch 1-00
VA inch 3
Choker Hooks Flat
For 1 Inch lines with link $2.50
Jfor inch lines with link 2.00
These Prices
Section 85, Chapter 13, of the Charter
of Oregon City, as amended, it is di
rected that one-third of the total cost
of improving streets, shall be paid
from the Permanent Street Improve
ment Fund, and
Whereas one-third of the total pro
bable cost of improving Fourth Street
of Oregon City, Oregon, from the east
line of Water Street to the west line
of Main Street, and from the east line
of Main Street to the stone wall of
the Oregon and California Railroad
Company on said Fourth Street, is the
sum of . $701.45, and the remaining
two-thirds of the total probable cost of
said street Improvement is the sum of
Now therefore the said sum of .$1402.89
is hereby assessed to the several lots
and parts of lots and tracts of land,
abutting on that portion of Fourth
Street, Oregon City, Oregon, to be
improved in the respective amounts
set opposite the number and descrip
tioimhereof In Section 3 of this or
dinance, as being benefitted by said
Improvement In said amounts.
Section 2. The Recorder is hereby
directed to enter a statement of the
assessments hereby made In the Dock
et of City Liens, and cause notice
thereof to be published as provided
by the City Charter.
Section 3.
Lot 1, Block 28, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 41 feet
of the westerly 97 feet there
of, H. L. L. Clark $101.65
Lot 1, Block 28, Oregon City,
Oregon, the following descri
bed portion thereof, begin- '
ning at a point in the wester-,
Jy line of said lot, 4! feet
southerly from the north
westerly corner thereof,
thence southerly tracing lot
line 21 feet, thence at right
angles easterly 97 ft., thence
at right angles northerly 21
ft. thence at right angles
westerly 97 feet to the place
of beginning. A. L. Richard
son rr
Lots 1 and 2, Block 28, Oregon
City, Oregon, the following
described part thereof, the
southerly 6.3 feet of the
westerly 97 feet of said lot
1, and the northerly 31.7 feet
of the westerly 97 feet of
said lot 2. H. L. L. Clark..
Lots 1 and 2, Block 28, Oregon
City, Oregon, the following
described part thereof, be
ginning at a point on the
southerly line of Fourth st.
8 feet westerly from the
southeasterly corner of said
lot 1, thence southerly at
right angles to Fourth street
100 feet, thence at right an
gles easterly 4 feet, thence at
right angles northerly 100
feet, thence at right angles
westerly 4 feet to the place
of beginning. The Oregon
and California Railroad Com
pany, of Oregon
Lot 8, Block 28, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 20 feet
thereof. A. L. Richardson..
Lot 8, Block 28, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 21 feet
of the northerly 41 feet there
of, H. L. L. Clark 41.22
Lot 8, Block 28, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 21 feet
of the northerly 62 feet
thereof, A. L. Richardson 27.28
Lots 7 and 8, Block 28, Oregon
City, Oregon, the following
described portion thereof,
the southerly 6.3 feet of said
lot 8, and the northerly 31.7
feet of said lot 7, H. L. L.
Clark 34.55
Lot 4, Block 27, Oregon City.
Oregon, the westerly 101 feet
thereof, James M. Tracy.... 151.54
Lot 3, Block 27, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 30.3
feet of the westerly 101 feet
thereof, James M. Tracy.... 33.26
Lot 5, Block 27, Oregon City,
Oregon, James M. Tracy.... 123.62
Lot 6, Block 27, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 30.3
feet thereof, James M. Tracy 27.13
Lot 1, Block 2, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly one
half thereof, Creed W. Strat
ton and Gambrinus Brewing
Company, a corporation 82.51
Lot 1, Block 2, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly one-
half thereof, Heirs of John
Lot 2, Block 2, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 31.7
feet thereof, John M. Graham
Lot 8, Block 2, Oregon Ulty,
Oregon, the easterly 65 feet
thereof, Simon Selling.. 110.61
Lot 7, Block 2, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 31.7
feet of the easterly 65 feet
thereof, Simon Selling 2G.28
Lot 8, Block 2, Oregon City,
Oregon, the westerly 40 feet
thereof, The. Portland Flour
ing Mills Company, a corpor
ation, .- C8.0G
Lot 7, Block 2, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly ii.l
feet of the westerly 40 feet
thereof, The Portland Flour
ing Mills Company, a corpor
ation, 10.17
Lot 4, Block 3, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 33 feet
of the easterly 50 feet there
of, and the southerly 57 feet
of the westerly 55 feet there
of, Heirs of Charles W.Pope 104.32
Lots 3 and 4, Block 3, Oregon
City; Oregon, the following
described portion thereof, be
ginning at a point on the
westerly line of Main street,
33 feet northerly from the
southeasterly corner of said
lot 4, thence northerly on
westerly line of Main street
42 feet, thence at right angles
westerly 105 feet, thence at
right angles southerly 18 feet
to the corner of Pope proper
ty, thence at right angles
easterly 55 feet, "thence at
right angles southerly : 24
feet, thence at right angles
easterly 60 feet to the place
of beginning, Anna Cassell. . 43.5
Lot 3, Block 3, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 25 feet
of the southerly 30.37 feet
thereof, T. L. Charman, Mary
M. Charman, and Estate of
Elmer E. Charman 26.07
Lot 5, Block 3, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 68 2-12
feet thereof, James Rbake.. 144.9
Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, Oregon
City, Oregon, the following
described portions thereof,
the northerly 1 8-15 feet of
said lot 5, and the southerly
30.3 feet of said lot 6, Mar
garet S. Pilsbury 34.45
Section 4.
Whereas the City Council has here
tofdre found that the condition of said
street was and is dangerous to the
health and safety of the City, and has
let a contract for the improvement of
the same, and whereas the said street
is still in such condition as to be dan
gerous to the health and safety of
the City, and that it Is necessary to
immediately provide funds for the
continuance of the improvement, that
said continuance is necessary for the
immediate preservation of the health
and safety of the City, in the judg
ment Of the City Council of Oregon
Ulty, Oregon, an emergency exlslts
therefore this ordinance shall take
effect and be in force immediately
upon Its approval by the Mayor,
Head first time and ordered nub
llBhed at a special meeting of the
Council of Oregon City, held Wednes
day September 18, 1907, and to come
up for second reading and final pas
sage at a regular meeting of said
Council to be held Wednesday Octo
ber 2nd, 1907, at 8 o'clock p. m,
By order of the Council of Oregon
Notice of Assessment.
For improving Ninth street of Ore
gon City, Oregon, from the east line of
Water street to a point on said Ninth
street 150 feet west of the west line
of Main street.
Notice is herebv plven that tha
Council of Oregon City, Oregon, at a
regular meeting held Wednesday, Sep
tember 4tn, 1907, declared an assess
ment by ordinance No. 403 for the im
provement of Ninth street of Oregon
City, Oregon, from the east line of
Water Street to a point on said Ninth
Street 150 feet west of the west line
of Main Street, in the manner provid
ed by Ordinance No. 396, upon' each
lot, part of lot and tract of land bene
fitted thereby to be as follows:
Lot 7, Block 7, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 33.9 feet
of the westerly 60 feet thereof, '
Saint Paul's Parish of Oregon
City, Oregon, a corporation...! 25.04
Lot 8, Block, 7, Oregon City,
Oregon, the westerly GO feet
thereof, Saint Paul's Parish of
Oregon City, Oregon, a corpora
tion 80.26
Lot 5, Block 8, Oregon City.
Oregon, the westerly GO feet
thereof, Mrs. E. M. Burmelster 74.75
Lot 6, Block 8, Oregon -City,
Oregon, the southerly 33.9 feet
of the westerly 60 feet there
of, The Roman Catholic Arch
bishop of the Diocese of Ore
gon, a corporation, sole...... 21.71
A statement of the aforesaid assess
ments has been entered In the docket
of City Liens and Is now due and pay
able at the office of the Treasurer of
Oregon City, Oregon, In lawful money
of the United States, and if not paid
within twenty days from the date of
the first publication of this ' notice.
such proceedings will be taken for the
collection of the same as are provid
ed by the charter of Oregon City.
The above assessment will bear In
terest twenty days from and after the
date of the first publication of this
By order of the Council of Oregon
City, Oregon, made at a regular meet
ing of said Council held Wednesday,
September 4th, 1907.
W. A. DIMICK, Recorder.
Date of the first publication of this
notice Friday, Sept. 13th, 1907.
Notice of Assessment.
For improving Tenth Street of Ore
gon City, Oregon, from the west side
of the track of the Oregon & Califor
nia Railroad Company on said Tenth
Street, to the east line of Main Street
and from the west line of Main Street
to the east line of Water Street.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Council of Oregon City, Oregon, at a
regular meeting held Wednesday, Sep
tember 4th, 1907, declared an assess
ment by Ordinance No. 4(l 'fr the Im
provement of Tenth Street of Oregon
City, Oregon, from the west side of
the track of the Oregon & California
Railroad Company on said Tenth
street to the east line of Main street,
and from the west line of Main street
to the east line of Water street, in
the manner provided by Ordinance
No. 385, upon each lot, part of lot
and tract of land benefitted thereby
to be as follows:
Lots 3 and 4, Block 21, Or-
gon City, Oregon, the following
described portion thereof, the
right of way of the Oregon &
California Railroad Company
of Oregon, through the south
erly 100 feet of said lots, The
Oregon & California Railroad
Company $ 9.28
Lot 3, Block 21, Oregon City,
Or., the southerly 34 feet of
said lot lying westerly of the
right of way of the Oregon &
California Railroad Company,
Jennie B. Harding 8.87
Lot 4, Block 21, Oregon City,
Oregon, that portion thereof
lying westerly of the right of
way of the Oregon & California
Railroad Company, Jennie B.
Harding 34.65
Lot 5, Block 21, Oregon City,
Oregon, Jennie B. Harding... 106.44
Lot 6, Block 21, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 34 feet
thereof, Jennie B. Harding... 26.02
Ixit 1. Block 22, Oregon City,
Oregon, the westerly 45.9 feet
tlisreof. A. W. Cheney 48.73
Lot 2, Block 22, Oregon City,
Oregon, the westerly 20 feet of
of the northerly one-half there
of, Emilie Knapp. 5.56
Lot 2, Block 22, Oregon City,
Oregon, the easterly 25.9 feet
of the westerly 45.9 feet of the
northerly y2 thereof and .9 of
a foot of the westerly 45.9 feet
of the southerly thereof,
Fred Gadke and Tracy Gadke 6.95
Lot 8, Block 22, Oregon City,
Oregon, the easterly 20 feet
thereof, A. W. Cheney 22.09
Lot 8, Block 22, Oregon City,
Oregon, the westerly 85 feet
thereof, A. Knapp 93. 8G
Lot 7, Block 22, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly
thereof, Emilie Knapp 28.77
Lot 7, Block 22, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly .9 of a '
foot of the southerly there
of, Fred C. Gadke and Tracy
Gadke 95
Lot 1, Block 8, Oregon City,
Oregon, The Roman Catholic
Archbishop of the Diocese of
Oregon, a corporation sole 130.33
Ixt 2, Block 8, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 33.9 feet
thereof, The Roman Catholic
Archbishop of the Diocese of
Oregon, a corporation sole.... 33.40
Lot 7, Block 8, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 33.9 feet
thereof, The Roman' Catholic
Archbishop of the Diocese of
Oregon, a corporation sole.... 30.03
Lot 8, Block 8, Oregon City,
Oregon, The Roman Catholic
Archbishop of the Diocese of
Oregon, a corporation sole.... 117.17
Lot 4, Block 9, Oregon City,
Oregon, the easterly 102 feet
thereof, J. B. Falrclough and
P. A. Falrclough 118.38
Lot 4, "Block 9, Oregon City,
Oregon, the westerly 3 feet
thereof, M. Jennlo Sullivan... 3.48
Lot 3, Block 9', Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 34 feet
thereof, Fannie- Griessen 81.23
Lot 5, Block 9, Oregon City,
Oregon, M. Jennie Sullivan... 114.49
Lot 6, Block 9, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 34 feet
thereof, WilHam Sheahan 29.34
A statement of the aforesaid assess-,
ments has been entered in the Docket
of City Liens and is now due and pay
able at the office of the Treasurer of
Oregon City, Oregon, In lawful money
of the United States, and If not paid
within twenty days from the date of
the first publication of this notice,
such proceedings will bo taken for the
collection of the same as are provided
by the Charter of Oregon City.
The above assessment will bear In
terest twenty days from and after the
date of the first publication of this
By order of the Council of Oregon
City, Oregon, made at a regular meet
ing of said Council held Wednesday,
September 4th, 1907!
The dato of the first publication of
this notice Is Friday, September Kith,
Notice of Assessment.
For improving John Qtilncy Adams
street of Oregon City, Oregon, line of
street of Oregon City, Oregon, from
the north line of Seventh street to the
south line of Eighth street.
Notice is hereby given that the Coun
cil of Oregon City, Oregon, at a reg
ular meeting held Wednesday, Sep
tember 4th, 1907, declared an assess
ment by Ordinance No. 402 for the Im
provement of John Qulncy Adams
street of Oregon City, Oregon, from
the north line of Seventh street to
the south line of Eighth street In the
manner provided by Ordinance- No.
384, upon each lot, part of lot and
tract of land benefitted thereby, to
be as follows.
Lot 1, Block 110, Oregon
City, Oregon, the easterly 100
feet thereof, John K. Morris
and Flora E. Morris $110.74
Lot 2, Block M0, Oregon
City, Oregon, the easterly 100
feet of the northerly half there
of, John Thompson 01.11
Lot 2, Block HO, Oregon
City, Oregon the westerly 6
feet of the easterly 100 feet of
the southerly half thereof,
John Thompson 1.83
Lot 2, Block HO, Oregon
City, Oregon, the easterly 95
feet of the southerly half
thereof, Margaret Mulvey 59.29
Lot 3, Block 110. Oregon
City, Oregon, the easterly 51
feet thereof, George V. Ely... 78.30
Lot 4, Block 140, Oregon
City, Oregon, the easterly 51
feet thereof, George V. Ely... 62.52
Lot, 3, Block 140. Oregon
City, Oregon, the westerly 49
feet of the easterly 100 feet
thereof, Augusta Sehoenborn. . 32. Gl
Lot 4, Block 110, Oregon
City, Oregon, the westerly 4!)
feet of the easterly 100
feet thereof, Augusta Schoen-
born 26.03
Lot 5, Block 157. Oregon
City, Oregon, the westerly 100
feet thereof, Rudolph Koerner 83.74
Lot G, Block 157, Oregon
City, Oregon, the following de
scribed 'portion thereof, begin
ning at the southwesterly cor-
er of said lot. thence norther- .
ly along lino of said lot 30
et, thence at right angles
easterly 50 feet, thence at right
ngies to said east line 30 feet
thence westerly along line be
tween lots 5 and 6 to place of
beginning; corporation of Ore-
gen fiiy 33.22
Lot C. Block 157, Oregon
City. Oregon, the following de
scribed portion thereof; begin
ning at the northwest corner
of said lot thence southerly
along line of lot 36 feet, thence
easterly at right angles 60
feet, thence at right angles to
last line southerly 30 feet
then easterly along line be
tween lots 6 and 6, 50 feet,
thence northerly at right an
gles to last line G6 feet thence
westerly along line of said lot
100 feet to place of beginning;
Rudolph Korner 71.19
Lot 7, Block 157, Oregon
City, Oregon, the westerly 100
feet thereof, Franclne Ramsby
and C. E. Ramsby 122.69
Lot 8, Block 157, Oregon .
City, Oregon, the westerly 100
feet tfiereof, S. M. Ramsby.. 118.37
A statement of the aforesaid assess
ments has been entered In the Docket
of City Liens and is now due and pay
able at the office of the Treasurer of
Oregon City, Oregon, in lawful money
of the United States, and if not paid
within twenty days from the date of
the first publication of this notice,
such proceedings will be taken for the
collection of the same as are provided
by the Charter of Oregon City.
The above assessment will bear In
terest twenty days from and after the
date of the first publication of this
By order of the Council of Oregon
City, Oregon, made at a regular meet
ing of said Council held Wednesday,
September 4th, 1907.
The date of the first publication of
this notice Friday, September 13th,
Notice of Assessment.
For improving Eighth Btreet of Or
egon City, Oregon, from the stone
wall of the Oregon & California Rail
road Company on said Eighth street,
to the east line of Main street, and
from the west line of Main street to
a point on said Eighth street 168 feet
west of the west line of said Main
Notice is hereby given that the
Council of Oregon City, Oregon, at a
regular meeting held Wednesday, Sep
tetmber 4th, 1907, declared an asess
ment by Ordinance No. 399 for the im
provement of Eighth street of Oregon
City, Oregon, from the stone wall of
the Oregon & California Railroad Com
pany on said Eighth street to the east
line of Main street, and from the west
line of Main street to a point on said
Eighth street 168 feet west of the
west line of said Main street, in the
manner provided by Ordinance No.
38G, upon each lot, part of lot and
tract of land benefitted thereby to
be as follows:
Lot 4, Block 7, Oregon City,
Oregon, Clackamas County. . .$140.95
Lot 3, Block 7, Oregon City'
Oregon, the southerly 34 feet
thereof, Clackamas County...
Lot 6, Block 7, Oregon City,
Oregon,- the easterly 63 feet
thereof, Clackamas County.... 107.21
Lot 6, Block 7, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 34 feet
of the easterly 63 feet thereof
Clackamas County 27.48
Lot 1, Block 6, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly one-half
thereof, Charles H. Caufleld .
Lot 1, Block 6,. Oregon City, '
Oregon, the southerly one-half
thereof, E. G. Caufleld 64.72
Lot 2, Block 6, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 34 feet
thereof, Charles H. Caufleld
and E. G. Caufleld 37.21
Lot 7, Block 6, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 34 feet
of the easterly 63 feet thereof,
Charles H. Caufield and E. G.
Caufleld 22.63
Lot 8, Block 6, Oregon City,
Oregon, the easterly 63 feet
thereof, E. G. Caufleld 110.93
Lot 3, Block 23, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 34 feet
thereof, Heirs of Henry wein-
Lot 4, Block 23, Oregon City,
Oregon City, Oregon; Heirs of
Henry Weinhard 231.19
Lot 5, Block 23, Oregon City,
Oregon, Heirs of Henry Wein
hard -
Lot 6, Block 23, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 34 feet
thereof, Heirs of Henry Wein
hard 80.43
Lot 1, Block 24, Oregon City,
Oregon, Elizabeth M. Roos... 151.59
Lot 2, Block 24, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 33 feet
of the Easterly 70 feet there
of, and the northerly 84 feet
of the westerly 35 feet thereof,
Gustav Frlewald 38.84
Lot 2, Block 24, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 1 foot of
the southerly 33 feet of the
easterly 70 feet thereof, Mary
F. Cross
Lot 7, Block 24, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 34 feet
thereof, Gustav Frlewald ....
Lot 8, Block 24, Oregon City,
Oregon, Elizabeth M. Roos 138.37
A statement of the aforesaid assess
ments has been entered in the Docket
of City Liens and Is now due and pay
able at the office of the Treasurer of
Oregon City, Oregon, In lawful money
of the United States, and if not paid
within twenty days from the date of
the first publication of this notice,
such proceedings will be taken for the
collection of the same as are provided
by the Charter of Oregon City.
The above assessment will bear in
terest twenty days from and after the
date of the first publication of this
By order of the Council of Oregon
City, Oregon, made at a regular meet
ing of Baid Council held Wednesday,
September 4th, 1907.
The date of the first publication of
this notice Friday, September 13th,
Notice of Assessment.
For Improving Ninth street of Or
egon City, Oregon from the West
line of the right of way of the Oregon
& California Railroad Company on
said Ninth street to the east line of
Main strPet, and from the west line of
Main street to a point on said Ninth
street 150 feet west of the west line
of said Main street.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Council of Oregon City, Oregon,, at a
regular meeting held Wednesday, Sep
tember 4th, 1907, declared an assess
ment by Ordinance No. 400, for the
Improvement of Ninth street of Ore
gon City, Oregon, from the west line
of the right of way of the Oregon &
California Railroad Company on said
Ninth street to the oast line of Main
street, and from the west line of Main
street to a point on said Ninth street
150 feet weBt of the west line of said
Main street, In the manner provided
by Ordinance No. 388 upon each lot,
part of lot and tract of land benefitted
thereby, to be as follows:
lAits 3 and 4 Bloek 22, Ore
gon City, Oregon, the follow
ing described portion thereof,
the right of way of the Oregon
& California Railroad Company
through the southerly 100 feet
of said lots, The Oregon & Cal
fornia Railroad Company of
Oregon $ 12.52
Lot 3, Block 22, Oregon City.
Oregon, the southerly 14 feet
thereof, excepting the right of
way of the Oregon & California
Railroad Company, Estate of
Elmer E. Charman
Lot 3, Block 22, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 20 feet
of the southerly 34 feet there
of, excepting the right of way
of the Oregon & California
Railroad Company, Helen L
Lot 4, Block 22. Oreeon filtv.
Oregon, excepting the right of
way of the Oregon & California
Railroad Company, Estate of
Elmer E. Charman 57.64
Lot 5, Block 22. Oregon City,
Oregon, Lena A. Charman and
June M. Charman 49.86
Lot 6, Block 22, Oregon City.
Oregon, the southerly 14 feet
thereof, Estate of Elmer E.
Charman 5.27
Jt 6, Block 22, Oregon Cltv.
Oregon, the northerly 20 feet
of the southerly 34 feet there
of, Helen L. Milln 7.51
Lot 1, Block 23, Oregon City,
Oregon, Heirs of Julius Logus 145.01
Lot 2, Block 23, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly one-half
thereof, Mrs. J. E. Samson... 36.43
Lot 2, Block 23. Oreeon Cltv.
Oregon, the northerly .9 of a
foot of the southerly one-half
thereof, James M. Tracy
udi 7, Block 23, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly one-half
thereof, Mrs. J. E. Samson ... 38.01
Lot 8, Block- 23, Oregon City,
Oregon, Heirs of Julius Ixgus 148.31
Lot 1, Block 7, Oregon City,
Oregon, Saint Paul's Parish
of Oregon City, Oregon, a cor
poration 132.30
Lot 2, Block 7, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 33.9 feet
thereof Mary M. Charman... 33.90
Lot 7, Block 7, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 33.9 feet
of the easterly 45 feet thereof,
Saint Paul's Parish of Oregon
City, Oregon, a corporation.. 15.84
Lot 8, Block 7, Oregon City,
Oregon, the easterly 45 feet
thereof, Saint Paul's Parish,
of Oregon City, Oregon, a cor
poration 5G.92
Lot 3, Block ,8, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 33.9
feet thereof, The Roman Cath
olics Archbishop of the Diocese
of Oregon, a corporation sole 34.65
Lot 4. Block 8, Oregon City,
Oregon, First Baptist Church '
of Oregon City, Oregon 135.19
Lot 5, Block 8, Oregon City,
Oregon, the easterly 45 feet
tnereor, Mrs. E. M. Burmelster 56.72
Lot 6, Block 8, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 33.1 feet
of the easterly 45 feet thereof,
The Roman Catholic Archbish
op of the Diocese of Oregon,
a corporation, sole 14.54
Lot 7, Block 25, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly .9 of a
foot of the southerly one-half
threof, James M. Tracy 76
A statement of the aforesaid assess
ments has been entered in the Docket
of City Liens and is now due and pay
able at the office of the Treasurer of
Oregon City, Oregon, in lawful money
of the United States, and if not paid
within twenty days from the date of
the first publication of this notice,
such proceedings will he taken for the
collection of the same as are provided
by the Charter of Oregon City.
The above assessment will bear In
terest twenty days from and after the
date of the first publication of this
By order of the Council of Oregon
City, Oregon, mnde at a regular meet
ing of said Council held Wednesdnv.
September 4th, 1907.
The dale of the first publication of
tnis notice Fri
Friday, September 13th,
Notice of Assessment.
For improving Seventh street of
Oregon City, Oregon, from the east
line of Water street to the west line
of Main street.
Notice is hereby given that the
Council of Oregon City, Oregon, at
a regular meeting hold Wednesday,
Soptember 4th, 1907, declared an as
sessment by Ordinance No. 398 for
the improvement of Seventh street
of Oregon City, Oregon, from the east
line of Wator street to the west line
of Main street,- In the manner pro
vided by Ordinance No. 387, upon each
lot, part of lot and tract of land ben
efitted thoreby, to be as follows:
Lot 4, Block G, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 35 feet
thereof, Andrlna C. A. Barclay 86.48
Lot 4, Block 6, Oregon City,
Oregon, the northerly 31 feet
thereof, Multnomah Lodge ,No.
1, A. F. & A. M., of Oregon
City, Oregon 45.91
Lot 3, Block 6, Oregon City,
Oregon, the southerly 34 feot
thereof, Multnomah Lodge No.
1, A. F. & A. M., of Oregon
City, Oregon 33.93
Lot 5. Block 6, Oregon City.
Oregon, Andrlna C. A. Barclay 110.80
Lot G, Block 6, Oregon Cltv.
Oregon, the southerly 34 feet
thereof, Andrlna C. A. Barclay 28.40
ul 1, mock 5, Oregon Cltv.
Oregon, the westerly 99 feet
thereof, William Andresen, E.
M. Burmelster and J. M. Gra.
ham 98.86
Lot J, Block 5. Oregon Cltv.
Oregon, the westerly G feet
thereof, Solomon Garde 5.87
Lot 2, Block 5, Oregon Cltv.
Oregon, the northerly 34 feet
thereof, H. C. Stevens and
Frank Jaggur 26.97
Lot 8, Block 5, Oregon Cltv.
Oregon, the Easterly 33 feet
thereof, Solomon Garde 38.57 '
Lot 8, Block 5, Oregon Cltv.
Oregon, the westorly 72 feot
thereof, S. Augusta Chase 82.02
Lot 7, Block 5, Oreeon Cltv.
Oregon, the northerly 34 feet
thereof, H. C. Stevens and
Frank Jaggar 30. G7
A statement of the aforesaid assess
ments has been entered In the Docket
of City Liens and is now due and pay- '.
able at the office of the Treasurer of ,
Oregon City, Oregon, In lawrul money
of the United Slates, and If not paid
witnin twenty days from the date of
the first publication of tills notice,
such proceedings will be taken for the
collection of the same as are provided '
y tne Charter of Oregon City.
The above assessment will bear In
terest twenty days from and after the
date of the first publication of this
By order of the Council of Oregon
City, Oregon, made at a regular meet- :
ing of said Council held Wednesday, ,
Soptember 4th. 1907. 'n
The date of the first publication of
this notice Friday, Soptember 13th,
190'. . .