OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, JUNE 21 1907 t is n '1 ft I I? ; f I I 1 i ' I I 'I t i J GEO. C. BROWNELL 2b COMPANY Have outside land, including farms, for sale; also residence property, situated in Oregon City,' Gladstone, Milwaukie, Estacada, Mil waukie Park and Oak Grove for sale on easy terms. Titles guaranteed and abstracts furnished. Money to loan on low rate of interest to assist purchasers. Call on us. Office in the Caufield.Block, Telephone 52 1 FIRE AT PARKPLACE. Barn Burns and Blaze Creates Great Excitement Here. Bells at Oregon City and Parkplace dunged wildly and flory tongues of flame shot forth Into the sky at an early hours yesterday morning, arous ing people from their beds. Officer E. h. Shaw was the man who creat ed the furor, and ho only did what was his duty. The result of the spectacular fire was the total destruc tion of the big red Darn near tne ai. Agnes Homo at Parkplace. Tho fire broke out at 1 o'clock Just after the departure of the owl car for Mllwauklo. Officer Shaw saw the blaze, and not realizing that it was so far beyond the limits of the city, turned In the alarm, and In a few minutes people began to pour in tho direction of Green Point. The fire was deceptive and the general Im pression at first was that the Oregon City Mill & Lumber Company's plant was burning. The flro companies drugged their apparatus as far as Fourteenth street before it was dis covered that assistance could not be rendered and a score of people hit tho ties and ran to the scene. Wild gueses were made as to tho location of the flro, and it was thought that St. Agnes Homo was on tire, that the county bridge across the Clackamas was ablaze; that the TEeR You'll Be Better Satisfied "JKe Princeton Outing' t I Ml (jNQ.OO S. ROSENSTEIN Successor to I. SELLING Suspension Bridge Corner Oregon City, Oregon NOTE-Satisfaction guaranteed, money refunded if goods are not $18.50 to $20.00 Suits for $15.00 Hart, Schaffner and Maw and "Fashion" clothes. The clothes of quality and workmanship. - This seasons latest in designs and colors. Special during . , t. ..$15.00 this month T $12.50 to $f 5.00 Suits fog $9.50 Choice designs, new in colors, splendid quality-suits you can't buy anywhere for less than $12.60 to $15 included in this special for $950 The sooner you come for these exceptional values, the tetter choice you get. Come now. L. ADAMS Don't forget the JUNE WHITE SALE Many bargains you can't afford to miss. ORECONCITY store of R. Freytag at Gladstone was lost, and finally that the fire was In the heart of Gladstone Park and had consumed the Chautauqua auditorium. The origin of the fire can only be surmised, but It was due either to spontaneous combustion, or (to the presence of a tramp In the barn, and If the latter supposition Is true, tho unfortunate hobo probably went up In smoke. Luckily the cattle and horses owned by St. Agnes Home were turned out, and the contents of the barn consisted of a buggy and harness and several tons of hay. Commencement at Milwaukie Gram- ar School, Commencement exercises were held Saturday evening, June 15 In the band hall, which was filled to the doors by an Interested and apprecia tive audience of friends and patrons of tho school. The Btage presented a very pretty appearance, with the abundance of choice flowers and class colors, gold and blue, and the class motto was in evidence "Step by Step." Following was the program: Prayer Rev. Fisher Welcome Ray Albee Essay, "Jamestown Colony," Florence Lindell Solo, "Day Is Done,". Emma Gettmanu Kocltatlon, "Birds of Killings worth Myrtle Baker Biographical Sketch of Philip Henry Sheridan ..Edison Edwards Solo, "Lullaby" Miss Ena Scott IG STORE WITH THE LITTL if you buy your Summer Suit at R. osenstein's. Rosenstein's Suits have more style, fit. better, wear longer and cost less than at. any other store in the city. Ther'es never any re gret, at your Rosenstein purchases. Everything is always just as represented and every garment lives up to the store's guarantee of satisfaction. It's time now to buy Summer Suits, and Roscustein shows the finest line. The values are $12.50 and $15.00 at other stores, but ntRosensteiu'8 they are marked Recitation, "Sonny's Diploma" Marie Duffy Trio, "Flower Song,". .. .Mrs. Eisert, Ella Costo, Llzle Strlbe. Class History Huldah Beckley Class Prophsey Eugene Fisher Presentation of certificates of at tendance and punctuality to 39 pupils Mrs. Eisert Address to Class Rev. D. A. Thompson Presentation of Diplomas Richard Scott, president of the School Board. Song, "America,". by all To mention any one of all these well rendered numbers, Marie Duf foy's delineation of Ruth McHenry Stuart's "Sonny" was most heartily encored by the audience, and was cer tainly very well executed. This closes Mrs. Elsert's work as principal at Mil waukie and shows for Itself In this well finished class. Mrs. Sluw, the newly elected prin cipal, comes highly recommended as the coming year looks favorable lor the class of 1908. Mountain View. The Superior mill owners were all at home Saturday and Sunday of last week. Walt Curran and two children are out at the mill for the summer. Mr. Jefferson and Vane are on the sick list this week. . Mr. Gillet Is at work again, after his lay off of a week, with sore eyes. Mrs. Gladden is visiting with Mrs. Matchett Brown this week. They visited with Mrs. Stlllwell on tho Abernethy Wednesday. Born, June 14th, 1907, to the wife of C. M. Mason, twin boys. All dj'.ng well. Born, June 18th, 1907, to tho wife of O. W. Griffin, a daughter. MIsb Lennle Seeley of Indepen dence was at home Sunday to at'.ond the wedding T her sister, Carrie Seeley. Little Effle Ott is on the Blck list this week. Many of the girls In this burg have gone to work In the woolen mill since school closed. Othois are picking strawberries. John Francis went to the Ogle Creek mines with the Falrclough Bros. Monday. wnen xoti Bay Boy to the best advantage. Search for the store that gives HONEST VALUE GREATER VALUE FOR LESS MONEY than any other. We believe the quest will end here. We know we can satisfy yoa. We hope for yoor patronage. We pledge ourselves to spare no pains to please yo . We desire above all things to gaitf and retain your confi dence and esteem. Give us an oppor tunity to prove this and inci dentally to save you money Dry Goods Notions Neckwear Underwear S. ROSENSTEIN Successor to ' I. SELLING Suspension Bridge Corner Oregon City, Oregon Mrs. Swan and daughter of Port land were guests of Mrs. Bronw on Sunday. Mrs. Meyers of Napavine Is vlsltijg with her daughter, Mrs. S. V. Francis. Mrs. Haslor has a lady friend from Colorado visiting with hof this week Messrs. George Robthti and, Pearl Selby cleaned a well out for F. M. Darling' Wednesday. Mr. Parllng ex pects to erect a windmill in the near Milwaukie. 'Milwaukie Grange held an Interest ing session Saturday last though not very well attended. The lecture hour was opened with music, after which tho lecturer announced the "study" for the few weeks. Members are all to come prepared to give facts on the "tax" question and all are re quested to study to find a better way to levy.asssea and collect taxes as well as to try to find a more equable manner of placing the tax burden. A .question box will be provided for all queries along this line. M. B. Wells and T. R. Sellwood disscussed the ver dict in the Schmitz case in San Fran cisco. The new method of dust spraying was discussed, also remedy for chiclc en disease. Many hearty laughs were Indulged In when some of the per sonal questions were read. Resolutions of appreciation were read by Mr. James to voice the senti ments of the members for the able manner the lecture work has been conducted so that Milwaukie captured the state banner. Mrs. Getchell, the lecturer, responded. Children's Day will be held one day In July and committees have been named to arrange for a fair, probably In September. He Fired the Stick "I have fired the walking-stick I've carried over 40 years, on account of a sore that resisted every kind of treatment, until I tried Bucklen'a Ar nica Salve; that has healed the sore and made me a happy man," writes John Garrett, of North Mills, N. C. Guaranteed for Piles, Burns, etc., by Howell & Jones, druggists, 25 c. John Fouts Lamont. The funeral of John Fouts Lamont, the five months old sou of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Brown Lamont, was held yesterday, the remains being in terred in Mountain View cemetery. The child died Wednesday at the family home, 1040 East Salmon street, in Portland, and the funeral was held from the house, the body being brought to Oregon City by car. The First Requisite of Beauty. The first requisite of beauty is a clear complexion. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup clears a sallow blotched complexion as it stimulates the liver and bowels, and the eyes become bright and clear. You owe It to your friends to take it if your complexion is bad. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is very plesant to take. Refuse substi tutes. Howell & Jones, druggists. Hinman-Meak. Miss Edith Meak and Walter Hln- man were married Wednesday night at the residence of the bride's father in Parkplace, Rev. R. C. Blackwell, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, officiating. Only immediate relatives were present at the cere mony. Mr. and Mrs. Hlninan will re side at Lents. Itching piles provoke profanity, but profanity won"t cure them. Doan's Ointment cures itching, bleeding or protruding piles afer years of suffer ing. At any drug store. Fancy Goods Trimmings Hosiery Etc. as represented. EPRICESl Needy, The farmers are all pleased with the nice weather we are having at present.' Miss Emma Yoder visited her grandma of Yodervllle the past week. The Needy school opened again as Mr. Bressler Is able to finish tne term of one month. All attend the ball game at the Needy grounds Sunday. Aurora and Needy are the teams to play. D. B. Yoder made a flying trip to Yodervllle, Wednesday last. A Fortunate Texan. Mr. B. W. Goodloe, of 107 St. Louis St., Dallas, Tex., says: "In the past year I have become acquainted with Dr. King's New Life Pills, and no laxative I ever before tried so ef fectually disposes of malaria and bil iousness." They don't grind nor gripe. 25 c. at Howell & Jones' drug store. RASPBERRIES IN MARKET. Prospects for Good Crops Were Never Brighter In County. Farmers throughout the county are now confident of a large crop since the recent rain, and wheat In many sections this year promises to be an excellent crop, and the aphis, of which the farmer had so much to deal with last year has not yet made Its appearance on the wheat. Mr. Nick Rath of George, who is an extensive farmer of that part of the county, says that the prospects of a good crop In his neighborhood were never brighter, that the aphis was killed by the late fall winds. Last year Mr. Rath says that a great deal of his wheat was covered with the aphis, which prevented the wheat from heading, and causing a big loss to many of the farmers throughout the county. Mr. Rath says that the rains of last Saturday, which lasted through the day, was a great benefit to the crops. The crops In his section are In excellent condition, although tne season was late. Very few cherries have been spoiled so far by the rains, and there is a good crop of this fruit through the county. The strawberry crop Is being har vested throughout the county, the vines being benefitted by the rains, but somewhat delayed In harvesting the crops. Today Wilson berries were retailing at a price of ?1 per crate, the berries being of excellent quality. During the past two days raspber ries have made their appearance in the local market, and today were bringing a wholesale price of three boxes for 25 cents. California vegetables are coming in, and during the past week beans, and cucumbers were retailing at a good price. Oregon vegetables are now In the markets, and the local merchants are supplying the big de mand. The apple crop Is also good, and from the present prospect one of the best crops harvested will be this fall. The prune crop in many sections will be short. California apples are bringing a wholesale price of 1xk cents per pound. George H. Gregory, the teasel grow er of Molalla, was in Oregon City yes terday, and says that the crops in and around Molnlla were never more en couraging this time of the year than at the present time. Mr. Gregory Is the most extensive teasel growers In the state, and says that his crop of teasels this year cannot be excelled. The price of livestock, in the local markets has gone down considerably during the past week. Ranch eggs are now bringing a price of 20 cents per doz. 45c; new Oregon spuds, 45c; Cal ifornia beans, 12c lb; California ap--pies, 7c lb; raspberries, 3 boxes for 25c. Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. Domestic Fruits Apples, common, $1.25, box; choice $2.00. ONIONS Oregon, $4.00 per sack; potatoes, $1.852.00 per sack; Oregon cabbage, 3c lb, broccoli, 60c per doz., spinach, 5c lb, rutabagas, lc lb, Rhu barb, 3c per pound; parsnips, $1.00 per sack; frosh onions, 40c per doz. bunches; oyster plant, 3 bunches 10c. Horseradish, 8ctb; cabbage plants, 50c per hhd; tomato plants, 15o doz.; as paragus, 10c doz; gooseberries, 5c; strawberries, 4 5c box; Oregon peas, 45c; new Oregon spuds, 45c. Cherries, early variety, 34c; Butter and Eggs. BUTTER Ranch 3040c; cream ery, 40c. EGGS Ranch, 20c per doz. Fresh Fruits. Cherries, early variety, 45c; strawberries, $1.10, per crate. Dried Fruits. DRIED APPLES 68&c; prunes, 45 c; sliver prunes, 5c; pears, 10c. Grain, Flour and Feed. WHEAT 80c. OATS No. 1, white, $2930; grav, $2829. FLOUR Patent, $4.154.25; val ley flour, $4.40; graham flour, $3.75$4.25; whole wheat flour, $3.75 4.25; hard wheat flour, $5.00 bbl. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $18 per ton; middlings, $2526; shorts $21.50; dairy chop, $11.00. HAY Valley timothy, No. 1, $15 16 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $1718; clover, $9; cheat, $14; grain hay, $1215. Live Stock. STEERS $3. 75 4. HEIFERS $2. 50 3. 25. COWS $2.50 3.00. LAMBS-$5.255.75. HOGS $6.O06.50. Poultry. OLD HENS 12 cents per pound; young roosters, 11c; old roosters, 9 10c; mixed chickens, 11c; spring chickens (frys) 14c. Dressed Meats. FRESH MEATS Hogs, 8c per pound, veal, 7c; mutton, 78c; lamb (spring), 910c por pound. HAMS, Bacon 1718c per pound. Private Money to Loan 6 per cent on real estate security. $1,000.00 two to five years. 600.00 one year 7,r)0.00 three years 1,500.00 6ve years 400.00 two to four vears 600.00 three years ' 500.00 two to five vears 2,500.00 oue to five years Call, write or phone by July 1, HK)7. JOHN W. LODER Attorney at Law, STEVENS BUILDING ' Oregon City, - Oregon Gas Plant for Oregon City, President Charles H. Dye, of the Board of Trade, will probably call a meeting in a few days to consider a proposition from Mr. Adams, who re cently arrived from the East, and State Bank Examiner James Steel, who are Interested In the establish ment of plants for the manufacture and sale of fuel gas in Oregon towns. They desire a suitable site and want the people of the towns to take a reas onable amount of stock. Circuit Court Adjourned. Circuit Court has been adjourned until late in July or early In August, when Judge McBrlde will be here for Just one day. Last Saturday divorce decrees were handed down In the suits of Dycie A. D. Knotts vs. Wil liam B. Knotts, Myrtle J. Parker vs. Harry E. Parker, Mina Johnson vs. Eric August Johnson, Leonora A. Cooper vs. W. A. Cooper. The suit of W. J. 7'mmerman vs. Joseph Haw kins was dismissed, and judgment for the plaintiff in the sum of $125 was rendered in the suit of W. M. Smith vs. George Dixon. Every Man His Own Doctor. The average man cannot afford to employ a physician for every slight ailment or injury that may occur In his family, nor can he afford to neg lect them, as so slight an injury as the scratch of a pin has been known to cause the loss of a limb. Hence every man must from npoesrity be his own doctor for this class of ail ments. Success often depends upon prompt treatment, which can only be had when suitable medicines are kept at hand. Chamberlain's Romedles have been In the market for many years and enjoy a good reputation. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com plaints. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Chamberlain's Pain Balm (an anti septic liniment) for cuts, bruises, burns, sprains, swellings, lame back and rheumatic pains. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for constipation, biliousness and stomach troubles. ,Chamberlain's Salve for diseases of the skin. One bottle of each of these five preparations costs but $1.25. For sale by Huntley Bros., Oregon City anJ Molalla. PAINLESS DENTISTRY AT PAINLESS PRICES On Filling, Plates, Crown and Bridge work we can save you from 25 to 50 per cent and give you a guarantee lor ten years. We advertise to let the peo ple know just where to go to get their dental work done. By the time we are in the city six mouths we will not ad vertise but our countless patients will do our advertis ing because we treat the peo ple right and do the best work in Oregon Pity. We arebusy all the time but call and make an appointment to have your eeth attended to. Plates - $5.00 Crowns - - $5.00 Gold Filling $ 1 .00 and up Oregon Dental Parlors OVER HARDING'S DRUG STORE NEXT DOOR. TO POST-OFFICE Portland Railway, Light and Power Company o. w. P. DIVISION TIME TABLE LKAVK O RKGON CITY 5 15 10 20 2 20 6 20 10 00 7(10 1100 8 00 7 00 1100 7 40 11 40 8 40 7 40 12 00 8 20 12 20 4 20 8 20 1 00 9 00 1 00 6 00 9 00 .. .. 9 4Q 1 40 6 40 9 2( LEAVE PORTLAND 4 15 9 10 1 H) 5 40 9 20 6 20 10 20 2 20 6 30 10 00 7 00 1100 8 00 7 00 1100 7 40 11 40 8 40 7 40 12 00 8 20 12 20 4 20 8 20 9 00 1 00 60U 900 Between Portland and Cazadcro EAST BOl'ND Portland.. Lv 5 43 7 SO' 9 30 11 1 30.3 5 44.7 15 Coll June... ' .. 7 48 9 4S 11 48 1 48 3 58 6 02 7 88 Grcsham . . 6 3T,8 20 10 20 12 20 2 20 4 30 6 81 8 05 Bohug Kngle Creek. Kslacada Cazadero .Ar . . . 8 M 10 :ti :2 :(.' 2 35 4 4A 6 49 8 20 . .. 8 51 10 5l12 4l 2 51 4 01j7 05 8 38 . ..!9 03 UO3! 103 3 03 5 13 7 17:8 46 ..iMC'll 10: J 10 3 10 6 20,7 24! 858 "W EST BOl'N D " Cuzadero I.v Ktaearia -. 301 9 30 11 30 1 30 8 40:5 30, 9 00 9 37 11 37 1 37 3 47 '5 37 9 05 Eagle Creek . ..17 49 9 4'.ill 49 2 49.3 59 5 491 9 17 10 0.S12 Oi 2 0.1 4 15 6 05: 9 33 10 20 12 20 2 20 4 30 6 20 9 48 Bonus i. ...SO'i Grnhnm ...16 40 8 20 (ol( luue. Portland. Ar 8 52 10 52 12 62 2 5 03 6 52 10 18 li9 10 U lot 1 1 3 10 5 27 7 10 10 36 TO MILWAl-KIE ONL If- t VIA LENTS JCT X DAILY EXCEfT SUNDAY. TlCKFT OPFICBS AND WAITING ROOMS HARDING'S DRUG STORC, OntaoN CITY FIRST AND ALDER STRECTS, PORTLAND W. P. MULCH AY, Traffic Aoint SCHKDl'LKS SI BIRCT TO CHANGB wiTHovr notice; B.F. GRISEZ SUCCESSOR TO C. N. GREENMAN PIONEER TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Sand and Gravel Office: Post-offic Bldg. Main St. Oregon City, Oregon NOHONINfi-NO GRINDING WHY DO MOST RAZORS PULL? Because they are tempered unevenly by flro and will not hold an edge. CABBO MAfiNETIC fiAZORS are tempered as hard as flint by our exclusive mi ifi procesi of electricity. TP you want teeth that will make you look and feel like a live person when you laugh, call on the Molalla Dentist, that's the kind he has been making for the past 20 years. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof." LYMFS PHOTO STUDIO ' 10th 'and Main St. Oregon City, Oregon. Most complete Line of Ploture Mouldings in the city. Pictures en larged cheap. ROBERT A. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW Room 806 Commercial Bldg. 2nd and Washington Sta. PORTLAND, OREGON C. Schuebel W. S. U'Rea U'&EN & SCHUEBEL Attorneys At Law Will nrantipo in nil nnnrr.9. make ool- WHnnn nnrl antt.lfimonta of estates. famish abstraots of title, lend yon money and lend yonr money on nrs mortgnge. Offlcejin Enterprise build ing, Oregon uity - uregon O. B DIMICK W. A. DIMICK DIMICK DIMICK Attorneys at Law Notary Public. M origans Foreclosed. Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned on Real and Chattel Security. General Law Practice. 2, 3 and 4 Garde Bldi., OregonOity, Ore. O. D. Eby ATTORNEY-AT-LAW General Practice, Deeds, Mortgages and Abstracts carerully made. Money to loan on good security. Charges reason able. W. A. HEYLMAN Attorney at Law Estacada, Oregon C. D. & D. C. Latourette ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Office In Commercial Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. George C. Brownell ATT'Y AT LAW OREGON CITY, OREGON O. W. Eastham LAWYER Legal work of all kinds carefully attended to. Charges moderate. Office ovef Bank of Oregon City. Oregon City Oregon. GADKE Carries a complete line of Spray Pumps and Spraying Solutions Give him a call and see how cheap you can spray your orchard. F. C. Gadke Plumbing aud General Jobbing Oregon City. Oregon Sailowness Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dark ikin becomei fascinating when delicately oft, underjpreid with the radiant glow which indi catejahealthy. active skin. Robert ine keeps the skin refined in quality, keeps pores free from clopgir.g waste and stimulates the tiny capillaries to contribute the colorwhich charms in blonde and brunette alike. Robert ine is certain protection against tan, unburn and freckles if applied be fore exposure to sun or wind. Spreads like an imDerrrntihli- (21 Jo of gauze overskin surface, forming a shield stimulating and preserving a aeucate, lustrous beauty. AlhimrDnttlm TOD AT fir t frm ttmrlt tf R0BERTINE ft 1