Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, February 01, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Ellngson As Supervisor Not
Claim Majority Want Henry
Baker For Bosition Of
ficials S2y they Work
for Best Interest.
Somewhat of a hornet's nest has
been stirred up at Stafford, through
the appointment by the court of
Zach Ellngson as road supervisor of
that district. Prior to the appoint
ment a number of residents antagon
istic to Elingson, circulated a petition
which was signed, It Is alleged, by a
majority of the citizens and proporly
owners of the district asking that tfce
court appoint Henry Baker to the pos
ition. Their wishes were not com
plied with, however, by the court,
hence there Is much Indignation.
The opposition' to Elingson claims
that his appointment was made l
further the political ends of certain
persons and not tof" tho best welfare
of the district In which he will work.
Among the disgruntled ones a resii
lutlon has been drawn up and slgno
which It is expected will shortly b
published denouncing the actions o
the county officials in the matter an
explaining why they think that tli
present appointment was made an
also why in their belief that It should
not have been.
The officials who made the appoint
ment state that Ellngson has been th;
road supervisor In the district for two
years past and that his work speaks
for itself as to his ability to success
fully fill the position. Ho was appoint
ed, they claim, solely on his merits
for tho past work ho has done. In ref
erence to tho petition circulated fav
orlng Baker for the office they claim
that in many instances it was signed
by people who were led to believe by
the petitioners that Elingson would
not be an applicant again for the pos
itinn. As the matter stands at the
present time there is much bitter feel
ing existing on both sides of the ques
Objects to Mr. Ginther.
Stone, Or., Jan. 2
Editor of the Courier: In reading
over the piece that Mr. Ginther wrote
in last week's Courier it made me feel
sorry for him. I know there are hun
dreds of preachers that do not know
what law we are living under and all
they do is to bewilder the people.
The old Bible was the Jew's law
book and everything they did whether
good or bad, was written down in It,
Now, Mr. Ginther, If all the dirty,
mean tricks our smart men do were
written down for us to read, how
much better would It sound. Methinks
you would be ashamed of them. The
old patriarchs repented of their wrong
doings, and walked right in the sight
of God. How many nowadays will re
pent and leave oft their sins?
The first family married brother
and sister. Cain took his sister and
went to another country, and there
knew his wife. Study up what that
means. Oh, Ignorance, thou art not a
jewel! The devil was in heaven and
he disobeyed, and God hurled blm out
of heaven to the earth. I don't know
as It makes any difference whether
God made the earth or sun first. Read
Deut. 29 chap., 29 verso.
When Christ came ho gave us
new law. Christ did not even tell
his dlclples to keep the Sabbath
holy. I dare anyone to find such a
Birthday Party and Class Re-Union
Letter from Dr. Pope.
Tho birthday of Miss Kate Barclay
was the occasion for a happy reunion
of the class of 1870 of the Oregon City
aendemy at Miss Barclay's home Sat
urday afternoon. Mrs. William E.
Pratt acted as hostess for the affair
and Miss Barclay was completely
surprised at the sight of all of her
classmates, who attended the Oregon
City seminary when Dr. S. D. Pope
was the principal. Dr. I'opo resided
here six years and was a notable force
in educational matters, and went from
Oregon City to Victoria, where for a
time he was superintendent of educa
tion for the province and is now con
ducting Queen's Academy, a finishing
school for young ladies. He graduat
ed from Queen's College at Kingston,
Cnnada. Dr. Pope sent an interesting
letter to his class and to each member
a souvenir postal card on which were
Inscribed questions that the former
pupils were known to be defilclent In.
The postals were used for place cards
at tho luncheon that was served dur
ing tho afternoon.
Only one member of tho class of
1870 Is gone, N. W. Randall, who died
sevoral years ago. Members of the
class who were present were Miss
Mary S. Barlow, Mrs. Jennie Barlow
Harding, Mrs. Kale Hunsakor Nich
olas, Mrs. Emma Miller Cnujirau, Mrs.
Hattlo Barclay Pratt, Miss Kato Bar
city, Mrs. Clara Canfleld Morey, who
graduated in tho class of 1872, was al
so a guest. Tho hostess was assisted
in the entertainment of her guests by
Mrs. .1. NelHon Wlsnor and Miss Dollle
After Fifty Years of Experience Gives
the Following Advice.
"If you have anything to do with
medicines at all bo pretty sure you
know what you are taking."
Our local druggists, Huntley Bros.
Co., say this Is a strong point in favor
of their valuable cod liver preparation,
Vinol. Everything It contains Is plain
ly printed on tho laliel, therefore It Is
not a patent medicine.
Vlnol contains In a highly concen
trated form all of the medicinal ele
ments of cod liver oil, actually taken
from fresh cod's livers, but with the
useless nauseating oil illmlnated and
tonic iron, which Is a licedl'ul constit
uent for tlie blood, added.
This is tho reason thut Vinol accom
plishes such wonderful results lu cur
ing chronic coughs, colds, bronchial
and lung troubles, and there is noth
ing known to medicine that will so
quickly build up the run down, over
worked tired and debilitated, or give
ttrength and renewed vitality to the
aged, as Vlnol.
We can only ask every person in
Oregon City who needs such a medi
cine to try Vinol on our offer to re
turn their money if It fails. Huntley
Bros. Co., Druggists.
Note. While we are solo agents for
Vinol in Oregon City. It Is now for
sale at the leading drug store In near
ly every city lu the country. Look
for the Vinol agency In your town.
Many More Like It In Oregon City.
Tho following case is but one of
many similar occurlng dally In Oregon
City. It is an easy matter to verify
its correctness. Surely you cannot
ask for hotter proof than such con
clusive evidence.
John Vigelius, barber, at 413 Main
St., and living at the corner of Fourth
and Washington streets, Oregon City,
Ore., says: "Standing In a Btooped
position for hours at a time, as is nec
essary In my business began to affect
my kidneys, and often my back would
almost give out on account of the
weakness and persistent dull aching.
friend recommended Doan's Kidney
Pills so I went to Huntley Bros, drug
store and procured a supply. I found
In a short time that they were doing
me good. They relieved the aching
pains and strengthened my kidneys
and back wonderfully. That was some
time ago and the continued relief has
been lasting. A little over a month
ago we began giving Doan's Kidney
Pills to our child who has a tendency
to weak kidneys, and the results have
been gratifying In every way. Doan's
Kidney Pills are a remedy deserving
of the highest praise."
For salo by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Double Session Next Sunday Last
Vot on County Officers.
The socialists of Oregon City and
vicinity will hold their regular month
ly meeting next Sunday, Febuary 3,
in Knapp'B hall. The committe on ar
rangements has planned for a double
session, the first at 11 a. m. and the
second at 1:30 p. .in. A program of
music and addresses has been prepar
ed. This meeting will be Important,
for It 1b the last chance to voto for the
county officers. The final ballot will
be taken at this time and the result
A new consignment of socialist
books has been sent for and It Is ex
pected that they will bo here for "this
meeting. Among these Is the text
book of the socialists, "Capital," by
Carl Marx, which has never been cir
culated In Clackamas county before.
The socialists report a good growth,
and Increasing Interest In tbolr meetings.
. r. ...... .,,
Sensible and Scientific Way to Cure
this Disagreeable Disease.
Iu no other way can catarrh be
cured as naturally and quickly as by
he uso of Hyomel breathed through
the neut pocket inhaler that conies
with every outfit.
In this way all tho air that enters
tho nasal passages, tho throat or the
lungs, Is filled with Hyomel hoallng
medication, reaching tho most remote
air cells of the respiratory organs,
and soothing and healing tho Irritated
mucous memberanes.
So strong is Huntley Bros & Co.'s
faith In the power of Hyomel to cure
catarrhal troubles, that with every
dollnr outfit they sell, they give a
guarantee to refund the money unless
The complete Hyomel outfit costs
but f 1.00, extra bottles, If needed, 50c.
nteresting Lecture on Switzerland to
School Children and Parents.
Sheriff Beatie Receiving Reuqcsts to
Take Money.
One evidence of the prosperity
Clackamas county may be found
the eagerness with which people
calling at the Sheriff's office to pay
their taxes. Tho 1900 rolls have not
yet been turned over to tho sheriff
for collection nor will they be until
Monday, February 4, but already over
200 persons have called with money
in their pockets to pay to the county,
and requests to be allowed to pay are
corning In by mail.
un February 11th wll occur the
sheriff's sale of property on which the
taxes for 1905 are delinquent. Sher
iff Beatie says that out of the $2900 on
the rolls, about $250 has been paid In
up to the present time.
Rev. Ruegg of Mllwankie, a noted
traveler, delivered oho of the most In
teresting lectures that has been heard
n this city for some time past at the
"arkplaco school house Wednesday
ills subject was "Switzerland" and
li is discourse proved that bo was
hrougbly famllar with tho country
:ihout which ho spoke. Iu part bo said
that Switzerland was tho most eco
nomical country in the world, point
ing out that all labor was put to tho
'iest possible use and that even the
dogs of the country were compelled
'o earn their living by drawing sleds
and carts. There were no drones
worth mentioning he claimed in that
As to the manner in which tho gov
ernment was run he stated that it
nvned all of the railroads, telegraph
and te'ephono systems in use there
and its inhabitants derived benefit
from nn economical point of view by
their so doing. A telephone message
ho said could bo sent to any part of
the country for two cents of our money.
"I was literally coughing myself to
death, and had become too weak to
leave my bed; and neighbors predict
ed that I would never leave It alive;
but they got fooled, for thanks be to
Cod, I was induced to try Dr. King's
New Discovery. It took just four one
dollar bottles to completely cure the
cough and restore me to good sound
health." writes Mrs. Eva Uncapher,
of Crovertown. Stark Co., Ind. This
King of cough and cold cures, and
healer of throat and lungs, Is guaran
teed by Howell & .bines, druggists. 50c
and 11.00. Trial bottle free.
tic nnn- s
Early in December last we were called to Oregon City to close out the stock of goods remaining in the building -now
occupied by us. We were placed under "hurry orders" as the understanding was that other parties wanted
the building for permanent occupancy. Later we were informed that we could stay Under this impression and
assurance we accepted a "
tock of Men's and Boys' Clothing
Hats, Shoes and Outfit tings from the
to distribute among Oregon City folk at any prices the goods would bring. And prices absurdly low have ruled "
and reigned! Owing to the extraordinary inclemency of the weather, hundreds have been unable to come and
share the marvelous values being offeied. We had planned to continue the Grand Carnival of Bargains Thrti
February, when
Lightning's Flash from Cloudless Skies Came the Command, "CJet
At Once," the store is leased over our heads. Messrs. Goldstein &
Levitt, of Portland, will take possession on MARCH 1st.
Iliese gentlemen have very kindly consented to out occupancy of the store building until February 23, when they
, take possession to install new and modern fixtures and an entirely and absolutely NEW STOCK of goods in Men's
wear. We have fast 20 Selling Days in which to dispose of the entire remaining stock of goods .now in
the Store! For us "23" indeed means "Skiddoo" Get out! On February 23rd we leave Oregon City probably
forever! Every Dollars Worth of Goods Now in this Store we occupy mast he sold at some price ere that date 1
This is no false alarm No fake No mis-statement No cry of "wolt" when no wolf is here. We are truly leased
out and must vacate this store February 23rd. . . '
Every Dollars 'Worth of Goods Here Must Be Sold Before That Date!
With only 20 business days ahead desperate measures are demanded! And desperate measures are in force.' Men's
Suits for a song! Overcoats almost given away! Men's and liovs' Clothing-, Men's, Boy's and Women's Shoes, Men's
and Boy's Hats and Men's and Boys' Furnishings at emphatic reductions at ridiculously low prices. No such bargains '-
,i.afi ffj ; r -Vi... r i i. .:il u i. 1 j.P . . .1 c i tir.
"tic tvci uiicicu 1 ii uicyuu vuv. voiue eariv. saure win uo uuc vasi sea ui uumanuv uunusr iais oaie. vve are
Selling Out I Going Out of Business in Oregon City Forever !!
going to quit!!! Read the retiring from business prices:
e re
Men's Best Regtila $7 and $J 85 Men's Best Regala $10 $ 90
$8 OVERCOATS 0' and $L2 Ovecoats 3'
Men's Best Regolar $20 $0 Men's Best Regla $J0 "i 5
Men's Best Regolas- $15 W 85 Men's Best Regular $25 $1 1 75
SUITS ( Sxts 11
YOUNG MEN'S $8 and $.45
$10 SUITS iot 4 . $1.29
Boys' Regular $3.00 Knee Boys'. Regular 35c Knee ) r
Pant Stilts for 1 Pants fo I 2v
Unmatchable Bargains in Men's Finishing Goods. Almost Unbelievable Values in Men's Hats
Marvelous Values in Men's and Women's Footwear.
Men's Good, Strong, Serviceable and Dependable Working Shoes, $ 1.39
Women's handsome, stylish Shoes, made in fine workmanship by
expert shoemakers, on stylish lasts lots are broken, but all sizes
in something in the lot. A wonderful value at the 1
1 JsJ
Men's new and fashionable button Shoes, made on stylish lasts and
by famous makers. Very serviceable and smart in appearance.
Broken lots, but nearly every size in the convention. 1 LQ
A rare bargain at ...m w
Early coiners reap the richest rewards from this Harvest of Bargaindom. Remember Goldstein & Levitt take
possession February 23 and before that every dollar's worth of goods must be sold, CLEAN TO THE BAKE
WALLS for the Stce must be turned over to them EMPTY! Look for the signs of
Opposite Commercial Bank
Second door south of Postoffice .
,' tendance ami all enloyed themselves
to their hoarts' content in tripping the
Mrs. A. C. Sheer ami Mrs. Rose H.i,lt fantastic until the medium
Cooper have been on the sick list the s,lz,0tl, hours r fho morning. At 12 a
past week. delicious lunch with hot coffee was
Mr. Antiionv has one of "Ellisons" ''T,,i whh'h added much to the corn-
thiry-dollar talking machines to enter- ri lmu1' an.
tain himself and friends. i l!eo. C. Kline of Spokane, Wash.,
I wish to correct a statement made ws down the first of the week sur-
rn New Era items a couple of weeks
apo. Stating that Miss Nettle Gas
kill was v'stting Miss Edua Mattock.
It should have read Miss May Hamho
of Oregon City Instead of Miss Gasklll.
A surprise party was given Mrs.
Kate Schaner at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stauuer, last Sat
urday night. A large crowd was la at-
vcylng a trarf of land which he sold
recently to .Mr. Doe-nhecher. It will
he cleared of brush as soon as possi
ble and will be covered with build
ings in the very near future.
Elmer Veteto succeeded in stretch
ing two wires across the Willamette
river here Sundav thereby connecting
Mrs. J. L. Hoffman with the Mutual
telephone by a span of fully 1000 feet
between poles, and high enough to
clear steamboats in the highest stages
of water. The pole on the west side
is 61 feet above ground and to the
top of the bluff on the other side. Two
insulated spreaders were placed above
the river to prevent the wires swing
ing together during a storm, or by a
flock of ducks or geese bumping into
Clarence Jackson of Canemah furn
ished the principal part of the violin
music at the Stauber party In connec
tion with a cornet and an accordion.
Everybody is invited to come to the
dance to be given in the Spiritualistic
Tabernacle next Saturday night, Jan-
Charles Parrish, who resides in the
1 country some distance from the city
I came to town last Thursday afternoon
uary 26, given by. Chas White. The pWHISKEY IMPAIRS HIS MEMORY.
music will be furnished by Smith s or
chestra from Oregon City and a royal :
time is promised to all.
to aU our ! trieptone subscrl to " P on tanglefoot
ers. when calling through central to ' rof Pollc Burns disapproved of
can by number instead of calling byLh! act ons and ,rder hlm leave
name, as we will have to come to that j town at once and 60 home whlch he
sooner or later. promised to do. He must have suffer-
led a lapse of memory, however, lor
A tissue builder, " reconstructor. j Iater " the evening he wandered up
builds up waste force, makes strong Jon the hill district where he met T.
nerves and muscle. You will realize ; Qm Duffy, to whom he acted in a very
after taking Hollister's Rocky Moun-! djso
tain Tea what a wonderful benefit it J 1
will be to you. 33 cents. Tea or Tab- - matter to Officer Shaw who later met
lets. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. Parrish and locked him up.