OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1906 ) L-8 r Middle aged men will find styles in keeping with their years and college chaps and yoeng fellows will find shapes to appease their most extravagant novelty taste in the hat that bears this label 1 1 w Best fof I StIe i and Quality The Pee of all $3.00 Hats Every hat My guaranteed. Send for oar style Booklet. On re ceipt of Post Office Money Order for $3.00 we will send yoxi, charges prepaid, any Brook Hat yo may select. .. The largest line of John B. Stetson Hats in the Northwest. Select Yout Christmas Toggery, Everything now in readiness at oar csaal modest prices: SHIRTS, NECK WEAR, FANCY HOSIERY, MUFFLERS, DRESS PROTECTORS, FANCY SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, PAJAMAS, UNDERWEAR. BATH ROBES, ETC. .. .. .. II Southwest Corner Fourth and Morrison Streets PORTLAND, OREGON g DRAPER WANTS TO DO STUNTS Spokane Sleuth With Mighty Reputations Seeks Place ; on Local Force Harry Draper, of Spokane, who at tained notoriety as the man who shot and killed Frank Smith, the outlaw and desperado who murdered Sheriff Shaver and Policeman George Han Ion of this city, has applied for a po sition on the police force of this city and has written to Chief of Police Charles E. Burns relative to the pros pect of obtaining a place, but Mr. Burns has replied that there are no vacancies or likelihood of any. Draper has charge of the blood hounds in Spokane and rendered great assistance in running Outlaw Smith to earth, receiving the major share of the reward offered for . his capture. In , his fetter to Chief Burns he states that trailing with hounds is not so difficult in this part of Oregon as it is in VVashington, wherf he is locat ed, and for that reason he desires to change. Semi Annual ReDorts Amount paid out on roads 24737.03 Balance on hand $ 1338.13 Institute Fund Amount on hand last report $ 313.07 Vmount received from Supt. of Schools 120.00 Total '. 433.07 Vmount paid out 40.00 Balance on hand . $ 393.07 Indigent Soldier Fund Amount on hand last report $ 15.98 Transferred from county fund . 100.00 Total . $ 115.98 Amount paid out 30.00 Balance on hand $ 85.98 Library Fund Amount on hand last report 781.C9 Received from taxes of 1905 75.84 I'iiiJ-.-j . Total $ 857.53 Amount paid out 817.30 Balance on hand $ 40.23 STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss. I, J. C. Paddock, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and cor rect statement of amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the county treasury of said county for the six months ending September 30, 190C. Witness my hand this 30th day of September, 1900. J. C. PADDOCK, County Treasurer. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT of the County Clerk of Clackamas County, showing the amount of claims allowed by the County Clerk, for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid from the first day of April, 1906 to the 30th day of September, 1906. On what account allowed. Amount of Claims. County Court 931.75 Circuit Court 1167.35 Justice Courts 519.60 Sheriff's Office 1618.46 Clerk's Office : .1333.60 Recorder's Office r 1410.00 Treasurer's Office 706.83 Coroner's Office 3G3.35 Sup't. of Schools 719.98 Assessor's Office 1316.19 Tax Department 473.85 Tax Rebate 1.00 Current Expense 236.95 Courthouse Expense 574.05 Jail 131.99 County Poor 16C3.55 Indigent' Soldier 30.00 Insane 112.62 Bridges , 2738.71 Election 4030.86 Printing 242.39 Road Damages 600.00 Road Surveys 179.38 Fruit Inspector . .' 56.10 Purchase of road machinery 2219.60 Outlaw Smith 618.47 Surveyor's Office 133.50 Tota? General Fund ., $24030.13 Road Warrants .". 41522.64 Total $65552.77 Amount of Outstanding Warrants Unpaid. Outstanding county warrants on the 30th day of September, 1906. $53,994.53 Estimated interest accrued thereon 1,800.00 Amount of road warrants outstanding 18,342.79 SMITH WANTS SOME MONEY Bring Suit Against Editor o! Canby Tribune For $250. George W. Dixon, a newspaper man of the town of Canby, 12 miles south of this city, is the defendant in a suit that lias been instituted in the Circuit Court by William M. Smith, to re cover $250, which the plaintiff alleges Dixon refused to turn over to him. The complaint of Smith, which was filed by Attorney O. D. Eby, states that he formed a co-partnership with Dixon, April 1, 1906, and they pro ceeded to effect sales of real estate on commission. It is evident that the date of All Fools' Day was a hoodoo with Smith, although the firm did considerable business of a minor quality, until September 15, when they negotiated and made the sale of a tract of saw timber belonging to Jame Skirving. For this service they received the sum of $500, but Dixon happened to be "Johnny -on-the spot" and got the money. Instead of turn ing over half of the amount to his partner, " he pocketed the entire amount, and this course of action re sulted in a speedy difference that time has not healed. Mr. Smith now asks the court for an accounting, and wants the partnership dissolved. The plaintiff is a well known farm er of Canby, where he has lived for many years. Dixon is editor and pub lisher of the Canby Tribune, which he "ariea less than one year ago. Of County Officers For the Six Months Ending September 30, 1906 SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT of the County Treasurer of Clackamas County, for the six months ending on the 30th day of September, 1906, of money received and paid out, from whom received and from what source and on what account paid out. Special City Fund Amount on hand last report $8957.95 Amount recoived from Sheriff 1905 taxes 741.54 Amount received from sheriff 1904 taxes 2.28 Amount received from sheriff 1903 taxes 1.80 Amount received from sheriff 1899 taxes 1.80 ft Total r. $9705.37 Amount Paid out 8966.76 Balance on hand $ 738.61 Special School Fund Amount on hand last report $14716.69 Received from sheriff 1905 taxes 1961.73 Received from sheriff 1904 taxes 19.73 Received from sheriff 1903 taxes 3.82 Received from sheriff 1902 taxes ' 1.G8 Recoived from sheriff 1899 taxos 1.80 To correct error 2.20 To correct error 2.42 Total $1G710.07 Amount paid out 14885.09 Balance on hand $ 1824.98 General Fund On hand last report $ 2124.87 Amount recoived 1905 taxes 6062.88 1904 taxes 154.29 1903 taxes 30.3G 1902 taxes 25.94 1900 taxes ; 6.11 1899 taxes 92.22 1893 taxes 8.13 Fines and Licenses . .. 1302.75 Fees from county clork 2050.40 Fees from Kecordor 1902.25 Fees from Sheriff 129.85 Transferred from Bridge Fund 7000.00 Salo of old rock crusher 250.00 Refunded by E. Thomas 2.00 Refunded by Geo. Hillard 2.75 Refunded by Win. Williams 2.25 Sale of blank deeds and mortgages 1.45 Damages on account Koellormeier road 40.00 Delinquent taxos from county Clerk 23.80 Total $21212.30 Amount paid out 14769.35 Balance on hand $6442.95 County School Fund On hand last report $43062.80 :erolved from taxes 1905 3780.73 1904 42.30 1903 0.75 1902 2.18 1900 .4i' 1899 10.32 1895 1.14 Total $47512.G4 Amount paid out on Sup't warrants $32662.00 Balance on hand $14950.64 Road Fund Amount on hand last report $21136.00 Received from 4axes of 1905 4S14.35 1904 39.73 1903 c.OS 1902 3.93 N 1900 43 1S99 16.33 1895 CI Refunded 43.70 Rent road roller 14.00 Total $26075.16 Total amount unpaid warrants H $74,137.32 STATU UD' OHKGON, County of Clackamas. ss. I, F. W. Greenman, County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, do here by certily that the foregoing is a true statement of the amounts of claims al- lqwed by the County Court of said county for the six months ending on the 30th day of September, 1900, on what account the same were allowed, the amount of warrants drawn and the amount of warrants unpaid and outstand ing, as the same appears upon the records in my office and in my custody. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court this 30th day of Oc tober, lsuu. - (SEAL). F. W. GREENMAN, ,, County Clerk. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Of the amount of Money and Warrants received for Taxes, and Money paid to the County, Treasurer by the Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon, for the six montiis ending on the suth day of September, A. D., 1906. TO AMOUNT RECEIVED In Cum and Currency 1505 taxes' and Costs Casn 1904 Taxes and Costs 1903 Taxes and Costs. 1902 and back taxes.. Fees by J. R. Shaver. . Fees by R. B. Beatie April $5057.84 9.75 DURING MONTH OF May 3358.07 39.84 5.46 June July 1988.13 1106.88 84.70 81.21 13.23 128.47 12.20 Aug. 1568.35 20.82 7.60 14.71 3.50 Sept. 4456.95 29.56 22.52 25.52 7.20 Total received $5007.59 $3403.37 $2214.53 $1200.29 J1614.98 J4541.7B BY AMOUNT PAID DURING THE MONTH OF April May June July Aug. Sept. Total paid Treasurer. , $5067.59 $3403.37 $2214.53 $1200.29 $1614.98 $4541.75 STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss. I, R. B. Beatie, Sheriff of said County, do hereby certify that the forego ing statement for months of July, August and September is correct and true, and that the books in our possession show the above condition for April, May and June. Witness my hand this 2d day of November, A. D. 1906. R. B. BEATIE, Sheriff of Clackamas County. By R. W. BAKER, Deputy. SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT of financial condition of Clackamas County, on the 30th day of September 1900. Liabilities To Warrants outstanding and unpaid $53,994.63 Estimated interest accrued l.SOOOO Road Warrants outstanding and unpaid 18342.79 .$74,137.32 Total Resources I3y Funds in hands of Treasurer applicable to the payment of County Warrants j 7,781,0s Estimated unpaid current taxes unpaid !!"!.'.'!!! s!ooo!oO Net Indebtedness ..' 63i33s!24 Total .$74,137.82 BOX STATIONS MADE PUBLIC Free Delivery Service Will Be Established In This City Tomorrow TUESDAY IS ALIEN DAY. Those Seeking Nationalization Papers Must Appear at StaUd Time. Postmaster Tom T. Randall has announced the districts that have been established for the free delivery services which commence December I. Carrier No. 3 will have the hill south of Seventh street and Carrier No. 3 will have the territory on the hill north of Seventh street, which is the division line. Carrier No. 1 will work from the basin on Railroad av enue to Fourteenth street: thence to Washington and north on Washing ton to Front street in Green Point. This route embraces all of Oregon City between Railroad avenue and the Willamette River, and covers every thing except the hill section. Twenty-one boxes have been re ceived and three will be kept in re serve. The remaining IS boxes will he stationed at the following points: Third and Main, Fifth and Main, Sev enth and Main, Eighth and Main, Eleventh and Main, Fourteenth and Main, Front and Main in Green Point, Fourth and CenterFourth and Madi son, Fifth and Jackson, Seventh and Center. Seventh and Adams, Seventh and Monroe, Seventh and Tavlor. Eleventh and Jackson. Twelfth and Washington, Fifteenth and Jackson, Molalla avenue and Duane street. Tuesday will hereafter be known as "Alien Day" whenever Judge Mc isride is at the courthouse. An order was made under which the first Tues day of each regular term of the Cir cuit Court and each Tuesday in said term thereafter shall be the days upon which applications for the na turalization of aliens shall be heard by the court in accordance with the act of Congress, approved June 29, 1906. This order will be of particular interest to those of foreign birth who desire to become citizens of the Uni ted States as until the approval and effect of the new law all matters re- lating to citizenship were transacted before the County Court. The inter pretation of the order is such that cases relating to citizenship may be brought before Judge McBride when ever he is in the city. jtniui; ou.iigiu nas niea a suit in the Circuit Court against William Straight. They were married in this city last year. Decrees of divorce were handed down in the following suits: T. M. Zoosman vs. Cora Zoosman; Mar garet Riggs vs. Charles C. Riggs, and plaintiff is allowed to resume her maiden name of Margaret J. Russell. Lumber i ndvancing rapidl? and our lumber bills tor house building will soon become an important item iu estimate. Cedar doom will have to be replaced with fir doois on ac count of scarcity of cedar but there are more than 2000 cedar doors of kit stock sizes io Frank Bosch's ware house in Oreogn City which are to be eold xt the old rrice. GOOD TEETH MEANS GOOD HEALTH, GOO DIGESTION AND GOOD LOOKS Oat painless methods and acknowledged skill and gentleness in handling the most difficult cases has robbed the dentists' office of its oid time terrors. People entrusting their work to us are surprised and delighted at the results which will not fail to satisfy Mie most exacting. We aim to keep in the lead old fashioned methods find 110 place in our office. v:tts XV "a; ; WUff .. '-: '-"''.4'' We give you the best in skill, methods and appliances for a reason able fee. If you desire the best possible re sults for the amount we charge, you will not be disappointed at this office. We Guarantee to Please You. L. L. PICKENS, Dentist City 'Phone " Weinhard BIdg. 1293 OREGON CITY. ORE. Farmers' 121 The marriage of Miss Edith Pearl Shipley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Shipley, of Willamette, to Mr. Harry Berdine, will be solemnized Tuesday, December 25, at 5 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. Can't look well, eat well or feel well with impure blood feeding your body. Keep the blood pure with Burdock Blood Bitters. Eat simply, take exercise, keep clean'and'you will have long life. Aflm EXPERT 4 kyeKiaas leimea ought to be ground strictly to order. Ready-ground stock lenses no more fit than would ready made false teeth. The Munsell Op tical Co. grinds each lens specially for each eye. Our workshops have ill the latest, modern and expensive Tiaehlnery known to the Optical raft. Our employes are expert. If ve fit your glasses they will be ex ictly right. Consultation costs you lothlng. Booklet, with valuable infor natlon about the human eve. FREE Muisell Optical G KAUEAY BtD.1t&WASH.STs.PORTLAND W. A. HEYLMAN Attorney at Law Estacada, Oregon C. D. D. C. Latourette ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Office In Commercial Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. Ge&rge C. Brownell ATT'Y AT LAW OREGON CITY, OREGON O. W. Eastham 'LAWYER Legal work of all kinds carefully attoinled to. Charges moc'eriie office over Bank of Oregon City. Oregon Citv Oregon. ' Robeson, Gorbett 8c Crowley REAL ESTATE AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Postoffice Building Oregon City ROBERT A. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW Boom B06 Oommercial Bldg. 2nd aud Washington Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON C. N. Greenman The Pioneer Expressman Established 1365. Prompt delivery to a parts of th city. Oregon Citv. Ore. C. Schitebel W. S. U'Ren U'REN &. SCHUEBEL Attorneys At Law Will practice iu all courts, mako'col- luctions and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend yon money and lend yonr money on first mortgage. Ofticeiii Enterprise build ing, Oregon City - Oregon DENTISTRY, a t Molalla, Every Monday Sat urdays on Appointments only. JOHN W. THOMAS, Dentist j NEW TO-DAY 1 LINCOLN ANNUITY UNION meets evory Suturduy at W. O. W. .hall. O. E. 'Inte, Speaker. Evyliu D. Taylor, secretary. MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTI ATED at lowest rates. Latourctte's office. Oommercial Bank Building, Oregon City. Q, B. OIMICK W. A. D1.M1CB DIMICK Sb DIMICK Attorneys at Law Notary Public. Estates Settled. Mort gages foreclosed. Abstracts Hum itlit d. Money Loaned on I!el and Chattel Bccuiity. 2, 3 and 4 Garde Bld., Oreg.inCity, Or. O. D. Eby ATTORNEY-AT-LAW General Practice, Deeds, Mortgages and Abstracts carerully made. Money to loan on good security. Charges reasonable. FOR SALE UIO ACRES ON TKAZKL C'eek, 10 acres cleared and nhont 30 acres fenced. About 1,000,000 feet of good tir lumbe.r on hind. $20 per acre. Iliiminond Bros., Molalla, Ore. MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTI ATED at lowest r.ites. Xatourette's . office, Commercial Hank Ruildiug, Oregon City. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP ON Moin street, ue.ir Machine Shop, between Eleventh aud Twoltth Btreets. First; class horse shoeing, n trial will convince you. All repair work donp promptly aud sntisf:i(iou guaranteed. O. Guodoiir Proprietor. FOR SALE 10 ACRE CHICKEN, -ranch, close to Vauc n?er, Wash , $1500. $450 cash, baluuce 4 years. Eldredge & Menitield, Vancouver, Wash. SHANK AND BISSELL, LEADING Undertakers aud Embalmersi opposite HuntleyV Drug Store, Main St., Oregon City. Phone 1031. Talkatiue I ftom out Smoke and Water Sale Our offerings for Thanksgiving are nuttch less bargains that will tickle your palate, Money saving values that are beyond comparison. Note a few of them..... Table linens, bleached aud unbleached, 24c and up. Turkey red Table linens from J6c aud up. Colored Napkins 5c. Bleadhed Napkins, extra large, $J.20 per dozen. Space is inadequate to quote our many bargains, a call will convince vou. THE FAIR STORE Wm. Rofcison, Prop. WILLAMETTE BLDG. OREGON CITY. OH!? I . ..... & omplete Reports of Everylhine that Happens in the COURIER t