Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 30, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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A wholesome cream of tartar
baking powder. Makes the finest,
lightest, best flavored biscuit, hot
breads, cake and pastry.
Alum and, alum-phosphate
powders are injurious. Do not
use them. Examine the label.
Frances Goettling, of Portland, was
visiting relatives here Sunday.
Sheriff R. B. Beatie and W. O,
Vaughan have been enjoying a hunt
ing trip at Molalla.
J. A.' Moshberger, a well known
farmer of Mulino, was in the city on
business Thursday.
Harrison Burger has returned from
Everett, Wash., where his wife" is
sick at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Hornschuh.
Mrs. Elizabeth Fuchs and Mrs.
Rosina Fouts have returned from a
visit of several months with relatives
in Connecticut.
t t ..,11 i,,.,., ,-,,;
man of Milwaukie, passed through
the city Monday, en route to Cabny,
where he has a warehouse.
J. M. Murdock has sold his place at
Macksburg to Mr. Kelb, who comes
from Benton County. Mr. Murdock
has gone to Independence to reside.
Miss Nieta Harding, who is attend
ing the University of Oregon, arrived
home from Eugene Thursday and
will remain until after the Thanks
giving vacation. ,
The marriage of Miss Myrtle Kin
caid to M. E,.Mulvey was solemnized
Thursday night in St. John's Catholic
church, Rev. A. Hillebrand officiat
ing. They will reside in this city.
The engagement of Miss Ella Lav-
enson,, of Portland, to Mr. J. Heil
broner, of Hood River, is announced.
Miss Lavenson resided in this city
for some time, having taught three
terms in the Canemah school.
George McBride left Thursday for
Toledo, Lincoln County, where he is
in the employ of a lumber company.
He has been in the city visiting his
parents, Judge and Mrs. Thomas A.
John Beatie, a son of Sheriff R. B.
Beatie, was severely bitten by a dog
owned by Attorney C. Schuebel. The
boy was distributing papers and was
passing Mr. Schuebel's home when
the dog grabbed him, the bite pene
trating through the muscles.
Eber A. Chapman, who has been a
bookkeeper in the office of the Will
amette Pulp & Paper Company for
several years, will succeed to the po
sition of mill cashier upon the retire
ment of John P. Keating, who leaves
December 1st to take a position with
the Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co.
George Lazelle, of Mountain Ash
Farm, sold to Richard Petzoldr-a lo
cal butcher, a registered Poland Chi
na hog that dressed 475 pounds, and
for which he received $33.25, conclu
sively demonstrating that hogs can
be raised profitably in the Willam
ette valley.
J. W. Smith,, the Macksburg mer
chant, left Thursday with his wife,
son and daughter for Cole Grove,
Cal., where they will make their
home. Mr. and Mrs. ' Smith have a
married daughter there. He will re
turn to Clackamas County next Fall
to make some disposition of his prop
erty which has been rented for a year
by F. E. Murdock.
Mrs. Edward Kellogg has returned
from an extended visit with her par
ents at Walla Walla.
Raymond C. Bernier left Sunday
for Drain, Douglas County, where he
has accepted a position.
Captain and Mrs. Harry Rhoades,
who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
F. Pratt, have returned to Seattle.
F. M. Brown, editor of the Browns
ville Times, accompanied by Mrs.
Brown, was in the city Sunday vis
iting friends.
Carleton B. Harding, who left the
city last week, is working for the
Western Pacific Railway, 25 miles
from Oroville, Cal.
Harry Clark, the Indian boy who
was sentenced to serve 20 days in the
county jail for stealing chickens, was
released from custody Saturday, hav
ing served his sentence.
Mr. and Mrs. Arden W. Cheney and
son Oren leave Saturday for Los
Angeles, Cal., where they will stay
four months for the benefit of their
son's health.
Rev. William Mathews, of Salem,
was in the city Monday. He is an
old line Baptist and preached the
fourth Sunday of each month at the
home of W. W. H. Samson.
Earle Latourette left Tuesday for
Baker City, with the Portland High
School football team, which played
the. Baker City High School Thanks
giving day. The team will return
Dr. "A. L. Jtseatie.
Dentist. Wein-
harrtt Building.
Wlifn in want of an up to date rig,
go to Bradley's Stable.
New management at the Farmers
Feed Barn will convince yon where to
stop hereafter.
When yoa want your horses well
taken care of, stop at the Farmers
f eed Bam.
Splendid assortment or street hats
at 60 cputs each. Miss 0. Goldsmith
Great reduction in all trimmed hate.
Miss O. Goldsmith.
The Knights and Ladies of Secur
ity gave a surprise party Friday night
to one of its members, Miss Mary
Gadke, at her home near the Barclay
School. Music and games passed the
evening pleasantly and refreshments
were served.
In every clime its colors are nnfnrled
It fame has spread from sea to sea ;
Be not surprised if in the other world,
You hear of Rooky Mountain lea.
Joseph Gerbcr, a press feeder in
the office of the Courier, sustained
a serious fracture of the forearm yes
terday. He slipped and fell on the
cement floor of the press room, and
will be incapacitated from work for
several weeks.
Don't use barh phyBHis. The re
action weakens the bowels, leads to
chronic, constipation. Get Doan's
Regulets. They operate easily, tone
hi stomach, cars oonstipation.
Feathers, Wings shapes and trim
mings reduced. -Miss O. Goldsmith.
Rustless Tinware
The finest thing in the
line of kitchen utensils
that has been discover
New and second hand Stoves, Furniture,
Carpets and Bedding, all at prices
that will save you ONE HALF.
L Tolpola
Oregon City's Best New and Second
Hand Store.
The place that saves U $
office for trespass
3 Ansen Long, of Butteville, spent
Sundiiy with friends in this city.
Mrs. P. Wink, of New Era, was in
the city Monday visiting lriends.
Hny, grain, flour nd feed of all
kinds at the Farmers Feed Barn at
the right price.
"Miss Leah Richards, of Portland,
was the enest of her aunt. Mrs. W. H.
Howell, bunaay.
Nothing bnt the finest of print ins
turned out at the Courier offlc.
Miss Frances Myers left Wednesday
for Forest Grove to spend the Thauks-
giving vacation with relatives.
Will Fine, who is working with
construction crew at Oanby, spent
Sn url ay at his home in Canemah.
Miss Ohristsiisen, of Newberg
visiting her sister, Mrs. Fiauk
Dnncan in Uauemah.
Mrs. George W. Grace entertained a
few frieuds at tea lust Saturday in
honor of Mrs. Spears.
7 per cent interest on money left
with us to loan. Diruick & Dimicfe,
attorneys and abstracters, Garde
Bldg., Oregon City.
Mrs. IS. w. Scott entertained in
honor of Miss Nettie May Monday
evening. The time was spent with
cards and other amusements.
Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum
sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch
of your clothing. Doan's Ointment
onres the most obstinate casos. Why
sutler. All druggists sell it.
Norwood Charman, Edna Cauflel'd,
Clara Cau Geld, Jack Latourette and
other students at the State University
will spend the Thanksgiving holidays
witn relatives in this city.
Nobel, the eight year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. M. T. Washburn, of Bolton,
died Sunday night of typhoid fewr,
Thd funeral 'was held Tuesday after
noon from the family residence.
Prof. Walton 6. McEee, superin
tendeut of the city schools, lias been
attending the meeting of the Western
Division of the State Teachers
Association in Portland.
Miss Nettie May and Mrs. Jennie
May, of Portland, were the guests of
Mrs. E. W. Scott Sundav. Miss -May
will be here the remainder of the
week visiting friends.
Judge G. B. Dimick attended
meeting at Sandy, Saturday, held for
the purpose of levying a special
assessment for road improvements.
The special tax provides for 5 00 on
every t-000 of assessable property.
Mrs. E. D. Olds has received the
sad news of the death of her eldest
brother, Hon. Joseph Colasky in
Manoel, North Dakota. Mr. Colasky
owned a five-acre tract of land at
Oak Grove and expected to make his
future home there.
Mayor E. G. Caufield has just filed
his acceptance of the nomination for
the mayoralty for another term.
Councilman Knapp, from the second
ward, has accepted the nomination
for a second term, and George Ran
dall has signified his intention and
willingness to become a candidate for
councilman from ward one.
Taken as directed, it becomes the
greatest curative agent for the relief
of suffering humanity ever devised.
Ssoh is Hollister's Rocky Mountain
Tea. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets at
Huntley Bios. Co,
Born, Saturday, at Redland. to Mr,
and Mrs. Ed Barrett, a daughter. Mr.
Barrett's joy over the inoident was
short lived and he came to town Mon
day afternoon and in passing nnder a
railroad trestln was caught and
jammed in his wagon. His injuries,
however, are not serious and he was
taken home Monday evening.
Judgment fT the plaintiff has been
rendered in the sui( of Homer Mullan
vs. S. B. Hartmann. Mullan brought
suit for taking care of a horse, and
received judgment for $324 and the
farther sum as shall accrue at the
rate of fl per day between November
24, 190C, and the date' of . the sale (f
the animal. " .
Miss Oeha Goldsmith, Miss Zida
Goldsmith, Miss Martha Frances
Draper, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Caufield, Mrs. Linn E. Jones, Mrs.
Louis Leinger, Miss Myrtle Buchauon
and Miss Ethel Albright were among
the people from th;s oity who attend
ed the Leoncavallo and LaScala
orchestra conoert in Portland Mon
day. L. Waldron, the driver of the Mol
alla mail stage, reports the road be
tween this city and Molalla in fair
condition, with the exception of the
portion that is planked. Mr. Ed
wards of Eastern Oregon, who pur
chased the old Sawtelle Teasel Ranch,
came in Saturday on the stage and,
remarked that Clackamas County
must be an object of charity.
I have
estate :
private parties with tho
amounts to loan on real
Amount Time
$3000 B to 10 years.
$4500 8 to 5 years.
$3500 1 to 8 years.
$1500 5 years.
$500 1 to 8 years.
$300 2 to 4 rears.
$100 to $200 1 to 5 years.
Interest 6 per cent and your own
time for repajment.
Also a little Chattel money at 8 per
Will buy notes and mortgages.
Also own Oregon City property to
trade for country land.
Will look up titles to land free if
trade is made.
Own 8 lots, house, barn and chicken
park at Willamette, for sale cheap on
No real estate agents to interfere.
If interested call, write or phone,
Attorney at Law.
Stevens Building - - Oregon City, Or.
Oall at this
notices on cloth, '
Improvements In Service
Demand Expenditure
of $20,000.
The magnitude of the work of the
Paoifio States Telephone & Telegraph
Company in this oity is such that
is of necessity progre?sing slowly and
it is unlikely that the new apparatus
will be in use before the new year,
Workmen are now engaged in install
ing new switchboards in the building
adjoining the Commercial Bank.
This board, will have space for five
operators at one time, two for long
distance service and three for local.
Thousands of wires conneot these
boards and the task of changing from
the present quarters in the Willamette
Block is no small one.
The new office of the company will
be partitioned for the use of the
various departments. The operating
room will be shut off, and Miss Lou
uraper, tne looal agent, will liuve an
offiou in the front of the building,
There will he a seperate office from
the wire chief, a dressing and cloak
room for the operators and other
neoessary divisions. The dry battery
system will bo abolishei and the in
strumeuts will be fed by wet batteries
from the main office, and the hiza of
the instruments will be diminutive,
compared with the phonos now in use.
Operators will be notified of central
oalls by tiny electrio light and other
lights on the board will bIiow when
lines are in trouble. When the
system is complete it will no longer
be neoessary for subscribers to ring a
bell to , oall central, but connection
with the main offloe may be seonred
Bimply by removing the reoeiver irom
the hook. The changes that the com
pany have in contemplation will be
made at a cost of about f 20, 000, aud
this amount does not iuolnde a great
deal of outside work.
Albert J. Califf, of Estacada, Has
There Before and He Knew.
County Clerk F. W. Groenman does
not make a praotioe of issuing
marriage licenses by mail, but Mon
day he departed from the usual
oustom and Oupid traveled from
Estacada to this oity witliwings out
spread. When the office opened for
business Monday morning there
appeared at the clerk's desk Mr.
Albert J. Oaliff, of Estaoada, who
asked for a license to wed Mrs. Julia
Marshall. He had no witness with
him to make an affidavit as to the
necessary ages and qualifications of
either himself or his intended and his
request was refused. Oaliff tried to
argue the matter, stating that he iiad
been married twice in the East, but
Mr. Greenman has gom up against
suoh things before and could not be
persuaded. Finally the clerk gave
him a license in blank, leaving a
place for the name of the witness, and
Mr. Oaliff departed for home. Tues
day morning Mr. Ureennian reoeived
the license properly witnessed and
attested before W. A. Heylman, a
Toe J. S McOord farm, located one
mile from this city, will be sold in
10, 20, 80 and 40 acre tracts. Fine
ohanue for a home near the city and
on good road. Terms reasonable.
Best soil in the county.
J. A. Gain, with Dimick & Dimick,
Garde Bldg., Oregon City.
When In Portland, call on me-WM, BOHUNDER
Own dv and nlzht. Phone Red 968
192 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON
Three Doon South o Baker Theatre
jr Urn In any Style. trfvate Rooms lor Ladlei
Is what Mr. Lucy
aid afUr taldnf
Kodol Dyspspila
Curt. Hundred.
of other wtak
women an
boinf rt
storsd to psrftct
health by this rm
dy. YOU may bo
troll if you will tako
' IndlgttUonoantM
nearly all the tick
Bts that woman
have. It dopriTOO tho tytUm of nourish
mont and the dolicato organs peculiar U
woman suffer weaken, and boeooi
Dyspepsia Cure
tnableo tho stomach and Eastlvo organ
to dlgost and asalmflaU all of tho whole
some food that may bs oaten. It nourish,
tho body, and rebuilds tho waak organs,
rMtorifif hulth and strength, Kodol euro
kdhjtstlon, constipation, dyspepsia, tour
risings, blchint.bsartburn and ail stomach
Digests What You Eat
Mewl a bmS m tka
tntni a ta Uh
nUTTtfl.OJxwiM o.,tnt-, 1 4.
1 eaW --CV1
7 v
Sold by C. A. Harding
notary public of Estacada. Mr. Oaliff
now has the legal right to proceed on
his third journey down the matrimony
path without question.
How an Oregon Citizen Found Complete
Freedom from Kidney Troubles.
If you suffer from backache
From urinary disorders
From any disease of the kidneys,
Be cored to stay cured.
Doan's Kidney Pills make lasting
Oregon people testify.
Here's one case of it :
David Campbell, baker, at 221 North
Seventeenth St., aud living, at 170
North Eighteenth St., Portland. Oro.
says: "Eveiy wurd of the statement
I made in Feb. 11)08, concerning
uoan s uianoy mis is not only true
but having since been free from
kidney trouble, I am glnd to state
that my faith in Doan's Kidney Pills
is stronger than ever. It is now live
or sis years sinco I began to suffer
with a lame and aching back. Ic was
so bad that I could not stand the pain
when bending forward or straighten
ing. I tried various remedies and
begau doctors' treatment but what
ever relief I found was only tem
porary, and often I could not get any
relief at all. Having read in my home
paper from England that Doan'8
Kidney Pills were strongly recom
mended for such troubles I cot a
supply at a local drug store. The
first box hepled nib so that 1 kept on
with the treatment aud when I had
takon about four hoses not a trace of
the trouble remained and I have had
no recurrence since. I hare told
thesefacts in a testimonial published
in 1903, and am glad of the opportunity
now to corroborate it. "
Plenty more proof like this from
Oregon Oity people. Call at Huntley
Jsros. Jrug store and ask what their
customers report.
Jb or sale by all dealers. Prioe 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Uo., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the uaaie Doan's and
take no other.
Surprise to Mrs. Osborne.
Mr3. Osborne was Monday after
noon the reoipient ot a pleasant sur
prise party tendered her by the officers
and gtards of Sola Circle, Women of
Woodcraft, at her home. The after
noon was spent with fancy work aud
the ladies takled of and .planned'tlieir
Christmas gifts. Musio was a feature
and delicious refreshments wers
KNOWING that a dollar's worth is not sold for fifty cents.
KNOWING that it :osts more to keep the doors of a store
in a large city open than it does ours.
KNOWING that our expenses are lower at EVER.Y point than
theirs -we maintain that it is reasonable to sup
pose that our Prices will be found as low as theirs.
And as we buy from the same people as they do
why shouldn't our goods be just as new and at
tractive as theirs?
KEEP this in mind when you are going to purchase a watch.
We stand behind a stock of watches that invites
comparisons from everybody a stock that Jooks
right and IS RIGHT.
BUT WE WOULD rather show you than tell you, therefore
we will gladly welcome you any day.
urmeistcr & Andresen
Cures Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Sour Stom
ach. Toroid Liver and
Chronic Constipation. T
Pleasant to take
1T ELECTRIC LIGHT is the magnet that
draws trade. Keep your store bright and
you will be kept busy.
A show window brilliantly illuminated with
ELECTRIC LIGHT makes many a sale
"the night before." It attracts attention,
makes it easy for your display to be ex
amined and shows your goods to THE
, AN ELECTRIC SIGN will make a name
for you and when your name is made it will
burn it into the public's eyes and minds. It
is an investment that pays b'"g dividends. ,
Our representative will explain how. . :
for Current
Portland General
Electric Company
C. 6. Miller, Contract Jlqtnt
for Oregon City
oynilVP Fffllf Svfllll
lUAUUTV x I Mil avjAUJ
HOWELL & JONES' Reliable
sr J u t
so)ra & v a.
on meter basis
Cleanses the system
thoroughly and clears
sallow complexions .of
pimples and blotches.
It is guaranteed