OREGOfTCITY COURIER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER SO, 1906. molalla. ; All kinds of weather these days. Lnst Friday was torkey day at Rob ins Brothers. ' laaao Uipson now a rosiientrif Portland, has been out visiting with Molalla reljfciven and f riends. D. 0. 'Btyles has returned front Ester City; or rather, the Hot Spriugs, where he hRS been staying for several months regaining his health. WV are pleasd to see liiru looking so well. Geo. H. Gregory is np and about again after ".quite a' soriona spell of sioknees. He Is going to be confuted by moving slowly for a time. Says it is a bilious attack, and would not trouble him self much to meet "jul ions" for a while. LaBt Thursday Vaughn Brother's hounds chased a ooyote trough the foot hills to Butte Creek and came up against a wire fence and could not get through. The coyote got somewhere and the dogs were tied up awaiting for their master. : .; Sunday the eight Kentucky dogs were running a coyote all day in Bock Creek basin and adjoining hills. Coyote made use of the cunning in stinct peculiar to his oanine specie by mixing himself np with a lot of goats, but that fproved Jthc death of Mr. Wolf, as the owner of the goats was on guard and shot him. When these dogs line out on track of a wolf, if he fails to make for the mountains his hours are numbered. Mrs. Grill and Mrs. Welsh, of Ore gon City, were out ljere last week conducting health lectures 'in the in terest of ladies only. It is said that the audience was hired at the rate of five cents a head. The Star recently said something like this: "Is'nt it fanny that this oonntry has to be saved evrey year?" Yes, is'nt it odd this country is savod every year amidst all the corruption in the high and low governments? Mark Baty, while working in the Monroe logging camp, on the Dickey North Fork of I he Molalla - last Satur day got crippled by a falling limb striking bim on the muscle of the leg. Dr. Powell wont over and attended to the wounded man. P. S. Noyer, an old-time Molallaite 1b again with ub lookiong quite natural. He thiuks , the Molalla oonntry is good enough for him to spnnd the rest of his time in home pleasures. Molalla is going to celebrate the presidential proclamation on Friday night of this week with their hcelB 'or in other words thositlmt can't pmy will kick as there njust be sonie tinug doing. ' ' Teasel Creek people will meot on Thnrsday, put their dinners together under one spr ad and enjoy a real good Urugonian social time amidst a program - reudered by the young generation South Clackamas County Bounty Olnb lias ninety 'member now. The flrst dollar uii.Htiburship iue paid tor the nialps of eluven wild animalH or about nino cents each. If everybody at all interested iu stock, poultry and game birds, would full in line, each animal scalp would only cost a few each, just think of one dollar paying for the killing of -twenty or thirty wild auiruals that are contin ually perying on the income of the farm stock, oioro or less co-operatioij through the territory will work w6u ders. J. 0. Marquam will cheerfully take you on the membership roll of the Bounty, Club for the Boulhorn part of the county. (J. E. Gorbott will also take your name and dollar , for the eastern sootion, while Eugene Mills will more than inert you half way In explaining the pIhu of the club to the western division from Needy to Puridnig Kivor and anybody else who will take an interest in sc ouring members may volunteer their servioe" and good will to the associa tion and commonwealth by applying for membership. The government will liolp those that will try to help them selves; we hope by cause of onr as sociation to demonstration simple facts 'of co-oproatiou iu destroying wild animals, thus enabling us to be in k position to ask the government to come to our aid and assistacue in the good work by pnying a bounty ou what would be termed the mountain animals that are destroying more game 'than tho hunter. Thus the South Clackamas County Bounty Club will work an influeuoe beyond its Own local internet. RUSSELLVILLE. The weather lias been so wet that farmers here have not sown any wheat Jet, but the weather has beeu good for a few days past and larniers are tuiprovlug the time. B, Trullinger and Mr. Nighten gale are ttio uioBt enterprising men iu tliis country. Mr. Trullinger has gathorbd from different sources ovor H00 in laoo. He wont to Portlmid with a wagon loud of produco for whioh he. received about $144. Mrs. Dock man is still on the sick list and Or. Giesy, of Aurora, ic treatiug her. Dudley BoyleR. .of Waitsbum. Wash, .Ms visiting o. S. Bojles, his irttJtner. Ode Boylt's contemp utos going u. the mountains to cruis timber. Miss Maud Wiugfiold visited Mrs. Scott Carter one day this week. Miss Cornelia Boyles, of Molalla, who has been visiiiug friend'" and relatives in this burg, has returned home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Soott Carter and son Arthur made two trips to the city this week. Mrs. Carter has a new set of teeth. MBADOWBKOOK. .. Dell T'olliuger was in townoue day this week seeing thesi.hts and slink nig hnnds with old trii lids. Ralph Holuian culled on Mr. Stimd inger Sunday evening We feel that we are in duty bound to sound a note, of warning to our Mojalla correspondent in regard to His attack on brother Myers and Socialism. Romebmer the fate of brother Reece. Quite a number of Molall people spent Sol day at Meadwobrook. Mr. Denison, Mr. SnodgrasB and Ralph are talking telephone just as soon as they can grow the poles. Anyone ; having any seed plaase report. . Meaciow brook Is coming to the front as a lumber markot. If the water was taken from the Moia'la River and turned into Milk Creek during the low stage, it would 1 develope some fine power plants. The plan is prefoctly practicable. Otto Hoffstetter is a Nimro'd ; he has killed two wild cats recently. Anyone wishing to take a baloou ride can have a similar experience by try'in the swinging basket across the Molalla River at Meadowbrook. Remember the basket social Satur day, Deo. 1. ABOUT COUGHS Some Reliable Local Advice "As these troubles are easily con trolled if the right means is taken to oure them, we want tc say to the people of Oregon City that we guarantee our cod liver preparation, Vinol, will oure hanging-on colds, stubborn ooughts, bronchial and lung trobules quicker than any preparation we have ever sold. ' This is beoausa vinol contains no oil or grease to clog tho system and upset the stomach, yet it docs oontain every one of the fifty odd medioiual onrative elements actually takci from fresh cod's livers, with tonic iron added. Vinol is not a patent medicine; and you know what yon are taking, so without reservaiou we recommend Vinol to oure coughs, colds, bronchial tioubles, increase the appetite, buihl up the rundown, tired and debilitated, and create strength and renewed vitality for the aged. "If Vinol fails to do what we say we will refund every dollar paid tor it." Huntley Bros. Co., DruggiBts. Note While we are solo agents for Vinol in Oregon City, it is now lor sale at the leading drug store in uenrly every town and oity in the eoutitry. Look for the Vinol agency in your town. HIGHLAND. The town if Highland in boon I that no other neighboring town bIiiiU outs trip her in public improvements. Hun dreds of dollarB are being worked out in subscription on the publio rads,au(! the prosueot of a $1200 church is on encouraging. John Wallace is working for Mr. Yonng ou Ejigle Creek, Charley Baker Is stopping nt T. Kirk's. Sullivan recently swauipod out the road around the Molutyre Hill; aim) around tho Klinger Hill. CLACKAMAS. Everyone is thinking hard abont Christmas. How to have the momest time of their lives. Oluckumas ex pects to have three publio Christmas trees this year. Ono at oaoh church and one at tho Grange Hull. Last Friday ovouing the Busy Bees, of the Methodist ohnrch, gnvo an entertainment nt the Odd Fellows' Hall. Hot tauiales were served as lunoheou. Snap Davis is down in bed again. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood, It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to tlio kuhiays, but now modern science proves ihut neurly nil discuses have their beginning in the disorder ot these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidnevsnre weak or out of order, you cm understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soou us your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to heulih. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick" you can tnake no mis take bv first doctoring your kidneys. The niild'm.d the extraordinary effect' ot Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold .... iia ..w.i'.lu nil C. n" druggists iu fifty-cent rfrri""2i onil rlp-ilotl:ir size I:: U j bottles. You tnav -iiili have a sample bottle Mionmof swwnp-itaot by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney ot bladder trouble. Mention this pnpei when writing to Pr. Kilmer S: Co., lling hamton, N. Y. Dm'tinake ony mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, nod the ad dress, Biughumton, N. Y'., ouevery bottl FARMER OR RANCHER it's all the same, one is just as good as the other and we want to say to each of yon that we have jus' opened a nice new, clem stock of stationery and Racket Store goods at Oregon Oity, ant we are prepared to give yon low prices on all articles contained in onr stonk We have Granite Ware, white blue and gray, Tin Ware, some very cheap aud some higher. Galvanized Tubs, Buckets, etc, Wash Boards, zinc and plans, Steel Skillets, Frying Pans Bbkb Pans, eto, Padlocks, Fire Shovels and many other hardware specialties Lamps a good variety to select from Burners, Wicks and Chimneys. In Combs we have a good variety to select from and cheap Hair Brushes a line line Clothes Brushes all good ones. In writing material we have Pens, Pen-holders and all grades of Pencils, Envelopes, Paper, Box Paper and all grades of Tablets a good, cheap line Fine Willow Clothes Baskets and other smaller kinds, and we will have aline of Christmas goods that can not be beat aud at prices to suit all. A square deal to all. One price to all and cash only. W L. STULTS. 606 Main St., Oregon Oity, Oregon. The trip up to his sawmill was too much for him. Mr?. Thornton Strite is quite ill again. Mrs. Ed Dedman's sister, Dr. Lemon, is in the hospital at Grants Pass, where she has undergone an opertaion for appendicitis. Miss Lulu Hayward spent Tuseday with Mrs. Harrington, of Orego CASE PLOWS Ate made from the highest grade soft centet steel, -Syndicate steel. The soft center enables u; to harden the working surfaces extra hard. The soft center adds toughness and prevents the extra hardened surface from breaking through. THjATS WHY THE CASE SCOURS IN ANY SOIL PICK A' SHAPED SUITED TO YOUR1 SOIL A"NDJ WE GUARANTEE THE RUNNING, HANELING AND SCOURJNG TO BE PERFECTION. J WALKING PLOWS. Wood and Steel Beam. Wl W. ilJW ' v '- t FT i n- J. E. SMITH HARDWARE Co. AGENTS, OREGON CITY, OREGON Oity. Mrs. Riohard Hartnoll gave a party Monday eveuing in honor of her son Ray's birthday. About tlirity youug pooplo were present aud the evening wnspleasnntly Bpont in playing games aud pulling taffy. ELWOOD. iIiss Joseph, the Elwood teacher, is taking a week's vaoavion. Miss Zella Surfus aud her mother went to Portland Saturday. Mr. Volen had a snooting match lust Saturday. Har'y Bittuer proved to be tho best shot. Mr. Fr enmu has his house about completed. Mr. Cox caught a coyote Thursday. LOGAN. All things come to an end raiuy spell seems to be tru:ors are having a chance and the over, so to plow and sow. It is uot everywhere that farmers can plow and sow all Winter as they do in Jregou. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haw were call ed to Portlttud last week, on account of the death ot the lattei 's yon ngeft sister Milla IlutiiiKtou. John Zurbuchen, Jr , was in re cently He ims quit San Frai.ciscn aud is at work in Portland. It is said that our former citizen, Johu Schutti'l, will meve out ou his farm Hgaiu ooou. liupreclit Bios re on their farm gain. We have not heard for sure yet, where the next meeting of Pomona Grange will be held, so presume it will not be at Logan. MARKS PRAIRIE. Our farmers have been taking advantage of the last few days getting their potatoes dug. Miss Beatrice Kittor will soon visit relatives in Washington. She will spend a few weeks with friends in Portland before going there. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B.ohart were visitors jt Oglesby's last Sunday. The first snow fell here Saturday evening a light shift, just enough to let us know that we may expect more before Christmas. Butchering hogs will '' keep onr people husy the next few days and then we will have ausage on tap. John Jesse is bu.lding a horse stable. Salem hop buyers are doing a big business in and around Aurora. They are not sample pollers, but buyers. Oglesby Bros Co. have bought the Ben Wolfer lake and will commence outting a large ditch to drain it, and all duck hunters are warned to keep away or there will be a job for onr Justice of the Peace. -- ""A von "Jesse will spend Thanksgiving with his parents here. He is attend ing school at Forest. Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Leach have re turned from . Montana, where they have been visiting with their sons near Billings. Drills, Sanders Disc Plows, Diamond Feed Mills, Dick Feed Cut ters, Blizzard Ensil age Cutters, Ross Manure Spreaders, Mitchell Wagons. The Mr. Oglesbys will do some ditching for Mr. Qiibble the coming week. Henry Kritus has moved on his plaoe and is ready to commence im proving his form. The Needy Literary seems a failure, and som 3 of the old time debaters are talking of organizing a debating suoiety, and they will make it a success. Considerable bad feeiling is being shown at Neody ou account of the arrest of one of Needy 's young men and right here lot me say our Justice of the Peaoe made a little mistake. When any nwu come- to you, our Justice, with a complaint, just make them put up a boud for costs, and see if that does not "bottom", all this little spitework. Mr. John Hermanglms been visiting h's mother, Mrs. Ben Wolfer, the past week. He will return to Siiauiko nest week. Dave Yodor will be one of oir hop kings in the nenr future, as he has routed the Prauk Miller hop yard. Charles Wolfer is learring the barber trade in Portland. S nccss ' Charles, though Myrtle may get lone some at times "In eotiducti ga large drug bnsi- ness we naturally meet a groat many people at this seasou of the year who suffer from coughs, colds and bronchial troubles. NEW ERA. Tweuty-four degrees above zero Wednesday morning. Pretty cool on . SULKY PLOWS. GANG PLOWS. Everything in the 'iT'SHL' '' Plow and Harrow tyyfnnf line. Also Hoosier J "Beavers." Thursday was the day that the poor turkey and goose had to suffer the penalty of death for the ancient ravenous whims of the socalled civil ized people of this country. . Elmer Luoas, recently from Morrow County, wai visiting friends here last week. D Mc Arthur is suffering from lum bago. Carl Burgoyne left lat Friday to join a surveying party at Portland to survey . for a telephone line from Port'and to i'acouia, Wash. , Urover Clements, of Oak Grove, was shaking handB with old frieuds here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Ee'land, of Mill Creek; wete visiting friends here Sunday. . . The large new boiler for the Doern becker mill arri'-ed the first of the week aud is placed in position for casing in with briok, and in connec tion with the old one, will furnish ample steam power to rnn all the machinery that is to be installed. Z In a few days we can say "hello" Ernest Gelbridge, from home, how is that toe getting along that your brother mistooE for a skunk aud shot? Jndge ' Ryan attended Warner Grange Saturday. The railroad has a gang of men painting the new steel bridge. Dr. Lash left Saturday for a few days' sojourn in Portland. 9 BR CRITICS HARROWS. IRST AND TAYLOR Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON. Frank MoArthur is hauling lumber with two teams from Dii mill to Ore gon City. Miss Strauge is preparing a play for GOOD for OLD and YOUNG August Flower keeps the children healthy and strong full of viiror and frolic the whole Attv lonir So when Mamma needs more they rush off la high glee. And shout to the druggist: "Please live it to mel" Inability to get up brisk and fresh in the morning, lack of appetite, pailor, muddy complexion and poor spirits these all indicate a disortferml st nd bad digestion in adults and children. too. They also indicate the urgent need of taking Green's Aujjust Flower reg A.iiijriut a icw Uiivs. It's a reliable old remedy for ail stomach troubles, never fails to cure indigestion, dyspepsia and chronic coustipation. and is a natural tonic for body and mini tt Two sizes, 25c and 75a All druggists. Mun!ley Bro. Co. Druggis J04 ACRES near Molalla, on county road, all under fence and level, 5 acres cultivated, 10 acres slashed, ., no.. rock. Price $1650.00. Terms to suit. GOOD LEVEL LAND 1 i .. i. j i - piuveu uuuiiiy iuau, wuiin va.u ut: auiu iui icoa iuau ouy other property near the city. 50 ACRE TRACT, 45 acres cultivated, all fenced,, fine; soil and fruit trees, for $95.00 per acre. 40 ACRE TRACT, 35 acres cultivated, at $70.00 per acre) 40 ACRES, 25 acres cultivated at $65.00 per- acre. 40 ACRES, 15 acres cultivated, at $55.00 per acre. 40 ACRES of unimproved WE HAVE SEVERAL OTHER FARMS on our list which are good safe investments. . The land above described, apple trees will, in less per acre. CALL and look over our list, and we will show you. the land free of cost. With a small payment down we will loan you the balance of the purchase price on terms to suit. We furnish an abstract with each tract sold. Oregon City Trust Co. J. A. CAIN, Agent Andresen Bldg. Oregon City. Oregon the Xmas entertainmentjtliat requires over two hours to play. INJURIES CAUSE DEATH. Thomas F. Johnson, of Bolton, Is Interred Under Lodge Auspices. Thomas F. Johnson, who was in jured in the sawmill of the Willamette Pulp & Paper Company, died Friday night at his home in Bolton. His hip was crushed- in the machinery. His age was 26 years. His condition improved for several days after the accident, but gangrene set in. De ceased was married last July to' Miss Anna Linquist, of Molalla. The fun eral was held Sunday afternoon from the Woodmen hall.' Mr. Johnson was a member of Willamete Falls Camp, Woodmen of the World, and the Lin coln Annuity Union. LOCAL NOTES. T. W. Blanchard, a New Era farmer, was in the oity Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Brnce O. Curry and sou York spent Thanksgiving with relatives iu Portland. Holiday goods, complete stcok, best assortment, lowest price at Thomson's Bargain Store. St. Paul's Guild will be entertain ed by Mrs. Linn E. Jones Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Aleo S. Moir, of Salem, and A. W. Joehnke left Tuesday for San Fran oisoo and Los Angeh to remain dur ing the Winter. Pioneer Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, iuitiated three candidates Tues day night and the ceremonies were followed with a spread. Miss Eva Meldram hss gone to Forest Grove to spend her Thanksgiv ing holidays, and is the guest of Miss FranceB Myers. Misses Helen and Bertha Mo Kinney, students at the University of Oregon, are in the city to spend their Tha tksgiving vacation, and are the guests of Miss Nieta Harding. ' t. it i One Dollar will i fityoa to eye glasses or spec- ! " f nsa became extinct ucles. Perfect fit guaranteed. j it would be a world-wide calam Your eyes fitted at home. Write (or ity, because the oil that comes" free booklet describing our meth.d fr0ni its liver surpasses all other Remember the glasses e fit Tu- . fa ts iii nourishing and life-giving t. rr woith M.S0 nv whrrt ' mi . " nh out price. ..niv i oo properties. Thirty years ago i k KMMRiNt. i the proprietors of Scott's Emul- ii nd work bi re,t,rri ., 810n tound a way of preparing . u, .ch cod liver oil so that everyone can METZGER & CO. take and get the full value of ui uxti strut. poBTLtaD. ou the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the best thing in the world for weak. I CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yea Ha?e Always Bought Estate miles from Oregon City on im- :t - u u t 1 tt,.. . land, all level for $40 per acre. if planted to good commercial than five years, be worth $350 "My child was burned terribly about the face, neck and chest. I applied Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. The pain' ceased' and the child sank into a restful sleep. "Mrs. Nancy M. Hanson, Hamburg, N. Y. Tne J. O. Ayer Company, of Lowell. Mass., is publishing the formulaes of all its well known medicines. These formnlas appear in the AlmaOaa for 19(16. This Company positively and distinctly ftntes that it has nothing to conceal, no secrets to hide. "The more people know about our family medicines, the beter they will like them," is the way this Corn- Famous Strike Breakers. The most famous strike breakers in the land are Dr. King's New Life Pills. When liver and bowels go on a strike, they quickly settle the Trouble, and the purifying work goes right on. Best cure for coustipntion, headache an dizziness. 25o at Howell & Jones, Druggists. HE above picture of the man and fish is the trade mark of Scott's Emulsion, and is the synonym for strength and purity. It is sold ' J 1 i 11 il. . . , m uui'u&i uu uie civilized coun- tri s f ti e &iobe backward children, thin, delicate Ieople, and all conditions of wasting and lost strength. Send for tret lamp It. SCOTT & BOWXE, chemists o-i m, ansn, xw tom DffI.Wt An JnggiaU.