8 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1906 DEPRIVED OF ONE ELEMENT. Mr. Myers Says We Are Entitled to Air, Water and Land. OREGON CITY, Or., Oct. 25. (Editor of the Conrier. ) The follow ing editorial appeared iu The Ore gonian of October 13: "The decision of the United States Oironit Court of Appeals, at Boise, holding that the measure of a water appropriator's right is the extent of his benefloial ose, is in accordance with he prevailing opinion of the time. In every line of public enter prise the dog-in-the-manger policy is receiving littlo encouragement. This is particularly true of railroads and imilar corporations wnich servo the pnblio and which frequently seek to keep others from enjoying opportun ities of which the? themselves make no use. It may very fittingly be true in the case of water utters who appropriate that which they do not own and cf which they have only the right of use. The water of our streams conies from the olouds and fulls upon all the land. From a thousand hills it is gathered into brooks or it bursts forth from in numerable springs. It is gathered from no man's land, but flows over the lands of many. Every man who can pat it to beneficial use should have the opportunity ; no mnn Bhould be allowed to hold it in idleness or insist upon its ruining to waste. "In the case mentioned a power company had constructed a dam to j hold 10,000 second-foot of water, bot i had ntili ?ed only 2100 feet. When an irrigation enterprise sought to use j part of the remainder the company ! sought an injunation Very properly I the court hold that the power com pany lias title to tne use or oniy so much water as it has put to beneficial use, and if it desires to acquire title to the remainder of the 10,000 feet it must put that quantity to use within a reasonable time. The injunction was retused and the power oompany was told to acquire a right by due diligenoe before it sought to enforce one. The court would not be a party to an effort to stifle enterprise. Tiie I Free 30 Days Tria An Electric. Flatiron For Every Household Send In Your Coupons Before the Stock. Is -v Exhausted Saves your complexion. Saves your clothes. Saves weary steps. Saves your money. Saves your health. Saves your Lime. NEW MODEL ELECTRIC FLATIRON THE HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCE OF THE AGE SELECT THE STYLE YOU DESIRE No. I Regular Household, 6-Mb. iron, 4.oo No. 2 Shirtwaist, 3 lb. iron, $4.00 Fill in COUPON Specifying style of IRON you prefer, and mail to us TODAY. It will be delivered to you, promptly, FREE OF CHARGE. ' - All equipment goes with IRON, which may be attached to any lamp-socket in any room. CUT OUT COUPON C. G. MILLER., Contract Agent, Portland General Electric Co., Oregon City, Oregon. You may deliver to me one Electric Flatiron, No which I agree to try, and, if unsatisfactory to me.to return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I do not re turn it at that time you may charge same to my account at 4.00. It is understood that no charge will be made for the iron if I return it within 3o days. Name Address. Portland General Electric Company C. G. Wilier, Contract Jlgent for Oregon City A Sure Cure for. Rheumatism, Cut Sprain. Wounds, U Sores. Corns. Bunions. Gtlls. Brutsas, Contracted MuscUt, Lams Back, Stiff Joint, Frottad Feet, Bum, Scalds, etc. AN ANTISEPTIC that atopi Irritation, subdue Inflara natlon, and drives out Pain. PENETRATES the Pores, loosens the Fibrous Tissues, promotes a fret circulation ot the Blood, giving th Musclw Mtural elasticity. BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCS TRIED ALWAYS USED CURED SCIATIC RHEUMATISM Mrs. B. k. Simpson, 500 Craig St., EnozvUle. Tnn. , writes 1 " I have been trying the baths of Hot Springs, Ark., (or sciatic rheumatism, but I get more relief from Ballard's Snow Liniment than any medicine or anything I have ever tried. Inclosed find postoffice order for $1.00. Send me large bottle by Southern Express." THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00 BE SURE YOU OET THE GENUINE Ballard Snow Liniment Co. ST. LOUIS, V. S. A. OU AND RECOMMENCED ST Charman & Co., Cfy Drug Store dog mast eat hay or got ont of tlio mangor. "The doctrine upheld by the court nt Boise is not new, but it is strength ened by every such decision. The time has pansed when a court can acquire or retain a reputation for wisdom and hold that one man enjoy ing a public privilege oan retain liis right to the exclusion of otlinrs with out making use ot his right." Let me say this editorial is not anarchiBtio but decidedly Social istic. Now to the readers of the Conrier if the air and water should be free, why shoulu the land not also be free? What I mean by free is that it should be held only by parties that would use it, or, in other words, occupancy and use conld be the onl.t title. Here are three elements which people have to have to sustain life land, water aud air. Why should we be deprived of one of these and the other two be free? We aon't want all to speak at once, but would lib" to have some one smarter than mysellf to explain where we got our land titles from. Sooial'sm seems to be spreading in this neighborhood. Everybody is going to the road mneting next Saturday at the Kedland sohool house at 2 P. M. to vote a road tax. " W. W. MYERS. Real Estate Transfers. J T Munford et al to O O Pfeuniger 14)4 acres in the Crow CI 2-1 e, $1. O Ptenniger to W Pfeuniger 14 acres in Crow CI 2-1 e, $1. R DeShazer iu J D McGowan w tract 7 tract B and all tracts F and G in Olackamns Riverside, $3000. O I Calkins to E Calkins 3 acres iu sec 4 3-1 w, $1. E Calkins to S V Allison 3 acres in sec 4 3-1 w, $1000. ' E Lee to S M Lee sw of ne) and 864 of nw sec 1(5 4-3 e, $1500. J Holman to R Holmiu part ot hlk 133 Oregon Citv, $1. R G Pierce to P J Lutz lots 12 and 13 blk 8 Palis View, $50. J L Ogle to G E Daugherty 40 aores in Bee 13 5-1 e,$ 4(50. C M Ware to L I Ware 82 acres in seo 20 2-6 e $800. L Soott to J V Steelhanier tract 12G Friends Oregon Colony 1. A Scott to J F SteelhaiiUiT tarcts 105 104 and 130 Frs Ore Colony fr it A Lee to R J Batty 2.01 acres in Lee CI 8-1 e. $10. E M Howell to D K Bill 4.55 acres in Oregon City CI 2-2 e, $250. O A Cogswell to M Lylle tracts E F G and H Cogswell's Add Mil waukie, $1259. R L Robertson to J P Freeman part of Tuttle CI., $1000. B Rowley to R L Robertson part of Tuttle 01., $1. H Hargraves to P Hnlt b4 of se)4 se4 of sw and n of se seo 33 4-3 e, $4000. Hiberuia Sav'Bnk to F O DeBauw lot 2 Blk 13 Milwaukie Park $30. O W P T S Co to O O Sale lots 21 and 22 blk 6 Estacada, $100. O O Sale to E V Surface lots 21 and 23 blk 6 Estacada, $400. G Johnson to O Berg one-half in terest iu 10 acres in Clackamas Co., $550. O W Richards to O B Hall 100 aores in Latourette CI 3-2 ci, $4500. W Shephor to D Shepher 20 acres iu Pendleton CI 3-1 e, $150. A Jones to A Schoenborn part 7 and 8 blk 140 Oregon City. $1700. L Biglow to A Biglow 20 acres in sec 11 5-1 e, $430 The Clackamas Abstract and Trust Co. are owners of the only complete Abstract Plant iu Clackamas County. Prompt and reliable work on short notice, and all work guaranteed. Ab stracts made and money loaned, mor- tg iges foreclosed, trusts executed, estates settled and titles perfected. J. i. Chirk, Atty at Law, Prosident and Manager, Ovei Bank of Oregon City. Wounds,' Bruises and Burns. By applying au antiscptio drossiiig to wounds, bruinis, hurus aud like injuries before inflammation Bets in, they may bo hoalod without matur ation and in about one-third the time required by the old treatment. This is the greatest discovery aud triumph of nioderu surgory. Oliamberlain's Pain Balm nets ou this same principle It is an antiscptio aud when applied to such injuries, causes them to heal very quickly, it also allays the pain and soreness and prevents any danger nf blood "poisoning. Keep a bott le of Pain Balm in your home and it will save yon time aud money, not to mention the iucouveuienoe and suffer ing such injuries entail. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. , Oregon City and Molalla. Qreenwcll-Chltwood. Miss Dollie B. Chitwood and Mr, Warren Greenwell, both nf Clack amas county, were marriod at the home of the bride's parents near Damascus, at high noon, October 17, Rev. J. A. Royer of Damascus per forming tho ceremony. A bountiful wedding dinner was sorved, aud many beautiful presouts were received by the happy couple. The guests were Mr. aud Mrs- Chitwood, the Misses Marv, Hazel aud Emma Chitwood, Messrs, John aud Lyon Chitwood, Mrs. J. Greenwell, Misses Ana aud Elsa, Mr. George aud Master Roy Groeuwe.l, Mr. and Mrs. Gautoiibieu, of Portlni d. Counterfdulug the Genuine. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and luug remedy, aud on acccuut of tho great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey aud Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These worthless imitations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. Tho gonuine Foley's Honey ami Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it aud refuse any substitute. It is the best romo ly for coughs and colds. "I have been somewhat costive, hut Doan's Regulets gave just the resiltR desired. They act mildly and regulate the bowels 'perfectly. "George B. Kraute, SOli Walnut Ave., Altooua, Pa. WINTER COURSE IN AGRICULTURE. Special Dairy and Short Courses at Corvallis College. The Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis wril offer this winter, as usual, two special courses along agriojltural lines, which will be designated The Short Course in Agriculture, and tho Special Dairy Course. The Short Course in Agriculture will open on Tuesday, January 8, 1U07, at 9:00 A. M., aud continue two weeks, closiuglon Friday, January 18. The course consists of a series of popular lectures along linps suited to aid -.horticulturists, dairymen, and others engaged in agricultural pur suits iu developing the great natural resources of our State. The lectures are supplemented by laboratory work under the auspices of experts, who, strive to make the course thoroughly practical by adapting the work as far as possible to the needs of each in dividual. The Special Conrse will also open on January 8, 1907, and will continue six weeks, closing on February 15, 1907. The purpose of thisoourse is to familiarize students with the modern forms of dairy apparatus, and teach the underlying principles of the pro dcution, care, and manufacture of milk into butter and cheese. Students will meet for work six days per week. The forenoon of each day will be devoted to praotical work in the dairy rooms. In the atfernoon ot each day, except those dovoted to cljeese making, lectures and recita tions will occupy the time during two or three hours. In addition to the regular teaching force, the services of au Jexpert cheese maker, Mr. L. B. Ziemer, haYB been Beonred. Mr. Ziemer isa graduate of the Wisconsin Dairy School, and for a time was traveling dairy instructor in that State. For the past four years he has been -actively engaged in the manufacture ot cheeBe in Tillamook County, Orepon. There will be no charge for tuition, and no educational entrance require ments, for either of these courses. Board aud room can ba had in Cor vallis at $3 00 to $4 00 per weeK. A cordial invitation is exteuded to all persons interested to enroll in one of these courses. An outline of tho course can be had for the asking. For further information address, F. L. KENT. Corvallis, Oregon. TWENTY-ONE DIVORCED. Long Grist of Separations Made By Judge McBride. Judge McBride and Referee Ruuyan had a busy day Saturday and decrees of divorce were handed down in 21 cases as fnllowv Katie Fleck vs. Lawrence C. Fleck ; White vs. White; Geitrude Goura vs. Samuel Goura ; Mary E. Graf vs. John Graf; Paul Logan Reed vs. Anna Reod ; William Charles H. Smith vs. Daisy A. Smith; Nora Collins vB.'Edward Oollius; Mary F. Haworth vs. Alien Haworth; Ruth A. Hayward vs. Will Hayward; Bessie Wyatt vs. E. L. Wyatt; Sarah Lochhead vs. Robert Lochhead; Emma Rosalie Woodward vs. James W. Woodward ; , Mary L. Swain vs. John Swain; Anuie"Baxter vs. James Baxter; Albert M. Downing vs. Anna M. Dowuiug ; George H. Crook vs. Luoy E. Crook ; Judscn L. Seely vs. Carrie E. Seely; Charlotte A. Peterson vs. Leo. Peterson; G. W. Ake vs. Elsie M. Ake; Alfred Richards vs. Jane Charlotte Alioe Richards; Nellie E. Dumdi ,vs. William M. Dumdi. Orders of default and reference were made in the following cases: Ethel R. Asli vs. Arthur H. Ash; Edwiu H. Eves vs. Grace E. Eves; Roman Zahu vs. Henna Clement Zahu. Danger From The Plague. There's grave danger from the plaguo of Coughs and Colds thai are so prevalent, unless you take Dr. Kiug's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. Mrs. Geo. Walls, of Forest City, Me., writes: "It's a Godsend to people livingjjin climates where coughs and oolds prevail. I find it quickly ends them. It prevents Pneumonia, cores LaGrippe, gives wondorful relief in Asthma and Hay Fever, aud makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Cousumptiou, Coughs aud Colds. 50o and fl. 00. Guarautoed by Howell & Jones, druggists. Trial bottle free. (iocs Into Abslrect Business. Howard F. Latourette, a well knowu vcung attorney of this city, has purchased an interest in the Clackamas Abstract & Trust Com pany. He has been in Roeeburg for the past two mouths ou legal business, and last June was a candidate on the Democratic ticket for county clerk, coming within 10 votes of election. The Abstract Company will continue to occupy its present quarters over the Bank of Oregon City. Sick Headache Cured. Sick headache is caused by d rauge nieut of the Btouiai-hJJand by indi gestion. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets correot these disorders and effect a cure. Bv taking these tablets as soon as the first indication of the disease appears, the attack may be warded off. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon Citv and Molalla. Survey Starts on Doe. The survey for the proposed electrio l'ue to be coustrncted by the Oregon Citv & Mo'alla Railway Company, a local concern, between this city and Molalla was begun Monday morning. Surveyor H. H. Johnson and party are doing the work. The company proposes to immediately make the survey aud proeeed with the building of the liue as far as Bearer Creek. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which' lias been in use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of and has been made under his pcr- Ix . sonal supervision since its infancy. CCtcAAZ Allow -no niiA t.ft Hop rdvn von in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms aud allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of The Kind You HaYe Always Bought . In Use For Over 30 Years. THK CENTAUR COMPANV, TT MURRAY STREET NEW YORK CITV. VERY MAN H VERY WOMAN VERY CHILD In Clackamas County is invited to open a savings account with this bank. One Dollar Will Do It The ank of Oreffon Ciiy Phone 1121 Hta. 1833 Office In favorite Cigar Store Opposite masonic Building Williams Bros, transfer Co. Safes, Pianos and Turnitun moving a Specialty Trelgbt and Parcels Delivered Prices lieasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Our CQH Steel Range Nothing better made for the money. Best grade cold rolled sheet steel, firmly rivetted with corabhead rivets, re-in forced at every part, main top covers and centers of selected steel, heavy and durable, covers have Boston rim rings, which pre pehts cracking, fire box linings are sufficiently heavy to with stand all reasonable use, du plex grates, which burn either wood or coal, high closet strongly made with balanced door, iMckel brackets, edges, panel, draft check, etc., reser voir of heavy cast iron tank en ameled white, oven door nickel trimmed and provided with bal ance spring, asbestos lined throughout, oven braced with heavy angle irons, firebox has angle feed. lltlll Six Hsles, 13-hch $27.50 Sim With Slsssrslr $35.00 FRANK BUSCH jWEINHARD BUILDING OREGON CITY