6 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1906, Why Vinol Is Better Than Any Other Remedy to Restore r I I WE RETURN and Strength Because Vinol is a real Cod Liver Preparation and does not contain a single disagreeable or harmful ingredient and is not a secret formula. Because Vinol contains all the medicinal elements the soothing, healing, strengthening and flesh creative properties of Cod Liver Oil but without oil or grease. Because everything in Vinol, except the tonic iron and a fine old wine, is actually extracted from fresh cods' livers and their oil. Because Vinol is deliciously palatable and agreeable under all conditions. Everybody likes it. Because Vinol tones up the system, strengthens every organ, nerve, muscle and fibre of the whole body and thus overcomes weakness by thoroughly eradicating the cause of disease. That's Why Vinol is altogether different and better than any other remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and all Throat, Lung and Wasting Diseases. That's Why Vinol Restores Health and Strength to Delicate Children, Feeble Old People, Weak and Sickly Persons, Nursing Mothers, and Convalescents. MONEY If IT FAILS TO GIVE SATISFACTION Huntley Bros. Co., Druggists L CREAMERY IS IN PROSPECT People of Clarks and Vicinity Will Meet Saturday to Discuss Project. The peoplo living in tho vicinity of Olnrks ami Highland are ontliunl over die proposition to establish a creamery and a general mooting of t ho stockholders will be held uox Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock in the (Jrunge Hull for tho purpose of incor porating, accepting a site, and decid ing upon the plant for the oulerpriso. Rev. VV. II, Wettlaufer, J. Schrani, B. Sulliwii, Sum Elmer, E. Gross muller, H. Bottomiller and Henry Kluiusuiitli are the members of a com uiitt.oo that wbas appointed several woe Its ago to arrungo the preliminaries for the establishment bf tho creamery and the" met October 111 and drew np temporary bylaws and determined to recomaiond a site on Hock Oreok for the location ot tho creaniory ' ; Moro tlmti iflOOO has already boon snlmcribed and it is probable that llfiOO will ho in sight by the time Saturday's meeting is held. Tho creamery project is a good oue and tbero is room in Clackamas county for many of them. Allgur-Mdncll. Tho manage of Miss Katie Moiudl, dnughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meindl, to A. (J. Allgur, was solem nized Sunday at high noon at the homo ot tho bride's parents, Oonnty Judge O. B. Diuiiek ollieiating. The ceremony was witnessed by mi ny of tho relatives and fronds of tho bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Allgnr will reside at 71!) Mississippi Avenue, Portland. Alter tho words were pro ud mi coil that made tho happy pair man and wife tho wedding party and guests were served with u bountiful dinner. These present wero : Martin Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. John W. McOallig, Miss Mary Saab, Mr. Oon Hilgar, Flunk Meindl, Eugene Meindl, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meindl, Anna Meindl, Vonlu Meindl, Joseph Meindl, Jr., Albert Meindl, Mr. and Mrs. Otto E. Meindl, Grace Meindl, Mr. and Mrs. William Allgur, Miss Lena Stoll, Fred Poujadn, Kutl? Frodrichs, J. A. Cain. LOGAN. J. U. Kircliem and sons have return ed from a successful banting trip to JKoaring River. S. G. Kirchoiu was the champion Nimrod and has four notches to his credit. Fred Moser, Sr. and Jr., Fred Brown and T. W. Foster have gone to the mountains to try their skill in soouring game. Paul M, Kircliem lias returned from the harvest fields of Palouse and Big Bend. He reports light yields of shriveled wheat on account of hot winds and that the Big Bend country was fall of men, contrary to former reports. The many friends of Fred W. Rioboff and wife gave them a pleasant surprise party on October 12. . Danc ing was the order of the night and was kept up until the small hours. The first evening meeting of Hard ing Grange on the 20th was well attended and much enthusiasm was manifested. A good program was given and plans were laid to do some earnest work towards securing the state.prizes. Miss Ritter is teaching again iu the Upper Logan school. The Lower Logan school has com menced with two teachers, Mrs. Johuson and Miss Brown. Henry Babler and Edwin, Samuel mid Louis Uerber returned from Alaska on the 21st, having completed the seasou's work in the salmon cannery. We note that i certain man is negotiating for proporty to start a theatre on but he thinks laud is too liigh iu Oregon Uity. Let ns earnestly hope that proporty will remain out of reach for the kind of theatre we could expect. Mrs. Elleu Uorber and daughter Nieta made a trip to Uorvallis recently. Mckenzie-Dedman. At the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. E. S. Dodman, at Clackamas, Sunday afternoon ' at 2 o'clock, Miss Nauua Dodman and Jacob McKonzie were nuitod in mariiige, Rev. W. B. Moore, pastor of tho Clackamas Motbodist Church ofllniatiug. Mrs. Will Dedman played the wedding march and sang "The Answer." The ceremony was witnessed by about 80 relatives and friends and was follow ed with a wedding breakfast. The dining room was artistically done in red, and tho parlors were decorated iu whito and green. Miss lassie Paddock caught the brida's bouquet. Mr. and Mrs. MoKenzie will reside in Portland, whore he is employed in the Moior & Frank Company. 5ae . PER No More Cold Rooms If you only knew how much comfort cnti be derived from a PERFECTION Oil Heater how simple and economical its operation, you would not be without it another day. You cnu quickly make warm and cozy any cold room or hallway no matter in what part of the bouse. You can heat water, and do many other things with the FECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Turn the wick us high or low as you can there' no danger. Cany heater from room to room. All parts easily cleaned. Gives intense heat without smoke or smell because equipped with smoke less device. Made in two finishes nickel and japan. Brass oil fount beauti- .....i ...I 1, .1.1. . . t- - -i . iitujr i-mimsscu. uums 4 quarts 01 oil and burns 9 hours. Every heater warranted. If vou cannot get heater or information from your dealer, write to nearest agency for descriptive circular. and sternly light, simple con struction andahsolutesafcty. Equipped with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to any room whether library, dining-room, parloror bed room. Every lamp warranted. Write to nearest agency if uot at your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COMPANY A ELWQOP. We haveh"ad plenty Df rain and now have bright sunshine, which enables framers to plow and put in their fall crops. C. E. Snrfns and Matt Dibble have gone to the mountains for a few days' hunt. Mrs. Delia Gottberg has gone to Vancover to visit her eonsin, Morton Park and family. Miss Zella Snrfns is teaching the Timber Grove, school where she taught last Summer. A. 8. Henderson and Adolph Free man are down in the Springwater oanyon, preparing the rock for Mr. Freeman's fireplace to be placed in his new boose. Edward Dibble is still on the sick liBt. We had our first hard frost October 19. The farmers have found their potato crop rather light. The Elwood schoor is progressing n'oely under the control ct Miss Retta E. Joseph. All of the children have not yet enrolled. Elder Laudy held quarterly meeting at the Mountain Home U. B. Church on October 13 aud 14. He preached very acceptably and made many Iriends. WORK WEAKENS THE KIDNEYS. Doan's Kidney Pills Have Done Great Service lor People Who Work In Oregon City Most Oregon City people work every day in some strained, unnatural position bending constantly over a desk riding on jolting wagons or cars doing laborious house woik; lifting, reaching or pulling, or trying the back in a hundred and one other ways. All these strains tend to wear, weaken and injure the kidneys until thoy fall behind in their work of filtering the poisons from the blood. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys, nut new Btrength in bad baoks. Ore gon City cures prove it. Thoodore ttnertn, carpencer, living on Park Place, about two miles from Oregon City, Ore., sajs: "I fooud Uoan s riidiiey nils no jusi wnat is claimed for them. For a long time I suffered a good deal with lameness and aching over the kidneys and irregularity of the action of the kidneys. The trenblo was not severe onongh to lay me up but was very auuoyiug and made it diftioult for me to stoop or lift auytbing without my back paining mo. I was induced to try Doan's Kidney Pills from the recommoudntiou of a frieud, aud went to Huntley Bros, drug store for them. Their nso absolutely removed the trouble with the kidneys,stieiigtheuad my back and in every way proved your remedy to be worthy of all con fidence. " For sain by a 1 dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milb'irn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. High School to Publish Paper. The pupils of the Oregon City High School have decided to publish a monthly paper, and expect to issue the first number in about two weeks. The editorial and busiuoss manage ment of the publioitiou will be in the bands ot the followiug stndeuts: William Jackson, editor-in-chie"; Allie Grout, business manager; and Oudin Roberts, advertising manager. The enrollment iu the High School has reached 64. An Awful Cough Cured. "Two years ago our little girl bad a touch of pneumonia, which left her an awful couch. She bad spells of coughing, just like one with the 1 whoopiug cough.aud some thought she would not get well at all. We got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, wh'eh acted like a charm, j She stopped coughing and got stout aud fat," writes Mrs. Ora Bussfard, j Brubaaer, 111. This remedy is for sale 1 by Huutley Bros. Co., Oregon City j and Molalla. j New Members For L A. U. The Liuooln Annuity Union, of this city, initiated a class of eight mem bers Saturday eveniug iu Woodmen of the World Hall, and a elasa of teu will be iuitiated at the next meeting of the lodge, which recently paid the death olaim of the late Mrs. Will-, onghby, amounting to f2150, and lias ! disbursed about $300 in sick aud : accident policies during the last 13 mouths. ' Letter Lisi. The fol owing are the list of letters remiaining uncalled for in the pnst offioe at Oregon City, fcr the week ending Oct. 20, 1906: WOMENS' LIST. Daggius, Billie; Hclman, Miss Mary; Jobnssen. Mrs. Karl; Speedy,' Mable; Sailer, Miss Louise; White, Miss Lizzy ; Wilson, Miss Alma. MENS LIST. Clyde, Oscar; Chick, Richard; Hewitt, O. W. ; Harding, O. W. ; Hickman, L. H. : Jordan, R. D. (2); MUlhorn, Fred; Manning, Willie (2); Rebaul, Julieu; Smylie, Floyd; Worthing, Ohas. T. P. RANDALL, P. M. DENTISTRY, at Molalla, Every Monday Sat urdays on Appointments only. JOHN W. THOMAS, Dentist f THE LATEST IN FINISH Workmanship that will not fade at prices that will suit. Enlarging from stamp photos or any others that yon may . have. Picture frames and mouldings made to please you. LYMP'S PHOTO GALLERY Main St., near Gadke's Plumbing Shop, Oregon City, Oregon NEW TO-DAY FOR SALE OR RENT-SIX ROOM bouse on eornur Center and 2nd streets. Enquire of O. Sohaebel. I HAVE 2 ACRES OF GARDEN laud ; 4 room house, 1 miles fro 11 Beaverton, will trade for smalll trao1- land near Oregon City. 242 Madison street, Portland Ore. LINCOLN ANNUITY UNION meets every Saturday at W. O. W. hall. C. E. Tate, Speaker. Evylin D. Taylor, seoretary. WANTED TRAVELER FOR ESTAB ; lished House. $13.00 per weekj Expenses advanced. References Address, with stamp, Jos. A. Alexander, Oregon City, Or. FOR SALE. THOROUGHBRED Shropshire and Ootswool rams, also glades. H. G Starkweather, Mil waukie, Or., R. F. D. No. 1. MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTI ATED at lowest rates. Latourette's office. Commercial Bank Building, Oregon City. FOR SALE-160 ACRES ON TEAZEL Oeek, 10 acres cleared aud about 80 acres fenced. About 1,000,000 feet of good fir lumber on land. $20 per acre. Hammond Bros. , Molalla, Ore. MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTI ATED at lowest rates. Latourette's office, Commeroial Bank Building, Oregon City. WANTED RELIABLE, ENERGET IC man, twaiity-four to thirty years of ago, collecting newspaper and book accounts. Single man pre ferred. Best of references and bond required. Making Country towns. Salary, $21.00 per week, and rail road fare. Answering, give fall particulars. P. F. Collier & Son, Uregoniau Bldg., Portland, Oregon. A Hint f of Everybody. SAVE YOUR MONEY Buy where you can get the best for your money. Special this Week: Children's ribbed, fleece-lined Underwear from 8c a garment up to Al Jaeger's at 35c each. Call and we will gladly show you our stock and con vince you that this is the only place to save money. THE FAIR STORE Wm. Rofcison, Prop. WILLAMETTE BLDG, OREGON CITY, ORE. a I II ANNUAL MKUTING OF THE OGLE Mountain Mining Company The anni.al niteting of the stockho'ders of the Ogle Mountain Mining Com pany will be held Moudav, Novem ber 5, 1900, at 2 o'clock P. M. . in Knapp's Hall, Oregon City, Oregon. P. A. Fairclough, President. FOR SALE SOME CEDAR POSTS. J. O. Zinsor, Oregon City. MISS MAY STEVENS, PlANO Studio, Godowsky Method. Also professional accompanist. 12th aud Washintgou Sts. STOCK INSPECTORS' NOriCE THE STATE law specifies that none but Licensed Veteruariaus me allowed to practioe in the State of Oregon and receive fees for same, under a penalty of not lees than $100 or more than $500 for a violation of said law. All contagious distasis should be reported to Dee Wright, Molnlla, Oregon, Stock Inspector of Clackamas County, Phone Mutual 92. R. Scott, deputy, Milwankie, Ore. B6HNK6-OALKSR Mm$m$ BV5ING55jCOLLGe 331 &Rm,d8 (SS,P5n'oooe unavrpaascd' msM sntal of XMcado Qwollmcnt Au Upoj -Aw1,ipo, 681 pupils Atrril wWtiAl mva AOT ...... PtfpOB placed tnhjcrcltvc. poolflons , durirvS gradual.. ;l employ d will not cmjyrtqulp you for life vork oyi mi pmcsygy m a poamoti Vrhen competent i scnooi LTOU need US Da a ScnanVnrui vtrte. tttnA t rt I . 1 If mm . . . . . . T A S q prow now u we mac lo ad THE FINEST STEAKS, CHOPS, VEAL, LARD.n ETC TO BE HAD IN ORJLGON CITY ARE AT BROWN & WELSH'S UP-TO-DATE MARKET 7th STREET, A. O. U. W., BLD'C. 'PHONE MAIN 271 THE NEW OVERCOAT STYLES A decided change has taken place in overcoat fashions. Form fitting, skirt effect garments with deep center vent are now the proper modes. The illustration shows one of the newest styles in the accurate fitting Kaufman Garment OVERCOAT. This is the "PRINCE LOUIS" one of the most popular models ever brought out. Has deep center -graceful skirt effect 46 inches long fabrics in Kerseys; Pill llpi ' 1 mw Made from Meltons and vent the most exclusive Vicunas. Every one will admire you if you wear a "PRINCE LOUIS." At our prices you can afford to get one. $12.00 to $25.00. "This garment made and guaranteed bv Chas. Kaufman Jb tiros., Chicago," is the label that should be on the clothes you wear. It will mean you are n well tlresscd man; it will meuu clothes satin taction uad economy. I. SELLING OREGON CITY, Copyright 1906-07 by Chti. Kaufman & Broi. Chicago OREGON Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid' Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to taKe . HOWELL & JONES' Reliable Druggists Laxative Fruit Syrup Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed