OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1906. OREGON CITY COURIER general fund for advertising purposes. Last year this fund was diverted to Portland, and this county was given a few pages in a Portland booklet. Constant and syitematic advertising has done much for other counties and many of these iiave no more to offer the prospective settler than has Clack amas and son.e of them have less. THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME Are Never Without Pe-ru-na in the Home for Catarrhal Diseases. Published Every Friday by OriEGON CITV COURIER PUBLISHING CO Rustless Tinware E .tared In Ongon City Pwtoffloo as 2i)d-clas matter The finest thing in the line of kitchen utensils that has been discover ed, full; STOCK. 8DB8CK1PTION BATES, PiM In advance, ner year i W vit month! 76 Some condolences have been offered Uncle Joe Cannon because he says the Democratic campaign book lied about hinj But think what trouble the campaign book might have gotton into with the postal authorities if it had told the truth about lnin. tSfThe date opposite your address on the ?per donotes Ihe t ime to whloh you have paid this uotlcols marked your subeeuptlon is due New and second land Stoves, Furniture, Carpets and Bedding, all at prices " that will save you ONE HALF. BLOW TO LIQUOR INTERESTS. 4 1 lft ' -'vjjj .Tnrlua Bnrnett'a decision in the Ooqnille local option casa was stagRering blow to the liquor dealers, It was belioved by the liquor in teresta that the initiative bill enacted by the people 'astjone enabling cities to make their own charters and tak ing this powoi away from the legisla tare wonld enable a city, regardless of the looal option law, to authorize the sale of intoxicating liquors within its boundaries. Judco Burnett's de cislon holds to the contrary. The Burpeme court will probably sustain the deoision. Whether the liqour dealers are right or wrong, as a technical legal proposition, it is certain that those voting for the initiative bill eulurg ing the vower of cities, did not think they were voting on the survival or fall of the local option law. The question should come squarely before the people and not indirectly and in disguise. If the liquors dealers want modifications to tint local option law, let them submit their proposition fairly and in a straight iorward manner, to tlie people. They will bo pretty sure to got justico, and that is all that anv man should ask tor or expeot. BEWARE OF ROBBERS. San Francisco is alive with thugs and robbors, Portland is over run with crime and the Winter is not yet on us. From all appearances the Paoiliu coast is going to have an un parallelled season of lawlessness and Oregon City may ex, oot the overflow ot the scoundrels that are preparing to work the larger cities this Winter. A penitentiary sentence doesn't have tlie desirod effect on this business. Highway robbery at the point o pistol is especially detestable As rule the highwayman has determined on murder if the extigency of the case demand it, At least he is a murderer and his crime is deserving of a life term of imprisonment, Better still if he can be oanght in the act and treat ed to a full charge of buckshot in a fatal spot. Vagrants of the criminal type, when arrested, should be pi von the iuiit at hard labor. To release (hem at this time of the year is but to turn hungry wolves loose on unprotected prey. Instead of adopting the policy of releasing this class on condition that th ly leave town, each city should vie with, its neighboring towns on making its police court and rock pile the most dreaded iu the State, Lot Oregon City pnrsuo this policy to the limit and sou what a vvido berth the crooks, thugB and hobos give the town. Let us gain a reputation among this ulemeut. PROSPERITY COMING. Wtih the prospects of two railways being constructed into the interior of Clackamas Oouuty within iv year, the promise of an annual county Fair, the startiug of a eouunoroittl fruit orchard and other benefits and advantages iu store, the attention of settlers and home seekers is being drawu toward this part of the Willamette Valley. The resources ot Clackamas have nevor been system atically advertised but it somns prob ablo that the county court will take advantage of the law t hut permits the aiuual expenditure of .fnliVfraiii'tho There is one thing that will cure It Ayer's Hair Vigor. Ic is a regular scalp-medicine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a great deal to you healthy hair, no dan druff,no pimples, no eruptions. The best kind ot a testimonial "Sold lor over ilxty years." A Ude bj J. O. Aver Co., Lowell, Mew. Aieo mAuufhuturera of 7 SAKSAPARILLA. iers PILLS. CHLKKY PECTORAL. For that Dandruff The Department of Agirculture flgures thnt an automobile goes into the scrap heap m two years. The owner usually manages to got into a heap of scraps week. about seven times a TJptju Sinclair, the author of "The Jungle," says he is afraid that the dramatic circles will not take him seriously when he makes his debut in the stage in the play of that name. Mr. Sinclair's trouble seems to be that he takes himself too seriously. Tom Watson says he is not going to write any more for Watson's Magazine beoausp it owes him $9000 in back S'llory. If all editors should hang up thoir pens for a little thing l'ke that printing presses would adorn the Junk pile. A i niton, Missouri woman was married the other day for the seventh time. Seeing that the other six are htill living, it would seem the husband is a man endowed witli nerve and optimism. The question whether or not the tariff is a local issuo seems to depend entirely on whether or not : Congressman is engaged in a re eleotiou fight in his district. The President husretnrnod to Wash ingtou. Books are open as to where he will laud first and hardett, Panama, TIavaniia, or the Government Piiuting Office. Senator Bovoridgo miglit now ex plain, at spaco rates of oourte, in his favorite magazine whether or not he was really .u favor of Uubaii annex ation. Considering tlie speed witli which tho army is not moving on Cuba it iooks as riiougn secretary rart were discriminating against his own de partment. From tho latest accounts it appears that the American army of invasion in Cuba now consists of two peace oouimissiomri and a brigadier general. Attomoy General Moody says that ui will stay iu the cabinet until the government wins tho Standard Oil lines. It looks as though Mr. Moody ware postponing that resignation for a ong time. Mr. A. J. Van dor Does der liye ias been elected captain of Cornell Foot. Hall team. It will bo a wonder f he does not have some of the name kicked off before the eud of the season. A report from the Agiicultural De partment says that the coming wlnat crop will be over 000,000,000 bushels. New it is up to the Republican campaign malingers to "point with pride. " A Cincinnati paper claims to have soon the limit of political de pravity." It any one else ever has done this they at least nave not prov ed or proclaimed it. Sir Thomas Lipton says that mcricnn women are tho best iu the world. We had Sir Thomas scooped on that information a long time agl. According to the decision of tho Attorney General, the only bar to t he mportation of German sausages is Hailing the tag and collar. Mr. Rockefeller assured his Sunday hool class that ths wicked stand in slippery places. Perhaps that ex plains why he is still standing. Governor imay iH) Hughes will find that they are sending an lioeest mini to a mighty hard place when they semi him to Albauy. One of the distinctions that these universal languages cau claim is that nobody speaks thorn but the inventor. Ceueral Gresvenor has announced that there is nothing in the way of a third term. This sett lea it. ' iff w xv At J MR. S, D. FOSS, 116 S. E. 6ta street, Minneapolis, Minn,, writes! ,;I wish to congratulate you on your medicine, Peruna. I have been a suf ferer with catarrh of the stomach for over two years, but since I have com menced to take your romedy I have been steadily improving untirnow I can safely say I feel no more of A GOOD WORD FOR PE-RU-NA, my old trouble, and as a matter of course, I will always have a good word tor Peruna. "I recommend It to ah my friends." Mrs, Magdalena Winkler, Bouts 4, Westminster, Md., writes : "I thank you very much for your ad vice. I can safely say that Peruna and Manalin have saved my life. "When 1 wrote to you the first time, asking your advice, my condition was bo poor that 1 did not expect to live through the winter, but now I am perfectly healthy. I cannot praise your PRAISE FOR PE-RU-NA. medicine enough and I recommend it to others." T. T. Markland, a well-known busi ness man of Cincinnati, O,. writes from 8100 Woodbnrn Ave., as follows : SONG OF THE OGLE 1 MOUNTAIN MINES (Words by W. E. Patten. Dedicated to Miss Gortrudo Fairclough. ) In. the shade of the Molalla tree There's a maiden so fair you can see. She would sing all the day and while hours away, In tho sharie of the Molalla tree. Chorus. In the shade of the Molalla treo There is gold iu the rocks you (an see. All round on the ground thee is gold to be found Iu tlie shade of tlie Molalla treo. nd verse. In tlie shade of the Molalla tr"e Not one of the boys you could seo For they always would work, not one of them shirk For the shade of the Molalla tree. Cho: !ird verso. Iu tho shade of the Molalla tree, Is the mouth of the tunnels yon see Where the boys drill all day while tho oro rolls away Neath the shade of the Molalla tree. Cho: 4th verse. In tho shade of tho Molalla tree Where the boys have a stamp mill you see, Grinding away botli tho night and the day, In the shado of the Molalla tr, e. Cho: Cth verse. Iu tlie shade of the Molalla treo With mountains around you can see With its bright sparkling streams from the hillsides winch gleam In tho shado of the Molalla tree. Cho : 0th verse. In the shade of tho Molalla tree, Where the scenery so grand you can seo, You can roam all tho day while the boys work away, Iu the shade ot the Moinlla tree. Cho : 7th verse. In tlie shade of the Molalla tree I must leave von alone you see, To roam far away on the hillsides each day, In the shade of tlie Molalla tree. Cho : Stallord Resident Dead. Peter Larsen died Saturdav ninrnina at ins home in Stafford, aged alunr J? years, lie Had been partially par- nlvzen for several years, biui tins, coupled with a severe attack of dyseulary, caused his death. He is survived by a wife and four children; O, F. Larsen, Tualatin ; O. W. Larsen, Stafford ; Lee Larsen, Stafford ; Mrs. E P. Carpenter. Station). Deceased was born in Sweden and had been ni resident of Stafford for about -10 J years. Uho tuneral was Iield .Monday afternoon from the fanulr residence. I Kov. Waelthe officiating , "I find that la my case Peruna is a flesh builder. I am now at work every day, and have gained ten pounds. I took your Peruna accord ing to directions, and the result was more GAUMED 10 LBS. IN WEIGHT. than I expected. "I can now breathe with ease, and also my cough is stopped. X had it for six months before I took down with the grip. "I took no other medicine but Peruna and it accomplished all. You told me in your first letter that Peruna would cure me and it has. "I anfseventy-three years oldand can attend to my work and business as usual." Mrs. Theone Mikkelson, Brigham City, Utah, writes: "I wish to thank you for all the good Peruna has done me. I am entirely free from the cough which used to bother me so much every winter, "My kidneys aro also in good condi tion, and I fee 1 1 stronger and better GIVES all over. For all these PE-RU-NA I give the credit to CREDIT, your excellent modi-1 cino, Peruna, I am pleased to recom mend it to everybody." NO m NEW BLADES. NO ANNUAL TAX. If you wish to test one of these Razors without risk or OBLIGATION on your part, apply to us tor details 1 Stf-t CALL FOR FREE BOOKLET "HINTS TO SHAVERS" ,,CaTbo-Malmefr F.las- uc UisluoQ Strops, $1.00. HUNTLEY BROS, CO A specific for pain Dr. Thomas' Electrio Oil, strongest, cheapest liniment ever devised, A household remedy in America fnr 23 years. T7hat Ails You? Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent headaches, coated tongue, bitter or had taste In morning, "heart burn," belching of gas, aeid risings in throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms? If yoTNijve any considerable number of thifcjibovesjHJijitoms you are suffering froiiiilious;iiV'Nrpid liver with lndi- ?pepT . Pjerce's (7nldon Mcdieal P-jSivverv js rna'ie iniof the most valuable medicinal iirinciplcs known to medical science for the periii inent cure id Such a 1 'norma hcotiiji Hons. 1 1 is a most elticient liver invigorator, sto.nach tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strengthened The "llolden Medical Discovery " is not patent modieino or secret nostrum, a full list of its ingredients being printed on Its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at its formula will show that it contains no alcohol, or harmful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of the following native American forest plants, viz., Golden Seal root. Stone root, Black Cherrybark, Queen's root, liloodroot, and Jlaudrako root. The following leading medicnl authorities, among a hoM. ot others, extol the foregoing roots for the cure of jut such ailments as iho nlxu'e synii'tonis Indicate : 1'rof. H. Ilariholow, M, 1.. of Jeifoi-sou Med. College, I'lnlx; Prof, 11. C Wood. M. p.. of I'niv.of I'a.: I'tvf. Edwin M. Hale. M. P.. of Hahnemann Med. College, titoano: Prof. John King. M. P., Author of American lMHMiatory; Prof. .Tno. M. SVuii der. M. P., Authorof Specific Medicines; Prof. Laurence Johnson, M. P.. Med. Pept. I'niv.of N. V.; Prof. ley Kllingwood. M. P.. Author of Materia Meuiea and Prof, iu Bennett Medi cal College. L'hieairo. Send name and ad dress en Postal Card to Dr. K. V. Pierce, lluf falo. N. A'., and receive r?e InxdJei giving extract's from writings of all the above medi cal authors and many others endorsing, in tho gtromresi wsMhle terms, each and every in gredient of which "Holdon Medical Discov ery " is composed, f Dr. Pierce's Pleasant relicts regulate and Invigorate stomach, livor and Knvels. They niay W used in conjunction with "Golden Vedica! Pi.-,, very " if Ix'weis are much con stipated. They're liny ami sut'ar-coated. 1 D. C. LATOURETTE, President THE COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business. O, en from 9. a. m. to 3 p. m. WE WANT For just a moment. Most of your well-to-do acquaintances got ori "Easy Street" by a little judicious puying and selling of Real Estate. Occasionally you can make 100 per cent, on your money in a day by a shrewd purchase. If you have a little idle money and a little "nerve" just let the real estate mart know that you are open to an extra good proposition. When a "snap" comes along he will submit it to you. Some day you will "pick up" a good buy, sell again within a few weeks and find yourself ahead a years salary. We have a couple of "snaps" right now. C. N. PLOWMAN & CO., UP ON THE HILL DOWN ON THE PRICE and our stock is fresh and up-to-date in every respect We have no time for shelf worn goods they don't give satisfaction. Some Prices iot the Careful Btiye Hard Wheat Flour, per sack, 95c Stock Salt, 50 lb. sack, 25c First Class Table Syrup, gallon tins, 45c .8 Bars Fine Laundry Soap, 25c Lamp Chimneys, 5c Picnic Hams, lb. 12c Lemons, doz. 25c Good heavy 10-quart pail, special 10c We deliver Free, and call and Lake your orders J. E. Seeley, PJphs Goce 7th Street, Oregon City. Torments of Tetter and Eczema Allayed. Tho intense itcliir.g characteristic of eczema, tetter and liko skin diseases is instantly allayed by apply ing Cliamberlaiu's Salve and many severe cases hare been vjurtminently cured bv its use. For sale by HuutleyJHros. Co., Oregon City and Molalla. RELIEF FOR LADIES FPPNfH Tansy Wafers 1 1VLL111 Original and ouly genuine. Fat up in yellow wrapper with Crown trade mirk. For sale bv leading druggists. PKICE 00 PER BOX. One Dollar will fit yon to eye elasiei or tpec Ucles. Perfect fit guaranteed. Your eyes fitted at home. Write for free booklet describing our method. Remember, the glasse we fit yo to are worth H3.50 any where on earth. Our price, only $1.00. OUR REPAIRING dfrtrtmtnt b Ml complete. Hiu ipnns $1.00. W tlchclu4 M 00. Send roar work br regutarcd nili. C-50 reptin ui witch. METZGER & CO. Ul SIXTH 6TK5ZT, F0KTU33, CEJk L Tolpola Oregon City's Best New and Second Hand Store. The place that saves U $ F. J. MEYER, Cashier YOUR EAR! OVER. BANK OF OREGON CITY 1 ni iM-HT Farm Products Taken in Excpange. If it comes irom our store. The JbesL qual ity of everything is carried in stock, from the cheapest to the best that, money can buy, LOOK WWW?! for this a'dj next, week for some special prices. A. Robertson, The 7th Street Grocer. Phone Main 441