OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 1906 3 WHO WILL BE NEXT MAYOR? Caufield Boomed By Friends For Second Term. Municipal politics is already stir ring in anticipation of the annual election winch will be held eary in December, at which time there will be chosen a mayor, three connoilmen and a treasurer. Mortimer D. Latourette, who was appointed hy the mayor and confirmed by the council, upon the resignation of j. K. Oautiold several months ago, is a candidate tor the office and so far no opposition lias developed against him. Gounoilman A. Knapp, from the seoond ward, will be a candidate for re-election, and in the first ward Charles W. Po e will probably make the race. The present incumbent is Hiram E. Straight, who will not be a candidate for re-election, In ward three Councilman Justin's term expires. It is a little early for candidates to appear bat neretofore they hare been plentiful. Mayor E. Q. Caufield will no donbt be b candidate for a second term. He has not eaid so, bat he has many friends who would like to gain his consent to become a nominee, and Tuesday they commenced the clr oalatiou of a petition requesting him to ran. It is understood that there is a movement on foot to accom plish the deteat of M. Gaunt Id should he become a candidate, bat if this report is true its backers are not showing then hand on their can didate. He will have to be a very popular man to bat the mayor for a second term. The friends of Judge Thomas F. Ryan, State Senator George 0. Brownell and Dr. W E. Carll have been busy with their names for the office of chief executive of the city. J. Botzel, who lives in the third ward, aud who is a teacher of piano, would beooine a candidate tor council man if no was sufficiently . urged, some of his acquaintances have sng gested him for the place. Candidates are getting in the field eirly this year but there is plenty of time lor surprises and there is a promise of a lively campaign. Last year's one sided battle may be repeat ed bat there is no certainty nntil the votes are counted. The position of mayor is an honor bat good material for the office of coancilmen has been the exception rather than th role, Just at this time however, the rity is being satisfactorily governed and there seems to be no genearl dis content. LOONEV SENT TO ASYLUM. Molalla Man Threatened the Lives of His Family. D. H. Looney, ot Molalla, was Wednesday afternoon committed to the state insane asylum. In the inveBti g tion ot the ca-e Judge Dimick was assissted by Drs. M. U. Strickland ' aud H. S. Mount nnd Deputy District Attorney Schuebel. Constable J. F. Adams, of Molalla, Mrs. Looney, wife of the aooused, Molly, his daughter, and John, his son, gave testimony,, and Attorney O. D. Eby appeared for Looney. The testimony showed that Looney had threatened to kill Mb family at various times and that they did not feel safe while he was in the same house with the'ii. His actions for years have been peculiar and while at times he U rational, as nearly all insane persons are, the court and physicians, after an examination, de cided that the asylum was the best place for Looney for the safety of his taniily. DERTHICK CLUB ENTERTAINS. Mrs. Imogen Harding Brodie Wis Guest of Honor at Caufield Home. The Derthick Club entertained Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mi-s. Charles II. Caufield in honor of Mrs Imogen Harding Brodie, who leaves Sunday for New York Cfciy to spend the Winter. The afternoon was plessautly passed with progressive games, aud Mrs. Samuel Dillman Was the winner of the first prize, the con solation prize going to Mrs. Charles G. Miller. Two vocal numbers, "Swing High and Swing Low," (Haesche), and " Viletraume," (Sind ing), were rendered by Mrs. Brodie, and were appreciated by the dob members. Miss My Stevens was a nleasing accompanist. Delicious re freshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting of the club will be held Friday afternoon, November 9, at the homa of Mrs,. John F. Clark in West Oregon City. DANCING SCHOOL FOR OREGON CITV. Wednesday Eve at Armory Hall. Prof. Wal Wilson.'one of New York City's recognized leaders of dancing, to instruct classes in all the latest dances every Wednesday evening at 7 :30 durii g the season starting next Wednesday evening, October 10. Terms, twelve lessons $5.00; private lessons $1.00. Special teachers for lady pupils. All pupils, ooth ladies and gentlemen, guaranteed proficient dancers or money refunded. Masque Ball la Armory. The Maeunerchor, which signifies the German Singing Club, will give their first annual masque ball in the Armory Thanksgiving Eve, Wednes day, November 28. Portland mosic will be engaged for the occasion and daring the evening the Maennercbor will render several selections. The organization is composed of about 25 of the music loving Germans of this city and their event will no duubt be an enjoyable affair.; LOCAL NOTES. Next Tuesday is the last day of the bankrupt grocery stock near the P. O. Goods not sold by then will be shipped., The Shakespeare Club met Monday at the home of Miss Vara Caufield, and the members continued the read ing of "The Merry Wives of Wiudsor." Hanging in front of a local batcher shop Friday was the dressed carcass of a big brown bear that was trapped Wednesday at Highland by Jesse Mayfield. The animal weighs 180 pounds dressed. Chief of Polioe Burns has been given a complete list of all delin quent licenses in the city, with the exoeption of dog, woodBaw and liquor licenses and will see that prompt col lection of all delinquent lioeuses is enforoed. R. Petzold, -a local butcher, who was arrested on complaint of State Food and Dairy Commissioner Bailey, pleaded guilty to the charge of using preservatives in the manufacture of Hamburg steak, and was fined $25 and costs. Heirs of the Straight estate have sold a lS-acreltracrTat Parkplace to G. Smith, of Green Point, for $2000. The property is the present sight of the Catholic Refuge Home. The pouruhaser will plat the ground and erect buildings on it. ONE MAN COMPLAINS. He Would Like lo Close Saloons at Milwaukle Sundays. Existing conditions in Milwaukie are not satisfactory to all of the people and Thursday Deputy District Attorney C. Schuebel was approached hy a resident of Milwaukie, who com plains that the saloons, stores and other publio places are permitted to open wide their doors and run all day Sunday, in violation of the pabilo morals. He insists that saloons and other plaoes where trafflo is carried on be dosed lor 24 hours commencing at 12 o'clock Saturday nights. Mr. Schuebel referred the man to District Attorney Harrison Allen, who will be in Oregon City for several weeks, commencing Monday, Novem ber 5, when the regular term of the Circuit Conrt will be oonvened. and at which time Mr. Allen will listen to snob, complaints, and any others that may be brought to his attention. CURE CATARRH NOW. Do Not Wait Until Winter or Disease Will Become Chronic. Many people in Oregon City are troubled with the symptoms of Offensive catarrh whion usually appears at tliis season of the year. Before the disease becomes chronic ase Hyomei and get complete relief from catarrh troubles. If you do not treat the disease promptly it may be come ohronio and almost incurable. Use Hyomei now and cleanse your system of catarrhal troubles, and yon will be free from catarrh and far loss susceptible to coughs and oclds during the winter. There is no stomach dosing with Hyomei, jast.breath it. . Huntley tiros. (Jo. give a guarantee with every package of Hyomei. Com plete outfit costs $1, extra-bottle if needed 50 cents. Blood Poisoning1 results from ohronio constipation, which in quickly oured by Dr. King's JNew Lite Pills. They remove all poisonous germs from the system and iuf ase new life and vigor; cores soar stomach, nausia, headache, dizziness and colic, "without griping or discom fort. 25c. Gnaranteed )y Howell & Jones, druggists. ELDORADO. Mrs. Oviatt, of Grants Puss, is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. fipua. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones and Miss Eliza Burns went to Canby last Sun day to visit the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Burns. Messrs. George and Curtis Helvey went to Marquain this week. Miss Tina Pipka, of Portland, is visiting her parents this week. The Better Way The tissues of the throat arc inflamed and irritated; you cough, and there is more irrita tion more coughing. You take a cough mixture and it eases the irritation for a while. You take SCOTT'S EMULSION and it cures the cold. That's what is necessary. It soothes the throat because it reduces the irritation ; cures the cold because it drives out the inflammation ; builds up the weakened tissues because it nourishes them back to their natural strength. That's how Scott's Emulsion deals with a sore throat, a cough, a cold, or bronchitis. WE'LL SEND YOU A SAMPLE FREE. SCOTT 5 B0WNE, 40 Prarl trel Mew Ywk DC 0 o 0 HUNTLEY'S Cold Tablets 25 cts. Better OCDC Pth 5c IS WHAT WE ARE WORKING FOR -When-M MuM!!) ever it is possible to save 5, 10 or 15 per cent, by buying early and paying cash we take advantage of it and our customere are the gainers. We have been doing this for years until now, whenever traveling men have a bargain in our line they invariably come to us. Tbey know if it is a real bargain we want it and are ready to pay cash for it. g month we have several snaps and m mEm we Propose making them especially good to make room for holiday goods. which are coming in every day, A sample lot of Suit (Bases and Hand Ba$s AJ,25, PE CT- OFFor wholesale price. They are every bit as good as new will soon have a big bunch of new ones in so that you can compare them. Better get one while they last. t A Special Price to You'Z you can get it. Present, this ad. (or mention it when you call for those special itemsj and you can buy any of the following at this special price until of next week NOVEMBER 1 0. $ 1 .00 Full size Ladies Hand Bag $ .75 .50 " 35 100 Quinine Pills 25 One box Compound Cathartic Pills .15 1.25 R.otary Alarm Clocks 98 .75 Bottle Peptonized Beef, Iron and Wine 50 .50 Sponges 35c .25c Sponges 15 .75 Atomizer 50 faulty digestion. Quickly Shatters the Nervous System and Should Be Given Attention at Once. The mobt common cat.se of weak and shattered nerves is faulty digest ion. For that reason Mi-o-na stomach tablets are of the gretaest good to any nervous sufferer. They strengthen the digestive system so that it will assimilate all the elements of nerve force from die daily lood, and the nerves will be strengthened, sleeplessness will be overcome and weakness will vanish. If yon have specks before the eves, siok and nervous headaches or back aches, in fact, if there are any symptoms of indigestion or nervous ness, begin the ase of Miona at ouoe, and yon will soon notice improve ment in health. Yon run no risk in baying Mi-o-na, for Hnntley Bros. Oo. give an absolute gcarantee with every 50 cent box, that the money will be refunded unless Mi-o na does all that is claim ed lor it. Dr aud Mrs. Gonclier and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nohlitt went to Oregon City last Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Frans Irish were visitors in Oregon Oitv last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Julias Moshbergur visited relatives in Macksbnrg last Sunday. Mr. and M-s. Erntet Wallace, of Glarks, were the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. Anderson one day last week. Sturges Bros, are going to move their mill from B. J. Helvey 's place to M. Paverletz's place. Chas. Pipka and faimly visited M. Richter and family last Sunday. NEEDY. "JaoK Frost" visited this bnrg the first of the week. Miss Grace Thompson is visiting relatives at Salem tliis week. Rile Garrett and Naana Swartz were ont enjoying a pleasant boggy ride Snuday. , Born, to Mr and Mrs. Gahlor, Oct. 16, a daughter. Tht wedding which the Marks Prairie correspondent looks tor in the near fati re slioald not bother him in the least, thongh it is apt to as liejis 0ne of the "past byes" and the other JeWtfte's gives rosy cheeks and active health to 3 CwkkMUii) 3Q HUNTLEY BROS. THE REXALL DRUGGISTS Goods! Better 3QC GOOD TEETH MEANS GOOD HEALTH, GOOD DIGESTION AND GOOD LOOKS Out painless methods and acknowledged skill and gentleness iikiiii L. L. PICKENS, Dentist City 'Phone WeinharcJ BIdg. Farmers' 1293 OREGON fellow has the inside Jtraek is what bothers him. Surprise Parly. A surprise party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. V. JohnBtou, of Oregon City, Saturday evening. The evening was spent in games. At midnight a bountiful supper was serv ed. At a late hour all departed for their homes. AU enjoyed the even ing. Those present were: Mrs. John Draper, of Oregon City. Misses Mae , Christenben, Jessie Buckles, Erma Draper, Lizzy Boho nheinz, Mae Rani bo, of Oregon City, Nellie Lindquist, of Molalla, Willabell LaFave, Mibol Dudrow, of Portland. Messrs. A. C. Christenseu. Uarl I). Oliristonsen, of Portland, George Bromong, Edd Scheonheinz, of Ore gon City. Tonic VermMu txuu. ii is goou ior ineir eiders, 100. Ask your druggist for it 0 o 0 HUNTLEY'S Hair Tonic stops your Hair from falling 50 cts. CO, Prices! 1J 0 0 3 C?Q 3 Cm in handling the most difficult cases has robbed the dentists' office of its oid time terrors. People entrusting their work to us are surprised and delighted at the results which will not fail to satisfy the most exacting. We aim to keep in the lead old fashioned methods find no place in our office. We give you the best in skill, methods and appliances for a reason able fee. If you desire the best possible re sults for the amount we charge, you will not be disappointed at this office. We Guarantee to Please You. CITY. ORE. 121 A Badly Burned Girl or boy, man or woman, is quickly out of pain if Bucklen's Arnica Salve is applied promptly. G. J. Welch, of Tekousha, Mich., say: "I use it in my family for cuts, sores and all skin injuries, and find it perfect." Quick est Pile enre known. Best healing salve made. 25o at Howell & Jones drng store. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature pale, sickly children: CM NINE YEARS AGO WE TOLD YOU THAT THE Underwood Typewriter was the coming machine. Since then we have been forced to en large our factory four different times to meet the growing demand TOD AY we can refer you to the largest and best business houses in the world who recommend it unre servedly as the most perfect writ ing machine made. Underwood Typewriter j:o. W. A. HEYLMAN Attorney at Law Estacada, Oregon O, D. Eby 'ATTORNEY-AT-LAW General Practice, Deeds, Mortgages and Abstracts carerully made. Money to loan on good security. Charges reason able. George C. Brownell ATT'Y AT LAW OREGON CITY, OREGON O. W. Eastham LAWYER Legal work of all kinds carefully attended to. Charges moderate. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Oregon City Oregon. C. D. :D.:C. Latourette ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Office in Commercial Bank 1 Building, Oregon City, Oregon, C. N. Creenman The Pioneer Expressman Established I865. Prompt delivery tna parts of th city. Oregon City. Ore. C. Schuebel W. S. U'Ren U'RXN & SCHUEBEL Attorneys At Law Will practice in all oonrts. make'col lections and settlements of estates. furnish abstracts of title, lend yon monoy and lend yonr money on first mortgage. Offlceiu Enterprise build ing, uregon uity Oregon O. B. DIMICK W. A. DIMICK DIMICK (8b DIMICK Attorneys at Law Notary Public. Estates Settled. Mori. gages foreclosed. Abstracts furn ished. Money Loaned on Real and Chattel Security. 2, 3 and 4 Garde Bldg., OreginOity, Ore. When pipes begin to leak aud the bathroom floor is Hooded, look out for a ran in tno ceiling doiow. ah small leaks become Niagaras if neglected, and it costs lots of mortoy to repair a ceilina. The sorest way to avoid a Flumbor'i bill is either to put in the best plumbing at the start, or to wutch for possible leaks and rusty joints. We are expert Plomburs, ns only the best materials, the best work manship, and guarantee all work done. THINK AHEAD! , C. OADKE 910 Mi In SU Oregon City. Or