Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, July 27, 1906, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 9

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w ii Mil
Thousands From All Parts of World
Tnronged Historic Uy.--hurch
Seat 50OO. Taller Than Bunker
Hill I'tonument.
The dedication in June of a uiag
uineeut new addition to the Mother
Church of the Christian Science de
nomination, in Boston, was an event
of the highest signiiicauee In the his
tory of this religious body.
Huilt us the result of a spontaneous
recognition of Mrs. Eddy's lite work and
of the Imperative demands of the mar
velous growth of the movement, ex
pressing the liberality or thousands of
Christian Scientists, and embodying
the best in architectural design and
modern construction, this new building
was logically the central feature of
this year's gathering.
The church is one of the largest, if
not the largest in the United States,
its seating capacity being 5,012. Its
style of architecture is Italian Renais
sance. The pews and other interior
finishings are of mahogany. The
walls are Concord granite and Bedford
stone, with beautiful decorative carv
ings, 'i ne inside nnisii is a sort gray
to harmonize with the Bedford stone
columns supporting the dome. The
height of the building to the top of the
lantern is 224 feet, just one foot higher
than Bunker Hill monument. The
dome Is eighty-two feet in diameter
and is covered with terra cotta to
match the Bedford stone. The build
ing presents a stately, dignified and
impressive appearance, and it is al
ready recognized as one of the land
marks of Boston.
The cost of the building is some
thing less than $2,000,000. The new
chimes consist of eleven bells, the
largest of which weighs 4.000 pounds.
The smallest bell weighs 400 pounds.
The organ is one of the largest and
finest in the world.
The original "Mother Church" which
adjoins the new building seats about
1,200, and yet three Sunday services
are required to accomodate the attend
ance. It is said that when this edifice
was planned some of the members
were disturbed on account of its size.
They thought that the provision of so
large an auditorium was entirely un
called for, the attendance at that time
being only about 550.
Mrs. Eddy, organized the First
Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston
in 187'J with twenty-six members. So
slow was the growth of the movement
at first that in 1889, ten years later,
there were only eleven churches,
Krom that time, however, the increase
was more rapid. In 1809, there were
.",01 churches. There are now 651
churches and 275 societies not yet or
ganized as churches, making 932 so
cieties holding cinirch services, in
1SS9 there were only. 450 members in
the entire connection. In 1894 the
total membership was 2,53(5. Five
years later It had reached 18,134.
These figures show that the principal
growth has taken place during the
past seven years. The membership at
the present time is about 72,000.
The dedicatory exercises were at
tended by visitors' from all parts of
the United "States and Canada, from
Great Britain, Australia, Sweden, Den
mark. France, Germany, Switzerland,
the Hawaiian Islands, South America
and other foreign countries.
One hundred and forty-five church
edifices have already been erected by
the Christian Scientists. These, as a
whole, compare favorably with those
of the older denominations. It is
said that when funds are no longer
needed for the completion of the
Mother Church a large number of
buildings will be commenced In dif
ferent parts of the country.
They Are the Most Delicate of All
The Instruments invented for the
recording of the motions of the earth's
crust during an earthquake are looked
upon by scientists as the most deli
cate of" all machines. So highly sen
sitive are they, indeed, that the very
slightest vibratory motion is recorded
perfectly. Even the tread of feet can
not escape this instrument, if sufficient
to cause vibration.
There are three classes of instru
ments for the automatic recording of
earthquakes, each with its own partic
ular function. First is the seismo-,
lis llW pll WfiM ftil J ill
scope, which will merely detect and re
cord the fact that there has been an
earth tremor. Some of these are so
equipped as to Indicate the time of
the disturbance.
Second is the seismometer, the func
tion of which is to measure the maxi
mum force of the shock, either with or
without an indication of its direction.
The third instrument is the seismo
graph, which is so arranged that it
will accurately record the number, suc
cession, direction, amplitude and
period of successive oscillations. The
last instrument is by far the most
delicate of the three.
In the construction of this earthquake-recording
machine the maker
must so suspend a heavy body that
when its normal position is disturbed
in the most infinitesimal degree, no re
actionary force will be developed
tending to restore it to its original
position. The Inventor has never been
found who could accomplish this sus
pension of a body to perfection. The
seismograph of to-day, however, has
reached a stage of perfection where
close approximations are obtained in
the records made.
The complementary part of the in
strument is composed of a syRtem of
levers connecting an nstatically sus
pended body with various surfaces
that are moved by clockwork. These
surfaces are constructed of highly sen
sitive material, on which needles play
as the suspended weight responds to
the vibrations of the earth's crust.
ine, most eiatiorate or these ma
chines are capable of recording the
vertical and two horizontal motions
of the earth in the case of 'a seismic
Boy, Rescued From Drowning,
mother Administers an Addi
tional Lesson.
An Interesting little story of verv
human interest comes from the river
front on the outskirts of New York
City where Sig'nora Genaro, who re
cently came to this country from
Naples, was walking the other day with
her seven-year-old sou, Antonio, for an
airing. While she was watching a
passing steamboat ' the little chap
frisked along the pier and then
splash, into the river.
The mother's shrieks were heard by
a patrolman." He jumped Into a boat
and fished out Antonio. The police
man had only one oar, and it was
awkward work getting to the boy and
lilting him into the boat.
When the signora saw that her son
was safe the anguish in her face gave
w ay to a look of resolute purpose, and
as the dripping Antonio was placed on
the wharf she laid him across her knee
end did what Neapolitan and other
mothers have done to their erring
jewels ever since boys wore pants.
Her Master Was a Gentleman.
A Boston couple were recreating
near Augusta, and met an old negro
woman to whom they took a fancy.
They invited her to pay them a visit,
and the colored woman accepted, es
pecially as her expenses were to be
In due time she arrived in Boston
and was installed in the house of the
white folks. She was given one of the
best rooms, and ate a the same , table
with her host and hostess.
At one of the meals the hostess said:
"Mrs. Jones, you were a slave, weren't
"Yes, mum," replied the old colored
woman. "I belonged to Mars Robert
"I suppose he never invited you to
eat at his table?" remarked the Bos
ton lady.
"No, honey, dat he didn't. My mar
eter was a gemmen. He ain't never let
no nigger set at the table 'longside er
Eschew Teeth Examinations.
Never look a gift horse In the
mouth; but If he's spavined or knock
kneed there's nothing to hinder your
taking account of these accomplish
ments. Coald Talk United Stales.
A Cuban negro, who came to Ala
bama shortly after the cessation of
the Spanish-American war, became In
volved, says General Fred Grant. In
a quarrel with a native colored citl
ren of the State mentioned. In his
Imperfect English, the Cuban darky
contemptuously referred to the Ala
baman as "an African."
"Maybe I Is," quickly rejoined the
offended one. "but ef I is an African.
I thank de T.awd I ain't no Spaniel; an'
what's more, I alnt no Mack Philis
tine! I kin speak United States, I
Educated Indian Tribesmen Selected
by the "Great Father" 10 Re
christen Braves-Bob-tailed Coyote
Becomes Robert T. Wolf.
Uncle Sam has recently inaugurated
a unique and ingenious project in con
nection with his Indian wards or
at least the most populous division
of them. This is nothing less than a
scheme for renaming every chief and
brave, every squaw and papoose of
the Sioux tribe. The object of this
wholesale rechristening is to insure the
right descent of property, something
that lins been attended with much
ditliculty under the old condition of
affairs when the Sioux had no family
name, and each redskin could be
identified only by his own individual
fanciful name, a cognomen which most
likely had not the slightest resemb
lance to those of any of his relatives.
The renaming of the 25,000 mem
bers of the Sioux Indian tribe was or
dered by President Roosevelt on the
advice of Hamlin Garland and George
Bird Grmuell, well known authors,
and other persons who have made a
study of the needs of the Indians.
To decide upon the r naming was
however an easy matter in comparison
to the actual carrying out of the
strange undertaking.
The President and ids advisors real
ized from the outset that it would be
one thing to give the Indians new
names and quite another to induce the
sons and daughters of the forest
ever suspicious of the white men to
accept and use these new names.
However, the Great Father at Washing
ton was fortunate enough to enlist the
cooperation of Dr. Charles Alexander
Eastman, a highly educated physician
and clergyman, who is a full-blooded
Sioux, and who came into national
prominencesome time since when he
married Elane Goodale, the talented
young New England poetess. At the
President's solicitation Dr. Eastman,
who is considered the best educated
Indian in the world, agreed to person
ally undertake the task of Inducing his
people to adopt the system of family
names desired by the government.
Just what this responsibility meant
will be better understood when it is
explained that not only was Dr. East
man to visit nil the Indian villages of
the Sioux tribe and personally bestow
names but ha must also devise or in
vent the new names. Just imagine
selecting given names for 25,000 per
sons of both sexes and apportioning
perhaps half as many or one third as
many different family names in ad
dition. In this portion of his novel mission
ary work for Uncle Sam the Name
Giver, as the Sioux now term their
educated tribesman, has displayed rare
judgment and a fine regard for family
history and tradition among the Sioux
a thoughtfulness that has done
much to win the good will of these
Intelligent but conservative Indians
for the new project. Whenever pos
sible he has perpetuated an Indian's
old name in his new one. For Instance
High Eagle becomes Mr. Higheagle,
Bob-tailed Coyote was changed to
Robert T. Wolf, and Rotten Pumpkin
has been transformed into Robert
Dr. Eastman has been making a
round of all the Sioux reservations
which are located for the most part
in the Dakotas and elsewhere In the
Northwest. When he arrives at ' a
branch agency, or tribal headquarters,
for the purpose of rechristeuing the
Inhabitants his first move is to have
a conference with the chief men or
counselors of the place. They, in turn,
send out a herald or town crier to
summon all the people to a sort of
mass meeting and at this the "Name
Giver" explains the President's wishes
at length.
At the outset many of the assembled
Indians may be prone to grumble
against the new system, but grad
ually Dr. Eastman will win them over,
and In his labors thus far be has not
encountered more than half a dozen
Indians who have steadfastly refused
to change their names However,
hundreds of the Indians have con
fided to him that they would accept
the new system of names only because
they had the assurance of a fellow
tribesman (Dr. Eastman) that it was
a good plan, and that they would
never have tolerated it had a white
man come among them and broached
the scheme.
Although the renaming of the Sioux
, Vsj I -5 it?
i I-s not yet completed it has already-
been proven that the new system ef
names will lie of the greatest
benefit and vuluj in insuring the cor
rect descent of Government allot
ments of land from generation to gen
eration. Incidentally it may be noted
that even thus early this untangling
of lines of descent lias won for some
Indians valuable property rights pre
viously denied them. As a case in
point it may be cited that only a few
weeks ago Dr. Eastman was intru
mental in securing for a young squaw
010 acres of rich land of high value
which had been temporarily lost to
her owing to her separation from her
own tribe, and which an unscrupulous
relative was on the point of selling
when President Roosevelt's special
commissioner stepped In and set
things right.
'Phoning Through Flesh.
To talk through the human body
or a row of human bodies, for the
matter of that Is one of the weirdest
1 4 im 1
of the electrician's feats. If a tele
phone wire be severed and the two
ends be held by a person, cue in each
hand, but far part, it is quite possible
for a conversation to be carried on
through the body, as readily and ns
distinctly as If the line had been
properly connected.
Their Compass Points to the South
The Chinese do' everything back
wards, from a Caucasian point of
view. Their compass points to the
South, Instead of the north. The men
wear their hair long, while the. women
coil theirs in a knot. The dressmakers
are men, the women carry burdens,
The spoken language Is not written,
and the written language is not
spoken. Books are read backwards,
and any notes nre inserted at the top.
White Is used for mourning, and
bridesmaids wear black.
An Argument.
One touch of nature makes the whole
world kin,
One bunch of grafters takes the whole
world's skin;
One touch of humor makes the whole
world grin,
And food adulteration keeps the whole
world thin.
Kansas City Times.
Same Old Game.
The angler sallies forth again.
And by the brooklet's shore
Doth Idly lie and fish and then
. Goes home and lies some more.
There nre In round numbers one mil
Hon Inhabited bouses in Greater London.
"Snatch it! Snatch it!" whispered
Reddy the "lookout," pal to "Jimmy
the Swift," who won this title from
the lightning rapidity with which he
was known to relieve men's pockets
of their contents.
In a moment the practiced fingers
of Jimmy had skillfully extracted a
flat seal purse from the pocket of a
slight young man who was busily
elbowing his way th ough the crowd
that was besieging a belated Broad
way car.
The day had not been a rich one for
the "picks," and Swifty eyed the thin
purse rather suspiciously.
"Mighty slim-looking, hey, Red?"
In reply Reddy drew up one side of
his face, exposing his deep yellow
canines, pulled the remnants of n hat
over his arms, and, leaning against
the side of a great building in quiet
shadow, struck an attitude that
seemed to say, "Well, here I am, pre
pared for anything go -ahead and
show your booty."
Somehow Swifty was slower than
usual in bringing his "snatch" to light.
He felt the purse, pressed It between
his hands turned it over and over, and
at last, seeing Reddy's eyes flash im
patience, ie reluctantly opened the
"Well, I'll be smothered!" cried
Reddy, as Jim pulled out a faded pink
envelope from which fell a lock of
gray hair and a newspaper clipping
hearing the seared marks of time. It
was an obituary, praising the life and
work of the deceased. The dead
woman, It said, had been an exemplary
wife and mother, and one of the
sweetest, noblest and most honored
members of the community. Her loss
was therefore mourned by every one
who bad the happiness of knowing her.
She loft an only son. All tills the boy
read aloud, amid frequent stops to
Number 6-137.
YAW 1 ,wW,tn'lL
spell the hard words o his chum, who
listened with a cynical smile. At the
end of the rending he was about to
shout with derisive laughter, when
Jim, springing forward, collared him,
and with a tone utterly new to him,
said sternly:
"Look here, Red! You and I's
friends that's all right; but as sure
as I'm a thief, this here ain't no stuff
for a feller to laugh at!"
For nn answer Red thrust his hands
Into his pockets, eying Jim curiously
the while, and turned on one foot with
a long low whistle.
"I never had no mother," murmured
Jim. "She died when I was a little
chap, so I never knew her, but it must
be awfully nice for a feller to have
a mother like that to be good to him,
and leurn him things. Why, who
knows, perhaps if you and me had had
mothers like that livin', instead of
boin' kicked 'round by tne 'boss', who
never gets enough out of us, we might
a had a good school!)! and been niak
in' an honest llvin', Instead of thlevln'
In New York."
These words of regret upon the past
of his young life, and the expressed
desire for something better, from one
whose only home almost since In
fancy had been the street, and whose
companions had been crooks and
ne'er-do-wells, was too much for the
Incorrigible Reddy, whose worship
consisted of heroes that were daring
villains, and not penitent sinners.
He could hardly suppress his con
tempt for the, to 111 111, now "Soft"
Jimmy, hence ho drawled, with a
"Yorf ain't goln' to squeal on ac
count of that find, he you, Jim?"
"See, there you are! Go abend, Jim.
Look at the bunch (if greenles sticking
out of the old feller's coat quick,
The linblt of years could not he
overcome In a moment. Goaded by
his tempter, Jimmy stealthily leaped
forward, and In a second his fingers
would have been on the bunch of
paper money which the evil eye of
Reddy "spotted" In the old man's
pocket. Like a flush came the sight
of the purse, the grny lock of hair, the
words in the newspaper that made
such an impression upon him no, he
would not, he could not any, more.
Ills hand dropped to his side. The
old man disappeared with the money,
safe from Jimmy's wicked fingers.
Jim's head sank until his chin rested
upon his naked chest, his companion
glaring at him with eyes furious with
"Well, 'tni'nt no use," snid Jim,
quietly but firmly; "I couldn't, Red,
somehow, after that and I'll never
try it again.
"You get another pal if you wint
to but I tell you that I ain't goin' to
keep this here pocketbook nor 110th In'
what's In It. It's done it for mo: I've
quit the profession."
That night a black seal purse was
left in t..e office of one of the grout
New York newspapers, with a note
scrawled In pencil, 11s follows:
"Please try to llnd tho owner of this.
I gess he wants It bad. The thief as
wus." Los Angeles Times.
Ia Extremis.
The four-year-old daughter of a
clergyman was ailing one night and
was put to bed early. As ber mother
was about to leave her she called her
"Mamma," she Bald, "Pwant to see
my papa."
"No, dear," her mother replied,
"your papa Is busy and must not be
"But, mamma," tho child persisted,
"I want to see my papa."
As before, the mother replied: "No,
your pupa must not bo disturbed."
But the little one came back with a
"Mamma," she declared solemnly,
"I am a sick woman, and I want to
see my minister."
Designed bv .BEHTUA BkOWHINO.
No housekeeper can afford to be without a
useful apron, cap and sleeves for the time when
the house must be swept and dusted and there
is no one else to do it. These are Invaluable
on other occasions when ther e in other work to
do which would noil Milady's gown and the
models sketched are designed especially for
home construction and very- easily made. The
apron consists of a narrow square yoke from
which the full straight portion depends. The
underarm scam is left open for a short distance
to allow uh-nty of room for the sleeve to pass
through. The cap is modelled on the quaint
Dutch order and very becoming. The sleeves
provide for a shirr string or elastic to be run in
top and bottom 10 hold them In place. Ging
ham, percale and madras aie suitable materials.
For the medium size 6 yards are needed.
- 8437 Sizes, small- medium and large.
17 liattery Place, New York City.
For 10 cents enclosed please send pattern
No. 0137 to tho following address