Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 29, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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H. K. Luce left Saturday for iris
home in Oorvallis.
Dr. J. VV. fowell was iu the city
Monday from Mulalla.
License to wed was granted to Ethel
Oommiua and burdel VauDonge.
Born, Friday, to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles'Gates, a 10-pouncl hoy.
J. J. Mallatt, a prominent citizen
of Mulino, waB in the city Monday.
For prices and novelties in millinery
call on Miss C. Goldsmith.
1 Al Fairclough came in from the
Ogle Mountain mines to remain a tew
Flonr, 95s, $1.05, and good as Snow
drift, $1.10. Red Front.
Mrs. M. A. Thomas and Miss Amy
Thomas were visiting friends in the
city last week.
For reliable dry goods and shoes at
the right prices, try Thomson's Bar
gain Stere.
Mrs. M .A. Deininger, of Oorvallis,
will spend the summer with Rev. and
Mrs. E. S. Pollinger.
A wonderful money-making oppor
tunity consisting of hats. Miss C.
License to marry lias been granted
. to Veronica Severin and Heiiuan Ria
derbusch. Extraordinary bargains in millinery.
Miss C. Goldsmith.
t Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Clinrch were
sojourning at Government Camp,
Mount Hood, lor a few days.
A beautiful new line of Sailors in
Milan and Duck. Miss C. Goldsmith.
' Frank Brown, who is in charge of
the state salmon hatchery at Ontario,
is visiting ieluuves in this city.
Get your summer hat. Low prices.
Miss C. Goldsmith.
Joseph Barstow.-of the I. 0. 0. F.
home at Portland, has been a gnost of
Mrs. Sarah Millei at Uaueniali.
Beatie & Beatie, dentists, Weinhard
building, rooms 16, 11 and 18.
Mr. ana Mrs. S. A. John, oi Fair
view. Or., have been visiting Mjbs
Ada Bedwell at Canemah. ,
Clyde G. Hnntley went to Salem
Wednesday on business.
EV. S. Hurst, a well-known hop and
uummisiou merchant of Aumra, was
in the city on business Wednesday.
D. M. McHenry and family are so
journini: at St. Martin's Springs on
tlie Oolimbia river.
Fourth of July furnishings, dry
giols and shoes, a the right price.
at Thomson's Bargain Store, v
Mrs. Lulu Hankins Nicol. of Aber
deen, WhkIi., is in the ciiy visiting
her parents.
Itching piles provoke profanity, but
nrofanity won't, ou'e them. Doan'a
Ointment 'cures itchiuK, bleeding or
nrotrndinc niles after years of suffer
ing. At any drug store.
Baseball on Willamette Falls field
Sunday brought out a tair-sized orowd
and the local team won from the
Portland Tigers by a score ot 22 to 8.
When you are in Oregon City get
vonr meals at the Olympia Bestau
raut. Reasonable prices; clean and
quick service. Main street, next to
Golden Rule Bazaar.
Mrs. L L. Porter and son, who
have been visiting her parents at Oor
vallis for the past two weeks, returned
home Wednesday.
7 per cent interest on money left
with ns tq loan. Dimick & Dimick,
attornevs and abstracters, Garde
Bldg. , Oregon Oity.
Undertaker Weldon M. Shank ran a
rubty nail in his right foot a few days
ago and is hobbling painfully around
as a result of the wound.
Don't he fooled and made to believe
that rheumatism can be cured with
local appliances. Hollister's Kocky
Mountain Tea is the only poistive cue
for rheumatism. 35 cents, Ten or
Tablets. Huntley Bros. Co.
George A. Harding returned Friday
from Grants Pass, where he has been
attending the department encampment
ot the Grand Army of the Republic.
Z The Estatiada Brick and Tile Com
pany commenoced to make brick last
week at its faotoiy. They have plenty
of day on hand and are making from
15,000 to 20,000 brick per day. The
new drying sheds, eaiii of which will
hold 70.000 brick will honse the pro
duct. " Many members of the Clackamas
nonntv Demrnranv are arranging to
attend the Democrats Bryan dinnrr
in Portland, Monday evening, July ?.
State Senator-elect J.K . Hedges will
he one of the speakers on thatoocasion
and tickets may be obtained from Ed
ward E. Brodie, secretary of the Derr
ocratic county central committee.
Mnitnomah Lodire. No. 1. A. F. &
A.M., observed St. John's Day Sunday
night in the Masonio hall. A large
number of Masons were present, and
short talks were mnrfo hv Jnd&e T. F.
Ryan. Capt. J. T. Apperson, J. En
sena Hedges and R. Koerner. Many
old members of the lodge were in at
tendance and floor work was put on.
Refreshments were served.
Miss Martha Frances Draper enter
tained the GvDsies H her home Thorn.
night. ,The evening was passed with
nee hundred. Miss Edna Dauiton
won the prize and was also presented
with a birthday snnon. Lelicious re
freshmonts were served.
Mrs. O. A. Mnir and two children,
of Neola, Iowa, arrived Saturday to
spend the summer with relatives.
They formerly resided iu this ciry,
where Mr. Muir was in the grocery
business. Mrs. Muir is a sister of
Mrs. Allan E. Frost and a daughter
of Frank Andrews.
Undertakers and Embalmers, opposite
Huntley's Drug Store, Main St., Ore
gon Oity. Phone 1021.
Haskell Ferrin, of Forest Grove,
was in town visiting .Norman White
for a few days the first of the week
Now is the time to sal Scribe for the
Oregon Oity Courier. PeBt clubbing
offers we have ever had may be obtain
ed now.
W. D. Nelson, publisher of the
Haines Record, at Haines, Baker
county, accompanied by Mrs. Nelson,
was in town Thursday,
Cut in Shoes White Oxfords, 83c,
99c. 81.19: chocolate low Shoes, 95c
up: out in Mioses' Fine Shoes, $1.14;
Ladies' Fine to $1. 19. Ked.Jfront.
Mrs. E. O. Moore, of Woodstock,
was in the oity Thursday noon. She
will camp with her children at Glad
stone Park during the Chautauqua as
sembly. Stops earache in two minutes;
toothache or pain of burn or scald in
five minutes; hoarseness, one hour;
musoleache, two hours ;' sore throat,
twelve hours Dr. Thomas' Eolectrio
Oil, monarch over pain.
"Harold A. Rands, who has been
completing a surveying .contract on
the Coenr d'Alene Indian reservation
in laauo, reiuruou u x-nuaj.
What's" the good of keeping from him
Any good things you may see,
That wilt lift his load of labor
Like Rocky Mountain Tea.
Hnntley tiros. Oo.
"TrotT J. E. Stubbs has been elected
princital of the kscacada gcnooi, ana
Miss Mae Stephens has been selected
as teaoher of the primary -and inter
mediate grades.
yon haven't the time to exercise
regularly, Doan's Regnlets will pre
yent constipation. They induce a
mild, easy, healthful action of the
bowels without griping. Ask yonr
druggist for them. 85o. j;
' Charles Noblittlwas in town Friday
from Needy. Mr. Noblitt is the happy
father of a bonnoing boy, born
Most disfiguring skin eruptions,
scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc, are due
to impure blood. Burdock Blood Bit
ters is a cleansing blood tonio. Makes
you clear-eyed, clear-brained, clear
gkinned. Trafton Dye, a son of Representa
tive and Mrs. CharleB H. Dye, was
graduated Wednesday night from
Oberlin College, Ohio, with the de
gree of bachelor of arts.
Vells Durie, who was formerly em
ployed in the paper mills here, and
who is now with the Crown Columbia
Pulp & Paper Company at Floriston,
Cal., has been visiting friends here.
"Sirs. Robert"" McAlpin entertained
the members of the Aloha Club at her
home Friday. Five hundred was
played, Miss Marian Lewthwaite win
ning the prize, and refreshments were
served. The.afternoon was most de
lightfully spent.
Following the Flag.
""When our soldiers went to Cuba and
the Philippines, health was the most
important consideration. Willis 1.
Moriran, retired Commissary Sergeant
U S A., of Rural Route 1, Concord,
n! H.. says: "I was two years in
Cuba and two years in the Philip
pines, and being subject to colds. 1
took Dr. King's New Discovery tor
Consumption, which kept me in per
fect health. And now, in New Hamp
shire, we find it the best medicine in
the world fr rocshf, colds, bronchial
trobulcs arti all mug diseases, uuia
anteed at Howell & Jones . Drug-
price duc ana i.
free. M
When the baby talks, it is time to
give Hollisetr's Rocky Mountain Tea.
It's the greatest baby medicine known
to loving mothers. It makes them eat,.
sleep and grow. 35 cents, Tea or lab
lets. Huntley Bros. Co.
Miss Carrie Ridings, who has been
visiting relatives at Estacada, has re
turned to her home iu Marquam to
speud the summer.
If joar stomach troubles you do not
conclude that there is no cure, for
great many have been permanaently
cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. Try them, they are cer
tain to piove beneficial. They oost only
a quarter. Hold by Huntley Bros.
Co., Oregon City and Molalla.
Arthur Draper, of the "Dundore
Piano Company, has installed an in
strument at Wright's Springs for the
Fourth of July oelebration.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bennett and
Mrs. Ada Bennett, of Portland, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Par
ker Sunday at their home on Four
teenth street.
The Wells Fargo Express Company
is. arranging to move its local office
into the Welsh buildintf" near the
southern Pacific depot, formerly oc
cupied by Frank Newton and Jack R.
Mrs. A. Uoettling and M'bs Alice
Goettling left Saturday night for a
visit at Baden, Can., and will see
principal Eastern cities enroute.
Sheriff-elect Robert B. Beatie has
rented the Kelly house at Green Point
j -. t -1 i - - i .
auu win move m wiin iiib lamiiy in a
rew days. Mr. Kelly lias moved to
W. A. Heylman, a prominent banker
and lawyer of Estacada, was in the
city .on business Tuesday. Mr. Heyl
man is one of Estaoada's oitizens who
has been first in the up-building of
the thriving town.
Walter Johnson, a brother of Ed L.
Johnson, was married at Woodburn,
last week to Miss Stella Brown, of
Engene. The groom is well known
here, and is engaged in the drug bus
iness at Woodburn.
- John Stormer, of Estacada, Charles
W. Risley, of Milwaukie, Andrew
Kocher, of Canby, and W. H. Coun
sels of Harmony, were in the oity
Friday on business.
Rev. E. S. Bollinger, pastor of the
First Congregational church returned
Wednesday from Hubbard, where -he
delivered a lecture Tuesday night' oil
"Pilgrim's Progress," to a large and
ienoe. Members of Sola Cirole, W. O. W.,
gave Mrs. L D. Taylor a pleasant sur
prise Thntsday at her home on the
Abernethy. A tasty luncheon was
served and the afternoon was spent
with flinch, fancy work and conversa
tion. Mrs. George A. Harding, Mrs. Ros
ina Fonts, Robert Kelland, James F.
Nelson, J. A. Tufts, Enos Cahiil and
J. T. Appersoh are home from Grants
Pass, where they attended the depart
ment encampment and convention of
the G. A. R. and W. R. O.
Miss Helen Bollinger returned
Thursday from Forest Grove, where
she has been attending Paiiflo.Univei
sity, and Miss Clara Madeline Can
field carne home from Eugene,, where
he has been a student at the state uni
versity. Miss Zelma Shaver returned Thurs
day from Eugene, where she has been
attending the University of Oregon,
and lett for the Shaver farm at Mol
alla to spend the summer. Miss
Shaver has not spent a summer at
home for many years.
The suit of the Pacifio American
Paint & Shingle Company vs. ,Roy
Woodward was settled Thursday and
Justice ot the PeaceStipp rendered a
verdict loi the defendant in the I
arnopnt of $16. Woodward presented
a counter claim for labor performed.
If you knew the value of Chamber
lain's Salve you would never wish to
be without it. Here are some of the
diseases for whioh it is especially val
uable; Sore nipples, chapped hands,
burns, frost bites, chilblains, chronic
ore eyes, itching piles, tetter, salt
rheum and eczema. Price, 25 cents
per box. For sale by Huntley Bros.
Oo, Oregon City and Molalla.
At the annual school meeting held
in Estacada O. F. Howe was fleeted
director over T. J. Reagan by a vote
of 19 to 14. J. F. Lovelace was re
elected clerk. The district voted a 5
mill tax on the assessed valuation,
$100,(125, for incidental running ex
penses and pay interest on bonds.
Assessor J. F. Nelsoii. who has bee"
a' tending the G. A. R. encampment
at Grants Pass, came within a few
votes of refaction to the position of
rlepi rtisont commander, receiving 58
vites to 68 for the successful .candi
date. The next department encamp
ment will be held at Newberg, Yam
hill county.
An Alarming Situation
Frequently results from neglect of
clogged bowels and torpid liver, until
constipation beoomes chronic. This
condition is unknown to those who
use Dr. King's New Life Pills; the
best and gentlest regulators of stom
ach and bowels. Guaranteed by How
ell & Jones, Druggists. Prioe, 25o.
How to Break Up a Cold,
ft may be a surprise to many to
Joarn that a severe cold can be com
pletely broken up in one or two davs'
time. The first symptoms of a cold
are a dry, load cough, u profuse wat
ery discharge from the nose, and a
thin, white coating on the tongue.
When Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is taken every hour on the firm, an.
poarance of these srmptoms, it coun
teracts the effect of the cold and re
stores the system to a healthy condi
tion within a day or two. For Bale
by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City
auu juuiaua.
Residents Improve City's Appearance In
Various Ways. 4
TXT-J a ...
neuuesaay was uiean-up" day in
Oregon City. Early in the morniug
residents commenced work on their
alleys, sidewalks and vards and via.
orously endeavored to bring order out
of chaos. The municipal authorities
are taking an aotive part in the clean
ing ot the city, and will not stop with
Wednesday's work, but will continue
to maintain the effort. The superin
tendent of Streets had a force of men
clean up the river front from one end
of town to the other. All of the debris
resulting from the new departure was
carried away to the earbace dumD
free of charge to the residents.
McKlnnls Charged With Larceny.
Goorge MoKinnis was arrested
Wednesday night at Parkplace, on a
oharge of larcony from Kirk Hoover,
of Port 'and. Hoover, who is a wood
dealor, came np and secured a search
warrant fcr a cross-cut saw, a square,
axes and other tools. He, with the
sheriff, went to the home of the sus
P'ct, and they found the stolen prop
erry. McKinnis was formerly in the
employ of Hoover, and says that he
borrowed the stuff from Hoover, who
disclaims any knowledge of such a
transaction. MoKinnis was arrested
and taken to Portland Wednosrtay.
B. Burhans Testifies After Four Years.
G. B. Burhans, of Carlisle Center.
writes: "About four years ago
N. Y.
Clinton Hrerove Falls From Tramway
Into the River.
Clinton Hartrrove was drowned at 6
o'clook Tuesday evening by fallins
from a tramway into the Willamette
river. Hargrove was 26 years 'of age
and Tuesday morning went to work
or the Willamette Pulp & Paper Com
pany. He was Dut to work wheelins
slabwood across an elevated platform
over the river basin. While he was
working late Tuesday afternoon his
truck became entangeld in a rope and
he as thrown into the water. His
fellow workmen were unable to assist
in his recovery, and he was drowned
in plain sight of them.
J. he body. was recovered Tuesday
and was taken to Coroner R. L. Hoi
man's undertaking parlors, where an
inquest was held Wednesday after
Hargrove is survived by a wife and
two children, who reside in this oity.
xne lamiiy came here about six
months ago from Pendleton, where
Hargrove's father and mother live.
Mrs. Hargrove's oeoDle live in the
1 wrote you stating that I had been
entirely .cured of a severe kidney
trouDie oy tauin? Jess than two bot
tles of Foley's Kidney Cnre. It en
tirely stopped the brick dust sedi
ment, and pain and symptoms of kid
ney disease disappeared. I am glad
to say that I have never had a return
of any of s those symptoms during the
four years that have claused and I am
evidently cuied to stay cured, and
heartily recommend Foley's Kidney
Cure o anyone suffering from kidnoy
or bladder trouble." Howell & Jones.
The marriage of Milo L. Ineram to
Miss, Anna Brown was solemnized
Wednesday at the home of the bride's
parents at Wilsonvillo. Rev. J. P,
andsborough, pastor of the First
Presbyterian churoh, officiated at the
We Want Your Trade
At Harris Grocery
And arc going to make special
inducements to good ouyers
Cash and Small Profits is Cur Motto.
I J.
Successors to J. C. Zinser
Dealer 7n
Ijardivare, Implements, Buggies,
Wagons, 6k.
Feed and Farm produce bought and sold. Just received a
fine line of Garden tools. If you are going to paint your
house, call and see us before purchasing your paints and
oils. Stle agents for the celebrated
(Jor. Main and 9th Sts. Oregon City, Or.
The children's friend
Jayne'-s Tonic Vermifuge
Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles.
v v rSs- Gives tone, vitality and snap.
v cauitd by.IndfMtlon. If you X
little too much, or If you art subject (
attack of Indigestion, you havt no doubt
had thortntu of breath, rapid heart beat
heartburn or cavitation of the heart
Indirection cause the stomach t
zpand swell, and puff up against the
heart This crowds the heart and inter
feres with its action, and in the count of
time the heart becomes diseased.
Dyspepsia Cure
digests what you eat, takes the strain of!
of the heart and contributes nourishment,
strength and health to every organ of the
body. Cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the Stomach and Diges
tive Tract Nervous Dyspepsia and Catarrh
of the Stomach.
After eating, my food would dlstrest me by mtMni
my heart pelpitata end 1 would become rery wnk,
Finally I got a bottle of Kodol and it gara me lmmr
eUate relief. After using a few bottles 1 am cured.
. e MRS. LOR1NO NICHOLS, Perm Yin. N..T.
t had stomach trouble and was In a bad ttate at I
bad heart trouble with It I took Kodol Dyipeptfe
Cure tor about four month! and It cured me.
D. KAUBLE, Nerada, a
Ditfests What You Eat
Everybody Can wo a
A short time ago we announced a reduction In
tne price of Victor Records.
7 inch records from 60c to 35c
10 inch records from $1.00 to 60c
12 inch records from $1.50 to $.00 ' j
Now Comes a Redaction in the Machines 1
Machines formerly priced at $17.50 now ...$15.00
Machines formerly priced at 20.00 now.. 1 7.00
Machines formerly priced at
Machines formerly priced at
Machines formerly priced at
Machines formerly priced at
Machines formerly priced at
25.00 now 22.00
27.50 now 25.00
32.50 now 30.00
45.00 now 40.00
65.00 now 60.00
Dollu boul. bold. 1
tlBM a. atck m Um
trial, er ee ent tit..
?npu4 t tb. I
ortorro(I O.C.WIta I
Sold by G A. Harding
But this is not all, we have added to our stock of Victor
Goods a full line of Edison Phonographs and Records
Edison Home Phonograph $30.00
Edison Standard Phonograph 20.00
Edison Gem Phonograph tO.OO
Edison Gold Moulded Records 35c
We have arranged an entirely new schedule of terms. Yotf can stent e a Ma
chine fcy paying a small sam down and some small amount each week or
month as you prefer.
When In Portland, call on me WM. BOHLANDER
Open 4mr and night Phone Red M '
192 Third btreet POK I LAND. OREGON
iuie. vtwi mwb ip ouer moiin b . - . .
Oysten Is any Style. Private Room for I
Burmeister & Andresen
The OregoniCity Jewelers g
Suspension Bridge Corner ' OREGON CITY, OREGON g