OREGON CITY-COURIER, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1906. i ' IXm-j ! jjJTL L!!Li L I - I J -I LI. ijliJIJHLi--Lii hH r . 4. L J t i i MH.Htili illlliHHilllllHllli" ..'i.:' linririiTiiTiTTmMimia nntini'niiMii'iiMfT7?iWtM7i7MnTTTi:tiiiilMi'nMn : 1 :1 Age(able Prcparationfor As similating tiicfoodandRegula1 ling theStoinachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion.CheerFuV ness andltestContains neillier Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. Not Karc otic. Jbapt afOUJi-SiMUItmWES PmifJtM Seal' Alx.SeiM Kok.lU ,UH Jiil hOitKynt riant Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Hon, Sour Stomach.Diarxhoca Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AM W U' For Over Thirty Years Pbent 1121 Iff. 1833 Offkt In favorite Cigar Store Opposite masonic Building Williams Bros, transfer Safes, Piano and Turniture Moving a Specialty Treigbt und Parcels Delivered to all Parts of the City Prices treasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 5, Falls View Addition to Oregon City. Three lots with house for $550.00 C. N. PLOWMAN & CO., Over Bank of Oregon City THE JOY OF LIVING CAN BB FULLY REALIZED WHEN TOC ENJOY GOOD HEALTH f..Sl, i.l TAB! MaU " I Jl The Popular Liver Medicine Will Keep You Well A GUARANTEED CURE for all diseases produced by TOR PID LIVER and IMPURE BLOOD. Do not fill your system with Arsenia, Calomel and Quinine. They act as rank poisons which vitiate the blood, debilitate the 6ystem, and leave a trail of bad symptoms which require years to obliterate. HERB INE is purely vegetable and contains no mineral or narcotic peisons, is absolutely harmless and is the simple remedy of nature. It carries off all poison in the system and leaves no injurious efffets. CURED BY HERBINE AFTER OTHER REMEDIES FAILED Mr. I. A. HicVs, Iredell, Texas, sys: " I was Ick la bed for eight months with liver trouble, the doctor seemed to do me no good. I was told to try Herbine, and it cured me in a short time. I cannot recommend this wonderlul medicine too highly." TAKE IT NOW! LARGE BOTTLE, 50c GET THE GENUINE Ballard Snow Liniment Co. ST. LOUIS, U. S. A. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY Charman & Co., City Drug Stcn HE IS DISLIKED IN CLACKAMAS Pleasant Hill Precinct Refuses to Support Jonathan Bourne for Senator. REPUBLICANS'! WILL VOTE FOR. ' GEARIN Ghosts of the Past Cause Residents to "Turn Their Backs Upon the Bourne Brownell Combination and Demand ""Clean" Politics. . WILSON VILLE, Or., May 24. -In this splendid agrinnltual section of the conntry one teels an impression creeping over him that the- center ot political aotivity is no longer in the city, but that the whole conntry has become deeply interested m local, state and national government. In this locality a peculiar situation pre vails. Pleasant Hill precinct is prob ably the strongest Republican precinct in Clackamas county that is to say, other political parties have the least representation in proportion to the whole number of voters. yet it is generally nndersood that Pleasant Hill refuses tn accept Jona than Bourne for United States senator and to make their votes connt against him the Republicans will vote for John Gearin. It might naturally seem that this is on aooonnt of a kindly feeling toward Gearin on ac count of his having made his way from farmer boy, born on an Oregon farm, to a place alongside the fore most men of Oregon, and throughout his career having shown that sterling integrity and honesty of purpose ihat won him, immediately on his - entry into the United States senate, the hearty commendation, and praise of such outspoken and incorruptible Re publicans as Senator La Follette, of Wisoonsin. But in reality the citizens of this locality are not so much Gearin men, but they are uncompromising anti Bourne men. The feeling is prevalent that Bonrne snooeeded in obtaining the Republican nomination by a lavish expenditure ot money and that he is a man who has always pursued the policy of gaining political preferment by immense drafts on the millions he inherited from his father's estate. But there is another reason for the strong auti-Bonrne feeling, and that lies in the faot that the people gener ally know about the Bourne-Brownell combination, wherein Bonrne fur nishes the money ard Brownell dis burses it. The people of tins section know Browuwli. Fiuatituiii Hill pre oinct is about 125 votes strong, and in the April primary election Brow nell received but 16 votes. It is doubt ful if he will receive even 16 votes in the coming election. Most of the voters here are well-to-do farmers and Brownell can acoom nlish nothing with his fat campaign fnnd, not even with promises of office and lucrative positions. Bonrne is not known here as a Republican, bnt as a political adventurer who sought to ride into the senate through the Pop ulist party, and who, when he real ized that the Populist party was go ing to pieoes, was first to de ert it and hurry into the Republican camp. Those politicians who are eagerly grasping for offloe and care not what the price just s" they get offloe will fare no better in Union preoinct than in Pleasant Hill. Union is not a large precinct, bnt is made up, in the main, of thrifty farmers. Tualatin precinct also joins Pleasant Hill and is a strong Democratic preoinot. It is about as large as PleaBant Hill and here Browuell, in the primary elec tion, received 17 votes. There is no prospect of his getting more in the Juno election. Chris Schuebel. who is Bourne s right-hand-man in Clack nmas oonuty, claims to be able to handle the Gorman vote for Bourua, but the Gorman population of this county, which is not large, is inde pendent aud doesn't fancy the idea of being whipped around from one party to another aud used to inrtnor the political ambitions of a few men. These people are of the most intolli. gent citizens of the county, aud are, as a rule, in sympathy with President Roosevelt. They know, too, that to place the Bour o-Browuell combina tion in nower is to array the political machinery of Oregon alongside the political machinery ot the other states that are laying plans to do Roosevelt up. An amusing incident ocourred a tew evenings ago at a Republican political meeting in Tualatin precinct. Nearly even body in that locality has n warm feeliug for Governor Chamberlain. While a Republican candidate was exhorting Koi nblicans to stand by the party and help Dr. Withycombe out, a gust of wind extinguished every lamp iu the hall. Simultaneously the shout went up for Chamberlain and the speaker, thus learuiug the temper Of his audience, dropped the subject of gubernatorial preference and pro ceeded along lines more congenial to the crowd. If the vote of Clackamas county were coufined to the fanning districts, the Bourue-Browuell combination wonld make a sorry showing in Clack- anitt county. Such is the caso at least if this Southwestern section of tlio conntv is a fair indication of the feel ing toward this class of men. Special Dispatch m Oregon Journal. Two Dyspeptics If you are too fat it is because your food turns to fat instead of muscle strength. If you are too lean the fat producing foods that you eat are not properly digested and assimilated. Lean, thin, stringy people do not have enough Pepsin in the stomach, while fat people have too much Pepsin and not enough Pancreatine. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure contains all the digestive juices that are found in a healthy stomach, and in exactly those proportions necessary to enable the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all foods that may be eaten. Kodol is not only a perfect digestant, but it is a reconstructive, tis sue building tonio as well Kodol cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Palpitation of the Heart and Constipation. You will like it Digests What You Eat Rests the stomach, rebuilds the tissues and gives firm flesh '' Dollar bottte holds H tlmi M nwoh as th rial, or BO cent fro pared at ta Lab oratory of E.O.DWitt e Qo., Chicago, TT.8.A. Sold by G. A. Harding representative.'who spiked some of the biggest guns or the opposition, tint he did it in such a kindly and masterful way that the strongest partisan could take no offense. "Stand by Roosevelt and elect John Doe to the high and exalted position of inspector of skycsrapsrs in Claoka mas City," has been the Republican slogan throughout the campaign. Mr. Eby showed that the opposition do3S not seem to know the boomerangish, dynaniitish character of the expres sion He said that Roosevelt sent a member of his cabinet Seoretary Taft into Ohio, to make speeches against Republican candidates who did not measure np to the Preisdent's ideal of Republicanism; that the President helped to turn down a corrupt treas urer in the Btate of Pennsylvai ia, Re publican though he was. He said that an impression is prevalent that Roose velt is somew hat opposed to the way certain Clackamas coun'y Repbnlians, "and that vague rumors of indict ments were now and tleii watted in on tli gentle breeze and that they were the resnlt of investigations di rected by the President. He asked the voters to consider whether Roosevelt wonld vote 'er straight if he were a oitizen nf Clackamas county. Hang ing on to Roosevelt's coat-tails is the Big Man in this county affair and a number of Little Men are Hanging pn to the Big Man's coat-tail, all hoping and trusting that they will land in publio offloe. GOOD MEETING AT SUNNYSIDE. cry of "party." Mr. Hedges, for state senator, Mr. Beatie for sheriff, and Mr. Latonrette tor clerk are particu larly strong. Many Republicans are free to say that there will not be a straight ticket voted in any precinct of the county by a Republican, and the unequal distribution of offices has angered many voters, the party hav ing only two candidates for county offloes that reside outside of Oregon City. The Very Best Remedy for Bowel Trouble. Mr. M. F. Borroughs, an old and well-known resident of Bluffton, Ind., says: "I regard Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best remedy for bowel tronble I make this statement after having used the remedy in my family for sev eral years, lam never without it." This remedy is almost sure to be needed before the summer is over. Why not buy it now and be prepared for snoh an "emergency? For sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City and Molalla. Sad Day for Rul;' or Ruin. (Continued from page 1) trained with the gang for years and never with any other.' And they won't stand for Jonathan Bourne, whose part in the political manipulation of the state is something the Republican bell-weathers are ashamed of, vainly trying to explain and mighty anxious to forget. Following; the Flag. When our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippines, health was the most important consideration. Willis T. Morgan, retired Commissary Sergeant U. S. A., of Rural Route 1, Oonoord, N. H.. says: "I was two years in Cuba and two years in the Philip pines, and being subject to colds. 1 took Dr. King's 3ev Discovery for Consumption, which kept me in per fect health. And now, in New Hamp shire, we find it the best medicine in' the world for coughs, oolds, bronchiaL trobnles and all Inng diseases. Guar anteed at Howell & Jones', Drug gists. Price 50o and $1. Trial bottle free. TREATMENT WAS ABUSIVE, Mrs. Idella White Says Husband Struck and Threatened to Kill Her. Idella K. White, who was married August 1. 1898, in Oregon Oity, to Charles White, has commenced suit tor divoroe, and asks for . $25 per month alimony. She alleges that her hnsband struck her in the fall of 1899, jnst after she was ont of the hopsitaU when she was weak and infirm. In 1901 he oarsed her and threatened to take her life, drawing a pocket knife and slashing her clothes. In July, 1904, he drew a gun and threatened to kill her and others who happened to be present ac the time at their home nar Mount Pleasant. With her young child in her arms, Bhe was compelled to flee to the house of a neighbor in fear of her life. White iB a wood hauler and makes abont $75 a month. His wife states that he has continu ally abused and mistreated her with out provocation. An Alarming' Situation Frequently results from neglect of clogged bowels and torpid liver, until constipation becomes chronic. This condition is unknown to those who use Dr. King's New Life Pills ; the best and gentlest regulators of stom aoh and bowels. Guaranteed by How ell & Jones, Druggists. Price, 25o. A New Home Industry The Cascade Laundry Docs not wear put or destroy your linen Our Wagon will all for your soiled linen each week and deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfaction assured. E. L. JOHNSON, Proprietor. F. J. Meyers, Cashier D. C. Latourkttb, President. the Commercial Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY, OREGON Authorized Capital, . $100,000 Transacts a General Bank.Sg Business. upen trom 9 a. m. 10 a p. m. Movement to Line Up Republican Voters For Party Ticket Fails. Forty voters attended the Demc oratio oampaigu rally Thursday night at Sunuyside, and this is considered a large meeting for that precinjt. J. E. Hedges, R. B. Beatie, Howard V. Latonrette, William Shannon and H. D. Aden were there and made speeohes. O. D. Eby, T. J. Grace and others went to Highland Thursday light. The effort has been made with streuuosity that line up Clackamas county voters, tor the Republican ticket on purely party grounds has been unsuccessful, and the indepen dent vote cannot be controllel by the ( ELECTRIC ( I LIGHT AND POWER I CANDIDATES AT CLACKAMAS. Absence of Mudslinging in Contrast to Republican Speecees Makes Votes. O. D. Eby and party spoke to a large crowd at Clackamas Wo'onsday evening, most ot wnom were Kepuh lieans. Messrs. Meissner, Baker and Grace, candidates for the offices ot coroner, treasurer ami commissioner lespectively made short talks which were well received, iney were lol lowed by O. D. Eby, candidate for V Best? V "ut up for $alc H, .- to take the : li't'ir cura tive (imony fs not putty and acccr.. r i-ho same creiii' - ' U: wrested moUvv-. . how ever, for; :-'r striking cxeeptio" . ..I r claims to the eonii.i. : .;;.iiJs does not rest solely uk: ir rankers' say-so or praise. Their iierredients are matters of public knowledge, U-ing printed on each separate boulo wrapper. Thus invalid eutlerers are tUeu into T)r. Pierce's full confidence. Scores of leading medical men have written enough to (ill volumes in praiso of the curative value of the several ingredients entering into these well-known medicines. Amongst these writers Vo find such ificd ieal Ileitis s I'nif. b'inlcy Kllinewood, SI. I)., of Itennet Medical Culli-cc C'liicuso: I'rot. Hale. of the samo city; l'mf. John M. Scml der, M. I)., late of (.'inctnnati. Ohio; Prof. John Klnir. M. L., late of Cincinnati. Ohio; I)r. Sw Coo, of Now York: Dr. Bartho low, of Jefferson Medical Collrgo. of Pa., uid seoros of others equally eminent Dr. l'lurco' Favorite Prescription cures the worst cases of female weakness, prolap Kusanteverslonand retroversion and corrects lrreittilarlttos, euros painful periods, dries up disagreeable aud weakening drains, some times known as pelvic catarrh and a multi tude ot other diseases pooullar to women. Bear In mind, it Is not a patent nor even a secret medicine, but t he i avorlte Prescrip tion " of a regularly educated physician, of large experience in the cure of woman's peculiar ailments, who frankly and confid ingly lakes his patients into his full con fidence by telling them Just what his "Pre scription " is composed of. Of no other medi cine put up for woman's special maladies and sold through druggists, can it he said that the maker is not afraid to deal thus frankly, openly and honorably, by letting every patient using the same kuow exactly what she Is taking. tiiek women are Invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, fixe. All correspond ence is guarded as sacredly six-ret and womanlv confidences are protected by professional privacy. Address Dr. R. V. Vlerce. Buffalo. X. Y. How to preserve health and beauty Is told In Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Med ical Adviser. It is free. lVr a paper covered copv send Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buf falo, X. Y., '.11 one-cent stamps to cover mailing only ; in cloth binding 31 stamps. Dr. Pierce's Pelluts cure constipation. T A talk with us will convince you that Electric Light is the only light you can afford to use in your home, or put in the house you are building. Your property will rent more readily, will pay a higher income, and attract a better class of ten ants if it is equipped with Electric Lights. H ELECTRIC POWER never tires, it serves faithfully, never complains. Requires little or no space, less care. Absolute, adaptation to all conditions. Expense starts snd stops at your command. T The use of Electric Power means: Great sav ing in machinery and initial cost in installation of plants high ECONOMY in cost of operation, and an INTENSIFIED PRODUCTION possible only where Electricity is used. Advantages in the cost of producing power in Oregon City in comparison with oiher cities of the country, enable us to make terms exception ally favorable to manufacturers, and to furnish unequalled service at Lowest Rate. ESTIMATES on cost of wiring, cost of current and information regarding the use of electricity for LIGHT or POWER, promptly furnished upon application to C. G. Miller at the Company's branch office, next door to the Bank of Oregon City. Portland General Electric Company C. 6. WiJIer, Contract manager for Oregon City