Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 06, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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the Only Candidate for State treasurer Who Insists
That Interest on Public . Funds Belong to
the People and Not the Banks ; :
and Corporations.
To the Voters and Citizens of Clacka
imas County :
Nearly two years bro, after consul
tation with many of the citizens of
this county, 1 made the announcement
that at this tim Iwoald be a candi
date foi the R publican nomination
as State Tnasorer, and from all parts
of the county I received encourage
ment and proffers - of support, as it
seemed to he nearly the unanimous
opinion that Clackamas conuty the
oldest in the si ate sliould have rec
ognition hy the selection of one of its
citizens Jfor a state officer, it haviiiR
as yet uevir received that 1 ouorable
distinction i Binue that timH I have
also corresponded with many of the
most prominent uieuibers ot the Re
publican party in all parts of the
state, tnd have received much en
couragement, together with the ac
knowledgment that in their opinion
pur county is entitled to a place upon
the Btate ticket; they have stated,
however, that the reason that we have
not been recognized in this matter be
fore is that we Imve.never been united
ia oak demand for'recognition ; that
jealousy and faction prevails among
as to the extent that no good man can
receive the united support of old
Clackamas; wherever I have been 1
have denied this statement as false
and malicious, and that with a few
exceptions, no men are more loyal and
trne to the interests of their county
and its inhabitants that you raeu of
old Clackamas. I have been twice
honored by you in heing elected as
your County Judge and I can assure
yon that ,1 have .-a appreciated your
kindness and have always endeavored
to perform every trust Jand duty tn
connection with said office Jwithout
prejudice or partiality and to your
satisfaction; when I was first elected
the county was deeplv in debt and I
promised yon thatjl should labor un
ceasingly to relieve yon ot same, and
Droud am I to state at this time, that
after years of labor and discourage
ment, my word has been made good
and today, in the treasury of our
county, is sufficient funds to py every
outstanding obligation owing by Clack
amas county, and I hope tnat never
again will our great county be com
pelled to pay the large interests
charges, which for' the past 24 years
Have assisted in making our tax rate
so high ; I am also proud to call your
attention to the fact that your present
corps of connty offioers have system
tized and performed the work and du
ties of the county so well and eoon?
omically that the cost has been re
duced the last few years more than
ore half, and today the business cf
our oounty is conducted at less ex
pense by a large per cent than any
other county in the state of its size
and inhabitants. While lor the first
titne in over a quarter of a century
Clackamas county is practically out
of debt I am well aware that this very
satisfactory state of affairs has not
been attained without some sacr'flce
and denial, and the refusal by your
Ormntv Court at times to enter into
yery laudable projects or undertakings
has snbjeoted us to criticis.n. Never,
mv friends, have ve re. used to enter
Into any of these projects without re
gret on the part of us all, but joo, as
well as we, knew, that we could not
pay off our large indebtedness, and at
the same time Spend oar: entire in
come on other undertakings,, however
laudable they were. .As it is i'OW;miy
fellow citizens. .'I can congratulate
yon and also, myself, that no county
in all onr gerat state stands higher in
the matter of financial -credit and
modern improvements and conditions
than old Clackamas. I have eiideav
oied to conduct iheibosineBS intrusted
by vou to me, economically, wisely
and well, and appreciate the fact that
the loyal suppot and good wiu ilttt; i
have received from nearly all of you
has enabled me to make the showing
outlined above.
I am a caudidate,"for the Republican
nomination as State Treasurer and
With the united uud loyal support of
you men of Clackamas, I can get it.
As boy and man for 25 years I have
been with yon, never for one instant
forgetting that the interests ot Olaok
amas county and itB inhabitants were
mine, nor losing sight of the fact that
I have always had the respect, and
support ot many so of you. In this con
test for nomination as State Treasurer,
I am opposed by bankers and interest
ed corporations who want the funds
of the state controlled by their em
ployees, so that they may have the use
ot same, without giving the state any
return. None of them stand on the
platform that I do, and which I be
lieve is the one that the people have a
right to demand, and which is simply
this: The moneys of the state belong
to the people of the state, and when
used by bank or corporation, should
draw interest, which interest should
be paid ; into the state treasury, ant
not be divided between the State
Treason r and the officers and stock
holders of banks. That the Sta e
Treasurer should be prohibited from
receiving anything more for his ser
vices than the salary allowed him un
der the law ; that he should not be in
terested either as (ffiojr, st.ckholder,
acent or employe of any bank or in
stitution, where the funds of the state
are . deposited or loaned. As nom of
the other candidates tor this nomina
tion, With the exception or A. (J. Jen
nings, are in lavor or eitner woraing
for the salary fixed by law or the pay
ment of the interest received iroai tne
banks where state funds are deposited
into the state treasury, with great
pleasure would I meet them or either
of them npon the platform and defend
. . . . i , r i . j .Li
the stand tnat l nave laaeu iu una
matter.; I feel that you and every
disinterested oitizen of the state will
agree with me thatthe position l nave
tak3U is right.
In conclusion, I deBire to state, that
if I am fortunate enough to be elected
as your State Treasurer, that I will
perform every duty in connection
with said office so faithfully and well
that it will cive satisfaction to every
citizen of our county, and will make
the state at large admit that the ' Jien
of 0 ackanias are all rignt.
Trusting that I may have your sup
port at the primaries on the 20th of
April, I remain as ev r ,
Sinoerely yours,
men regard the law as unjust to them,
and ask that there be a license estab
lished of 24 cents per fathom ' length.
The nets ,used here are verj short in
comparison with .those used on . the
lowe- Columbia, and ll follows that
a smaller amonnt of fish , is caught,
and notwithstanding this inequality,
the license has been the same for fish
ermen of all localities.
Believing that the master fish war
den and his deputy should, be elected
by the people, tne fishermen passed
resolutions.advooa ing such aposition.
The warden is now appointed by the
legislature, and the fishermen believe
that the eleotion by the people ot this
official and his chief deputy will re
sult in less politics in the office.
Oregon City People Must Recognize and
Heed It. .
Kidney ills coine quietly myster
iously. :
But nature always warns you
through the urine.
Notice the kidney secretions.
See if the color is unhealthy
If there are settlings and sediment.
Passages too frequent, scanty, pain
tnl. It's time then to use Doan's Kidney
To ward off Bright s disease or dia
betes. ' . . n
Doan's have done great work in Or
egon City.
E. W. Midlem, machinist at the
Crown Paper Co., ai.d living at 410
Main street, Oregon City, Or., says:
"Kidney and bladder trouble be
came very serious with me about six
months ago, and the remedies I used
did me no good as the trouble only
became aggravated. I consulted a
physician and although I faithfully
followed the treatment instead of get
ting anv results got worse, if any
thing. The kidney seoretions were
aocompanieo by pain and a burning
sensation' during passage, and their
too frequent aotion was annoying; and
embarrassing. I got Doan's Kidney
Pills ;at Huntley Bros, drugstore and
it was astonishing the effective way
in which they aoted on the kidneys.
In a short time all symptoms of (the
trouble had disappeared, and the se
cretions were restored to a natural
condition and the pain did not b6ther
me. I can do nothing else than give
all the credit for this to .Doan Kid
ney Pills."
For sale by all dealers. rice, ou
cents. Foeter-Milburn Uo., Buffalo,
y.., sole agents for the United
Remembsr the name Doan s and
take no other.
For County Clerk.
To the. Republican Voters , of Claoka'
mas County: '
I hereby aunonnoe myself as a can
didate for the Republican nomination
for County Clerk at the - primary elec
tion, April 20, 1906. My motto is:
''Honesty, Efficiency, Courtesy,."
Very respectfully,
of Abernethy r'reoi net.
Colonics Tickets May
From Local S. P.
Be Procured
Colonists ticketswill be sold from
the East to points on the Oregon lines
fo the Southern Paoicft Co. , via Port
land, commencing February 15, and
coiitiuuiug daily to and including
April 7 and from September 15 until
October 81. The rates from some ot
the principal points are: Chicago,
25; Bloomington, 111., $81.80; St.
Louis, $30; Omaha, $25; Kansas City,
$25; Council Bluffs, $25: St. Joseph.
$25; Sioux City, $25; 'Denver, $25.
Oorrei-ponding rates' will be made
from other points and will apply to
al points on Oregon lines. For fur
ther information, inquire at any
Southern Pacifio ticket office. People
wishing to pay fare for any Eastern
person to Oregon may deposit the re
quired amonnt witli the looal South
em Pacifio agent and the company
will do the rest.
Pbont 1121
Hts. IS33
Office In Tavorltt Cigar Stort
Opposite ttlatonic building
Williams Bros, transfer
, Safes, Pianos And Turniture Moving
' v a Specialty
Trtlgbtand Parcels Delivered
to all Part of fh Clip
Prices Reasonable and
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Limited" St. Paul to
'Overland Limited,"
Omaha to Chicago; "Southwest Lim
ited," Kansas City to Chicago.
No train in the service of any rail
road in the -world equals in equip
ment that of the Chicago, Milwaukie
& St. Paul Railway. They own and
operate their own sleeping and dining
cars and give their patrons an excel
ence of service not attainable else
where. Berths in their sleepers are
longer, higher and wider than in sim
ilar cars on other lines. They pro
tect their trains by the Block System.
H. S; ROWE, General Agent,
184 Third Street, Portland, v Oregon.
Now is the time to sa' ecribe for the
Oregon City Courier. Fcst clubbing
offers we have ever had may be obtain
ed now.
Bad Complexion Du to Catarrh : jA
Catarrh Can B Cured Only By j
Rexall Mucu.Tone Co,
metict Prove Worthleu ;
Thousands of women are using; toilet
preparations unsuccessfully. ,' ;
Cosmetics fail to improve 'their thick,
muddy complexions or to banish, the
pimples, blackheads and crow's-feet
No wonder. Their trouble-lies far
deeper than the skin. They have bad
blood, and bad blood in 90 per cent, of
the cases arises from Inflammation of the
mucous membrane. Their blood is filled
with poison which is certain to break out
in unsightly humors and blotches, while
pale, drawn faces, deep circled eyes,
tooping shoulders and weak backs com
plete the story of suffering and despair.
v Inflammation of the mucous membrane
U catarrh. Banish catarrh and complex
ions will clear as if by magic, pain vanish,
eyes will brighten, faces become pi .mp
and shoulders erect Perfect beauty goea
only with perfect health, and perfect
health for women can only be obtained
through Rexall Mucu-Tone, the one posi
tive and permanent cure for catarrh.
Mine. Swift, the most famous beauty
nwinlkt. in the world and an accepted
authority on all relating thereto, has thU
to say of Mucu-Tone:
"I enn strongly endorse the claims made for
Rextill Mm-uJloiieasacureforsystemiccatarrh.
Its tonic effects are remarkable. It Builds up
the strength and restores the vitality. If women
Who are tired and run dewn, lacking In energy
and vitality, will use Mucu-Tone, they will
praise it as I do for 1U strengthening and heal
ing qualities.
Changes la County Schools.
Prof. J. O. Zinser. superintendent
of county sohools, has announced the
following appointments ana cnanges:
Ruth F. Arndt, Hpringwater ; liditn
Karr, Meadowbrook ; Chloe IE. Clark,
District No. '94; JEmma Flemming,
Union Mills; Rennie Busoh, Bull
Run; Clarence Phillips, Wilnoit;
Leila Boyles, Rnssellville ; Viotoria
M. Alt, Firwood. No. 52; Mary L.
Snidow, District No, 00; Iva M.Dale;
Garfield. J. E. Stubbs has resigned
as teacher of t- e Garfield school, and
has taken charge of the bstacada
BohOOl. ; ' i . :
VA Thousand Dollars Worth ot Good.
"I have been afiiioted with kidney
and bladder trouble 'or years, passing
gravel or stones with excruoiating
pain," says A. H. Thurnes,. a well
know coal oDOrator of Buffalo, O. "I
trot no relief from medioine until I
hettan takine Foley's Kidney Cure,
. 0 . . ,1 I A .
then tne result was surprising, .a iew
doses started the briok-dust-like sub
stance and now I have no pain across
my kidneys and I feel like a new man.
It has done me $1000 worth of good."
Foley's Kidney Cure will cure every
form of kidney or bladder disease.
- ,
Sold Hyomei For Years and Know It Will
Cure Catarrh.
Huntley Bros. Co. have given HjO'
mei a most tnorougn ana remarsaoie
test. For a long time they have
offered to refund the money to any
purchaser of Hyomei, if it failed to
benefit. , .
The remedy has made so many cures
among their customers that they nave
urged its usa in the most chronio
cases of catarrh.' .. .
Breathed for a f aw minutes, four
times a day, through the inhaler that
comes with; the outfit, it soothes the
irritated muconBi'-'membrane of the
nose, throat and lungs, kills the oat
arral germs,: and restores complete
health. Its . healing,- antiseptic frag
rance penetrates to the most remote
air passages as no medicine taken into
the stomacii can possioiy ao. lm
mediate relief almost always follows
the . use of Hvomei ,and great benefit
is Feen after a tew days treatment.
The complete Hyomei outfit costs
only $1, and consists of art -inhaler
that can be carried in the pocket or
purse, and. will ' last -a: lifetime,
medicine dropper and a bottle of Hy
omt i. If this is not sufficient for
complete cure; Additional bott'eg of
Hvomei oan be obtained for 50 cents.
".Compare this small expense with the
tees charged riy specialists, and re
member, too, if Hyomei dnesnot core,
Huntley tsroB.tJo. wUl return your
U W.Mth St, New York City."
Rexall Mucu-Tone works thron-h the
blood, and acting directly upon th muco
cells the congestion and inflammation
of which are the sole cause of catarrh
causes them to expel the poison and to
resume their natural functions. Thus
the membranes are cleansed the blood
purified and revitalized.
we Know tnat ncau mm.u-ii. --
Ask for Amendment to
Uniform License
Permanent organization was effected
Thursday by the hshermen ot Clacka.
mas county, by the eleotion of M,
Msgone, president ; Harry Anne.secre
tnry; Harry W. Trembath, treasurer.
No formal indorsement of
form of catarrh, no matter UNO lormal indorsement 01 legislative
. . . J: nnnrlirfaf-Afl WAR tnRrlA. hnf. if in crhnor
e-arVir InMl tffi- of how lontr standing,
by what other names it is known. We
guarantee to refund your money if you
are not satisfied with the vigorous bealth
and clear complexion it brings you.
3old only at our store. Price, 50 cents
and 89 cents per bottle. Mail orderi
Kcncy Hies. Cc, Iu,"
ally understood that the fishermen
will stand behind the men who, in
the past, have the favored the meas
ures desired by the piscatorial experts
of this sect. on.
The organization adopted a resoln
tion advocating an amendment to the
license law. There is now a uniform
oiui6c urnui- Xui licenses, and the local
Drew Checks on Bank Where He Had No
Lots 1, 2, 3, - Block 5, Falls View
Addition to Oregon City. Three lots
with house for
- C. N. PLOWMAN & CO.,
Cver Bank of Oregon City
1 Through Utah and Colorado .
Castle Gate, Canon of the Grand
Black Canon, Marshall and Ten
nessee Passes, and the World
Famous Rcyal Gorge
Foi Descrlptlvt and Illustrated Pamphlets
write to
W. C. McBRJDE, Cen. Agt.
124 Third Street PORTLANDOR
Ask the Agent tor Tickets vta
To Spokane, St Paul, Minne
apolis, Duluth, Chicago, St.
Louis and all points East and
A: Par was sentenced to Serve one
vear in the penitentiary by Judge Mo
Kririfi Karnrriav. wno oanie ud . iroui
Astoria ;to hold an adjourned term of
ciroo.it court. Fay pleaded guilty to
tho charae of obtaining monsy under
false pretenses.- Some months ago. he
issued several cnecKS on tne uominer-
r-iai Hank of this civ. where he had
no funds on deposit, the face value 01
each check being 3.60. tie was suc
cessful in cashing-' one of the cheoks
at a store, and has been an inmate of
the county jail for the past two
months. . .
-Judee McBnde granted divorce de
crees in the fol'owing cases: Ada Bur
rows vs. Joseph Burrows; J onn lost
vs. Laura Yost: Nina D. Windom vs.
James I. Windom, and Henry Horn
shuh vs. Aueita Hornshuh.
In the cases of Helen M. Binns vs.
William C Binns, : and. W. T. Patton
vs. Hertha E. Patton, orders of .default
and reference were made.
Clears -lie Complexion.
Orino Laxative Frait Syrup stimu
lates the liver and thoroughly cleanses
the system and. clears the complexion
of pimples and blotches, it is the best
laxative ior women ana ciuiaren, as
it is mild and pleasant, and does not
orhw nr sicken. Orino is much suner-
-- - - - - . - ,.
ior to pins, aperient waters ana an
ordinarv-'carthartics as it does not
irritate tne stomach and boweis.
When yon are in Oregon City get
your meala at the Olympia Restaur
ant. Reasonable prices; clean and
qoick service. Main street, text to
Golden Rule Bazaaf.
New Truck For Clly.
The city council has decided to pur
chase the LaFi.nce truck for the
Hook and Ladder Company, and t he
order will be placed at once Jwith A;
O. Long, of Portland, for the new ap
paratus, which will cost $825. The
council postponed the matter of th-.
improvement of Twelfth stre -t ontil
a later meeting. Three members were
absent, but thosepresent listened to
a burst of oratory from those favoring
and also from those opposed to the
' The question of artificial light in your home is worth
of serious consideration, '
Do you realize, fully, what Electric service means In
the household - all that it bestows in the"direction of health,
comfort, convenience, conservation of eyesight, and the
added "TONE" to your home? . .1.
Do you care to have your home as convenlentfind
comfortable for you and yours'as you can make it?
Electric service is available to the smallest as well as
the largest user. So cheap is the service at our
" Reduced Rate
- 'that it can be affordedir. the smallest homes.
The uses of Electric Light in the store are four-fold':'.
As an
As an ' c
and as a proclamation of
of ideas and mettiods that are Up-toDate
An Electric Sign is a Sign of Life. Business life is
what attracts trade.
Trade follows most easily the path blazed by electricity.
ESTIMATES on cost of wiring, cost of current
and information regarding the use of electricity for
LIGHT or POWER, promptly furnished upon
application to C. G. Miller at the Company's
branch office, next door to the Bank of Oregon City.
Portland General
Gkctric Company
C. G. Wilier, Contract Manager
for Oregon City
2 Overland trains Daily Q
Tlyer and Tast mail L
8plendid Service -Up-To-Date Equip
ment Courteous Employes.
Davlight trio tbrouuh the Cascade
and Rocky mountains.
for 11 kets. Kates, folders and fall
information, call on or sddi ess
City Ticket Agt., 122 Third St.,
Portland, Oregon.
, 8. O. YEKKES. A. G P. A.
2d Ave. and Columbia St., Seattle, Wn
We give expedited service on freleht.
Route your shipments via. Great
Full information from
General Agent, Portland, Ore.
sHdLia a Ma
Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and tourist '
sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago
Spokane, tourist sleeping cars (personally ,
conductde), weekly toV Chicago and Kan
sas cit Reclining chair cars (seats fret)
to the Cast daily.
No change of can
9:1. a m via
via Hunting
6:15 m.
from Portland, Ore-
Salt Lake. Denver, Ft
Worth, Omaha, K .mas
City, St. Louis, Chicago
and the East,
5:2j p.
Salt Lain, Denver, Ft
Worth, Omaha, Kansas
City, Salt Lake, Chicago
and the East,
Walla Walla, Lewlslon,
Spokane, Wallace) Hull
man, Minneapolis, St,
Paul, Duluth, Milwaukee,
Chicago and East.
8:00 a. m
For San Francisco Every five days a
8:00 p. m. For Astoria, way points and
North Beach Dally, (except Sunday) at
at 8 P. m.; Saturday at 10:00 p. m. Dally
service (water permitting) on Willamette
and Yamhill Rivers.
For full Information ask or Write your
nearest ticket agent. '
General Passenger AgeuU