1 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1906 CITY ASKED FOR GROUND Site for County High School May be Donated. TIME RIPE FOR ACTION Superintendent Zinzer Says Need of Concentration in Education is Imperative. Oregon City has been ashen to do nate a block of ground for a county high school, and the matter was sub mitted to the council by County Su perintendent J. C. Zinser, C. Schuebel and others. In June the voters of the county will vote on the proposition of establishing a county high school, and it was argued that if a site were of fered before the June election, fav orable action by the voters would be more probable. Should the proposi tion carry, the county court will be required to establish the school at some point in the county, and the lo gical place for such school seems to be the county seat. "The matter is one of considerable importance to the people of this city and county," said Mr. Schuebel, "and It will come up at the June election. Oregon City schools are not what they ought to be for the town, and the need of a county high school is im perative. There is a public square at the head of Seventh street that Is now used for a garbage dump. There Is another good site in the vicinity of Twelfth and Jackson Btreets." "The time is fully ripe," said. Super intendent Zinser," to establish a coun ty high school, and the sentiment of the people of the county is in favor of such an institution at this time. If we fail in the June election to carry the project we shall have a district high school, composed of the districts of Oregon City and vicinity, but I do not think we shall fail, and It would be a great leverage if we could go out on the canvass and tell the people that Oregon City had already promised us a site. The need of concentration is evident. Several towns in the county have simply a part of a high school. Oregon City should meet the proposi tion more than half way, and it is due to the educational necessities of Clack amas county to establish a high school." ' ' Mr. Schuebel said' that .the cost to the taxpayers would not be more than one-half mill, on an assessed valua tion of 110.000,000. COUNCIL POSTPONES ACTION. Matter of Tweltfh Street Improve ment Deierred Until water. At Wednesday's Council meeting, the principal item was the proposed Twelfth street improvement. The committee on streets and public prop erly made a report showing the senti ment of the property owners on the street as follows: For improvement 12 lots; against improvement, 18 lots; non-resident owners, 15 lots; residents and not nrrq H above picture ot the (1 II man and fish is the trade- II mark of Scott's Emulsion, ana ia tne synonvm ior strength and purity. It is sold in almost all the civilized coun tries of the globe. . If the cod fish became extinct it would be a world-wide calam ity, because the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott's Emul sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can tnkeit and get the full value of the oil -without the objectionable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the liest thing in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate people, and all conditions of wasting and lost strength. Send tor fret sample. SCOTT & BOWTE, Chemists rxx, tt, ror tosk toe. MndflOO. All druggist. signing either petition or remon Htrauce. 6A lots; public prpperty, 12 lots; total, 64 lots. The report of the committee aia closed the information that some of via otimora wn nnt. on the assess- ' O" " " " , ment roll, and the property represent ed on the pettition woum jusi auoui stand oft that on the remonstrance. An informal discussion took place, and an examination showed that the cost to the city would be about $6,200. The members of the council fought shy of definite action, and the matter was laid over until a later meeting. The council listened to exploitation of fire apparatus, and postponed fur ther action until .a special meeting, which will probably be held next ween. m Wniinrk. who was emnloyed .to expert the books of the city, made a report. He found tne dooks oi me recorder, treasurer and water cora micainn in trnnd pnndition. with the ex ception of a few clerical errors, that had been corrected, ana ne reuum mended a new system of book keep ing Thn TOfnmmfinfiations were re ferred to the finance committee, with power to act. TCirnrir n npnro nnld nn subsoriDtion- entitles you to a vote cu onr big Oream Separator offer. See nage 5. AS GOOD AS He: "Suppose I should ask your father if I could marry you do you tktnk I'd stand any chance?" She: "No; your case would be hopeless." He: "Why? Would he say no?" x She: "Not that, but he would leave the decision to me." REWARD FOR MISSING MAN. John Helnrlch, of Clackamas, Is Sane, and Has Disappeared. Fifty dollars reward has been offer ed to the person who will restore John Heinrlch to his family. Helnrich dis appeared from his home on Clackamas river, two miles east of Clackamas Station Tuesday morning, and grave fears are entertained for his safety. For several days Helnrich, who is about 50 years of age, and a well-to-do farmer of Clackamas, had been out of his mind, and his relatives watched him closely, as he said he was going :o kill himself. Tuesday morning, how ever, he escaped their vigilance, and succeeded in making his escape. As soon as his disappearance was known, searchers started to find him, but nothing had been seen or heard of him. There is no doubt but that he is violently insane and it is possible that he may have thrown himself in the raging waters of the Clackamas river and been drowned. His wife and fam ily are exhausting every means to find him. Keep the little ones healthy and happy. Their tender, sensitive bodies require ' gentle, healing remedies Ho Mister s Rocky Mountain Tea will keep them strong and well. 35 cents, Tea or tablets Huntley Bros. Co. No "dangerous drugsor alcoholic concoctions are taken into the stomach when Hyoinei is uBed. Breathed tln'ongh the inhaler, the balsamic healiDg of Hyomei penetrates to the most remote cells of the nose and throat, and thug kills the catarrhal germs, heal the irritated mucous membrane, and gives complete and permanent cure. Hyomei is the simplest, most pleas ant and the only guaranteed cure for catarrh that has ever been discovered. Complete outfit, $1 ; extra bottle, 50 ! ELDORADO. The patrons of the Eldorado school met at the schoolhonse last Saturday and proceeded to build a poroh onto the sohoolhouse. This poroh when finished will give a neat appearance to the schoollmuse The teacher and pupils raised the funds to buy the ma terial for the poroh. This enterpris ing community has a sohoolhouse and grnnds that with just a little more work will ri.nk with and above most ot the average coontry schoolhonses in Clackamas county. This happy state of affairs has been brought about by the hearty co-"Deratiun of teachers, parents and pupils. I. E. JoneB has sold his property here and is going to move to Oregon City. Mr Roull; ot Oregon City, was vis iting Will Jones. John Helvey, who is working at Marquim, is spending a few days at his home with his mother, Mrs. B. J. Helvey. . Dr. and Mrs. Goucher visited rela tives in Moliuo last Tuesday. Mr. Hulstine, of Alleutowu, Pa., in visiting Riohard Schoenborn and family. Mrs. R. Sohoenborn has gone to Portland to spend a couple of weeks visiting and shopping. ANSWtriED. ;Mrs.fB. J. Helvey was the guest of Mrs. A. L. Jones one day last -week. Mr. Renfro, of Garber, Oklahoma, visited I. E. Jones and family last week. Mr. and Mrs.SWillWallaoe were the guests of C. Smich and family last Sunday. Miss Nellie Anderson is ill at her home with measles. Mrs. Charles Noblitt was the guest of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Goucher, last week. Miss Tina Pipka, who has been vis iting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pipka, ' returned to her work in Portland last Saturday. Miss Bertha Barhendt, of Ooltou, was the guest of her sunt,' Mrs. (J. Pipka, last Friday and Saturday. J. Moshberger has been on the sick list. ' ' MEADOWBKOOK. The farmers are all bosy building fires and trying to keep warm. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, a boy, weighing 10 pounds. Father and mother doing well. , The sawmill men are wearing long smiles while they sit back and see the price of ties go up. Mr! Bonney, the Oolton merchant, Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 5, Falls View Addition to Oregon City. Three lots with house for $550.00 C. N. PLOWMAN CO., Over Bank of Oregon City Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to tne kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to dp its duty. If you are sici or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, ana is sum on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may ha ve a sample bottle Hom ot smp-Root. by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. Dm'tmake any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Biughamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Independent (Hayseed) Candidate for STATE SENATOR N. F. NELSON Of Harding Precinct, Clackamas County passed through our burg last Friday. He reported business good in his line. Rnmp liHrn nrn wnrrvins abont tilt' cold weather and the f-nit crop. . Pursuant to notice given.' the faith fnl nine met at G. O. P. h adonarters. with Joshua in the chair. The first rtrriai nf hnainaHR wnfl the rt-nort til the committee on inspiration and en- Hi nam sin 'run p.nmmiriHfi rerortea tne jugs about halt full and the committee half lull, ine chairman promptly informed them that the meeting would tuba n rannnn ot five minutes and studv political wconomy from a Republican point oi view. B. F. Noyer is still improving his ranch. , He informs us that he has five acres grubbed out and 156 acres m re ready to grub. 'OLAOKAMAS. The second section of the Repnbli enndidates reached Clackamas Tuesday evening on schedule time, Engineer rinnran (1. Rrnwncll in charce. In rail road parlance the affair was a limited one, that is most of the talking was limited to Mr. Browoell, whose heart was oveflowing with charity for his opponents. Walter L Tooze, who "liappened"'to be prjsent. was greatly surprised when he was oalled upon for a few remarks. In fact, he was so fluBtrated thai he had difficulty in ezplainng his presence, but at last made out tt say he was glad of the opportunity to explain to the women and farmers just what the balance of trade means. He alluded to The Courier as having treated him rather unfairly but made no denials of the statements n that paper. .After the main event of the evening two or three minor candidates were given an opportunity to talk but long before they all had a chance a trio rendered a good night song and the audienoe filed out leaving one speaker talking to empty benches. .W JMU'-.B'W'W t.il'iwill-l lll'lliu. ..HIIIUIUI.JIW I V .4 J ii it n in a i i i n n n rn n in n iai i n in i ri vn ni -i H Bad Weatfies foi Colds m Don't let a cough or cold hang on-however; slight it may be, if you get another cold on top of it you are almost sure to develop pneumonia, pleujisy, bronchitis and tonsi litis Even if your cough grows no worse, unless you get rid of it right away it will become more firmly settled and stay with you for months, seriously weakening your lungs from the continual strain. Buy some good cough medicine today and stop it now.. We have all the advertised remedies many of them are excellent, but the ONE that we stand back of with a "money back" guarantee is Huntley's White . Pine Balsam. One dose of this prepara tion will relieve a cough, and one bottle will cure i. White Pine Balsam is pleas ant to take and safe for children or im mediate in its effects. 25c and 50c, full pint bottles 75c. q m Ed & 1 $ HUNTLEY BROS. CO. g The Rexall Store Xl OREGON CITY. OREGON M CO K BleS3asaS33gSD3 Besides, poor teeth means poor health. You cannot afford to neglect your health. By the latest methods used by us we can 1111 youi teeth without pain and do it well. An expert eastern graduate dentist employed all the time. L. L. PICKENS, Dentist Weinliard Building, Opp. Courthouse Don't be Bluffed Into paying more than our price for a Cre am Separator If your dealer won't send and get you one of our famous Simples Sepafatofs Ssil to uj dirast ani wj w send you one on trial. The SIMPLEX is the best Separator made and the prices are RIGHT. 350 lbs.-$75. 500 lbs: $85. 700 lbs-$I00. Less 5 per cent for cash. We make a specialty of Burrell Milkifi& Mactines Simplex Separators and Ghurns Facile Babeock Testers Bates & Edmonds Gasoline Engines Remington Gold Storage Machinery And Everything far the Dairy and Creamery. ' Send for catalogues and quotations. Mont oe & Sloa'SSX I M M 1 rn i "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" can now' ere he more truth fully applied than to your teeth. You cannot afford to noglootf thrm Each month of neglect inoreases the amount of repair twenty per cent. 03 r3w- (I i" ' "'.'jit ffW cents. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co.